Showing Posts For Gunner.7342:
1 – New Competitive Game Modes
2 – How to bring in new players
3 – New reward system
Are u guys gonna add random map rotation for tournaments?
Is there any reason why don’t we get random map on tournaments? Is it a technical issue or is it a design philosophy?
1) Separate Q and Ladder with Random Maps on tourney
2) New game type
3) Build variety (maybe with new game types some builds that are currently not usefull can have a place on meta)
7) Make maps random on ladder games?
I think this is a very important topic. We could use a new “tip of the iceberg” blog post.
What to expect in the next 3 months?
And then they announce the xpac will have Guild halls, GvG in Gw 1 Format and puft sales goes through the roof lol
1 – the lack of thrill isn’t about the duration of the match.
2 – this alrdy exist, i just think they are not as game changing as they should be.
3 – “kinda” alrdy are
4 – larger maps needs more objectives and possibily more players
5 – personally i agree, but i think the problem isn’t the conquest itself. In my opinion the conquest could be one of many objectives on a map, not the main one. (ex,: You get the mid point for 1 minute, it opens a gate, you get both side points and something spawns for you, however the main objective could be a lord kill or something)
6 – that’s one of the options, a good one actually.
7 – death has a huge penalty, not by itself but in terms of efective points derived from it (time to get back to point, losing a main point, etc).
The most important thing here i think is that Anet needs to decide if they are gonna try to implement another gametype or they are gonna keep the 3 points conquest model.
The idea i have from watching the foruns and the talk ingame is that almost everyone is in favor of a new gametype, be it either Gw 1 GVG or even deathmatch.
Any reason why custom arenas won’t have the ability to toggle the capture points and downed state off?
You should put ALL SPvP matters as top priority, because if you want GW2 to have a feature, you must do it. Otherwise it will die very soon. Everyone is saying that, because it is sooooo obvious.
I do not doubt you’re working, but you are working slow with wrong priorities. Wake up.Working on every PvP feature we want concurrently is obviously not feasible. Everything must have a different priority. Dueling is a feature that could happen anywhere in the game, and could be picked up by a team other than the sPvP team. As far as our team’s priorities go, dueling is certainly not above custom arenas, spectators, shout casting, split queues, etc. I know everyone may want a specific feature first like dueling, and it sucks we can’t please everybody at once, but that’s the priority we’re working with.
So are queues splits coming eventually?
Players can run deathmatch tournaments with custom arena. What we need first are the features.
Custom Arena – Ability to toggle capture points
Observer Mode – Able to observer official matches and matches in CA if the owner allows it
Solo/Team Que/Leaderboards – this is simply a must
After that Anet can choose which game type suits more for their competitive scene and focus on it.
We could ask for so many things but so we can be realistic:
1 – Solo/Duo Que and Ladder
2 – Ele toned down a bit and warrior buffed – other little class balances as we always get
Someone should do another survey about the Solo or Duo Q / Ladder
And well it’s as important to make a way to distinguish teams and make a ladder for it. I really wish they would just make u register a team with like 10 spots or so.
Could Work like this:
People who Solo/Duo Q would be paired with and against others that did the same.
People who group Q would be paired with other group Q. If in this group, 4 ou more members were from the same team, then it would give ratings to that team, if not it wouldnt give ratings. People would make teams, but if some friends from diferent teams would want to group up, they would still have nice matched against other groups, not faceroll pugs.
Tyler, thanks a lot. This is the kind of comunication we always expected from you guys.
when it’s ready
they need team ratings and separate out solo, otherwise the boards are a joke. say some guy plays on a team and is undefeated vs all the top teams, then during the day he solo queues, he will never be top 100 ever even though he plays on the best team.
This. At the end of the day Anet isn’t promoting playing the game when solo cause people doesnt like to lose rank.
Solo/Duo Que
Team Que (3-5)
Would be cool if we could toggle the side points off. Since we prolly can set a max number of players to like 6 and do 3×3 or so, which i think could really help get people back to the game.
The idea is with custom + observer the players can generate content, that way Anet can focus on balancing, making big monthly tournaments, and so on.
1 – Add Ranking (one for solo que, other for guilds), Spectator and Custom Arena (make so people can play deathmatches on them if they want).
2 – Announce a Big Tournament with $ prize that will occur in 2 months time.
3 – Make Mists F2P with the possibility to make 2 chars.
4 – Make a Tutorial in game so that a new player knows where to buy sigils, runes, weapon sets and stuff.
5 – Allow players to make templates for their builds, maybe have like 3 beginners templates that new players can choose from at first.
These steps will make GW 2 popular in no time.
4 – Add cosmetic armor on cash shop
5 – Add finishers
So it looks like we got a confirmed date for the next “big” update. So which pvp features do you guys think will become available?
Custom arenas should prolly make it, but what else?
Can we have any blog post, or a position about it?