Showing Posts For Kaeyi Dream.7590:

Voice actress for Lionguard Lyns?

in Audio

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

I wish it was me

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Kaeyi Dream Halloween Patch Content Video's!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

So our first GW2 holiday event is upon us and with it brings a quaggan skritt ton of content updates and bug fixes along with it. So i am going to be spending this halloween season bringing all of you videos about all of the updates in game, some are written in the patch notes & some are not included but still amazing changes. So sit back and enjoy the ride.

I will be updating this forum post with all of the new videos surrounding this patch and i am also taking requests if people want me to cover anything specific just post down below

1. Gem Store Updates – Guild Wars 2 Halloween Patch!

2. Pact Weapons Preview (Zhaitan) – Guild Wars 2 Halloween Patch!

3. Costume Brawls – Guild Wars 2 Halloween Patch!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Kaeyi is doing a 24 Hour Live Stream For Charity!!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Hai Everyone I am a bit late on the charity front but i still think we can make a difference.. I plan to stream for 24 hours on my twitch channel.. and will be playing a varity of games, answering questions, interacting with you all as well as some gaming related Giveaways

Video here:
Information and Donation page here:

So what is this all for you ask? I’m on a mission to save kids through video games, and I need your help.
My local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital treats thousands of children each year, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. These kids are facing scary stuff like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries from accidents to name just a few

On Oct. 20th, 2012, I’ll attempt to play an epic 24 hour video game marathon and it’s my sincere hope that you’ll find it in your heart to support me either by hopping along to my stream and cheering me on or simply by hitting that donate button and helping these kids get better

Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids.

Last year, Extra Life raised more than 1.2 million dollars to save kids, but in 2012 our goals, just like the needs of the kids we serve, are much, much higher.

I can’t do this without your help. Donating online is safe and easy! To make an online donation please click the “Support This Participant” button on this page.

Thank you for all of your help, i love you all <3

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Bookah Broadcast – #4 Quaggan T-shirts Make Freelancer Rap!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Bookah Broadcast – #3 Animal Photobombs Are A Thing!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Episode #2 The Quaggan Cake Is A Lie!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

I like the suggestions that its an option people can toggle, that way we have the choice on whether to show titles or not.

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Staff & Axe/Dagger Condition Damage Discussion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Thanks for all of your feedback, much appreciated

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Staff & Axe/Dagger Condition Damage Discussion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Yes i am extremely well heavy i use death shroud everytime the bar is full and i put wells on every cd!

I use the melee weapons to gain life force and for the extra wells and condition damage when my staff skills are on cd.

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

I love the gold star <3

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Staff & Axe/Dagger Condition Damage Discussion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

I am a level 80 Sylvari Necro, looking to theory craft my way to victory. Any suggestions/tips etc to make my build more effective would be amazing. Just to note this is only one of my builds that i use and it focuses on Condition Damage for PvE. I use this build in both Dungeons and World Events are seem to have a lot of damage output as well as life force gain to give survivability. Without further delay here goes.


Gear: (Full Rampager’s Exalted Exotic Set)

Weapons: (Only staff so far is of any value, working on getting my other weapon sets)

Accessories: (Still need to obtain Amulet then i am complete) x2 x2

Stats: (In Lion’s Arch Unbuffed)
Power – 1969
Precision – 2166
Toughness – 916
Vitality – 916
Weapon Damage – 1111
Condition Damager – 963
Crit Chance – 64%
Crit Damage – 10%
Armor – 1836
Health – 18372

Currently i have no runes or sigils and personally am extremely unsure of which way to go with these, i think i will be using Rune of the Divinity ( to make use of my high crit chance and for the extra 60+ to all stats.

With sigil i think i will go for Sigil of Superior Peril on my axe (, Sigil of Superior Geomancy on my dagger ( and Sigil of Minor Corruption on my staff (

Let me know what you all think

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

What do you do since you turned 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

I just finished my full exotic gear set and now i’m working on a magic find set so when i farm Orr for materials i can have a better chance to find rare’s to salvage and get ecto’s from

I also do a lot of tournament PvP, meta event hunting, map completions, WvW, Explorable mode dungeons and Keg Brawl!!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Something a lot of us work hard to get in mmo’s are title’s, they make you feel proud about something you have achieved and let’s you share that achievement with others.

Now, Guild Wars 2 does have titles implemented and for things such as PvP there are a huge amount of title’s that you can earn in game. However, these titles are extremely hard to spot and when asking my guild what they thought of this matter some didn’t even know that titles existed.

The method behind my madness is that if Arena Net spend the time and effort to implement achievements that award a title, i think the titles should be noticeable to other players. Currently, the title’s reside under a players health bar if you have them targeted.

I would personally prefer prefix’s or suffix’s that appeared in the name itself. Such as ‘Dragon Slayer Kaeyi’ or ‘Kaeyi the Risen’. Something of this nature would be much more appealing and encourage players to get those achievements all in all creating a lot more content for players who were otherwise oblivious to the goals they could complete.

Simply adding more noticeable titles would add a wealth of interest into these specific tasks keeping players busy for great amount of time. I know that if i could get a title such as ‘Kaeyi the Dragon Slayer’ by killing every dragon in game, i would certainly go for that achievement.

What do you all think? Does this go against Arena Net’s design ethic or do you think it would improve the game and provide more things to do in Tyria?

Kaeyi <3

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

The Desolation Server Council!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Well, in every MMORPG i have played i like to create a good friendly and helpful community for the server i am on. A server where everyone knows who everyone is, a place we can talk in general and actually know people’s names and a place where we feel like a huge community rather than just limiting ourself’s to guilds.

This is not a traditional alliance in GW2 terms, more of a collaboration of guilds on the server (preferably all of the guilds) to make Desolation a great place to be.

Guild Wars 2 is no exception to my wishes and with the amazing community already on the Desolation server, i present to you the DSC (Desolation Server Council). Now on release i will create the DSC guild and invite every Guild Leader on the server to join me in this guild, this was we can easily chat to each other, have server meetings and create a great environment for all of our respective guildies. This will create our server council so to speak.

Video here:

This also means we can schedule server wide events and easily let other guilds know if we are doing a huge event that we want you all to be apart of. Also if there is inter guild drama etc this can easily be resolved by finding the other Guild Leaders in the DSC and settling your differences and communicating easily.

People won’t try to poach members or have guild rivalry, we can work together to put aside all of the pettiness that is found on organised servers. When it comes to WvW having a server that is close and community driven will lead us to be extremely successful and become a strong competitor for other worlds.

So please join me in the DSC if you are a guild leader and follow the same ideas for having a thriving great community for our server of choice.

To join simply just post your guild details in the guilds section of this forum:

You do not need to join the website (even though it takes a few seconds) you can simply post as a guest, please use your IGN this way i know who to invite to the DSC on launch and what guilds we can count on to see on the battlefields whether in WvW or against the dragons.

DSC meetings will be arranged in advanced, every guild leader on the server will be made aware of the meeting so they can address any issues or ideas that they want to present to the server!

See you in game <3

Edit: The DSC currently has 60 guilds registered & 40g towards a commander icon for organised events in WvW and PvE !

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Episode #1 Quaggan’s Cosplay to Charr Electro Comics!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Angry Joe's review

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Watched this earlier today after a few dev’s had put it on facebook, really funny and honest review!!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Guildwars 2 account Trials

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Guild Wars 1 had a trial. No subcription, so…

That is very true i had forgotten about that, well remembered.

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Vista Collection series

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Loved this, i skipped a lot of? vista’s to save time so it’s really nice to be able to watch them in this format

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Profitable Crafting Recipes

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Being 400 cooking i really appreciate the time you put into it, wouldn’t mind making some money off my crafting abilities

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Guildwars 2 account Trials

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

There hasn’t been a confirmation on this AFAIK however, due to the fact there is no sub fee i highly doubt it, you wouldn’t see a trial account for a non MMOPRG PC game.

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

"Sticks" A Sylvari mask worklog.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Keep this up it looks great, would love to feature the finished product on my community show – Bookah Broadcast, i will keep an eye on your progress!

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

Guildwars 2 Cartographers

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

This has been so useful when trying to 100% zones with my guild, Thank you

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

ConflictNerd - Aiming To Be The #1 Provider of GW2 Content

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

Good luck for your GW2 YouTube channel it is great to see more channels popping up for us all to enjoy

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)

Bookah Broadcast - Your Community Showcase!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kaeyi Dream.7590

Kaeyi Dream.7590

This is something I have been pondering on for a great length of time and honestly, I wonder why no one has of yet done this for the Guild Wars 2 community. So if you play League of Legends you will know about Nika Harper (Nikasaur) and her amazingly successful and inspiring summoner showcase on the Riot Games YouTube channel. (

“The Summoner Showcase, formally known as the Summoner Spotlight, is a series on League of Legends which displays the many talents from the players of the LoL community.”

This showcase displays fan creations ranging from songs to plushies and even clay models. Summoners will submit there creations to the summoner showcase email address where Nika then picks her favourites, writes the script and films the Showcases. They really bring the community together and let the amazing fan works of the LoL game community shine. Nika’s fun loving personality really makes the video’s shine and it has become a bi-weekly ritual for a lot of the LoL community.

Personally, I really feel like somebody should be doing this for the GW2 community and if I had my pick it would be Kate from the SheGeekShow, ( I love her style and knowledge of games in general and to top it off she is the Web/UX lead at ArenaNet. YouTuber and Arena Net employee, could that be any more perfect?

Nevertheless, Kate sadly hasn’t made video’s for a long time due to being busy with work however, I will show her this forum post in the hopes that she may want to get involved or give some suggestions to make it that little bit extra special. Regardless this is something I feel strongly about and would love to be involved in, so i am stepping up. The shows will be located on my youtube at: (

Therefore, I would really like to create something from the inspiration that Nika and Kate have given me and have a GW2 related showcase. So i bring you the ‘Bookah Broadcast’. As well as fan art and creations I would really like to showcase anything GW2 community related from videos, guilds, awesome websites, PvP tournaments, you name it we can showcase it. This being a community wide show that doesn’t just involve artistic talent.

This is where you guys come in, are you an artist, singer, songwriter, rapper, pvp pr0, sculptor, dancer, knitter (You name it you could probably relate it to Guild Wars 2) and would want your works featured in a video each week displaying the best of the community? Do you make YouTube video’s and would love people to see them?

Then send them to for a chance to be featured in one of the upcoming episodes, be sure to include links to where your community related content is and also the name you would like to be referred to when discussing your submission.

Please, all the feedback, suggestions hints and tips as well as help and guidance you wonderful people could give me the better this will be in the long run. I really want to create this with the best production quality possible and with some really great content that will inspire more people in the community to share their creations on-line.

Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to your responses.


Official Intro Music:

YouTuber, Tales of Tyria Host, Streamer & Guild Leader!
Level 80 Necromancer – Somnium [zzZ] Desolation EU!
Everything i do is here: :3

(edited by Kaeyi Dream.7590)