Showing Posts For I Karnor I.1823:
Looks like this missing guild bank bug only exists in Lion’s Arch, The Grove and Hoelbrak.
Divinity’s Reach, Black Citadel and Rata Sum are fine.
(edited by I Karnor I.1823)
roflmfao, just had a very small patch to the game and now the guild bank NPC states “Your guild hasn’t built any sort of storage yet. I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you.”
Who stole the guild bank :O
So here’s the exact bug.
I am in a guild, I can kick people form it, invite people to it, buy influence for it, talk in guild chat, in fact I can use all of the very limited guild features in GW2.
When I try to access the guild bank the dialog says “I only work with guilds. If you wish to use my services, you must first seek a guild to join.”
Who stole the guild bank :O
Worked our way round it last time it happened.
So basically
1) we disbanded the party
2) then one person entered FoTM
3) then they invited one of the original members to the party
4) the new member entered the invitees FoTM
5) repeat steps 3 to 4 until all party members are inNOTE: make sure each member has entered before you invite the next one
We still got screwed later when a member crashed and could not get back in but meh, hope it helps ya
1) Are you in EU playing on NA servers?
1) Appreciate the guide tho can you type it again with a better English (no offense, but just read your part 4)?
Thanks.I think he is stating that one person goes into fractals, invites another person. Once that 2nd person joins in, then the 2nd person invites the 3rd. The 3rd then should invite the 4th once they are in, and that they then invite the next. So each new person in the party takes on the responsibility to invite the next one, instead of one person inviting all of them one at a time.
1st goes to fractals, invites 2nd to party
2nd joins party, goes to fractals
2nd invites 3rd
3rd joins party, goes to fractals
3rd invites 4th
4th joins party, goes to fractals
4th invites 5th
5th joins party, goes to fractals
lol, thanks for interpreting my bad Ingrish there, I must be talking with forked tongue
Yes I am a EU player on a NA server.
Had this problem in EU before we moved to NA though but some time ago.
How about the guild bank is simply not there for a bug report?
How else can I say it other than the guild bank is simply not there? It was there, then an Anet update came along and now it is no longer there.
I say it is no longer there because every time I go to access it, the guild bank person says my guild does not have a guild bank. It did but like I said then an Anet update came along and now it is gone.
Who stole the guild bank :O
This is a repetition of an old bug which I am sure the developers can find if they look through their bug reporting system^^
Then again I just wish that Anets QA department could catch things like this before they release code. It only took us a couple of minutes of normal game play after the update of 23/7/2013 to find it :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Please do not confuse this with the “guild representation bug”, I am happily representing my guild.
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Who stole the guild bank :O
Worked our way round it last time it happened.
So basically
1) we disbanded the party
2) then one person entered FoTM
3) then they invited one of the original members to the party
4) the new member entered the invitees FoTM
5) repeat steps 3 to 4 until all party members are in
NOTE: make sure each member has entered before you invite the next one
We still got screwed later when a member crashed and could not get back in but meh, hope it helps ya
i probably took this thread wrong than, i was sure somebody said the there was a confirmation button for popping banners, i probably misunderstood, and i read again now to see what i missed! sorry!!
misread and misunderstood something? omg, that should be a capital crime :O
lol, no probs mate, I have made far worse mistakes in life
I’m fine with it if and only if there is an option to not allow people to inspect you. If you want to know my build you can ask me to share. You are however not entitled to knowing it.
lol, it’s simple.
Add inspect as a toggle.
LFG asks for inspection, then it is up to you to turn it on or do not join.
LFG says none inspection, then it is up to you to join or not.
Solves the problem for LFG like minded speed clearers and LFG casual players.
There is no reason anyone should need to inspect another players armour.. Let people play how they want to play – you don’t have a right to start telling people they shouldn’t do dungeons or whatever because their stat combo’s are wrong.
Also, don’t be surprised if you get suspended for your account name. I mean seriously that’s imbecilic.
lol, you claim he has no rights to tell people how to play and yet at the same time you complain about his name?
roflmfao, it’s not people asking for certain builds that ruin the game, imho, it’s people like you complaining over someone else’s name that quite frankly is anatomically correct, Elephants do in fact have horns and so could be thus described.
Strangely although I hate leveling in gw2 (really hate it), I would not like to see class changers in the game.
Jeesh the game is way too easy already.
also guild leader don’t have any confirmation button whatever i pop out, banners, magic find or karma, never asked me if i was sure about it
Nobody said there were confirmations for placing banners.
Not sure if you got this topic wrong, misunderstood someone else or are asking for additional confirmation.
Asking for confirmation on placing banners would be really annoying and so is likely to be the next thing Anet add to the guild system
Another thing, where is the guild wars?
Ssh, first rule about Guild Wars, don’t mention guild wars. Apparently it confuses them.
Sadly this thread is destined for the suggestions forum graveyard along with the other bazillion posts asking for more guild functionality. They redesigned the achievements UI though so maybe there is still hope yet.
Yup, I make it a point of poking them with a “what about the guild roster” stick when I feel they think everyone has given up hope of ever seeing a proper guild roster and stopped asking.
So I’ll be back with the same questions the next time I’m drawn to that very valid question posed by Anet in the main guild roster screen, “What is a guild?”
P.S. Anet, if you want an example of a reasonable guild roster in action, may I humbly suggest you go play Guild Wars. It is an older game that was just awesome from a guild and alliance perspective. Seriously, you should go play it to see what we mean. Don’t be to proud to look a successful platform.
here is my wishlist about guild, take note you anet and santaclaus, who ever comehere first:
-send mail to all guild feature
-in game calendar
-last on line/last representing feature
-guild alliance and alliance chat
-guild halls
-more permissions splitting
-overall a better interface (but i’m ok with this one too, already used to it)there are probably other things i would like but now i can’t think of any
All of that would be fine but right now I would settle for just letting me know the last time a member logged in, this is a feature sadly lacking after the original Guild Wars.
I’ll add to your list being able to determine whether a member is guesting on a home world or actually transferred there as some of us only allow our members to reside on a single home world, for a combined influence pool and numbers for guild missions, among other things.
I often wonder if that “What is a guild?” item on the main guild roster screen is a left over question from a developer to the designers.
Most (if not all) guild leaders I know agree with me when I say the guild roster is so very sad in this game. It seems nothing more than a glorified over complicated friends list.
So I nearly fell out of my chair when the devs finally did something to the roster in the last patch.
Then felt the usual disappointment when I realized that all they did was add something to make it even more unfriendly. So now I have to confirm each upgrade boost I make instead of just spamming the boosts. What a pointless update
Seriously Anet your game is called “GUILD WARS 2”, so why why why do we not have a useful roster after 9 months?
I can’t believe with so limited resources available you chose to spend them on adding a “let me annoy you by asking if you are sure” button to the roster. Then again, I can believe it :S
Same Kiss with dozens of guilds from gw1 ?
Just dont put Northen Shiverpeaks out of the equation, as we trying to get more flesh on the field.
Yep, same guild.
This thread is not about blame or feeding the trolls. So if you wouldn’t mind, I’ll whisp you ingame to get a feel of your server from you
Thanks very much for the quick response Devon. I’m looking forward to the fix
I know this has been said already but only in a topic about the missing commander icon on the map, so I want to bump it out on it’s own as a serious issue.
Every ally dot on my map shows green, as it does for everyone else. The only place I see blue is if a party member is off my mini map but then if I pan the map over to them they suddenly become green again.
This is just stupidly frustrating.
We have no way of knowing where our party members are. If 2 zergs move through the same area they inevitably end up fragmenting because they do not know which is which. Any party entering that congested area is just completely lost.
Test server? Really? You expect them to actually do something that makes sense?
A test server would hopefully help to avoid the embarrassing bugs released with virtually every patch. I would definitely port my a/c across for each patch but sadly it would only work if Anet actually listened to our feedback from the test server :S
Just to illustrate my point in (2) surrounding the scenario where the odd players may leave if they do not get the bonus level chest.
I know of one occasion where one of our regular daily party members crashed out after the 3 required levels on an even numbered fractal run were complete.
The remaining party went on to complete the bonus getting the chest and bonus.
The next day we assumed our party would have to do the previous even numbered level again to allow our party member that crashed out the day before to catch up but much to our delight they had progressed to our level, presumably because they had completed the 3 required fractals in the previous days run.
Hence, I am concerned that in my scenario in (2), the odd level players would see no benefit in doing the bonus fractal and hence leave, meaning the even numbered players would not get their bonus level and daily bonus chest.
This would mean again that players would be reluctant to form mixed level groups.
Can we have some clarification please?
Firstly, thank you so much Anet for recognizing the problem with people crashing out of fractals and not being able to rejoin their party. When you release this fix for this allowing people to rejoin the instance, you will make a lot of people very happy, myself included
Now for the new mechanism designed to help lower level people form parties. I like the idea in general but am not sure if Anet have covered all the possibilities in their given example based on all players on an odd number fractal.
1) Why would I as a higher level player want to help out lower level players, when I would not progress my own level and only get Karma which in the current game is a totally redundant currency?
Surely it would have been better to allow all players to progress their level, which would in fact encourage me to help out lower level players.
In the example given, the level 53 player does not progress.
Or is this just a bad example, meaning if the level 53 player started the game at level 53, all players would in fact progress their levels?
2) What if this example was a mixed set of players, some on even number fractals and some on odd numbered fractals.
So assuming there were 3 players on odd numbers and 2 players on even numbers. The highest even numbered player starts the game at level 54 and the other even numbered player is on level 22.
When the first 3 fractals are complete, does an even number bonus level kick in.
If so does this mean after completing the bonus level that there will be no chest for the odd numbered players who would not be eligible for the bonus level or would the bonus level not kick in at all, meaning the even numbered level players lose their bonus level for having odd numbered players in the party?
NOTE saying Karma is a redundant currency is certainly true for me and quite a few players I know as there is nothing available for Karma that we want or need in the game. We all have a massive amount of Karma stacking up on our accounts (ever increasing) that we simply do not use. So please people do not start raging at me over this and keep this thread directed at it’s main concern which is how the new fractals mechanism will work.
As a long time GW1 player I am disappointed with this game.
There is a distinct lack of community in the game. The guild system is a joke for a game called Guild Wars. The end content is lacking.
WvW is not an answer to players that are not PvP(ish) centric. I like to mix my game play between PvE and PvP but this game is proving very hard to find a balance.
There is a distinct lack of an effective crafting mechanism in the game and the lack of a face to face trading system is lame.
I personally miss the trinity as I have not seen an effective replacement for it in this game.
Fractals has saved the game for me for a brief while, as it is actually rewarding unlike the rest of the game. It will allow me to continue until this fabled massive build due early next year that will answer our desires. I seriously hope it does materialize, otherwise I fear for this game.
I could go on with a massive list of points but what’s the point. The fan boys will never listen.
On top of all of this. Whenever we develop an effective farm to keep us interested the nerf hammer comes down hard. So can I be bothered to grind for a legendary weapon? Nope.
This is all my humble personal opinion and I do not care one iota for the fan boys and their inevitable sycophant reposts.
This quote sums the game up very accurately for me
Ever since Beta I call it an Arcade MMO. And I still feel that way. Kind of MMO you put a coin in and play for an hour or two then leave for a month.
The rats who just joined AG will then abandon the ship, seeking glory elsewhere
lol, you sound so bitter.
I said this before and will say it again.
KISS did not leave GH purely because of the lack of coordinated or determined WvW guilds. Nor did it leave purely due to unhealthy number of trolls on GH.
GW2 is not just about WvW Our guild is not full of WvW only players.
It got really boring looking across Malchor’s Leap and the Cursed Shore, amongst other areas, to see many places such as Balthazar’s and Arah constantly contested. Boring struggling to form good dungeon groups.
Since being on AG we have regularly been able to get to Arah/Balt and form good dungeon groups consisting of pugs, not just our members. Our coordinator was about to setup a guild run on Balt before we left GH but that got postponed till we got to AG, however the run has been postponed every time since joining AG due to the fact that Balt had already been taken care of by the AG community.
Yes AG has got good WvW guilds but from a PvE perspective, the server is very healthy.
Do I care if you or the other whiners believe me? Not really.
BTW: since coming to AG we have noticed a healthy lack of trolls, so you can keep GH. I wish all the good players left on GH in whatever guild the best of luck and hope the server turns round for all of you.
Face it, both GH and RoF have lost this round :P
Thats clear from day one i think
<snip>. The question is.. how to learn from it.. and what to do next in order to improve.
so yea.. for you – you will win this round. For us.. we will get stronger hopefully next time.
I hope you do learn from it and I don’t mean to be sarcastic or antagonistic.
Those of us that enjoy WvW need all the servers to be comparably strong so we can have good battles, not the whitewashes we see all too often.
There’s been a lot of sniping in this and the previous closed thread but that’s just human nature. I look forward to the time when the servers are balanced and the sniping turns to appreciation of each others successes and how they perform in failure.
For AG that would mean they will be attacked on THEIR borderland from two sides at once. Even with full upgrades it would be hard for them to defend against two servers.
For us GH and ROF it would be easier to defend our own borderlands against only AG who anyway will have lot of problems at their own borderlands..
rofl, go for it. AG have more than enough numbers to defend their upgraded BL and at the same time send a sizeable force to attack one of the enemy BLs, meaning unless the attacked server wants to start losing stuff wholesale they will have to respond by sending their zerg back to defend their BL.
End result, you no longer have a combined force to make a difference.
Face it, both GH and RoF have lost this round :P
BTW: I agree this unbalanced battle is quite boring most of the time.
(edited by I Karnor I.1823)
Thanks for coming to EBay KISS, Maguuma needed more people to kill this matchup !
roflmfao, so far I been really enjoying the fight against you guys since we came across. Been fun smashing your gates down and taking vital points of interest of you. Lost count the number of 1 v 2 I won since coming to E-Bay.
Got to say that we are really looking forward to the next match up with Maguuna when we are there at the reset to work with our new allies.
As for all this whining going on about us leaving GH, I said all I had to say along with Disaproval on the GH mumble to the important people whose opinions matter to us. To the multitude of really great players on GH that were not on that mumble, I will iterate again what Disaproval already said, you were great fun to play with, we will miss you and wish you all the best of luck.
To the whiners, haters and idiots, do GH a favor and leave the game.
To all our new allies on E-Bay, got to say it’s been fun so far and thanks again for all the warm welcomes we received when we came over.
Those that know us from GW1 know that we are a massive alliance that had a very large USA community within it. We lost them because made a decision to go to a EU server. We are now going to a USA server and taking the loyal KISS EU members with us and many of the new ones that we met during GW2. It is humbling to see the vet USA KISS members contacting us to come back to us now we are going state side and I look forward to meeting up with them again.
Honestly it is a shame that Anet decided to regionalise the servers, smashing many big alliances like KISS and many of the others from GW1 that we know so well.
I’ll say no more on the subject, good luck GH
I cannot invite any new members to the guild. Just had this with 4 guilds that I am an leader in..
The game says:
You have reached the maximum number of guild memberships. If you would like to join a new guild you must leave one of your current guilds or decline an unanswered invite. (Code=3040:1002:3:2057:101)
NOTE: I am trying to invite someone to the guild not join a new guild myself.
OMG the fanboyz will roast me for this but erm, well, erm, Blizzard support DX9, DX10 and DX11 in WoW.
But they didn’t straight away.
Besides, they’ve already said if it’s viable they’ll implement it. The thing is, it takes time and resources to implement, and if only, say, 10% of the players are using it, then what’s the point in diverting resources that could be used to improve the current engine?
Hence, why they’re checking where or not it’s worth making it a priority.
Blizz didnt straight away cause WoW is old….one would think in the year 2012 (almost 2013) ANet would have added DX11 as a default.
Same with a 64bit client.
Plus adding a gfx api to an existing game, as Blizzard did, is a lot harder than coding it in at the start
Yeah please do, if only so I can get rid of the annoying clipping issue with the pony tail on my Guard which makes her hair disappear inside her back a lot of the time. If I knew about this in advance I would have made her have short hair from the start like my Mes.
Supporting something and actually using its features are two different things
If your card supports DX11 and you enable it in the game options, hey presto WoW uses DX11. If your card does not support DX11, you don’t enable it and hey presto, WoW does not use DX11. If your card supports DX11 and you do not enable DX11 in the game options, then hey presto WoW does not use DX11.
WoW is not the only game that operates like this, it’s just one of many.
At any rate I’m not slagging Anet off for not using DX11, I’m just saying Anet please use DX11 for those of that can use it. which as far as I am aware, I am entitled to ask for
I did actually say in my original reply that the gfx was awesome even at DX9 but I would really like the performance benefits of DX11 not the extra shiny gfx although they would be nice too :P
(edited by I Karnor I.1823)
However, I like to travel on my summer break for around a month, which has gotten me kicked from a guild I’ve been with for the whole year and which was perfectly suitable for me.
The way guilds I’ve been in handle that is that you notify the leadership that you’re going to be away for a while, but intend to return. If the guild can’t accommodate an extended summer holiday they’re not the type of folks I want to play with.
I still think if you’re worried about folks judging your activity level, you haven’t found a good fit.
I agree you need to find a properly organized guild. One that allows 2 or 3 weeks inactivity unless the person has already told them that they will be away for a while. Usually good guilds have a forum for you to post intended absence on.
I don’t want to pay 2g each time I want to experiment with a new build or have a different PvE to WvW build.
Erm, it does not cost that much to reset your traits each time. You buy a manual once, then choose the reset option, which is much cheaper, when you want to change them
Guys there is this awesome new MMO that simply pushes the boat out with the latest technology.
It’s, wait for it ………….
Guiildwars2 complete with the massively innovative DX9 drum roll
Yeah right, it really exhausts my stupidly expensive spanking gaming system.
Saying that the gfx is awesome but really, come on Anet, DX9?
It might not exhaust yours, but other players might not have the luxury of having a high-end system.
Not to mention Windows XP doesn’t support DX11.
However, they said they’d look into implementing it if there was enough demand.
OMG the fanboyz will roast me for this but erm, well, erm, Blizzard support DX9, DX10 and DX11 in WoW.
Guys there is this awesome new MMO that simply pushes the boat out with the latest technology.
It’s, wait for it ………….
Guiildwars2 complete with the massively innovative DX9 drum roll
Yeah right, it really exhausts my stupidly expensive spanking gaming system.
Saying that the gfx is awesome but really, come on Anet, DX9?
Has anyone noticed recently, that now there are a lot of members listed as “unknown” in the guild roster?
This seems to indicate some form of inactivity notice but as Anet do not seem to have announced this anywhere, I’m not sure if that is accurate. For the time being I am removing members listed as “unknown” and recruiting new members.
This happens on a server reset. Then everyone gets listed as unknown, as the character data is wiped from the roster. When people log in again the unknown gets replaced with their current character info. We use this now as well to check activity. Just give it a bit of time after a new server reset to see if people log in or not.
Yup I kind of decided that myself but was not going to put it in text in case my thinking was wrong. So I let you say it for me and waited to see if you got corrected, so thanks for that, rofl
Well, I get why every guild leader is asking for this feature. (Was there anyone who isn’t a guild leader / officer above me?)
I’m just a rank and file member and I would like to see this column. If you’re worried about getting unfairly kicked for inactivity/not-representing, maybe you’re in the wrong style of guild?
Here we have a guild member that fully gets it because members want to be in a active guild. Especially in GW2 where activity earns influence for the guild that it can in turn spend on buffs for the guildies.
So Pandemoniac is correct Fred Fargone, perhaps you are in the wrong kind of guild^^
Although im for adding alliances back i dont see how its "destroying bonds " if they dont get added . It’s not like you cant have a facebook page or forums to stay in touch .
Another thing to think about is 5 full guilds in Guild wars 1 is the equivalent to 1 full guild in Guild Wars 2 so a merger of several smaller guilds from GW1 may be a better option in GW2 rather than allying .
Not sure you truly understand a large alliance.
We had 2 full alliances in GW1 totaling 2,000 active players in the height of GW1. In each alliance we could talk to all the guild members of all 10 guilds in one chat. It did not matter to guildies if they suddenly had friends or family members start playing and their guild was full because the friend or family member could join another guild in the alliance and they still felt connected.
Using facebook or forums does not allow dynamic chatting in game. I makes it hard to simply shout out to the other guild members in other related guilds for party searches when going for dungeons, etc.
Currently we have 4 guilds in GW2 and they cannot chat to every guild member in one single chat window. They would really like to but simply cannot.
Heh, Dual trait isn’t only WoW thing. GW 1 also had this and it was nice.
Actually GW1 did not have dual traits. It had a completely different build system which allowed multiple builds to be stored and loaded at will.
When people talk about dual traits, it is as the name suggests, dual meaning two. They are both loaded once and can be swapped with a simple button press. It was a simple way of having a PvE and PvP build pre-loaded. If you want to reset either of them then you have to pay gold.
I would much rather have the GW1 style of loading builds but suspect that like myself, everyone asks for dual traits as we kind of accept that Anet dev will not let us have the old GW1 flexible build system.
Would be nice to know who owns a structure in WvW as well.
The answer is obvious. This isn’t WoW.
This is a silly answer, unfortunately used by to many fanboyz.
We know it is not WoW, if only because it says Guildwars2 when we login.
So what. Adopting good points from other games is not a bad thing, it will not cause Anet to suddenly grow horns and become the Devil’s right hand man. There are many car manufacturers in the world all with a wide range of models in their catalog, yet they all have engines, all have seats, all have doors, all have wheels which are round, most have turbos and fuel injection.
Dual specs in WoW is useful to the point you can have a spec setup for PvE and a spec set for PvP. It’s a no brainer for people that do PvE and WvW that we use different specs in PvE vs WvW. I like to run a hardened build in WvW that I simply do not need when doing PvP.
OMG PLEASE remove the revive icon form above Mesmer illusions
in Suggestions
Posted by: I Karnor I.1823
I sometimes even start to resurrect myself :P
I have been known to do this late on a Friday/Saturday night after a few drinks, rofl
I’m not going to waste my time arguing the so-called re-balance of skills in GW2 as years of experience in GW1 have taught me Anet will do as Anet will do in this area.
HOWEVER, please Anet, stop micro managing my game
Whichever developer thought OMG I need to re-arrange these skills for better manipulation, have you ever had a thought that maybe not everyone thinks like you do in combat, not everyones finger to mind mapping is the same as yours or even simply not everyone is right/left handed?
Please just allow us to re-arrange the skill bar how we see fit for our own personal tastes.
I’m not asking you to let us move weapon skills over to the right in place of or mixing with the utility skills. Just let us re-arrange the weapon skills within the weapon skill area. Just like you let us assign our utility skills in whatever order we want.
+1 to all of this
OMG PLEASE remove the revive icon form above Mesmer illusions
in Suggestions
Posted by: I Karnor I.1823
I can’t fathom Anet dev some times.
There was a problem with the revive icon in the game at the start where both Ranger pets and Mesmer illusions had the revive icon above their heads, causing players to try to revive these npcs.
Someone started a thread asking for the Ranger pets to have this removed and Anet finally obliged. Thanks for that, I and everyone else really appreciate that.
However, why could you not extend that to logically remove it from the Mesmer illusions for the same logical reasons?
Maybe I’m being anal here but somehow I think this is a lot more important than Anet wasting time removing the helmets and masks from the login screen as per players hero panel preferences.
Please, come on, surely you can see the problem? Do we really have to ask for this separately and wait for an avalanche of replies from other players before you remove this?
OMG this thread is now over 3 pages long and still no response from Anet :S
I would happily pay double for a linux client.
It’s real sad that I can play GW1 and GW2 on linux but I have to use a wine based system which is 3rd party as far as Anet are concerned.
If you, Anet/NcSoft, can’t work out a native client, then please at least officially support the wine project.
How many pages will this thread have to go over before we finally get a response form Anet even if it’s only one that tells us all to stop whining?
BTW: by official response, I don;t mean one saying they have moved it to the correct forum rofl
Been saying this since the beta. We need alliance chat. It is another sad omission from whatever gap analysis Anet did between GW1 and GW2 when they designed this awesome game.
I’m in a historic GW1 alliance of over one thousand members now spread across 4 guilds and we have to rely on external media to communicate across the guilds.
This is destroying historic alliances, especially those emigrating form GW1 but I guess loyalty means nothing to Anet :S
Agreed at the very least we need a “last online”, “last represented” would be awesome too.
Been asking for this since the beta pointing out that they had this in GW1 and obviously did not do a sufficient gap analysis when they started building GW2 but as always this falls on deaf ears, i.e. Anet dev ears.
I’m using the “unknown” status simply because we have nothing else to go on :S
Agreed at the very least we need a “last online”, “last represented” would be awesome too.
Been asking for this since the beta pointing out that they had this in GW1 and obviously did not do a sufficient gap analysis when they started building GW2 but as always this falls on deaf ears, i.e. Anet dev ears.
Has anyone noticed recently, that now there are a lot of members listed as “unknown” in the guild roster?
This seems to indicate some form of inactivity notice but as Anet do not seem to have announced this anywhere, I’m not sure if that is accurate. For the time being I am removing members listed as “unknown” and recruiting new members.