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[Feedback]Path of Fire Preview - August 11 - 13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Pros: aesthetics (especially night sky and the sunken ruins from a distance), mount fun, mount races, new ideas on hero points (cooking, etc), and only one waypoint! Thank god. The plethora of waypoints in core map ruins it for me. Also, it felt like Nightfall. First time I’ve played GW2 that it felt like and reminded me of GW1. Lovely.

Cons: enemies were easy. I was in a generically spec’d ranger and was on god mode it seemed.

I am very hopeful one map is a canyon-y version of verdant brink – layers and layers of intertwining canyons and mesas and hideouts to explore. I like the open map though, too.

Overheard: Link and Samus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

So I was at Starbucks yesterday morning. Typical line. Lots of people from my neighborhood wearing their Sunday morning best (sweats, yoga pants, and a worried look on their face that the line would make them late for their kids’ soccer match). So there I am, standing there, working my eyes down my imaginary drink order list for my fam. I got half way down the list when I was struck by what I saw directly across from me: a young lad with pointy ears in a green hat and a shield strapped to his back, and a blonde pony tail atop a woman’s head that peaked out above a massive red and yellow mecha suit.

I admit I was star struck. Link and Samus! At my sbux???? I pretended to act all cool and like I wasn’t about to pee my pants. I mean these two literally saved the universe from everything – like a gozillion times! And they are sipping latte’s and chewing on pumpkin loaves right in front of me like it was no big deal, man.

So I did what any nerve wracked and overwhelmed fan might do. I listened in to their conversation while pretending to stare down at my phone.

This is what I heard:

Link: “Samus, did you ever get to a point in your mission where, you like, couldn’t figure out how to go on? Or you knew exactly how to go on, but it seemed like it would take forever to do so?”

Samus: “Yes! All the time.”

Link: “But you did it anyway.”

Samus: “Please.”

Link: “Yeah. What about this: at the end of your mission, if you did like every single task, like I mean EVERYTHING. Was that a big deal?”

Samus: “Pssssh. Elite. I call that ELITE because some of that stuff was so hard to do and hard to find. Yes, I was elite because very few fellow warriors could even think about doing that.”

Link: “Yeah.”

Samus: “People I trained with – they wanted to be elite day one. Weren’t interested in earning it.”

By then I got my order and didn’t have an excuse to stick around to hear the rest. I think I heard something about football. Or cooking. It wasn’t clear.


First Impressions of HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807


Visuals. The updated art in the environments, animations for skills, and design of the enemies were great. Definitely an upgrade from an already gorgeous game.
Chronomancer – the shield, wells, and continuum split are a blast to play. And 25% speed boost, finally!
Revenant – 2 swords is a lot of fun. Especially love mace/axe though.
Reaper – lots of fun to play this one, especially when chaining the skills, elite, and shroud together for a bazillion seconds of chill.
Verdant Brink Environment – one thing I feel has been lost in GW2 from GW1 was the sense of exploration – there are so many waypoints that there isn’t an incentive to walk the map anymore. VB is so labyrinthine and with the glider it appears there will be a much greater need and desire to explore.
Gliding – no explanation necessary I think.
Story Mode looks very promising and I like that my character is interacting real time in the cut scenes.
Enemies – love the pocket raptors, mushroom people, and mounted baddies the most.


Dragonhunter – it just didn’t have a good feel to me. The range options seemed kinda weak and the only trap I really liked much was the elite.
Tempest – all of the other specializations felt like they took the professions in a bold new direction. Tempest did NOT feel that way to me at all. Felt like more of the same and the shouts seem very underpowered to me. I do like the air, water, and earth overcharges. Fire was meh.
Shiro Spec – Kinda weak in comparison to Mallyx and the Great Dwarf, in my opinion. And what is the point of the staff on this proff? It’s a nerf staff.
Map Rewards – I was hoping the new map rewards would give me reason to go back to the lower level zones. Getting a T3 mat isn’t carrot enough. Very disappointed. Also – unclear on exactly how those work. Seemed spotty.
Verdant Brink Events seem broken? At least some of them. To be expected in beta, so not too worried about this.

Overall the highs far outweighed the lows to me and the lows aren’t low enough to keep me from getting more acquainted with them. All in all the beta was a great showcase of the upcoming game and I’m eager to play the real thing! Great work!

Do people really get kicked for their builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

There are some interesting perspectives going on in this thread. I have level 80 of each profession at 70+ AR and take each of them through FotM 50 with zero trouble at all. My necro runs full sinister. My guardian and warrior run a hybrid of PPF and PTV. My ele is celestial, with some PPF accessories. Some of my others are full zerk and others run hybrid (power mains).

I’ve been in groups with 2 Necros, 1 Ranger, 1 Mesmer, and 1 Engineer. I have no idea what their gear was. Guess what? We sailed through.

I’ve been in full zerk groups that were a moving massacre – their own massacre – because the group skill was so poor and it appeared that no one thought to switch weapon sets or utility skills based on scenario.

The game is of a smarter design than we might give credit. You can run the build/gear du jour but if you can’t execute on tactics real time, you’ll melt in high level content.

To those who get kicked for joining an LFG that requires zerk and you don’t bring zerk – you get what you sign up for, sadly. I don’t care for those groups myself because the whining over executing every single action perfectly is just untenable. Some of the players gripe because we spent an extra minute(!) killing Mossman on land instead of under sea. I have no interest making time for perfectionist brats who feel I deserve to listen to how the world isn’t living up to their standards. Reality: no one cares and we don’t owe you anything. One group leader voted to kick my Mesmer out in FotM 50 after we melted bloomhunger in near record time because the helmet I had on was Zealot. I said – dude, we just melted bloomhunger, what more do you want? No one else seconded the vote kick.

I post my LFGs with “50 – swamp open” and live with what I get. Most of the time it is a great time.

My point here is there are plenty of viable and very successful group compositions to run through challenging content than just full zerker.

Top questionable decision Anet have made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Oh! Thanks.

Top questionable decision Anet have made.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Confession – I don’t know what NPE means. Can someone fill me in?

Possible B-day present bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

I created 3 characters on 8.25.12 – all received birthday presents.

I created a 4th character on 8.26.12 and that character did not receive a present yesterday or today (26th, 27th). I have confirmed the age of my character using the /age command.

Is this intentional? Seems like a bug to me.


in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Characters become interesting because you understand their motivation. The Transformers movies had all kinds of plot and no character motivations, except to react to the plot. The reimagined Battlestar Galactica series was primarily an intersection of multiple character motivations with a single plot as a backdrop: run from the cylons.

In the case of Scarlet – we see her plot, but we don’t know all the why’s. I’m not saying the writing is great or terrible on her either way, rather, I’m holding out for more.

I also haven’t read the short story, so I might be missing some key information.

New dungeon is great

in Living World

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Erm… by new dungeon are you referring to Scarlet’s funhouse, aka the arena in a personal instance?


in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

What we’re missing in Scarlet is her motivation. Right now all we see is a motivation is to watch the world burn and consume herself in death orgies, but that doesn’t mean that is all the motivation she has. For those that are critical of Scarlet (I’m not), I would say be patient, she may have a lot more back story and motivation than the writers are letting on. Perhaps they are going to reveal her motivations slowly, over time. This has good possibilities…

Darth Vader as a villain was far more interesting once we realized his motivation was more than using the death star. Not that Scarlet is on the same level as senor Vader, rather, just pointing out that villains can become more interesting over time if their motivations are exposed slowly rather than all at once.

Rune of Exuberance and Perplexity - builds?

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Has anyone used either a complete set of superior runes of exuberance or superior runes of perplexity? If so, what professions, armors, and/or builds have you used them on? Have you found them effective?

I’ve been stockpiling my watchwork cog thingies and plan to make some runes and am curious how effective anyone has found them to be.

An organized complaint.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Real life isn’t logical. Life is replete with examples of things that aren’t logical. Some of the wealthiest people ever to have lived (and made their own fortune) didn’t finish college. The kittens invaded France and they surrendered in just 3 days. Britain, a small island, at one point pretty much ruled the entire world.

Stories that ‘make perfect sense’ and seem ‘the most likely’ are boring. Guild Wars 2 is written by people whom I’m assuming had some formal training and education on how to write compelling fiction. I’m going to further assume that the training and education they received at some point included the urging to not write ‘logical stories that make perfect sense.’

Haha – the term for the fascists who ruled Germany and made WW2 a thing got turned into kittens. Bad kitty!

An organized complaint.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Real life isn’t logical. Life is replete with examples of things that aren’t logical. Some of the wealthiest people ever to have lived (and made their own fortune) didn’t finish college. The kittens invaded France and they surrendered in just 3 days. Britain, a small island, at one point pretty much ruled the entire world.

Stories that ‘make perfect sense’ and seem ‘the most likely’ are boring. Guild Wars 2 is written by people whom I’m assuming had some formal training and education on how to write compelling fiction. I’m going to further assume that the training and education they received at some point included the urging to not write ‘logical stories that make perfect sense.’

Arena combatants...please...come back...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Temple of Balth is closed on all servers, and has been (almost all the time) since the gauntlet rolled out. I can only assume this is due to the draw of the Arena ATM.

Please – I need someone to open Balth with me, or somewhere! Shards….must get moar shards….

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

I… feel like your whole post is trying to re-explain feminism in a thread full of people already in-depth applying/rebutting feminist terms/theory to watchknights (at least in the first six or so pages, heh). That’s probably why you got such a snarky response. It’s like coming into a physics classroom and explaining multiplication at the end of the session. No one has said that the problem is men. You brought someone’s direct, specific reply out into a generalized straw man (as relating to this thread, anyways) critique of feminism.

Thank you. Yep, that is why I will not reply to him — I do not care to have my words strawmanned, especially after I EXPLICITLY said:

It’s not that all men are actively, hatefully sexist or that all straight people are actively, hatefully homophobic, and so on, or that no one who is not part of any group can have an opinion about said group. Far from it!

Chadramar – I was speaking out in support of your statement, not refuting or criticizing it. My wording may have confused that intention, but regardless of how it may have come out when my fingers hit the keyboard, I was intending to elaborate on what you were saying. Sorry for any confusion on that point.

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

kimeekat – great response. I don’t agree with all of your assertions and I do find my comments relevant. Claryfing terminology in a complicated debate is always worthwhile, because in a debate like this, there are no hard rules like there are in physics or mathematics or multiplication. The only hard rules I can think of that everyone agrees to in the case of feminism are the definition of man and woman. The rest is very, very subjective. Hence debate.

This is not to assert that my comments are, in my mind, fact. They are my opinions and viewpoints, so I appreciate the feedback.

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

the ’splain is strong with this one

Thank you for trivializing and diminishing my opinion and statement. And also proving my point.

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

You are not the one who gets to decide what’s offensive to some people. And it’s not even about that, no one is saying “I am personally upset at this and I demand Anet consider my feels,” it’s about the detrimental impact to society caused by the overuse of sexist depictions of femininity.

Exactly. In particular, if you’re a man, you do not get to tell women to shut up about problematic portrayals of women. Hell, if you’re not part of any marginalized/stereotyped group, you do not get to tell people who are to shut up about portrayals that depict and affect them but not you — or ones that even benefit you in some way while harming them, as stereotypes tend to do.

(You also do not get to say “well, my female/gay/black friend thinks it’s fine so you still have to shut the eff up”. Just sayin’, because that comes up a whole lot too.)

It’s not that all men are actively, hatefully sexist or that all straight people are actively, hatefully homophobic, and so on, or that no one who is not part of any group can have an opinion about said group. Far from it! But many people who do not have the experience of being part of a marginalized/stereotyped group nonetheless have a very troubling attitude of “I don’t see the problem, and society treats me as the norm so there IS no problem”.

^This is really good. (I feel compelled to point out I’m male, btw). I would go one step further on this quote. “Society” doesn’t treat anyone any particular way, because society is a generalization we make in our own mind. If I’m mistreated by someone who looks different than me, it would be easy for me to take that hurt and say “wow, everyone who looks like that is a huge jerk!” And let’s say we see a lot of people we are around everyday having similar attitudes – this is what we call “society,” and its from a similar function of our brain – trying to find patterns in chaos. The problem are these:

1) Our view of society is informed 100% by our bias – we will see what we want to see.
2) Our view of society is limited to those things we actually see. I only see a very small segment of the city I live and work in, and yet it is easy for me (and all of us) to say “I know what this city is really all about.” I live in a city of nearly 1 million people. It would be the height of arrogance and self delusion for me to say I can speak on behalf of the whole city. I find it the height of arrogance for anyone to say they can speak on behalf of their entire gender. Exceptions being the very worst offenses, of course.

Finally – while I consider myself a strong advocate for women’s rights, minority’s rights, what have you… two aspects of some of the most common used arguments undermine their movement:

1) That what is offensive to one woman is therefore offensive to ALL women. Let’s leave out the obvious and tragic edge cases here like kitten . Watchknights are not offensive to all women everywhere. They (according to this post) offend some women.

2) That what some hyper-exposed version of some men’s offensive fantasies represent all men’s fantasies everywhere. They don’t. I don’t look at artistic representations of women and think BOOBS and SEX. Many men I know (and that’s the only group I’m qualified to represent) also don’t feel that way. Perhaps some men do. The mistake is when we say it is all men.

Some men hate, trivialize, and diminish women. Many women have an experience of feeling hated, trivialized, and diminished by some men, and some of those experiences would not offend every woman. Nor does it have to for feminism to be relevant.

I would also point out that the above statement can have both genders swapped into their counterparts anywhere in the sentence. In the case of feminism – yes, women in general have had a far worse go of things. No doubting that. Just pointing out that bad treatment is not gender specific, nor does it only target opposite genders.

I really feel the movement is strengthened by being more specific with language like this. As soon as men are generalized into a sex obsessed group, the movement risks losing 50% of its would-be supporters. Why wouldn’t feminism want to straighten up its language just a bit in order to not alienate so many supporters? Think of the groundswell! Could be huge.

The problem feminism faces isn’t men. It’s jerks, ignorance, and at times, it’s own lazy speech. I’d fight them in that order.

Let’s fight the jerks.

Box of / Satchel of armor recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Where do you get/obtain/buy these things? The wiki has nothing to say…

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

So…. after reading the responses to this thread and on some other threads – my conclusion is that I was very, very lucky. Which might just be the first time. I played GW1 for 5 years and the best drop I ever got in the game was a rune of superior vigor.

I went back into the MF with more stones and it was not pretty.

Is this the most controversial update ever?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

There are definitely a few bugs in the arena. I entered it once to face the sniper guy, and in there with me at the same time was another player facing the oozes! Um… we both lost.

Being in the software biz myself, I would attribute the buggy-ness to having a super duper short release cycle. Unfortunately date driven release methodologies always short cut QA, and the product suffers.

Minor quibble IMO though. It’s a game and I’m having fun with it, and can appreciate the work that went into it. I mean, not only is the concept really fun, but also the back story, etc. It takes quite a bit of planning to make all this come together.

Is this the most controversial update ever?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

This forum is blazing with rage!

I really like the update. I could quibble about the fact the gauntlet causes my frame rates to crash… but whoopity doo. And I haven’t even made it to Liadri yet. I’m stuck on Chomper. And I’m still having fun and enjoying all the drops and achievement points.

And I like the watchknights, even if they seem more Charr-origin-centric than human to me.

I’m hopeful for the birthday bash.

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

I would be very concerned if the female characters of this game, and its treatment of females in this game, were limited to sexualized roles. If that were the case, and then you trot out sex-bots… that’s a problem. However….

Females in this game get GREAT treatment. Strong, independent, powerful… not a single damsel in distress. Let’s not forget flawed and vulnerable at times, too. Just like, you know, real humans. Do they look gorgeous, too? Many do. I would argue the male counterparts get fair treatment on the aesthetics front. Let’s not forget that aesthetic norms of gender based clothing are pre-determined by society, and again, if all they had were G-strings for the women, then we’d have a problem.

Sexualization, in my mind, is perfectly acceptable WHEN it is only put forward as one aspect of the gender and seen in context of all aspects of the gender. A woman or man who says “I am strong, I am independent, I am a leader, (fill in many more blanks), and I am sexual,” is just saying they are human. As long as any person isn’t reduced to being nothing more than a sexual stereotype, then we’re heading the right direction.

Because that isn’t the case in this game, considering all treatment of the females in the game, I say no to this being sexualization.

For the record, I had the pleasure of meeting several of the Anet employees who rolled out this game last year, both male and female. Based on my interaction with them, it would shock me to learn that either they would blatantly exploit the representation of women for profit’s sake, or be oblivious to representation of women in general.

MF success vs. failure for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Hi – I’m tossing this question out here just to gauge experiences. I received a boatload of mystic forge stones from my achievement chests and used them in conjunction with level 80 rares (bought from BLTC) to get named exotics and (crossed fingers) get a precursor. As luck would have it, somewhere near my 50th (and almost final) try, I got Colossus.

I’m curious how my experience rates with anyone else? For those that have done the MF stone + 3 level 80 rares path, have you had luck getting a precursor? If so, how many tries did it take you? My reason for asking is to get a general idea of whether I was extremely lucky and thus should not really consider doing this again, or if my experience is pretty much on par and should give another go.


The Bloodstone Shard - soulbound

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Yes, that’s my point. I got my skitten one character, but will be using it to craft stuff for another character. It isn’t a big deal at all of course, this is just an oddity to me that I haven’t been able to figure out the reason behind.

Does anyone else feel that gw2 is imbalanced?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

For me, the cost of ‘right sizing’ my character is quite high. I can fuss with traits on my thief all I want, however, at level 80 – the real ‘right sizing’ comes in the form of gear and much less from traits. And 80 level gear is expensive. I maxed out my thief pretty early in the game lifecycle (Oct or Nov, I think?) and at the time didn’t really know which path to choose for gear. I thought that thieves, much like assassins in GW1, were best as critical specialists, so I went that route. Well – the good news is my crit chance is like 68% or something, however, my armor is apparently made of toilet paper. The problem is it will cost me quite a bit of gold to alter my stats, and I’m now saving my gold for T6 mats for a legendary on a different character. So my thief loses out. I use her for jumping puzzles and occasionally help others capture skill points with shadow refuge.

If I were to do it over, I would have gone for a more balanced armor set for my thief. I chose a more balanced approach on my Guardian, Ranger, and Mesmer, and have found they aren’t the highest in DPS in a group, but I rarely go down in fractals or dungeons, either. And the DPS is still respectable, just not tops.

And I do think for the most part Warriors and Guardians have it the easiest in PVE because of the general lack of conditions the monsters apply. My War has about as much armor you can get, a tank that rarely sputters and devastates with hammer.

The Bloodstone Shard - soulbound

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Very minor quibble here… why is the Bloodstone Shard soulbound and not account bound? Does anyone know?

All of the other ingredients for Legendaries are account bound, and the recipe the bloodstone is used in results in an account bound item, and the legendary weapon is completely open until it is equipped… so I’m just curious, why is the shard soul bound?

Jumping Puzzle Completion Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

I just finished the last of the JPs in my achievements list last night. Skipping Stones and Not So Secret were my very last ones. I was amazed how easy SS was after the floating rocks part was over, because it took me like 15 tries to finally make it to the wood planks. NSS killed me because after I made it to the platform with the Aether guy (after the ship and the pipes beneath it) I couldn’t figure out where to go.

Jumping Puzzle Completion Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

I think having a progressive title for jumping puzzle completion would be cool. Some of those JPs are hard (Not So Secret, I’m looking at you)! Showing off some prowess would be nifty.

I say progressive because I realize JPs are likely to be added over time, so having a termination point or title ceiling would be counter intuitive to the whole thing.

Mass Invisibility vs. Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Thank you for all the interesting and in many cases, good ideas. I like the idea of adding some functionality (such as stability, or something) to MI to make the 30 point spend a little more worthwhile, and elevating the skill to that 30 point elite status. If something like that were to occur I think I would see the reason behind the cost.

To everyone else who has a problem with this particular comparison, I would point out two things (among many I can think of):

1) Anet implicitly admits they get skills wrong or that then need improvements when they change and rebalance the game. They try things out they think will work. They release the change. They observe player behavior and tendencies. They read the forums. They make changes. That’s the whole point.

2) If you don’t like the comparison and think it invalid, you miss the whole point. The point is this is the 30 point Mesmer elite. If, as you say, Thieves are masters of stealth and no profession should have a trumping stealth skill, then why in the world is a stealth skill the Mesmer 30 point elite? My opinion is it would be a great 6 point utility or maybe even a 10 point elite. Buff it with a boon or one of these other cool ideas and I see 30 points worthwhile.

Mass Invisibility vs. Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

I think doing straight comparison of class skills is literally one of the most useless things anyone could do.

The class skills are balanced around the totality of the class. If we balanced skills by making direct comparisons then we’d only have 1 class in the game.

I can think of many more useless things than this. It isn’t even hard.

The point is how much one has to spend on a skill versus another. Say you are building a party in WvW or a dungeon – why would you ever want to use MI versus SR? It’s silly. If MI and SR were in similar tiers as skills, then I wouldn’t care. But this is the 30 point elite we’re talking about for Mesmers. In my mind, there shouldn’t be another profession that has a better skill in their utility that trumps a 30 point elite that gives the same basic function.

Mass Invisibility vs. Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

I wonder the same thing. The only thing I can think of is that the Mesmer Elite has a wider area of effect and doesnt require players to sit in a circle for a few seconds.

Yep, there are some subtle differences, perhaps more applicable to WvW or PvP. However, are those differences worth 24 extra skill points AND less stealth time? I’d say no.

Mass Invisibility vs. Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

So… Thieves get Shadow Refuge as a non-elite utility which grants up to 11 seconds of stealth (without any kind of modifiers) and Mesmers get Mass Invisibility as a 30(!) skill point elite that grants 5 seconds of stealth. Ummmm what?

I love shadow refuge so I don’t want to see that changed. But why is MI a top tier elite with less effect? Plus, Mesmers can’t run worth a kitten, so it’s like they get stabbed in face twice.

0-80 in under 8 hours

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

On the other hand, regarding money… I leveled my guardian to 80 in about 1.5-2 weeks of casual play (didn’t do any crafting for XP as I have master crafter on another char). I did not spend a single copper on any weapons or armor until I reached 80. Instead, I used Karma to purchase all armor and weapons and accessories.

In that 1.5-2 weeks of casual play I was able to rack up 16g just on that character doing “typical” PVE play (hearts, dailies, events, personal story, etc). No grinding and no PVP or WVW. The money came from the usual sources with the exception of BLTC – I did not sell any of my mats.

At level 80, I spent 16g to fully load exotic armor and weapons. I had 30 laurels and picked up an ascended amulet, which obviously allowed me to spend more on rings and such.

Some of the rare mats (globs, T6 thingies) came from existing stock from my other character’s exploits. Not too much, though. I had maybe 11 globs and say 7 powerful bloods. I had most of the ori, gossamer, and ancient logs. The rest I paid for out of pocket.

So the point here is only to say – if you save your $$ through level progression, using only Karma, you can more or less fully outfit a character via that character’s earnings alone. No need to buy gold or to invest mass amounts from other characters.

Feedback on the Swamp Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

My feedback: I hate it. Allow me to elaborate.

I have attempted this fractal perhaps 6-7 times, both before and after the update. In both cases I have the same reaction. The coordination of the wisp running in under 30 seconds without the use of a team voice channel is almost impossible. The set/attempt/reset cycle is so short with often devastating consequences (read: hard down player) if you fail, you do not find the enjoyment of the pleasure of making progress, even if small, because each reset completely wipes out all said progress. Because this set/attempt/reset happens at the very beginning of the fractal, if you go through multiple resets, you don’t feel like you have made any progress. Therefore, my main point is this fractal is set up to not allow players to feel progress through repeated attempts (even if failing), which therefore undermines the point of the game: to find enjoyment. As counter, I propose the underwater fractal, while challenging at first for an unitiated group, gives you a sense of small steps of progress as you make your way through the dark, not to mention gives you progress at the beginning before you make it to the dark. Swampland does not give you that.

While I have attempted this fractal 6-7 times with only one success – I have visited it perhaps as many times where the team abandoned it upon arrival. The team I was in last night attempted perhaps 5 or 6 runs before giving up. No progress was felt, no fun was had, and we left.

My two cents: remake the fractal so there is some way to get a sense of progress being made while you attempt and fail, or just kill it altogether.

I have not had this experience with the other fractals and generally enjoy all of them.

Rate the Humans name above you

in Human

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

That’s a ton of homework to do, to rate all those names.

Nicolae Tesla: 8/10
Adara Sidus: 5/10 (a little too obscure for me)
William Sidus: 5/10
Azazel Sidus: 9/10
Azazil Sidus: 9/10 (I like the god sibling reference in relation to the attribute of the god)


Female Theif: Clever Cupcake
Female Guardian: Mighty Muffin
Female Elementalist: Lavender Luscious

(Cupcake and Muffin share the same face, have white hair, but have different hairstyles. Let’s say one is the bad twin sister and steals things and is generally the life of the party. Let’s say the other sister is honor bound, a total bore, but sticks up for her friends.)

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Ylsa Kalisdottir – 8/10. I’d give it 10/10 if she was a necromancer, as an homage to the Hindu goddess, Kali. (Look her up on the interwebs, if any goddess/god should be a necro, it’s Kali)

My norns:

Female Ranger: Fluffy Ferocious
Female Warrior: Grande Chai
Female Mesmer: Dharma Delicious

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Fluffy Ferocious.9807

Kain Strongarrow – 7/10
Syra Leafblade – 9/10

I have 3 Sylvari:

Female Ranger: Summer Thyme (green skinned)
Female Mesmer: Autumn Reflection (mauve skinned, with auburn hair and orange body glow)
Female Elementalist: Winter Melancholy (blue skinned. she’s sad, but wears a brave face)

I had a Sylvari named Spring. But she died.