Summary of Looking For:
- Weekend Sat/Sun Schedule – NA PST Zone
- Interested in PvE: Guild Missions, Fractals, Raids (ideally)
- 80’s of all classes
- Ascended armor for all 3 armor weights – can gear as needed
- Full fractal clear on multiple chars
- Mature community
About Me
Hey everyone. I’m “JNet”, and I’m looking for a new guild to call home. I’m a young adult in the middle of a busy career time and pursuing a post-graduate degree. Due to my busy schedule, weeknights are unreliable and I’m looking for a weekend-oriented guild to get active with.
I’m a single guild and community oriented type of person, so I enjoy small-mid sized guilds where we can make friends and form regular groups. I’d prefer a voice active community with Discord and have a mic and will join in regularly. (Other voice apps are also okay, though Discord is superior. It is known.)
I have all classes at 80 and ascended gear for heavy/med/light – willing to transmute to meta for raiding reqs. I have full fractals cleared on multiple characters so willing to swap classes as needed to help. I have raiding experience in WoW and a little in GW2, willing to learn!
Key for me is a mature community. I am all down for fun and good times, but I’d prefer a respectful environment. Wildly unchecked cursing and insensitive jokes are not something I’ll be comfortable with. With that said I really enjoy an active community where everyone is comfortable talking, setting up groups, and helping each other. Looking forward to joining a like minded community!
Thank you!
This just happened to our team as well… -2 for a 4v5 when the d/c was gone the entire game. :< I don’t mind most of this system, but man. That’s harsh.
You could also try just learning your class and playing well, with or without friends. I have a guildie who is diamond soloque thief (not meta at all). I am diamond and didn’t play with anyone lower than one division than me – only 9 games to legendary just playing legitimately with 1-2 friends at a time.
I don’t think this system is perfect, but this thread seems a little salty.
Any news on this from a dev? been going on for days and really sucks.
If you’re in the market for some evening (PST) players, I’d be down. I’m pretty decent and have been trying to improve, but hard without a team. I’d be doing a few hours every evening most like. Rev, Engi are mains at the moment for pvp.
Just wanted to say thanks for additional salvaging uses with the same tool without having to click to activate it. Very nice small QoL change!
Guild Hall 5 Person Instance is A Hindrance
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JNetRocks.3652
Seems like there is a feature where your guild hall starts as a 5 man instance. One more than 5 people are there it jumps the numbers up and the people have to join the new instance. However, it’s not automatic and it’s mildly annoying.
Today we were doing guild missions and actually wanted to use the new Guild Hall Portal but we found we had problems because people were stuck in the other instance (the 5 man guild hall instead of the guild hall instance with everyone else). They didn’t get a prompt to join us and had to manually leave the guild hall and then re-join to get into our instance.
The portal is nice, but this is kind of annoying. It’s not the first time we’ve wanted to gather and had people stuck in the wrong instance. Any chance we can just have it create a full-scale instance by default?
Good point about elite specializations, XIahou and thanks for the explination, Must have missed the blog post that went over those details.
Sorry guys – edited! I thought those two heroes were from gem store, they are from the prepurchase? Are they planned to be available to everyone after HoT release?
Edited: My apologies! I thought that the Nika / Grymm heroes were from gem-store, they are from the Pre-Purcahse. Still, the same concept applies as it’s about players having an actual competitive edge in PvP. PvP should be about skill, not about which heroes you have unlocked, no?
(edited by JNetRocks.3652)
I spend hundreds of dollars on the gem store – I am definitely in favor of having it. I know it supports ANet and it gives me awesome stuff.
That said, I hate outfits. They don’t mix well with the other system (armor) or even with eachother. They lack a lot of customization options, and frankly it seems like it takes a lot less effort and costs nearly the same amount of money.
It used to be you could buy an armor set for 800 gems. Full set of mix-n-match 6 pieces! Now you get 2 pieces (body/hat) that can’t be mixed (either with armor or with other costume pieces) AND it still costs 700 gems? Even though they’re only making 2 pieces per race instead of 6? That’s a 66% drop in workload and only a 12.5%~ drop in price. Wut?
(edited by JNetRocks.3652)
So 4 hours to do all the hats/helms in game per race/hair length? What’s that, like 5 minutes each?
Sorry, to be more clear I meant have two models per race total.
- Short tucked hair.
- Long tucked hair.
Not per hat! That would be… a lot of stuff. Just doing short/long tucked hair per race is only 10 models for the entire game and would at least give us -something-. I have a degree in game art & design and have worked on several hair models. 10 models like this wouldn’t take more than a few days, especially since they are designed to be under hats and won’t be fully shown. Doesn’t need a lot of details or physics.
Programming implementation can be a little more complex but they already have a check for when a hat is equipped that hides the default hair. All they would need to do is add a check “was that hair short or long” and SHOW the appropriate hat hair underneath the hat. It’s literally like 10~ lines of code.
I think the most time consuming part would be implementing a way to determine whether they should show short or long hair model. Need to tag each hair style as short or long.
Yeah they removed the blog post about it – it was pre launch in the one that discussed armor types. I believe it said something along the lines of “and almost all outfits worn by NPCs can be used by the player too”. Or something. They even had a count outfit in the first Beta Weekend that looked like the noble clothing. They removed it because it didn’t have a toy weapon and back then the outfits had to have toys (Mad King, Pirate, etc.). Now that they’ve moved away from the toys they might consider bringing more costumes from the NPCs.
Easiest fix would be to make two ‘hat hair’ models
- short hair
- long hair
When you put a hat on it uses the hat hair model which just has the hair tucked up under or removes bangs/ponytails/etc. Use the color of the default hair and you’re done. All they’d need to do is add a tag/label to each hair style (long/short) that toggles the appropriate short/long hair model when a hat is on.
10 models (long/short for each race) – 1 week of work
Implementing tagging of existing hair models – 1 day
Implementing programming to toggle – like 1 week~
For Great Justice!
Hold the Line!
Sic ’em!
[etc…]So tell me, how is the backpack any different than the above?
These are combat manuevers that tell you when certain buffs/debuffs are happening. Some of them are actually important audio cues. Not saying they can’t be annoying, especially the more ‘buff’ reaction ones like “I can outrun a centaur!”. They really needed to add a LOT more variation to voices or just scrap that sort of reactive buff.
Skill combats, though, I think it makes sense for a ‘shout’ to have a shout.
The backpack sounds have no practical purpose. It’s just for the purchaser to enjoy, so limit the sounds to the person who is wearing it. If you can’t enjoy it when the sound is only for the player, then you aren’t enjoying it for the right reasons.
I know there’s the content guide to help you out but it’s not always the most efficient path. I’ve map completed many times and even knowing where most of them are, I like to be able to see it. The new hero point icon does not read well on the mini map though – especially on browns/greens (a large part of the world). Even on whites/grays it doesn’t stick out much.
Any chance we can get a bolder color or more readable icon design? Notice the heart/vista sticks out fine. The PoI and Hero Point not so much.
:\ I am a little bleh about this whole thing. I wish they would just come out and say “We will give you a char slot OR 800 gems”. I really dont’ want to buy the ultimate with 2 slots if one will never get used, but if this refund is only for people who pre-purchased AND spend gems and aren’t eligible for a refund… Meh!
1 new class = 1 new char slot is all that’s needed.
Just offer us an alternative for the second slot.
Personally, I think you should only need to confirm for exotic or higher. When did someone ever get heart broken for salvaging a rare?
Perhaps an additional option in the options menu for setting your preferred confirmation level for salvaging would be nice!
I think we’ve given up hope of a name change at this point. No response from developers except their first ‘explanation’ of their choice. :C
Now that does feel like entitlement. I payed more to be a VIP, I don’t want those dirty regular edition peasants to have a slot like me! :p
No, that’s not it. I’m really psyched that everyone got character slots – I thought it was absurd that standard didn’t come with one. I also want to point out that while I would PREFER gems, I am not angry about getting two slots.
It’s not about being special, it’s about value and perceived value.
Part of the value of Deluxe/Ultimate (really just Ultimate since Deluxe is poo) was the character slot. As soon as that was added to Standard, these two lost some of their appeal/perceived value.
Adding a second slot for Deluxe/Ultimate was very nice of ANet. 800 gems would have been equal in value but greater in perceived value since it can be spent however you want.
I have 20 character slots (before pre-ordering). Having one slot was a must for me for the Revenant. Having two? I might use it. I’d’a still preferred the option.
Just a small “quality of life” suggestion. Currently if you salvage a rare or higher you are given the options “Accept” and “Cancel”. This is there for our safety so we don’t accidentally salvage our awesome gear! Thanks for caring!
However, it can get very frustrating when salvaging large amounts of stuff since every salvage is 4 clicks!
Current Cycle:
Activate Salvage Kit: 2 Clicks
Select Salvage Item: 1 Click
Confirm Salvage Operation: 1 Click
Repeat for each item.
I propose adding an “Accept and Continue” option that just re-activates the salvage kit for you.
Proposed Cycle
Activate Salvage Kit: 2 Clicks
Select Salvage Item: 1 Click
Confirm Salvage Operation: 1 Click
-Repeat only steps 2/3 for each item.
This reduces 2 clicks per salvage (after the first, which remains 4 clicks) which when you’re talking hundreds of items is a big save over time and has almost no UI impact.
I am not a fan. :C Looks like they pulled the visitor map from Seaworld and said “done”. Very inefficient. What a waste of development time. :\
just like the dam HONOR line the first 3 traits are MACE/REVIVAL/FALLdmg
Yeah this is stupid. I don’t mind ANY of these traits on their own but having them be the only options (3 situational traits) means that going deeper in the line feels like you have a wasted tier.
They just removed too many traits so there’s not enough choice and combined some in… not appealing ways.
Why not use the “Feel my wrath!” shout…? I don’t get it?
Agree, this is really massive and I don’t need to see every ability ever. Especially the skill bar – that is already…on my skillbar! What I’d like to see is get rid of the skill bar at the top (just takes up space) and move the equipment/slotskill/trait stuff up there (preferably collapsable so we don’t have to see it at all). Then you have more horizontal width for the specializations/traits area and you can make it bigger and more friendly.
Also from a UI point of view I find all the effects really distracting. Like the flashing on every unselected icon every 5~ seconds. I don’t like the animated ‘connection’ lines between traits either. It’s a lot to visually take in with all the icons everywhere and all the animation/effects is more annoying then helpful in any way.
I don’t think it’s saying that the Ultimate lost value. It’s saying that in comparision it’s no longer as attractive. Previous to the update if you wanted a character slot you only had Deluxe or Ultimate. Ultimate was the clear winner in value since it has $50 of gems at a $25 price difference.
The problem is that now that the Basic version has a character slot and is an option, if you’re not interested in fluff/a second free slot/gems, then maybe you would have purchased differently.
What is so ultimate about a $25 discount anyway? Other things should have been included besides that.
This, all over. It’s just so kitten boring. Even the fluff items… just aren’t that cool. Minis especially kitten me off because they’re not even ‘designed’ minis (like WoW has awesome minis that are unique). 90% of the minis in GW2 are literally just small copies of models that already exist in the game. They take 0 effort to make and are very expensive to purchase.
I’d have loved to see something more like a unique armor or weapon set. A unique back item like a guild cape skin or something.
Yup, would have only bought basic/purchased 4k gems for 50 bucks instead if that was the case.
Well that doesn’t make sense since you’d be paying the same amount of money for less content (2 char slots, and the HoT fluff). I think it only makes sense if you wouldn’t intend to buy any thing extra.
I was intending to purchase the Ultimate, now i might go with Standard because of this change. The “fluff” is not the type of fluff I’m into. I find it very lackluster. Discount gems is a cheap addon, again, nothing really exciting there.
So yes, to me, it makes a fifty-dollar USD difference in how much money I might spend on their product.
Edit: I’m having a hard time typing out dollar amount without it showing up as kitten?
I didn’t purchase anything since I thought ANet might change some things, but I have to say I agree with Smooth Penguin.
If you purchased Deluxe/Ultimate you were likely influenced by that free character slot. Now that a free slot comes with the basic package, you might have made a different decision. Character slots have different ‘values’ to everyone based on how many alts they like to play, what classes they have, how many current slots they have available and their intention to play the new Revenant.
A gift of 800 gems for Deluxe/Ultimate would have been a more flexible (and in my opinion, better) option. Then people can purchase what has value -to them-.
That would be really useful for quick depositing/compacting! Agreed, there’s not enough options in that options menu to warrant having it.
Great idea. I agree, that there is just a lot of wasted space or unnecessary information. As Kasima said, there is plenty of room we could see 20+ characters instead of having to scroll past the first 7 as well.
I Invigorating Bulwark: Gain increased healing power, each worth up to 50 attribute points while weilding a mace. Stacks up to 10 times. Mace abilities have 20% recharge reduced. Mace Specific
II Protective Reviver: Activate a shield of absorption when you begin reviving an ally. Upon successful revival, you and each ally gain aegis, protection and regeneration for 10 seconds. Reviving Specific
III Protector’s Impact: Create a symbol of protection when you take falling damage. Take 50% less damage from falling. Falling Specific
Maybe it’s just me, but do these all seem way too limiting to when they are useful and what builds they can be used with? The mace trait is great if you want to play defensive. Protective Reviver is okay but really only if you have people going down and I don’t find it particularly compelling. Fall damage reduction… just, no. I hate those traits in general, but blah.
Compare to Radiance Adpet traits (I gives you fury when attacking a burning enemy universally effective, II Right-Handed Strength gives all one-handed weps 15% crit hit chance and sword 20% reduced recharge useful for ALL one handed weps, but more useful for sword and III gives you retaliation every time you heal again useful for a lot of options.
Yeah when I saw that image I thought maybe they linked a warrior image on mistake. Says nothing guardian to it at all. :\ The other designs all feel right so far, or at the very least not wrong. This one just sits badly.
…but the names shouldn’t be focused on ‘What to kill’ but rather ‘How to kill’ just like any other elites.
Agree completely. Dragonhunter is too focused on one element. Am I no longer effective in SPvP? Should I stop killing centaurs, ettin and Flame Legion charr just because they aren’t dragons?
I’d rather have more merchants to spend them… over 1,000 sitting in my bank with nothing to do. :\
What do you guys think about Ascended being further away from Exotics, in terms of stats/strength?
I think it is against their game philosophy and what they ‘said’ they wanted to do with progression. :\ I have a full set of ascended on my main but that was because it was my main. 10%.. that’s significant enough I feel more pressure to have it all the time which is not what this game is about. Or at least not what it was about.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JNetRocks.3652
I have to say I really agree. Existing players who don’t want Ultimate are getting shafted. Really "new account’ and “ultimate” are the only good values.
Standard HoT with New Account: $50 for 2 games, 5 char slots
Standard Hot with Old Account: $50 for 1 game, 0 char slots
Makes no sense to me.
I plan on buying the Ultimate since it comes with the gems but that’s also weird. the $50 value in gems essentially makes Deluxe a bad deal in a way… Anyway. I feel for the people who want to upgrade. You should get 2 or 3 character slots for $50.
Hope they give you something. :\
The whole concept of “big game hunter” feels too specific. Does that mean you’re not useful against mobs of minions? Are you no longer effective in PvP where you aren’t fighting dragons?
I’d say about 98% of the specialization has nothing to do with “big game hunting”. It is just ’long-ranged smite-centric Guardian". What about this specialization is really dragon themed? Just the elite and the cosmetic armor rewards, pretty much.
It is ridiculous to define the entire specialization name off of a very vague connection. Not even with the unknown story, but based on the actual design. If it is some strong story connection between Guardians and Dragons then that’s probably too universal. Why should an entire subset of professions (disconnected from their actual history and personal stories the player has in mind for their character) who have experienced the exact same world and events as every other profession suddenly have this drastic change in their foundational values?
There are a million better suggestions already posted. Put ’em on a list, shoot a dart at it, and be done with it. Or better yet, make a kitten poll and let us decide what we want in the game that we play.
Man… I saw they released a Community Vote about something and jumped on that blog post to eagerly read all about listening to their community and opening the name of Dragonhunter up for vote…. nope…
I don’t understand why specializations are anything more than a fighting style. A Chronomancer is merely a mage that manipulates time, they don’t by definition have to have any particular goals or ambitions. Why does my guardian, when he chooses to specialize in combat with traps and a longbow, all of a sudden have to adopt new background and ideology that I don’t identify him with?
Very well said! It’s much too specific in terms of what you are fighting and why. A specialization should only say HOW you kill things, not WHAT/WHY.
Thanks for posting, Jon. Appreciate the discussion.
My biggest issue with the name is that it implies you are the most and mostly effective against one thing (dragons). Well, what if I’m fighting cows? Or quaggan? Or I’m in SPvP fighting other players? Do I lose some effectiveness? Are other classes not just as capable of fighting dragons as a dragonhunter? Will the dragonhunter have a DPS buff against dragons and dragon minions?
It’s just so specifically tied to just one aspect of the PVE story and to what the class is intended to ‘kill’.
Chronomancer = what mesmers ARE (time controllers, works in any situation)
Druid = what rangers ARE (nature healing shaman types, works in any situation)
Tempest = ? (seems to be what they ARE – weathery storm themed casters)
Dragonhunter = who guardians FIGHT (only works in dragon theme situations)
Anyway… There have been a million brilliant suggestions for creative, lore-appropriate, themeatically nuanced name changes. Honestly just take out the dragon part. Coupla renames and some new bow/gauntlet skins and you’re in business. I would seriously pay your artists myself.
Definitely a fan of this. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know personally that I never use the tomes. Long cool down, spammy play, just not fun.
Tomes were a very cool idea, but weren’t very efficient in a lot of ways. If we do bring them back I hope you do consider the suggestion to make the Specialization replace virtues with tomes like kits. Sounds epic. Archivist ftw.
Your survey is flawed because people can vote as many times as they want.
1 answer per user now though requires Google Account.
part of the problem is that some people actually think that the name is Dragon Hunter and not Dragonhunter.
The first is not as bad as the second.
You’re right. I typed it wrong on the topic too, so edited that. It was correct on the form though!
You should still have added an “other” option.
(edited by JNetRocks.3652)
I’m actually very curious because it seems there’s a good amount of people who like the name and a good amount who don’t. I gathered a few of the top voted name suggestions from the forums and reddit and the existing name. What would you choose?
Or you can just view the results.
(edited by JNetRocks.3652)
I think this is one of the best written and well thought out of the ‘name-hate’ threads I’ve read (and I have read them all cause I truly hate it, haha). Echoing your sentiments:
The name should tell you what the class does
- Elementalists use elements.
- Engineers use tech/gadgets.
- Mesmers mesmerize/illusion.
- Guardians guard/smite.
- Revenants… what?
Specializations should build off of their core profession
- Chronomancer uses time. And is a mesmer.
- Druids use nature magic. And are rangers.
- Tempest… implies air/water/weathery stuff to me.
- Dragonhunter… implies abilities to hunt dragons.
Such specific themes do not work for any class so the dragon theme needs to go. If you are in WvW or SPvP or even non-dragon-PvE then your specialization feels forced and like it has less meaning in these situations.
Arbiter, Paragon, Justicar… so many better options. Revenants should definitely be renamed to Mistmage or something.
I think the problem with making it in-combat is that it’s used as a visual in PvP so you don’t waste your skills on someone with aegis that will insta block it. You could attack someone before they are in combat and if it only shows in-combat you would lose that visual indication.
I do think it needs to be less obnoxious. It’s huge and very disruptive to screenshots. It also lasts forever so even if you want to wait for it to run off you can’t.