Showing Posts For Goblin Beet Farmer.3045:
I really like KOM advanced tactics of rounding up mobs before initiating a fight to either rally off of them when they go down or to cause whoever they are fighting to get agro from the mobs.
Individual stat bonuses that raise health or damage is a bad idea. I am all for servers who are constantly outnumbered/outcoveraged/outscored recieving bonuses to make it more balanced like longer RI on supply camp supervisors, increased gate/wall durability/health on towers and keeps, dolyaks with increased durability/health/speed, breakout events that require less players to start and that spawn with guard support, etc.
If you enjoy facing off against servers who vastly outnumber and outcover you most of the week then join ET or FC.
Seeing that Southsun is now empty and the events don’t scale to allow a smaller group actually control the island, how is anyone supposed to get Settler Armor and Weapons?
It seems pretty obvious WvW has never been a top priority for ArenaNet. I think part of the problem is the fact GW2 isn’t a subscription based game or they would be more worried about losing players over things like servers being farmed by one dominate server week after week.
Thanks IoJ and DR for all the fun this past week.
I, for one, am looking forward to being done with HoD…at least for a few weeks. While I have only been on FC for about a month now I have come to dislike HoD more than any other server I have faced in WvW. I have never faced a server that mistakes their coverage and numbers for skill and superiority so much like HoD does. I have never seen a server run so much from even or fair fights out in the open like HoD does. I have never seen a server go out of there way so much to chase down a smaller force (even 1 to 2 people) like HoD does. I have never seen a server emote so much like HoD does…of course this is normally after they have ran from a fair fight to the safety of guards/tower/etc or after they have ran down a group they outnumbered 4 to 1.
Prior to moving to FC I had been on SoR since the headstart. When ANet announced free transfers to lower population servers several weeks ago HoD was actually my top choice to transfer to. This was based on reading over the forums and the respect HoD was given there by their opponents. I am so glad I didn’t though. I don’t know if the make up of HoD changed because of the free transfers or because of their fall to Tier 8 or if this is how it has always been on there.
Anyway good luck versus your new opponents on Friday HoD, please don’t be in a hurry to return to Tier 8.
I am not really sure how I feel about this coming change. I do like the idea of facing different opponents but I also think matches are going to be even less balanced than they are now. My friends and I had been on SoR since the headstart until a few weeks ago when we paid and transfered down to T8. We had grown tired of the huge zergs and skill lag associated with them. I, for one, hope ANet DOES NOT offer free transfers to lower tiers. If they are going to open free transfers it needs to be open to all servers.
I totally agree that skill does (and should) play a large part in someone being triumphant despite being outnumbered. With the said though I have seen an influx in people using hacks in T8 just this past week.
I have experienced this as well. It seems to have started in the past week or so as I have never had it happened prior to then.
I haven’t even bothered WvWing post-patch yet. I started playing D/D Elementalist and Condition Mesmer last fall because I found the gameplay fun for both of them. Since both took a big hit yesterday with the <cough> balance <cough> changes I am unsure when I will return to WvW. Which is disappointing since WvW is the main reason I play GW2.
Back during beta and when the game launched I would have without question but no way would I now. The lack of timely attention to WvW and the so-called “balancing” done to professions are the two main reasons I wouldn’t.
Seeing D/D Bunker Elementalist and Condition Mesmer are my two main WvW toons I am not too happy about the changes coming down. I started playing both several months ago because they were fun to play not because I thought they were overpowered. I supported and expected some changes to Confusion because of all the complaint threads about it. I just didn’t think it would be severe as a 50% damage reduction. I don’t wish other classes to be nerfed just because Confusion has been. I do wish they would either change it to only reducing damage by 25% or if they keep the 50% damage reduction increase Confusion duration on all skills by 50%.
I don’t play a thief and Rangers are still my primary target in WvW.
While there might be a lot of them running around the majority of them don’t seem to have more than a basic understanding on how to play one correctly so they are easy kills…even as another D/D elementalist.
This is actually great news for JQ. Bad news for DB though.
No. The only profession in the game that’s over-powered right now is the Ele.
The complaints about Mesmers will come mostly from inexperienced players that are kitten they lost to a Mesmer in PvP (sPvP or WvW).
The Mesmer is certainly one of the most versatile classes. OP? No.
Yet, Mesmers beat Elementalists, so….
FinalPatriot, I think when you have more hours under your belt as an 80 D/D you won’t have much issues with Rangers, no matter, what their spec. I couldn’t even tell you when the last time I actually died to a Ranger in 1v1 in WvW…and that is with many hours of solo roaming in T1.
I think Rangers are in need of some love by Anet.
I recommend anyone looking for an all-around great WvW server to join SoR. My friends and I had been on SoR since the headstart. While we did transfer last week down to Tier 8 this had nothing to do with SoR or those on the server. We had just grown tired of Tier 1.
I am not sure why they would nerf it. It is a tier 2 Major trait (not a minor trait like Guardian’s pbaoe heal on dodge) and not needed in every Mesmer build.
In the expansion Mesmers along with Guardians, Elementalists, Thieves, and Warriors will be removed from the game due to people having complained for months of how OP these classes are.
Air5 is the only spell that misses against invisible people. I’ve tried it before with an enemy thief in the party.Air5 dagger? Are you sure? I often run to the center of Shadow Refuges and use Air 5 to force a thief out and reveal them. Admittedly, I probably haven’t done this since the March patch, but prior I would often find a thief fading into view and starting to stand up as if I hit them with Updraft.
I actually did this about an hour ago. Updraft did knock the Thief out of his Shadow Refuge.
A couple things:
- For PvE/PvP/WvW, we know that those are 3 different playstyles, we don’t just lump PvE and WvW together.
Considering WvW and PVE use the same skill values, yes you do.
We’re starting to split PvE/WvW in the upcoming patch.
But we want them to be things that keep consistency across the game types as much as possible.
This may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back where even more people stop playing WvW and GW2 all together.
I don’t think another thread about confusion is necessary when there is already plenty of crying about it in this thread:
I don’t think a direct nerf to confusion is necessary, but some kind of tweak, especially on “on dodge” ability. They shouldn’t proc it.
I think this change needs to be made as well.
Thanks for making this post, albotelho. My friends and I have been wondering the same thing. We have been on SoR since the first day of the headstart. We prefer small group skirmish game play (that isn’t spent babysitting a node) and are finding it harder to do so in Tier 1. The random (yet frequent) skill lag is making it even worse and some have talked about quitting GW2 all together because of it.
What’s funny it is Engineers not Mesmers who are most effective at stacking confusion and they don’t have to spend so heavily on triats to do so.
This isn’t true at all in intensity or frequency.
It is for me. I WvW with both the above classes and it is much easier to stack confusion on a target with the Engineer with Pistol, Bomb Kit, and Tool kit than it is with a Mesmer using Scepter, Torch, F2 shattering, traited Glamour utilities, and taking advantage of ethereal fields.
What’s funny it is Engineers not Mesmers who are most effective at stacking confusion and they don’t have to spend so heavily on triats to do so.
If you really think Mesmers are well balanced, then I ask you to take a look out in WvW, and ask yourself why almost everyone is a Mesmer (or Thief I suppose, the principle is the same.)
What server do you play on? I ask because as of lately I am seeing less and less Mesmers in Tier 1 than ever before. Guardians are by far the most common class followerd by Thieves. I honestly see more Rangers in WvW than Mesmers…and Rangers are the ones who needs the most love from ANet to be more competitive in WvW.
Or just remove any dmg done to the doors except siege weapons
That would prevent 50 man zerg melting wooden doors just by facerubbing it.
I have wished for awhile now that this was the case. Need to have rams despawn after 5 minutes of being built though due to siege cap.
Seeing how miniscule 5% more and 5% less damage is the least ANet could do is combine the two Guard lines and make it like the Merc line that has the two stats combined.
The only lines worth it to me are the two that seems to be the only lines with any creativity applied to them and that is the Ballista and Cannon lines since they add new abilities to the weapons.
Outside of that I am not motivated at all to earn WvW ranks.
I think the stat combinations and available skins are a decent addition to WvW gear choices. My only complaint is what is available now should have been available when the game launched.
I hope ANet hotfixes this option in as soon as possible.
According to this thread, it is a bug:
I am not sure how ANet didn’t expect this to happen. As soon as they announced WvW ranks were coming all I could think of was back in Vanilla WoW when Blizzard first gave PvP some love. As soon as the patch hit open-world PvP turned into a back forth zerg battle between Tarren Mill and Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills.
Just because some individuals have never seen the OP and just because he is seeking to move off of SoR doesn’t make him/her a JQ/SoSGate spy trying to sabotage the server.
My friends and I have played on SoR since the headstart and participated in WvW just as long. Over the past few weeks we have all discussed our disatisifcation with the current state of WvW on SoR and have questioned moving to a lower tier ourselves. It was great fun to be part of the server’s blood, sweat, and tears move up the ranks culminating with a well-deserved trip to Tier 1 but it seems to have come at a cost. The SoR WvW community isn’t what it used to be. It seemed to have started to change toward the last couple weeks in Tier 2. I don’t know if this was due to an influx of transfers who jumped at a chance for Tier 1 or what. In addition for us WvW in Tier 1 isn’t nearly as fun as it was in the lower tiers where the WvW population was more evenly split among the servers resulting in closer matches.
My main WvW profession is a Mesmer and I can’t remember when the last time I actually cast iRogue when downed. I am normally dead from being beat on, planted on, or rezzed by the time it comes off cooldown. It does humor me though that some people work really hard at trying to find a new ability to complain about each and every week on these forums.
I am on a Tier 1 server and sadly I’ve hardly done any WvW (which is the primary reason I play GW2) in the past two weeks because each time I do the server side lag makes it unenjoyable.
From the patch notes posted an hour ago:
•Fixed a bug where Daily Rewards were sometimes not being granted after completing five daily achievements.
Unfortunately after updating and entering the game there was no chest waiting for me from the one I was never rewarded from two days ago.
(edited by Goblin Beet Farmer.3045)
Thanks for the build and video, Laceration. I have always liked the hammer best out of all the warrior weapons.
I just experienced this bug for the first time as well. Earlier today I received my chest from completing 5/5 of the daily events but after the reset I completed 5/5 and no chest was awarded. I then went and completed another task to be at 6/5 and still no chest.
(edited by Goblin Beet Farmer.3045)
I’ve seen an increase in these items being used (against me) in T1 since this post started.
I don’t think food/oil use should be removed from WvW though I am undecided about the other consumables.
(edited by Goblin Beet Farmer.3045)
It amazes me how there is a different profession or profession mechanic that a vocal minority is complaining about each week on these forums. It seems some people would be happy if this game only had one profession that only had a single autoattack with no other abilities.
There is plenty of personal and ally condition removal in game to deal with the low duration confusion stacks. I am really curious what type of builds that ones complaining about confusion stacks are playing? Glass cannons?
I normally run in small groups and the culling/rendering is worse for me now than it has ever been. I have even had loot bags not load correctly.
I think the longer someone has been on a server the higher priority they should have in the queue.
I have been on SoR since the headstart. I have to admit my server pride has declined these past couple weeks as it is not feeling like the same server.
I thought the skill was bugged at first when I was in WvW last night. I came across this thread thankfully (unfortunately after I submitted a bug report) and went back in to test it out. I do not like the change at all.
I just experienced this for the first time ever having played since the first special invite Closed Beta. I was kicked from WvW because of a new build so I decided to just exit the game. Upon relaunching the client I now get this error.
In the Mists at the PvP Locker there is a 2nd Light Armor set called Acolyte.
It is listed here on the Guild Wars 2 Wiki :
I have not been able to find that matching PvE set. Does anyone know?