Showing Posts For Halmo.8619:
Anet let us use our frames, I feel cheated saved my Ventari Frame all year and 200 cogs and what do they give us? Some kittenty box where we can only pick one mini and my frame is useless. Can we get an answer whether we should just scrap this?
When/why was the minimap rotation toggle disabled for pvp matches? It is really annoying to someone who always plays with map on rotate. I don’t really see a reason for disabling a toggle that was there before.
Is this thread serious? The beard is one thing and it may just be an issue with preview. But the clipping so so minor, how could you even complain about that.
I came here to post the same thing, it would be awesome to play the Survival game in a guild hall with just guild members
For the past month this issue has been getting worse it seems. I keep crashing and the log says that it is because memory could not be written at a specific address and it has this reason every time. Anyone else been having this problem, it might also be important that I have 2 monitors and use the browser while the game is running. I attached my log file.
I have also been having crashing issues a lot lately and it just started mid April I would say. Before that I never crashed.
This doesn’t happen for me when I click off screen it just takes focus off the game. It is probably something to do with your computer set up not really the game.The only way to prevent clicking off screen is to use full screen.
People complain about updates in content what is the gaming world coming too.. So what when you get max armor and stuff and play for a while with that don’t you want something else to look forward to upgrade too? Would life be fun if you only had to obtain your wants once and they never increased?
Accidentally demoted myself to Member in my own guild
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
So you asked the guy you accidently made the leader to give you the leadership back and he won’t?
Here is a wallpaper I made that mixes a bunch of official wallpapers into a Grand Theft Auto wallpaper design. Hope you guys like it.
I am pretty desapointed about NCSOFT security breach, My brother got hacked as well, and i got hacked as well, they got our password and account name from SOMEWHERE INSIDE the website due high security breach, I dont know what they are waiting for to give back player account, It been 3 days my brother lost his account and they never reply, I am getting lots of stupid hacked account GOLD SELLER spawn in my email in-game, instead of working on stupid ingame exploit work on getting people account back, I seem angry still i am just pretty desapointed and i would have expected more form this compagny. And wtf is this, no email notify on email change? is this a joke? Those your webmaster event know what he s doing? Even there first email notify to respond on the first 3 days was broke, i knew all this would happen.
It came from somewhere inside the website eh? What you talked to the guy that hacked your account? What do you and your brother use the same computer? Yes? Most likely a key logger on your own computer.
Was issued a week ban couple of days ago, but that’s not my issue.
Now upon attempting to loggin I am receiving a different error message,
“Account suspended for inappropriate language. Access will be restored in approximately X hour[s].[[en.ERROR_ACCOUNT_BLOCK_PERMANENT_SUSPENSION_FOOTER]]”
Obviously, the part that concerns me is the account permanent suspension bit. I am confused as to if this message applies, or is simply here by error? If anyone could shed some light on this that would be great. Thanks in advance
Attachment related, the error messageWe are working on the in-game messages, and clearly we have a way to go to get them settled in properly.
Apologies for the unclear message. Obviously if there’s a timer, you’ll be allowed back in the game in XX hours. Ignore the “footer” stuff — that just should not be there at all.
And forgive me if I’m intruding, but if you were blocked twice for langauge, enough to earn a 2-week suspension, I really hope you’ll tone it done a bit. Account marks are kept on file, and with enough of them, an account could be terminated. I know you don’t want that, and neither do we want to be in the position to be forced to take such an action on your (or anyone’s) account.
Do you actually get your account terminated for 3 offenses? If so hopefully the reset period on marks is like a year.
To report a gold sale person I believe you have to add them to your ignore list and then right click them on the ignore list and say report.
Can you please fix this quick? I've served my time.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
What she meant was that the term is not ban unless it is permanent, if you get a 3 day or 2 week it is called a suspension. She mentioned in another thread that the way it works is if you get reported for 2 separate incidents around the same time, they will stack and your 1 mark will stack to 2 marks which gets you a 2 week ban before you even saw the first 3 day ban.
Guild Wars 2 ArenaNet worst account security EVER.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Correction: The confirmation goes to the new email address which seems pointless and to the old email address you get an email that says we hope it was actually you who changed the email address. I already made a post about this but it got locked. I hope this gets changed in the future
(edited by Halmo.8619)
Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Ya I their “non-existent” automatic banning system seems to be acting up.
CPU is really important for guild wars 2, do not get an i3, i suggest getting an i5 3570k that’s what I have, it is probably your best bet for your money. A GTX560 should be fine, can’t comment on the ATI since I am not very familiar with them but Nvidia has a better rep in the gaming community than ATI. I built my PC for $1000 (Canadian):
i5 3570k @ 3.4 Ghz
8gb @ 1600Mhz RAM
GTX 570 HD 2.5gb RAM
500GB Caviar Blue (they were sold out of the black…)
Stock Heatsink (you only need aftermarket if you are going to OC)
775W Power Supply
Oh and I run at a constant 60fps with v-sync and doesn’t dropped too much off that in heavy WvWvW.
Oh, ya something must have messed up when it linked it should say Undefined: “Your Email” not “account”.
When you got to link accounts on the guild wars 2 page does it actually show that it is linked? I know when I linked mine pretty much right away my old address said the long error I believe since it was no longer in the database, but my address from GW2 said invalid password.
That happend for me when I first linked my account I couldn’t log into GW1 with my GW2 info. It took a few hours and then I was able to, just wait a bit and see if the issue is resolved.
Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
me too for this one.
AUG 30
Yours says An error in authentication? That doesn’t sound like a ban/suspension and that end part just where it says ACCOUNT_BLOCK_PERMANENT_SUSPENSION_FOOTER just started today for some reason after an update don’t think its supposed to show there.
Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Hmm, that sucks at least mine says for “Inappropriate Language” but maybe it’s because mine’s just a suspension. Good luck though, there are people who have been waiting over a week to hear about getting their perma-bans resolved.
Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Is there a reason given for the ban when you try to log in?
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
I honestly don’t understand how a game that has a chat filter (one you can disable yea) has such a aggresive behaviour policy.
Look I didn’t get banned, nor did I ever have any problems with GM’s or people in similar positions, though reading through this chat I have 0, zero, nill confidence in the ability of Anet to reasonable deal with a MMO community.
No, what we had in GW1 was not and I repeat NOT an MMO community.
I’m going to agree with many people around here and say that eventhough GW2 as a game is supreme, but the community handling is not going well.Twitter, reddit, facebook, bans for unthinkable things in MMo terms, these things do not bode well. And I say this as a big fan of GW2.
Thank you for your time.
Bans for unthinkable things? What unthinkable things are you referring to?
Obviously he is referring to use of the english language.
My family and I pre-purchased three guild wars 2 accounts the Saturday night before launch—which was awesome, we had a great time playing together. Unfortunately, last Saturday (9/1/2012) my sister’s account was disabled.
When she tries to provide her account’s password, an error message appears that says that that email address is not on file. When I tried to reregister her account using the serial number we have for the digital download, we receive a message saying that that particular serial code has already been registered. When I asked her to sign into her original Guild Wars 1 (not GW2), it does not recognize her account.
Is her account lost? Is it disabled? I can’t even get into her account to change her email address.
The other two pre-purchases (which we bought through best buy online) have been working fine.
I can provide her email address, serial code for our game registration, etc. as needed.
Thanks in advance!
It sounds like your account was accessed by someone else and they changed the email address on you. The system is kind of strange if someone has access to your account they can change the email address without verifying the change on the original address first. You should open a ticket with support, I don’t think they can help you here unless you first have a ticket number and have not heard back from support.
Ya, probably 50% of the game will be banned for langauge at least once in the next few months. Apparently A-Net lives in the 50s.
They don’t live in the 50s you wouldn’t go into a restaurant and scream profanity so you shouldn’t in open chat either. And if you WOULD do that the restaurant is well within their rights to make you leave, in fact they are within their rights to tell you to never come back.
The problem is the generation of people that think they should get to do or say whatever they want in public without any responsibility or repercussions.
Edit:fixed typo
I never screamed any profanity I just said it I didn’t use capitals and I don’t get how you kittens don’t understand that language changes over time it has nothing to do with people acting out or anything. When most people use a word that you would consider “inappropriate” they mean nothing by it it is just like any other word in the english dictionary.
Ya, probably 50% of the game will be banned for langauge at least once in the next few months. Apparently A-Net lives in the 50s.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
I applaud ArenaNet for bringing down the hammer on immaturity and inappropriate behavior in a MMO.
This type of moderation has been severely lacking in MMO’s, for once I don’t have to turn off chat and people will be talking about the game or other topics like mature and respectable adults.
WoW has spawned a breed of human that thinks they can say whatever they want online, with no ramifications. Hopefully this is a good wake up call for them.
What you people don’t understand is that you can troll without doing anything against their terms of use and without getting banned. Trolling is what you seem to dislike in MMO’s but it will still exist.
Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Sucks man, I got a 3 day ban and I am off this week too.
How is Adolph Healer even a racial slur? Adolph is a legitimate name.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
In the real world, if you were in an establishment that had a clearly posted “no profanity” rule, and clearly posted consequences for violating that rule, and you proceeded to curse, you would be subject to the posted consequences.
Just like in GW2.
I have yet to see such a sign posting no profanity.
Bahaha! A no profanity sign? What? That would end up on for sure.
I just changed my email address to a new email address that I created just for this game as suggested by the team to make sure your account is safe. But to my surprise you do not have to verify the change via the old email address only on the new email address. How does that even make sense? If someone has access to your account all they need to do is change your email and say goodbye to your account. It should be the other way around, when you change your email the request should be sent to the old email address so that someone needs access to your email account before being able to completely take your account.
(edited by Halmo.8619)
Wait, it’s not automatic when your ban period is up?? I have 21 hours left, so when that runs out it just says 0 hours and you have to wait for someone to physically press a button to unban you? What? I better be able to get back on when it hits 0 hours alreadykitten off that I got a 3 day ban for “Inappropriate Language”.
Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
I love how everyone thinks they are more important then the next. Since you just filed you ticket you are going to have to wait like everyone else.
I bought my CE from Gamestop, and when I got home, opened the box and tried to apply the serial, it said it was already applies, and I’ve never gotten the grace period over on that account. Are you getting the “Grace Period Over” screen? or are you still able to play?
p.s. my in box code was IDENTICAL to the one I got for open beta’s on my ticket from GS…. still not quite sure how they did that.
I’m gettin “Grace Period Has Ended.” Did you pick up or get delivered? Mine was delivered….
Thank you GaileGray for answering. I have sent you a PM clarifying, hopefully, my issue.
I’m getting the same thing this morning. I didn’t even purchase retail I purchased the base digital edition. I didn’t think we needed to add another code?
EDIT: It only came up once when I restarted it went away.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Block lists generally have a limit on the number of people that can be blocked.
Right-clicking on player names doesn’t always work (in WvWvW, for example).
Neither the “ignore” feature nor the profanity filter are excuses for poor behavior, as stated several times here and in other venues by ArenaNet staff.
but you see it’s also poor behavior for blocking someone, and then reporting them for some sort of temporal outburst. You are acting like you have never had an outburst of your own. Everyone acts poorly from time to time, that includes you. Should I follow you around and wait for your outburst to happen and then /report you?
I simply cannot fathom why it is so difficult for some people to comport themselves when in a public setting, whether that’s at the mall or in the public sections of a multiplayer game.
Reporting someone’s poor behavior isn’t poor behavior. Quite the opposite.
Try and report me for cussing in the mall. If it’s an isolated incident they’ll probably just laugh at you.
If you’re wandering through the mall cussing at strangers, I can assure you no one will have to report you. You’ll be taken into custody and escorted off the property.
No one swares at random strangers even in the game. They sware at:
1. Friends
2. People they are argueing with.You never see someone just walking around just calling random people names, it doesn’t happen.
If it’s in public chat, it’s going to everyone, regardless of who you it was intended for.
Ya but if its not directed to you mind your own business, pretty much how the world works.
Agreed to TOS…
You do not own the intellectual property its not like cursing in your house. There is no bill of rights in the game… you agreed not to curse and to the repercussions of such in the TOS. A.K.A. your contract for the rental/use of someone else’s property.
Their TOS is too open ended and is to the reader’s (or the Mod’s) discretion as to what is “inappropriate” what I think is inappropriate is not what others may think.
If you have to stop and think about what you are going to say don’t say it. Racism and Foul Language have no place in a community game’s public chat. Maybe with your guildmates… but public chat affects everyone.
But that’s the problem and how people get banned. They are used to talking in certain ways and they don’t stop to think and get banned. That’s how I got banned, you get in an argument and bam you just type and hit enter. Then a bunch of people with virgin eyes report you because the stars hurt their eyes or something.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Block lists generally have a limit on the number of people that can be blocked.
Right-clicking on player names doesn’t always work (in WvWvW, for example).
Neither the “ignore” feature nor the profanity filter are excuses for poor behavior, as stated several times here and in other venues by ArenaNet staff.
but you see it’s also poor behavior for blocking someone, and then reporting them for some sort of temporal outburst. You are acting like you have never had an outburst of your own. Everyone acts poorly from time to time, that includes you. Should I follow you around and wait for your outburst to happen and then /report you?
I simply cannot fathom why it is so difficult for some people to comport themselves when in a public setting, whether that’s at the mall or in the public sections of a multiplayer game.
Reporting someone’s poor behavior isn’t poor behavior. Quite the opposite.
Try and report me for cussing in the mall. If it’s an isolated incident they’ll probably just laugh at you.
If you’re wandering through the mall cussing at strangers, I can assure you no one will have to report you. You’ll be taken into custody and escorted off the property.
No one swares at random strangers even in the game. They sware at:
1. Friends
2. People they are argueing with.You never see someone just walking around just calling random people names, it doesn’t happen.
If it’s in public chat, it’s going to everyone, regardless of who you it was intended for.
Ya but if its not directed to you mind your own business, pretty much how the world works.
Agreed to TOS…
You do not own the intellectual property its not like cursing in your house. There is no bill of rights in the game… you agreed not to curse and to the repercussions of such in the TOS. A.K.A. your contract for the rental/use of someone else’s property.
Their TOS is too open ended and is to the reader’s (or the Mod’s) discretion as to what is “inappropriate” what I think is inappropriate is not what others may think.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Block lists generally have a limit on the number of people that can be blocked.
Right-clicking on player names doesn’t always work (in WvWvW, for example).
Neither the “ignore” feature nor the profanity filter are excuses for poor behavior, as stated several times here and in other venues by ArenaNet staff.
but you see it’s also poor behavior for blocking someone, and then reporting them for some sort of temporal outburst. You are acting like you have never had an outburst of your own. Everyone acts poorly from time to time, that includes you. Should I follow you around and wait for your outburst to happen and then /report you?
I simply cannot fathom why it is so difficult for some people to comport themselves when in a public setting, whether that’s at the mall or in the public sections of a multiplayer game.
Reporting someone’s poor behavior isn’t poor behavior. Quite the opposite.
Try and report me for cussing in the mall. If it’s an isolated incident they’ll probably just laugh at you.
If you’re wandering through the mall cussing at strangers, I can assure you no one will have to report you. You’ll be taken into custody and escorted off the property.
No one swares at random strangers even in the game. They sware at:
1. Friends
2. People they are argueing with.You never see someone just walking around just calling random people names, it doesn’t happen.
If it’s in public chat, it’s going to everyone, regardless of who you it was intended for.
Ya but if its not directed to you mind your own business, pretty much how the world works.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Block lists generally have a limit on the number of people that can be blocked.
Right-clicking on player names doesn’t always work (in WvWvW, for example).
Neither the “ignore” feature nor the profanity filter are excuses for poor behavior, as stated several times here and in other venues by ArenaNet staff.
but you see it’s also poor behavior for blocking someone, and then reporting them for some sort of temporal outburst. You are acting like you have never had an outburst of your own. Everyone acts poorly from time to time, that includes you. Should I follow you around and wait for your outburst to happen and then /report you?
I simply cannot fathom why it is so difficult for some people to comport themselves when in a public setting, whether that’s at the mall or in the public sections of a multiplayer game.
Reporting someone’s poor behavior isn’t poor behavior. Quite the opposite.
Try and report me for cussing in the mall. If it’s an isolated incident they’ll probably just laugh at you.
If you’re wandering through the mall cussing at strangers, I can assure you no one will have to report you. You’ll be taken into custody and escorted off the property.
No one swares at random strangers even in the game. They sware at:
1. Friends
2. People they are argueing with.
You never see someone just walking around just calling random people names, it doesn’t happen.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
You see people, this goes both ways, you can’t have ArenaNet be ban happy, and not have potential customers who are looking into the game not have room for concern.
There are also those customers (who I’d argue are much larger in number) who typically avoid MMOs due to the childish and immature behavior allowed in them by the companies that run them. Those consumers may well welcome these actions and view them as a breath of fresh air in the MMO community, and flock to ArenaNet in droves.
Are we talking about the 35+ plus community here? But then again even some of them could care less.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
People who use lousy language need to grow up, and people offended by it need to grow up and just block the person and go on their way.This isn’t really and that bad motive for reports, unless it’s global chat or it is serious ofenses I would like ANet to ignore thoose reports since the is an IGNORE BUTTON.
Except “lousy language” isn’t really “lousy language” its just the way language has evolved. Language changes over time and the only people saying grow up are the ones that are still living in the past. Saying things like crap and even butt where heavily frowned upon even like 15 years ago but now no one even flinches if someone says a word like that. It’s how language changes and A-Net just seems to be a bit behind the times where other companies are more lenient.
I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
If you guys give me the character name, I’ll post what you said.
Can you tell me what I said, my character name was Halmo.
The difference in drops was probably just where he was some areas have a higher drop rate than others. Also the thing that shows the items on the site when you autoloot has nothing to do with your version I just have the basic pre-purchase and it shows up like that for me.
What are we losing by keeping the language civil?
Our personality maybe.
No it is not good at all. There are two sides to everything maybe you don’t like using some words, but others do and not being able to is just lame. Saying the smallest things and getting banned for 72 hours is not cool at all. You are probably one of the people that report someone for something like this, grow up and learn that not everyone reads the bible everyday.
(edited by Halmo.8619)
3 days is even excessive for a first offense of “Inappropriate Language” but 2 weeks someone must have clicked the wrong button on their ban hammer.
Well, I really don't know how to describe this. Please help?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
Have you checked your FPS? Since it is loading slow it could be lag from your internet. You should try disabling your firewall and playing.
Ya, I agree. I mean I’m pretty sure I know what I did. But in most games you get something showing what you did to get banned. Here they just ban you and give a generic reason when you try to log in.