Showing Posts For Jman.1975:
For WoW even though blizzard doesn’t give data you can easily go to wowprogress and see the size and scale of the raiding community and this is a good site because it doesn’t consider or track LFR.
As for gw2 what’s wrong with seeing the numbers? That data could easily be helpful for the gw2 playerbase to give feedback so that raids can be improved.
As someone whose raided in both GW2 and WoW, I can say that GW2 bosses are a little easier then normal mode in WoW, not even close to heroic mode, and their not comparable with mythic. The main difference to me is that the gw2 community doesn’t really care much for raids compared to other games.
People can measure it by how their servers community has changed in the last three months idk about most of the servers, but I can say the server I’m on Anvil Rock just gets worse and worse everyday, we have very few guilds left. Most left for different games and every time a new one is released or wvw does not improve our poor server loses more coverage. I even feel sorry who ever we get paired with because all we have left is handful commanders, a Guild Havoc squad here and there, and maybe a handful of pugs in NA time. Our server tries its best to help out, but we have almost no one left to even effect the outcome of a match anymore.
Sadly wvw has taken so much damage that it may be past the point of repair. Most servers communities are shells of their former selves. I really hope they can fix it but I really don’t even know if that’s possible at this point.
My guild tried to do practice runs in LFG, but basically every time it turned in to a “free carry run” and a bad experience with everyone joining fresh and new at raiding which is fine but the main issue was they were using bad builds that did not not help the party and actually made the fight harder and sometimes when we asked them if they could change gear they would get incredibly insulted, so we just stopped.
Our guild had the same issue we started out with 3 groups when raids were released, then after the first night most of them gave up.
Our hardcore members stayed, and asked their friends then they asked their friends and so on. Then eventually our guild, and friends cleared the raid, but very few of our members even raid anymore. Most of our members are casuals and either don’t have the time, or just find raids are not worth the time that they have to play.
The issue I keep seeing is that raids are just not appealing to casuals, which makes up a majority of many guilds, and most of the times the only way to get casuals to do content like raids is to up the rewards, or make the content easier.
When its ZvZ a Necro can use plague with the trait chilling darkness, and just spam 2 crippling the enemy zerg with both blind, and chill.
Both Brisban Wildlands, and Mount Maelstrom crash for me when I try to enter those maps on my windows 8.1 laptop. But I am able to fix this by logging on to my windows 7 desktop then move my characters over to LA, and then log back on with my window 8.1 laptop, and they are fixed. But if I try to enter either of those maps on my windows 8.1 laptop they are stuck again.
The sad part for gold league is instead of having JQ-SoS-TC competing for second third, and fourth place all SoS has to do is win the current match up which they have a huge lead over the other two servers. Then hope TC beats JQ which could very well happen, and they will clinch second place for this tournament without tying with JQ. JQ, and TC both beat SoS in the match ups they had with them, and SoS beats them because of a repeat match up of BG-JQ-TC, which Anet said would not happen.
Roaming on a Necromancer with dire condition build is fun. It gives good heath, and toughness with a hard hitting tick. It’s also not getting really nerfed or upgraded with the 9/9 updates so its still a very powerful build.
If you hate TC your own server so much just join the FA bandwagon.
If you want a “solution.” It shouldn’t be merging all the servers into super servers. Just lower the population cap down to 35-50. This gives servers with a lower population the ability to Que all the maps constantly, and fight servers with 5x the WvW population.