Showing Posts For Gray.3725:

Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gray.3725


Desolation EU
Arborstone Borderlands

3 of us at the same time, kicked, didn’t load LA.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Ascension Bay orb bug

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


So it isn’t limited to Ascension Bay then. Well, it’d be nice to see a post from an insider, like a Dev or a Mod, because this is REALLY a troubling issue.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Ascension Bay orb bug

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


So, there we go again. As soon as this matchup started, Kodash took our orb on Desolation borderlands. Once we took the keep from them, after a long hard fight, the orb bugged and we were unable to take control of it, for 4 days straight. Once the server maintenance was done, the orb was sitting there in our keep, flying our colors as it should.

Today, we lost Ascension Bay to Kodash again, and guess what, when Far Shiverpeaks took the keep from them (beating us to it only by a little), the orb got bugged, again.

I’m really interested if the developers are aware of this issue yet, and if it’s an issue only on Kod vs Deso vs FSP or in multiple matchups. I don’t want to point fingers, but as I haven’t seen similar threads yet, I have my suspicions….

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


@Aburitul: It wasn’t mainly due to FS, we CAN match your day forces, and we could match them before aswell, we dropped down because we got more demoralized by Nightcapping than you did.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Epic finish of an Epic day. Congratulations to every Desolation fighter on our homelands!

It’s not about the golems, it’s about the message.


Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


along with a 50 dollar starbucks card

American on Deso, hence RUIN, you are given away by that

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


And still your server profited from this right?
And with that I mean everyone on your server.

Best thing to do is heavy punishing.
Desolation wants to be T1. Punishment could be 2 weeks in which they can’t join WvW, and setting back to the lowest tier.
One hard punishment, just one is enough to stop people from using exploit. Secretly banning a cheater/exploiter? Won’t stop them.
Punishing a multiple amount of people extremly harsh, and you have all the time you need to fix an exploit… or don’t fix it at all.

Sorry to say, but this is the worst idea on stopping hacking I heard so far. Kodash would have been one of the first to get banned for a week or two, but not just Kodash would have stayed there, WvW would have ceased to exist.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


@Sird: It is true we have RUIN on Desolation, but please, stop flaming. You had no issues nightcapping us out of T1 with Vizunah back in the day, so you should accept what you face right now. We’re not acting high and mighty though, the Desolation day force went back up again thanks to not losing constantly and we were having a pretty kitten close fight all day yesterday, then you go whining about our night forces, which is understandable, but end up being unable to do anything during primetime aswell. We literally camped you out of Far Shiverpeaks border. Nugos was only able to take a keep at a time, and hold it for about 10 minutes before we retook it, and that wasn’t RUIN, that was a mass of randoms and a few Deso alliance guilds. I was commanding from about 11:30 GMT+2 to 13:30 GMT+2, wiping everything off of our own border.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


No server used hacks. Hackers are using hacks.

I was at Shandaran Hills on Far Shiverpeaks, I was leading the assault as commander, we were at the keep for 40 minutes testing defenses and trying different approaches.

When it came down we had no chance of breaching the gates, nor the north walls, I ordered my men to the south wall to build catapults and destroy mortars. While at it, I spotted a mesmer portal, walked onto it as it activated expecting Kodash bombers, but it was ours not theirs, and I wanted to see where it goes. I ended up on the wall, between 4 Kodash defenders instantly jumping me and eventually getting me downed.
Although by then, more got up, including more mesmers and they started to lift our forces on the wall.

I realized something was fishy about the initial portal, we had this issue before, so I ordered a retreat from SH immediately, Desolation doesn’t need to cheat to take keeps, and I personally despise anyone who even thinks about it. I wasn’t fast enough though, because a few of our people started to wipe Kodash forces and siege on the outer walls, rendering it undefendable by the time another commander arrived on scene, and started sieging.

I personally apologize to Kodash players for this, taking the portal was my fault. We had a fun fight with you at RL and SH, for more than 1 hour straight! I like that! Keep up the good work!

See you on the battlefield.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

What is your Server's Motto?

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Brains over brawls – Desolation [LoR] and pug force

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Talking about Zergs and no tactics Nugos was dancing on DB walls in their own border for half an hour against a force 1/8 of their size You are so terribly advanced we can never keep up with you!

EDIT: Adjusted ratio.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

(edited by Moderator)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


I’m too awesome for WvW appearantly, sorry for the server breaking

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Seafarers, I’m disappointed. The bugged orb helps you unbelievably much, and you go abuse it by taking another, without even trying to take the keep with the bugged orb so it might get fixed. We had great fights, but thanks to the hacking issues, and now this, I’m terribly disappointed in your whole server, honor-wise. (Props to the guild which left the Kodash border last time the hacker broke everything there though, you’re an exception to this.)

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Yeah cause Kodash hacker broke all the altars on Deso borders, and only the Garrison one could be fixed. Hell, at least some divine intervention on our side this time.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Oh and if my predictions are right, they will be on your (SR) server again tomorrow.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation enjoying exploits too much today.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Your point was lost the moment you took on about “defending what hackers got us”. We are sorry we didn’t realize they were the hackers from SR, which got you the orb the first day after we legitimately capped it at DB on Kodash BL. You are defending that. Where is your point then?

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Shame I can’t provide more accurate evidence, but here’s what happened just a few minutes ago at Kodash BL Dreaming Bay. As you all know, DB doesn’t have a cellar for placing our fine wine, so this Kodash guy really went underground, and not like the hipsters these days.

Only thing known for sure is the guild, VII, as can be seen on the picture. We caught 2 mesmers of the same guild just before this guy, killed them both, efficiently denying a portal assault on DB, then he came, destroyed 2 of our Catapults at north gate and started hitting the Keep Lord, then disappeared.

If you think this is unfair as much as I do, find him and disband him, put him on a shame of wall or something. He will get banned eventually, but I bet you don’t want your reputation ruined by that time.

Other than that, thanks to lacking in numbers, we can pretty much only give you a fight at the Kodash BL, our good commanders are here aswell, and you had a taste of our super golem army before

Good hunting


Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Badges - what am I doing wrong?

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725



80 warrior here, never experienced this issue, after having 2.5 kills I have almost 800 badges. I’m never rushing into the killbomb of F-spammers, it’s just a waste of time, not giving you any better chances at the badge drop than others. I usually try to use AoE, or in larger fights I go focusing with rifle and even if the target goes down I continue to finish him/her off with skills instead of Finish. Try to “touch” the most players you can, as Winterwolf above me said, because you don’t need to be the one finishing a kill, you can get loot after a mere 300 basic attack hit, even if the player is already downed.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

..about warrior's Kill shot and downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


I’m a lv 80 full “glasscannon” warrior, with maxed power and critdamage, have a mystic rifle aswell, and the hit with killshot is about right, although I don’t know how he can spam for 1900s with the Down 1. Oh and another note, Killshot goes from full adrenaline for that much, with critdamage and adrenaline damage % traits, which is pretty much a once in every half a min skill, and also, I never actually 1-hit downed anyone with it, and only shoot ~15k into massively undergeared non-80s regardless of my traits and gear, so the issue might be there.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725



Our guild is finally kicking it up as it seems, we found a few new members and working on upgrading already. At the moment we’re not interested in merging, if it changes I’ll inform you, and good luck out there.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


The Arbor GG guild has a somewhat taunting guild name aswell, as if it was brushing it into the nose of our GG. Maybe it’s my imagination, and I don’t care much either, just wanted to add my intel on the topic.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

two servers FR in D1, Bye Bye FS

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Well, FS, if you come D2, expect a nice fight with AR and Deso, we don’t have 40+ nightzergs like VS or AS so you might have more fun against us, and I think we’d too.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Well, Arborstone has a GG tagged guild, but I think that’s just to taunt our GG guild.

On the other note: I’m here to formally announce that a new guild will join the fight: Legacy of Raiders, a newly found WvW guild is stepping up and looking for members, our goal is to take lead on one of the Borderlands and hold the keep (and with it, the orb) closest to our spawn, and, if possible, spread to map domination from there. If you want to hear more details, whisper me ingame (Gray Hatheon or Gray.3725 tag).

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Where is your God now?

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Here’s another one, just for the buglovers. Invis wall’d.


Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Where is your God now?

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Guess someone can see without being a mindreader.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Where is your God now?

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Well…. this is what happened just a few minutes ago, the picture is talking for itself… bugs, bugs everywhere


Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Looking to transfer to short que time

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Desolation has no queues at all. No players either, but that wasn’t the question. Welcome to the world of Nightcapping and Server-Transfer abusement!

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Well, speaking for Desolation and Augury rock now, sleep capping has ruined this week’s WvW on Day 1. Since then, the server transfer option only made it worse, because guilds can freely move to another server (in our case the winning Arborstone), and thus the losers only get more and more buried, I wouldn’t be surprised to see 0 players on Arborstone Borderlands sometime. Actually, as it is now, there are a total of 10 Desolation players facing an army of about 50 at our own tower next to our spawn, camped with siege tech. It demoralized people to the extent of leaving WvW altogether. If you don’t fix it, you lose about HALF of the endgame content you offer, and as sPvP has balance issues aswell, that will mean HALF your playerbase. I know that you don’t care much, as we paid in advance, no monthly fees to keep you fed, but then again, we’d expect some service for our money, rather than saying “Players have to fix this”. It’s just like as if the host or shipping company you buy or host servers from would say: “Oh, that server is broken, but we don’t care, you should fix it!” You can’t, we can’t either, do something about it.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Deny server transfers to servers fighting each other

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Does it really matter? This happens all around, and if it’s not just actual sabotage, people will simply transfer because of the benefits the winning server gets. (Higher points means higher WvW bonuses, more health, more XP, and so on) This then creates an endless supply of troops for the actual winning server, or simply demoralizes the losing ones so the difference just gets worse and worse, until hopefully the next matchup changes it.

EDIT: The ideas are awesome, both the OPs and Jamaz’s.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


That last post gave me an idea, Anet should make the matchmaking consider time-periods when assigning matchups, as in if a server has a constant 350 points in the Midnight to 6AM period server time, it’d get opponents with the same “capabilities”, eg. Nightcappers would face Nightcappers. That’d be a thing to see

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Will a $3000 Graphics Card lag in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Even one of the GTX6 series cards would suffice to play the game on more than enjoyable level.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

I have a few things to say about the [EU] VIZU vs the Rest debacle.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Imagine how hard it is to balance out the server population, and with parts of the world being in a different time zone but still sharing a native language with another, it just becomes that much harder. Just for the sake of argument I will assume it to be true that a majority of the Vizu night force is gmt-8(ish). If I wasn’t allowed to play, or in some other way socialise, with people with whom I share a language I would be pretty upset. Simply because it wouldn’t be fair (i.e equality between human beings). As it stands the game is free of region locks, and I for one think that’s amazing.

Well, my opinion on this, not everyone gets a server with his native language, I’m Hungarian for that case, can you find any [HU]s? I do not mind one bit, before anyone misunderstood, on the other hand, I do mind it that people from another timezone can break the balance in favor of Vizunah. As Desolation mainly has English players as far as I’ve heard, how fun it’d be to call a few Americans over, just to nightcap everything for us. Well, it wouldn’t be. I enjoy fighting for something fair and square, and no offense meant, but other than VS’s main WvW guilds, out of which half are night-timed, noone puts up a fight. They just shift over to nighttime when capping is easy for them, and during daytime they only have to protect fully upgraded keeps, with minimal personell. When it comes down to fighting, daytime VS should be in Tier 4 to 5, while Nighttime VS would be 2 to 3 [Facing Daytime server capacity] but NOWHERE near Tier 1. They are on top just because they have no opposition at night, and THAT is the point I don’t like.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Will a $3000 Graphics Card lag in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


I’m playing on an Acer Aspire 5755G notebook, specs are Core i5 2,3 GHz, GeForce GT 540M, 4GB DDR3, this keeps my FPS stable at 50 outside PvE and inside WvW aswell, unless I run into huge zerging/massive sieging, tends to drop down then, but I do find your card overpriced and unnecessary. Paid $800 for the complete notebook.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Level and Gear

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Well, actually, it highly depends on from what level you are. If you are between 1-30, you gradually have no chance of beating a level 80 player, even if he only has paper sheets on his character.

If you are between 30 and 60, with some very good PvP knowledge you can stand your ground against most, in 1v1 situations that is, but if it comes to group fights, you’ll still die, and players with that shiny green arrow next to their name enjoy going down first in fights, not just because they are easier to kill, but because you are “marked” easier to kill.

From 60 onwards to 80, it pretty much comes down to skill at firsthand, and gear on second, though level 80 full exotics still have the upper hand as I feel.

Summed up, you can still enjoy the World versus World no matter what level you are, as you are bound to bump into enemies near your level, the majority is still not 80 inside WvW, but if you happen to run into a 5v5 with geared 80s, don’t take it out on ArenaNet, you have the chance to be like them too.

Edit: What I forgot to mention is, yes, it is mostly coming down to the advantages of higher level runes/sigils and traits.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Salute to Elona Reach[DE] and Kodash[DE] from Gunnars Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Crying is as far as it goes, we have Arborstone [FR] and Augury Rock [FR], and everyone is crying that they tag-team us JUST LIKE Gunnar’s and Augury last week. It didn’t happen either time, and is an excuse of cowards to leave the already failing WvW effort to die. Thank you very much, see you next time.. NOT.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


THAT? Never took even a camp where I went. Not sure if they were only stragglers or an actual group, but it was really, really weak.

I’ll try and find that zerg you’re talking about, and I look forward to fight VS and FS next week, they give the challenge to WvW we should meet.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Nug’s weak, full of weaklings and low coordination. My strike squad killed half their guild without any help from our zerg. That’s a 5v15+ situation at Hero’s Lodge, while they owned the place and had 2 arrowcarts. They are so bad it hurts.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Rezo I must say you really are paranoid.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


I know we are winning. It’s just that I commented on what the OP said. Then you got involved.

You only win because of nightcapping. Proof here :
Sore winner.

Serves you right for bugging the GH Garrison again. I was there when the orb was “randomly” removed from there and reset. That’s when the Keep Lord bugged the invul, we would have taken that too

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Wv3 Suggested Fixes and Tweaks. The Reasonabe Ones that Is.

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


I see people are complaining about the outmanned buff suggestion, well, here’s to that.

As it is now, it’s totally useless. By giving stats, you think it’d ruin the 1v1 situations.
A possible fix to the 1v1 and smaller group vs smaller group situations considering it’d grant stats is, only assign Outmanned buff with 2 conditions:

- The server has at least 50% less players in that borderland than the most populated one.
- Assign it to zones only, not to the whole map. As in, if Server A is sieging Dreaming Bay outside prime time, and Server B is on low population AND they are greatly outnumbered in the Dreaming Bay zone aswell, they get a stat boost.


Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

WvsW is unplayable because of mesmer portal abuse

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Thing is, whenever I fought Nug members, I was literally laughing at how weak they are.
Now that they are exploiting bugs, I’m laughing even more, but feel a bit sad about it at the same time, ’cause the free kills will be removed by ANet bans.

[/Flaming off]

Back to topic, there IS a perma invis bug that I know of, and that is not caused by slow rendering and unculling, it’s an actual exploit. Just like the Orb bugging/Lord invul exploit/Flyhack, it will get people banned. If you get killed by someone like this, they usually appear after they finish you for a few seconds, use this time to report them. (But first consider if it was a zerg or a single player/small group, because zergs aren’t exploiting the bug, that’s the real rendering issue, the individuals and groups on the other hand do use it)

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation v Augury Rock v Gunnar's Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Gunnar’s nightcapping. The choice of cowards. We will remember that, and play accordingly. Have fun.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Allying in a game that doesn’t balance out if you come with double the numbers. What can I say. Cowards and weaklings should do what they have to, you have no chance playing fair. Now GH is even nightcapping to appear to be pros. Must feel good to hit empty keeps and forts, such a huuuuge challenge. You guys are a disgrace.

Gray – Desolation

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.

Desolation v Augury Rock v Gunnar's Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Gray.3725


Hey Everyone!

Well, where to start this. This is the most ridiculous WvW fight I ever saw. First, the orb on Desolation borderlands bug, granting Augury an orb for the rest of the week, second, as Desolation still overwhelmed both other servers, they tag up against us for days just to take the castle and the orbs we got fair and square, breaking the competitive play in the WvW system.

After this, we still manage to get back our keep and the orb from Gunnar’s Hold at the end of a half-day long back and forth fight, only to lose it in a few hours thanks to Gunnar’s defenders’ exploitation of the bugged Garrison. (They put up 7 trebuchets on the hill to bombard DB outer, and when we went to take them down and capture the Garrison, they just abandoned the place, knowing it couldn’t be captured thanks to the Lord being bugged as usual, and went for DB).

We took the orb back again today, just go get tag-teamed by both servers again, and now Augury took it to their fully upgraded keep, ain’t it fair? I’ll love your faces when, after all this jib-jab, we end up victorious.

As for the developers, after 2 million sold copies, people would expect a fix for at least the major bugs affecting the endgame and high popularity content (including WvW Orb and Lord bug and the constant lag generated on Frostgorge by the bugged Dragon event).

Have a nice day.

Gray Hatheon – 80 Warrior
Legacy of Raiders – [LoR] – Currently recruiting, message me or whisper ingame.