Showing Posts For Khat.9327:

Legendary rifle

in Community Creations

Posted by: Khat.9327


is a kitten to draw hahaha. This was a commission for a friend of mine on FA who plays a warr and loves his new legendary rifle =3.

Loki Rolanderp


Art of guild Time Keepers

in Community Creations

Posted by: Khat.9327


Epic Piece \o/. Well done.

Into battle [art submission]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Khat.9327


Coooooool O_O

Do you do commissions?

Yup ^^. You can find all of my commission info + ToS on my furaffinity [ ]. Thank you.

Into battle [art submission]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Khat.9327


My first decent gw2 related drawing. The others were sketches and such. But I decided to finish a quick doodle I did the other day of my Charr.

Enjoy =3.

You can also find my art at , assuming you are interested in taking a peek hehe.


(edited by Khat.9327)

Extremely frequent game crashes.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


It appears that you are right. Almost every crash starts with the line

OOM: Heap, bytes=4194352 or a similar number. -sigh-. Thanks for the help Rain.

Extremely frequent game crashes.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


Umm.. there is no such file in my documents\guild wars 2\ folder xD … I checked my game folder and there’s only a crash.dmp file. No clue how to view that though.

Extremely frequent game crashes.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


As I’ve posted on 2 other related posts on the first page of the bugs forums:
The crashing is due to the memory limit of 32-bit programs. ArenaNet seems to be unwilling to make a 64-bit client (which would be the proper fix), so the work around is to lower character limit and model quality to medium during zerg events.

How come it never happened to me before though, through the same bosses and the same zergs. It’s just a recent month or so issue… Just baffles me.

Extremely frequent game crashes.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


So… Like many others I’ve been playing this game since pre-release and I’ve never had any bad technical experiences with the game. Like ever. It always been running smooth for me, never crashed once never lagged, nothing.

Now, since about 3-4 weeks I’ve been having serious issues with getting a game error + send crash info to And it usually seems to happen on a world boss fight or a world champ [in Orr usually when it comes to champs]. I’ve been trying to do Vinewrath 6 times one of these days and I ended up crashing 4 times therefore not receiving any reward or loot, loosing the map I was on and all of my bonus buffs. The same has recently began happening on Tequatl the Sunless.

I wouldn’t say the crashes happen due to some kind of graphic or some such failure because I changed not a single piece in my computer ever since the pre-release. I use the same exact pc for the past nearly 5 years.

So … Any suggestions? I know for certain this has started happening ever since the recent patching. But it is really becoming an issue. I do not enjoy playing and working for events so time consuming only to crash and end up having earned nothing for the effort.

What do?

Persistent heal notification arrow

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


Having the same issue as a warrior lvl 16 at the moment. IT just never goes away until I log out. Its imposable!

WP-ing to Frostgorge Sound Cause Client Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


I just did something a player suggested. If you have a character outside of the one, leave guild and then try to log in one of your trapped characters. It worked for me.

Another character got d/c when i tried to teleport to the map, but after STEPPING DOWN, he was able to teleport there. Fishy, but it worked.

Wrong IP joining map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


Yes it worked!.

I left the guild with my alternative character [since i can’t step down while being on the one that is getting disconnected] and I managed to log it in !!!!!!

Wrong IP joining map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


Same thing happening with me trying to get INTO Frostgorge… so I stood down from my guild, tried again, and I got in… not sure what’s going on, but I’m in now.

Well you gotta be kittenting me… I did the same and got into the map with a character I previously couldn’t. What the kitten.

Wrong IP joining map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


Not going to get an ETA on this at all I guess. Or even a message that they are working on it still. The last one was hours ago. What do …………………………

Disk - I/O error in Harathi Hinterlands

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


Join the club. There are many topics about the issue already… Been like this for the past 10 roughly hours as some folks say. Still no real fix for it.

Wrong IP joining map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


Been getting this for roughly 8 hours now. Same IP issue. My main is stuck in Frostgorge Sound. Can’t connect whatsoever. Can’t teleport to it from other characters either. Please don’t do this to me on my only day off T^T …


WP-ing to Frostgorge Sound Cause Client Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khat.9327


My main is in frostgorge, and I can’t connect to her because of this. This is ludicrous.


Server: Gate of Madness
Region: US
ISP: Hot-Net internet services Ltd. [connecting from Israel. I’ve been playing on the US regions for the past few months]
Zone you are experiencing this issue: Frostgorge Sound
Number of characters this is affecting: All of my 80 characters 3

I can’t login my main. Instantly getting d/c-ed [for the past 7 hours]. All other characters I try to port there get disconnected as well.

Network Error 5:11:3:159:101 & 11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khat.9327


Any news…. a fix ETA?

Network Error 5:11:3:159:101 & 11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khat.9327


First time to see the 5:11:3:159:101 error is now. Logged out and back in with same character, same issue. Trying to run Arcana Obscura with thief—no previous issues with Arcana with 5 other characters.

There’s another topic currently open with that same issue. A lot of people have their mains / alternative characters stuck in certain maps that won’t load. Tried every possible mentioned fix, even a guesting option on another realm. Nothing works. One of the staff said they are aware of the spreading issue but no news ever since.

I guess this needs a hot fix because something’s up with very specific maps and the mega servers. I’ve been stuck for over 6 hours in Frostgorge Sound… along with at least a dozen others who reported being stuck on the same map.

Guess we have to sit down and wait for a fix.

Network Error 5:11:3:159:101 & 11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khat.9327


Guess it will just take a few hours to get it fixed. My main is stuck in there as well. Which is sad. I dun wanna play anything else xD

7pm-11pm lag (gmt+10)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khat.9327


I’m having the same exact issue except between 16:00 to 00:00 (gmt +2) ..
I cant seem to be able to play properly because my game keeps freezing every 20-30 seconds for like 7 + seconds.. not only that, i often have log-in issues. Can take me up to an hour just to access my character selection.

There gonna be an end to these lag issues? ;/

Little things that make you smile.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


The one little thing that makes me laugh every time i see it, is the Charr /surprised command. That makes my day all over again.

An amazing race that should be playable.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


Skitt ! im hit !

The Best Thing About Guildwars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


I for one, would liek to hear more tracks, different tracks on the maps. i often crooze around the same areas and hear the same track over and over again .. wtb some moar plz <3

Situation untenable.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


I agree with tolunart. ArenaNet should probably adjust the new policy to make reward (and karma) capping less harsh on people who actually play the game instead of just cycling through events and dungeons over and over and over again, but I think they’re fundamentally on the right track. I’ve noted how, in any area that has a dungeon, map chat has gotten positively flooded the last couple of weeks with people looking for groups or extra people for dungeon runs. Somehow, I don’t think that was ArenaNet intended for the game, particularly in light of the whole GW1 experience. I get the idea that they wanted things to be really different here in that respect, not a repeat of GW1 where dungeons were pretty much totally dominated by runners (and, let’s be candid here, I did a lot of dungeon running in GW1 myself).

I for one wouldn’t like to see GW2 become a dungeon running/event farming fest, so as I say, I think this new policy is fundamentally right even if it needs tweaking and adjustment so that it doesn’t hit people who don’t deserve to be hit. (And, just for the record, GW2 is not much less than three weeks old, counting from headstart launch. It’s way, WAY too early for people to be talking about the game being “ruined forever”.)

I do understand where you’re comign from mate, but i for one run dungeons maybe one day a week. I play the game as it is intended to, explore, do pvp, pve, constantly switching maps from lvl 1 to 80 and just enjoyint he community, and when i feel like it, i head up to the dungein i want the gear from and grind it for like 6 runs MAX… Note that i do it only like once a week.. and now tnx to that nerf i cannot… i often dont feel liek runnin dungeons but now the way the new system works it will make me run a dungeon every day, maybce twice a day so i wont loot the profit i usualy make in 1 single day for the entire week..

I dislike being obliged sort of, to do 2 runs a day.. coz i must , coz i cannot do it some other day. Why..

Waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khat.9327


+1 … too expensive at higher levels .. and runnin speed is becoming ridiculas to travel half a continent away coz you become unable to afford the travels. no mounts = make costs less plz …

Situation untenable.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


As the OP already said… gw2 suddenly feels like D3 All over again.. i TRULY hope stops right there and starts thinking about what they are doing before releasing whatever it is they are doing …. It would seem this is the first step to ‘shaking’ up this community and probably if more like these will come, its gonna fall apart… I’d be extremely sad if in 3 weeks time, gw2 will be an equal to D3.

Three weeks in, let's give some feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


absolutely beautiful, OP.

Three weeks in, let's give some feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


I love you OP. You read my mind and put everything into words ! i truly hope that A.Net will take their time to read your post and think about some of the points you stated ! i couldn’t put them into words in any better way than you did!

The Game Has Content...That You Can't Do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khat.9327


This is rather disturbing… I don’t wanna have my game limiting me with what i can and cannot do o.O.

error 5:11:3:157:101 (with all characters)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khat.9327


SAme, im from israel, did the pinging thing and it works fine, gettin suddenly d/c and then cannot even get past loadin screen.. on any of my characters..

game unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khat.9327


I’ve had this issues since release to be honest. I’ve been able to play mostly fine and the past few days, 2 or 3 i’ve been keep getting disconected with the message saying the client lost connection with the server. Now funny thing is, i wasnt lagging at all before that message, and it just bam and disconnects me. Now every time i try to log in, and pick my character and press “play” im stuck on loading screen. Like for a few hours. I cannot log in my character, so i give up, go away, coem back a few hours later and i can log in.. but tbh i’m having loadins creen issues everyday since release. I keep gettin stuck on some maps and thats it, cannot play.. I cant even see the loading % .. coz there’s non. So i cant know if its actually loadin or not…

Whats up with this ..