Showing Posts For Kata.6795:

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.


We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.


(edited by Kata.6795)

Pistol whip is unable to hold a target

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


U can rez people now! Enter support thief, aka ninja nurse!

Put up patch preview notes.

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


There is no reason not to, the garbage that you posted earlier in the month doesn’t cut it.
If it’s crap, the community will probably tear you a new one, but at this point who cares, you are either incompetent or are underfunded – the end result is the same.

At what point did ANET's vision take a 180?

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


To be perfectly honest, it feels like this game is being balanced by totally different people. That or chaplan had a stroke and nobody noticed.

He didnt ever turn his head at the PAX after party…..>_>

Remember that futurama episode where bender became human, and nobody noticed that he was dead a few hours into the party? It’s like this game is being balanced by a dead bender who’s occasional flatulence is tricking others into signs of life.

E.g. Q: Jon is this feature ready to be shipped? A: Whoooooooo!

At what point did ANET's vision take a 180?

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


To be perfectly honest, it feels like this game is being balanced by totally different people. That or chaplan had a stroke and nobody noticed.

Very low FPS even on good PC

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kata.6795


You take total asinine trash that can’t find a decent job… annnnnnnnnnnd… you get anet programming team

Randomly getting internet lag when playing.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kata.6795


Since around a couple of weeks ago, I have started receiving horrendous latency on my net in general when playing gw2. This happens around once a day on average and lasts for about 10 mins or so. Wondering if anyone else gets that problem.

Only well designed attack in the game

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


While I agree with your definition of what makes a good skill, I think the game would have to take some pretty big redesign hits; mesmer phantasms being a good example.

Very nice points with dodging and stability/invul. Perma vigor is way too rampant vs power classes, but you wont have enough dodges in the world to avoid a condi spam build, as no matter what you dodge, they can just continue to spam conditions.

Survey: Do you want more PvP achievements?

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


We also agree that we need more PvP achievements. I can’t give any details (I’m sorry I have to say that so much), but this is something we’re seriously looking at internally.

Also some great suggestions in this thread, thanks for keeping it positive and brainstorming ways to improve this system!!!

Screw achievements, work on core things, such as being able to que with a buddy, and game play balance. screw achievements. you don’t have a strong base to work off. JESUS let me repeat myself. SCREW ACHIEVEMENTS. DON’T EVEN LOOK AT THEM.

Thank you for the best PvP e-sport ever :)

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


I always wonder, who in their right mind thought that skyhammer and spirit watch would be a good idea for solo q. Mind boggling.

God the mmr system is just…….great….. yeah thats the word for it. great. just like how this tournament was….great… Can great be the new kitten? Imagine how “great” this game would be, and how much more positive the forums would sound.

Example Topic: Jon, thanks for your “great” response!

Jon the way you passively implied that we are too “great” minded to understand the intricacies of the balance made me feel really “great” as a customer. 11111111111 (sorry I’m in solo q applying burning bleeding and poison from my scepter auto attack – can you guess which class I’m playing?) The fact that you have the proverbial cahones to post on this forum after making everyone wait 2 months on balance changes for this “really really really great” tournament makes me feel “great”, the competition was “great” the visibility of combat was “great” and the shoutcasters knew exactly what was happening. “great”. The fact that you consider leaderboards and solo que as an addition to pvp is also “great”. Never mind the fact that the state of the MMR totally invalidates leaderboards, people leave solo q matches because nobody wants to deal with the rotation/team imbalance. Those features, while considered by the lesser talented as basic, are totally “great” in their current state. So thanks for the “GREAAAAAAAAAT” gift of 2 months of total “GREEEEEEEATTTTTTTTTTTT” ?Pvp?.

In conclusion, the fact the shoutcasters could actually turn their tongues to say that spirit rangers took skill is also “great”

Have a “great” day Jon, wonder what “great finger” I’m holding up right now?

Countless Thought's On Pax Tourne

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


But hey, they can show the world that they had a 10k tournament.

Especially when 1 year after GW1 launch, they hosted a 100 000 dollar tournament.

I think for something to be called a tournament, there has to be competition.

Countless Thought's On Pax Tourne

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


“They couldn’t do anything but make fun of their own game” – Quote of the week.

Why not a pick & ban map system? :D

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


’cause 90% of players will ban skyhammer.

It's been a while

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


I feel it is meticulously balanced and refined. The programming is also top notch and stellar.

*deep inhaling sound, followed by coughing"

How is Automated Response not fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


I consider fear, immobilize, chill, and cripple crowd control. That’s why I said “most” instead of “all” crowd control.

The rest of your post seemed to misunderstand basic game mechanics. It would be impossible and impractical to go above 100 percent condition duration for a myriad of reasons, most importantly because no condition in the game can actually last more than double its duration.

Here’s how it was explained in the patch notes, which shows that an extra 40 percent condition duration is supposed to be 140 percent condition duration: “Berserker’s Stance: Increased the recharge to 60 seconds. Reduced the duration to 4 seconds. This stance now reduces incoming condition duration by 100%, so only modified conditions can get through.”

But that’s not how it works. Both abilities just make the user or passive recipient immune to conditions. No conditions can go through, no matter the modifier.

I’m starting to think ArenaNet isn’t aware of this bug at all, considering so much of the playerbase is clearly misinformed about it.

They are well aware of it, I faced a full dev premade and hammon ran it. This game truly needs new developers.

I like me for me

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


I think a lot of people feel that way, mesmer is not weak, it’s just currently there’s very little value in dodging vs certain match ups, vs a power class dodging at the right time could usually get you ahead, atm vs certain condi classes, you can die to auto attack within seconds.

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


Luls, just got Team Paradigm premade, looks like its time for a refund call.

Need help understanding the MMR system.

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


I am an average skilled player. Highest rank I have ever attained was mid 300s, when I was playing with a somewhat consistent team. Lately I have been solo queing and my average rank is about 80%, however, today I got qued up vs a full premade with a few rank 25 people, my team was completely random and had a level 7 to boot. Am I missing something?

Getting qued up with people who don’t know what they are doing, and then getting one of the top ranked teams to boot, is just getting highly annoying.


Sigil of Superior Force and Phantasms

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


Howdy guys! I was wondering if anyone knows if the Sigil of Superior Force affects illusion and phantasm damage. Thanks in advance.

Bugs - when are they going to be addressed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kata.6795


So I’ve started lurking around the forums and I notice 3 month old threads with a list of pretty severe bugs that dramatically affect the classes (Rangers/Engineers for a few examples), and I am wondering, how come they are still present today? 3 months for certain traits or skills not to work properly is just embarrassing no matter how you cut it. I recall reading a thread that stated GW2 development prioritizes fixing bugs first and releasing new content second, but that seems to be really far from the truth.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Kata.6795


Sword – I am very unimpressed with the sword in general, it sums up best as annoying, for both the user and the receiver.
Slash – Unimpressive damage, given what the rest of the chain asks from you.
Kick – cripple, longer range, low damage but over all okay.
Pounce – Well… assuming the pet is nearby and not dead or rooted in some cc due to kitten pathing… the might application is good. Pardon the french and a shameless by pass of the profanity filter, but the leap can go kitten itself. This ability is a perfect simile to attaching a dumbell to yourself while climbing a mountain. Under regular (non slowed) circumstances the leap is not actually reliable to close the gap on somebody back pedalling, let alone running away. It is flat out disastrous to use on kyhlo with all the ramps and raised surfaces. Overall the damage on the 1 is crap and the little bonuses attached are a hinderence and I wish you would just remove them and be mean to the developer who signed off on the ability (passive aggressive).
Hornet Sting – the damage is crap, I have only found one reason to use this ability and that’s to leap back and switch back to short bow.
Monarch’s Leap – sounds really cool. the damage is abysmal, the 3/4 cast time a mockery of my humanity. All in all, both of these abilities need to be removed and redesigned from scratch. The leap in and out mechanic just doesn’t work. For one, aside from switching to a different weapon, I can’t really do anything from range that wont result in me loosing all pressure on an enemy, the leap back is redundant, has no purpose whatsoever, because I have to leap back to leap forward and both of those abilities have cast times they don’t actually accomplish the intended role of avoiding burst in a real fight. Even instant cast time wont redeem this ability. I cant really burst at a level of other professions with sword/x, so whats the point of a leap out and back in when it literally just lets the opponent breathe.
Serpent’s Strike – It’s decent vs melee opponents on flat terrain, but again, you would be a fool to use this on kyhlo (or in any place where you can fall off) since majority of the map will restrict you HEAVILY for using it. Against mid/long range opponents with half a brain cell, serpent’ strike can screw you over pretty badly, its fixed curved pathing just adds another challenge to close the gap.

Torch – fairly long cd burns, with a tiny fire field. The damage is good, but let’s be realistic, it has no real utility, it doesn’t really fit with any other weapon, and because of the fairly long cds, one condition removal defeats the weapon entirely.

OH Axe – it asks a lot from you and even more from your opponent.
Path of Scars – only “worthwhile” with power, but it doesn’t really hit for scary damage based on what it wants from you, it has to hit both times, as it travels in a line (hint: players dont stand still) it’s just a medium damage ability with baggage attached to it.
Whirling Defense – Well, it will buy 5 seconds for a bunker from a ranged class, that’s it. Nobody is dumb enough to stand in it, you cant move while channeling (5.5 seconds). So the question is, as a power based ranger, why take OH axe when one skill doesn’t do a lot of damage and the other doesn’t really offer anything.

Dagger – most rangers will agree that it is the best OH choice for a sword.
Stalker’s Strike – i like this ability a lot, it’s a no nonsense wont move you to Africa by going through the North Pole avoidance ability. decent condi damage for what it is, low cd. I like it.
Crippling Talon – Another great ability, a good bleed, decent initial damage and one of the few cripples that do not require an alignment of celestial bodies to occur.

Tl,dr. Ranger has two very big problems, a large portion of damage AND control is tied to the pet (which in my opinion should appear only in combat – as a short term solution), that problem is further intensified with how UNRESPONSIVE the abilities are, how much of a suspect the pet is to just die to random cleave damage due to the nature of the game. Players are expected to avoid the immediate center of melee opponents because that is the hack and slash zone as well as all the fields, pets can’t do that. The other problem are the weapons.

Robert, I am hungry and don’t want to write anymore or proofread ATM, GIVE ME A SIGN. This is going to be a long week in kyhlo.

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Kata.6795


Hey Robert, would it be possible for you to transcribe some form of feedback from the devs on whats going to happen and when (roughly)? Spvp can be really frustrating when a good portion of my success is determined by how well I (lucky) circumvent the poor mechanics.

In all honesty I can deal with the kitten pet AI, I have gotten somewhat proficient at working around it. My grief lies with the sickening downed state bugs that should have been addressed long ago as well as just the poor flow of the weapons.

Shortbow – I love this weapon a lot, but if it was a person it would be a very abusive love/hate relationship.
Crossfire- a very weak autoattack that applies a short duration bleed when attacking from the side or behind. The problem with 1 is that you are a ranged character (I know guys, I was in shock too) and when you run into somebody who has a slight clue as to what your class does, they will just run straight at you, and take those awesome little 100 hits and regen through them.
Poison Spread – awesome to use at melee range, not so much at distance.
Quick Shot – hits for nothing, doesn’t work uphills and is not really noticable on flat ground either, bugs out often when you use it vs somebody in melee range.
Crippling shot – also hits for absolutely nothing, reliant on pet that cant hit moving targets to add a few pitiful bleeds,aaaaaaaaand bugs out in close range.
Concussive Shot – Awesome, or it would be, if it actually stunned from any position, since the challenge of the shortbow is to attack from the side. Value greatly diminished in general from the rampant amount of stability that’s available to most professions.

Longbow – I am not really going to go into this weapon, because it’s damage only has any kind of value when you go full glass, however due to lack of utility skills that would enable you to survive long enough to use it, I just do not touch this weapon.

Mh Axe- Honestly the auto attack is crap. I tried it with power or condi builds and its just doesn’t deliver any raw damage, worthwhile condi applications or any strategic advantages.
Splitblade is all right at pointblank range but is still very mediocre, the fact that we don’t have any real combo fields worth mentioning makes the 20% combo finisher attached to it feel pointless.
Winter’s Bite chill is really nice, but the problem is that the rest of the weapon has no real damage output and the pet weakness application is hardly the epitome of reliability.

Warhorn – Hunter’s call. From my experience casting this vs any competent player is akin to giving them a leg up in a fight. I’m not sure what tramatic event lead the developers to attach a 1.5 sec cast time to an ability that scales really “really” poorly with power, is not reliable with sharpened edges trait, and has a 25 second cd to boot. But I would like to offer my sympathy.
Call of the Wild – is awesome. 15 seconds of AoE swiftness, fury and might on 35 second cd with half a second cast time, make this ability very versatile and applicable in a lot of situations.

Is it possible to get order-specific armour from other orders?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kata.6795


Not sure myself, but if you check out the PvP locker in Heart of the Mists, you will find that there is a storage spot for each order set, so the pieces are most likely available at higher PvP levels. Again, not sure if you can use transmutation stones to transfer the appearance to PvE items.

You can test it out by using a level 80 trans stone on a pvp piece and try keeping the appearance of that item.

Quick Mesmer Trait Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kata.6795


I found it to be a very useful talent in both pve and pvp, especially if you stagger the dazes from your shatter effects by using melee illusions/phantasms with ranged ones to make sure they don’t hit the target at the same time. Can really increase your party’s general survivability by smartly shattering them on mobs to reduce incoming damage. Does wonders for those moments when you just need to live. You will learn to love it in the Zhaitan dungeon, where undead literally don’t stop coming and you need to live till that next heal.