Showing Posts For JNetRocks.3652:

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


It was decided via reddit that the new specialization is the Arbiter. The Arbiter release today was pretty cool, after all!

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


It was decided via Reddit that the new specialization is the Arbiter. There is no such thing as a Dragon Hunter.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Any of these suggestions would be infinitely better. I agree that it’s such a small change really – why not do it just to satisfy your fan base? Take a poll. If it is voted by the community to stay Dragon hunter so be it but at least give us a chance to give our opinion.

Yech. Dragon Hunter…

Locked into lines we don't want?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


For most of the classes you’re forced into specific trait lines just because you hold a type of weapon.

This. So much of this. You want to be greatsword you have to get the greatsword trait and anything else that comes with it. Most of the time the traits seem well enough balanced that it’s -okay- but it still feels restricting. I should be able to play a power/condition build with a mace/shield guardian if I kitten well want to.

Mistward Armor dye issue

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I agree 100%. There is honestly no reason why each and every armor piece shouldn’t utilize 4 dye slots and use them intelligently by regions. You have the channels, put them to use. It only takes a bit more time in the grand scheme of things and offers infinite more customization for armor.

Addressing Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Yeah it’s neat that gear drops at your level regardless of where you are but it does make it actually quite difficult to farm things at mid-level without that level of a character. I think cloth is the easiest example.

Linen and wool are really expensive because you only get that material at the 45-60~ish range. Once you go past it’s darn near impossible to get it again. Having gear drop at the level of the zone makes much more sense from a farming point of view.

As for the OP – I agree, crafting is super boring. Wish it was more of an action-type game. Run to the blacksmith and hammer. Run to the water and douse the metal to cool it down. Actually taking action to make something instead of just getting a buy list and discovering/spamming.

Re-design the Glider

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Yes, please. It is really… unappealing. Too small, odd shape, doesn’t feel epic and awesome. Feels tiny like it would crumble on anyone except maybe a small asura. Also, just not pretty. :\

Guardians of the Mists - JQ guild for free

in Looking for...

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I used to run my own guild but stopped playing a while back. If anyone is interested in taking the guild (name/unlocks, all members have been kicked) let me know. It’s free, we’re not using it. Send me a mail in-game and I’ll invite and transfer ownership.

Guild Info:

Name: Guardians of the Mists
Merits: 88
Influence: 120

Politics (Tier VI)
Art of War (Tier V)
Economy (Tier VI)
Architecture (Tier IV)


- Guild Stash (50 slot guild bank)
- Guild Treasure Trove (100 slot guild bank)
- Guild Armorer Contract
- Guild Weapons Contract
- Guild Workshop (Build 2 Upgrades Simultaneously)

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


So I decided to go ahead and level a new character to give this system a fair shot. I went all the way to 80, doing map completion, personal story, and story mode dungeons. I upgraded my armor regularly after lvl 10 to keep my armor at green/rare quality within ~5 levels of my character level.

53 hours played
45% map completion
30/65 traits unlocked

*Figuring out how to unlock traits is not intuitive. The UI is very odd and doesn’t immediately tell the player what they’re looking for.
*Spending 1 point per level felt more rewarding – like I was constantly growing in power each level. Waiting to spend a point every 5/6 levels makes traits feel less important/less meaningful.
*When I finally got high enough to have 2 trait points (my first Major trait) I had only unlocked 2 traits to choose from. Neither were in a line that gave me stat boosts I wanted or affected the build I was running with.
*Many traits are locked behind events requiring many people/long cooldowns. I specifically had to look up a timer for Ulgoth (Centaur event in Hirathi Hinterlands) in order to make sure I got that trait – even though I had 100% map completed that zone, I just happened to miss that event.
*I felt much weaker on this character than previous leveling – especially at higher levels. Fighting in level 70-80 zones/Arah story without having a real good trait setup was frustrating.

I am not a new player so I can’t say what it would be like for them – but I am assuming they wouldn’t be able to buy good rare gear every 5/10 levels, wouldn’t have deep understanding of the maps/events and know where to go/what to do for each one, have knowledge of outside sources like event timer websites to look up when to do some events, etc.

I mostly find this system frustrating as I’ve put in a pretty good amount of time into this character and he is less than halfway through getting his traits. Considering ‘customization’ in this game is looks, weapons, utilities, and traits, it feels lame to have only half of one of my most important customization tools (traits) at max level.

Completing ANY trait event grants the player a Trait Token which they can spend to unlock ANY trait.
Example: 100% map completion of Hirathi Hinterlands grants 1 Trait Token.
I can now buy 1 trait (such as Greatsword Training).

- Bring back 1 trait point per level or seperate traits from stat points. Give stat points every level and trait points every 5.

$100 for a weapon? Gemstore too expensive!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I just spent $100 on black lion chests to get a weapon skin. T_T I feel dirty and I think I might quit this game now for good. That’s an insane amount to have to spend to get enough ticket scraps for ONE weapon skin.

I’ve purchased ~ 5 full armor sets, ~10 character slots, a few bank/bag expansions, everlasting gathering tools, 2 copperfed salvage-o-matics and a billion hair/makeover kits. Never regretted any of it though I’ve always thought it was a bit expensive.

But these black lion weapon claim tickets…
It wouldn’t be so bad if we could purchase them directly but the chest is full of so much junk!

- exp boosters / tome of knowledge (I have 10 lvl 80’s, don’t need those)
- dyes (I have almost all dyes unlocked so none that are useful or very worth money)
- Revive Orbs/ Repair Canisters (lol?)
- Tybalt Backpiece -_-
- Mini Pack 2 / 2x Scarlet minis (I hate minis in this game!)
- 11 guild influence boosters (Our guild has like 800k influence?)
- 2 box of funs (not very fun)
- 30~ mystery tonics (ugh)
- Crafting Boosters! (I have almost all professions at 400+)
- speed/armor/weapon boosts (meh, I’ll use them but I don’t care about them)

Just feeling really deflated and while I understand it’s my choice to buy these, I think it’s horrible that it spent so much and it’s really made me feel gross about even playing. :C

Outfit/Town Clothes Refunds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Thanks Redanaz! Appreciate the help!

Outfit/Town Clothes Refunds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Several people have posted that ANet is offering gem refunds for some town clothes/outfits. I’m super dissapointed with the changes but can’t find anything official about refunds.

Anyone know if this is true or can send a link to the thread?

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Also, I think agony resistance should go away. Just make agony a hard-hitting skill that people need to learn to avoid. That would play into skill more than agony resist anyway.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


My issue with ascended gear is how limiting it is.
- swapping roles becomes less desirable. (lame).
- Can’t exchange old armor to alts. (lame).
- Transmuting for looks effectively deletes an entire set (lame).

My issue with armor in general is that all these stat combinations are getting a bit much and I’m sure you’ll add more. Ascended armor should have increased stats and let you choose what kind of stats you want to have on it (just like Legendaries), but require an unlock for each stat combo.

So I go craft a set of ascended armor. By default there’s nothing on it. I buy the plan and say I want zerker stats. I apply it to the armor, now the drop-down list says I can choose zerker stats. I want to have soldier too? Easy, just buy the item, apply, now I have two options!

This would:
- make it easier to pick the stats you want
- keep the stat selection from being super cluttered if you only need 2 sets of stats
- still require significant time/money investment for each character to have a set
- still require gold sink for unlocking stats

Art Progression:
Create an area where you can show some concept art and players can vote. You say you are building the game for us as a community, so let the community get involved. It would also reduce risk for you as a company since you can see the popular choices.

Dear Humanss — The End Approachess!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


The Community Team is squeee’ing with love over here looking at this.

:D I’m honored! <3

Dear Humanss — The End Approachess!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Krait, art is something that many cultures use to express themselves and explore ideas. It can be practical like making clay plates to hold food or it can be just for it’s own sake.

Here, this is a piece of art I made for you to express how awesome you are!


Does lore matter?

in Lore

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I think that Scarlet has a lot of potential. She is a fun, interesting villain and definitely different from anyone else in the game. I feel like the flaw isn’t with Scarlet as a character but more with the very long arch and lack of meaningful story.

What is Scarlet ultimately trying to do?
What drives her to do this?
I like Scarlet, but she’s been around a long time and I feel like I still don’t know who she is or why she’s doing what she is.

Most importantly to me is that Scarlet has taken the light of the entire game. Zhaitan was a pushover fight and I desperately hope he is getting reworked, but regardless there are still at least four elder dragons out there who should still feel like a threat. For a game where the story is supposed to be about these races banding together to take down dragons I feel like there is zero dragon threat, and that’s something that I’d like to see explored more before we worry about some crazy sylvari who is mad for reasons that no one really knows.

To Merge the Personal and Living Stories

in Living World

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Fort Trinity is an actual place on the map, and before the final fight, it should exist, and act as a base of operations for events around Orr, and so on. So clearly, that part of the map should look different for someone who has completed the story and someone who has not…

This is true, but it’s an easy work around. Just keep the Arah story instance to the location it’s at now instead of destroying Fort Trinity. Zhaitan still pretty much wipes out a lot of the pact but when he’s destroyed the remaining forces decide to stay in Orr and fight the lingering corruption. Fort Trinity stands as a memorial to those who died and a beacon of hope to the rest of Tyria, proof that working together the races are capable of taking down the Elder Dragons.

Then, continue with where the OP left off: the remnants of the Pact are in Orr and thought they did ultimately kill Zhaitan their losses were too severe. The races of Tyria have to defend for themselves and we continue where the OP suggested by having the races bickering over what to do next, choosing a target, etc.

To Merge the Personal and Living Stories

in Living World

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I really loved this idea. It was a long read, but well worth it as you have some really solid ideas.

I think shattering the pact in the remake of the final personal story step (Arah story mode) would be fantastic and really resolve a lot of the issues progressing with story from here. They could just say the remnants of the Pact decide to remain in Orr, fighting off the remains of Zhaitan’s army and removing the need to update any of the event dialogues.

Image #4: Your example of living story updates for the year was just amazing. I loved all of them (Especially Mad King. lol can’t spell necromancer without romance, haha).

The only thing I would disagree with at all is really the need for a ‘personal’ story instance. I think if done right the living story could be the personal story and the continuation of personal instances would become unnecessary. They take a lot of development time and I’d rather they focus on living world content personally. It would also prevent the same ‘issue’ from occurring where the personal instances are telling a different story than the living world story.

PVP rewards bug?

in PvP

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Do not like.

SPvP already has so little reward value and ToT bags feel really bad. If it was in addition to your normal reward it would be okay.

New Hairstyles - Less Hair Accessories please

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Yeah good point. The flower doesn’t dye well at all, it’s really difficult. If we could at least make it ‘true’ black rather than silvery-gray.

New Hairstyles - Less Hair Accessories please

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I really like a lot of the new hairstyles, but some of them are just too defined by their accessory. Particularly the human female 3rd one with the flower in the hair. It’s so cool and I’d love it, but the flower just makes it a very feminine style that doesn’t match armor like Arah stuff which is more serious and dark.

Please keep in mind that hairstyles should be versatile and either stop putting in such defining accessories or make the hair accessories toggle-able.

A version of the hair without the flower at least should be made available.
Same for many other hair styles!

Tribulation Mode Completion Club

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


W1Z1: Very fun. I really enjoyed seeing how these alternate paths that I saw in normal mode were now required for tribulation mode. The long hallway after Checkpoint 2 with the 5 smashing rocks is really annoying.

W1Z2: Not too bad! I don’t like the smashing rock at the lava. Jumping forward, doing a 180 backwards, and immediately doing another 180 to go forwards is really difficult. Just a slight delay on his jump to give people an extra 1/2 second would be great. That said, it is doable!

W1Z3: Really liked this level. King Toad was a lot of fun trying to stay on just the center lily pad.

W2Z1: Have to say it’s a bit too easy almost. Lots of areas that don’t seem to be touched at all. I was surprised that I can run completely through the hillbilly cave without even fighting any of them. My least favorite part is the waterfall log jumping puzzle. It’s not hard, but if you mess up there’s suuuuch a loooong wait before you can try again. Boooring.

W2Z2: …. I hate this zone. Piranah pagoda is so repetitive. Even if you do it flawlessly you have to go bottom to top four times (3 for the piranahs, once to the checkpoint). The worst part of the whole zone is the tribulation cloud. He’s in such an unforgiving place that it’s really hard to do anything there. It’s really luck based whether he latches onto you or not. Gong pagoda is kind of long and annoying, but not hard. Just long.

W2Z3: I hated this level the first time through but I’m really enjoying it now. My biggest issue is the 2nd light pyramid puzzle. Again, something that isn’t hard but is just really annoying. Takes like 5 minutes of jumping around turning on those lights while the goats pop them off. Boooring. Also the tribulation cloud once again sucks majorly.

Overall: Just make tribulation clouds patrol so it’s more about our timing rather than their random aggro. Or make them killable so at least I can peck it to death and move on!

Fear is a bad boss mechanic

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


You can also avoid the fear completely now. If you time your dodge you can evade it and just keep fighting.

Before if you dodged the fear would be reapplied every few seconds regardless, but now it’s pretty easy to avoid!

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


This is only one single event in the Open World.

Keep in mind that this is just one boss event, yes, but ANet has every intention of updating all of them. I imagine someday Shadow Behemoth will get an overhaul too. Just as with the dungeons they already have stated that Ascalon was the first dungeon overhaul but they want to do others.

It may be one event now, but if every event is tuned in this same manner then world-events will no longer be something that players can happen upon and enjoy.

I’m not saying to nerf the fight so it is 100% beatable by people standing around spamming 1 again. We all agree that was terrible and no bosses should be like that.

I’m saying to tune the fight so that average players can defeat it. If you’re in an overflow with 30-50 people that shouldn’t mean automatic failure. Make jumping the waves more critical, make the fight less reliant on the turrets, and make condition builds more viable (conditions being terrible in this game is a whole different topic though).

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


So then why is it that all servers aren’t able to beat Tequatl each time her spawns.

Still didn’t answer my question.

That’s because the fight itself is not hard. There is nothing that difficult about the mechanics. It’s just how they are implemented.

People can’t beat it because:
– The fight is too reliant on the turrets.
– The fight does not seem to scale well to less number of players.
– The best way to win is to stack and smack with turret buffs (which is actually really lame and boring).

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Zedd> Agree. I think people are using ‘requires many people’ as a definition for ‘elite difficulty’. To me, the difficulty should be irrelevant of numbers.

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I think using terms like Elite can be confusing because it is defined differently.

Tequatl doesn’t require that high of an individual player skill right now. As people have pointed out mechanics like jumping the waves can be ignored completely. Liadri was much more challenging and required much greater player skill.

Simple Teq Fix: Turret Skills to Bundle Items

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


As the title says, I think a simple fix would be to turn the turret skills into bundle items. Create a few NPC Hylek who just run the bundles up to where the turrets are currently located. Every few seconds a Hylek returns and scatters some bundles on the ground.

Skill # 2 “sharpened stake” is a bundle item. Players can pick it up and throw to remove stacks.
Skills # 3-5 are “jar of hylek salve” bundle items. Can be thrown to create the AOE effects for poison removal/quickness/healing.

- Doesn’t change the actual fight mechanics.
- Prevents the whole event from resting on those 6 players.
- Encourages more players to pick up a bundle and see what it does to learn the fight.
- Having NPCs deliver the items acts as an item cooldown to prevent players from standing on like a pile of stakes and just infinitely throwing them.
- Could add a defend the NPC section to replace defending the turrets.

(edited by JNetRocks.3652)

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


watch bogotters vid of bg’s win on youtube. 90% of those people didnt even bother to jump the waves, all they did was stand under him and spam skills…

:[ See that’s sad because jumping the waves is an amazing mechanic and should be more meaningful. Putting more emphasis on individual player skill in situations like this makes much more interesting combat than putting emphasis on mass group organization.

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I wish they had tuned the scaling better from the get-go. It had the potential to be something really amazing but it seems to mostly just buff health and increase add count. rather than actually modify the events in any way. Maybe they could add a function where Teq. gets new abilities depending on how many players are present?

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey Malafide. I went to one of your Horrorween events in GW1. Good times!

I agree. Stationary/limited attacks is irrelevant. The mechanics are solid for this dragon fight. He is much more challenging and interesting. However, I still believe that open-world content should be designed that a group of ‘regular’ players should (with effort) be able to defeat it.

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652



No, not really. More numbers does not necessarily make the fight harder or easier. Liadri was a very challenging solo fight. Lupi is a very challenging solo (or group) fight.

Tequatl, like any open-world boss, should scale with the number of players present and shouldn’t require more than 30 as a starting point. That doesn’t mean they can’t keep the same mechanics.

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Tequatl and all of his boss-brethren needed an update badly.
Standing around spamming 1 was terrible design.
I love his new mechanics. Jumping the waves is amazingly fun. The turrets being essential is great. Requiring players to both attack and defend is fantastic.

That said, this is too hard for open-world content. Even if this was Zhaitan himself, no open-world content should be designed that a ‘regular’ group of players can’t complete it given some effort. That means that Tequatl should be able to be beaten by a group of 30~ lvl 65~ players in green~ lvl 65~ gear.

This dragon as is would be amazing in an instance. He puts Zhaitan to shame.
However in the open world, it just doesn’t fit the game that ArenaNet said they were making, and even as a player who enjoys challenging content (SAB Trib Mode, Liadri <3), I doubt I’ll continue to pursue this as-is.

Guardians of the Mists - Jade Quarry

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Guardians of the Mists has allied with Strength in Numbers [SiN]! We’ll have more active members, a larger Ventrilo server, and a lot more to do. Join up for some fun!

Returning player need a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey, welcome back to Guild Wars 2. A lot of people are feeling some burn out, I think. Map completion can do that to you! I’ll throw out my guild info, though we’re not Australian we do have several international members and we’re expanding, so it’s never dull.

Guardians of the Mists

  • Server: Jade Quarry
  • Focus: PvE + SPvP
  • Voice: TS3 (definitely prefer active chatters!)
  • Time: International, hot time is evenings PST (5 PM- 12:00 PM server time)

We’re looking for personalities! We’re a social guild looking for real members, not just numbers in the machine. If you’re looking for a place you can play the game with fun, friendly, active members from a wide range of backgrounds then this may be a great place for you.

Looking for a home

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey Melann! Welcome to Guild Wars 2! I’ll keep its short since you have a lot of offers to read through.

Guardians of the Mists

  • Server: Jade Quarry
  • Focus: PvE + SPvP
  • Voice: TS3 (definitely prefer active chatters!)
  • Time: International, hot time is evenings PST (5 PM- 12:00 PM server time)

We’re looking for personalities! We’re a social guild looking for real members, not just numbers in the machine. If you’re looking for a place you can play the game with fun, friendly, active members from a wide range of backgrounds then this may be a great place for you.

LF Social guild. Returning player.

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey, Soup! I think you may be a perfect fit for us. Our guild is Guardians of the Mists and we’re a PvE-primary guild on Jade Quarry (also have some SPvP action).

We’re really focused on recruiting members with great personalities who want to have a social experience. People who will rep the guild full time and participate in Team Speak and on the forums for guild contests are our dream addition!

We’re not as large as some of the big guilds so we don’t have all the unlocks and perks to offer, but we have a solid core of good players who are fun to chat with and play with.


  • Team Speak server
  • Website with forums:
  • Guild Missions: Bounties @ Saturday @ 5:00 PM Server time + Treks
  • Dungeons / Fractals of the Mists regularly
  • SPvP players from rank 0 – 50 if you’re interested in that!

Looking for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hi Shane! I think you might be a great fit for us. Our guild is Guardians of the Mists and we’re a PvE-primary guild on Jade Quarry (also have some SPvP action). Most of our members are also west-coast evening players so that’s a prime time for us!

We’re really focused on recruiting members with great personalities who want to have a social experience. People who will rep the guild full time and participate in Team Speak and on the forums for guild contests are our dream addition!

We’re not as large as some of the big guilds so we don’t have all the unlocks and perks to offer, but we have a solid core of good players who are fun to chat with and play with.


  • Team Speak server
  • Website with forums:
  • Guild Missions: Bounties @ Saturday @ 5:00 PM Server time + Treks
  • Dungeons / Fractals of the Mists regularly
  • SPvP players from rank 0 – 50 if you’re interested in that!

New GW2 player LFGuild for Raiding/Grping

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey Ice. I see you got a few offers already and may have made a decision, so I’ll keep this brief! Our guild is Guardians of the Mists and we’re a PvE-primary guild on Jade Quarry (also have some SPvP action).

We’re really focused on recruiting members with great personalities who want to have a social experience. People who will rep the guild full time and participate in Team Speak and on the forums for guild contests are our dream addition!

We’re not as large as some of the big guilds so we don’t have all the unlocks and perks to offer, but we have a solid core of good players who are fun to chat with and play with.


  • Team Speak server
  • Website with forums:
  • Guild Missions: Bounties @ Saturday @ 5:00 PM Server time + Treks
  • Dungeons / Fractals of the Mists regularly
  • SPvP players from rank 0 – 50 if you’re interested in that!

Let me know if you have any questions, Roni, or if you’d like to party up in game and see if we mesh. Best of luck finding a home!

Looking for a guild! ^.^

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey Akira! You’re more than welcome to try out Guardians of the Mists [GOTM] on Jade Quarry. We have other gay members, and it’s definitely not an issue for us.

Our guild is primarily active during PST evenings, so it may be a little lax around the time you’re on, but we’re definitely working on expanding. I myself get online around 4:30 AM PST (7:30 AM EST) and we have several other members on around the same time as you.

We focus on PvE with dungeons, guild missions, fotm, and world events and also on SPvP tournies and hot-join games.

Lf guild, coming back

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey, GFever! Our guild may be a little casual for your tastes, but you never know. We’re primarily PvE and SPvP. We have a TS3 and there are some dedicated SPvPers in our guild [Ranks 30-40]. We’re definitely looking to expand our PvP presence, and even though you’re new to the game as an experienced gamer you may find it’s fun to leanr the ropes here and maybe help us expand as well.

Either way, you’re welcome to try us out!

We’re on Jade Quarry, the #1 WvW server, so it’s a good choice if you’re going to look for a large WvW guild as well.

New to GW2, Lookin for a small guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey Spanky. My guild, Guardians of the Mists, is on Jade Quarry server.

We’re small-medium, with about 100 members in the roster and ranging from 5-20 online at any time. We’re primarily PvE focused, lots of dungeons and world events! Jump puzzles are one of my favorite thing so I’m always happy to do those

We use TS3 for voice chat and are always having fun. Definitely a sense of humor required for this guild. ;D

Let me know if you’re interested!

Guardians of the Mists - Jade Quarry

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Guardians of the Mists [GOTM]
Server: Jade Quarry
Size: Small-Medium [5-20 online at any time]
Focus: PvE, SPvP
Voice: Ventrilo
Unlocks: Bounties + Treks (Rushes very soon!)
Recruiting: Personalities! We’re looking to make some new friends!
Contacts: Visaeria, Cicaa, Lacko

Guardians of the Mists

Hello everyone! My name’s Visaeria and I’m the founder of Guardians of the Mists. We’re a small, close group. Some of us have been playing since the original Guild Wars while others have joined us only over the past few weeks. Whether you’re a Guild Wars vet or new to online gaming, we’re excited to get a chance to play with you.

Game Focus

We’re primarily a PvE guild, meaning we do dungeons, FOTM, guild missions, and the like. We’ll gather up for some zone completion or world bosses sometimes too! Whether you’re a dungeon vet or have never stepped in a single instance we love to help teach people or learn new tricks ourselves!

We’re also expanding into SPvP a bit, so we’d love to have a few more interested in running tournies with us! Our members range in rank, but our strongest SPvPers are Rank 30-Rank 40 and we’re happy to help show you the ropes if you’re new to PvP!


We’re really looking for quality members here more than numbers. We’d all rather be in a guild of 50 strong, fun, competent gamers who we enjoy than in a guild of 500 that we got just for extra influence. That said, we’d prefer people who will talk in guild chat and join us on Ventrilo and help generate guild activity by asking guild mates to join them!

We’re an adult guild so expect shinanigans if you join up! Vent conversations can get a little crazy but it’s all in good fun. A sense of humor is required to flourish with us! To us, if you’re not having fun what’s the point.


We don’t require full time rep. The game has been out for a while and a lot of players are settled with friends. However, there’s no point joining a guild to not participate, so we do require some repping and activity. The more you rep the more you’ll be invited around!

Guild Mergers

We’re always willing to take small groups of friends or guilds that are less active and looking for a new home. Former guild leaders/officers can be sure they’ll have a voice in our guild and will have a say in how the guild is run.

Guild Contests

Monthly screenshot contests give players a chance to show off their characters, creativity, and a nice way to earn some in-game rewards! Prizes increase with the number of participants. Grab your shiniest armor and start taking pictures!


  • We have Guild Bounties every Saturday around 5:00 PM PST (server reset time).
  • Make up bounties for people who can’t attend are held a few times during the week.
  • We’re well on our way to having Guild Rushes unlocked!
  • Our website has forums and image galleries!
  • Screenshot contests are held monthly on the forums and include gold prizes!
    *Our guild Ventrilo voice server makes playing a lot more fun!

(edited by JNetRocks.3652)

Looking for a casual, social guild! (US)

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey Ziji. My guild is Guardians of the Mist on Jade Quarry. We’re casual, but very active! Do a lot of dungeon, guild bounties and such. We have some new players who are leveling as well so you’ll be able to find people to clear zones with if you’d like.

We have a website and TS3 and definitely prefer people like you who want to be active in chat and voice.

Most of our gamers are for GW2, but we have some others playing Aion and FFXIV as well, so if you’re looking for other games you might have some luck. As I said though we’re pretty GW2 dedicated!

You can check out our website @:

[BUG] Unable to proceed

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


I’ve had this same bug at the same location twice now. I think it may happen if you try to proceed while one of your prisoners is dead, but I am not sure. 2/10 ~ runs have bugged for me. :C

Couple lfg and another couple to play with :)

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hello Tammy and Lawrence.

My boyfriend and I are actually on a bit of the opposite. We met playing GW1 then picked up WoW together, hehe. We’ve been living together 6 years now and are loving GW2 together.

We’d love to have you in Guardians of the Mists – Jade Quarry based sever. You don’t need to transfer if you don’t want, you can still earn commendations from guild missions while on your server, but you do get benefits for transferring to your guilds main server.

We’re pretty casual, around 100 members, small and friendly. We run bounties several times a week and have treks by next week. There’s also lots of dungeoning, farming, and fun times going around.

Feel free to message me on here or in game if you have any questions about us.


In-Game Contacts: Visaeria, Lacko, Cicaa

2LF Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


Hey there. Maybe check out Guardians of the Mists. We’re small-ish (prefer to keep it mid-sized rather than have a billion members we don’t know). We have a TS3 server and website for contests and events.

Repping isn’t required full time and you’re not required to speak if you don’t want to lol.

We have bounties unlocked and run them several times a week and will have Treks very soon. We’d love to have a few more experienced leaders for dungeon running!

Ingame name: Visaeria

Dynamic Scaling for Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


The system is in place to have the difficulty of mobs scale with the presence of more or less players, so why not apply this to dungeons?

- Scale groups by numbers and statistics.
- Scale bosses by statistics and abilities. (Example: Colossus Rumbulus ceiling drop smaller radius with fewer players)

Not sure how hard it would be to apply the system, but I think it’d be easy enough and fun to be able to bring more players along.

LF Hydra Queen

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: JNetRocks.3652


My guild has triggered and completed this event reliably on two occassions.

In order to trigger it you must kill the Risen Captain 3 times. (Escort Bill event). While doing that event make sure you have 1 person stay with Lionguard Jenny to the east of the campfire on the beach. After killing the Risen Captain 3 times Jenny, Bill, and whats-her-name will all run off the island.

About 10 minutes later this DE event will start up. You’ll need at least 7 people and expect to take about 30-45 minutes.