Showing Posts For Fitz.7169:

BG hate, and what can we do about it?

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


The forums had 0 bearing on what happened in game, are you kidding me?

WvW Sniper Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Fitz.7169


Here is a screenshot from tonight of a kill shot hitting four people with this build. The damage is pretty nuts, all four of them were downed by this single shot.

Remove timers on Seige please

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


Build less siege of just go outside and kill enemy.

WTF kind of idiotic response is this?

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


@IomegadriveOne, If you go back a few pages you will see quite a bit of trash talking from BG. FYI, SBI was looking forward to fighting you guys right before this week started, we knew how good you all were and there was no bad mouthing that I saw in chat, in fact a lot of people were looking forward to it. It wasn’t until the orb hacking that people started to really be disgusted by BG.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Fitz.7169


The more thieves that quit the less people have to deal with, sounds like a win win situation to me

WvW Sniper Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Fitz.7169


I notice this bug from time to time as well, im not sure what triggers it exactly, but it also only seems to affect the rifle since I never see it with the longbow or the shortbow on my thief.

Im curious if engineers suffer from this as well, if they do then this could very well be an issue isolated to just the rifle as a weapon and not warrior abilities

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


I honestly hope as bad as this sounds that SBI doesn’t get #1 server, that spot seems to be cursed. Not long after servers reach #1 they begin to decline fairly rapidly, JQ has been the only server to reach that spot and hold out for a while but they are beginning to falter slightly.

I dont know why bandwagoners have largely avoided SBI, but I REALLY hope it stays that way. I am also not referring to guilds who have moved here so that they can get away from their dead servers, but the people who hop to the #1 server each week.

WvW Sniper Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Fitz.7169


@Kobra,I have not seen any builds posted lately that had a large focus on gaining adrenaline very quickly with the rifle being the main weapon, sorry if this same build has been posted before.

WvW Sniper Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Fitz.7169


What Ksielvin explained is all true.

That gear in that build calculator is just as close as I could get to what my actual gear looks like.

I run full berserker armor/weapons/jewelery, with ruby orbs in all armor slots. I put dinvinity runes in the build calculator since that is as close as I could get to ruby orbs statwise. My crit chance is at 58% without buffs, 103% crit damage so in total it is 153%, and I have 3200 attack without any might stacks. Becuase of this reason I would not run this build in SPvP because of the watered down stats.

@Wakkajabba, NPC’s have much more tougness than most players do, also are you in full exotic gear? my auto attack hits normal lvl 80 NPC’s for around 500-600 and crits in the 1500 range. The numbers I qouted in my post were all against players not NPC’s. If you want I will try to grab some screenshots tonight if people are having a hard time beleiving the damage numbers of this build.

hi SBI i'm bahaness

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


It always puts a smile on my face when I see Bahaness or Amaranth on the field when I log in to WvW. SBI has nothing but respect for WM and its awesome players.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


It always starts with us taking over our entire borderland, then it just starts a snowball for the other WvW maps.

If this keeps up we will have cought up with BG in a few hours. I expect during primetime JQ and Bg will start fighting harder and we will lose some of our holdings but once our night crew comes on we will regain them again. This all happened last week.

If Nov.15th nerfed thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Fitz.7169


I agree, 100B should not insta gib either, no ability should, but why do you think there are way more people complaining about Thiefs backstab than there are people complaining about 100B? 100B is extremely easy to dodge/counter if you can see it coming, even if you see the thief they can still pull off their 2 second insta gib.

If Nov.15th nerfed thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Fitz.7169


I have an 80 Thief, and an 80 Warrior, you are DELUSIONAL if you dont think Thiefs are getting nerfed soon.

I think that bar CnD there’s nothing that deserves a nerf but we can’t even be sure if CnD is actually worth addressing because we have a render issue making the matter convoluted.

The fact that you can do a 5k mug, 5k CnD, 8k Backstab, 6k HS in the span of 2 seconds is what needs to get nerfed. No class should be able to instagib anyone like that. It’s been shown that no amount of toughness really matters against stuff like this.

If Nov.15th nerfed thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Fitz.7169


I have an 80 Thief, and an 80 Warrior, you are DELUSIONAL if you dont think Thiefs are getting nerfed soon.

WvW Sniper Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Fitz.7169


The condition damage you gain from arms is just a nice little bonus to bleeding shot, all your gear should be berserker or valk for power. The reason for axe is for the burst, a few 3k auto attacs and a 10k eviscerate will down most people very quickly compared to the slow build up of the sword for this build.

I do also cary a longbow on me and switch to it for sieges every now and then. Arcing shot can crit for 8k with this build as well

WvW Sniper Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Fitz.7169


I just wanted to post a build I have been using for a few weeks now that is a lot of fun to use in WvW and PVE.

The Build:;ToAg0U1YqRUjtGXNyaWRMKYbB

Edit I am not sure why it is saying bad link, but if you copy/paste the URL in your browser it works just fine.

The premise of the build is to be able to use kill shot on cooldown. With full berserker gear and using the build posted above I was able to score a 17k damage kill shot on a lvl 80 mesmer just last night. Your average kill shot crits will be in the 12-14k range, depending on your targets toughness.

With SoR and FGJ up, your bleeding shot will crit for 1.5-2.5k and bleed ticks for around 70 damage

Volley will hit for 9-12k

Rifle Butt will crit for 3-4k

1. Incredible ranged burst damage. You can go from 0 adrenaline to full in less than 15 seconds. Using FGJ or shake it off will fill up a whole bar of adrenaline. Once at full adrenaline your Kill shot will also only consume two bars of adrenaline and you can then very easily use kill shot every cooldown.

2. Semi decent survivability with shake it off and endure pain. I also sometimes switch out FGJ with fear me increasing survivability even more.

3. Synergy, everything in this build synergizes very well, each trait directly helps your goal of taking down a target as fast as possible.

4. Axe/WH for when you have 2+ people attacking you at close range. The axe with this build will easily crit for 2-3k each hit and eviscerate crits for 10k. The nice thing with this build is that you will also be able to use eviscerate on cooldown as well.

1. Survivability is moderate. Your surviabilty is completely dependant on your utilities and your heal, when these are on cooldown you have no real way to defend yourself other than kiting.

2. No real AOE, the build has no real way to aoe targets, crack shot helps slightlty but still doesn’t make up for not having a decent aoe attack. However, I have many times downed up to four people at once with a single kill shot, this will put the biggest kitten eating grin on your face.

3. Thiefs wreck you if they catch you off gaurd. Thiefs will murder you if you let them get close or if they open up on you from stealth and endure pain is on cooldown. If you can survive the initial burst then you are in decent shape since a single kill shot will down 90% of the Thiefs out there.

4. Requires good timing. You cannot just try to spam volley or kill shot, if either of these are interupted or the target moves out of range then the ability does 0 damage and goes on cooldown. You need to be patient and time your big hitting abilities when a target is within range, dont start casting a kill shot if the target is already at max range and is starting to run.

The build is great fun in WvW, you will feel like a sniper taking out people left and right. It is also decent in PVE dungeons as well.

(edited by Moderator)