Showing Posts For Griim.5142:

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Griim.5142


For those having issues, my wife and I had to redo this story quest multiple times before we had success. This, however, did not come without having to work around some of the bugs during the quest. For example, the “retaking the docks” portion required us to have to skirt around the large pack of mobs at the bottom of the ramp. None of the NPCs followed us out of the central portion of the fort and there were just way too many for us to handle. So we went around to the right and pulled things singly from the dock (in back) and worked our way back to the ones at the bottom of the ramp. We were able to pull them singly from that location (behind them) until the quest acknowledged we killed a sufficient amount.

Long explanation made short, keep trying and it will work.

Kicked from a dungeon, how to report people?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142



Wouldn’t you feel completely discouraged having received 0 reward, token or otherwise, for the amount of effort you invested just because you weren’t there at the moment the final boss was defeated? Time is a very valuable thing to people and they want to feel as though it was well spent.

Hence the reason I also stated…

And should somebody still be kicked in the same manner, after the final boss is killed, they should still get some kind of compensation. …

My mistake! Same goal, just different approaches. May the one which is easiest to implement win!

Kicked from a dungeon, how to report people?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


…but not awarded until final boss is killed. …

The problem with this approach, which is how it already works, is the number of reasons a player may get 0 tokens: the group is incapable of killing the final boss, the group has been in the dungeon for 3+ hours already and the player needs to log for some reason, the player is disconnected from the game (very likely lately), the other group members abuse the kick vote system, etc.

Wouldn’t you feel completely discouraged having received 0 reward, token or otherwise, for the amount of effort you invested just because you weren’t there at the moment the final boss was defeated? Time is a very valuable thing to people and they want to feel as though it was well spent.

Kicked from a dungeon, how to report people?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


@Blackwyn (I’d quote, but these forums are as buggy as the game and the option is not there)

This is a very legitimate counter point. Unfortunately, it is impossible to design a system which discerns the varying purpose in a player’s decision to kick someone else. Therefore, it is necessary to create a system which is as fair as possible in all cases, this includes handling for exploiting.

I believe my recommended solution(s) above are a very reasonable way to handle these issues and stays true to what, I believe, is ANets vision for GW2’s community. It would encourage you to do what you can to help those other players. Granted, there are some who are beyond help and you do what you can. At the same time, however, there are not many encounters I can think of in an explorable mode which I have not been able to do with 3-4 people.

Game is crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Then you’re experiencing the same thing as many other players, myself included obviously.

Kicked from a dungeon, how to report people?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


I’d prefer a scaling reward per boss; for example, 5 for the first boss you assisted in killing, 15 for the second, and 40 for the third. Each reward is collected upon the boss’s death, resulting in 60 total. Additionally, if you are present for the death of the last boss, you receive the diminishing returns, as normal. This way, if 3 people kick you to bring a friend for just that last boss, their friend is only getting 5, giving them, I hope, much less incentive to kick you.

However, are diminishing returns really the best way to extend play time? I believe this violates one of ANets own statements in their mission statement.

Using a system like this, a player would have far greater incentive to complete the entire dungeon instead. At the same time, this provides some reward to those who contributed along the way and maybe couldn’t complete the dungeon due to difficulty or time constraints.

I also like the idea of random token rewards from trash. I can’t begin to recall how many times I’ve been in groups where some players (often heavy armor “tanks”) want to run through and skip large groups of trash. I, as a mesmer, often die, repeatedly. This is not fun, especially if I must return to a way point at a position earlier in the dungeon than those groups of trash. Putting random tokens on trash would, I hope, provide everyone incentive to kill trash, too.

Perhaps the best solution is to have tokens drops be random throughout the entire dungeon, across all mobs, so that the final tally is equivalent to the currently 60 from the final boss only.

(edited by Griim.5142)

Compounding Power Trait in the Illusions Line

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


I’ve read in multiple places that it does affect Shatters. Sadly, I have not had time to test this myself.

Game is crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Are you overclocking at all? I noticed, via GPU-Z, that when this would occur while playing GW2, my OC settings dropped back to factory defaults. I expect it is due to voltage settings in the BIOS, but I didn’t have the time to adjust and test. Regardless, I am curious if your situation is similar to my own.

Of course, this was my experience before the more recent issue which involves the game’s video freezing entirely (not a black screen), the sound continuing normally, and I’d have to C+A+D and terminate the process.

crash, crash, crash...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


I’ll repeat what I said in another post. This is not a “magical,” and likely not even relevant, solution to everyone’s unique problems. Adjusting the RAM frequency is equivalent to overclocking. If not done properly (ensuring correct voltages, etc.), you are setting people up to have more issues than they already do.

Kicked from a dungeon, how to report people?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Something similar to this happened to me in WoW. We went through the entire dungeon and were fighting through very final event (Wailing Caverns – Murloc boss thing). Just as the Murloc came out of the water, three of the players (all in the same guild/server) voted and kicked me instantly. My wife was also in the group and they did not kick her, for whatever reason. The strange thing about it was that they gained no benefit by kicking me and neither my wife nor I can think of any reason I gave for them to kick me.

I cannot say I’ve ever before and since been that livid about a game and its player base.

Hardware/Driver Statistics request

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


If Steam(?) is using client data to get all of the data points, I can see that as being possible.

It wouldn’t be difficult to have the client collect graphical statistics and forward it onto ANet for them to then use as test case scenarios for improvement areas.

Game looks like in low settings (texture error)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Do you have any custom settings in Catalyst Control Center which may be conflicting with your GW2 settings?

Performance issue-more people the less the GPU works

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


… Its not easy to make an engine for a mmo, that can handle over 50 people on the same screen all shooting of special effects and particles, without significant performance loss.

Did you ever play Dark Age of Camelot during its peak (subscriptions and play time)? Those RvR battles were MASSIVE (3 realms, 50+ players from each, easily) and I cannot recall a single time when my computer couldn’t handle it.

I realize that the graphical requirements of the game/time were less intensive, but so was the capability of the hardware supporting it.

I’d like to see, at a minimum, GW2 on par with that.

Hardware/Driver Statistics request

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142



MasterK is correct in his statement. You have to consider the huge amounts of combinations of motherboards, CPUs, GPU, RAM, PSUs, etc. Then, you have to consider driver versions for all system components and BIOS. Then, you have to consider that some people overclock, some do not. It’s just not reasonable to expect this sort of information.

I imagine that ANet is likely working with a very small subset of CPU & GPU combinations with most other aspects being the same.

Game/Client Crashes [Merged Topics]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


This is not a realistic solution given the circumstances. Simply adjusting the frequency of the RAM (effectively overclocking in some situations) will cause more problems if voltages are not also adjusted accordingly.

(edited by Griim.5142)

Performance issue-more people the less the GPU works

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


You also must consider the bandwidth available between the CPU, GPU, etc. for your system. The GPU will only work at a level it needs to. If the data it receives is far less than it’s capable of handling, you will see a lessening of load. Heed the information of other’s responses.

Norn stuck on loading screen for Snowden Drifts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Happy to help.

Torch Skills - Change Needed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


My biggest issue with The Prestige burn effect is that it, seemingly, does not occur if I am damaged during the stealth duration.

As for the Mage, you have to accept that its damage is indirect through its buff. It will be best utilized when in close combat, particularly in PvP situations.

Norn stuck on loading screen for Snowden Drifts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


At a glance, it seems the issue is with the game itself, which leads me to believe some of the files on your system may be corrupt. Try using the repair tool (

A quick search indicates others experienced this same issue just days before launch and that ANet was investigating it. I could not find whether or not a solution was established.

If the repair does not work, try a reinstall of GW2 and see if you continue to get the error.

My build

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Norn stuck on loading screen for Snowden Drifts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


When you click “Show Details,” what information is provided?

Another option is to right click on “My Computer/Computer” (assuming you use Windows) > Manage > Event Viewer > System

Look for any critical errors (red) which occurred at the same time you attempted to log in and perform a web search for that error or post it here and someone may be able to point you in the right direction.

Are Mantra's way to awkward? (possible improvements)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


EasymodeX, do you feel like you are playing the whack-a-mole more with the mantras then when in combat, especially during long fights?

As I mentioned earlier, my issue with mantras is that they require too much focus, before and during a fight, to use effectively. This detracts from my focus on weapon skills or illusions. Perhaps it is just that I prefer a different play style, which is understandable. Either way, I would enjoy mantras more if they fit in more smoothly with everything else. I think the biggest improvement, for me, would just be to put them on a cooldown rather than requiring the player to keep them charged properly.

Video freeze, sound continues normally (NVIDIA)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142



Is there something in particular you are expecting to find? While Process Explorer seems a useful tool anyway, I hate installing unnecessary software.

That said, I played for 4+ hours last night without issue. This included traveling through 6 different maps, doing a dungeon, and playing in an additional 2 maps on another character. None of those maps, however, involved the Ruins of Orr. Tonight, most likely, I am going to test my theory that the issue is exclusive to Orr. If so, I’m more tempted to think the issue is a corrupt file(s) or something else related to GW2 and those zones. Regardless, if I do experience this issue again, I’ll see what Process Explorer is reporting.

Frame Limiter @ 60, FPS not exceeding 50

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


@wauwi – I’m happy to hear you were able to resolve your issue. I did a complete uninstall and reinstall of the drivers last night before I started playing, so that’s apparently not my issue.

@Jazhara Knightmage – Given the other issue I’ve been having with GW2 lately (video freezing, sound continues normally, must C+A+D to kill process), I’ve been attempting to keep the number of applications affecting the settings for the graphics to a minimum. However, I’ll see what I can do tonight via NVCP and just set GW2 to Unlimited again.

Frame Limiter @ 60, FPS not exceeding 50

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


In the Graphics Options, I have Frame Limiter turned on to 60. My FPS never exceed 50. If I change it to 30, they never exceed 25. Turning it to Unlimited gets me ~200, so I’m guessing this is another bug.

Did GW2 kill my Geforce 460?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142



Before you buy a new video card, I’d recommend putting another one in your machine – an old one you replaced or from a friend – to ensure its a video card issue. There’s no sense in paying for a new card, unless you just don’t care, if you don’t need to.

PC freezes up(Only on GW2)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Why is completely reinstalling the OS almost always the default reaction to these problems? It takes considerably longer than ensuring your video card drivers are up-to-date or coming to these forums to see if others have the same problem with a working solution.

Is this issue exclusive to GW2? You noted GW2 in your title but not whether other 3D games give you similar problems.

As it stands, it seems that something ANet did recently introduced an issue for many players. I am hoping it is “magically” fixed like other recent solutions which have cropped up without declaration.

Weird Lag Issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Define “lag”. Do you mean latency (clicking an action button does nothing for 1+ seconds) or visual lag (frame rates of <30)?

These are very different things with very different solutions.

Did GW2 kill my Geforce 460?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Try uninstalling everything related to your graphics card, doing a registry clean, and reinstalling. There are pages all over the internet on how to do this.

The image you provided is indicative of a failing graphics card, but that should be the last assumption. Are you able to play any other 3D games without issue?

RMB Toggle

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


I imagine something like this will be available soon, as many people have asked for and want the same thing.

You can search for GW2 Combat Mode mod, but ANets stance on its use has been rather contradictory.

"Mesmers do crap DPS" True or False (Not a rant by me)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


I agree with Artereis. Illusions often don’t register objects as something they can attack and will instead just stand there, staring at it. Additionally, some of our weapons seem capable of hitting objects, while others are 50/50.

MeveM, it largely depends on what the person is fighting and where. I have not had a chance to do it yet, but people mention that in sPvP, their damage is often much higher. From personal experience, I have had hits of 2K+ in my personal story against creatures that, outside of it, I hit for tops of 800-1K. My gear is still improving, however, so perhaps those numbers are still possible.

Are Mantra's way to awkward? (possible improvements)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


… The other thing is that mantras can be casted during induction without interrupting… so practically u can cast a mantra while preparing another one (or casting any other skill).

My interpretation of this statement is that all mantras can be charged simultaneously. Is this accurate? If so, it makes mantras a much more appealing option for me. I also don’t know why I haven’t attempted it.

I really need to not read these forums while at work, as now all I want to do is go home and test this.

Are Mantra's way to awkward? (possible improvements)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


I’ll need to play with them more, but my experience has been as follows:

  • Cast time is painfully slow and remembering to charge them is not fun, just put them on a cooldown
  • I’m focusing less on actions 1-5 and more on 6-9, as I am constantly having to check and recharge my mantras
  • Does not feel as though it synergizes well with primary class mechanics (illusions)
  • Effects aren’t appealing enough
  • Recharging every time I zone makes me want to shoot myself in the face

Why you won't anything about the BOTS?!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Wrong forum; this is for technical issues. You might want to post here –

Video freeze, sound continues normally (NVIDIA)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Squall, I welcome you to reread the points “…I do not have this issue on any other character in any other areas…” and “I do not experience this issue with ANY other games…”

Based on your responses to other, similar posts, I do not expect you to give much weight to my latter point, which is your prerogative. Regardless, testing each card separately was one of the first things I did when this began and even before that when I first had SLI issues with this game only. Again, it is irrelevant as this issue arises during play of only GW2 and in only a subset of zones/maps in the game.

Video freeze, sound continues normally (NVIDIA)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Griim.5142


Last week, I began to experience an issue where my video freezes but I can still hear the game sound. The only solution is go into Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and kill the process. This often occurs anywhere between 2 to 60 minutes of play time. Event Viewer identifies this issue as simply a system hang with little other information.

At approximately the same time as last Monday’s patch, I also just began to enter the Ruins of Orr. It is difficult to say whether or not this is coincidence, but as I do not have this issue on any other character in any other areas, I am tempted to believe it is something specific to Ruins of Orr. I have read a few reports of people having somewhat similar issues when switching maps often, but I have this problem even after just a few minutes and not changing maps at all.

All drivers are up-to-date and nothing about my system changed when I first began to experience this problem.

System Specs (best of my remembrance as I am at work):

  • Win 7 64 Bit
  • Intel i7 @ 4.2Ghz
  • 6GB RAM
  • NVIDIA GTX 460 – 850 Mhz Core, 2100 Mhz Shader (2 for SLI, though this also causes issues, so I have been playing with it off)
  • Asus P6x58-P

P.S. I have attempted the solutions recommended for the “black screen” issue, even though it is not the same issue I am experiencing. I have tested all possible video settings (low and high). System temps (CPU and GPU) never exceed 60C at full load.

I do not experience this issue with ANY other games I play (WoW, LoTRO, EverQuest).

(edited by Griim.5142)

Time Warp and Feedback for Ascalonian Catacombs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


Several things:

  • AC remains the most difficult dungeon I have completed, though it does get easier the more times you, and those you go with, have done it. This is true simply because it is often the first real group experience for people and most everyone is coming in there with a full damage build rather than supportive and combinative
  • That particular group of 3 has given trouble to every group I have gone with
  • Ensure someone is marking targets (Ctrl + T) and that everyone focuses fire (T)
  • Feedback and Warden are great against projectile enemies. Depending on what it’s facing, the Warden can easily and very quickly kill enemies which use projectiles. However, if it is being hit by non projectiles, it will die instantly. Enemies often do not fire projectiles quickly enough to kill themselves against Feedback
  • Null Field and the Disenchanter Phants can all be very good in dungeons, as well as the Defender and Arcane Thievery. Null Field is often better than the Disenchanter since the Disenchanter has very few HP and you can combo with the field generated by Null Field

As to Moa vs Time Warp… This is difficult to say. Moa works against almost anything that is not a boss and even some bosses. If your group can focus fire well enough, those 10 seconds of freedom from another enemy can make all the difference. You might consider using it against the Ranger. Time Warp is also good in certain situations.

The real key to remember is that if you’re dead, you’re doing 0 dmg. This is why I often run dungeons with as much utility and damage reduction abilities as possible. If the rest of your group is not, then it’s still going to be difficult to complete.

Phase Retreat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


This occurs for me only when I am on a hill with the up slope at my back or if there is an outcropping behind me and just above my head. This is common and I consider myself lucky when I don’t teleport through the ground instead.

Shatters, Heals, & Reticle Targeting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


With trait XI in the Illusions tree, you can shatter on yourself. To implement your first option, you would rob players who have this trait from the ability to shatter without clones when it could save their life, especially with the F3 or F4 shatters.

Copied from my original post
“…and you do not have the trait Illusionary Persona”

Shatters, Heals, & Reticle Targeting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


if you use shatter without illusions, you only get like 3 sec cooldown

I only see this when I am out of combat, otherwise it has (for me, anyway) always been the full cooldown.

I guess it really all comes down to the fact that there is too much overlap in abilities, items, and traits, and therefore their affect on different playstyles. Perhaps another interface option would be more ideal to disable these things, if you prefer. For my playstyle, I’d prefer to not have these things occur when those conditions aren’t met.

Mesmer Armor&Weapon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


There are two GW2 database sites which you may find helpful; GW2DB and Guildhead.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


I keep reading complaints that as a result of these changes, the time between Phant summons has increased. Am I completely mistaken or is everyone reading the change to Phant “recharge” rate instead as Phant “summon” rate. Unless ANet mistakenly said “recharge,” I think they meant recharge, which therefore has no impact on the cooldown to summon Phants. Recharge rate has always referred to the time between their attacks.

Phantasmal Warlock: Increased recharge to 20 seconds.
Phantasmal Duelist: Increased recharge to 20 seconds.
Phantasmal Swordsman: Increased recharge to 18 seconds.

Regardless of the fact that this change obviously still hurts PvE dps, am I missing something that others are seeing?

Shatters, Heals, & Reticle Targeting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


I am curious to know if others would find the following changes useful? I could not find results via a search, so I apologize if this has already been proposed.

  • Disable shatter skills (F1-F4) from being activated if no illusions exist and you do not have the trait Illusionary Persona
  • Disable the healing skill (6) from activating when full health, or even when you are at 90%+ health

I mention this because I assume that others, like me, occasionally press a button they do not mean to, thereby wasting an ability for its entire duration. Yes, I could be more careful, but there are times when in the heat of battle that fingers are flailing.

  • An option to allow ground target effects (reticle targeting) to occur at my current target. This would not be needed, of course, if something similar to the Combat Mod is implemented.

I mention this because it is sometimes difficult to see where my cursor is (when fast-cast is on) and I do not always place these effects where I mean to. Or, it is just difficult to appropriately target a spot while also moving and looking around.

would Mesmers be over powered if illusions persisted until out of combat?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Griim.5142


wait will clones persist if I switch targets before my first target dies?

Yes. Your clones and phantasms “stick” to targets.

I like to put clones on several different targets and shatter them—it lets you spread out your shatter effects further, or daze multiple targets with Diversion, etc. Or put one phantasm on one target and one phantasm on another to keep one target busy.

An illusion dies when the target it was summoned against dies. For example, if you summon 3 illusions against Target A and then switch to Target B just as A is about to die, all 3 illusions will die with A and leave you with 0 for B. You will need to resummon illusions to assist with B.

The thing about clones (and phantasms) that I think is utterly ridiculous is that they vanish if we lose sight of our target. This makes fighting skelks a SEVERE aggrivation / hazard with my Mesmer.

I target a skelk, Greatsword#2 ability. The skelk may fight the clone for a bit, but as soon as it diverts attention to me it vanishes in a poof… and my clones go right along with him. Quite often my phantasms also disappear at this point.

Someone please tell me this is a bug?

I have this problem most with phantasms but not clones. It is very frustrating, especially for phants with long cooldowns.

As to the original topic, I have always felt this would be a logical and welcomed change. I’d prefer Illusions to function as follows when my target dies and I am still in combat:

  • All but 1 clone disappears, leaving 1 clone if 1 or more exist


  • Phant persists and its recharge timer is reset on Phant target change
  • If Phant target dies before Phant’s first attack and Phant is not shattered, Phant dies as normal and Phant summon timer is reset.