Showing Posts For Joker.6158:

Forsaken Thicket Mastery Won't Unlock

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Joker.6158


Did anyone have any issues with the Forsaken Thicket Mastery?

I just killed Vale Guardian for the first time and got the rewards for it including gift of insight. But the Mastery still says “Enter Forsaken Thicket in Verdant Brink and defeat a boss to unlock.”

Anyone has a way past that? Anyone can help?

Thank you

Hotw p2 doesn't register for Dungeon Master

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Joker.6158


I have the same issue with Path 2 Arah!

Dungeon Master Achievement. Need help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158



I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem?

On my Dungeon Achievements only Master of Arah Path 2 is unchecked (The Mursaat Path). I’ve done it a few times and I did not get credit for it.

Also, I thought I just needed to re-do personal story again, or the other paths. None worked.

Anyone can help with this? It is the only one missing for the Title.


Dungeon Completion Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Joker.6158


Hey Man. I have the same issue but with Arah Path 2. Its all I need for the Dungeon Master. I would like to know this as well!

Dungeon Master Achievement Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Joker.6158


Hello guys.

I am just here to check why I cannot get my Dungeon Master title? I can’t find any information on it.

I have done a few paths in the first year and now that I am back I am finishing all the other paths. Unfortunately for me “Master of Arah” achievement will not recognize the last path. The Objective Explorable Mode – Musaat Path is not ticked but I have done it at least 2 times this week.

At first I thought it was just a bug and another path was missing, so I re-did all other paths, INCLUDING Victory or Death. Which I already had but thought I needed to do again.

Now before I try again….has anyone else encountered this?

[Closed] Looking for a Guardian

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joker.6158


What about me? :O hahah XD

Just Joking mass

[NA]Hacchi! Guardian LFT! r31

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joker.6158


Hello guys.
I am Hacchi and I play guardian. I usually am “Glass cannon” full dps (good aoe as well) but with some okay survival. (The main weakness is the mobility).

I have mic and all vent/ts3/etc.
I am learning to play with engineer now. But quite honestly I am willing to play(learn) with any classes/builds that may need.

Whisper me in-game or mail me there. Or private message me here too.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joker.6158


IGN: Hacchi
Main Profession: Guardian
Alternate Professions: Necromancer
Account name: Joker.6158
Practice Availablity: Schedule is pretty open right now. All evenings till 11:59pm works best EST time)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 30
Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play, Leaderboard hog
NA or EU: NA

NA Good DPS Guardian LF Team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joker.6158



I’m Hacchi and it seems that current my team has lost faith to play much (due to irl events and what not)

Right now I’m 835 on leaderboards, but I have been around 250 (did some pugs and regret it immensely).
My in-game rank is almost 30

I’m a big AoE Dps Guard but I’m always willing to try and learn more builds/classes.

Whisper me in-game or pm here for more info you might find useful to know!

(edited by Joker.6158)

Team Alpha Thunderguard LF Players! NA!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joker.6158



I’m Hacchi from Team Thunderguard (Alpha)

Our Thunderguard is a sPvp centered guild that only requires representing when fighting tournies. We want to progress as a team, have fun and aim for participating on custom tournaments.

We currently have 3 and 1/2 on Alpha team. Our Engi is more absent now due to irl so we are looking to “replace” him as well as finding a 5th member. As of now we are mainly running me as DPS Guard, We have a Support/Bunker Guard and a ranger (and less often than we would like the engi). We are in need of a good roamer with good sniping/focus skills.

Note that while we may want a Mesmer/Thief/Ele (that would fit descrip above) all classes are accepted, our teams are not limited to 5 because it’s good to have a pool of good members as we have also an Omega Team. But more on that when we talk in-game.

We have mumble AND a custom arena.
Mumble and microphone is required.

Our website is:

I strongly encourage that before you even apply there come have a chat with me in game.

Brazilian Thunderr mesmer looking for team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joker.6158


Hey man. I think we could use you on our team! I’ll talk to you ingame!



in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Joker.6158


This content is one of the best features on gw2…hahah. Honestly is epic.

The only thing I will agree is that the team could spend (half) the effort they made for this on other part of the games. sPvp, trait system and even living story are in great need of better care. Care that we can definitely see here, so why not else where?

Introducing the Phantom Catmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Joker.6158


Is this viable for PvE? Or specific for WvW? What about SpVp?

I just saw on the post that while designed for WvW still works on other places. I’m still concerned to what extent it would work as Im a trapper-condition build that I wasn’t able to leave yet.

(edited by Joker.6158)

Combat Depth Suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


Yeah. +1 to my supporters here!

I was actually running some dungeons these days. They took a big step on tweaking bosses in dungeons but of course more tweaking is needed. I saddens me that most of the explorable runs usually require some “smart exploiting” to be finished. If you have a thief on your group people just rush thru everything that’s “too hard” in the dungeon while invisible. And A GOOOD bunch of people actually keep seeking places to get less hit (Aka higher ground). While in some fights like the Centaur Boss in CM EXP is ok to go on top of the house to dps him, any other fight where you just keep finding any higher ground so you are not hit by some skills is just plain silly. It amazes me how much people do dungeons to -not- play the game.

So yes. Give enemies dodge and fairly more skills to use (You can keep the name of the highest damaging skill on the bar uptop). Give veterans maybe a heal or something else sometimes even an Elite.

I find interesting that we were told how every mob reacts differently “with no trinity” aggro wise. But in practice you pretty much spread around and make either the boss range you, or run around in circles trying to catch someone for sometime. I think we need a better system than that. It’s pretty tiresome to keep “glitching” a boss because he’s too strong over the rocks/wall and such, make him a bit telegraph for hard hitting, make him dodge and a better aggro system.

It’s rather annoying finding groups that will equip certain weapon and attack THRU the walls just because they have high hp, and 1 good damage skills.

Too bad this topic doesn’t get more popular. Would be awesome to know some of the Anet’s plans regarding their combat system.

Gw2 Freezing Problem (starting with a sound)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.6158


I’ve had this problem before, it went away for a bit now it’s back.

I can’t stress how annoying this is.
You are playing the game and all of the sudden a waving sound “Ounn Ounn Ounn” starts and mutes everything else pretty much in-game. Then it takes 5 seconds up to 2minutes to freeze. I have to use Task manager to close gw2, and then restart.

I wouldn’t mind if it was very occasionally but in the past 6mins it happened 5times. The last time took about longer to freeze (Thank god or I would lose Grenth Event Credit…).

So. Does anyone have a fix for this yet? Talking on Orr chat many people expressed that it happens to them as well.

Combat Depth Suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


Really no one?

Combat Depth Suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


I think this works…in theory. Helps lore, difficulty (because it doesn’t have to be all around the world or in every enemy depending of how it’s built up cause you have potentially “Packs” for solo, “packs” for groups, solo skilful, veterans/champions skilful for groups and the already known “blend-ish” enemies we have now) and also changes it up a little bit to a more “random” exciting manner and brings the combat depth that I talked about, making your CD’s/Swaps/Combos/Builds/Utility Choices much more crucial and in-depth to master against various types of enemies PvE wise and yet being different from time to time. Finally adding a counter-balance into play.

Anyways. I hope it’s understandable (English is not my first language). And I hope to hear some feedback, discussions and further suggestions. Ill gladly answer questions too if something wasn’t explained well. There is more stuff I wanted to add but I’m sleepy now haha and I do not remember them.

Combat Depth Suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


We’ve all seen how Fractals actually changed the combat overview on Bosses and by extension group combat. That was neat work and I hope it doesn’t stop there.

I really wish to express here what I think the game could benefit in the combat Depth department on PvE side since the PvP side already provides what I will suggest. I think that so far the builds, gear, runes, sigils, weapon swaps, traits and skill choices have proven to give a satisfactory experience but what always have bugged me is how the enemies are and respond to such Depth which leads me to believe that it’s simply one sided. Also keep in mind that I have no idea how hard this is to make it happen, so of course I’ll just be trying to put ideas up to discussion/suggestion.

Gw2 is obviously a very centred fast-paced combat game and when you have a fight be it PvE or PvP the general feeling is of a Duel, reaction and response (quicker ones at that) are usually the way to go and add the fact that you recover very fast (without having to sit and eat/rest) . One of the stronger points for me in the PvP scenery was always the quick counters and epic battle feelings that the smart thinking such as the right usage of CD’s, dodge timing, usage of the map itself can offer. The thing is (and it delve in difficulty of the game as well) in PvE the monsters are not realistic speaking up to it. They do not dodge, I think I’ve noticed a more pattern usage of skills rather than reaction-al, and also the limited repertory of skills.

What I mean by that is: Why can’t we give them a more broad range of skills that can match up to their lore/location/physics to provide us with a more challenging environment? I don’t really expect the undead to dodge but maybe have a few more skills matching up “it’s past life”, He was a ranger so give him a undead pet, a few axe throwing skills of what’s left of his axe, the ability to throw a trap and maybe a few “rarer version” veterans with an elite skill.

I do realize that the game already provides that (which is why I think it could be better tweaked) even on a very unique way (wolves will call for help) but that doesn’t make the actual combat any more…“depthable”. Every enemy has the assigned skill below their name but that’s usually not enough even with a veteran, and usually champions scale in hard hitting rather than tactical/skill capacity. Sure we can have a super hard hitting abomination with huge HP but it wouldn’t hurt to shuffle the script a bit and make a skilful (as in more skill available) mesmer-ish undead that will quite confuse you besides the fact that he does good damage instead of 1 hitting.

I was just in Orr with the Undead that Chills and has the “melee dagger” weapon. I seriously didn’t do anything and my pet Albine Raven got him all alone. Same happened to each and every one of them despite their skills assigned below their names. To make it a challenge I Pulled about 4 of them and the big skinny veteran that throws grubs and even then wasn’t that bad.

So it would be a welcoming Trade-Off in difficulty (More synergy, smart thinking on skills usages/combos, explore tactics/options to overcome a possible “mismatch disadvantage” and etc… over systems that generally 1hit’s you, make you feel powerless, too much hp) and depth even over the leveling experience as well! First 30 levels is all about getting used to how combat really works and the only real difficulty after that is know your limits as in how much can I take? You hone your skills in time into a level where you can usually take alot, and that is when it falls short since there isn’t really a step up from that besides being outnumbered or 1 hit k.o.

One of the best examples I can offer maybe is the skrit. When I heard they were amazing in numbers I got actually excited in having a battle with them. Sadly I don’t think I ever really found more than 2 really together (by myself) or maybe more in an event but that didn’t seem to make a difference. But I wonder if they couldn’t make a “pack” of them with lower hp/less hard hitting but each one of them having a skill that supports the “pack”, Skrit1 does abit more damage and has a skill to shout making others stronger (might stacks maybe), skrit2 hits less but has an skill that can regenerate health, skrit5 can cleanse conditions. That way you would think that it could be wise taking one before you take another depending of your utility/build etc. I think it helps even lore-wise. Make bigger “packs” for group adventurers, make dumb but “hard hitting” single skrit with a few more skill choices other than just hard hitting or throws rocks. Maybe bandits that can dodge? Stealth? Steal?

(edited by Joker.6158)

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joker.6158


Well, even tho we probably see it differently there is without a doubt a “problem” with the way combat works in the game. The combat my itself it’s awesome, quick, pratical and fun, but what the community really needs it’s the challenge for that same combat.

Coming back about the Beta Events the difficulty was surely a bit better. What we need is a combat system that can match up with challenge. Right now the combat, as I said awesome, falls into a very mechanic rinse and repeat. You Auto attack, CC when near, dodge back.

We need something about the enemies! That makes the battle a little more epic. A better set of “fluent” skills for the enemies. A better feeling when running into a group of enemies, be it alone or in group, cause right now it feels like in a group of 4 enemies you are having 4 different single battles at the same time, there is no real combat feeling. Big CC because the only way difficulty is expressed here is Hitting VERY HARD, followed by focusing fire in a mob that has too much health. When they should have a twist against enemies, maybe they could dodge? Making CC unpredictable (as if the enemy avoided it) and focusing fire a more important tool. Maybe the ability to have skills that cancels CC, or even the ability to change behaviour while CCed.

The point is. Right now, PvE Wise, there isn’t much “Depth” to a game with ALOT of quick combat. Even tho the bosses can be reworked and insert more Ideas on it, the main thing for me is Combat since level 2 with regular mobs.

That lynx that has that stealth skill never did anything to you. It would just disappear and drop dead few seconds after. But give that lynx the ability to jump (dodge), stealth and apply a CC leap to stun you and then give a flurry of swipes in your face. Sounds so much better. If you don’t pay attention you might die, specially if there is more than one that was stalking and you didn’t see it.

There is so much depth into what this game could happen. Something that Gw1 had ALOT, enemies with synergistic -different- skills, sometimes even an elite that would just wipe you. I know its a different game, fast paced more reaction needed. But there is no reason why the PvE couldn’t behave more like PvP battles.

I will admit that I do not know how hard it would be to have this implemented.
But It would sure be needed for me to go back to PvE.

Keep sending your opinions. Would be awesome to have a Anet perspective on this.9

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joker.6158


That is very true. I would love the regular enemies in the world to be interesting as well. I don’t necessarily think that enemies using combo fields would be all that interesting, but them being able to counter you or have other little mechanics would be nice.

Yes, the combo fields wouldn’t be much interested in a feature since we would probably not do much with it, or even know they are doing. But I meant more of a extra “synch” for the game. Cause overall all mobs are too easy, and the ones that are hard are just hard for 1hit stuff usually, where you just avoid dying untill his massive health is gone.

The game desperately needs a new “AI” use on the mobs.

I also think that, although the fights should be strategically harder, enemies should have generally lower HP and/ or, maybe, better rewards.

Yes of course, we all know the lenght of the fights are always off, because its all you do. Greater challenge, more rewards. Only big big fights need that kind of lengh but with some new mechanics to it.

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joker.6158


Idk, it does happen. But that’s not my point.

My problems were much more “Im trying to get thru here and Ill just rush and out of the blue Im crippled, now I have to fight”
When what I mean is:
“Cool, the fight started Ill use my combo. kitten he CCd me, it’s fine. Ill go to the side and then, crap he combo’ed me.”

The difference is. One I’m only passing thru and Im CC’d, have to fight normally and it’s super easy. The second one, Im entering the fight where I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Easy example is in Orr, there is 1 Undead type that throws a weapon at you and pulls you to him, after that is (dodge away, cc, auto attack to death). It was so easy, and you can usually avoid his weapon pull the first time and go on.

My point is, There is CC (and somewhat counter, even tho counter is just a knockback that interrupted you lol, few weapons have a counter) that is made purely to keep you from moving and HITTING YOU LIKE A TRUCK so you die, because there isn’t another way for him to beat you kinda. And there is CC that prevent’s situations where you are in a disadvantage.

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joker.6158


Yeah, and while you guys talk about Bosses and it’s true, we can’t forget normal mobs!

This game is populated with enemies, it’s very combat driven. I would like to see different behaviour on that part. It’s always the same thing. CC, dodge and auto attack.

Why can’t the mobs Counter you, CC you for real, almost get you killed. You are right I miss the Beta, it was way harder and fun.

Another thing I forgot to bring it up was:
How come the enemies don’t make their own Combo Fields/Finishers? Why can’t they have their own way of thinking of defeating you. Right now even tho we have no holy trinity, it works like we had it. You just need to survive while being aggroed xD, untill it shifts away from you.

Wouldn’t it be great to see a Undead making a heal combo field with another Undead, making it harder? Whats up with that?

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joker.6158


Hey guys.

Ill start saying I’m a huge fan of the game. I love the game, I think it has quite a few positive aspects, but it’s not perfect.

One of the biggest things I have a problem with is the Combat Depth, Ill explain it a little bit:

Coming from Gw1 we all saw a more tactical approach of combat. I know Gw2 is a different game and it’s more agile kind of combat. But All enemies usually behave the same, I don’t see any AI when it comes down to killing enemies.

I know there is no aggro, no tank or stuff like that but if you look closely the way that the game present us with difficulty is usually with Stronger Hits (Aka Hits like a truck) or Huge Pool Health. Of course there are some mechanics sometimes involved which is awesome, but rarely the game goes away from this.

My question is, does anyone else feels this?
Don’t anyone thinks that the PvE combat should be more like the PvP? With enemies also using a more “select” skill bar, with the capability of dodging too perhaps?
This comes from a player with /age 590 hours of the game, so don’t get me wrong I like the game, but I’ve been much more inclined to play the PvP side of the game for so long, because on PvE it always feel like the Cat trying to get the Mouse, you use a CC, dance around with a few dodges and the combat is over. The only thing he can do is usually writen beneath the enemy name.

So what you guys think?

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


No offense OP, but the reason your server sucks at WvW is because folks think as you are. You cannot use server transfers as a solution for everything. It will take a few rotations for your server to drop down and hit equivalent servers.

You really should stay where you are until the movements settle out. Otherwise your becoming part of the problem, instead of solving the problem.

No offense taken, but if you read my problem its far more than just WvW. And I know it will take a bit to hit equivalent, but would you think its fair for anyone who is trying to enjoy the game, to wait what? Maybe 2 months? to maybe have a chance at WvW? Not to mention the scar that it will leave, untill people actually try to WvW? Its not like we are WvWing alot and losing every time. People are just not doing it.

And as I said, much more than just WvW. Server feels totally empty, I find way more bots than people, even the level 80 areas are dead. WvW is dead. While I take no offense on what you said, I do believe you are very much mistaken.

Now people that came because we were the best in WvW, and left just because of it. They were the problem.

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


Thanks for the input guys. Ill take it to consideration.

I really dont need a WvW Winning Machine, I just want to get on there and have a fighting chance along with fun. Right now on HoD I think if my whole guild queued for WvW all of us would enter all together. Hahha.

But I value the community alot. Nothing better than helping or getting help from stranger and it grows to friendship.

Anyone else? Would be greatly appreciated.

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


I created my guild on the second week of the release. Its called Moon Of Shadows, and we are located on Henge Of Denravi.

As many of you know, Titan Alliance broke up on our realm, leaving one of the best WvW to become one of the worst.

Now, all of us already were at Henge of Denravi since the start, so we werent there (nor transfered there) just because the WvW was potent.

Since the Titan Alliance broke the server really seem to have taken a hit:
1 – We obviously now suck at WvW, and not that my guild didn’t try, but we mostly hold 2 points and if we try we are just camped, even the monthly achieve is hard enough to make it happen. We are always outnumbered and no one seems to care to try anymore.
2 – After a week, alot of those who came to our realm JUST because HoD was one of the best WvW left, not to mention the ones that started there and left for the same reason, and the TA itself. We were usually a full server, now we hit medium with high population at peak hours. The server feels empty
3 – Im not sure if its the lack of players that accentuate the amount of bots seen, and this isn’t really THE issue. But Bots everywhere aha.
4 – Lastly, a few people on my guild and even outside it, always regret the fact of the guild being on HoD or refused to join because of it. Apparently its full of non-helping people, and jerks. But really no way to say this isn’t everywhere.

So, if you will. You could tell me your experience on whatever server you are online, that would help me make a decision and try it out for a bit.

It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

A quick question: Is it possible to sell a guild (in game gold)? I never understood why every server in the same guild has a different pool of influence and different upgrades. On my realm we have ALL upgrades, and the server we chose we wont have anything. So there isnt much of a reason to stick with it, I would sell for some gold and buy influence with that gold on my reformed guild. But this isnt too important really.

Edit: BTW, we dont want a machine winner WvW, we want a nice server with good population with good people, and an challenging WvW. US server.

Can't log in. Acc name or password invalid.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.6158


I got my account back. Thanks for the support. This was fixed by ticket support.

error code 42:0:9001:3928

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.6158


Update: Is working for me now

Mod asked me to edit and explain how I did It, but I didn’t do anything at all.

It simply started working out of the blue again XD.

(edited by Joker.6158)

error code 42:0:9001:3928

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.6158


I am having this issue too! I was just about to post here.

Please can anyone find a work around this?
I really want to play.

This happened after the “second” patch like at 3am EST. We were kicked out WvW and after a few mins there was a new build to be deployed. I couldnt log back in after that so I just went to bed. Today I found the game still isn’t working.

Haste would be appreciated.

(edited by Joker.6158)

Dynamic Events, AoE and Loot.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Joker.6158


I see what you are saying Yukishiro.

But it’s not really silly. Think about it for a second, if you are single target you get 1 loot per mob. I see people leaving the chain with no less than 5 rares. I in the other hand didn’t get much (With MF gear too!).

I do know that the anti-farming code is off, but really it’s no an excuse for making enormous AoEs King for pretty much every event.

Dynamic Events, AoE and Loot.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Joker.6158


I really appreciate everyone’s view here. It’s really important to let Anet know what it’s not fun for us, and what exactly is taking that fun away.

I agree with all points here so far. Please continue to post as we may have at some point some kind of answer for what to expect in the future patches!

Gw2 ramdomly acts wierd (sound) and freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.6158


Thanks alot Zaxan. I did install it, we will see if it keeps happening. If it does Ill be sure to check how to disable it.

Gw2 ramdomly acts wierd (sound) and freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.6158


Thank you for the answer guys but just a follow up:

I was pretty sure I used realtek but when I went to the Device Manager under “Sound, video and game controllers” there was the following listing:
- High Definition Audio Device
- NVIDIA High Definition Audio
- NVIDIA High Definition Audio
- NVIDIA High Definition Audio
- NVIDIA High Definition Audio

I tried updating them all, and it said all were updated.

I’m really not very good with computers so does that mean that I simply not used realtek? Or is it hidden somewhere? I went to the realtek webside and I was unsure what to download (in case I really use it).

@ ZaxanRazor

The only place where I found Realtek on Device Manager was under Network Adapters. Do I really use it? And could you explain how to do the disabling and change to HDMI out? I currently use the HDMI cable to my monitor (Dell U2410) is that what it is? Would the sound only come from the monitor then? And not the speakers?

Thanks in advance.

Platinum Medal for Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Joker.6158


I disagree. What needs to be done is a re-design of the events itself.

Right now it’s just a zerg AoE fest, the highest AoErs (arguably elementalists) will always do the most damage and most participation on anything. Hell I can’t even tag more than 1 mob per wave on any event with my Shortbow + Axe-Warhorn Ranger without having to respec enterily.

I could agree to some extent that the Medal system could use tweaking, but no add of “Platinum”. Most people enter an event do some significant amount of damage and leave to “tag” the next event. This way they get GOLD medal in all events. What should be done is, Gold medal is for the ones that helped thru at least 80-90% of the event (be rezzing, healing, damaging, supporting). If you leave midway thru it a Silver Medal with roughtly 50% reward, and even less with a Bronze.

I don’t think we need a medal for “MVP”, we need less zerg fest, less AoE “stealing loot”, better scaling of events and possibly more meaningful events (harder as well) that rewards player better (more karma) for their time invested on it. People simply ignore long events or the ones with few enemies, because it’s not karma-time worth it.

Gw2 ramdomly acts wierd (sound) and freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.6158


Hello all. This has been happening for quite a while but just today really started to get on my nerves because I was WvW and it froze, so I just restart but I wasn’t in WvW anymore, so I go on the queue and after being 1 hour on queue it happened again, loosing my spot.

What happens is this:

I’m playing normally until all the sound of the game stops working. Then a strange wavey sound like “Uhm Uhm Uhm” consistently keeps playing again and again. Then it just freezes the game. The freeze usually happens in the first few mins but sometimes it took like 20 mins to freeze.

Note: I Alt+Tab quite often, and once I come back to the game the sound is cut for a little bit but comes back a while after. But I cant say I see any relation with the freeze or the sound. Also my Gw2 doesn’t make any sound when minimized in the background, but the wavey sound keeps on going even when minimized.

Idk if its important but some infos:

Never really had problems with FPS or Graphics.
Current Nvidia version: 306.23
Specs: Geforce GTX 560
Win 7 64x
Intel Core I7-3820 @ 3.6GHz

Anything more than that, please ask.

Also, should I just post this here, or also make a support ticket?

Dynamic Events, AoE and Loot.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Joker.6158


Powerful AOE has been horribad game design for the last 15 years – and devs still love it.

There is no good fix – because powerful aoe deals so much damage so fast that single target toons cant even get targeted and or in position before the mobs are dead or almost dead.

There is no good fix, but there is ways to get a little bit better.

See I just don’t get it. I zerg in the Straits and have no issue. I get gold every event. I’m a ranger and I don’t set traps. Yes, on waves, I try to position myself to be ready for next wave, but you just don’t need to do that much to get Gold. You really, really don’t. Gear helps, though. I was struggling for even bronze pre-80 and with master-weighted gear. With rare/exotic and level 80, it’s just a cakewalk, and I’m just not a cutting edge player, thus it’s hard for me to understand the difficulty. The zerg is something that players came up with. It’s not required, it’s a bonus.

My issue is that someone who doesn’t like a large-scale social event in a game wants that event to be broken up and the players who do like it, not to mention those who led the way in making it happen, be forced to play as the minority prefers. How is this logical?

I still feel like you are missing the point. No one is complaining about the Gold Medal, all thru the event tagging at least 3 or 4 enemies is NOT a problem. And that’s more than enough to get gold medal. As the title suggest is about the synch of AoE, Loot and DE. Which right now is a mess! Partially because of the zerg fest.

What you seem to be missing is that if you join a group to do some events, the group either try to be mobile hunting for Events all around the map, which is fun but very not karma effective specially because in a grp of 3-5 the events take quite a bit to complete, and you still have the awesome chance of running into a zerg fest in which the events complete fast and well BUT there are a few problems with that

1 – For a game that primes in the no steal kill, or anything like that for a better community and happier people, you WILL be fighting toe to toe to just TAG the enemies for LOOT. If you are not AoE spec your chances to do so are drastically reduced.

2 – You don’t really do anything, you spam your skills and “not see” everything die because with so much people and AoE it’s actually impossible to know whats really going on there.

3 – Most important, where is the fun in that? Isn’t this the game that you get rewards and have fun the WAY you want it? However you want it? It completely kills the design for faster farm. Last I checked Events are supposed to be the biggest thing in the entire game. I get what you are saying, don’t want to zerg (player invented way) go around hunt events, and I’m okay with that but it’s nowhere NEAR rewarding as just zerg, for the same reasons above.

It’s complex because the AoE + Loot issues go around the zerg, and I do understand some of your points. But understand that we are not against the “big large-social events” and we do not want to see it broken up (was just an idea to soft the issue, and it’s not illogical for SURE, as of now events DO NOT scale well after say 10 people. so breaking it up in grps of then is indeed logical.) but also its not minority prefers, it’s game content being to waste! And make no mistake, you are in the minority. People that usually defend zergs are the ones playing amazing AoE and are looting so much they just don’t want to stop, or they just feel like the karma coming is awesome, and I’m pretty sure that’s not what Anet wants for us.

Dynamic Events, AoE and Loot.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Joker.6158


The AoE mob tagging game that Orr has turned into is horrible.

Event difficulty and event scaling needs a serious look into if this beautiful looking zone is to have it’s gameplay salvaged.

I am so very behind the concept of level 80 zones driven by pure dynamic events and I am desperate for the tweaks to come in asap for the vision of this idea to come into existence.

Right now, I go there to explore but participating in anything is not fun at all.

Correct! They are very beautiful looking zones and it’s a great idea of how the game it heading towards! It just need some tweaking! Mob tagging with AoE really sucks,

Yeh i noticed this early on in the game, if you don’t aoe then you don’t get loot and exp.
With my thief i have to use shortbow as single target dmg is useless, it’s one thing that bugs me about these events, it’s just a tag feast.

I do get a fair amount of exp regardless of the tagging the enemies because of the events. But looting in the other hand is far worse. I use AoE Axe on my ranger but is far too slow to tag, and I when I use my shortbow I can tag 1 before they disappear in the AoE.

My point was that there are only 3 place in CS that people zerg at most, and there are quite a few other events in CS & ML. Or better yet FS. They are EASILY doable with 2-3 people, and doable with 1 unless there is a particularly nasty champion involved.

Thus my mall analogy. There are lots of places that offer what you want in Orr. Literally a dozen or two. You just want it to happen at those few places that support and attracted a large group. By design. You know. Like a mall.

I see, and it’s a good analogy. But really, I don’t think you are quite on board with us in the topic. This is not only about what your analogy covers. I know I can roam with people around the map and it’s fun (when you can actually find people that won’t do zerg fest, cause just face it, it’s a karma give away with no effort), but do you get karma for doing it “the right way”? You are bound to get to the big chains anytime and join the zerg fest anyhow. Not to mention when you roam around you fight alot more random mobs than actually facing events, and when you do there it is the AoE train.

Can you honestly say that the zerg fest AoE is a good design? Why not make players roam around the actual world (as advertised "Explore The World!) on smaller groups where the events scale actually work, give a little more karma for the trouble? You make me sound like I’m nuts for what I’m asking.

About you analogy, it’s not wrong. BUT when YOU go to the mall at a certain store even if it’s crowded you still get to be “seen” by someone and have a pretty good chance to get what you want. The right analogy here would probably be me going to the mall and find alot of apes (crazy people or Black Friday or whatever you like to put here) trashing the place apart, thus making me unable to get what I want and therefore making it a very unfunctional mall.

If you think that the chain stuff is by design you are wrong again, because that’s where the DR kicks in, which everyone bypasses by relogging.

Anyways. I would like to hear more peoples mind here. Speak what you think, make some noise and maybe we can have someone answer us here? About what they actually plan doing?

I appreciate it.

Dynamic Events, AoE and Loot.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Joker.6158


As far as I know, overflow servers had more people than live servers.

I said like overflow. About the technology. I never stumbled upon an overflow server after level 40. So why can’t we split 1 server in some “overflows”. Say Cursed Shore (Henge of Denravi 1), Cursed Shore (Henge Of Denravi 2), Cursed Shore (Henge of Denravi 3), you get it? Instead of having everyone in just 1 place. If we are not going ot Overflow means it’s not even full, but try doing events and you will see that its plenty of full.

@SsEeXxOo (are you brazilian?)

I can relate to what you are saying, but it isn’t focused in what I’ve said exactly (only partially).


1 – I just stated that a small group to travel thru the lands looking for events is pretty cool and enjoyable. I do not want to be alone, I like the social aspect. You probably misinterpreted, you really think that splitting say Cursed Shore in 2 would make everyone feel alone? Would “re-design” the “mall”? I bet by zerging the events you will feel much more alone than actually having a more meaningful experience on them with a little less people. What part of hitting 1 enemy once and following people around that does the same, spamming AoE just to get karma is fun to you? I mean, I know that the karma comes a little bit slow, but for the amount of work we put on it it’s super easy, I could do it with my eyes closed.

What I simply suggest is to make it less zergy, little bit more difficult and therefore more rewarding.

2 – What is pointless is to Spec in AoE to get Gold on the event mind you. I’m a Ranger AoEing with my axe that does little damage and I NEVER get a silver, and the mobs are usually killed BEFORE I can damage them. Getting gold medal is fairly ridicuolus and I heard they are trying to make even more easy. People spec AoE because that’s how you get loot. If you do a bigger amount of damage before they die, you get the loot. It’s fairly simple. Spec Heavily into AoE, Put a long-Lasting AoE in the place they will spawn, be ready to cast another not so long-lasting and it’s the recipe of the easiest loot ever. Again my question is why must I spec into that to be able to compete with the others AoE to be able to loot! It’s not about tagging the back/outskirts. Its about doing the event and being able to have a shot at looting just as much as everyone else doing it. Hows that unreasonable?

3 – What I meant on split population is just an idea of how to make it the experience more enjoyable. Which you seem to not get in on the first paragraph. Have a server like Henge of Denravi have multiple “Cursed Shore” Map, so the event by itself feels like a real event. Instead of having 30-35 AoErs running the Arena>Plinx>Brood>Abomination chain and logging off so DR doesn’t get you and rinse and repeat. It’s as dull as it gets, not to mention how poor the event scales up. So why not split the server (with the overflow tech) and have people REALLY group and and stick together with a smaller group thru the events, really experiencing it, being a little bit harder (and probably tune karma a little bit). I cant say its a good solution since I don’t know if its possible for the Devs to make it happen, it sure it would make everything a little bit more balanced.

4 – I said change loot rules, I didn’t say specifically raise loot or whatever. It sounds to me you are just skipping thru what I’m saying, not getting what I’m saying and then literally refuting out of what? Despite? If the events would be harder, AoEs would be less effective, meaning I could actually have a chance at dealing damage on them, meaning I would get loot too. Big AoErs get at least half the mob worth of loot, while I usually get 1 to 2. What you are saying is completely illogical. Bots were never part of the issue -here-, and nor was the amount of work required. I work HARDER than the AoE Train Spam, and yet you tell me I should work harder? You sound like a genius. This could go a number of ways to improve, even a cap on how much loot you get from a wave would be reasonable.

5 – Yes, events harder. finally something we seem to agree on o.0….


I feel you, saddly I dont think anyone will hear us.

Dynamic Events, AoE and Loot.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Joker.6158


After a few days of farming Karma I’m ready to give what I think about it, and what it could do better. The game is new, the devs are listening, please help me do some noise.

- First: DEs are awesome, I like doing them. I like the area we are doing it. If I’m alone everywhere seems to be dangerous. With a group of 3 its perfect. The problem comes with the farming Karma train wreck. Why can’t we split servers even more like an overflow? Make the area a little less crowded so everyone can actually enjoy and see the events? There is so much people that events are so easy and just a “zerg”. You guys have the tech to separate and split. Why not make the area more dangerous by making people Meaningfully stay grouped and explore.

Which Brings me to:

Loot: The game is set to be so friendly, no node sharing, no kill steal. But In DE’s that actually happens! People spec to AoE just to to damage every enemy in (and often out) of sight! That’s preposterous! People memorizing and targeting big strong AoEs even before Enemies spawn, leaving many with no chance to actually make damage and therefore no Loot!.

Which brings me to:

AoE: Why are we rewarding AoErs? I mean in my definition a good AoE is a less powerful spell but more broad in Area, yet (and probably because of the immense number of AoErs AND the fact that Enemies HP doesn’t seem to scale (very well or at all)) they are wrecking everything! One could say “Just Spec to AoE as Well”. I don’t want to, If I recall the game is all about play your way, I do not want to change my weapon and my spec for it. Can we please tone AoE Down, or Enemies HP On, or change Loot Design? This is My MAIN point for this Post.

My suggestion:

There are a number of ways to make this work. But something must be done, I want to enjoy the events I’m doing, not try to use my AoE first so I can have a shot on the mob loot.

Split population in higher areas, making people work more together as a group not a zerg.
Change loot rules and design
Make events a little bit harder
Upgrade normal mobs health
Simply tuning AoE specs down

Bonus: MF.
It may be just a personal grudge, but MF it’s a breaker. I know its a gold “sinker” (and maker), it’s something that makes you have a set just to farm and all. But why mess with the loot like that? Why not leave the game with the original feeling of reward, feeling good when you are lucky, feeling okay when you aren’t. I KNOW for a fact there are alot of Greedy people, but Magic Find is just bad imo. I know, I know, “Just don’t use it”. But as loot stands now I feel very much obligated to do it X.×. But I know for a fact that this won’t change…

Thanks for reading, and I would very much like for you guys to give your input and maybe have a good feedback for the Devs? I think we need some changes..

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


Here are a few Suggestions for Guild Changes that IMHO should be reviewed.

1 – The guild emblem (by itself) needs a 4th colour for background. On my case I wanted the background graphic to be the “Black Brush”, but since when you press “G” the emblem background is always shown black, making the background graphic disappear if you want it black too or any dark colour.

2 – Could be just me, but the prices for One Time Only Use for guild armors are quite expensive. Making very few people actually want to do it. On gw1 capes were “free” and on everyone. While I don’t mind paying for the guild armor, prices would be better if it was more accessible, goes also for the backpack. I know you can use transmute stones to keep it, but I really enjoyed the Cape on Gw1, and I like this approach too, just think there could be something in between

3 – The permission “Admin lower ranks” need to be split. I really don’t mind giving people the ability to recruit people on my guild, but the power to kick and promote lower ranks is not something I want to give it too much around. This seriously could and from what I heard around has been a big potential for Drama.

4 – Mini-games (Keg Brawl). I like to make guild events, since the feature of renting PvP servers are not yet ready (which I expect to be implemented sometime), I would very much like to have fun with Keg Brawl with my guildies. While I understand that no one wants it to be queueable with a party because that will just make powerful premades teams, I don’t see a reason why we can’t have sort of a option to play with guildies only. This goes for sPvP and any mini game there.

which brings us to:

5 – Making guild events, like I did last week with me Hiding around Lion’s Arch and having guildies find me for rewards was very fun. But sadly the preparation to get everyone to the same overflow was quite…hard. Hope it either gets better, or some better suggestion on how to handle that.

6 – We could have a separated permission about withdrawing gold from the guild bank. As of know anyone who can withdraw from the the guild stash can actually just steal the money.

7 – We need either a bigger message of the day, or a special Guild Tab (Even if it’s thru upgrades called “Guild Board” where the guild leader can set a few more things, little set of rules, maybe the vent/mumble/TS info and a little more. The Message of the day is too small for anything.

8 – A tool (even if by gem shop) to re-enter the TAG name of the guild. Saddly I messed that up and instead of MoS I put MoF, after waiting quite a few for a ticket response, they said It wasn’t possible to change. But I DO want to change it.

9 – Maybe bring back the possibility to click links? (Click builds like gw1). Not for the click, but for the ability to copy and past. It’s most useful!

These are a few suggestions I would like to make, and I really think its worth reading and having it. Thanks for reading.

As for other people asking for more abilities forget about it, you ain’t getting it now. Maybe way later on another expansion.
For the one asking for second profession, also forget about it. Never going to happen (too hard to balance).
Inspect also will probably never be a part of the game. They want social aspect of the game, if you want to know something just ask.

That’s just what I think, not really putting the idea down.

End Story Loot. (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Joker.6158


Is this not fixed yet?

Make the Guild Message of The day Bigger please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


I know message of the day is supposed to be small and for that day…

But can’t we have a tab for General Guild Info? Just enough to post some ground rules and some other infos? It’s not asking too much I think.

Or Just make the Message of the day a little bigger, that could work.

Is anyone else with me? My guild right now has currently 124 members…I can’t ask them all to join a forum just because there are a few lines (that I cannot put on the message of the day for being little).

Is anyone else with me?

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


What is this realistic speaking you talk about? This is an MMO that isn’t made to portrait everything as it is irl or in a “chase” situation. The bigger speed bonus out of combat is to take out the necessity of the mounts and because you might not want to spend money on waypoints. If you got hit while running, is your own fault o.0. You should (as I do) be able to dodge, pick up the best approach to run thru without aggroing or getting hit.

If you can’t do it, just think of a way that makes you able to, as I do.

Guild Improvements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


Hello. I have a nice guild called Moon of Shadows @ Henge and after some time I think some improvements could be made. Here are my 5 cents.

1 – The guild emblem (by itself) needs a 4th colour for background. On my case I wanted the background graphic to be the “Black Brush”, but since when you press “G” the emblem background is always shown black, making the background graphic disappear if you want it black too or any dark colour.

2 – Could be just me, but the prices for One Time Only Use for guild armors are quite expensive. Making very few people actually want to do it. On gw1 capes were “free” and on everyone. While I don’t mind paying for the guild armor, prices would be better if it was more accessible, goes also for the backpack. I know you can use transmute stones to keep it, but I really enjoyed the Cape on Gw1, and I like this approach too, just think there could be something in between.

3 – The permission “Admin lower ranks” need to be split. I really don’t mind giving people the ability to recruit people on my guild, but the power to kick and promote lower ranks is not something I want to give it too much around. This seriously could and from what I heard around has been a big potential for Drama.

4 – Mini-games (Keg Brawl). I like to make guild events, since the feature of renting PvP servers are not yet ready (which I expect to be implemented sometime), I would very much like to have fun with Keg Brawl with my guildies. While I understand that no one wants it to be queueable with a party because that will just make powerful premades teams, I don’t see a reason why we can’t have sort of a option to play with guildies only. This goes for sPvP and any mini game there.

which brings us to:

5 – Making guild events, like I did last week with me Hiding around Lion’s Arch and having guildies find me for rewards was very fun. But sadly the preparation to get everyone to the same overflow was quite…hard. Hope it either gets better, or some better suggestion on how to handle that.

These are a few suggestions I would like to make. Thanks for reading.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


You first issue it a good design. Since there will be no mounts in the game, they just make you run faster out of the combat. You are looking it the opposite way kinda of. You are like saying “Why I run slower in combat” and not “Why I run faster out of it”.

It’s still the same answer, just different point of view. You run faster to get places faster, when in combat it’s normal speed.

For the second Issue I think it needs some work, but it’s nothing I can’t get away with. All I do is either move or press “~”.

No Move To Target = PVP and WvW SUCKS for Melee

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


A couple things:

1. There is no such thing as a “ranged character” or a “melee character”. Every class has ranged options. A class like the Guardian might have fewer ranged options than others, but they also tend to have more control to allow them to get in range.

2. I’m not saying this to flame or to disparage, so please understand that so it doesn’t come across the wrong way… but my advice is to “get better” rather than wait for the developers to add a feature for you. . Yes, ranged shots are easier to land than melee shots. Melee attacks also tend to do significantly more damage. The way you’ve phrased your post makes me wonder if you’re taking advantage of your character as much as you can (weapon swaps, skills to close the gap or to immobilize/cripple an opponent, etc). I’m referring to language like referring to yourself several times as “a melee player”. Even with a move-to-target function, people are still going to be able to knock you back, cripple you, evade your attacks, gain swiftness to sprint away, etc.

Anyway, this post was written with the intent of providing advice, not as a flame or disparagement.

I agree with you mostly, but is that bold statement actually true? In my experience it is not true at all.

Sky, Anet already said (stated) that Melee does more damage than ranged, it’s a fact already. It’s because they are part of a High Risk / High Reward kinda deal.

I would go search the web where they said it XD But im too lazy.

Guild Event - Keg Brawl?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


Yes Doc, I really want to know. While I can agree to some extent that mini-games are supposed to be random, I don’t think it would hurt the game in any matter to give us that feature since I would love to make my guild battle to death and then provide a reward!

Is it possible to change the guild Tag?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158



For some reason beyond me when I created my guild Moon of Shadows @ Henge of Denravi, I accidentally created with the tag [MoF].

Since I already had a fair amount of Influence in it, I didnt re-do it.

I even joked on the guild and made it an event. Where people needed to create an explanation for the MoF. But anyways my question is:

Is it possible to change without deleting the guild? I would very much like to do so, it was an Honest mistake >.<!

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


I can just quote what Wiki Says:

Guesting will not be available at launch but is still planned.4 Players will be able to visit other worlds as guests as long as they have friends on those worlds. This feature is free, but guest players will not be able to enter World versus World PvP2 and the power of the Mists bonuses from their home world will continue to apply to their characters.3

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


Remember that there is a feature called “Guesting” where you will be able to join other servers (WvW excluded). The feature is just not up until the Servers Population Settle.