(edited by Dukotje.4382)
Showing Posts Upvoted By HiddenRage.7408:
Summary (TL;DR)
Implement a new build system with “build slots” where users can define all aspects of a build, equipment (armor, weapons, trinkets), traits and heal/utility skills. These “build slots” can be saved and activated whenever the character is out of combat. When a “build slot” is activated, the game client automatically changes the characters’ equipment, traits and heal/utility skills to those defined in the “build slot”. Equipment in inactive “build slots” don’t take up any inventory space, instead, it’s stored “invisibly” until it’s activated again. The user can move equipment between “build slots” and the inventory whenever he/she wishes as well as reuse the same equipment for different builds.
Arenanet’s unique profession design allows most professions to take on different roles by changing equipment, traits and utility skills. The current system for changing builds is arguably better than most competing MMO’s and the changes to the traits system introduced shortly before the Heart of Thorns expansion was a big improvement. However, problems and frustrations still remain with the current system.
The process for changing a build, although easier than ever, still require a considerable amount of manual labour and double checking to make sure a build is configured correctly. To change a build, the user must open the build tab in the hero panel, change up to three trait lines and choose up to nine major traits. In addition, the user might have to switch out a considerable amount of equipment, which might involve a visit to the bank to withdraw the desired equipment, as well as deposit the previously worn equipment. It should be noted that it’s possible to carry equipment in the inventory, thus eliminating a trip to the bank, this however decrease the inventory space available, forcing the user to buy additional inventory space and/or buying larger inventory containers. But, even with an increase in inventory space, more trips to an NPC or bank for clearing the inventory is required when carrying equipment in the inventory. It’s also important to note that if equipment is stored in the inventory, special care must be taken when selling and/or salvaging equipment to avoid accidental selling or destroying of equipment used in other builds. Finally, the user must change the healing- and/or utility skills on the character. For users switching between different kinds of content often, these steps could easily become tedious as it might be required several times during a gaming session.
I propose a change where not only the outlined problems are solved but also where Arenanet’s desire for build diversity and experimentation are more easily accessible and feasible. Additionally, my suggestion opens up for a potential increase in monetary revenue for the company. Below, I begin by offering my suggestion in detail, after which I exemplify my idea with an example of implementation for completeness.
The Suggestion (Build slots)
I suggest a completely new system for “building” a character which allows the user to define All aspects of a desired build in one central place as well as the ability to name and save the complete build for later use. I suggest that, for each character, there exist several unique “build slots” which allows the user to create a complete build, containing trait configuration, equipment (armor, weapons, trinkets) and heal/utility skills. These builds can be saved and at a later time, activated as the “current build”. A user could, for example create three different builds named: “raid”, “wvw” and “fractals”. Depending on the type of content the user want’s to experience, the appropriate build is activated. When a build is activated, the game client automatically switch out the traits to those defined in the selected build, the game client also automatically unequips the current equipment, stores it in an invisible container and then equips the equipment associated with the selected build. Since new weapons (might) be equipped in the switch, the weapon bars change automatically. The healing/utility skills are also automatically changed to correspond to the healing/utility skills defined in the selected build.
As briefly mentioned in the previous paragraph, I strongly suggest that the game be expanded with “hidden” containers for any and all equipment (armor, weapons, trinkets) defined in each “build slot”. Once equipment is placed in a “build slot”, regardless whether it’s active or not, it will not take up any inventory space until it’s placed in the inventory again. Neither is equipment in “build slots” available to salvaging or selling. Understandably, the concept of allowing users to carry equipment without inventory penalty might sound provocative at first glance. I however think that “build slots” with hidden containers will greatly enhance the user experience, both in terms of using multiple builds (due to the problems with storing equipment), as well as an overall positive attitude towards the game and Arenanet as a whole. It’s also a fairly logical step and a large piece of the puzzle in creating an all-encompassing build system. There is also a potential for monetary gains which could help push this idea over top and lay any potential controversy to rest. In the following paragraph, I outline this in further detail.
Since these changes are fairly technical and will probably require a larger refactoring of the current system, it will come with a one-time development cost. It should be possible to finance the refactoring, as well as increase revenue, by introducing the ability to add additional “build slots” as a purchasable unlock in the gem store. The “build slots” unlocks could be character bound as well, meaning that each user must unlock “build slots” on a per character basis, much like how the current gem store “inventory unlock” works. The number of “build slots” a character starts with could also be fairly low. By adding additional “build slots” to the gem store, any potential penalty today’s user faces for unlocking inventory space will be transfered to “build slots”. Finally, I would argue that Arenanet is already an industry leader in MMO innovation, the time is right to take the last few steps in perfecting and hopefully standardizing the way character choice and diversity is presented to users in MMO’s. With this rationale, I submit that there are no non-technical reasons for not allowing invisible “build slot” containers.
Additional suggestions & notes
- When the user is in combat, the ability to switch build is disabled.
- It’s worth noting that individual pieces of equipment should be usable in multiple builds so a user can reuse equipment. In my “Example of implementation” section, I provide a solution for how this could be implemented from a UI perspective.
- This suggestion, in it’s entirety, doesn’t affect PVP.
- A “build slot” could be “tagged” as a WvW build, making it the default build that is automatically activated as soon as a character enters any WvW instance map. This “tagging” feature should however be made into an option available on all “build slots” but only usable on one at a time, i.e. there should not be a specific “wvw build slot”. See the “example of implementation” section for further details.
- If Arenanet feels that users should not be able to easily change build while in WvW, the ability to change build could be made to only work in the starting/safe zone. There should however Not be any restrictions to the functionality or limitation of build slots in WvW. The same argument of unlimited use of “build slots” also should be valid for all other content.
- It’s important not to set a potential Maximum number of possible “build slots” per character too low since a lot of variety might occur when this system is introduced. The system should be able to handle at least 10 build slots per character.
Example of implementation
- In the hero panel, in the equipment tab, add a submenu called “traits” which allows the user to choose traits (much like the current “build tab” but don’t include the weapon overview).
- Create a submenu for choosing healing and utility skills in the equipment tab.
- Remove the build tab in the hero panel.
- Add a static area at the top of the Equipment tab, which is visible regardless of what submenu (Equipment, Wardrobe, Dyes, Outfits, Miniatures, Finishers, Mail Carriers, traits, Skills) the user has chosen.
In the static area:
- Add a dropdown menu containing all “build slots”
- Add a button for saving the currently chosen build slot (the button is unfocused/“greyed out” and can’t be clicked if no changes has been made in any of the submenus)
- When the user clicks the save button, the current build including equipment, traits and skills are associated with the build.
- If a user has successfully bought a new “build slot” in the gem store, a new item in the dropdown box is added with a default name e.g “New slot”.
- Add a “rename” button which, if clicked opens a popup box which prompts the user for a new name for the selected “Build slot”. Upon clicking “Ok”, the name of the current “build slot” changes in the dropdown box
- Add a checkbox “Default WvW build”. If it is checked, the current build is “tagged” as the default WvW build and is thus automatically loaded when the user enters any WvW zone. Only one build can be “tagged” as the default WvW build and thus, if another build is already tagged when the user clicks the checkbox, the current build becomes the new “Default WvW build”.
- A “copy” button could be added which, if pressed, presents the user with a popup box with a list of all builds, when the user chooses a build from the list, that build is copied to the currently selected build. This allows easy access to tweaking and testing build variation.
- A “clear” button could be added which, if pressed, clears all selections of the current build. Note that all equipment that is cleared and not belonging to any other build might need to be returned to the user’s inventory.
- When a user is to define equipment used in a “build slot”, the user is presented with a UI much like the current “wardrobe” system. When the user clicks on, for example the head/helmet slot all the useable helmets in the user’s inventory, as well as helmets already in the invisible containers are displayed on the side (where “skins” are shown in the “wardrobe”). Note that this solves the problem of accessing equipment already defined in other build slots (unless access to the “invisible container” is added).
- Outfits should be included in build slots.
- Dye coloring should be included in build slots so the current dye patterns changes as builds are activated, this could be problematic depending on how dye’s are implemented and might be overlooked if it’s too demanding.
- Even though it’s not necessary, a build could contain: minis, finishers and mail carriers. These features could also be moved to a separate tab if it’s more convenient.
- Wardrobe could be placed in a separate tab or kept in the new build system but will function as it does today.
- When out of combat, if a user clicks on a build different from the one already active, the newly selected build becomes active and the game will satisfy all conditions in the builds, in other words, the equipment worn by the user will be changed and all the traits and skills will be changed. The weapon bar will reset to the new weapons equipped.
- When in combat, all functionality related to build slots is disabled.
- Since equipment can be reused in different builds, the problem of moving equipment from the a “build slot” to the inventory (while the same equipment is used in another “build slot” has to be solved.
Ideas for moving equipment used in multiple “build slots”
- The user could be prevented from moving equipment from a “build slot” to the inventory as long as it’s used in more than one “build slot”
- When equipment that is used in more than one “build slot” is moved to the inventory a warning message could be posed on screen and/or in the chat window notifying the users that some builds are now defunct.
- A defunct “build slot” could be made unequippable (a red exclamation mark could be added to the “build slot” to indicate that some action needs to be taken).
I can’t really think of a malicious way to use it.
Would be nice to dump the chat (from all chat contexts) to one file, and the combat log to another file. I can’t make any promises but if nothing else it’s something I’ve personally been wanting for awhile.
Umm… I always thought that Eternity is THE legendary made out of TWO OTHER legendary Gswords…
Am I missing something?
Basically if you have post processing on during The World Summit, when the mordrem attack the places goes dark and purple-y, and the Eternity/Twilight skin changes because of this change in lighting – as shown by the OP image, rather than white/yellow/red galaxies it shows white/blue galaxies.
The OP is asking for the white/blue appearance to be the norm.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Ethereal Diana, Liliael, King Hutch, Zipp Tinker, Ill Matt Ill, Hushy Bloodfur, Sawtooth Bloodblade, Idoxil Hougin, Raphaela Burreck .
Wait, there’s more!
(edited by freduardo.8412)
Hello. We are the Ring of Fire Community.
The Ring is first and foremost a community rather than just a server. We are looking for guilds and/or individuals who are interested in joining that community. Our main priority is having fun together!
A picture is worth more than a thousand words, so a video must be worth over nine thousand: 10 Ways to Recruit People to RoF
- We have an extensive community website
- We have a community council in which every guild is encouraged to have a representative.
- We use a community TS3 server with channels for each guild along with shared channels for WvW, PvE, …
- We hold weekly community meetings on that TS during which we try to organize our raids, discuss events, exchange ideas, …
- RoF is a place where guilds can have their private raids all with respect for one another. We have guilds running raids with anywhere in between 5 to 20 players.
- We currently hold the top spot in EU bronze.
- At the moment RoF is lacking in numbers mostly outside of EU primetime. But we welcome any guild or individual who wants to join our community, regardless of when they play.
- We try to coordinate between guilds and rarely, if ever, have queues as a result.
- We have a very dedicated and coordinated home borderlands defense team consisting of people from various guilds, all working together building, repairing, upgrading, escorting yaks and scouting, to make RoF BL as safe as possible.
- Most days we try to host at least one public raid during primetime.
- We have training events where experienced commanders explain to newcomers and veterans alike how to work better as a team.
- Every Saturday we hold our Drunken Raid Night. Everyone in The Ring is invited to join the banter, rap battles, giggles, singing and general goofing off (see some of the video’s below).
We have successfully organized PvP tournaments, with massive prizes! And will continue to do so in the future.
We try to offer a platform for community driven PvE events.
- We’ve had Lore Tours discovering all areas of Tyria
- The Karkaroller is a Roffian!
- We had fantastic “End of LA” and “Welcome back LA” parties.
Interested? Visit our website or contact one of the people listed below and join The Ring in our journey for the lootbags, for the achievements, for the laughs, for the fun and … for the Cash!
(edited by freduardo.8412)
Updated list for pinning. Please post, PM, or mail me in-game for changes.
Click NA for North America or EU for Europe below to expand the list and show all servers. Twitter accounts also listed.
Anvil Rock
Borlis Pass
Crystal Desert
Darkhaven | @DarkhavenUS
Devona’s Rest | @DevonasRest
Ehmry Bay | @EhmryBay
Eredon Terrace | @EredonTerrace
Ferguson’s Crossing
Fort Aspenwood | @GWFortAspenwood
Gate of Madness | @GateOfMadness
Henge of Denravi | @HengeofDenravi
Isle of Janthir | @IoJGW2
Jade Quarry | @JQHerald (automated)
Northern Shiverpeaks | @GW2_NSP_Server
Sanctum of Rall | @SanctumofRall
Sea of Sorrows
Sorrow’s Furnace | @SorrowFurnace
Stormbluff Isle | @StormbluffIsle
Tarnished Coast [link redacted]
Yak’s Bend | @YaksBendGW2
Additional Resources
All North American server Twitter accounts
Aurora Glade | @AuroraGladeEU
Far Shiverpeaks | @FarShiverpeaks
Fissure of Woe
Gunnar’s Hold | @GunnarsHoldEU
Piken Square
Ring Of Fire | @RoF_Community
Ruins of Surmia
Seafarer’s Rest
Whiteside Ridge | @WhitesideRidge
French (FR)
Augury Rock | @AuguryRock24
Arborstone N/A
Fort Ranik
Jade Sea
Vizunah Square
German (DE)
Abaddon’s Mouth
Drakkar Lake
Dzagonur | @Dzagonur
Elona Reach
Kodash | @KodashDE
Miller’s Sound
Riverside | @Riverside_GW2
Spanish (ES)
Baruch Bay
Additional Resources
EU servers English language guild directory
All European server Twitter accounts
Join Darkhaven at http://www.darkhaven.us
(edited by Moderator)
Necro Raiders [NR] transferred to Ring of Fire from Aurora Glade along with our friends from [DOOM], [DoA] and [icU] just before the WvW Season 2. We took a leap of faith knowing that it will take a lot of hard work, training and compromises to bring the server into the Silver League before the season starts. We did the right thing and it was worth it.
You may ask, why did we do such a thing? Risking being stuck in Bronze League for the entire season. The answer is simple, Community. The Ring of Fire community has proven multiple times that it can rise up to a challenge. It may be relatively small but it is goal oriented and driven to FIGHT for its place in the Silver League.
Our WvW population is ever learning and adopting, it does not GIVE UP against greater numbers or more experienced enemies. We like to prove ourselves against ever stronger servers and eventually surpass them. Our Guilds dominate prime time and reset with skill and communication. But our weakness is obvious to our enemies, we need more fighters, we need people like you.
If you are like us, looking for a challenge and community with a sense of direction. Join us and we will make the world BURN, BURN in a Ring of Fire.
Greetings and salutations.
With Season 1 of the Living Story drawing to a close, it seems appropriate to offer review and reflection of everything that has come thus far. Sadly, there is much to consider, as the brand new path trod by Anet has many missteps and mishaps along the way.
Rather than talk about individual flaws, I thought it might be best to take a stab at the overall writing style of the Living Story and the narrative flaws it continues to exhibit. Plot holes come and go, individual complaints will always remain, but the best way to help Season 2 is to consider the pitfalls of Season 1 from a writing and gaming perspective. And so, I thought I would offer up a bit of constructive criticism in silly infographic format.
For your consideration, Fifteen Lessons From Fifteen Months of Scarlet Briar.
Banner of Defense and Tactics OP
Hello everyone, for some reason the Suggestions forum has been removed, can’t find it. So I’m posting here instead, if the Suggestions ever come back forum mods may move this thread there.
I am pretty sure that many players here were fans of the Final Fantasy series back then, the good old classic FF7, FF8, FF9 ones specifically. You probably remember those fun card games you could play against NPCs or even against some main story characters as well.
The general idea of the card game is summed up to enriching your card collection, with the most common cards having normal “stats”, and the very rare ones having much stronger stats. This will motivate all the GW2 players who just love collecting stuff to start killing specific types of monsters in specific areas in order to claim the creature Card, whether it is of common, rare, exotic or legendary rarity, and be able to use that card in the card game against other players. Should the cards be tradeable over the Trading Post, this will offer players one more challenge: sell their cards for profit, or purchase other players’ cards to complete their collection.
How the Card Battle system works: Although the overall idea of this mini-game is to place your cards in the “battlefield” and compare them with your opponent’s cards (card with highest number(s) wins), I will not mention the exact mechanics of the FF series card mini-games, because I want to see something new.
Just imagine how cool it would be, getting extremely rare cards of the GW2 main story characters, which you could also inspect to read more about the GW2 lore and background of each of those characters. Anything could be presented on a card. From a White Moa to Evon Gnashblade, and from a white rarity Dagger to the legendary hammer Juggernaught. Anything! Even the big towns of Tyria can exist on a card! Rata Sum, Lion’s Arch, Zephyr Sanctum (from an older Living Story), even malicious characters like Scarlet and members of the Toxic/Molten Alliance.
I hope the Guild Wars 2 staff will cherish this idea and implement this as soon as possible (because I’d personally be delighted to see this in-game).
Optionally, there could be a special achievements category designed for this mini card game.
Let it stay!
Love this fight. Although scaling and finding a way to make it fit lorewise would probably be needed.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
YES, Please let it stay.
The Marionette fight is one of the best Boss fight of the game. I would love if it would stay permanent but it need to modification to do so.
1) Lore wise, its don’t make sense if the Marionette stay after the end of the Living Story. Its a defensive measure to protect the cannon.
2) The encounter need between 100 and 125 ppl for doing it. Its fine for now, but eventually the boss will only be attempted by TTS and high population server like Teq or Wurm. Since more ppl like this fight maybe a bit more server will do it, but the number of ppl to be able to do it should not be more that 60-70.
So in order for the Marionette to stay they need to find a reason to lets its stay. Even if the canon get destroy or Scarlet take it somewhere else, the Marionette can be left behind. Hell Scarlet could even leave it as a trap where the Marionette get revive by something on a regular basis, leaving us the chance to cut her down in the future. Lets see how in the next 2 weeks people are able to beat the boss. Maybe by knowing more of the fight we will be able to do it with only 3 ppl per rings, making this fight possible with 75 ppl. But probably it would be better if we decrease the number needed. The Living Story events could block 2 of the 5 lanes, so the fight only need 75 in order to have 5 ppl per rings (or 60 for 4 ppl per rings).
Anyway, Anet should check this fight carefully and use some of the mechanics to improve other World Boss or creating new ones. THIS is the way to create epic, fun World Boss.
I’d love for Marionette to be permanent! It’s been an absolute blast so far!
I agree. Marionette is the best boss encounter in any game i’ve played.
Shouldn’t remove Wurm, instead they should improve that encounter and make it a bit easier for people to understand what they are supposed to do. At Wurm i see no one killing eggs and that is one of the priorities.
I am guessing the marrionette battle would make a nice boss fractal, with some minor tweaks to allow it to be done by a party of five:
- Party fights its way through a barricaded tunnel towards a green gate.
- Party is transported onto the first of the 5 platforms, where it fights Warden Keeper I. Upon victory, destroy a generator, break Chain 1.
- Party is transported onto the second of the 5 platforms, where it fights Warden Keeper II. Upon victory, destroy a generator, break Chain 2.
- Party is transported onto the third of the 5 platforms, where it fights Warden Keeper III. Upon victory, destroy a generator, break Chain 3.
- Party is transported onto the fourth of the 5 platforms, where it fights Warden Keeper IV. Upon victory, destroy a generator, break Chain 4.
- Party is transported onto the fifth of the 5 platforms, where it fights Warden Keeper V. Upon victory, destroy a generator, break Chain 5.
- Party watches victory cinematic, and a big chest appears.
I wish the marionette would replace the wurm as the permanent boss…
Same here. Marionette is a much better fight. AT least smallerish servers have a chance, unlike with the worm.
But this is just a test for the Marionette so I can see why they didn’t make it permanent.
Please give us a keyring…
I wish the marionette would replace the wurm as the permanent boss…
Apparently this thread was closed with a warning to my account because it had the word “petititon” into it. I’m told in the warning to re-create the same thread with the same words “as a suggestion”, so here it’s. However i did not remember to ask anyone to sign this
Petition threads tend to cause overly strong inflammatory and emotional responses, and derail easily. You are also welcome to re-post as a suggestion and discussion, instead of asking people to /sign a post.
Anyway, everyone: keep the thread out of derail or emotional responses or inflammatory or that stuff, otherwise we’ll get the thread deleted again
After killing the marionette for 4th time today… i was thinking about it’s purpose. It’s just a 2 weeks piece of content? well, then instead of keeping the wurm up and removing the marionette in 2 weeks (as rumoured), we should keep the marionette up (and optional: remove wurms?).
- It’s easy enough to understand by a newbie, yet challenging.
- It’s really fun/replayable since you can only fight 1 of the champions/chains per run (unless a group fails and you are in groups 1-2-3). That makes you wonder how are the other champions and try to see them.
- It’s a big awesome fight that makes players use teamwork and use 5 commanders, giving it some use.
However, the rewards should be adapted.
I am not sure about this but i “think” that most players will choose the marionette over the wurms, and we would like to have the permanent marionette to kill it in our world events rotation.
Any thoughs?
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
(edited by Elrey.5472)
After the December 10th skill balance update, my wardens have turned from lifesavers to very unreliable and sometimes even useless clones.
Whereas before the patch they would start their whirling/reflecting attack right after I summoned them, after the patch they seem to find it difficult to initiate.
I can’t even keep count of how many wardens (including the real me sometimes) have died due to damage from missiles they are supposed to reflect. Mesmer is a very tactical class. Sometimes, i don’t care if my warden isn’t right next to it’s target (because that’s apparently what it’s looking for before attacking, even when it already is right next to it’s target), most of the times I summon the warden to protect myself and my team from projectiles.
High level fractals (40+) is about the only thing i do nowadays, and when going up against mobs that can kill you very easily if everything doesn’t go completely right, it’s beginning to be very frustrating to see another warden failing to find its target and not attacking/protecting.
Solution? Easy. Leave the warden as it is, but please make it do its attack immediately when i spawn it, and not waste time searching for a target while me and my team get slaughtered by projectiles. -cough- Dredge.
(I know this has probably been mentioned on other forums, but my wardens are too close to my heart to let this slide. It’s personal now!)
(edited by Valentine.9732)
any guilds on drakkar who aren’t play in a paintrainzerg and not in a size from 30+ ?
Don’t tell me you are discovering the way of Drakkar only know ?
-They don’t move around with less than 60+ man zergs and openfield ACs/Ballista EVER unless they don’t have the numbers (they even have those or more at 2/3/4/5/6/7 in the morning, so Good Luck in finding when they don’t…. :p).
- They NEVER engage if they aren’t AT LEAST 50% more than you or their back to their tower/keep full of siege
- They camp your spawn with 10+ siege everytime they can because it’s “fun”
- They run from forces with half their numbers if they aren’t back to a Tower/Keep
and so on and so on…..
It’s sad and probably the most boring way of playing ever, and it ruins it for everyone else. :/
As Devon mentioned, it won’t be released until it’s ready—and this includes information about it. Features are prone to change during development and that means that time estimates may change during the course of creating, iterating, and testing on that feature. If a time estimate were to be given now, it’s likely it would change—which would disappoint some and prompt others to accuse us of of “lying” or “broken promises.” We know some people are looking forward to this feature and learning more, and you’ll know more about it when we have that info to share.
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra
(edited by Regina Buenaobra.6193)
We’ve recently begun work on finding a reasonable space to accommodate the desires of players in World vs. World who wish to participate in organized, large-scale battles. We have decided to add an area to the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle that is large enough to fit the fights and is removed from the entrances to facilitate some of the basic rules that are used during these fights. In addition, we will be disabling the borderlands bloodlust buff inside the map so that the players will be on a relatively even playing field. Finally, to make it easier to get to the map, we’ll be adding the map to the dropdown menu of WvW maps, allowing you to enter it from anywhere in the game. The space being added is really amazing and I think you are all going to enjoy battling it out in there if it is your preferred way to play. We decided to put this area in the jumping puzzle with the hopes of providing a space for people who wish to play the game this way to be able to do so without causing friction between them and other players who wish to focus on the other aspects of the game in WvW.
Guild vs. Guild is a gametype that has a lot of potential and one that we would never do anything but the best possible version of. That version, if it comes, will have to wait until the resources are available to build it. This change is an attempt to provide a workable solution in a timely manner, one that will ease some of the conflict that we have seen arise on the forums and in the game. WvW is an incredibly successful and engaging part of our game. It will continue to be a major focus for us as a studio and we will continue to put our effort into changes that are in the best interests of WvW as a gametype and the WvW community as a whole.
As is our practice, we won’t be releasing this until it is ready to go.
Devon Carver
WvW Coordinator
…maybe back to PvE? I hear that’s a good excuse for poor performance.
Is that Gunnars Hold excuse right now against Piken? if you knew anything about RoF you’d know we kept all 3 waypoints on our map last week against Fort Ranik dova/EO 80-100 man blob for 3-4 nights straight no need to be so bitter towards us just because we don’t need to go where the bandwagon goes we have fun fights on RoF, my guild and im pretty sure the likes of TaG and AZZL etc couldn’t care less about the PPT all this matchup does for us is allow us to train new Pugs and show them why we love WvW which every server should do rather than just blob up 1 server with as many guilds as possible :P
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Was some fun fights when i got on hope you all have good week as for me i’m off to new server sad to go but time frame in EU servers was not what i hoped for so Jade Quarry here i come have fun and i try keep in touch with most of RoF.
Jade Quarry
All lvl 80’s
O O O and also
Sword auto attack should allow us to dodge … it seems very clunky
Last week I created a detailed video report on the Top 10 things that I believe are hindering GW2 from becoming the number 1 MMO
I won’t lie, the video is kitten near 40 mintues long (as we not only listed the problems, but possible solutions along with examples of these solutions in other games) so here’s a list of the things we covered:
Number 10: Poor Advertising – 1:01
Number 9: World Vs. World – 2:54
Number 8: Loot and Magic Find – 5:27
Number 7: Personal Story – 8:22
Number 6: Dungeons – 13:48
Number 5: Guesting and Realms – 17:45
Number 4: Events – 21:49
Number 3: No LFG Tool – 26:52
Number 2: User Friendlyness: – 28:24
Number 1: Polish and Optimization – 30:47
So far there has been some great discussion reguarding the points raised on the youtube chat (Yes, sometimes even good chat can be achived there!) as well as over at the GW2Guruforums: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/81976-the-top-10-things-guild-wars-2-needs-to-improve/
I was hoping that the people who take the time to write on these forums would have some points and views to raise as well.
EDIT: Okay this thread has gotten rather long now! Don’t think that you have to read the whole thing to qualify a comment! Just leave a post with your thoughts on the list/video.
(edited by Kaaboose.3897)