(edited by Hopeless.5403)
Is the max speed 1MB/sec? Seems like that’s the highest it goes but it’s constantly going up and down from 0/sec to the 1mb. Anyone else have this issue? Be nice to see it stay consistently at 1/MB/sec.
Wait.. unlocking traits by certain content is pretty cool. I’ve liked the implementation of this system. Is that what you’re not liking?
Surprised they haven’t added this to our back slot yet. Capes can be cool but I’m not a huge fan of them. I prefer those angel / godlike wings.
They ever fix the spell spam I used to complain about in large groups fighting bosses? Or given us a mod to clean it up?
Ty for the reply btw.
Hey! Sorry for asking but I haven’t played in some time and read that GW2 is coming out with an expansion finally. Does anybody know how much it’s going to cost? Checked Amazon but I couldn’t find it.
Thanks in advance!
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea. Nothing but outrage in most mmo communities regarding the decision and content direction wow made. I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
I agree to disagree. The achievement speaks for itself
Need to hurry up. I’m ready to throw snowballs.
The gift of exploration is a part of making the legendary. Once the legendary is made, only then can you be able to make a profit.
Again… don’t enjoy crafting.
I honestly feel sorry for OP. The lack of knowledge of the game and the points of argument just makes me laugh in sadness. Next time instead of ranting about non sense try reading the forums asking ppl in game or educating yourself anyway viable to your ability. As for the deleted gift.. Rip at least 600g per gift.
lol… and obtaining the other items. Sounds like a blast.
You could have built a legendary for someone else and make several 100g of profit.
It’s account bound. How can someone else use my gift of exploration.
Secondly if you’re willing to grind dungeons to get new gear I don’t understand why double clicking items to combine them is such a huge barrier.
I didn’t know playing the game (content you enjoy) is considered grind. Then again I believe players that follow commander’s tag around wvw on their “karma train” is grind.
So yea, I’ve gone through and deleted majority of my purple items that I’ve had in my bank since playing (gift of exploration etc….) since I know I won’t be using it.
I’ve never used the water fountain forge thing and I probably won’t in the future either.
Can we have Ascended gear progression sets through dungeons and fractals please.?
I don’t like crafting nor combining different things for an item. If that’s the only way possible for obtaining ascended gear you might want to provide in-game information as to how it works. I’m not looking at Google just to create an item.
Yes there are truly amazing areas to check out in gw2. Sadly there isn’t descent zone music to compliment it. It would Be nice if we could create a custom playlist for each zone like we can for cities for example????????????????????
Plus it wasn’t intended to make money fall from the sky
Could care less about gold. Spam a few dungeons for that.
So you feel this magic percentage and the spamming luck charms is currently “working as intended”? That’s kool, I don’t lol
Needs to be looked at including the “magic” percentage which I believe needs to go. I don’t mind receiving constant greens and blues to salvage but very seldom do I find any items of (400) value for crafting. Receiving rewards for your effort is one thing but receiving vast amounts of junk is another.
Also, is there really a need for 16+ different currencies not including seasonal stuff? Slight overkill if you ask me.
Restarted my PC and the game’s launch screen popped up this time…… weird
Try restarting my PC.
Double click my GW2.exe icon and nothing happens. Doesn’t take me to the launch /update screen. Right clicked and ran as administrator and still nothing
Windows7professional x64bit
I’ve given up worrying or even trying to obtain ascended gear or even legendary weapons. The stat increase isn’t much and plus I’m not a big fan of “crafting” them. I wouldn’t mind seeing dungeon currency allowing us to buy gear.
First of all, count me out on raiding with anything more than 10 or more players due to the blinding light(s) not being able to see a boss. Might as well make IO (hero from Dota2) as every boss since that is practically all players can see.
Another issue I would have is the lack of boss abilities or cast bar. Being able to react to certain things during a fight makes it interesting. Currently we’ve had red outlined areas to avoid which is cool up to a certain point.
DPS and condition damage is broken.
List can go on with current issues I have with raiding in the game. I only wish the devs the best trying to create this extra content for players because it seems cool in concept.
When does the Halloween stuff go live?
LOL I don’t even have one yet.
Ive really enjoyed playing guild wars2 along with the awesome pve content. Hats off to the gw2 devs. However the one thing that has bothered me since playing has been the light blob on bosses. I’m Tired of fighting champions or bosses alongside large groups due to this issue. Why even create a boss? The only time this hasn’t been the case is when I’m fighting the extremely tall champs.
I only hope the gw2 team will invest time cleaning up spells and effects in large groups because it would really compliment immersion for players actually fighting a boss and not a blob of light.
With that said my play time and wallet will be back if this ever gets addressed.
Cheers and safe travels adventurers!
Try to play and there’s nothing but lag, then I get disconnected from the server after a while.
Not the “best” imo but it’s up there
Agree, I liked this one as well plus the cool vid at the end
I have talked/asked about this myself. I find it really annoying in boss fights not being able to see the champ due to the ball of blue light on my screen.
Do not like the idea of “housing” but I haven’t really looked into “guild halls”. I truely could care less about a flipping house in a video game. If I wanted to play SIMS, I would just install that game.
I’m assuming it’s useless in groups since the damage over time can only be applied once per character. Just started leveling my ele and it seems fire has pretty good damage but what should you roll in group fights?
Finally was able to finish it…. cheers.
Can’t complete it. Last two times I’ve tried to finish this instance I found my self stuck inside a wall (within the ship). Just recently the NPC to speak to regarding detonating the charges fell through the wall. Please help!
I’ve brought this up in the past too, I believe. I feel there should be a right click “consume all” option maybe?
Then again I do understand they can be used in crafting but for the vast majority of the time players just spam click to gain luck.
This feature should be looked at and tweaked and possibly automatically applied or something?
I prefer the living story allowing for the game to evolve as we play it and course adding new features along the way.
Not a huge fan of the “housing” concept in a video game.
When does this go live btw? usual patch time around noon east coast?
Can’t wait! Looks like some great changes.
I wouldn’t mind a paid expansion with new class/race or something with a few more zones but we all know it’s only fun for so long. I actually enjoy how Anet does these “seasonal” things along with their Living story.
So with no sub costs … I’m still enjoying the game. But if you’re looking for a job required to do ‘xyz’ just to progress your hero, well then this game isn’t for you.
You should post this in tech support, it looks like your bloom and postprocessing settings are too high.
My post processing setttings is actually on low. I’m not sure about bloom, couldn’t find that option.
Glad to hear some positive things about this from other comments as well
Not really complaining…. visually I would love to see myself fighting a boss and not a blob of light
— Never was one to partake in champ trains and I was kinda happy to see them updating this.
I was wondering this myself. I think I read somewhere they were going to add a merchant a while back so I kept the extra stuff in my bank……….
the option to turn off other players spells on bosses/champs in this game? I don’t mind seeing them casting spells and attacking but their effects on the bosses need to go!
I for one never understood the “champ train” in starter levels to begin with. I guess peeps really like those 4 slot bags. I’ve been asking the devs to fix the light blobs or give us an option to turn off other players spells to no avail.
Permanent content or aka “older content” is usually a ghost town with most games, so why waste resources keeping things players usually don’t go back to?
I don’t miss it. Please add more lasting content you can actually enjoy if you are not able to play the game during long (a month) time period.
I do miss it. Lasting content is stealth for “content” that is a ghost land which nobody really goes back to anymore. I actually enjoy content that is relevant when I log in every so often jumping into the action.
LOL ESO? LOL wildstar? Oh not to mention west coast chopperville expansion LOL
Don’t see these games stealing any spotlight tbh but I do hope they will provide an update on the living story soon
Super pumped for season 2 and haven’t really heard any news or information regarding this…. anyone know when the new living story will be coming back around?
Not a huge pvp fan (usually fps games for me) so my play time has been limited since no new content has been out.
5 Worst:
-Light blob attacking bosses while in large groups is extremely annoying, you can’t see anything!
-Light blob
-Light blob
-Light blob
-Light blob
5 Best:
The game in general is pretty amazing
So were coming on two weeks after feature patch
They spent four weeks building up to the Feature Pack. Another two isn’t going to kill you.
Yes it is.
My fps has stayed pretty solid at around 30fps in large groups. 50-60 while rolling solo content and my rig isn’t anything special.
Edit: I would love to see a feature that can turn off other players spells on the boss/champ because the light blob has been a thorn in my side since playing.