I like it a lot! I’ll send the gold as soon as possible!
Okay, took a little longer than I intended, sorry about that! Here’s the references: http://s12.postimg.org/bbtk5ixvf/Tirri.png
So, my idea is that Tirri (inked and colored!) is in Maguuma after a fight, and covered in cuts and blood and all that fun stuff (hence the red facial mark). She’s still rather fat, so she’d probably be leaning on the sword and looking winded. Also, any background doesn’t have to be complex or anything, can just be generic jungle-y stuff. That’s all I can think of, and thank you again!
Sure, I’ll get a few screenshots ASAP and talk about the idea in mind!
Actually, could I commission another one for my asura?
Much, much better! Thank you so much!
I like those a lot, thank you!
The colored version seems to be a bit small, is there a larger resolution one? If not, that’s fine!
Payment sent! Thanks again!
Here’s Tirri! She’s my overweight (the in-game model only have so much width) little necromancer, usually giving a smile and a wave (if that’s the pose you’d like to use, I’m fine with anything).
Out of curiosity, can I request both an uncolored inked version and a colored one? I’d be fine with paying for each.
Hi! Is there a pricing guide anywhere for the commissions? I can’t seem to find one.
Actually, I’d call those exceptionally cheap prices! Count me in, I’ll have reference screenshots as soon as I can.
The detailing on the faces is absolutely wonderful.
Thank you so much! I’ll pay first thing in the morning.
Here we go, got the screenshots of my two characters. The first is Sinra Snowclaw, no real preferences with her:
Second is Tirri, only thing different about her from the in-game model is that she’s actually kind of/fairly fat, but, model limitations:
If the screenshots are too small, let me know, I’ll figure something out! Thanks again!
(edited by Iona.6307)
Of course not! just keep an eye out on this post. I’ll will post a new list with new charcters after this one. Make sure you post clear screenshots of your characters. Thanks in advance!
One last quick question before I stop being a bother. Are we allowed to make request on body shape/pose/whatever?
I’m currently full on slots but next week I’m reopening another 10 slots. If you are really interested i can reserve spots for you.
Certainly, if that’s alright! Two, if you don’t mind?
Out of curiosity, are these still open?
Negotiate with the legions to build settlements outside of Ebonhawke for the growing civilian populace in what remains of Ascalon. In the long-term (we’re talking decades), I would be willing to fight a reclamation war to regain all of Ascalon. Until then, we must be wary of our diplomatic position with the Charr, and continue to label the Seperatists as enemies of the state.
Yes… no conflicts at all.
‘Real man race’. Bet this guy is a hyper-masculine norn because he’s compensating for a lot.
Welcome to the fangen section of the forums, Pecs. You may want to tell everyone your commission information or provide a link to where information can be found.
Laugh, rodent ;-)
Okay, I will! Where would you be without the asuran gates? Would Ebonhawke stand without the gate from Rurikton? I believe not!
Kryta prevails!
I found this cute set of pictures in the forum, but I can not find the armor on the wiki. Can someone tell me the equipment that he/she chose to use?
Looks to be Krytan Medium Armor, to me. Gem store item: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krytan_Medium_Armor_Skin
Holesnipe Oldcog isn’t bad, but it sounds a lot more appropriate for some sort of character from another MMO, like maybe a gnome from WoW. 6/10
My own is Necrologist Tirri.
Eckki sounds good, but what’s the rest of the name, or is that all? There is also ‘Eckkii’, if you feel like doubling more letters.
This is probably the main reason why I gave up on my beloved Asura and switched to a human.
I never ever wanted female asura with boobs or skimpy outfits, I just wanted the asura race to be able to wear unique versions of outfits/armor that had been given the same level of love and attention as the human ones.
I think that is my biggest criticism of the outfits and cosmetic stuff in GW2. It’s all (or almost all) built around humans, with little regard to the non-normal species.
In terms of a “lore” explanation, there’s very little difference in the physical characteristics of male and female Asura (read: no breasts), and since the race values practicality and functionality, there’s not much reason to have separate pieces of clothing for male and female Asura. And Asura do seem to view gender as a less important characteristic overall, as well.
As far as the development reasons for it, the normal female version of the armor wouldn’t work on Asura for much the same reason (no breasts). The female model just doesn’t work for a large number of the armors without fairly heavy modification. And they are very reluctant to create or heavily modify specific armor sets for one single gender of one single and less popular race (they won’t even do it for Charr and their tails most of the time, and that’d be one race but both genders).
I would disagree, in the fact that Anet would want to provide appealing outfits for people who play any species. And peoples’ own characters may differ from the norm, not everyone thinks the same.
As for how to make it work, they have successfully put out other outfits which fit on bodies with or without breasts, so it doesn’t really stand as a reason. The Witch outfit, the Ancestral outfit. Work with norn and human and asura just as fine.
With the new Noble Coat in the gem store, I’m really disappointed that the only version I can buy is the male one. Is there no way to just alter the dress for female asura?
Please, Anet? Kindly revert the double-naming. Or just leave names selectable but take out the extra one.
September Feature Patch: RP gets nerfed!
October Feature Patch: No more custom emotes!
And the hotfix didn’t change anything.
Come on, Anet. For once throw us a nice little bone.
Seconded to just about all of the above.
I think… it is time for another commission. When there are slots open. Because I can’t have enough.
Ahem… yaaaaaaaaaay! I love the picture!
So much asura. I approve!
If that’s the real reason, then I might have to give myself a concussion from facedesking.
I agree Chasind. This face update was not made with asura (and possibly charr) in mind.
Fine fine, mrauls, gimme a second.
EDIT: Done: http://s4.postimg.org/4yfnfzcv1/Male_Asura_Ugly.png
My asura is plenty cute WITHOUT giant bug-eyes!
The male ones are the same exact thing, except maybe a little less cheek puffiness.
The female ones are… horrific. And I didn’t alter the eye squint slider!
Then thank you again!
Oh, another picture? Thanks! I’m a bit confused, though, unless you’re just using my character to showcase the different examples?
Thank you so much! Sending the money now!
Sure, why not?
Here’s my character, and I’m pretty open to pose and background liberties. As long as it’s nothing overly-silly.
Oh, why not? I’ll definitely send a tip, it’s the least I can do!
Also, potential pose is first picture, close-up for reference is second!
Do be aware, by considering requests you have likely opened the floodgates to all sorts of people hoping to be chosen.
I absolutely agree with Invertation, your art is clearly already very good. I love the soft lines so far and the little mini-backstories are great, especially the necromancer one.
What can I say? I’m a fan! Also, I do have a very specific image in mind this time.