Showing Posts For Kaine.3501:

Asura 2 handed weapon sound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaine.3501


After standing idle for a second with a 2 handed weapon….when my Asura moves he makes a sound that I can only describe as like picking up a weapon that is too heavy for him. It’s like an “ugh” sound…made over and over and over each time he moves with a large weapon. I thought maybe all of the races made a similar sound when they moved after standing idle with a 2 handed weapons….I was wrong. Is there any way to disable the sound? Does that sound annoy any of you?

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Sylvaris look off to the side...while other races look forward

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaine.3501


This is a little frustrating because several of the people responding have no idea what I’m talking about and think that the picture was taken during an animation and also look at their friends character and see a forward looking face because hes standing crooked/at an angle.

The pictures I took were NOT during an animation, he ALWAYS looks off to the side…and so do all the other sylvari males when they stand straight.

The only way to look forward is if you are standing at an angle…and I mean your entire body shoulders and all must be at an angle because if they are straight you will be looking off to the side. If you look at a male sylvari and he is looking forward at least look down at his feet and see if they are beside each other and not one behind the other.

I find their stance so annoying Im rerolling a human so at least I stand properly. If you stand at a complete angle or keep your head locked looking to the right of you in real life…then maybe you will enjoy the sylvari. But no other race in the game stands at an angle or looks off in a weird direction. They ALL looks forward except sylvari.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Small update

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Thank you Matthew for mentioning Kaineng. He is such a handsome young man.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Some people are born leaders, others just want the title. Actions and results are what separate the two.

So…question….if you were leading a zerg and constantly winning…..and then someone with a commander icon came onto the map and they followed that person to their deaths…..Would you say that was due to your lack of action and results?

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


@ Thyownage

I read your response in it’s entirety and have just a few questions for you.

You stated that you have guild hopped many times in the past yet say that every point I make is due to “baggage”. So can you please tell me what were the reasons for you leaving the “many” guilds that you left?

You stated I am “cancer” to my server….and as stated in the first response I said that I will not lead any WvW or do any PR for Kaineng this week along with my friends. When I came to Kaineng with my friends…in the exact same week it went from last place to winning it’s bracket. So are you saying that you believe since I am a “cancer” that my decision to sit out this week will improve my servers performance in WvW or dramatically decrease it to the point that they cant even compete anymore….and will sink them right back down to last place?

You also stated “do you ever think that someone bought their sigil because they have a passion for WvW?”….seriously? I think every single person that spends 100g has a passion for WvW….do you think that means that most are also competent to lead? Since they have a passion for it and all….

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Nothing is worse than a commander who demands respect but does nothing to earn it.

Respect can be bought for 100g and some change.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


There’s another side of the equation: people so obsessed with their e-rep they become either a nuisance or a hinderance to the team.

You are absolutely right and I should of mentioned that. There are times when ego’s get so inflated they think they can conquer objectives that they simply cannot and they bring everyone down with them….or turn people off.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I fully expect to see a lot of flaming and whining over this post but I mainly made it to discuss the social aspect of WvW. I thought it was an interesting subject that hasn’t really been mentioned.

Also on a side note….I won’t be actively promoting or leading Kaineng this week and will be focused more on PvE. My friends are also checking out Gate of Madness so none of us will be as involved as we were this week. I’m sure Kaineng will do well without “our” insignificant support. lol

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


How does the "power"of e-reputation effect you in WvW? Are you famous or infamous?

MMO’s since their creation have always been very political in nature…and we all know that most MMO’s require you to be in a guild to succeed. However…what sacrifices do you make to be a member in that guild for WvW?

I compare being in “most” guilds to the equivalent of running for political office. You want to be everyone’s friend and no one’s enemy. And as long as you have a group think mentality and do not express opinions that might contradict those in leadership roles OR their friends outside the guild…then you will be fine.

Shouldn’t your E-Reputation be ok as long as you dont violate ANET’s policies?
E-Reputation is different from violating ANET’s acceptable behavior policies…some people believe that most WvW guilds tolerance level is in line with that of ANET’s policies. This is simply a farce…I have never cursed, called someone a name, spammed guild chat (I don’t even type in guild chat), griefed, etc (basically anything that could be reported)…However due to the attention that my posts bring me inside and outside the game it’s impacted the way I play the game greatly.

How does someone succeed once infamous/blacklisted?
Strong support. My friends that have played MMO’s with me going on almost 8 years now and they understand the kind of attention my personality brings…and will be my voice in commanding WvW zergs for me when we know certain guilds will discredit me the second they see my name in the chat window.

Is E-Reputation more important than skill level?
YES!!! Throughout my MMO experiences I’ve seen many guilds take less skilled players and gear them out simply because they are willing to play the game by that guilds undefined social rules. Take this example for instance….lets say you are a less skilled player that isn’t very well known and a guild accepts you….regardless of your skill level all the members will accept you as long as you don’t bring too much attention to yourself. Now lets say on the other hand you are very skilled but also infamous…and join a guild…if even ONE member doesn’t like you….you are permanently banned from that guild.

Can players reputations outside of the guild affect you…once you are in a WvW guild?
Yes. Recently a GM invited me to his WvW guild because he had seen me lead and thought I had performed well with his guild. The next day a “famous” player on that server who wasn’t even in the guild attacked me on the forums…and did I counter with the same fictitious slander he used on me? No. I simply posted screen shots from his own website (a website that has my own videos posted on it) in his own words (that were posted PRIOR to us winning) that completely discredited everything he and his supporters had to say about him supporting our server more than I have. Did my guild rush to my defense once the facts were on the table? No. They sided with the guy’s “opinionated” statements and an officer threatened to kick me from the guild for posting screen shots of the guys own words from his own website. So I left the guild….and they started stalking me in chat channels…and I’m not talking about just one member….several of them swarmed into areas where it was blatantly obvious what they were doing. And I finally asked their GM straight up “You say that person was correct and I was wrong. How so?” his exact response was “Because he’s the reason my officer came to this server.” They didn’t even read the thread…they just automatically took the side of the other player due to his E-Reputation.

Does E-Reputation matter if you are a good leader?
E-Reputation is ALL that matters when leading! I remember a specific example on Blackgate where I had lead a raid and cleared 3 maps and was working on the 4th…and a guy….we’ll call him CoaCoa (close enough) to hide his identity….came into the map and half of our team started following him because they said he was “more well known and had bought a commander icon”. So I backed off and stopped leading….not only did Coacoa lead the entire zerg to their death at the garrison…but Dragonbrand took back most of the map after that so Coacoa logged off out of frustration. So I started leading again and we got the map to 90% completion after 45mins then Coacoa logged back in (probably because he was notified of the progress I had made) to lead his minions and did so poorly Dragonbrand took back 100% of the map and started advancing on other maps.

Will you change your behavior to fit a guilds mold?
Not in this life time. I could never stream line my personality to that of a sheep or bow down to a hierarchy that I not only know is wrong…but also have proof that they are wrong. If I think someone is better skilled or more efficient at playing the game I’m not going to drop following that person because someone who wanted to spend 100g on a pretty blue icon above their name logs on.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Sylvari facial expressions and running animation

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaine.3501


At least sylvari facial expressions can be covered up with armor……however their head permanently looking to the side cannot.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Sylvaris look off to the side...while other races look forward

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Here is another picture from a different location with a different character.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Sylvaris look off to the side...while other races look forward

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Wow I hadnt noticed that I’ll check later I guess although its not really a big deal XD.

Are you sure that you hadn’t clicked on another object/player. As far as I know your characters head will actually rotate to look at whatever you have selected.

I’m 100% sure that I didn’t have any NPC’s selected…I’ll post the entire picture so you can see for yourself.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I got asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Why would you be associated with KAIN when you said you already have a few guilds that follow you around xfering serevrs on the drop of a dime with you.


fail troll is fail.

you can join multiple guilds in this game…….

Congratulations stating the obvious.

Care to name these guilds you seemingly bring with you on your server hopping adventures, and who you claim were responsible for kaineng’s win this past week?

How many members, what are thier playtimes, and what are thier names?

Do you have any contact info for thier leaders?

I’ve listed this information multiple times… least 7 times in the post that i said you could find that information in…..and multiple times on this post I listed where people could find that information. If you can’t read….and judging from your responses you barely read anything that I typed out on this post….then I’d say that’s simply “not my problem”.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Sylvaris look off to the side...while other races look forward

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaine.3501


It is slightly annoying that every time I stand still my character is looking off to the right and not forward. Did anyone else notice that?


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I got asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Why would you be associated with KAIN when you said you already have a few guilds that follow you around xfering serevrs on the drop of a dime with you.


fail troll is fail.

you can join multiple guilds in this game…….

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

So who fought Yak's Bend last week?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Yaks Bend Over Look

Is my favorite place on the map.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Side note: Please do not take his ramblings as [KAIN]’s official word on the topic. Because his name is similar and he is in our guild, it does not mean that he is to keep up the rude remarks. He is a recent recruit by one of our guild leader(the one who does not read the forums), but I am willing to give him a chance after a firm discussion later today.

My apologies for his behavior, but do not take it as [KAIN]’s word. We do not retort like that and believe in friends before foes. Foes are for other servers, after all.

And I will personally say that Fubuki’s war report brought me to Kaineng soon after it opened up. A little charming humor can go a long way into bringing quality people to the server, because I know for a fact I am not the only one who came over due to Fubuki.

lol I was asked to join [KAIN] and have no problem leaving it….consider it done. I refuse to be part of any guild that dictates how I play the game or socialize. If you want to operate your guild like a dictatorship and tell every member that they either socialize the way you want them to or hit the door….I promise you I’m already out the door and half way down the street. Save your long winded speeches on how to behave in an MMO for a player that’s desperate for gear.

I am VERY careful in everything I post not to violate any of ANET’s policies….in fact I try my best to ensure that I never do. I understand that my personality can be taken many different ways….but I make sure that I am not directly insulting someone by calling them names etc (which is more respect than I get). And if you see me ever mention a guild or another player having a different opinion than mine….I will generally say something like “they want to go in a different direction”….I never talk badly about a guild or player directly….I just say that they have different views and leave it up to the readers interpretation. HOWEVER if I say they “quit” making blogs and posted a screen shot off their own website with a link to it….and people threaten to kick me out of a guild for stating facts…..then that is a different story all together….and has gone from FACTS & acceptable policy backed behavior to who has a better e-reputation. And not only would I not want to be in a guild like that….I wouldn’t even want to be associated with a guild like that.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


it’s pretty apparent at this point that kaine’s daily diary posts aren’t about server pride or anything else other than attention for himself.

lashing out at fubuki, who i should note i follow on tumblr and can still see him blogging there about kaineng happenings every few days, really doesn’t help your case.

posting videos with your self on a toon that is lower than level 6 doesn’t make anyone look good. it looks like you’d rather spend your time making a fool of yourself and your server mates than contribute to your server’s war effort in a meaningful way.

i get the impression that kaine is the kind of wvwer that hops into a map and immidiately starts spamming map chat with play by plays and trying to tell people what to do RP style.

don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with bringing a fresh alt to wvw. but you’ve posted on going videos of yourself with fresh alt while complaining that the onyl reason people win battles is they out level you/etc excuses.

maybe instead of posturing for attention for yourself, maybe help your server in some meaningful productive ways, like leveling up your toon, learning to help your groups, and so on.

1 – Not once did I EVER say people win fights because they out level me. That’s a lie. Please post where you got this information that you just made up.

2 – This isn’t World of Warcraft where I’m trying to show off my skill while fighting against another player 1v1….the classes arent even balanced for 1v1. So to even bring up that shows your complete lack of understanding of the game. I’ll give you some help….it’s SERVER vs SERVER….not player vs player.

3 – I have a character of every class and every level. Who cares if I make a video on a level 1 or make a video on a level 80. It doesn’t matter because I’m there for filming purposes trying to get as many people in the video as possible….and if you are going to make the argument that I’m taking up space in WvW….Kaineng has never had a que…oh and did I mention we won?

4 – Fubuki threw the first stone….so don’t get upset when I defend myself. That’s ridiculous. I’m not going to sit back and take an insult from someone that “QUIT” on Kaineng….(and even posted on his website why he quit)…..and not say something when people think Fubuki is the reason the server is doing well now. This couldn’t be further from the truth….and people need a reality check. I’ve posted a screen shot from his website and even supplied you with a link. I don’t know what more proof you need that he no longer blogs about Kaineng. But honestly I think it has nothing to do with facts….and more to do with delivery…and Fubuki and I deliver our messages in a very different way. I’ll post yet another screen shot from Fubuki’s website below so that you can read it for yourself.

5 – Attention for myself? That’s laughable since even you refer to me as Kaine when all my in game characters are named either Kaide or Caide. Maybe it has something to do with me not posting anything about my characters or even their names in my videos….because all the videos are about my server…..just maybe?


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I also find it funny that Fubuki comes in my post to insult me….when he clearly stated he stopped blogging because of the “chest pounding” going on. So if your going to thank someone for a servers improvement please be careful not to thank those who “quit” trying to improve it when it was down and out….thank those who continued to make posts and were actually involved in getting guilds to transfer AND *were actually active on the server in WvW* when you started winning.

Pretty tough guy words seeing as how you probably only came to the server [bold]because of[/bold] Fubuki’s posts. I’m sorry, but I haven’t heard of one guild transferring over because of your posts. It’s also funny how you think he isn’t active on the server. I doubt you even know one of the names of his alt’s. And based on every video you have shown, you do little to improve our server with characters below level 30. I personally don’t like you or dislike you, but attacking someone who helped kickstart our server is not a good way to get a good rep on it.

I made a posts titled “Guilds tranfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW”….in that post I listed the guilds that travel with me….and you are more than welcome to look up the post (that has over 10k hits until it was shut down) and the guild names. We LOVED Dragonbrand but decided on Kaineng for the competition….we are all very competitive in nature and wanted to start from the bottom….and Kaineng is the bottom. This was nothing against Dragonbrand we loved that server and the people on it. And don’t think I jump servers every day…..MOST people change servers like they change clothes in a week….I’ve been on 3 servers since the games creation. So did I bring guilds with me to Kaineng…YES…..are they all WvW guilds….NO…..did guilds transfer to Kaineng after the guilds that came with me because of my videos and posts…..Who knows…maybe it was me or maybe it wasn’t…..but regardless I DID bring more people AND more “attention” to the server.

And when the server was on life support and in Fubuki’s own post he said that their #‘s just weren’t there and that Kaineng was a fighter but just couldn’t win…..we came in and poured gasoline all over Kaineng and lit it on fire… the server is flying up in rankings….and the guilds that I WvW with at night who I was previously not associated with are more than supportive of my posts with the exception of WAR who showed up at the end of the week and has said a few things to show their distaste in my friends and I’s perspective. I also don’t want to say any names but for this video I used 2 quotes from a WAR officer who thought we had lost this weeks matchup. But I’m sure WAR won’t hang around very long on Kaineng anyway to be honest.

If you think Fubuki “kick started” Kaineng’s wins… have done ZERO research on your own and I HIGHLY suggest you re-read some of my posts that have a screen shot taken from his website and even a link to it. In fact when Fubuki stopped blogging and finally “quit” on you…..was around the time we all came to Kaineng and cleaned up the mess.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - The Pale tree and Sylvari are an "Elder Dragon"

in Lore

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Video discussion on why the Pale Tree and Sylvari in general are an elder dragon.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


First off, let me say this loud and clear:

Congratulations on your very first victory!

Seriously, congratulations on a hard-earned victory. Excellent use of every possible / available tactics that you had at your disposal: Propaganda, Inspiration, Recruitment, Night-time raiding (Yes, I know a lot of you don’t approve of this tactic and I am in no way speaking for those of you who dislike it), Attack Manoeuvres, ect ect.

A big cheer to Fubuki and everyone else involved in rallying up Kaineng’s fighting spirit and rising their server up!

I would also like to add a lot of respect to Denova’s for putting up just as fierce a battle as everyone else, even while sitting in 3rd. Kudos, gentlemen!

And finally, an amazing fighting effort from the lads back home at Ferguson’s! Keep your blades sharp, guys. There’s plenty more blood to be had!

Looking forward to a new match-up, and a new week of hard fighting. And again, grats on the win Kaineng!



“A big cheer for Fubuki…” uuummm dude…Fubuki quit posting a while back when the server was in last place…I’ll post the reasons why he said he quit posting in the screen shot off his website below. Why not cheer for the people who were actually active and got guilds to transfer from other servers? Oh maybe…because some of us aren’t as “gentlemanly” in our approach….as others. lol


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


You’re oblivious aren’t you? You’ve been rebuked by many on your own server because you act as though you speak for them. You insult others and display an incredible lack of sportsmanship, you act as though it was your transfer that got your server the win, and you attack and devalue Fubuki’s massive contributions to the Kaineng WvW scene.

You talk about what makes one server more attractive than another? Take a look around, it’s been Fubuki’s spirit and PR, not your arrogance. Kaineng was never advertised to win, it was advertised to be a fighter. I’m not even on Kain and I’m insulted that you have mislead the message of what this victory actually means.

Did you not read the post I just made? I even posted his website and a picture of the reasons why he said he quit promoting Kaineng…and you STILL say “Take a look around, it’s been Fubuki’s spirit and PR”…..HE DOESN’T DO ANYMORE PR…..get a clue! I PROMISE you that Kaineng isn’t winning due to Fubuki’s PR that he hasn’t done in a very long time. What changed on Kaineng? Try some fresh blood that came from new servers to promote it with the goal of nothing less than victory and climbing the rankings chart. If you think that a guy who quit posting when the server was in last place…..AND TOLD YOU HE QUIT POSTING….is the reason why Kaineng is on the rise…you are delusional at best.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Whose taking the game to seriously?

A guy who makes videos showing how much fun a server is having together by pulling an overgrown grub worm to SM and dancing after they win their bracket. Or the people who come on the forums every day and cry that they lost due to free server transfers and complain that my video is “bragging” and to “stay classey Kaineng”? I would say the guy having fun is taking the game less seriously. Wouldn’t you? I hate to burst your bubble….but this is a video game…an MMO none the less…..we are supposed to have fun…not sit around like dignified gentleman and sip on our tea while we eat crumb cakes. Show me a PvP video or Raid video where people weren’t proud of themselves or their guild. WAKE UP….its entertainment.

….And obviously my plan worked…..because when I came to Kaineng with my friends our goal was to pull this server back out from its grave….and I told them before we transferred “I promise you guys that if we transfer we will win.” And they believed in me so we made the transfer……..and won. Who cares how we got there. We won. And if you think that sitting on Ferguson or DR with your legs crossed acting like a “gentleman” or going into every post I make and complaining that my videos are over the top is going to get you wins….it won’t. You will continue to sink to the bottom and Kaineng will continue to rise to the top. Because you simply don’t understand human psychology or what makes one server more attractive than another server to people….you also fail to understand what every great organization in the world practices on a daily basis…and guess what…it’s not acting like a dignified gentleman!

I also find it funny that Fubuki comes in my post to insult me….when he clearly stated he stopped blogging because of the “chest pounding” going on. So if your going to thank someone for a servers improvement please be careful not to thank those who “quit” trying to improve it when it was down and out….thank those who continued to make posts and were actually involved in getting guilds to transfer AND *were actually active on the server in WvW* when you started winning. Below I took a screen shot of why Fubuki said he stopped trying to promote Kaineng….feel free to read it…it’s in Fubuki’s own words not mine. It’s posted on


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


You do realize the match isn’t over yet right?

All FC needs is to maintain 500 points for the majority of the day to win. They’re already at +400. There’s no one on Kaineng or DR to stand in their way. Our 4 man defense just got ran over by 30 FC’s in EB.

Server pride is one thing, but this is something all together different. It’s distasteful, and if we lose you’re going to be feeling really embarrassed in about 7.5 hours and it’s going to make the server look bad in the process.

For your sake I hope a lot more people show up to help defend today because the 4 of us out there right now aren’t do so hot.

When you post youtube videos is it [youtube]URL[/youtube]…for instance to post the youtube video on the front of this post instead of adding a link would it be [youtube]yj9ZgV_Nli0[/youtube] ? Because thats not working…

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

How do you post a video on the guild wars 2 forums?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaine.3501


How do you post a video on the guild wars 2 forums?

and please dont reply with something like “use embed” and that’s all you have to say….or use [youtube] [/youtube]….i get all that. Im just having a hard time. Can someone show me a step by step example so I can do it for my own video. My video is a GW 2 video at and I wanted to put the actual video in my WvW post. Not just the link.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Video - "We are the Champions!" Kaineng wins their bracket!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


For the first time in Kaineng’s history we won our bracket! So we decided to make a video to celebrate this historical accomplishment for a server that has come such a long way.

Kaineng’s “We are the Champions!” Video:

Disclaimer – While watching the video keep in mind that I am always solely focused on getting as many players from my server in shots as possible to display in videos how much my server has progressed and how much fun they are having. The last thing on my mind during filming is to show off my PvP skills on a very low level character and possibly miss out on an epic shot.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Have more pride in your server and people won't leave!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


As most of you know I make a lot of posts about Kaineng’s accomplishments….and with that always comes mixed reviews (mostly positive).

Some times I will see posts that say “Don’t broadcast your servers accomplishments…other servers will speak on your behalf if they respect you.” So with that logic….my enemies will speak positively on my behalf when they are struggling to out rank me? Doubtful.

The reason why Kaineng has made such a huge change is that we do take pride in our server and you should too. Even in dead last place Kaineng players still fought to defend one base out of all 4 maps at the end of the week every week….when most servers players already assumed what spot they’d be in for the rankings chart next week and went off to PvE. And when I log into WvW I still see those same loyal and dedicated Kaineng players day after day (they aren’t going anywhere). If you don’t take pride in your server and your servers accomplishments then the people playing on your server will get the exact same environment on the next server they transfer to. There is no reason to be loyal to a voiceless server…and people show this every week by changing servers in a week as much as they change clothes.

I wish when I came on the forums I saw more people talking about how amazing their server is and posting videos of their accomplishments…..instead of complaining about free server transfers.

I saw someone who makes blogs for Kaineng decide not to make blogs anymore now that we are winning. I personally think that is the BEST time to make blogs…show everyone why Kaineng is coming up…and why they should transfer to our server.

If you think that silence is the best way to represent your server…then you are thinking in the opposite direction of every successful organization in the world.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


So what is your point? You think servers should just take turns rolling one another? Ferg had a huge start on Saturday that balanced out by Sunday. It has been mostly even, at least within 150 since. Until today. Ferg was still losing most of last night. That is fine. This, however, is lame. Crushing all bg isn’t fun and vice versa isn’t either.

We know all about not having fun when being crushed on all the maps….

we’ve lived with it since our servers creation…

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


is this meant to be special or something?

Well considering Kaineng has been dead last since launch…

i’m speechless as to how amazed i’m meant to be then, my apologies for missing how glorious this not yet achieved achievement is

Kaineng is kind of a big deal. But at least now you know….

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Maybe…maybe not. Not many on right now for DR. Maybe it’s all the active guilds Kain got recently and those that transferred off DR/Ferg to Kain. Maybe it’s something else. Maybe we’re messing with you and want you to leave our bracket this next week… many questions, so little time.

Or maybe people are watching the “Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM” video….and want to be a part of that.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I thought this song was fitting for our rise to the top…

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Will Kaineng pass Ferguson and win their division for the first time in their servers history?

We’re working on it…


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

VIDEO - Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


For the record my skirt is cotton candy pink. I call it my “ballet tutu”…and it’s used when my charr is dancing circles around my enemies.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

VIDEO - Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


good music, but why aren’t you wearing armor? are you aware that that helps your ability to defeat other players?
Also, did you even get a kill in that video?

I had the appropriate armor on for my level. Also…as always….GW2 is Server vs Server based…so when I post a video about my server and don’t mention my name anywhere in the video…it most likely was made for them. Why do you not see me do a lot of fighting? Because an overgrown grub worm is attacking the other team and I’m making sure that I get as much of my server in the video as possible. If I was attacking other players it would be impossible to focus on the 2 armies fighting….I was also typing strategies in the chat channel while I was watching Ferguson’s reaction to the event. At my level I’m not trying to “out kill” everyone on the map….I’m trying to lead the best I can….give direction when I think it’s useful….and make sure people on my server get to see themselves in the video pushing them back….and share that moment with friends. GW2 is a server vs server game….not player vs player……and I represent Kaineng like many people in the video you see do.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

VIDEO - Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Great Idea…. um whats that track playing?

The music is “300 Violin Orchestra”

…and please be sure to watch the fixed version of the video I just posted…the best part is at the end.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

VIDEO - Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Video has been fixed and there is a new link displaying the entire video.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

VIDEO - Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Fixing the video at the end it cuts off i’ll post the fixed video in a few minutes where we push them back into the keep.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

VIDEO - Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Since Kaineng is outnumbered we decided to ally with the Overgrown Grub.

And we sent OG to the Castle…

Youtube (Fixed):

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Are Norns supposed to swing greatswords with one hand?

in Norn

Posted by: Kaine.3501


From what I have heard, a great sword in reality is not actually anywhere near as heavy or difficult to swing as movies and video games would have us believe.

And of course, as Chessrook said, norn

As long as you and Chessrook enjoy swinging a two handed weapon with one hand thats all that really matters. However to me the animation just doesnt flow, it’s the only race that swings a two handed weapon with one hand not to mention they swing a hammer with both hands….i just think that the animation is not the way it was supposed to be. But if more people like the animation more power to them….but for me this animation is the reason why I didn’t roll a norn.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

WvW VIDEO - Kaineng - "Against all odds!"

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


LOL, all that video showed me was a under skilled player running from everyone who engaged him. he maybe fired 8-10 shots when he was up on top of the keep. Best part was when he was scorpion wired off the keep and died instantly because he made no attempt to run/heal/or fight.
Problem here is when people are out number they clam all up and are so scared to fight which makes it even worse. Gotta get outta that comfort zone of being in the middle of a zerg and things will change for you the more confident you are with your class.
Lets also point out the player in the Video was lvl 18, that’s not really helping the situation he barely has utility skills and he only has 1 5point trait and no elite. hes basically a punching bag for everyone on the enemy team…..

The video wasn’t about showing PvP skill….as you can see my character in the video was a very low level. The whole point of the video was to show you what Kaineng is up against on a daily basis. No one else even mentioned me or my skill in PvP….because they realized I was making the video just to show what we are up against. If you were looking for skill from me I’m sorry to disappoint on my low level character…but I made the video for my server. As one of the posters above you stated that he was happy I made the video…because he clearly got the point of the video.

Also I was curious….when I got pulled down….are you saying that if you were playing my character you could of gotten away?

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Are Norns supposed to swing greatswords with one hand?

in Norn

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Norn is apparently the only race in the game that swings a great sword with 1 hand. Is this how the animation is intended? They swing their hammer with both hands…why would they swing their greatsword with one hand?


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Which Server to transfer to finally get jumping puzzle done?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Kaineng if you want to excel….we have the weapons….we just need the soldiers…

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Kaineng hippocrits kinda funny

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I have a question for the Kaineng folk in the thread.

Last night, October 14th, I saw what can only be described as Kaineng and Ferg actively working together to stop DR forces in the EB. On several occassions, our force attacking the castle was raided by both Kain and Ferg zergs. This within itself is a non-issue, but the aforementioned zergs would not attack eachother; instead, they soley went after DR people.

Any explanations on this?

I lead the raid up the North of the map to Veloka. Once we have Veloka locked down…I’ll lead them to assault the overlook. At the same time we D up on Quentin. In the event we capture the Overlook I move them back to Golanta then Klovan….some on my team disagree with my strategy but its lead us to success many times.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Merge out manned servers to give them a fighting chance?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Instead of receiving the out manned buff that we all know does not help us that much….and does not make the game fun for either team. Why not just merge 2 under populated servers together for the week for the WvW Match.

(This is just an example please do not focus too much on the server names. IT IS JUST AN EXAMPLE.)
For instance you might have Kaineng and Devonas Rest (Red Team) allied for the week while fighting against Ferguson (Blue Team) and Gate of Madness (Green Team). So even though there is 4 servers involved there is still only 3 teams.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

WvW VIDEO - Kaineng - "Against all odds!"

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Look, everyone’s happy that Kaineg has allot more players now… but seriously? Stop all the lying about Ferg, you’re about to be called out. Happy about your number increase, but you’re going too far.

Kaineng has more players now? I don’t think you watched the video….

Lying about Ferg? What are we saying about Ferg other than it being double or even triple Kaineng’s size?

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

What's the most intimidating race/class combo in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


What’s the most intimidating race/class combination that you face in WvW?


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

WvW VIDEO - Kaineng - "Against all odds!"

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Another player made a comment on my post titled “3 Hours – Ferguson’s assault on Kaineng’s AB”…in which they insinuated that Ferguson is in the same boat as Kaineng….therefore Kaineng shouldn’t have any reason to be proud of defending their attack. I’ve also heard other players make posts and comments about Kaineng….. I just want to clear up the rumors.

So I decided to make a video…for everyone that wonders what it is really like for Kaineng to fight both servers (Ferguson being the larger of the 2)….or what it’s like to play on Kaineng in WvW every day.

Youtube: “Against all odds” (In the video it says Ferguson but its DR. Keep in mind DR is half the size of Ferguson.)


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Cannot Click to Target? [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I normally use tab in PvP but some times I mouse click on NPC’s and walls, etc. to select them. But now I am unable to click on anything….I cant click on enemies, walls, NPC’s or anything.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

3 hours - Ferguson Crossing's assault on Kaineng's AB

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


For 3 hours Kaineng fought Ferguson’s crossing this morning at Ascension Bay.

Kaineng as always outnumbered 20 to 1 held off the evil empire. 5 times Ferguson blew open the outer gate and 5 times we closed it back shut….although we never could repair it over 5% we kept fighting.

Ferguson had Treb’s and other siege hitting the gate but Kaineng held their ground…

After 3 hours of excruciating battle….. we saw Ferguson finally drop some coin and buy a golem out of frustration (if the entire server of Kaineng chipped in we couldn’t buy a golem). Many on our team said it was game over….but we came up with a strategy and built siege behind the gate instead of continuing to repair it….and when the golem busted through and they flooded in like rats in a sewer pipe…..we shut the door behind them and unloaded all the siege we had on them while the other half of their zerg continued to desperately beat the gate down to save their allie’s extermination.

After we finished…we killed the rest in front and repaired everything back up….and destroyed all the siege that had assaulted us for 3 hours straight.

Guilds bicker over which high ranking server to transfer to…..why not transfer to Kaineng……that will put some hair on your chest.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I was just curious how many of you will be buying the commander icon. I really hope that one day we don’t look at the map and see nothing but commander icons everywhere…because that would get really confusing. It’d be cool if we could nominate commanders. For instance when someone sees that a leader is doing a really good job they could click on their name and nominate them for an icon…and after so many nominations over a very long period of time they finally receive the icon. I know your thinking their friends would just nominate them…but I’m just trying to come up with a solution before we have a map filled with commanders.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)