In my opinion Anet needs to do a MASSIVE overhaul of the PvE but I won’t get into the mechanics that are broken [Melee] and such. I will keep to the gist of this thread.
I would like to see them rework a lot of the world, make the zones bigger put more into them, and add in more ‘QUESTS’
The thing I see most about the zones is; they tried to make them feel alive.
I’ll give them an A+ for effort spent, however they get a D – for the outcome. They should have ‘maned up’ and just made them huge like EQ was [from what I hear (sadly it was before my time.)] in doing this they have more room for ‘Hearts’, more events, explotation, and other things [Side Quests?].
The traditional problem of ‘Oh that sounds good but the players would get annoyed at haveing to run through the whole of the zone so much’ is nulled by the gates and way points. This allows the world to be BIG with lost of things to do; AND to be able to be made BIGGER with MORE things to do. It also makes leveling relitively easier.
You have more map, more zone, more area to do. Even if they aproach it from the point of ‘But now the worlds too big, people won’t go to most of the zones’ I personally have to call Bull kitten on that one. I would. Those who level multiple charicters would. Completionists would, people who want legendaries would, and most importantly you can have ‘Side Quests’ that take you all over the place not JUST ‘level apropriate places’ that’s the beauty of the scaling system.
Dynamic Events:
I admit this is a great idea. First there was Warhammer, then Rift, now Guild Wars 2. Again the idea is great.
Warhammer Dynamic events I don’t know much about, didn’t play it. Don’t plan to. But hey they had them, they did ok? [Maybe not i hear people kittening about them a lot.]
Rift. Well I did play this, it was a good game with a lot of custumization on how you want to play. But alas they srewed up the Dyamic Events; The RIFTS. The idea of each rift type being hostle to each other A++, the rift events C, how they were implumented F—.
If they had done something like say, ’A rift opens every hour or so. These rifts release powerful [for there level] mobs that start to take over the map. Fortify, assuat, and repear. Tell they have the whole zone. THEN moze to a new zone [down scaling or up scaling acordingly] and repeat. Well rifts would have MENT something then.
But I Digress
Guild Wars 2; well they are interesting, fun, and tell story; A. That said, they happen to offten, they are too short, and there aren’t enough of them for the role Anet has given them. They could leave them as they are not if they added in other ways to get EXP [in a PvE invirment] besides hearts they could be quite acceptable parts of the game.
What we need is more involved DE that allow for.
A) Emersion
Give the players more reason to do them, say ‘B and C’ as well as more and stronger story.
B) Sence of acomplishment.
Have events that actually shape the zone, say put them on a 24 hour cool down. This means the big Meta evens impact the whole zone for more then a few minutes, and give players more insentive to do them [maybe even impacting other zones across the world].
C) Meaningful rewards; say ‘World tokens’ that can be used to get spectial skins and gear [maybe even precursers].
A silver and some karma isn’t enough to make me bother to do DE’s [and the EXP while it should be there SHOULDN’T be WHY you do them] just run past them to my objective [unless i’m leveling then i’ll do the ‘because the EXP is the reason’].
This is were ‘World Tokens’ come in. these nifty things can be used for a pluthora of things from spectial skins to temperary buffs or even armor and weapons. Karma is nice and all but it’s stagnate, and all but meaningless. So use make Karma have more of a roll BUT you add ‘Wold Tokens’. you get 1 ‘World Token’ per event and 2 from champions/group events.
Well to be honost GW2 doesn’t have any [aside from the ‘My Story’] which is fine… or is it. I’m not saying make an kitten kitten load of them and put them in all the zones. I’m saying Side Quests.
Side Quests; these will be like the ‘My Story’ but instead will feed players lore, semi-unique items [skins, cool weapon, so on], and most importantly EXP. This alone would give players more ways to level [NEVER a bad thing] and more to do. Have some that end with the player getting access to cool utilities and or eliets. have them be interesting, Emersive, and COMPELLING. Have them unlock vendors, maybe aid in the creation of legendaries, or even help your guild grow by earning influence and special things for the Guild Halls [when they come out…].
These ideas and suggesions would work best together BUT are just as good when taken alone. The point I’m making with this is that although GW2 is good… it could use some help before something bad happens.