Showing Posts For Fozee.1083:

Things we know

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Things are known.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

PvP bag reward track

in PvP

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Here’s an idea: Not giving low-level players terrible greens in boxes which are supposed to contain meaningful lvl 80 gear. It’s insane to think that I’m robbing myself of loot by PvPing before 80.

i am banking the boxes and open them on 80 now, but this is annoying as hell

Does that actually work? I’m used to Wildstar which will still give you items based on your level when you received the box, so I’m not sure.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

PvP bag reward track

in PvP

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Here’s an idea: Not giving low-level players terrible greens in boxes which are supposed to contain meaningful lvl 80 gear. It’s insane to think that I’m robbing myself of loot by PvPing before 80.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

4v5 soloq misery has to end!

in PvP

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Yep, a problem that’s 2 years old. The player number balancing is terrible, it’ll make people change teams while in combat. There is NO player score balancing, so the majority of matches are one side stomping the other. There’s certainly no class or rank balancing.

PvP is basically the only area of the entire game that has gotten meaningful permanent content, so we’re not totally left for dead. But there are dumb issues like this that very much so stop it from being taken seriously.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

I had 40 gold and I felt poor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I haven’t played in about a year, so you can probably imagine my surprise when I logged in with 20g, which was a good savings back then, and realized I’m incredibly poor.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Slowly.... slipping toward the holy trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I think you’re always going to have the shadow of the holy trinity while there are limitations such as not being able to pick your own armor type. Guardian and Warrior are stuck in heavy armor, so in any event they’ll always be closer to a tank than not.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fozee.1083


My group was just trying it and even with decent Guardian healing, I have to claim it impossible. Maybe it broke in the latest build, but Grast dies at about 50% and does not reliably put up his shield. When he does, it doesn’t reliably block the AoE damage.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

No rewards from Tixx in LA

in Wintersday

Posted by: Fozee.1083


My biggest disappointment is that they let yet another huge bug slip through on their event. Little by little they’re losing my support. I’ve played about 10 MMOs and I’ve never seen bugs this bad and widespread. You screw a large percwentage of the population out of the final reward from an event, it’s a huge letdown. Do better, Anet.

Sorry but as someone who tests these types of games all the time, GW2 is very low on the list of buggiest games. They also ALWAYS make the situation right.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Just came back to GW2, still bad performance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Do you have SLI enabled while the game is on? Don’t do that. 30-40 being the low-end of performance is generally considered entirely playable for an MMORPG, though I understand the wish for it to be higher.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Does SSD make a huge difference for GW2?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fozee.1083


The load screen might be 90% disk, but even on an SSD it doesn’t load a lot faster. SSD will not affect game performance compared to a relatively new 7200RPM drive.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


If you’re just going to go out of your way to try and prove that the game is “bleeding players”, just please leave. You’re not helping the situation, you’re making it worse by lying and chasing away any new players. This isn’t a country and there are no immigration laws in video games — if you don’t like it, get out.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Populations are down, this is obvious wherever you go.

No, populations are spread out in both location and playtime. This isn’t launch anymore.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

My Private Messages

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fozee.1083


We’ll be sure to PM you about it!

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

(edited by Fozee.1083)

Is Guild Wars 2 in trouble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I see a disturbing lack of “I think” and “I believe” in this thread. People, you don’t know the majority of the things you’re writing here. You’re probably not the professionals the industry hires to figure out what the players want. What YOU want is not necessarily “what the players want”.

Ever think that perhaps it isn’t ANet that’s out of touch, it’s us?

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Is Guild Wars 2 in trouble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


42 (GW2 3rd qt profit) million ain’t gonna cut it… Idk how much it cost to make GW2, but I bet it cost more than 50 mill on the low end.

It’s gonna take A LOT of cash shop purchases to turn a decent profit. I’m sure they’re not in it to make a 20 or 30% gain…. That’s barley interest on the loan..

I do think the stock drop was because of GW2. Lets be honest most people expected more sales than AION… At this rate B2P is a utter failure for publisher and gamer a like. Pub. doesn’t make money, gamer has no say.

By 1st qt 2013 GW2 will be NCsofts smallest earner. Expect a more aggressive cash shop sooner than later, and freemium model by June of next year.

$42mil profit on a PC game is IMMENSE. You don’t seem to understand these values in relativity. That’s PROFIT, which means it isn’t counting the millions spent on operations in the opening quarter of the game. The absolute fact of the matter is that ANet has been hiring an expanding. A game studio does not do that unless their product has been very successful.

I don’t believe any of this garbage about the game being in trouble, as you people say this with every game, but even if it were… oh wait, it can’t be. The game is already paid off. Continued support and development for YEARS will only cost a few million. Remember, players can’t QUIT GW2, since they can’t cancel. Anyone can come back and try new patches.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Is Guild Wars 2 in trouble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


First of all, the prices of things didn’t go up because drop rate was lowered. The prices went up because botting was severely decreased. Higher prices on valuable items is GREAT for casual players (who of course feel entitled to everything) because they can farm for way less time to get the same amount of money.

You guys act like everyone should be able to get Legendary weapons very quickly. No. No, they should not. The entire point is that the stats are not better, and the fact is that any player can have full Exotic gear within a month with little work, as long as they play. Anything beyond that is a reward for your extra playtime.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Engi as farming profession in Cursed Shore?

in Engineer

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I find flamethrower engineer to be the best thing I have (Warrior and Mesmer 80s as well) for farming. In a group of 5 I can fill my bags completely in a single Plinx run.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozee.1083


There’s going to be a huge amount of complaining as we’re used to with the Mesmer forum, but honestly I don’t see myself being negatively affected at all, and I had no desire to be buffed in any way.

At least we aren’t Engineers who were told they’d be getting a lot of fixes, only to get ZERO major issues fixed.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Windows 8, GW2, touch screen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


As stated before, it will work flawlessly on Windows 8.

As for the touch screen, taps are registered by the OS as a mouse click. So yes, you could tap on people to target them, or even tap on abilities to fire them. If you really wanted to get into it, it should be possible to set up some multi-touch commands. For example, putting 3 fingers on the screen could be like a joystick — move them forward a little and your character moves in that direction until you move them back to their origin… but this is advanced stuff and I’m not sure how to do it.

I don’t anticipate many tablets that will be able to play the game. For now, NO Windows 8 tablets will run normal Windows programs unless they were pre-installed. Once Windows 8 Pro tablets come out, you should be able to get one with an AMD APU that would run the game decently.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Making the dye system account wide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


They’ve already stated that they don’t want to do this. Having them per-character allows the dye market to have value, and makes you work towards something extra with each character.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Don't destroy our game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Any player can get orange gear. You then have equal stats. Never, however, should we just hand people legendary weapons simply because they believe they have less free time than anyone else and should therefore be rewarded.

It’s simple RPG stuff. If I spend 1000 hours and you spend 10, I should simply be better rewarded. Be happy that the reward in this game is not stats.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Recent Market Shifts

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I don’t see any serious issue with the market. The prices will simply get more reasonable as the value of gold shoots back up. The prices wouldn’t be high and the items wouldn’t be on the market if people couldn’t reasonably get the money or materials, so I wholly disagree with that argument.

Getting very nice things is not meant to be accomplished right away and with supreme ease. It’s going to take time and patience, and you have a long time to do it. There’s no need to get a legendary in the first couple of months and then quit because of “lack of content”.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Recent Market Shifts

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Lol… manipulating droprates/salvage rates/whatever else to combat bots.

The war is already lost..

That is not AT ALL what has happened. The sudden loss of many botters is causing the prices of things to go back to what they should.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

i7 920 Overheating with stock fan

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Sometimes you simply get a bad stock cooler. I just got an i5 last month and I’m experiencing temperature issues as well, although not as serious as yours. Some people can get an i5 to 4ghz on stock cooling, mine gets 85C at stock 3.3ghz. I’ve re-seated it many times and fully understand how to secure it, and it simply will not cool correctly.

I can only summarize that my cooler must be defective, so I have a nice Cooler Master Hyper N520 coming tuesday. That’ll do the trick. I’m actually kinda proud that I had the AC Freezer 64 back in the day, those are what started this general design of cooler, and it’s a great design.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

AMD 7970 HD Catalyst 12.10

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Try moving to either the 12.11 beta or 12.8 drivers. I’ve had very bad luck with anything past 12.8, but your video card was greatly improved in the 12.11s.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Windows 8 - Day 3 GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I’m having performance issues as well since the latest AMD drivers, seems everyone’s moving in the wrong direction.

As for Windows 8 itself, the only areas which concern the performance of the game are improved from Windows 7. Apart from vendor compatibility, Win8 can technically only result in an increase of performance. It is not to blame for any of our issues.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Windows 8 not supported by Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I’ve been playing the game on Windows 8 since the game first became available to the public. I’ve been using Windows 8 for a year. There are simply no changes within Windows 8 which would cause the described issues. The game would have no compatibility issues because the game doesn’t know any better as it has every resource it needs.

As for the version of Windows 8, that is entirely irrelevant. Any version that YOU are able to buy right now is not lacking in any feature required to play the game to the fullest. You’d only have issues on Windows RT, which is not available to anyone but tablet manufacturers.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

In my view: Costume Brawl = pay to win

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fozee.1083


So you feel that someone who pays to support the game gets a slight advantage in a part of the game that doesn’t matter?


BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Discuss our Oct 22nd changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozee.1083


You guys are acting like this was some major balancing patch in which they made a ton of changes to all of the other classes, balancing them out and fixing all of their bugs.

It isn’t.

They simply went and put in what changes they could for this patch. That’s not all they have, it isn’t all they plan to do, and it isn’t the end of our changes. You people are acting like we’re far less powerful than we are. Sure, there are some bugs and weak parts, but there are PLENTY of working, incredibly strong parts.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Update notes?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fozee.1083


They have to wait, or it’s possible that people will exploit things that have been fixed in the new build, before it’s live.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Wealth Distribution

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


It’s a basic system of capitalism, and in that respect it’s working totally fine. People with more money than you didn’t necessarily work harder, and it’s not necessarily fair to the newcomer. Luckily the TP largely disallows the rich to use their wealth as leverage to get more wealth, so it’s certainly a controlled economy in that sense.

Unfortunately, no other system is really viable in an MMO.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


They’re going around and getting rid of bots individually right now, but if you read the letter on botting, they have people that are working hard to implement ways to get rid of them in huge batches. The reports aren’t being ignored, you just have to be patient.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Developer Blogs and Patch Previews

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


@Fozee, I believe WoW and even D3 are doing much more in terms of communicating with their player base with patch previews, their goals for the game going forward and thoughtful blog posts from their lead game designers like Ghostcrawler. Everyone can improve, and I believe ANet can too.

@Streyiken, I don’t want things fixed overnight, I just want to know what options they are considering to fix certain issues, as well as their thoughts on the matter.

You’re talking about games in vastly different stages of development. GW2 has just launched and is now starting to roll into post-launch development. There simply won’t be much to talk about until things start to exist. We already had a patch preview BTW.

In terms of Blizzard, you’re talking about a company that did very poorly at that before ~2011.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Developer Blogs and Patch Previews

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


ANet holds the industry standard for community management. If that’s not enough, no other studio has what you believe is enough. Sorry, but as someone in the general field, it just isn’t very reasonable. ANet is doing extremely well.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Q: Will there be Profession *overhauls* by the developers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


And, judging from the number of bugs that exist throughout GW2, I don’t share your confidence that ArenaNet could have fixed Vanish any sooner than Blizzard.

As a tester who is frequently sought out by game studios, I simply don’t come across any alarming number of bugs. Fit and finish issues can be found often, but people should hold no expectations of that, realistically. It isn’t that I’m not looking for them, I’m just not finding many of them.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

My assessment over a month after the official launch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


As a moderator for BioWare, I simply disagree, Masaki. This is good moderation, it’s just very rare to see that.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Getting high level on a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Buy your lvl11 manual from the trading post, it’s always significantly cheaper. Do not buy the lvl40 and lvl60 manuals from the TP, though.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Complaining about lack of players...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


It’s not about level spread. It’s about not being launch anymore. I don’t play as often as I did at launch because it didn’t just launch. People will be playing a few hours every day or every several days, not 4-12 hours every day.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

My assessment over a month after the official launch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Please, please don’t say the game “feels like a beta”, it’s one of the most ignorant things people say about post-launch games. It feels like evolving, developing software because it is. That’s GOOD.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Q: Will there be Profession *overhauls* by the developers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I think an important difference between Blizzard and ANet is that Blizzard will see an imbalance and take months or years to fix it by implementing some harebrained major mechanic change to fix it. What ANet will do, instead, is observe the actual imbalance and adjust values accordingly, as we saw yesterday with the changes to damage percentages and cooldowns.

I like to think ANet wouldn’t have let Vanish be broken for 6 years.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

So there I was watching Elvis.. and gold spammer!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I agree, google’s ad team seems to be the right place to go, although it might be ANet/NCSoft that has to make the complaint.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Warhammer > Guild Wars 2 > Wildstar??

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Not made by NCSoft, just published. It really doesn’t mean anything at all anymore, look at some of the horrible games Bethesda publishes.

Just like GW2 isn’t really relevant to the existence of WAR, I don’t think Wildstar is relevant to the existence of GW2. Games will always build off of each other, and I’m very proud that the team behind Warhammer were able to innovate, and draw on the previous innovations of DAoC. Seeing GW2 learn from DAoC/WAR so much made me really proud, it really spells out the success of the basic design of those titles.

Same goes for Wildstar, it shows that GW2 has made innovations and improvements in certain areas, and we’ll see future games reflect that, rather than the industry creating more pre-GW2-type games.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Botting, and its impact on the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Those who believe that their reports are useless haven’t stuck around to see most bots disappear within a day or 2 at most. A single report does indeed matter.

What we can do while waiting for anti-bot code to be finished and deployed, is to remain constructive and supportive as a community. The problem will be solved, and I don’t believe we should be making a big deal out of it (read: sending a massive article to news sites) just yet.

Solving this issue is very important to the game, and subsequently peoples’ jobs. It’ll get corrected as soon as possible, hang in there!

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Forbes article

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fozee.1083


@Sokar Rostau.7316: “At least working for a Legendary in GW2 isn’t that bad, you can even buy a lot of the ingredients on the TP (if you’re ridiculously rich).”

That’s worse, in my opinion. It favors people who have more money in real life instead of favoring those who put more effort into the game. I’d rather a tedious grind like GW2 legendary weapons without the ability to short-circuit most of it with money.

But it has NOTHING to do with you. If I go and buy a bunch of stuff using real money, it doesn’t matter because it’s none of your business. The weapons are not, in practice, better than what you can get in very little time.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

How interested are you still in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


Very interested, but if the botting problem isn’t dealt with soon, I’ll be playing it alone.

And, yes, this game is still worlds better than SWTOR. The endgame is a bit restricted here, but at least there is an endgame…

There is no magically unique botting problem. I’m starting to wonder if many people have ever really played a new MMO, it happens every time. Rarely, however, does a game studio communicate with us that they’re working very hard on the issue.

I don’t understand how anyone could see that sticky and quit over it.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Guys, be positive

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozee.1083


They do come here and look at what we’re saying, but if people aren’t going to be constructive (I hope they refuse to read the primary patch thread we have), our concerns won’t be met with positive responses.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

"Mesmer is too weak"...say wut now?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozee.1083


You are not understanding what people are calling weak. Compared to other classes, mesmer aoe farming is a joke. Guardians spin to win, necro’s aoe condition to win, warrior rolls his face on the keyboard to win. Ele spams fireballs. Engineer spams grenades. Thieves spam clusterbomb. Ranger uses barrage once.

Compared to those, Mesmer’s only real aoe damage is a 15 second Mind Wrack which is dependent on your clones and phantasms surviving. As well as chaos storm which just got nerfed.

Compared to other classes, Mesmer is awful at farming dynamic events, as well as aoe mob grinding.

I’m not saying its not possible, its just MUCH more difficult than other classes and far less rewarding compared to other classes.

For example, on my Guardian, I could pull 8 mobs, use binding blade to pick up the ranged and use whirling wrath and pick up loot. On my mesmer, I have to gather them up, LOS to pull them all together, make sure you keep up 3 clones, Mind Wrack. This gets them to about… 50%. Then you have to try not to die as you kite forever and spam Izerker or whatever else you can do.

Mesmer just isn’t practical, by the time we summon a clone to do aoe damage for us, all the other classes have wiped the mobs out.

No. Just no.

The best way to get a massive amount of loot during AoE farming sessions (what a ridiculous way to cry about a class) is to run into a group of mobs swinging around a melee weapon. The game greatly favors single-target attacks to AoE attacks when it comes to distributing loot. I get more loot doing this on my mesmer than I ever get using engi grenades.

Engi grenades are a joke btw and are not good for farming.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

How interested are you still in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I don’t know why people feel like they need to “move on”… you don’t. You CANNOT quit GW2 since you never have to pay a monthly fee for it. Take a break and come back whenever you want. Or don’t take a break, and play a little less.

“Too bad, bye” is a terrible attitude.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Forbes article

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fozee.1083


This is no more an authority than some random post here on the forums, it just happened to have been published by Forbes… which is not the most respectable journalistic organization out there.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozee.1083


I couldn’t be happier with this patch, thank you!

I’m buying gems right now.

BioWare/Mythic Moderator, Terror Squid, and Funparty