Showing Posts For Kempest.9405:

Video - thief stops entire zerg from capping supply camp

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


i wonder how he get so much hps (23.000) and this crazy damage all at once

gz to this thief

Video - thief stops entire zerg from capping supply camp

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


every class uses AOE

so i dont understand that they dont bomb the ground and kill him with bleed or pure damage

no stun or cc?

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


i hope we all will get a good WvW week

have fun!

german bank holiday today?

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


yes holiday day and a lot of players online

its no skill

its only zerg power

Respawn Rates Astronomically High?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kempest.9405


yes respawn is very fast, if you clear a path and look back you have a big problem

Kiting will attract respawned mobs too

a cleared zone should be clear for 5-10 mins

Ok now 1 month after release i understand a high respawn timer for all the players, but pls fix it

Mesmer portals causing lag spikes

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


its a feature and ANET says its the use of a nice tactic

so use it too or loose

Invisible players

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


invisible enemies are working like intended

its no exploit

its the usage of a great superior tactic and is allowed in WvW

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405



edit: ok im too stupid to add an image ^^

yes night capping is the best feature ive ever seen

irony off

the PvP is real great, never played a better one, but i hate night capping

(edited by Kempest.9405)

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


if a mesmer portal is getting used, make a time freeze for everyone for 5-10 seconds so all graphics can be loaded

its no tactic
is abusing of bad server performance

Repairing armor in WvW cost way too much!

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


yes i would love reduced repair costs

or free repair or no damaged armor in pvp at all

we fight for our world and the king should support us ^^