Showing Posts For Hyral.4168:
They would sell alot more dyes in the stores if we knew what we were getting.
This isn’t true. They’d sell a lot fewer dyes. With the random dye pack they’re banking on the appeal of chance, which is very lucrative and leads to repeat business.
For the last 12 or so hours I’ve been getting massive amounts of wierd server lag everywhere.
Yep me too. Since about Monday – Tuesdayish, I’ve been experiencing bad spots of lag in everywhere except WvW. It’s still awful now, and usually my connectivity to this game is wonderful. : /
Sure thing. I’m at work right now though, and linking things from my phone is beyond my capabilities. Please send me a PM to remind me and I will get on it as soon as possible.
This is pretty awesome – I’m at work too but I might bug you in PMs if no one else does.
From what I’ve observed, yes, but it could’ve just been bad playing. I’d rather have had anything else in the mesmer’s spot, in the two runs I’m thinking of.
Since the mesmer is so situational, I figure it was probably just a player who hadn’t learned a knack for exploiting situations. Who knows, game’s still young.
I’m wary that every event, skill point or heart that is prone to bugging, is going to bug in every cycle, and that I’ll have to schedule my completions around ANet’s maintenance. Hopefully this does not turn out to be the case. I’m also worried that the gathering resets either aren’t working or are based on too regular a schedule.
There’s something to be said for mise en scene. The composition of their features distinguishes Guild Wars 2 from the collective generic formula.
I still don’t think you can find true innovation in video games, save for once a generation at most. This generation has struck me as particularly stagnant, too easily distracted by gizmos we’ve actually had for decades. But playing with the formula still counts as a creative rendition, which might be more important than innovation.
On a fundamental level, Guild Wars 2 is nothing I haven’t seen before. WoW was especially unoriginal, but not unenjoyable. At price point, I guess I’m more interested in a worthwhile enjoyment rather than a bare step into what might be innovation.
Tanking in the usual physical interception way, yes. Tanking free-form (intercepting by range or with a bag of tricks) is still useful and yeah it does waver on the definition of “tank”. I wouldn’t try too hard to interpose yourself between other players and mobs and expect it to work the same as always.
Your utility skills, your weapon conditions, those are the resources you want to deploy to help protect other players. As a necro I frequently deploy healing circles and snares in events, to help mitigate players getting overwhelmed. The clever ones roll out when they’re in danger, the less cautious ones … well they at least get a little HoT.
I think that GW1 had a finite sort of experience with that system – and that’s not a bad thing. It just means that once you want to go outside the scope of (Player versus something), you’re gonna have to improvise a lot. Or in this case, expand on what the player’s resources are.
So, since they increased the scope of a game to a fully open world MMORPG, I can see why that decision happened.
So I know it’s advertised on the site, and it’s been a point of contention in the past, but this feature is pretty underwhelming.
I don’t understand why we have to be in overflows, but those don’t come up after a certain level. It doesn’t make a lot of sense – I can conceive of a game allowing Join In without limiting it to some overflow server.
If we could just get the ability of “Go to Overflow”, or to Join In without requiring that awkward middle party, the site’s advertised features would seem a lot more fulfilled. Thanks.
Cempa, do you have a favorite few kinds of gear? By descriptor I mean, like Rampager for example.
So glad I read this. I’d been building my necro with +healing, assuming that my green numbers would improve. This is what I came here to find out, since I had the overwhelming feeling that I’d been doing it wrong.
And it’s definitely lame how weak this mechanic is, but to remind folks, some of the most broken class imbalances in RPG history have belonged to life steal classes. In EQ1, DKs at one point or another could solo enormous fields of mobs, and this isn’t even to mention Reavers of DAoC and some other types. I can see why they chose to keep it wimpy.
Definitely agree with Angry Flying Squirrel’s latest post here. The amount of burst makes even regular regen procs seem like trash.
Even for non-RPers, I mean how much could they complain. Most these issues are the skillset of an animator / coder, not necessarily the same guys who are going to be ironing out event bugs.
I would really like to see more RP stuff thrown in, especially since we’ve been given so many prompts. Dyes, town clothes, transmute potions… To include all these things in the first place is proffer to RPing. None of them are enjoyable in combat or tactical gathering situations, which comprises the entire rest of the game.
Interactive chairs, barber shops, profiles, whatever you guys can think up would go a long way.
I used to teach English as a foreign language, so I’m gonna offer some (frankly unrelated) pointers.
Be patient, don’t act terrified, identify with friends or a counselor why you’re terrified, and above all be patient. Don’t sound condescending, and try not to take delight in her difficulty.
There’s also a pretty good chance that she likes you if she’s doing this, so don’t be awful or exploitative. Good luck.
Yeah, bacon is awesome.
Without getting too deeply into it, OP, I agree. It’s not a complaint from me, I hope that’s a meaningful distinction.
Basically yeah I think the game is like Recess back in school. It’s probably your favorite time of the day, but you’re never gonna get an A for it. I really enjoy it, but it’s difficult to engage in sometimes when I realize I have to actively look for a way to make progress, not just do the status quo.
It’s just a shift in mentality when you get down to it. All the same pieces of other MMOs are here, but they’re arranged to make a different device.
Yeah, this is one of those “Shouldn’t launch without” items, that I wish some games wouldn’t even try launching without.
But so many other games do launch without it that I can’t feel surprised or disappointed. I do hope they prioritize this as a feature.
Yeah when I see that in guild recruit spam I go from “Probably not gonna bother” to “Will never consider”. It’s like telling someone on the first date that you’ll be checking her car’s mileage every day.
But it’s up to them I guess, and there’s not much they can do to force guilds to act other ways. Basically, don’t join.
Haasth already gave you your best answer Knuckle. If you can’t enjoy the game in a way that doesn’t involve some ludicrous ambition, it looks like you’re done. Congrats.
Oh, um. I’m not sure how anyone here is going to take umbrage to flagged youtube videos which are allegedly or actually trying to be monetized illegally. Most folks here just like showing their sweet moves off to other players.
Most importantly, I think that once a lawyer contacts one or two parties about monetizing a third party’s intellectual property, it’s really unimportant which company’s lawyers they are. Legal costs are legal costs, if even only to the extent of mediation. So it’s hard to think of this as “drama”.
Yeah I wish someone actually would clarify it, not just tout some propaganda or condemn A-Net as authoritarian despots. Their wiki isn’t turning up anything about it, but if it’s as described in this thread, I might have to reconsider the game. I like ANet and GW2 especially, but I’m not going to pay for other players’ avarice.
Wait, what did ANet change recently? Everyone’s being really vague in this thread. I just hit 80 recently, but I want to know what’s wrong with farming monsters. I move around plenty, as well as chat, it’s not like I could be mistaken for a bot…
Oh neat, there’s a Q/A option. Anyway I’m gonna be uploading my character sketches and illustrations here, I think so when I send links people aren’t wary of the URL.
(Looks like I’m just gonna use the attachment feature.)
On the left is my friend’s character, and on the right is my thief being scruffy. This outfit was from his 30s I think, but he’s 80 as of yesterday.
Just need to add a background. The blueline sketch is already there but I removed it so as to not confuse anyone. Also I’ll try coloring it, but it’s daunting when this game’s artists have proven so adept with color. (Not to mention some other artists in this subforum.)
(edited by Hyral.4168)
Or honestly, just force the old E-mail address to require a verification of change (except in the recovery of an already-hijacked account, dealt with by your staff).
It seems very destructive to not implement this feature.
Same problems here.
Yeah the end game zones are looking bad, this is what we get for only being able to beta test the first 3 zones. It’s also why you see that those zones are so well done and the end game zones are just garbage. If they had broken the 80 levels into three tiers for each beta event it would’ve been fine imho.
This is exactly what I came to find. Basically all this quote.
I still love this game, but something has to be done about the 55+ zone events. I’ve noticed this problem in Charr lands too, probably also relating to the beta inexperience.
It’s too much of a hindrance, and frustrating, to continuously find inert orange circles. About half the time, all they mean is nearby vendors won’t vend. I’ve seen one event on my own server in Ascalon that’s been going on for two days, at 7/8 waves of Ogres – this isn’t even in a high level area.
I really, really hope Arenanet gets on this soon.
I for one am glad they got rid of damage types. Those systems always seem to just screw over magic users
Frankly I just don’t miss having to stack up X Resistance and then buy multiple suits just to go listen to nasally cursing for a couple hours. While I do kind of wish I could put up a ward to protect myself against burns (and a couple mobs’ poison lasts way too long,) I think this is refreshing.
Edit: I don’t think micromanaging adjectives adds any depth. It’s just another needless descriptor to build up, or to build up against. Anyone is capable of thinking these things up but I think this game prioritized combat maneuvers and strategies over gear focusing. It’s unfortunate if you really do like stat focusing but for a lot of us it’s an overdue relief.
(edited by Hyral.4168)
I do a lot of marketing at my job…including using high quality production software…and I don’t know who came up with the idea for the “Our Time is Now Trailer” but seriously fire the guy.
Okay, I have got to watch this thing now. I’ve never seen this video, I’ve only heard some dejected reactions to it and now that we’ve got some marketing experience weighing in, it sounds laughable. One guy even said he thought the ANet team got confused with Secret World or something.
Edit: yeah wasn’t that bad, but it does cross the bizarre limit pretty deeply. I gotta say, none of it makes me think of Guild Wars. But I can see where that other guy thought it was meant to be for Secret World.
(edited by Hyral.4168)
Yeah, I think the intent was to urge players into areas of interest so there won’t be so much aimless milling about. It seems like this is exactly what they wanted.
I agree with you OP, but basically the next post has it right.
You get more experience by discovering, hearting and gathering than you do by grinding mob kills. Your level will climb quicker and at a more pleasing rate if you asura gate over to some other zones and start fresh there.
It does seem to me that events are supposed to be more accessible or frequent (or even functional) than they are now, especially past level 55. Regardless, it isn’t too much to go wandering into other zones with near or even lower levels than yours, just to help that level growth.
Ya’ll postin’ in a troll thread.
well now i mad
Well it would destroy their extra character slot sales, so I wouldn’t count on this ever happening. I guess they could charge gems for switching a class, but honestly I still doubt that would appeal to me.
While I’ve enjoyed class switching in other games, single player and MMO, it’s never been a real game-maker either. “Remember that time I went from wizard to barbarian! Woah!” is something no one has probably ever heard.
Stop playing all the professions you dislike. I didn’t read all your words, but I’m not insecure about my intelligence. Sincerely, I recommend abstaining from all professions that aren’t fun for you.
You see that? Doggie already has your TVs. That’s how mobile thieves are.
Leatherworking and Cooking. I have other toons doing other crafts so they can level on those, it’d be an expensive waste to do it twice. And whenever I hit the X5 levels, I just TP new daggers, sword, pistol and shortbow for like 8s at level 65. So I’m glad I picked what I did!
Yeah I lost interest in my elementalist at 62 due to this. He’s fire/earth specced, and frankly he was just pathetic. My alt (a thief at just past 60) does much better than him, it’s not even a contest. The problem I had with elementalist was just what the OP described: for all that effort, we really don’t get a lot of payoff. Every single fight I had was the same, and I had to keep dodging as often as possible. DoT, Damage Field, kite, repeat.
It wasn’t difficult, but it was uninteresting.
This is simply a general complaint and I would love to hear if anyone is having as much trouble.
It’s not just you, friend. Two of my friends who joined this game with me also have this problem. I do too. I’d say about 1 in 3 quests I have to outwit the AI (retreat and heal etc.) or “die through” the span of it, which ends up costing a fortune in repairs. My elementalist is 57, and doing (55) A Light in the Darkness – I’m pretty much ready to dismiss all quests from now on.
The rewards are quaint, and the storyline is adequate but the difficulty could be a comedy if it weren’t so expensive. A lot of the time I comb around to see whether there are any major items I’m supposed to pick up and use. This has been the case twice, but each time the NPCs told me about it anyway.
The only confusing part to me is why they’re like this. It’s not like Karma waypoints or events are ever this hard – some being very difficult but doable. Quests stand head and shoulders above the rest of the PVE game in terms of difficulty, it’s just bizarre.