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I left GW2 for about 6 months, have a max Mesmer I used to PvP with a lot, I noticed that they were pushed to the top from the bottom, was wondering what the best builds are now.
I left GW2 for about half a year, and when I left Necros were an amazing PVP class, I had a ton of fun playing, I played a chill reaper build I believe.
Are they still viable? I’m browsing through the forums and it looks like Necros aren’t so hot anymore?
I’m not one to let nerfs deter me away from playing a class I love and have fun with, but if it’s truly not viable in PvP I don’t want to weigh my team down.
Am I the only reaper the hates the scepter?
I don’t run condi builds, just pure berserker reaper, but when I tried a condi build, I absolutely hated the scepter.
Your best bet is to engage the Reaper as early on as you can, the more life force a reaper has, the less of a chance you have of beating one, but if it’s a reaper who knows what he’s doing, he’ll be able to throw down his staff skills and conjure up enough LF to get into it before he goes down.
But like everyone says, CC will crap on a Reaper, we don’t really have stunlocks.
Interesting video, I was just going to try out Rise today as well, and I always wanted to see how I’d do if I replaced my dagger/warhorn with a GS.
How much damage do you do on average per match?
I play a Berserker power reaper right now and do very well with it, but with the new changes I figured I might give a carrion/condition build a try, are there any decent ones out there?
Necros just got a straight buff across the board in every aspect.
Not sure why Warriors are complaining, they act like they were ever viable, anet just kicked them while they were already down.
I dont understand. Zojja is zerk, soldier is well..soldier so what do you mean by ascended gear for soldier? you mean you have soldier trinkets..?
and for what game mode?(pvp or pve)
Sorry, I worded my post poorly. I’m just wondering what’s the best gear to get for a Soldier Reaper.
Is Zojja’s armor the best way to go? And it’s for PvP.
I was looking at Zojja’s armor with Scholar runes, any thoughts?
I bought Lyssa’s outfit from the store because I really loved the dress, but I want to swap out the helm.
But when I try to open my wardrobe, it defaults to the skin I had on before I put the outfit on, instead of showing each piece of the outfit.
Do I have to use the whole outfit?
I have a lot of trouble fighting certain classes like Necros using my Chrono/Shatter build, but I’m definitely still able to inflict a lot of damage to the other class.
I’ve always played Mesmer the most, esp in PvP, but right now we’re definitely not in the meta..
I’m running a Chrono/shatter build, and everytime I face a Necro in PvP, I can’t take them down. Not only do they switch forms, but their Death Shroud makes me heal them, so I’m literally stuck running around waiting for their Death Shroud to add or I’m forced to do minuscule damage/heal them.
I just came back to HoT, and I’m really unsure of what to do. Are Mesmers overall still viable for 1v1 PvP?
I have to disagree, a lot of classes are getting an option to get pushed farther into what they’re meant to be. More classes in GW2 are all “blobs”, where they can all essentially do the same thing (don’t take this literally).
Rangers get to shoot farther, Ele’s can become more of a healer if they need or want to, Necros and Thieves are now extremely harder to kill. But what we (and mesmers but they can argue about that on their forums), is just garbage.
Almost every other class gets something that affects the character itself, and not necessarily it’s weapons. To take advantage of that 10% speed increase, we’d need to equip a certain loadout, and some people aren’t comfortable with that.
IMO A-Net needs to release something that will affect the warrior regardless of what weapon they have.
I’ve been hearing quite a lot of buzz that this feature patch is the one in which anet will implement a way to craft precursors.
My concern is the following; will it destroy the price of the precursors? My concern is one that hits close home, I had to work tirelessly to get Dawn, and I don’t want to see it drop to half price, or even worse.
If anet does implement this change, how can they make it so the precursor price stays the same and doesn’t effect the legendary market as it is right now? Or is their intention to make legendaries easier to get.
It’s been a while and my warrior has improved a lot…
Basically he’s level 80 now, and has a Zojja’s Berserker Chestplate with a Superior Rune of the Soldier. I’m working on getting the other mats for the whole set of armor as we speak.
The BIGGEST change however, is that I bought a DAWNNNNN. To match the scheme I bought Celestial Dye, hence why he’s so “white”, and I’ve begun to work on full map completion, probably the easiest part of getting a legendary.
Gosh, I’m having a hard time leveling my armorsmithing at all, it’s at 406 right now and I just don’t know what to craft that’ll give me experience, I’m beyond lost .
Sounds good guys, it was all very helpful information.
A quick question, you do need to be level 500 in your proffession to start putting ascended gear together, right?
The next step to get my armorsmithing from 402 to 500 requires a lot of it, unfortunately, it’s EXTREMELY expensive to buy all the materials I’d need for it, so I’m forced to resort to farming them. Are there well known locations of orichalcum, or are there dungeons/bosses that are known for dropping them?
I’m level 80 btw, so I can go anywhere.
Okay, so I’m starting to understand this. I’ll need to buy all the recipes from my respective master, then make the berserker inscription for my items.
Thank you, I’m definitely understanding all the fun stuff now, and it looks like I’ll be in it for a while before I can have all my gear.
One thing I want to clarify, this is the inscription I need for every piece of armor, correct?
Unlike normal crafting, you do not discover, you need to buy all recipes.
For Zojja stuff, you need to buy Zojja inscription or insignia recipe (karma) and the Zojja armor piece or weapon recipe (laurels & gold) from your craft merchant.
Then you will need to make Zojja inscription, vision crystal, and 2 parts of the item (like hilt and blade). You will need vision crystal for weapons and chest armor, lesser vision crystal for all other armor pieces.
For inscription or insignia you need 400ish zerker inscription or insignia, plus ascended dovel or insignia, dark matter orb and 10x 400ish dust.
Dovel and ascended parts are made of deldimoor ingots, spiritwood planks and armor is the worst – bolt of damasc. They make damasc way harder than weapon materials, you need 100 silks and also the other fabrics, namely linen, are now extremely expensive.
Remember that deldimoor ingots, spiritwood planks and damasc need a component you can make only one per day. So even if you have all mats, it will take at least 5 days to make everything you need.
Good luck with your crafting.
Today I tried to learn how someone can make ascended gear, and I’m now more confused than when I started.
So first off, what ascended gear can you make? Can any gear be given ascended rank, or is there a list of gear? Secondly, what exactly is a vision crystal? Also, I’m interested in making Berserker armor, do I just need to buy Zojj’s recipe from my profession master and I’m done with that?
Future thanks to anyone that can shed some light, by the looks of it, I’m going to need to keep a notebook to keep track of all this.
Basically I’m following the build that this guy here recommended (with a few tweaks) :
And I was wondering what kind of traits do you guys think I should go with? I just hit 60, so my trait points reset and I’m kinda wondering what’s next.
My warrior, as you can see I have a lot of other characters, but only he feels right.
Can’t wait to do more WvW, PvP, and eventually get my legendary with him!
Hey, my friend actually introduced me to Guild Wars 2, but hasn’t played in a long time. After seeing my various screenshots and bragging about my thief, he’s decided that after we have our final exams, he’ll download the game again and play with me.
Now the problem: He is located on the Sea of Sorrows server, and I’m on Ehmry Bay. He said that when he still played, there were free monthly server transfers, but I believe there aren’t any and you need to pay. Which is it?
Thanks, Alex The Cat.
The train on queensdale is alright, but I did it for quite a while, and it gets to be a grind.
I’ll do the Artificing profession for now, but if anyone has anymore comments please leave them below.
Hey guys, I just wanted to know what item I could craft to level up fast. This is because I have a level 40 warrior, but I want another class at around the same level with him.
So I searched how to level fast, and a person suggested crafting mats, which Got him to level 40 in about 7 hours, but could anyone please expand on what he meant, or give me something you think is better?
I’m looking for something that’ll cost me under 40g to do.
Thanks, have a nice day!