Showing Posts For Frans.7930:

Old (Invalid) TP Order Clean-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frans.7930


The change happened long before end of October of 2015; that’s only ~4 months ago. Not sure why they chose that cut-off date; maybe something to do with HoT’s launch. /shrug

Yea! That change happened in like 2013.

Just one legendary tease!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Frans.7930


I dont know, but the engineer had a hammer that seemed to have trails like a legendary weapon would.

Suggestion: player camera improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frans.7930


So for the first technical challenge, how could we get this to work when the camera doesn’t know what ‘ground’ is.

The camera usually doesn’t go underground or through a objects. So clearly there is some ground knowledge that prevents that. Whenever the first time it is about to go underground, at that point smart pivot.

Living story?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Frans.7930


It also bothers me that Edge of the Mists has become part of the living story. They told us that the Edge of the Mists map was made to address certain WvW needs. Attaching some kind of story on how this place was discovered is nice and helps immersion.

The Living Story seems to be this long planned out story we are seeing played out, something with a thought out ending they are working towards.

Now it feels like LS was tacked on to the Edge of the Mists in a later stage, and it concerns me that it might show. It makes me wonder if it has replaced a PvE LS update with this WvW one, just so to get more people to try out that map and game mode.

ArenaNet is justified to what ever they deem necessary though, and this might be the best update we have ever gotten. Maybe what they had planned initially sucked, and where able to replace it for this. EotM could have been in dev stages when they where brainstorming on the Finale of LS and where inspired to include it.

In the end it leaves me with a warning sign in the back of my head, that this might have been forced on the writers and the LS part won’t be all it could have been.

Storyline quest 'A Grisly Shipment' bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frans.7930


Dueling why was removed from the wiki ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frans.7930


And all Jon Peters said was that if it comes, it comes after release.

Consumables Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frans.7930


you all on the first 2 pages are forgetting what the term “Bug” means.

its a design in the software that wasnt intended. thats what a Bug is. they never intended people to use these items for series forms of PvE, but mainly for small PvE stuff and added role play.

A “Bug” is actually an unexpected and unknown problem in the system that was uncoded. The term “Bug” comes from a literal bug – a moth – trapped in a Harvard project back in the 1940s, which caused a glitch in the system.

A “bug” can never be an intentionally-coded object. Now, a bug can arise from MISUSE of intentionally coded objects, but cannot ever be, as the dev implied, the intentionally coded object itself.

It’s a feature that ended up being used in a unintended way, causing more stress on servers than expected. We could call it a misfeature or we will just have to think of a new word for that. Regardless, it was a issue the developers feel needed to be addressed.

I think the developer explained clearly what the problem was and there is no reason to doubt that. Instancing a 100 extra creatures with full mob AI are going to cause extra stress.

I know it sucks, because it means we all will have to develop new strategies for dealing with the big Raids. But then again, that is part of the fun of Raids.

Storyline quest 'A Grisly Shipment' bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frans.7930


Looks like this is a new bug. It’s unfortunate that it hits right before people comeback to do this mission.

Clock tower sometimes fail.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frans.7930


I had already finished the clock tower a couple of time this Halloween, but just felt like doing it again today.

I made it to the end twice, waited for the clockwork to shatter and jump in, but both times I just got returned to the beginning instance. While in the past I had been late with jumping and still made it in.

The instance did feel a bit laggy, as pieces didn’t seem to move in their places as smoothly as they normally do when they appear.

Why do new characters get Scarlet's Gift?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frans.7930


I bet it is super confusing for new people. As it is not obvious what just happened and why.

Upgrade to full account to use this feature?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frans.7930


Same Issue here.

disconnect problem 7:11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frans.7930


I’m getting the same disconnect issue. Not even able to play more then 5 minutes today, it seems.
I had disconnecting issues after the Karka Queen update, but that was only one evening, and the times between disconnects was much less aggravating. I don’t remember being disconnected in between that update and this recent update. I have been playing earlier in the week and it was fine.

update: A day later and I played fine, without any issues.

(edited by Frans.7930)

New animation issue with Harvest Sickle

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frans.7930


Awesome, glad to see that is fixed. Will buy 2 when I log in tomorrow.

Where is Southsun AT?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frans.7930


Go to the Consortium Outpost in Lion’s Arch. Step through the gate to SouthSun. Don’t step in the fractal gate.

Alternatively, go to the harbour in Lion’s Arch, talk a guy at the end of a dock next to a boat. I think he has a little boat icon above his head. Take the boat to SouthSun.

Veteran Karka Retaliation - what causes it?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Frans.7930


I would think so. I planned on making weapons with nullification sigil just so all my grenades on engineer would defiantly be clearing all boons. My Mines already remove a boon on the main ability & 5 boons from toolbelt ability so I’m sure nullification works.

I had not thought of that. Will look into doing that as well.

I would like to see fishing added in the future

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frans.7930


No! Give us miniature fights in the mini arena in Lion’s Arch.

Magic Find - Chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frans.7930


What about (personal) Trick or Treat backs? Does magic find influence what you get out of them?

Estate of Decay - Enter and find the Scouting Party

in Personal Story

Posted by: Frans.7930


Ok, I confirmed it too. Standing on top of the door makes the story progress. A friend of mine played this story last week without this issue.