Showing Posts For Havok.6073:
Anyways my issue with conditions being so strong is that they invalidate so many traits and builds. With power damage you can compensate by proper positioning, line of sight, well timed dodges, while conditions it’s always which skills well give me the most cleanse, and it’s created this weird meta were you really don’t care which condition you do you (save for burns) you care how many conditions you do, or you bring all the cleanse you can. (Most condis are aoe too so your going to get hit and once your hit your hit)
Yet another issue is if you get a ping spike, while your lagging the condis are still kittening you up horribly
Yet another issue is the condition meta makes conditions loose some if their uniqueness, remember when torment and confusion would only hurt you if you over or used a skill thus making you want to stay still that’s an example of actually interesting play.
Now it’s how many I can do at once, hell most fights now I’m looking at my buff bar more than the enemy player (when you have to stand on point and most condis are aoes with classes that can blink your going to get hit)
PS why did they have to change the zerker meta everyone loved it and condis were still there back in day people would actually run hybrids
This post sums up the current PVP experience in a perfect manner. I miss the days when people had to use their reflexes and thinking, instead of slapping some aoe crap on a point and reap in the rewards. Condis should be a secondary source of damage, something that punishes you if you are careless, not something that bursts you down, that’s power’s function. Anet really messed up.
Yes please….i miss Town Clothing so much. Bring them back as outfits if you must, but the tonic solution is completely absurd. Please? Oh and swimming trunks/speedos, what have you, so we can all go on vacation with the Karka ^^
What in the flying.. In what world aren’t condition bursts about as telegraphed as any physical bursts. When did you ever experience a condition-build compete with the ludicrous damage dealt by let’s say a Thief doing the good old Mug > Cloak and Dagger > Backstab > Heartseeker combo over the span of about a second, maybe three? Sure, you can mitigate it through quick reaction and anticipation, but that freaking goes for condition applications too. You can dodge the application of a condition, it needs to bloody hit you. You can evade the application. You can block the application of a condition. You can invulnerability block the application. (Unless there’s Unblockable effects in play of course.) A whole lot of burst application comes from fields too, specific locations that you can avoid or at least get out of before they start to properly hurt.
When I am facing a Power-based build, my mitigation are dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position myself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Protection and then some. There is practically no difference when it comes to facing Condition-based builds. You use dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position yourself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Resistance (which trumps Protection with it negating the damage completely) and then some. When I am out of the majority of my mitigation against a Power-based build, I’m certainly getting hit with more physical damage right after to finish me off.
Yeah, I know, it’s baffling really.
A general misconception seems to be that conditions just take form spontaneously. Perhaps viruses are spreading conditions?
This leads me to believe that my earlier theory is correct and a lot of people simply don’t pay attention to the attacks that apply conditions because the immediate, power damage they take from those is low and then they’re shocked and amazed when conditions down them.
I’m more baffled that you think any skill that applies conditions is as visible as ..let’s say Eviscerate, during the general chaos and visual effects of melee. My toon has to leap, spin and land one of the slowest and most telegraphed attacks in the whole game while my opponent does what…raise a hand? Two?
This theory of yours doesn’t really have any legs to stand on i’m afraid.If you’re talking about big telegraphed attacks then why not talk about Flurry? That’s a big condi warrior finisher applies a bunch of bleeds very telegraphed, roots the caster and channels.
If you’re talking about an attack that just raises a hand then what about the mantras that have just that, mesmer Power Spike, for example.
You seem to be implying that there’s some kind of rule here where conditions are applied through sneaky attacks but power attacks are somehow more honest. There isn’t, big attacks tend to have more obvious telegraphs regardless of whether they do Power or Condition damage. Small attacks like weapon auto attacks tend to have less obvious telegraphs regardless of whether they apply a single condition or do a moderate amount of damage.
Yeah, I think your lending weight to my theory not disproving it in any way.
Think what you will, the majority of condi is applied without a big animation and you know it. Care to tell me how many conditions are applied through Signet of Spite? And how long is that animation again? Take your time. Oh and don’t take Warrior as a condi example, it’s the least successful class in applying condis, it’s not even in the current meta, and you know it.
Think what you will, but the majority of conditions are applied with just as big an animation as the majority of power damage and you know it.
No signet has any animation worth talking about and you know it, regardless of whether they’re giving you a power boost for a power spike, stunning or knocking down your foe or applying conditions. Also Signet of Spite is not even used in the current meta builds so by the same rules that you used to dismiss warrior’s Flurry it means it’s not relevant and you know it.
It’s easy to pick a single skill and claim that that’s somehow representative of all skills so let’s see, let’s take thief backstab? Backstab has a massive power damage spike without any visible animation at all and you know it. If I follow your tactics, from that single attack I can state that no power skills have any visible animations at all and you know it.
Wow that “and you know it” stuff works just as well (or badly) for me as it does for you. And you know it.
My bad, you clearly don’t know it.
I really can’t discuss with someone so desperately clinging to his lazy playstyle. Keep thinking that a “condi burst” is something legit. Conditions are meant to be DoTs, they are not working as they should but hey, it’s not me who’s going around as a paper tiger.It’s you, and you know …nah, you don’t. Peace.Actually I play power thief and elementalist. Not condi apart from blinds and vulnerability, I just understand the game a bit better than you do. Good job though, you’ve moved onto the “I can’t win so I’m going to declare that you’ve lost because you’re unteachable” stage right on schedule.
Edit in spvp and WvW I mean, in PvE I play everything.
yawn Still yapping i see. Wake me when you get off the soapbox , or you start making sense. In the meantime, enjoy seeing how many people agree with me Go play “everything” , you are going to drown here. Ta.
What in the flying.. In what world aren’t condition bursts about as telegraphed as any physical bursts. When did you ever experience a condition-build compete with the ludicrous damage dealt by let’s say a Thief doing the good old Mug > Cloak and Dagger > Backstab > Heartseeker combo over the span of about a second, maybe three? Sure, you can mitigate it through quick reaction and anticipation, but that freaking goes for condition applications too. You can dodge the application of a condition, it needs to bloody hit you. You can evade the application. You can block the application of a condition. You can invulnerability block the application. (Unless there’s Unblockable effects in play of course.) A whole lot of burst application comes from fields too, specific locations that you can avoid or at least get out of before they start to properly hurt.
When I am facing a Power-based build, my mitigation are dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position myself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Protection and then some. There is practically no difference when it comes to facing Condition-based builds. You use dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position yourself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Resistance (which trumps Protection with it negating the damage completely) and then some. When I am out of the majority of my mitigation against a Power-based build, I’m certainly getting hit with more physical damage right after to finish me off.
Yeah, I know, it’s baffling really.
A general misconception seems to be that conditions just take form spontaneously. Perhaps viruses are spreading conditions?
This leads me to believe that my earlier theory is correct and a lot of people simply don’t pay attention to the attacks that apply conditions because the immediate, power damage they take from those is low and then they’re shocked and amazed when conditions down them.
I’m more baffled that you think any skill that applies conditions is as visible as ..let’s say Eviscerate, during the general chaos and visual effects of melee. My toon has to leap, spin and land one of the slowest and most telegraphed attacks in the whole game while my opponent does what…raise a hand? Two?
This theory of yours doesn’t really have any legs to stand on i’m afraid.If you’re talking about big telegraphed attacks then why not talk about Flurry? That’s a big condi warrior finisher applies a bunch of bleeds very telegraphed, roots the caster and channels.
If you’re talking about an attack that just raises a hand then what about the mantras that have just that, mesmer Power Spike, for example.
You seem to be implying that there’s some kind of rule here where conditions are applied through sneaky attacks but power attacks are somehow more honest. There isn’t, big attacks tend to have more obvious telegraphs regardless of whether they do Power or Condition damage. Small attacks like weapon auto attacks tend to have less obvious telegraphs regardless of whether they apply a single condition or do a moderate amount of damage.
Yeah, I think your lending weight to my theory not disproving it in any way.
Think what you will, the majority of condi is applied without a big animation and you know it. Care to tell me how many conditions are applied through Signet of Spite? And how long is that animation again? Take your time. Oh and don’t take Warrior as a condi example, it’s the least successful class in applying condis, it’s not even in the current meta, and you know it.
Think what you will, but the majority of conditions are applied with just as big an animation as the majority of power damage and you know it.
No signet has any animation worth talking about and you know it, regardless of whether they’re giving you a power boost for a power spike, stunning or knocking down your foe or applying conditions. Also Signet of Spite is not even used in the current meta builds so by the same rules that you used to dismiss warrior’s Flurry it means it’s not relevant and you know it.
It’s easy to pick a single skill and claim that that’s somehow representative of all skills so let’s see, let’s take thief backstab? Backstab has a massive power damage spike without any visible animation at all and you know it. If I follow your tactics, from that single attack I can state that no power skills have any visible animations at all and you know it.
Wow that “and you know it” stuff works just as well (or badly) for me as it does for you. And you know it.
My bad, you clearly don’t know it.
I really can’t discuss with someone so desperately clinging to his lazy playstyle. Keep thinking that a “condi burst” is something legit. Conditions are meant to be DoTs, they are not working as they should but hey, it’s not me who’s going around as a paper tiger.It’s you, and you know …nah, you don’t. Peace.
What in the flying.. In what world aren’t condition bursts about as telegraphed as any physical bursts. When did you ever experience a condition-build compete with the ludicrous damage dealt by let’s say a Thief doing the good old Mug > Cloak and Dagger > Backstab > Heartseeker combo over the span of about a second, maybe three? Sure, you can mitigate it through quick reaction and anticipation, but that freaking goes for condition applications too. You can dodge the application of a condition, it needs to bloody hit you. You can evade the application. You can block the application of a condition. You can invulnerability block the application. (Unless there’s Unblockable effects in play of course.) A whole lot of burst application comes from fields too, specific locations that you can avoid or at least get out of before they start to properly hurt.
When I am facing a Power-based build, my mitigation are dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position myself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Protection and then some. There is practically no difference when it comes to facing Condition-based builds. You use dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position yourself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Resistance (which trumps Protection with it negating the damage completely) and then some. When I am out of the majority of my mitigation against a Power-based build, I’m certainly getting hit with more physical damage right after to finish me off.
Yeah, I know, it’s baffling really.
A general misconception seems to be that conditions just take form spontaneously. Perhaps viruses are spreading conditions?
This leads me to believe that my earlier theory is correct and a lot of people simply don’t pay attention to the attacks that apply conditions because the immediate, power damage they take from those is low and then they’re shocked and amazed when conditions down them.
I’m more baffled that you think any skill that applies conditions is as visible as ..let’s say Eviscerate, during the general chaos and visual effects of melee. My toon has to leap, spin and land one of the slowest and most telegraphed attacks in the whole game while my opponent does what…raise a hand? Two?
This theory of yours doesn’t really have any legs to stand on i’m afraid.If you’re talking about big telegraphed attacks then why not talk about Flurry? That’s a big condi warrior finisher applies a bunch of bleeds very telegraphed, roots the caster and channels.
If you’re talking about an attack that just raises a hand then what about the mantras that have just that, mesmer Power Spike, for example.
You seem to be implying that there’s some kind of rule here where conditions are applied through sneaky attacks but power attacks are somehow more honest. There isn’t, big attacks tend to have more obvious telegraphs regardless of whether they do Power or Condition damage. Small attacks like weapon auto attacks tend to have less obvious telegraphs regardless of whether they apply a single condition or do a moderate amount of damage.
Yeah, I think your lending weight to my theory not disproving it in any way.
Think what you will, the majority of condi is applied without a big animation and you know it. Care to tell me how many conditions are applied through Signet of Spite? And how long is that animation again? Take your time. Oh and don’t take Warrior as a condi example, it’s the least successful class in applying condis, it’s not even in the current meta, and you know it.
What in the flying.. In what world aren’t condition bursts about as telegraphed as any physical bursts. When did you ever experience a condition-build compete with the ludicrous damage dealt by let’s say a Thief doing the good old Mug > Cloak and Dagger > Backstab > Heartseeker combo over the span of about a second, maybe three? Sure, you can mitigate it through quick reaction and anticipation, but that freaking goes for condition applications too. You can dodge the application of a condition, it needs to bloody hit you. You can evade the application. You can block the application of a condition. You can invulnerability block the application. (Unless there’s Unblockable effects in play of course.) A whole lot of burst application comes from fields too, specific locations that you can avoid or at least get out of before they start to properly hurt.
When I am facing a Power-based build, my mitigation are dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position myself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Protection and then some. There is practically no difference when it comes to facing Condition-based builds. You use dodges, evade skills, blocks, invulnerability, mobility skills to re-position yourself with and get health back, healing skills, cleanses, Resistance (which trumps Protection with it negating the damage completely) and then some. When I am out of the majority of my mitigation against a Power-based build, I’m certainly getting hit with more physical damage right after to finish me off.
Yeah, I know, it’s baffling really.
A general misconception seems to be that conditions just take form spontaneously. Perhaps viruses are spreading conditions?
This leads me to believe that my earlier theory is correct and a lot of people simply don’t pay attention to the attacks that apply conditions because the immediate, power damage they take from those is low and then they’re shocked and amazed when conditions down them.
I’m more baffled that you think any skill that applies conditions is as visible as ..let’s say Eviscerate, during the general chaos and visual effects of melee. My toon has to leap, spin and land one of the slowest and most telegraphed attacks in the whole game while my opponent does what…raise a hand? Two?
This theory of yours doesn’t really have any legs to stand on i’m afraid.
And we Italians love pizza. I want a pizza glider! (I really don’t.)
I wish conditon players would stop hiding behind a finger.
There aren’t enough cleanses to make things fair. Conditions are too easily reapplied. Conditions tick too fast, pile up too fast to be considered DOTs anymore. It’s lazy gameplay and you know it, makes your wins too easy and you know it, but still, you like to crow about “skill” when all you do is dump condis and turtle up or run for entire fights.
Now tell me i “l2p” all you like, the truth is, we’re not even playing the same game anymore, it’s becoming an aoe spam dumpster on a capture point. The sad thing is that you are defending this crap.
Condition damage is becoming a trollish way to pvp. I play power in spite of condi because i feel more honest in my playstile. Yeah i loose a lot but at least i can keep my head high. Pvp is a joke right now because a lot of classes can just spam their crap and turtle up/block/evade/kite/teleport what have you. In the meantime those with a power set have to actively chase and outplay these lazy cheapskate builds that allow bad players to poison the pvp scene. Condition damage should be slow. Remove all the cleanses and make the ticks do their work SLOWLY. If you can apply those condis and kite me , stay away from me, block me until i am dead then you deserve the win. Another solution would be to drastically reduce the damage of AOE spells and skills, conquest is a game mode that favors that stuff all too much. The game is currently unbalanced to favor some classes , either Anet wakes up and releases more game modes or pvp will be packed with the same classes over and over. It will eventually die because it’s plain boring.
Asura if you like to be an annoying little gremlin that nobody likes.
Sylvari if you like plants.
Norn if you like giant DWARVES.
Charr if you like clipping and military.
Human if you don’t like any of the above and want to have the story focusing on your race.
You know, i went exactly through the same process, i was kittened that i couldn’t get the Gift of Battle through spvp because i find WvW to be tedious at best….until i got it in one evening of play and i had a great time in the process. I joined a squad that proved to be made of great players, we conquered most of EB and we never got defeated. It was a squad, but we were able to shatter zerg after zerg. They came at us 26 times, and 26 times they failed. In the end, i got what i wanted relatively quickly compared to most of the time gated content out there, and i had a wonderful time in a game mode that never really piqued my interest. I made friends too. I’m not saying i will WvWvW all day now but i will definitely hop in from time to time. Give it a shot with an open mind, things could change quite quickly. In any case, i wish you the best of luck in your chase of the Gift, hang in there!
I agree, Fast Hands needs to be baseline. It also makes sense on the Warrior, since he’s supposed to be THE most trained fighter amongst all classes. There is a reason why the warrior alone can use so many weapons, it needs to show more.
I would love to see more game modes, but sadly i do not think it will ever happen. I am convinced that no matter what Anet comes up with, the majority of people will still prefer conquest because of the lazy gameplay and tremendous advantage it offers to classes that can claim an aoe area with the idiotic condi spam we have today. There isn’t a single match without 4 guardians , time to start realizing why. Anet is simply providing what the majority of people like to play. They tried, and failed. Can’t blame them for putting their resources somewhere else.
I concur with the OP. There is a thread like this one every week, if that’s not a sign that things need to change i don’t know what it is.
I hate the fact that we are limited in how we want our characters to look. Transmutation should go beyond armor weight. If i want my character to be a clipping nightmare so be it, it’s MY choice. Can’t be more immersion breaking than Neon pink charr with butterfly wings a disco ball as a mace and a Quaggan in a tank as a shield. If they wanted classes to be recongizable by their silhouette, they shouldn’t have used the Outfit system. Give people what they want, especially when it doesn’t involve a ton of new work, just tweaks on existing assets.
Underwater combat willbe overhauled/refreshed/expanded upon when we fight Bubbles, until then, i don’t see any resources going into it. There’s just not enough content to justify the workload it would require.
Butterfly wings on a charr with a pink aura and floating balls around his back, but you find a weapon that has been used by warriors of all time periods “immersion breaking”.
The logic of your plea escapes me.
This is not going to be a rant about Spellbreaker’s damage or what not.
It’s a thank you, to Arenanet, for giving the Warrior community an Elite that requires some gray matter to be effective.
I know the majority of the playerbase wants “that class” that melts faces with minimal effort. Look at the sorry state of the condi powercreep in this game.
Spellbreaker is not for them. This Elite is all about timing, all about messing up other people’s roatations and punishing the typical “Imma spam all my stuff and go block/invulnerable” players.
It’s got everything, even the damage is there, if you know WHEN to apply it, if you expect to destroy people in one second, this Elite will make you cry. But if you enjoy tactical confrontations, Spellbreaker will make you grin like a wolf.
You can be easily melted at first, but when you understand how to use this Elite…you are going to be a problem for the opposite team, and the crutches they rely upon.
Welcome , Spellbreaker! ((I Hope you don’t suck in pve ))
A few examples of the stuff i’d like to start with Post your own if you will, outfits you’d like to see available !
Oh god no, i didn’t mean to introduce them as tonics…tonics are horrible. You can’t dye them and they vanish in combat…underwater…expire after 15 I meant as Outfits.
Hello Mo
First of all, thank you for your efforts as Game Director, i am very excited to enjoy the fruits of your labor in PoF, judging by the preview Beta weekend, it’s going to be a lot of fun!
Since it seems that Anet is going once more in the right direction (imho at least) i would like to remind you an old promise that was made back in the days before Gw2 launched. Arenanet promised that players would be able to wear what npcs wore , but during the years we have gone further and further away from that goal with designs for both armors and Outfits.
This is not another rant to get town clothing back, it’s an idea for Anet to make more money, so i hope you’ll give it a thought .
How about releasing all those beautiful skins that Anet’s artists have produced for all the Npcs in Tyria in bundles? You could call them “City life” and sell them in chunks at a discounted price seeing as they are not as complicated as outfits and you already have the assets done and ready.
I was walking around in Amnoon and i couldn’t help but marvel at the simple beauty of npcs clothing, like i did for many years in the rest of the game, it would be a shame to deprive players from decking out their characters in such fantastic garments, don’t you think?
Just give it a thought when you can, i know a lot of people have wanted Lexi Price’s dress for years (for example) or the swimsuit shorts that people wear in Southsun Cove and so on and so forth. It would be free money and make a lot of people happy
Good luck with your future work, and thank you for what promises to be a great expansion!
But it’s fair that my enjoyment of the game , after 5 years of investment, is potentially ruined because a minority of players has issues?
It is unfair, but guess what, so is life.Yes because migrains vomiting and nausea is far more serious an issue than having a mount not look as nice. Your issue doesn’t force you to quit the game because of it.
You are ofc entitled to your opinion but I find it selfish to say ‘thats life’ to the people who are facing having to leave the game at this point. Its going to cause Anet loss of revenue and customers so is bad from a business perspective too.
Another player also pointed out that the biggest feedback thread, with the most contribution on POF atm is the motion sickness one. So the issue might be bigger than you think. Even if its just 5% of players, thats still a huge loss.
If it would or not force me to quit the game is not up to you to decide. Second, stop blowing this out of proportion, you make it sound like the game’s life depends on this, it does not. It’s an inconvenience, and i am sorry for the people affected by this problem, but i have a right to speak my mind like you do, and i would like the mounts to stay as they are. Horse beaten to death , i’m out.
im going to repost my reply from the other thread:
To everyone saying mounts shouldnt be changed because the majority likes them, I would agree with you IF:
-This was a brand new game or
-Mounts were optional content
Then they could just be avoided.However mounts are necessary to play the game now, and people who have invested 5 years into this game with no previous issues shouldn’t be forced to quit because it now makes them physically ill, which is a massive issue in a video game.
Obviously the solution is options and sliders but if its a choice of changing them outright or nothing at all, they have to change them so people arent getting migraines and vomiting.
I hardly think its fair for you to say since i dont suffer im ok with part of the playerbase (even if they are a minority) to be forced to quit the game after 5 years because i think they look nice.
But it’s fair that my enjoyment of the game , after 5 years of investment, is potentially ruined because a minority of players has issues?
It is unfair, but guess what, so is life.
Sure they are I would just think that a lot of players requesting some alteration would be unhappy if they weren’t altered. IMO they need some altering, I hope that some adjustments are made to them as others have said. To flat out refuse or deny there’s faults with them and make the suggestion that no alterations are needed is harmful IMO as it alienates the majority that have called for various changes, with the way the mounts handle, to combat motion sickness etc. This isn’t a flame post, nor are my others, I want the best possible options available to all, not just to one section. I hope that the suggestions to make alterations are taken on board by Anet and a compromise is met. That’s all really.
Just to be clear, those asking for a change are not the majority. A few people posting on the boards doesn’t make them “the majority” i believe the majority still stands with the thousands who do not come here to ask for changes but are instead happily roaming the sands of Elona. I am not doing this against those people that need a change with the mounts, i am saying that i have never felt so impressed by a mount in any game before, and i would hate to see this novelty ruined because of a few people with motion sickness. I am sorry, but that’s how it is. I cannot go on rollercoasters because i would puke, that doesn’t mean that i want the ride to be changed. I just find my fun with other things, such is the way of the world.
I did not have any problems fighting my way through the opening act as a power warrior, maybe you need to try another class?
I strongly disagree with your opinion of mounts aswell. I have tried WoW and i was not impressed by the mounts at all. They feel like a polymorph, not a mount. This is the first time i feel like my character is actually riding a beast. It’s perfect.
I have never, EVER felt like my character was riding a mount in any game before. I have BEEN my character’s mount in every game i have played, this is the first time i actually feel like i am riding a diffrent entity. Whatever you did, please ANET i beg you, do not change a thing about the mounts!!!! Thanks
Also, the animations are out of this world, and the textures in the whole game deserve to be hanged in a museum. This is ART.
Great job Anet!
I agree. Sadly, you are not good at it yet.
I don’t see the appeal in playing the Tengu. Of all the races in Tyria they are quite uninteresting. The Skritt, on the other hand…are a stroke of genius. A race of humanoid rats that increase their intelligence with congregation ??? BRILLIANT!
People are terrified of Spellbreakers and happily ignore the monster that Scourge , or Weaver will be. The warrior hate is just too stronk
but it’s basically a free kill to my thief.
Everything except scrapper engi is a free kill to a thief. I fail to see what this has to do with the balance among the other 8 classes.
LOL no. Thieves are not an issue in 1v1 against a competent opponent , they shine at decapping and +1.
You know, that BROKEN class who’s pinnacle of required skill is to slap some stuff on the ground and burn its cooldowns to be invulnerable to everything .
So… Warrior then?
Yeah right ….
Warrior has always binAnet’s fav, why should that not continue ?
I think you mean Guardian. You know, that BROKEN class who’s pinnacle of required skill is to slap some stuff on the ground and burn its cooldowns to be invulnerable to everything .
Well, that’s just your opinion.
Don’t like it, you are free to skip it and find something else.
I direct these quotes straight back at you. That is indeed just your opinion and you are indeed free to find some other game with bigger hammers if you want that kind of thing.
Lol, wooow, you got me! kitten . My opinion is common sense, you people are crying because fantasy character wants to have bigger hammer.
No, you are crying because you believe that fantasy means you can have anything you want, and that is childish.
Um, fantasy is exactly that. You are free of all rules, you can create whatever world you like and your own rules. You can make things our world has never seen. It’s literally up to your imagination.
But hey, thanks for demonstrating you really have no clue what fantasy is.
I think we all understand what “fantasy” means, the issue is that what the OP was asking was to turn EVERY hammer in the game into a ridiculous weapon. I don’t know about you, but to me seeing a character hauling around a monstrously large weapon makes me chuckle, it’s like those huge shoulderpads that prevent any visibility from the sides, very smart design. I blame mangas and animes for this crap, i would like to avoid it in this game, there’s plenty of it in every other kitten mmo published in the last ten years.
Sarcasm on
Yes! Moar big and colorful stuffs please Anet! This game doesn’t look enough like your run of the mill WOW clone and any Asian mmo in the last twenty years! We know you are trying , with the GARGANTUAN shoulder pads that make us look like idiots, but we need moar big stuff! Big weapons! Flashy! Glow in the dark underwear! The possibilities are endless! Oh and more wings and colorful unicorn shooting bows!"
100% Agreed, i am always astounded at the quality of Anet’s animations but the mounts are something else! Whoever thought of adding the tongue animation on the raptor should get a raise and a promotion. BRAVO!
All the info your friend needs, both for EU and NA. The Rp community is very much alive
Seems really unimaginative. I was hoping for a Spear / Shield combo like Paragon was. Would fit within the “spellbreaker” quite nicely. Shield from the magic and poke em with your pointy stick.
Now we get some abominable assassin (GW1 assassins had some nice boon stripping tools with dagger/dagger) with heavy armor…
I dont like it.
Tiny dagger mainhand on my max height norn, just looks ridiculous.
If there’s something that’s not lacking in this game is HUGE daggers, take your pick.
I think it’s a very imaginative take on the warrior cliche’. Introducing a new weapon like the spear would have been much more problematic for the devs and quite unfair to the other classes.
I like how you gave your idea the adjective “best” in the post title. It’s a great start for a discussion
No. No no no. The game is supereasy already, i welcome something to fight that resembles the challenge that we had when the game launched, before it was dumbed down to oblivion to please the horde of wow kids. If anything, make all mobs as hard as these fiery guys ^^
It’s not a cloak. Gw2 devs have stated time and time again that they are unable to add cloaks to the game due to the limitations of the way they implemented character models and the plethora of clipping issues it would derive from them. Imagine the cloak on a Charr. It would take them months to figure out how to make it work and i’m not sure they can at all at this point or they would have by now. Cloaks will never be in the game.
They will not listen. Been going at this since launch. Sorry mate.
There is no excuse, just lazyness and an old mindset that won’t go away. Tell me why we have to be restrained in how our characters look for PVE.
Make us wear what we want when we want, deactivate the feature for pvp.
Bingo, everyone’s happy. The system is in place already with the transmutation feature, so remove the class limitation on gear already.
Yes, there were not enough trenchcoats, we needed an outfit with one.
FANTASTIC design there Anet, much imagination/variety in your designs. It’s either giant shoulderpieces or trenchcoats.
And once again, the beards thread is hijacked and becomes a generic “i want more options”.
This is about beards, stay on topic?
It’s been years and years, and we’re still having the same options .
Either the thin lined dandy crap or the full Santa. For the love of Balthazar, give us some more proper BEARDS!
Thank you , please, and all that.
This is exactly what i meant. It’s detailed, it’s fit for someone moving fast, favoring agility over resilience. The shape is right, it stops at the belt, not messing with the silhouette of our avatars and is a serously kitten design. I would pay money now for it.
Hear that, Anet? ^^
As the title says, let’s talk about the overabundant and overused trenchcoat/long jacket medium armor. Please add your feedback/ideas to this thread, the situation is dire, especially for male avatars. 99% of human male medium armor is made of longcoats, trenchcoats, dusters or such, or even worse, pelvis long armor that gives a terrible “hourglass” shape to our avatars (big hips, narrow waist).
Anet, you have given us ONE piece of chest armor, the Glorious one, that was a step in the right direction, but then fell back to the same three years old design again. I don’t think it’s a technical difficulty because you have made the Glorious chespiece once, why can’t you work on the same shape a bit more? Give us a sleeveless leather chestpiece, straps, anything you want but for the love of all that is good in the design world, not another trenchcoat….
Legendary armor is soon upon us, and i can’t help but dread the reveal day.
“We” ……
The entire community has found a speaker! GG
Well this confirms how much they care about Thieves. Locking our Elite mechanic behind grandmaster traits was a kittening brilliant idea. Way to go Karl! You’re on a roll with this community!
It’s not a matter of sexy imho. It’s a matter of extremely limited choice if you are not into coats. 99% of leather armor pieces are coats or long jackets, of which a very limited amount do not make you look like a pole tent from behind because the devs wanted to avoid clipping in the laziest way possible. . Just give us CHEST armor , not a freaking duster all the time.