Showing Posts For Kali.6209:

Can I be meta without Heart of Thorns.

in PvP

Posted by: Kali.6209


Just as the title says can I participate reasonably well without the new skills added by the Heart of Thorns expansion.

Attunement Swapping CD

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kali.6209


Could Ele’s have a shorter cooldown on OUT of combat attune swapping, similar to other classes’ swapping mechanics. It would just make it nicer and easier to see what abilities you have and also let you choose what attunment you want to have before a fight without losing the last attune you had for 15 secs.

City Playlist

in Audio

Posted by: Kali.6209


My City Playlist won’t activate when going into city and rather continues to play the Ambient Playlist EVERYWHERE. Any solutions?

Mesmer's color

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kali.6209


Just wanted to say that I would love to play a Mesmer if they didn’t seem like such a purple class lol. like literally if the butterflies that appeared when you illusioned or whatever could be a different color i’d def play.

Real Dragons?

in Lore

Posted by: Kali.6209


Lol this is all really confusing. So there are real dragons out there? Now the question is are all real dragons a part of the breed of elder dragons? maybe all the normal dragons are the off spring of a “good elder dragon” that isn’t intent on bring about apocalypse. like a life elder dragon?

Home Instance: Future Plans?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kali.6209


Just noticed a couple of other NPCs crashing there too that I don’t recall seeing early on though. Some Charr scholar with a drake, and a human named Mira. No idea why they’re there, as the Charr only greets and Mira affords no interaction at all…

I believe Mira is the girl you save on the battle of claw island. the first one. And the Charr scholar is from later in the game when you are on orr. he is there for most of the battles as a part of your “squad”

Real Dragons?

in Lore

Posted by: Kali.6209


So was there originally a race of Non-Apocalyptic mega dragons in this world? like traditional benign dragons. and if their were “regular” dragons does this mean that Elder Dragons are super versions of their race or are they just something entirely different. Because the Elder Dragons seem to be unstoppable forces of nature.

Mist Warrior Dialouge

in WvW

Posted by: Kali.6209


So i was listening to the mist warriors in LA and they said something like. “i’ve seen so many people step through that portal and never come back” “thats evils work you’ll recognize them by how they kill. with out purpose need or gratitude” Anet’s clever refrence to the lack of incentive in wvw? lol?


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kali.6209


what is the best way to upgrade everything to exotic?

Am i ready for Arah?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kali.6209


I just did it as a thief in greens and blues and not paid much attention to my traits. Was easy as pie.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kali.6209


So i am playing a thief that recently reached 80 and I was wondering what kind of numbers should I be seeing when attacking people at lvl 80 (not downlevled) like in Arah.
I was just wondering because sometimes it feels like i’m not contributing that much in terms of damage and thats really all i do in dunjes. I use S/D and the numbers I see are around 300-400 when not critting but i crit a lot and so really i usually see 700 – 1000. Is this ok?

How to get cool stuff

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kali.6209


I just wanted to suggest an idea for getting cool Stuff. I know that like a million years ago when I played runescape that in order to get cool dragon stuff I had to do a super long and hard quest (think it was called monkey madness) but anyway it was a really hard quest that took a long time to complete and required me to travel to several different places. But at the ended i was rewared with the ability to buy this dragon thing. So can we implement something like this where you are guranteed cool stuff if you do something really hard like a extremely convoluted quest. Instead of RNG deciding fate

[help] how to story reset?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kali.6209


sorry you can’t its permanent!

Source of Orr Music

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kali.6209


Also it finally felt like I was playing to a different song than i’ve heard the entire game

Source of Orr Music

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kali.6209


Just had to say i loved the emotional music that started playing when i had to defend Trahearn. I might not have like him but when he said that he was glad it was just us in the end and that music started playing I though Heck yah fight to the death!

Ships of the Line bug

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kali.6209


So Agent Zott glitched on the step rescue the crew of the Windfall. He is frozen in the water and I cannot progress. I really don’t want to do this mission from the beginning again. It is the part where he goes to rescue his asuran gf

Theif Hoods

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kali.6209



Theif Hoods

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kali.6209


it was a lvl 10 mask

Theif Hoods

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kali.6209


I literally attempted to do this but I was unable to transmute the hood from my lvl1 thief to another hood

Theif Hoods

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kali.6209


but that wasn’t the point. I want a legitimate way of obtaining the gear. not an exploit. And also that would require levling another thief up to atleast lvl 5 because you can’t transmute items above your level

Theif Hoods

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kali.6209


So I really think there should be more thief Hood skins. When I first rolled a thief and it had the three options for head gear I thought i would be able to see those three skins through out the game. And I chose the hood because Hoods are awesome. I destroyed said hood with the assumption that I would be seeing more hoods later in the game only to find out that was the only hood of its kind. Why are there so many masks and no hoods or headbands? (on a side note the thief was my first char so i was new to the game)

Revered Terebinth

in Lore

Posted by: Kali.6209


In the Brisban Wildlands zone there is a POI called Revered Terebinth. And at this poi is a tree called the revered Terebinth (shocking) if you ask the gardners around the tree they mention a sylvari giving his life at that spot. Now my question is, is it possible this “revered Trebinth” is the beggining of a pale tree. also you can buy magic fruit from the tree.