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Let’s not go nuts. There are two points uncovered by these charts (and major props to the guys who made them, by the way):
1. There are no probes in any 1-15 zone.
2. There are three probes in every other zone.
Knowing this, I would like to point out:
1. Their locations on the map are unimportant; they are in EVERY zone. They converge in the heart of the Shiverpeaks because the heart of the Shiverpeaks is in the middle of the map.
2. The positions of the probes in each zone form a triangle, because of course they form a triangle there are three of them. They only other shape they could form is a line.
I think the real point of significance here is that they can’t be found in 1-15 zones – because they’re going to spawn monsters and we don’t want them to gank all the new kids.
Anyway, I hope this leads to Dwarves. Being Mysteriously Probed would probably give a Dwarf an unhappy thought.
Quaggan romance is making me want to kill myself.
But in a good way.
No one wants the wurm to be harder to kill; they want everyone to never kill it. There’s an achievement for “evading the Wurm Queen’s shockwaves by jumping over them”. If you were wondering why instead of attacking it everyone was hopping up and down in front of it like a big carpet of spaz, well, that’s the reason.
So far, I’ve seen a few people get the achievement, but no one’s been able to articulate how beyond “constantly hop up and down like a spaz”. I haven’t even been able to identify the “shockwave” I’m supposed to jump over.
This is why, when you kill the wurm, everyone loudly hates you; you’ve just costed them another thirty minute respawn timer and still no one has any idea what they’re supposed to be doing. Making the queen hard enough to actually kill people would really only exacerbate this situation.
I got a piece off of the Toxic Alchemist. They seem to be rare drops limited to Kessex Hills now. Go to Dee and highlight them to see their descriptions; they now say some stuff about where they can be found.
Of course the “rightful king of Ascalon” might turn out to be Mad King Thorn obtaining Magdaer for himself and taking over Ascalon as a villain.
But Mad King Thorn would never put the ghosts to rest. He’d just make them wear bedsheets.
So bottom line. Ye, the orphanage is destroyed and will blow up. But then again I can get a black lion key in 30 minutes so I’m happy (I know im a bad person)
I like that what you’ve just said can be paraphrased as “I blow up orphanages to farm hospitals for treasure chest keys.”
It’s just something I was kinda wondering about.
Kralkatorrik was asleep in the Charr homelands north of Ascalon. When the Charr invaded Ascalon, they casted a spell that covered it in purple crystals. Purple crystals are kind of Kralkatorrik’s thing, but this particular event was supposedly bankrolled by the Titans, who work for Abaddon.
Zhaitan was asleep under the city of Arah. When the Charr invaded Arah, Vizier Khilbron casted a spell that sank Arah onto Zhaitan’s slumbering face, and turned himself and the citizens of Orr into undead. Undead, again, kind of Zhaitan’s thing, but, again, this was apparently Abaddon’s doing.
Hypothesis: The magic involved in the Searing and the Cataclysm was Elder Dragon magic. We do know that Primordius was giving off energy something fierce before he awoke. Abaddon guided his servants to use this magic, since he was trapped and unable to use his own power.
We know of two other big magic disasters in Tyria’s history. One is Nightfall, and that one at least had Abaddon written all over it. The other was the Jade Wind.
Jade Dragon?
I dunno, Khilbron’s in sort of a unique position, existentially-speaking. While working for an evil god, he casted a spell older than the gods that sank the city he was in onto Zhaitan’s sleeping belly. That’s like five different kinds of undead. If anyone could just show up again for no reason, it’s this dude.
Yes, I’m hoping the Krait turn out to be more important than the members of the previous alliances, who were ultimately there just to make Scarlet look good. We only know them as slavers, but there’s potentially a ton about them that we don’t know. Like if the Krait manage to actually get ahold of the obelisk fragments Scarlet claims she has (debatable whether or not anyone’s ever actually getting what Scarlet promises them – none of these jerks talk to each other, so it’s not like they’d know if she’d been shortchanging everyone) and then they say “for the return of our prophets from the world of death we sacrifice this rebuilt relic to the ultimate one: The god of all seas, Abaddon”. And suddenly a portal opens up and the room is full of Margonite Krait (Abaddon was a human god, but also a bit of a loose cannon, you know?) and Scarlet is sort of “oh, dang, you guys were actually a big deal?”
That would be surprising. I’d be surprised.
“Harathi! The snake-people crawl from the sea! You know them: They have put chains on your brothers and sisters, who should never be chained. They have bled us and poisoned us! And sometimes immobilize. Now they grow wicked plants and poison the land that we took back from the humans. The humans want our land; they will kill Krait for it. We will let them; we will kill Krait with them. Then we will trample and break the humans, and these lands will again belong only to the Harathi! Now, to me, brothers! To me, sisters! Destroy the wicked plants! Destroy Krait! Destroy… Wait what is this noise?”
“Oh. Actually it looks like someone is handling it already. Okay nevermind, we’ll just rebuild that bridge again and call it a day.”
Ascalon is pretty temperate, so we could see some seasonal changes there and in the Southern Shiverpeaks, but the Tarnished Coast and Kryta are all jungle (and former jungle). They’re rockin some warm sea wind that I’d expect to keep them snow-free year-round. Though, that’s definitely not to say seasons shouldn’t be implemented; on the contrary, this would make it easier to do.
A potential fix: let any armor be equipped in town clothes slots, to only be used visually and under the same rules as town clothes (only out of combat).
Strongly agree. Or, at least let us use transmutation stones to give town clothing items the appearance of normal armor items. Light and medium armor sets have a lot of options for sensible-looking casual outfits. Granted: Some people will use this system to make their characters look worse, but I strongly doubt that Guild Wars 2 characters in aggregate could possibly look any worse than they already do.
If Trahearne wore a dress, he’d be interesting.
If Sylvari are the Pale Tree’s fruit, maybe they need to pass through a digestive system before they’ll germinate.
Absolutely for Mace and Torch. Greatsword might not look TOO bad if its skills suited a slow executioner theme. Could use Torch to set minions on fire.
What other classes could use a greataxe? If the models aren’t TOO huge, Rangers could possibly use them to contribute to a mountain man/Paul Bunyan look. Necros could use them too, for the executioner concept. Don’t know what the skills would be; presumably they’d fit into any gaps in those classes’ current build options.
I’ve honestly never counted them. Most of my charr characters are female though, as I find their looks and voice less over-the-top.
I agree on the looks. The charr females are a fantastic example for well designed “beast people” while most of the male options seem designed to try way too hard in the “LOOK AT ME! I’M MEAN AND SCARY!” department.
It’s kind of interesting to me that this has come up quite a few times. It hadn’t even occured to me before, but, yeah, really. I mean, I have a Charr character. He’s an Engineer called “Mister Chargue”, and he’s as big and as loud as possible, because I just sort of assumed that that’s what you make a Charr character for. I hadn’t even considered that female Charr served as a viable alternative if you did not want to be obnoxiously big and loud, but that would make sense.
Don’t listen to that dude; Single Mom is absolutely a 10/10 name.
I’ll do Daciana Lasombra, since she got skipped. Definitely classy enough to take seriously. 8/10.
6/10 for Solus “on-the-nose” Bloodhaven. But, 9/10 if you ham it up and roleplay him like he’s a Chaos Space Marine.
Mine’s Nailbat Karla. She warriors.
Jennifer Hale is the classiest necromancer.
No man, they can still be stone. If there’s no difference in physical performance between a Charr and an Asura, no reason why being made of stone can’t be statistically irrelevant, right? Perfect sort of thing to base the utility skills on.
And they don’t have to stop fighting Primordius either if Primordius were the reason they came back. Living Story event where Destroyers burst out of that sinkhole in Divinity’s Reach, and Dwarves show up after them to help you fight them. And King Jalis (who’s still around – he’s made of stone) says “Hey we heard you guys killed a dragon. Want to maybe tell us how that works? Been a spot of trouble for us these last two hundred and fifty years.” And then you get to go to the Southern Shiverpeaks and the Depths of Tyria. Super easy.
1. Scarlet Briar.
2. Scarlet Briar.
3. Scarlet no i’m just foolin.
The “how” is probably not that important. I mean, we the players are constantly discovering forbidden knowledge of the deeps just by being able to swim and being pretty killy. A scholar probably stumbled upon an obelisk at some point while he was grinding a champ hypnoss or something.
Hey, what’s with the no love for Dwarves? Of the known races, Tengu and Dwarves are probably the best bets because they each have:
1. A home city (Dominion of Winds, Thunderhead Keep (or Droknar’s Forge if Thunderhead Keep is a dungeon)) that’s surrounded by
2. enough unexplored land (Sanctum Cay, Southern Shiverpeaks) for 1-25 leveling zones, and
3. a lore connection to one of Tyria’s underlying mysteries (Cantha’s condition, Primordius)
4. that could serve as the basis for their 55-80 zones (Cantha (via that under-construction Asura Gate the Tengu are always mentioning?), the Depths of Tyria).
5. Also they have the right number of arms and legs.
Of these, Tengu are admittedly slightly more likely, since they also have existing subraces and a dragon in Cantha would be a new one (Primordius is sort of “taken” by the Asura, like how Jormag is the Norn dragon, Kralkatorrik is the Charr dragon, and Zhaitan is the Sylvari dragon). Also, playable Dwarves would force Anet to decide what female Dwarves look like.
Keep in mind that while the materials to craft gear can only be found in regions with the same level as that gear, you can gain character levels anywhere. If you start off by exploring all of the level 1-15 zones and end up at like level 40, don’t expect your crafted gear to keep up.
She would probably be pretty tolerable if she WAS a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
Part of the problem is that Scarlet’s a troll character with no one to troll but the players. Harley Quinn is fun when she’s trolling Poison Ivy; the Joker is fun when he’s trolling Batman. The reaction is extremely important; without it, it becomes a cry for attention that’s being ignored, which just makes it pitiful and definitely not suitable for a character the story is at constant pains to point out is incredibly hot kitten.
So yeah, just give her someone to bounce off of. Give her a Norn Aetherblade captain as an ever-present second-in-command to be all stern and Norny and Crispin while she’s japing around, who she makes do all the paperwork and who never laughs at her jokes.
“Captain, I think these ne’er-do-wells are here to spoil our fun!”
“I’m not having fun.”
“You’re too late, fools! The captain has already spoiled the fun.”
It could be the other way around, too; she could troll you, but have bumbling henchmen around to troll her. A tall guy/short guy buffoon combo (Scratcharr and Groundredge) who keep screwing up her orders and get yelled at a lot (“You molten morons!”). Or a gang of Skritt minions who shovel all the coal but who keep interrupting her speeches with Skrittisms (“ARE QUEENS SHINY?”).
This would make her Suck, which is really the main feature of a Saturday morning cartoon villain. Megatron can be intimidating, but he loses constantly, some of his schemes are petty or ridiculous, and he’s surrounded by noisy idiots. And frankly, given that we already know what hot kitten looks like (it looks like a dragon that is an actual hurricane), funny is probably the way to go here.
The learning curve is fun, so I don’t want to say too much; but here’s some stuff that’ll save you silvers:
1. All characters share the same bank, and the bank has dedicated slots for “collections”, which are mostly crafting material. If you click the gear icon in the top-right of your inventory menu, you can select “Deposit all collectibles” to send all of your gathered crafting material straight to the bank from anywhere in the world.
2. Armor becomes “damaged” when you die, but it only “breaks” (and loses effectiveness) when you die while ALL of your armor is damaged. Until that happens, repairs are unnecessary (while you’re leveling, your armor is typically going to be replaced so often that you’ll literally never need repairs).
3. Most crafting disciplines have intermediate components; for example, to create a bronze sword, you first have to refine bronze ore into bronze ingots, and then craft bronze ingots into a bronze sword hilt and a bronze sword blade. Refined materials (the ingots) have collection slots in the bank; intermediate components (the hilt and the blade) DO NOT. Because recipes make less experience as your crafting level rises, crafting all of the components you’ll need all at once while the recipes are fresh will net you lots of crafting experience but will fill up your inventory with crap you can’t bank, so it’s usually a good idea to plan out your crafting in advance (or sell the leftovers on the trading post). This is particularly important for chefs, who can easily end up swimming in chicken broth and balls of dough if incautious.
4. Crafting magic equipment requires both common (white-named) materials (like wood, metal, or cloth) and special fine (blue-named) materials (like vials of blood, or ghost dust). Salvage kits and gathering tools come in different qualities, with higher-quality tools having a higher chance to produce “rare” crafting materials. HOWEVER, “rare” in this case DOES NOT refer to the aformentioned “fine” materials, or to the yellow-named “rare” materials (used to craft special things like runes and sigils), but to the TIER of the common material. So, neither a crude salvage kit nor a master salvage kit will produce a magic bone fragment from a bronze sword, but the master salvage kit may produce an ingot of iron instead of bronze – the special components can only be obtained from loot (or from the trading post). Since you can just mine the iron ore yourself and master salvage kits are expensive, high-quality salvage kits are generally not worth the expense (unless you want to get a socketed upgrade out of a piece of equipment).
5. Do not attempt jumping puzzles while you have dodge set to activate when you double-tap a direction.
6. The rewards for reknown hearts come in the mail.
7. You buy your first training manual at level 11, not level 10.
2) Destiny’s Edge. They are an utterly useless collection of NPCs which mean absolutely nothing to the player if they didn’t play Guild Wars 1.
Pretty sure Destiny’s Edge weren’t in Guild Wars 1, what with it taking place 250 years ago and stuff. I think there’s a tie-in novel they’re in?
Doesn’t really matter. The one you pick at creation gives you a boost, but you can modify the numbers depending on what options you pick in dialogue. Just pick one and then pick the dialogue options that work and you’ll probably end up in the right place.
Also, personality does nothing.
Concerning the Rise to Power:
My human character is a warrior called “Nailbat Karla”. Her personality is suited to PvE, because
1. she likes travelling.
2. she likes money.
3. she solves problems by hitting them in the head with a bat with nails in.
4. she is not above demanding a reward from a nearby person if it looks like the problem she just hit in the head was their problem.
As you may imagine, this makes things interesting when playing the Personal Story and the Female Human says goofy crap like “Me, friends with the Captain of the Seraph? I’d be honored!” and “I grew up on the streets, but even then, I wanted to do something more for my country!”
However, this has an interesting side effect. Your dialogue is always going to be goofy; that’s just how it is in this game. But, if you’re playing as a dishonest person doing a bad impression an honest person, suddenly everything makes sense and it’s the best writing ever. It’s much easier to swallow your character’s meteoric rise to fame when to you all you did was hit some dudes with a bat, since rather than an epic adventure story it becomes a comedy about a bunch of idiots being led around by a vulgar conwoman.
And this works out so well because, yeah, the NPCs are that incompetent. Have you seen those guys fight? They do like no damage.
This would have made the Personal Story like a billion times better if it actually happened.
There’s an episode in Norse mythology in which Loki loses Thor’s hammer to a giant, and the giant demands Thor’s wife in exchange for it. Thor wants to be Thor and beat up this problem and then also Loki, but Loki manages to convince him that the only course of action is for Thor to infiltrate the giant’s court by dressing up as his wife. Hilarity ensues as the giant points out things like his new wife-to-be’s terrifying warrior’s eyes, which Loki claims are just because of lack of sleep (Loki has tagged along disguised as a handmaiden, because he is a shapeshifter and also a prick). Needless to say, someone eventually leaves the hammer in front of Thor and the issue is ultimately very much resolved Thor’s Way.
What I’m saying is that Tybalt should have been in this story.