Showing Posts For Kaukomieli.6740:

Rate the Necromancer look above you

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


8/10. I’d go for a bit more contrast in the colors to pop the detail better but I like the look very much otherwise. Minus points for the green in the gloves, I don’t think it fits the color scheme.

Aaand here’s my Orr adventurer-researcher necro. I kind of wanted an autumnal color for her so I went with yellows, oranges and browns. She doesn’t look very necromancery, I’ll be the first to admit, but, er, death manifests in many ways? :DD? Also nobody is going to believe this but the point was not to look as skimpy as possible, believe it or not. :D I just couldn’t get the same vibe from anything else! I want more pants for light armor wearers! (Oh, and her glow is probably Lemon, so yellow also.)


final boss fight too much

in Living World

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I thought this was incredibly kitten my first try as well – I got frustrated and quit that time); the constant AoE was a bit too much. Moved a couple of traits around, not sure if that made much of a difference, except that it allowed me to kill the add-ons a little bit faster. Not very much but still. But anyway I have a tip for those who are having serious trouble with this:

The most important thing during my second try was that I found a spot that was relatively safe for fighting the add-ons without worrying too much about the dragon’s AoE (save the full chamber blast and ONE attack, but the latter only if you were closer to the center of the chamber), and attack the add-ons at range. I mean, so much of the fight IS about avoiding the AoE and killing stuff simultaneously that it’s best to find a spot where most of the AoE doesn’t reach. I used the opposite end of the chamber from the Avatar of the Pale Tree, North-West corner of the chamber. Like a narrow-ish ramp with a dead end? Had to come out for some add-ons that are farther back, but it’s easier to deal with those when you have the other ones cleared out. Not quite as much stuff blasting your way. Still died twice but that’s because I suck royally sometimes, and also lag. I could have sworn I was out of the danger zones but still got blasted by the attacks. Ehh.

Anyway: position yourself out of the harm’s way and it’ll be a lot easier to deal with!

This is pretty much what I did in the Barradin statue fight as well, come to think of it.

Rata Sum Song?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


This one? I could barely hear what was in the MattVisual’s video so erh I might be horribly wrong. :D You might want to listen through the other Asura environment videos on Youtube if it’s not this one.

Post your favorite screenshots !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I have quite a few favorites, really. Here’s three of them of them, picked from the ones that I have not cropped at all or done anything with the colors. I have loads of cropped favorites as well but there’d be a lot of pictures in this post if I took all my favorites. :p


(edited by Kaukomieli.6740)

What's the biggest mistake you've ever done?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


My Profane set just needs to work without the shoes. :P

You will get all skins from gemstore skin sets back on April 15 as long as you have at least 1 skin from the set.

Thanks for the info, that’s really good to know! I hoped it would work that way but didn’t dare hope it would, haha! ^^

What's the biggest mistake you've ever done?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


Salvaging some boots that had a gemstore skin on them… (second or third transmutation and on while quality so no warning) after a week or so of owning it. >__> Weelll. My Profane set just needs to work without the shoes. :P

Dizzy or Nauseous doing Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I get motion/stimulation sickness from jumping puzzles where the walls restrict camera movement (Scavenger’s Chasm, Urmaug’s Secret, Troll’s End…). It happens regardless of me trying to keep the camera still because the camera collides with walls and yeah. I can FINISH the puzzles nowadays because i have higher fps than before, but I would get too sick to continue on my old laptop which had such a low fps that jumping was more guesswork than anything else and I had to run back and forth in confines spaces a lot.

LA Map Exploration Completion?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I think the auto-porting out happens if the miasma levels in LA are toxic upon your entering, during the time it’s not possible to enter the city? You get automatically ported out if you die of the poison afaik?

Can’t say anything about the exploration thing, though, sorry.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I often run around in mixed sets, I just wear whatever drops for me pretty often! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m pretty fond of my Igraine’s current combo, though:

Head: invisible
Shoulders: invisible
Hands: invisible (Profane would look nice, or Orchid)
Coat: Masquerade (picture 1) OR Tactical (picture 2)
Pants: Profane (Gem Store)
Feet: Dryad (Sylvari cultural T3)

I wanted something without skirts, was the original inspiration. :DD I’d probably hate this on any of my human characters, but it seems to work on Igraine quite nicely.


(edited by Kaukomieli.6740)

Show yer norns!

in Norn

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


Here are mine. Both are low-level spoiled brats. ^^ The girl is Val (Varmajalka) who is a ranger and the man is Kerah Ingensson who is a thief, and they are siblings. Kerah is Val’s older brother. Kerah used to have different hair but I hated it? It was the only one to give the kind of hairline I wanted so nothing else would do. And then I tried Braham’s hair and had to have it. Thankfully that worked!

(Hopefully the second attachment shows up for people? i can’t see it myself but preview and edit windows show it’s there…?)


(edited by Kaukomieli.6740)

Your best looking character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


For me it’s my necromancer, Igraine! There’s a reason she’s my main and the first to reach lvl 80 in my flock, haha. ^^ I love the sylvari cactusface and the branch hair, and I’m also rather fond of the outfit I’m using on her.


[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


o/ Hi, I’m intrigued. Mostly because my playstyle on ANY character is basically “whoops I did something right?” rather than any conscious skill, so maybe joining and learning from people who know their stuff could be beneficial for my playstyle in general and mesmer in particular (and if not, at least I could lurk and listen to people chat and talk and join in the fun sometimes).

In game name: Sonya Kaukomieli
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Role: Scholar
Playstyle: PvE (no WvW or world events because lots of people = ~2 fps), rolling around doing whatever happens to be in front of my nose and within level range (mostly solo, but also duo frequently).
Playtime: pretty random. Most days in the evening/early night, more active in the weekends.

Can/will we get this hair in the future

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I was hoping that hair would have been in the new hair release – I would have loved that one (but I also like the fern hair so no complaints, really), roots(?) and flowers and all. I think it’s wonderful. c: It would be great for those sylvari-players who like the aesthetics of the heavy helm but don’t have a character wearing heavy armor.

Goofy Character Names...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I am not against silly names unless they are inappropriate or plain immature (sexual innuendos for example make me want to smash things, but that’s probably just me). Whether or not I like them depends on the name. I may roll my eyes at goofy names, and sometimes giggle when I see a clever well-disguised one, but personally I stick to serious names. Not lore-appropriate most of the time because my stock surname is in Finnish to ensure availability.

Only my poor poor sylvari I*grain*e got an accidentally punny name. I try not to think about it.


in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I’m usually prone to simulation sickness, but SAB hasn’t caused me any problems. I get horribly sick in Troll’s End and Urmaug’s, and running around inside buildings, so for me it’s mainly the camera jerks, which I didn’t notice in SAB. Sorry to hear it’s making you (literally) sick, though. :c I know that pain.

Clothes that cover Glow

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


That looks pretty bad, uhh, would hate to wear an armor like that! I mean the back is clearly exposed but the glow is still obscured? Have you reported it? I know they haven’t been very quick to fix armor issues, but it never hurts. I haven’t noticed anything like that so far but will check my equipment next time I log into game.

What is my Sylvari saying?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I always parrot the female necro’s “Killing my minions? I’ll make more.” >__> And most of the other ones, too.

- My ladies will also go “I am that” when they complete some achievements, I think Gold Hoarder was one of them. And daily gatherer, often as not. Another one they say for achievement completion is “Highly satisfying”, I think.
- “AaaaAAAaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” when crippled. >x)
- “I may not make it” when close to dying. There’s also “I can’t ??? for long”, which I can never make out completely. If someone knows how that goes or wants to tell me I’m hearing something completely different wrong, I’d be happy to hear it!
- One time I was equipping Orchid Armor and just as I equipped the final piece, Igraine went “Look at this! So pretty!” I thought she was referring to herself, but apparently it was because of the armor piece that went into her inventory. xD

Hilarious Dialogue Misunderstandings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


Only tangently related, but since other people have given similar stories, I’ll share mine: once I was minding my own business and dodging risen in… probably Bloodtide coast, and saw this Risen Brute suddenly swat a rabbit, after which it proclaimed: “You were weak!” I stared a while in disbelief and then laughed until an event spawned on me and then I nearly cried because the risen were saying ugly things about Sieran. >:C But that risen still cracks me up every time I think about it. ^^

I don’t remember having heard anything wrong, as such, misunderstanding, no. But NPCs have perfect comic timing a lot of the time, and hilarity ensues. :)

The only things I still don’t hear properly are when my sylvari necro commands her minions, there are some I only ever catch half of, and then try guessing the other part. But I found the wiki article now, so I’m happy. ^^

idiots moments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I salvaged an armor piece with the Profane skin on it (gemstore-bought, with real money, which I was not ankitten ot going to do again). I’m a bit salvage happy and I had just switched to another set of boots, and BAM there I was holding a couple of low-level materials, skin destroyed. No warning, because it was very low-level armor. I was supposed to put it into the bank for holding until the character’s “old” enough to wear it again (i.e. sufficiently high-level to not require excessive amounts of transmuting all the time – I don’t have the stones to keep up a habit like that!). Let’s say I’m learning the value of invisible packs. I felt like such an idiot. xC Buut. Maybe one day I’ll actually be rich in-game (as if) and able to re-purchase the set to get the boots back. In the meanwhile I’ll make do with other skins…

EDIT: that kitten is “and (space) am not”, apparently spaces and additional letters don’t confuse (or rather, do confuse) the valiant censorship system.

(edited by Kaukomieli.6740)

Ballon Tourist

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


You need to climb up 30 towers so that means you have to visit fifteen zones (+ then some if there are any bugged towers), so I’d say chances are “not alone”. If you have some high-level people going with you to higher-level zones then I don’t see why not.

Easiest Jumping Puzzles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


@ Khisanth: I know, I figured it out a couple of weeks ago when I was trying Fawcett’s. Managed the King Jalis Refuge just fine with that method days ago, and it works wonders in the first couple of jumps in Fawcett’s, but it’s more that I still walk off places once I land than over- or undershooting. ^^ Thanks for the tip all the same!

Easiest Jumping Puzzles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I have found Urmaug’s Secret to be very easy (once I finally realized where the hell I was supposed to go, and got over the nausea). The one in Sharkmaw Caverns has very few actually difficult jumps as well, but I still fail at it without necro staff. Nowadays Morgan’s Spiral feels really easy because I’ve done it so many times, and really there’s only one tricky precise jump there. Did Under New Management today – super easy, that one, only needed one try to get through. King Jalis’ Refuge was also pretty easy and very short, but I suck at short jumps so I ended up falling from the pipes a lot.

Conversely, anything with really small platforms is really hard for me, so I’m struggling with Coddler’s Cove and many puzzles with narrow planks to jump onto. It doesn’t help that I’m playing on my old laptop, which causes low fps at odd times, and probably affects responsiveness and stuff, too… So I’m dealing with slight delay in response all the time. :p

Disable Friendly Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I would love this, because it seems to be a problem for me. Yesterday’s champion fight with a friend consisted of me targeting the healing turret and the friend half of the time despite of my best efforts not to… I just couldn’t seem to hit the champ with the mouse cursor, no matter what I did… it’s even worse if there are multiple people around…

No accidental salvaging of gemstore skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740



so after an accidental salvage of an item with a game store -bought skin transmuted onto it (possibly transmuted again after the initial application of the skin – anyway, completely my fault and such a stupid mistake!), I got to thinking why that’s even possible – there is sometimes real money behind these purchases, as was in this case because I bought gems just to get that armor skin set.

Suggestion: Prevent accidental salvaging of items with game store -bought skins on them by adding a warning to them, no matter how many times they’ve been transmuted before, or possibly making them unsalvageable, no matter how many times they’ve been transmuted before. As I don’t know if this is possible, and alternative would be to make the skins withdrawable multiple times, but that’s probably not going to happen, so the warning would be great, if possible! SOME way to prevent such things should be really really nice, though, anything goes! Skin wardrobe would be ideal ofc but that’s another thread! :) These are “valuable” skins, so such things as hand-slipping and stuff should not destroy them with one click!

- accidentally salvaging game store skins would become much less likely even for dummies like me
- dummies like me would be less afraid of buying gem store items in fear of accidentally salvaging them (there are ways around this, but sometimes you just haven’t had time to drop the armor into the bank for later use, or have forgotten to close the invisible bag in the inventory screen…). Added convenience and safety is never bad, especially if there’s real money behind the purchase of an item.

- Idk, people would have less reasons to buy the same skins over and over from the gem store because they are no longer accidentally salvaging them…?

I personally think this would be great, even if it would mostly profit people like myself who are a bit salvage-happy or accident-prone. :p

Double tap dodging?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I use double tap for dodging, too, mostly I guess because I never get around to changing it, and can’t be bothered to learn a new binding anyway. :p I’ve never had any problems with it, I never dodge from jumping puzzles or anything, and yeah. I have more problems with accidentally hitting R and V (my jump key at the present is C because my tab works only periodically, so I accidentally hit V a lot).

Do you prefer if there was no LW contents?

in Living World

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I like having it around – it’s nice change for exploring and completing zones and working on the personal story. I had to get into a right kind of mindset, though, and tell myself it’s not important to get all the achievements and minis and whoah weapon skins either, because once I tiptoed the completionist line it stopped being fun.

I’d have it be less about grinding achievements, but otherwise I prefer having Living Stories.

How many people still play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


o/ I am a lone player, have been since beta (well, sometimes I play with my brother), by choice. I’m not good with social interactions in-game, because there are usually too many moving pieces, discussions in chat change before I manage to type my messages, I’m a perma-noob and not a very good player. My previous experiences in guilds have made my hands shake, caused severe anxiety, and led to my quitting the game until I have the sense to leave the guild instead.

My experiences playing guildless have been good. This game is very casual-friendly, and the fluid grouping for events and stuff works wonderfully. I only rarely feel like I would need a group of people to call to, mainly because the living story seems to like to conclude in dungeons, and I would probably only be good for the very easiest dungeons anyway, and have no real interest in trying them, so I’ll just choose to skip them, and go on playing the way I want to.

Who is your favorite NPC?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I love GAVIN from the White Stag storyline. Too bad it couldn’t last. sigh I thought I was going to have an awesome friend, but no. He was handsome, too. ;n;

I also like Sieran, Countess Anise, and all named Quaggans and Skritt.

New hairstyle ideas!

in Human

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I’d love something reminiscent of the Prophecies ranger hairstyles – curly and messy with no bangs or accessories (or maybe flowers, I liked the flowers), rather than smoothed-down waves. Not quite Disney’s Merida, but I wouldn’t object to that either. :D I’d even love to have that curly norn ponytail if nothing else was available.

The biggest problem I have with the hairstyles is that there are very few messier options.

Bored of Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I would love to have weeping willow style longer hair, or needly branches, and more non-tropical looks in general. Maybe the looks and the seeming wax surface of the leaves is justified because the Sylvari ARE from the Maguuma Jungle ares, where that kind of vegetation is dominant, but even so, I would enjoy different kinds of aesthetics. I like many of the current hairstyles but can’t stand them on my own characters, save for the branches. :p

But I think if one race should get more customization, so should the others, too. I’d like more hairstyles for EVERYONE.

POLL: Which Sylvari face(s) do you use?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


Female #5 for me.

What made you want to play a Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I think for me it was the combination of the lore and their gorgeous aesthetics. I was ecstatic when I saw the redesigned Sylvari – I was not too sold on the initial designs, but would nevertheless probably have rolled one. I have not had such fun in character creating before or since I created my current main. :)

Who am I kidding, it was pretty much all about aesthetics. I like pretty things. <3

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


Completely ignoring what would be realistic or feasible:

1. Mursaat. ^^ They were such a pain in the rear back in Prophecies. Even with infused armor I got stomped by their spectral agony so many times that whenever I saw then, I did a U-turn on spot, and returned the way I was coming, if at all possible. I hated those floating nasty things. BUT I would totally give them a chance to shine if they ever resurfaced anywhere. Likely I will only get the chance to try to beat the living daylight out of them and running away screaming (and dying a lot), if Arenanet ever decides to do anything with them.
2. I’d love to play a skritt. <3 I know the racial sympathy thing pretty much makes it impossible, but aaah I do love the skritt. I could just imagine them demanding shinies from people they’ve helped. The hive mind also is problematic.
3. ??? I have not met the largo or the kodan yet, and none of the others really speak to me. Cantha would have the wardens. Margonites from Elona could be cool, or the forgotten… Actually, my favorite choices would be either margonites or wardens for my no. 3, but idk really.

As stated multiple times, though, tengu, kodan, and largos would be most likely. shrug Not really interested in any of them. :p

Stop Punishing Snow Leopard Worshipers

in Norn

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740



It’s the arrow that points left at the bottom of the post, in case you haven’t found it already. :)

Issormir Difficulty

in Norn

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


It was A LOT harder in beta. On one memorable occasion I spent all the fight in downed state without being completely defeated, and it was the coolest experience I ever had – it felt like a hard-fought battle with real danger in it. Now it’s just… easy.

I don't like scripted weather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


I am glad that the timers are low. I remember how I used to hate it when it started raining in LOTRO because it would always cause my ancient computer to lag and drag to the point, that entire encounters would be invisible to me, and I would have to rely on pressing random buttons and hoping I’m not dead in the end…

I am sure I’ve encountered random rains in GW2 and I’m glad that they (apparently) don’t have huge impact on my playability, or else I’d be screwed, pretty much. There’s only so much my graphics card can handle.

Audio Problems with all storyline conversations.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


Yep yep. Just had this in the first charr personal story quest (ash legion, all cutscenes up to the very end where you get the first reward are affected, but not all audio is missing), and the first quest of the norn story line where you have passed out after a moot and can’t remember anything of what happened. I haven’t been able to see if other missions have been affected, but sure looks like it…

God selection during character creation

in Human

Posted by: Kaukomieli.6740


i thought that the god selection affected the shouts your character sometimes says. Like:

“Balthazar give me strength”
“I am death incarnate!”

Or something like that.

‘I am death incarnate’ is a necro line when they enter death shroud. The other one might have something to do with a boon activating, or then it’s a shout coming with a skill. (?) Don’t quote me on that, but you can quote me on the necro line, because I play a necro and she’s a sylvari; therefore not affiliated with the human god at all.

I always thought the god selection determined which god NPCs refer to if you greet them, but I might be wrong, like ‘Melandru guide you’ or whatever it is they say. I really have to check that now. ^^