Showing Posts For Hawke.6943:

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Location : Cyprus
Time and date of incident (plus time zone) : 27,28,29,30 of October . Every night time from 19:00 to 00:00 GMT+2
Game World : Seafarer’s Rest
5 to 10 input skill lag.. 50% chance to occur when Im just walking

Lag Occurs 100% every time i start combat. 5 sec input skills lag..Even when there is no zerg arround

Desolation ( EU )

(edited by Hawke.6943)

Dhuumfire VS Incendiary Powder Traits

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


all that is needed is just a freaking ICON..
Incendiary powder activated “your next attack will inflict burning” with a good visual so you can see it coming somehow..

that’s it

Desolation ( EU )

Dhuumfire VS Incendiary Powder Traits

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


+1 I was thinking the same thing and it never made sense!

It promotes active play instead of passive play. You can’t just get a free burn anytime you want, you have to do actions to get it.

Cant get free burn whenever you want on necro, but you can on Engineer..
That is the issue OP is addressing

Desolation ( EU )

State of the game - 06-09-13 -

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Any chance to get seasons to SoloQ.
Reset the ladder every season and award the to 50-100 or so..(anything)

Desolation ( EU )

General changes imo

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Diminishing return is the decrease of an output based on how many times you did in a row
stun 1st time : 3 sec
stun 2nd time in a row: 2sec
stun 3rd time in a row: 1 sec
stun 4th time: immune
wait 6-10 seconds (or maybe more)

removes the ability to chain cc someone

Desolation ( EU )

General changes imo

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Solution number 1:
+Add diminishing returns on disables.
+Reduce base dmg

Solution number 2:
+Buff everyone so no one complains

Desolation ( EU )

Transmutation Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawke.6943


OK. this is the case:

I bought a piece of HEAVY armor from temple of lyssa with my elementalist
now its soulbound to him

I have a warrior and i want that specific item that i just bought to get transmuted to the armor my warrior has, just for the lyssa rune

Is this possible?

if its not then sigh……i have to walk my warrior to temple of lyssa all the way from LA

Desolation ( EU )

Solo Q leaderboard predictions

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Finaly mornings will not be boring anymore.

I just hope duo-Q will count towards solo-Q ladder and rankings…(perhaps match you with duo-Q players)
Everyone i know tend to play with +1…

Desolation ( EU )

Thank you to all the teams and observers.

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Hopefully this is just the humble beginning with lots more to come for GW2 sPvP.

We’re holding onto that JonPeters. Hope we have bigger lan tournies coming up.

We had a fantastic time playing the preliminaries, and we are going to be here for the next one.
Good job all.

p.s. gw2 twitch chat is the best ^^

Desolation ( EU )

Cursor = Needle in the haystack

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Happened to me before because of the Fast-Ground-Target option

Desolation ( EU )

Custom Arenas & Online Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


hmm…. Interesting ! good job

Desolation ( EU )

Dedicated to Teldo

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Quite a lot of kitten kissing going around these days.

When you`re forced to bench the most fun build to play coz a
brain-dead build is viable and some guy wins a tournament with it, yes im gonna show my appreciation

Desolation ( EU )

Dedicated to Teldo

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


for bringing bombs build back in Meta

Desolation ( EU )

I just wanted to say thanks

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Right on! You’re doing a great job man.

You resurrected Gw2 Community

Desolation ( EU )

Desperate attempt of a PvPer to make money

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Unfortunately, i didnt received expensive rare dyes ! kitten
i sold almost all of the dyes and got myself 5g..

Not my lucky day i guess.. :S


Desolation ( EU )

Desperate attempt of a PvPer to make money

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Honestly, you’re probably better off selling them unid for the guaranteed 15/16 silver, vs risking an abyss, celestial, midnight ice, etc…

You can’t sell the Unidentified Dyes you get from sPVP chests/mystic forge. Can only hope for the magic roulette.

yes..for whatever reason. Anet decided to make Unid dyes crafted in Mists Account bound
FML :s

Desolation ( EU )

Desperate attempt of a PvPer to make money

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943

Hawke.6943 has come to this.

96 dyes. Wish me luck fellas


Desolation ( EU )

Famous last words

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


i will solo svanir.. lololololol

Desolation ( EU )

Famous last words

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


“I’m ressing you”

Desolation ( EU )

Leaderboards with search -

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


WHOAH…somebody stick this!!


Desolation ( EU )

Spirit Watch- How to improve Orb. [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Finaly…a nerf!!!!
ppl can stop QQ now? ^^

Desolation ( EU )

Spirit Watch- How to improve Orb. [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Or just simply increase the Cap time to 5 you can actually ensure he doesnt block cap the orb.
This way you force teamfights.

Desolation ( EU )

Quickness Discussion [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


YES 75% = 326 players

326?? i find that exaggerated. I dont see a number of ppl in this proof of that number whatsoever

no keep 50% = 6 players (they are wither a bunker or ele btw)

Unnessesary text is parenthesis..! Please remove it!! you try to set a point rather than ask for a poll…

50% is fine..What this game needs is a nerf on Bunkers!!!

Desolation ( EU )

(edited by Hawke.6943)

Quickness Discussion [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


No… 50%
or 60%

of course you say no, you’re an ele.

I agree btw. 75% would be cool.

Mr Kultas..i just said a straight no coz i didnt want to elaborate with walls of text about it.

Two reasons for you to say yes:
1-you main thief. u played 90% of your games with thief, u see a huge difference because u played it too much
2-kill eles ( when u actually practice kill him without haste, just teamwork )
Two reasons for me to say no:
1-save my teammates from thieves who brain-dead combo kills
2-Actually have a decent team-fight without timewarp faceroll

p.s i cant see why u complain when last night u killed me just with auto-attack.

Desolation ( EU )

Quickness Discussion [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


No… 50%
or 60%

Desolation ( EU )

Define: Secondary Objectives in conquest map

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Specifically: SPIRIT WATCH

My humble opinion is that this map is really unbalanced. Having conquest map where the secondary objectives are more important that the actual conquest

Orb Secondary objective: Score as many orbs as you can while having capped nodes

No one cares about nodes more than the orb
I think this is not the case. the orb being able to be capped with “block skills” make it actually a Primary objective because NOT only you get 30 points ( which is alot ) you get to neutralize the nodes by just walking into it.

•Make the orb casting time 5 seconds ( maybe more ) to be capped.
This way, team fights will actually occure!!! Not just have one freaking guardian and ele ignore everyone, pop block, cap it and leave

•Increase the repawn time! Force more teamfights for the ACTUAL primary objective

If you think the solution is wrong, give another solution
if you think the map is FINE, then you are not taking this as serious as you would
if you agree, make the devs see this post

Desolation ( EU )

GW2 pvp survey. Thanks for your time.

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I’m surprised i see the 59% Elementalist, when good teams know how to kill an elementalist nowadays.
I’m surprised that mesmer has only 19%, forgetting the fact that it is the ONLY class that is a MUST for a team comp, coz of the great map ports and mass quickness and aoe fields.!


p.s. Nice survey

Desolation ( EU )

Team Majava vs 0 ... jump game?! New meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943



who plays 8-team tournaments anymore?
i thought the queue took exactly one eternity to pop

Desolation ( EU )

Post: "Why I Stopped Having Fun in GW2 PvP"

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


This guy calls Node capping and down state monotone and stupid.
If fact he suggest a 4-wall arena WHICH IS NOT- in any form whatsoever monotone??
i feel like i’m reading a post about a guy who plays warcraft all the time, he played GW2 for 2 hours and he starts trashing it
i agree This game has some balance issues accross the classes, but the combat system of GW2 is the best one i’ve ever seen so far in mmos, and i would never,EVER change it
(dynamic fights, Fast reactions, ability to cast while run, dodge, COMBO fields )

thank you for taking time and letting us know why you quited GW2,
now please, move along

Desolation ( EU )

The things that we have given up for GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Vonethil, you do realize that this is a game, and the main purpose of a game is to play it for fun! right?
We all give up things of our personal life to play games. No Anet developer wants you to do that though.
GW2 has been out for 6 months now, and everybody complains about Not being esport.
No game had esports experience before, until full features of a proper esport game has been implemented.
I agree with you, that Anet needs more personnel. This is the main reason that us, gamers, need to wait for the devs to actually develop a game that has potential to be an esport game.
No one guarantees you that you will travel to tournaments and play this specific game for a living.

If you believe that you can make a living off of gaming, i strongly suggest you to move on and play another game that is already an esport and show your skills in that game.

Two things we can do at the moment is raid forums and wait!
especially the 2nd one

have a nice day

Desolation ( EU )

Most OP Build EVER! -TPvP (New Build)

in Engineer

Posted by: Hawke.6943


the most op build i have as an ele muhahahaaa i wont tell anyone. anet has no clue about eles and most players also have no clue how to play properly ele. 99% of ele play with 70% potential of elementalist class…

what a comment..

Desolation ( EU )

WTB ----Light- Flame Legion set - Rework

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawke.6943


meh…i know they wont do it..
i was just bored last night and thought of making this thread..

Desolation ( EU )

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I’m starting to feel like the ‘’pvp dev team’’ is a myth.
ps: Currently there are four teams I can think of that actively play with five members.
1. Curse
2. TP
3. Bg9
4. Nonstop nonsense

5.Thats so Pish

great thread.
Supporting all the way

Desolation ( EU )

WTB ----Light- Flame Legion set - Rework

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Its ugly.
Possibly one of the coolest looking set in the game, and it looks HORRIBLE on light armor gear

please consider re-doing it.

i know this is the least of our problems, but what the hell
, if i’ll continue playing this game at least i wanna look nice!!

Desolation ( EU )

EU Core Team LFM

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


This is not psycho from Svanir Ninjas. I’m assuming you’re talking about that guy??

This Psycho is Greek and not Spanish
Just telling this so no more misunderstanding happen

OP-Psycho is a very good player and Not a rager!!

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


What if when an enemy starts to channel the buff, and you try to channel it yourself, his channel is cancelled and yours will start. Of course he can do the same to you making him start all over again on his channeling while interrupting yours. It will be a never ending cycle unless one is killed or stops trying to channel the buff. At least with this, those invul skills and portal gimmicks can be countered and might even be considered useless while channeling the buff?

^This one i think might be a solution..
endless cycle which you must be forced to kill everybody in order to get the buff

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Who ever plays a mesmer and its trying to defend it..please..stop
Helseth..u cant possibly say that its not an exploit…
I Reapeat!! It is not logicaly possible to consume a buff while not being even there!! why would you be able to do that?? why….
even if it has a SLIGHTLY chance of interrupting it, its still an abusive way of using the portal.

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


A lot of classes have access to these abilities that would give them an advantage at the buff, since you clearly understand this why dont you play around it? I just dont think its an exploit, but we’ll see. If it is I’ll eat my words.

you cant say its not exploit man!!
How can a mesmer, cap the kittenng point without being there!!!. Come on!

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I really enjoy this map. but Please..before you put it in the rotation, fix these exploits.
Because its really NOT fun when things like that happen.
I dont have problem with time-warp cap, because the person capping is still Near the buff. But this portal cap. really kitten me off because the guy wasnt even there.

Desolation ( EU )

Bug Abuse in Temple paid tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I don’t know the logic behind this, i don’t even know its supposed to work like that, But..
Mesmer portal = extremely game-breaking hence people bug abuse it

i was playing paids in the new map temple of the silent storms and as usual we all start preparing for the underground buff that takes 10 seconds to get..
at 8.30 the buff spawns, we start a fight there,, and then all of a sudden a mesmer comes, activates invulnerability and then he starts channeling the buff…then he opened a portal…ported out..and when we was about to finish the cap, he ported back in, in result of capping the buff without even being there.

And i was just shocked, because i just stood there like an idiot,
One of the most important buffs in the map taken like no one was there

Mr. Jonathan Sharp.. how is this still here? Capping the buff without even being NEAR the actual buff??
I call it exploit and it should be fixed immediately

Desolation ( EU )

Matchmaking live?

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I confirm this.
Last night..we were facing same teams over and over again
We did approximately 10-15 paids,
out of the 15….13 of them were rematches…
so yeah..
Ninja mmr is tested

Desolation ( EU )

GW2 sPvP Streams!

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


Awesome thread. Here is our mesmer pov
Zorbi: Mesmer (EU)

Desolation ( EU )

Low FPS - All of a Sudden

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hawke.6943


OK. I dont know if it works for you or others, OR how long it will last coz apparently AMDs have issues with this game, WHICH it Sucks. everyother game runs perfectly

i open my PC case, removed Ram, Graphics Card, CPU
Clean them with a blower to remove as much dust as possible on the CPU, put some Thermal paste if you have one, (ask a PC shop to do it for you) and put the CPU back.

If your RAM is on the slots next to the CPU, try changing slots, or vise versa.
I did these things and now i have 60 fps.
BUT I DONT KNOW for how long(

please Anet,make this game less CPU heavy

Desolation ( EU )

FPS drop! Why?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hawke.6943


OK. I dont know if it works for you or others, OR how long it will last coz apparently AMDs have issues with this game, WHICH it Sucks. everyother game runs perfectly

i open my PC case, removed Ram, Graphics Card, CPU
Clean them with a blower to remove as much dust as possible on the CPU, put some Thermal paste if you have one, (ask a PC shop to do it for you) and put the CPU back.

If your RAM is on the slots next to the CPU, try changing slots, or vise versa.
I did these things and now i have 60 fps.
BUT I DONT KNOW for how long(

please Anet,make this game less CPU heavy

Desolation ( EU )

Low FPS - All of a Sudden

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I’m really frustrated because i cannot figure out what is the problem

Last night i was playing just fine, max fps, Smooth gameplay

Woke up this morning, started the game, Horrible FPS ( 10-15 )

I Format my PC
Installed latest chipset drivers, Graphics drivers
The only thing installed on my PC is Guild Wars,Drivers and Mumble

My specs:
AMD phenom II x4 965
Corsair 4GB
AMD Asus 7750 DDR5

Now, Before you can say anything. I’ve been playing this game since realease with NO problems Whatsoever!! Nothing..
As i said.. Now my pc is just formatted.

when i’m in the Heart of the mists, i have fps 10-15
I followed some guides found in this forum, but nothing helped.

If you know anything that i could do, please tell me

Desolation ( EU )

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943



The skill difficulty was probably in reference the difference across classes. I.e the difficulty to achieve the same damage output. Think “thief v Ele” etc etc. adding some more skills shots similar to how an Engi or Ele has to play instead of the often complained about Mesmer, thief or GS warrior burst. Some more ground targeting, less homing abilities would be good for the game. It promotes more skillful play.
Classes in thier current state are ok, but could be tweaked. Similar to other competitive games, they need to be easy to pick up but hard to master not just a set “rotation” with little risk and high reward.

Exactly this, and I wish I could had you over my shoulder helping me explain it a bit better!

AAh..i got it now..i’m sorry I didnt understand it the first time..
Well yes..i tottaly agree..
Like it takes soo much to kill someone as an ele, rather than a thief or a warrior..
But dont forget the logic behind it…eles arnt supposed to do be a bursty class in the first place.

Desolation ( EU )

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


I cant say i didnt like this Podcast. At least it was more interested than the previous one.
I have some points.
I tottaly agreed with PvP skins on the gem shop, having its own section in PvP, solo ques
and how the balance is right now.
I dont agree with Vain when he said classes should be more difficult to play than there are now.IF this game is gonna be an E-sport, all classes should be easy to handle when u play them for at least 3hours. I agree, all classes are to easy to learn, but increasing difficulty wont bring too much excitement on new players.

I didn like when the guests started talking about mesmers portal and stuff, and the fact that 2 of them were main a mesmer, and they started to QQ about it, and at some point Java said “its your fault you’re bad L2P”

I liked whole environment, and especially the moment whit the EU,NA clash. xD. I’m looking fowrward to that.

Last thing, i aggree that Tournament tickets should be removed from the game. You cant believe how many teams would join paids if it wasnt for tickets.
I’m sure u can think of something else to make as of how to distinquish frees from paids..

p.s. EU 4 LIIFE!

Desolation ( EU )

(edited by Hawke.6943)

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Hawke.6943


This change has it pros and cons.
I personaly like it! More hybrid/balanced builds.

sure, being able to swap uties in that “oh kitten” moments had it pros.
But its nothing more than cheating. Calling it “pro’s judgement” is naive and stupid.

You show your “skill” by adapting to the game’s rules and beating teams that counter you, and not just swap skills whenever u want. that makes it easy!

Desolation ( EU )