Showing Posts For Glor.2485:

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Also keep in mind that VZ will still be in T1 long after SFR’s so called community got bored and fell back a few steps on the ladder.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


I think I made a great decision in not joining the mass exodus from FSP to either BT or SFR. Seriously what a mess of a thread.
What I have learned:

- Vz are closing the gap to SFR because they are doing all they can to cheat (only just started or continuing I don’t know). Oh and BT are helping them do it (cheating or accrueing points???)

- SFR’s lead is being reduced because ‘the greatest community’ in the game is slacking midweek and think they have it won, thus not being so great. Or is it because the mass influx of wvw guilds from other servers over the past month is starting to peter out…..but then again we were all told it was ‘the great community spirit’ that attracted all these guilds in the first place. SFR don’t cheat, if they do it has to be recently transferred players. There can be no other explanation.

- BT don’t want to be here. They desperately want T2. They are tired of winning and are only losing now because many of their players are taking a break or have left (unlike other servers this is a BT only problem). They feel they would be top dog again if only their warriors returned.

All in all an entertaining thread. Please continue……..

Ofc we are tired, we are w8ing for t2, we want some freash breath, a lot of players moved to BT because we were on top for a long long time, they blocked our friends and aly on other servers, we are w8ing for january, for new changes, grab your weps and be ready we have new power, gl viz,saf 1st plcace is nothing special atm. cya in field

First place was nothing special either when you managed to grab it for a few weeks. It only really mattered on the first week of one week match-ups, when every single server was full force and Vizunah was already dominating.

See what i did there, diminishing your accomplishment for no apparent reason.

Well, OT, VZ is soon to be top spot again.

How to defend tower 1 vs 50 Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485




9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Actually, you have 100% chance to still be in T1 next week.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Standart T1 kitten happening right now.
Elona moved up 4 weeks ago, and won their first week.
Arborstone moved up 3 weeks ago, and won their first week.
Desolation moved up 2 weeks ago, and should have won given the amount of dedication they put in, but VZ outplayed them heavily.
Now, Blacktide coming up this week, with numbers and motivation, they will win. Second place is really a toss-up between VZ and Deso, as Vizunah tends to perform badly any first day of a match-up.

French and Spanish servers are International

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Because French servers only account for 18.5% of European servers?

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Actually you loose while outnumbering on average across the day, but it’s still fine, noone is expecting you to be good enough to pose a challenge.

And the mythical numbers you are talking about are only spouted by RUIN members, and by you on that very thread, noone else talked about that here.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


ITT : Desolation whiners making up an imaginary alliance to justify their loss. So sad!

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Too bad that even with having much more players over the course of the day, Deso is still second :/ I guess skill still come into play, that’s the only reason Deso isn’t first already. You are so terribad that you are second to a one TZ server, with a much lower pool of potential and actual players.

Respect to Vizunah, best players in the world.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


You dont get the point. You were crawling back from T3, yes, props to you, but you could never achieve what VZ and to some extent (i.e. last week) AS did. You had to call from outside help because you didn’t have what it takes to challenge the best and most organised players in the world. And as explained many times, it’s not the same when the average joe come en-masse to fill-up WvWvW after his usual 9 to 5 from an other TZ to PvDoor, and when people make sacrifices in their real life to catch up with those kind of strategies. So props to you for winning by sheer numbers of people logged in over the course of the day, and not for being actually better and more organised then (or than? please help me, my English is getting rusty) any of the two server you are competiting with.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Thats really just very sad you had your counter to the night cap (which is very debatable btw because many nights I saw it evenly matched).

Evenly matched yeah …

You’re so good that you can have 600 points against the same number at night, but you’re not as good in day time ?

Stop the joke please.

Again I read a smug comment in the otehr thread when you guys were winning about 2 v 1 being a valid that to counter it. You also rode night cap that to the top.

Thats life you used it to get wins in but now its clearly showing how good your servers are when they fight alone. You still have the option to 2 v 1 you can’t blame anyone but yourselves here.

Ever considered its why Anet made it WvWvW to counter a night cap?. So I guess Anet should be blamed for giving people with some sense credit in life? Thats the real joke. Its not everyone elses fault you can’t work together and I could throw some other choice words out there I won’ though.

Desolation worked hard and held ground against you both at the same time thats what you can’t stand. Blame yourselves not the world at large.

Desolation get trounced 1v1v1 when the maps are full, you can see that everyday, so stop BSing. Desolation has not worked hard, it just happens to have much more people over the course of the day. VZ had to put immense and formidable efforts to counter night capping from US players, i don’t think you can even start to grasp what it takes to put nightshifts in place, that is skill and organisation, something Desolation never showed and will never show unfortunately for them.

Props to VZ for being the most organised and having the most dedicated players in the world.

WvW T1 will only be english-speaking servers

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


What we are seeing here is two fundamentally opposed visions of the world.

On one side you have supporters of state intervention, saying that the market can’t regulate by itself and there is a need from a central government to take actions in order to balance the brackets. This is obviously a typical French mentality, that we share with German people to some extent.

And on the other side, the adepts of deregulation, of the Invisible Hand so dearly speaked of by Adam Smith, and this is a typical American/British mentality.

We are not reasoning on the same principles, so communication between those two points of view is almost impossible.

The Invisible Hand side will always side “get pro-active move over english speaking servers if you want to be competitive”, and the lazy-welfare-state-supported-unemployed French (joking, i’m French too you know) will always say “okay, but we can’t force everyone to move over, so any individualist approach will not work”. And i think they are both right to some extent, but ultimately the solutions to that problem are absolutely not the same depending on your point of view.

Absolutely appalling behavior by the french community

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


I understood him, and i have by no means any experience in googletrad english. But since what he is saying is totally right and irritates you, it’s easier to dismiss his point by saying you don’t get it And i didn"t even need a translator to decipher what you were trying to do, so sad :/

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Unless FS and Kodash completely throw the game in primetime right now, Desolation wont be in T1 tonight. But they might as well just do it, i understand their frustration

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Looking forward to next match-up… Will be fun winning on a 1 TZ server against a 24H/24 one.

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Lame overdone parody. Full of grammatical and orthographic errors that made my eyes bleed. Also, you do realize that it doesn’t work for people that actually understand german, and since this thread is a mean of communication between french and german players, posting that here is irrelevant? So please crawl back to the french forums, where it could actually be a good source of drama.

Ps: I’m on AS, so don’t derive any wild conclusion from my post…

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


BTW do the French utilize any of their old colonial empire for night coverage like Vietnam?

Wtf are you on?

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


I read Jol dont worry, but we want more drama between German and French people! (and when ER is replaced by Deso, which will happen in 10 days, drama with people from all over the world since Deso recruited americans to PVDoors)

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Funny how the number #1 confrontation worldwide only gets 17 posts so far this week, and i believe 0 last week. WE WANT MORE DRAMA.

New matches should start Sunday night, not Friday night

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


@Aldermeer : this is completely wrong, first day is not the decider. It would be though if the reset occured on sunday evening like it’s suggested here.

This is euro tier1 :
Winning realm took the lead midweek… Would have taken the lead on day 1 if it were a monday (nightcapping creating huge gaps), leading to less pvp involvement from the losing realms on the week-end. And the score wouldn’t be so close.

New matches should start Sunday night, not Friday night

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


The key point in WvW matchups is the first couple days. It’s makes more sense to have the first few days on the weekend with the closing day on a friday.

If the start/end of the match were to be switched to a Sunday night we would see the end of the match being the deciding period.

No, we wouldn’t. Gaps between servers caused by nightcapping would be so huge that most people wouldn’t even try to turn the tide when most servers have around the same coverage, while their server could have started a positive dynamic by taking the lead during the week-end. WvWvW is much more competitive during the week-end, and your proposition would take that away in my opinion.

World Rankings as of 9/28 (New Format)

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


The bottom of the first post!

Also, I noticed that the picture suggests Gandara would be matched up against the Underworld and Abaddon’s Mouth, when in fact we’re matched up against Baruch Bay (SP) and Fort Ranik (FR).

No, the ratings have not been updated yet. They will be in a few minutes if its like last week.

World Rankings as of 9/28 (New Format)

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


For all the non-believers, Desolation just dropped 3 ranks, which is immense considering they had a big lead over the realm just under them. So yes, you can drop very fast from the rankings.

Move arborstone away from desolation and augury rock.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Don’t really buy that Deso is losing because of nightcapping in this case. Apart from making the score difference even higher so maybe stopping people queuing. They’ve beaten us fair and square, our organisation has just been terrible. It’s easy to blame it on Canadians, about 1am the other day people start saying “Ok here starts nightcapping” but in the attacking group I saw a lot of MoS players, which I think is a French guild, so they’re just well organised.

Big influence for me in this matchup, 2 servers against one in many situations, same nation /group naturally attacks a foreign group if they have to. I´ve often seen Arbor or Augury turn against us instead of fighting each other.

Stop spreading BS, you should see the french forums and the daily taunts/drama between AR and AS, as pointed out in the post above mine. All servers tend to think the two others are allied against them, it’s called skewed perception.

Move arborstone away from desolation and augury rock.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Played til 2AM yesterday on Desolation, at around 1AM, the Arborstone numbers increased so drastically, that either those french are mostly unemployed or they live in a different timezone. Either way, it´s a lame matchup, everyone wants close matches like last week against Gunnar and Augury, this time it´s just lols like against the VS canadians.

A close match that Desolation mostly won because of nightcaping. Augury Rock was closing on you during the day, unlike what you are doing with Arborstone now.

Be careful what you wish for.

Move arborstone away from desolation and augury rock.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


You couldn’t handle true competition, so you ran away, good for you

Move arborstone away from desolation and augury rock.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Lol, i could have taken dozens of screenshots where Arborstone is way ahead during daytime, so please gtfo with your stupid screenshot. Everybody playing this matchu-up knows that Arborstone is dominating both during night and daytime.

French players are clearly superior in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Sore losers + racism, forumers showing their true colors.

France isn’t a race, it’s a country

There are no races (if you believe otherwise, i have bad news for you, it’s called racism)… So there is no racism? Next time you try to sound clever, please have a clue.

French players are clearly superior in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Sore losers + racism, forumers showing their true colors.

Strongest force in europe ranking 2nd

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Sorry to burst your bubble, but being 3rd all week and deciding to nightcap on friday to become second (by 6k points only) isn’t making you the best server in EU.

So true FS players tend to dream rather than play.

French players are clearly superior in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


All excuses It would have been a known fact by now if FS could put up with VZ. But it’s only in your imagination. Just check the final score, utterly crushed

And nice racism you’re showing there Rampage, i’m not reporting you, the world deserves to see what you really are.

French players are clearly superior in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


All i hear is excuses (and blatant lies, but it’s still excuses, so who care if you are lying or not? Just sore losers).

We dominate.

French players are clearly superior in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Three french servers in the six first places this week, i think it clearly proves the point.

End of the week SCORES

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


We are keeping a wiki updated with the scores of most of the match-ups throughout the day on one of the french boards, you can check it out here :
It’s in french (but easily understandable…), and french centered obviously, but there are updates for match-ups where no french servers are engaged too

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


I know we are winning. It’s just that I commented on what the OP said. Then you got involved.

You only win because of nightcapping. Proof here :
Sore winner.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Don’t assume things, just verify it… Augury Rock never called for help, it’s quite the contrary, most of the discussions on the french forums is about the fact that they dont want to play in Tier1, since they don’t have the numbers at night to do well. I wouldn’t be surprised if guilds from VZ actually transferred on their own, VZ has the longest queues of all the europeans servers, no wonder some organized guilds choose to get away from it.

Or maybe CaSu is just trolling again

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


The matchup is so much fun right now. It was pretty even like 2 days ago and then we started pulling away a little bit. No idea how things are right now, as I’m at work and can’t play right now, but I have complete confidence in my guild to hold our keep in the Augury Rock Borderlands!

Thanks guys, for some epic battles!

You are getting smashed by the morning french hebrew canadian team.

GW, FS and cheat!

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


That’s what FS stands for actually. Even for the canadian part, which is actually playing on FS, not VZ

Speaking about fair play : Flyhack and orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Far Shiverpeaks flyhacking is getting old really fast.

There are only disincentives to doing wvwvw before you hit 80

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


As someone said, lvl30 combo fields > lvl 30 dps Just play to annoy your ennemies with conditions (slows, confusion etc.), it will prove to be much more helpful to your team than trying to do a third of lvl80 dps.

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Oh my god Tron, i’ve never read so much BS on these forums x) You take the palm.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (EU)

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Since when 1150 people in queue is higher than 1500 people in queue? Learn to read a graph, VS has more queue (much more), than any server at all times.

The TOP 3 servers in the entire Europe region...

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


No, they have MORE queue during primetime… Look at the scale on the left of the graph. It goes up to 600 fors VS, and only 450 for FS… Learn to understand a graph please.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (EU)

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Shows that Vizunah Square has by FAR the longest queue times of their match-up. Hope this puts things in perspective.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Hows that crushing going on for you? having fun yet?

ooohkittenI forgot, you’ll have to wait till 2 am to have your fun, my bad..

Oh great, so you steamroll Deso and VZ while their players are at work… Russian primetime starts 2-3hours earlier than french/euro primetime, so yes, they are ahead before primetime, pure logic here. And even when euro primetime starts, russians still have the advantage of having been queued for hours thus having larger guild groups inside. Check screens from a page or two ago, you’ll see some serious crushing from VZ starting as early as 21PM… Or post the evolution for tonight, and not from just a moment of the day where FS is finally pulling ahead…

See the nightcapping argument works both ways, if you are complaining because you lose outside of primetime, VS/Deso can do the same… That’s what your screen is about.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Glor.2485


Omfg, FS won this week end because they had that time where we are sleeping and all those russian start to wake up, so they cap all the point in 2 hours and keep them the day. Please A.Net, make some servers only for those russians with that time zone, they are annoying !

No. The point is, FS did the same as we do usually and we didnt whine about it. We fought hard during the weekend to reduce the points difference and eventually took the advantage during Sunday afternoon / evening battles.

It was a great WvW weekend BECAUSE they nightcaped, forcing us to react, to defend and to play more aggressively.

this is how i think the most sees it:

Weekdays day time = Far Shiverpeak vs Desolation vs Npcs

Weekdays night time = npcs vs npcs vs Vizunah Square [FR]

Weekends day time = Far Shiverpeaks vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square [FR]

Weekends night time = Far Shiverpeaks vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square [FR]

Simple fact:

Weekdays = 5
Weekends = 2

who will win?

everyone alrdy knows this by now

The fact is, VZ continuously gets more points than FS on daytime, as shown this week-end. FS was only ahead because of nightcapping, and it only took one night and two days to overthrow this “unfair” advantage (okay, nightcapping is worse during weekdays than weekends, lets say its even…)