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SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Sorry we had to take your Garrison JQ. We needed the supply to repair Bay from the fail omega rush <3

We enjoyed it. SoR is a great server. We also had a good fight with BG after you guys wiped us. Personally, I had more fun fighting you guys (even though we get less bags). I really liked the way you split your forces. To quote Sun Tzu (and I’m not implying that you guys had more than us, but rather from a tactical point of view),

“If our force is twice as numerous as that of the enemy, it should be split up into two divisions, one to meet the enemy in front, and one to fall upon his rear; if he replies to the frontal attack, he may be crushed from behind; if to the rearward attack, he may be crushed in front.”

Because of that, I kind of wish that we had a proper Garrison fight, but it was our error for not having scouting reports communicated.

It was also kind of funny what happened at SoR BL..the enemy of your enemy is your friend? You totally could’ve taken our keep, but we saw you riding off into the sunset instead :-p

Well BG was actually running 3 forces on that map KnT, EE, APex (it was just EE for that recorded hills push, we were still forming up). We just grouped up for attacks and defenses as needed until about 7 server time when APex logged and 8 server when we lost EE. After that it was just KnT, not much we can do about that with 1 commander right haha. But it was lots of fun, thanks HzH, SG and MERC for the awesome fights.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

(edited by Killer.4709)

bloodlust change = bad

in WvW

Posted by: Killer.4709


but if sos is fighting bg the match is already over so why balance the game for a match like that, balance it for servers that have even coverage…

Because my clueless friend, starting this Friday we will have “Season 1 League Play” where you will be lucky if you see an SoR-BG-JQ match more than one time during the next 7 weeks.

You will likely have 6 weeks of matches with 1-2 “T2” Servers in it and let’s face it all 3 T1 Servers are more than capable of “farming” the Ruins in those matches just like they spawn camp T2 Servers during them now.

ANet determined that up to 3 Points per Stomp was too much and they adjusted it. It’s actually rather embarrassing the way you are going on as if they “nerfed it into the ground” when it isn’t that huge a difference:

  • Everyone Holding 0-1 is the same as before
  • Holding 2 is 1 point less per Stomp but is still Denying points to a Server
  • Holding 3 is an advantage Denying points to both opponents

Its funny how your saying all the t1 server can “farm” the ruins when tc is stacked enough to farm the other t2 servers as well.

Ive said this multiple times and ill say it again. Its not a simple thing to stop a zerg of mindless players from doing damage to stomp people. This was a step in the direction of skillful play, 20 skilled players do not get caught and killed by a mindless map zerg its called strategic placement. All your doing is whining cause your map zerg loses to our map zerg and we are smart enough to get stomps on you. Also saying that 3 points per stomp to 1 point isn’t big just shows how wrong you are.

Lower tier players need to understand that no matter what happens to this game you are going to be outnumbered. So rather than dieing over and over again play a bit more strategically and you won’t get stomped.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

(edited by Killer.4709)

bloodlust change = bad

in WvW

Posted by: Killer.4709


What was unhealthy about it, it promoted skilled small group play (to obtain the buff) and skilled large group play to get the points for the stomps. Only problem was the stats that came with it giving the large groups with the buff an unfair advantage in fights.

It also allowed the server with superiour numbers to get more bloodlusts, so say it’s SoS vs BG in Eu time BG has all 3 bloodlusts’s and SoS is bunkering garri. Everytime BG kills a SoS because of buff and superiour numbers they gain 3 extra points, this would only further increase the score disparity. The only place where the bloodlust in it’s old state worked was t1, but i’m sorry the needs for 3 server don’t outweigh the complaints from the other 21.

I love how often I hear that the needs of the lower tier servers outweigh the needs of the top three. I could argue what your saying in so many different ways its point less but the fact is a 50 man bg zerg should be able to kill your 10 sos eu guys and if those 50 people have the restraint to cut off their dps and stomp you then all the more power to them. but if sos is fighting bg the match is already over so why balance the game for a match like that, balance it for servers that have even coverage. If sos was fighting people with close to their coverage then it promotes the same skilled type of play as it does for the top 3 servers.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

bloodlust change = bad

in WvW

Posted by: Killer.4709


What was unhealthy about it, it promoted skilled small group play (to obtain the buff) and skilled large group play to get the points for the stomps. Only problem was the stats that came with it giving the large groups with the buff an unfair advantage in fights.

The main thing is that it highly discouraged small roaming and going to maps where you’re outmanned, since the risk to reward ratio is so heavily skewed against you that you just become a liability. People still did it anyway, but doing so was basically the GW2 equivalent of feeding.

I completely disagree with you. The orbs themselves give small groups an objective that is actually obtainable while taking keeps and towers are usually not. If there is an outmanned map that is where our roamers go first as it helps us get the blood lust for that map and our other maps can then utilize the additional points from stomping. So essentially if you had 1 queued map while the opponent has all maps queued a small group can still help by getting the orb buff to help their teams only queued map. This helps promote smaller group play rather than just zerging and it also promotes skilled play as its difficult to go into an outmanned area and take the orb buff.

The idea of points on stomp was an amazing one! It promotes more skilled play and more strategic play because you not only have to kill the enemy but you have to cut all dps to then get the stomps. It also promotes skilled small group play as that’s what it takes to get the orb and hold it especially against a map zerg. These things are exactly what the devs say they want and it’s what all skilled players want.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

bloodlust change = bad

in WvW

Posted by: Killer.4709


Why is it that only people from blackgate are against the nerf of bloodlust which almost everybody complained to be removed/nerfed for so long.

so Cry me a river, get over it and learn to adapt.

And le rooster learning to adapt was using the orbs to win what you’re saying to do is play the way everyone has for the past year. I believe that’s called not adapting

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

bloodlust change = bad

in WvW

Posted by: Killer.4709


What was unhealthy about it, it promoted skilled small group play (to obtain the buff) and skilled large group play to get the points for the stomps. Only problem was the stats that came with it giving the large groups with the buff an unfair advantage in fights.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

bloodlust change = bad

in WvW

Posted by: Killer.4709


you have said that large coordinated groups are ok and that you want to discourage mindless zerging. well guess what a mindless zerg never kills a group and stops to stomp, only well coordinated groups can mass stop their dps to get stomps in. you keep saying that you can’t take the stats off orbs because then there will be no reason to fight for them but guess what the stat bonuses are stupid and no skilled group cares about them. we fight for the stomp buff cause it actually helps us win. After over a year of changes to wvw you had finally taken a step away from mindless zerging and now you took the majority of that change away.

basic idea im saying is take the stats off the orbs give us the stomp points back.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

How to Improve Mesmer portals: Add Arrows!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Killer.4709




Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


well I have to say so far this match is pretty dam fun. hopefully the scores stay this close all week and these epic fights keep up!

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


It is tactically sound to keep an entire maps worth of players bottled on one objective, unable to cap anything else for hours upon hours upon hours, particularly when you are close in score to that team and eventually pass them. Those 40-70 or so players were only producing 25 points per tick most of that time when they normally would have been producing at least 40 if not 50 or 55 plus sentries and yak points.

very true but that’s only looking at the short term. everyone knows that JQ’s oceanic is arguably the weakest so by pushing bg off that map they will now be focused on by sor and very likely wiped off the map. Just like bg was last night, we held for hours and killed at least 10 omega golems but hills eventually fell. By helping sor kick bg off that map JQ has assured focus fire by sor tonight and I would be willing to bet they will be wiped off the map. But if bg was there jq would have a better shot.

Its not like bg was pushing jq at any point today. We went outmanned for 30 or so minutes when one of our guilds had to float to bg bl earlier today and I saw sor hitting jq’s tower. When that happened I hit sor’s tower saving jq’s. so im still wondering how our obvious willingness to push sor’s paper objectives turned jq onto bg.

Yeah normally I’d agree but this weeks a bit of a shakeup with Agg showing up so the outcome is not as certain as it usually is. Also, JQ has gotten pretty used to BG and SoR knowing when we go to bed so we hold no illusions as to the likelihood of anything not being flipped while we sleep.

All that said, we had fun working with you to clear the waypoint off garrison

Ya that garri take was quite fun. But ok if this is the way jq wants it I can play that way too, reunion tomorrow at the same time this time we may be hanging out in your bay…that’s if you guys own it

p.s. don’t expect me to open any more doors for you guys :P

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


It is tactically sound to keep an entire maps worth of players bottled on one objective, unable to cap anything else for hours upon hours upon hours, particularly when you are close in score to that team and eventually pass them. Those 40-70 or so players were only producing 25 points per tick most of that time when they normally would have been producing at least 40 if not 50 or 55 plus sentries and yak points.

very true but that’s only looking at the short term. everyone knows that JQ’s oceanic is arguably the weakest so by pushing bg off that map they will now be focused on by sor and very likely wiped off the map. Just like bg was last night, we held for hours and killed at least 10 omega golems but hills eventually fell. By helping sor kick bg off that map JQ has assured focus fire by sor tonight and I would be willing to bet they will be wiped off the map. But if bg was there jq would have a better shot.

Its not like bg was pushing jq at any point today. We went outmanned for 30 or so minutes when one of our guilds had to float to bg bl earlier today and I saw sor hitting jq’s tower. When that happened I hit sor’s tower saving jq’s. so im still wondering how our obvious willingness to push sor’s paper objectives turned jq onto bg.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


I’m actually curious what JQ was thinking strategy wise on SOR bl. I commanded there all day for 2 days in a row. Both days I intentionally helped JQ yesterday I even opened the south gate of bay for JQ. I did this because SOR always tries to control their whole map, so if jq and bg are on the map sor can’t do that. Plus the fact that today we flipped all of sors objectives so it was all paper. This caused the bg items to be the only upgraded objectives yet jq and sor decide to push it? It makes sense for sor to if jq is cause they don’t want a t3 keep on their map. But what were you thinking jq? I guess I’m just missing the strategic reasoning behind your siege of hills.

I’m not complaining we had amazing fights all day, I’m just wondering why.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


SoR and JQ can say all they want about being superior to Blackgate, I ain’t even mad, we saw what happens to JQ when SoR isn’t with them (or did you JQ guys forget about last week so quickly?)

I (like most people on JQ) was far to busy killing everything labeled “Dragonbrand” to even notice there was a third server there last week. Are you telling me it was BG? And that BG scored more points than we did? Heh, who would of known… certainly not anyone on JQ. But hey, keep farming those PUGs in EB and feeling awesome, cause JQ doesnt usually have any orgainized guilds there. But should you want an actual challenge, feel free to go to a real map, like JQ BL, where you own nothing.

pugs on EB, indo and tw on JQ bl. your guilds should really stop outsourcing the fights and try helping. But I guess there is a pve event happening, JQ’s never been afraid to play that card :P

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


noob BG +90 PPT

Here is something to think about everyone. Look at the map right now. BG objectives are split down the middle on every map even on EBG where JQ has sm and SOR is pushing BG towers. Now tell me what is the reasoning for a 2v1. Well this is a 1v1v1 match meaning it’s likely a 2v1 is always happening so the question is how do you pick who to 2v1. Well there are a few ways, including but not limited to 1. The weakest side (JQ as shown by BG winning last week) 2. A strategic backdoor (would not cover all maps) 3. Being upset with the server.

Now it seems to me option number 3 is likely considering the conformity on all maps. So why would SOR or JQ be mad, well JQ got beat by BG last week and SOR didn’t get to fight BG last week and missed us.

So if that is the case then the question is, did SOR plan to push BG and JQ is being a kitten? Did JQ plan to push BG and is SOR being a kitten? Or are SOR and JQ really that upset?

My guess is BG was sitting in the front yard just chillin when the drunk (drunk just for SF) neighbor JQ came along throwing punches while the 7th grade girlfriend that just came back to town named SOR ran over to give all of BG a giant hug.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


You know there is a lot of fighting between our servers and a lot of 2v1 QQ talk in the past present and sure to be in the future. There has also been a lot of calling out other guilds and specific players for things that are and aren’t true. One guild that has been at the center of this many times is TW because they are a great guild and aren’t afraid to tell everyone that. Now blackgate and TW have a long history but most of the population actually does admit that TW is a great guild and has respect for them. But after the events of today… frankly I just expected better from you guys, I thought you had more honor.

I understand that you wanted to keep fighting BG so you went to JQ that’s fine. But the fact that your still on JQ, in wvw, blatantly working with SOR is just sad… I thought you guys had more honor than this…

They have been wiping SoR just as much as they are wiping BG, I think your paranoia is just getting to you. They really are an indiscriminate army just killing everything in their path.

I’m going to assume the paranoia comment was not an insult to my intelligence and continue keeping this civil so here are my counter points.

1. In the previous matchup we had the win so TW being there did not matter and was therefore acceptable. But now it greatly affects it, they are an SOR guild we all know that and they would never leave permanently so they should not be in wvw until they go back

2. As a commander I can tell you that there are many minor strategies that keep an opponent down while not directly showing the intent to 2v1. For example killing both BG and SOR while on the BG side of the map. While still killing both sides your effectively pressuring 1 side more than the other.

3. SOR has said they are trying to kill indo, meaning where ever he is they are going. Indo is a smart leader and knows they are coming for him. So he can hold BG objectives while SOR tries to kill him (knowing they will kill BG as well) and BG tries to get their objectives back thus causing an effective 2v1 without actually directly doing a 2v1

My point is even assuming they are not in direct communication indo knows SOR’s intent meaning he can play of that and cause a 2v1.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


You know there is a lot of fighting between our servers and a lot of 2v1 QQ talk in the past present and sure to be in the future. There has also been a lot of calling out other guilds and specific players for things that are and aren’t true. One guild that has been at the center of this many times is TW because they are a great guild and aren’t afraid to tell everyone that. Now blackgate and TW have a long history but most of the population actually does admit that TW is a great guild and has respect for them. But after the events of today… frankly I just expected better from you guys, I thought you had more honor.

I understand that you wanted to keep fighting BG so you went to JQ that’s fine. But the fact that your still on JQ, in wvw, blatantly working with SOR is just sad… I thought you guys had more honor than this…

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Not even sure why the KnT dude went crazy and started flaming SoR’s TS in the thread, some people forget it’s just a game and just got to relax and breathe sometimes.

It’s going to be another great week, have fun JQ, BG, SoR. And JQ keep kicking that kitten and bringing the pain, awesome to see.

I stated my conclusions based on facts given by SOR members. There was no flaming, I even apologized to a person in one of my posts.

Also I found out why bg wasn’t ranked for anyone interested. It because you have to apply to be on that website and we didn’t apply. So that rank for the SOR ts is based off of other servers that applied to be listed.

This means that no conclusions can be made about population based on those ranks.

So that ends this discussion

GL and HF this week everyone!

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


If the response to the DDoS portion was to someone else I suggest you post not quoting me or I’m going to respond to it.

Once again you have shown me the epitome of stupid on these forums either your trolling or you don’t understand what im saying…

I will try this again. I have told you the truth and stated facts about the bg ts. We only capped on reset and no other days. But if we invited pve people we would have been capped the majority of the time. So we decided that to make us not capped on reset and to allow pve people to join us we got a new ts.

Based on these facts. I can conclude one of two things

1. SOR isn’t ranked #2
Or 2. SOR has more coordinated wvw players.

Now based on the facts one of the two is true and that is all im saying

Calling me stupid or a troll won’t help anything. Sorry if I keep making you mad with facts. Unfortunately, I COULD troll the living kitten out of you or ANY BG if I honest to god wanted to, we at Choo don’t troll, or for that matter, cannot troll. What I post is very mild compared to what I could post.

We don’t invite PvErs to our ts, they are welcome to use the TS if they want though. We do average a high quantity of people during NA times for the most part, Oceanic/SEA isn’t too much but still a decent amount, no where near the NA amount. Its probably likely the fact we’re more coordinated than you and have more active users at any given time, thats just a guess, though. I have 0 statistics of your TS so I can’t judge.

Look I apologize for calling you stupid, I assumed you were trolling and it was my mistake.

All im saying is that our old ts and the current SOR ts had the same max members. This would mean that if you were ranked and we weren’t SOR would have always had more coordinated players in ts than BG. Or the ranking was not true. I started by asking for proof that the ranking was real and I was linked a website. This website showed that in the world SOR was ranked 13 while the old BG ts wasn’t ranked at all. This would mean that the majority of the time SOR has had more coordinated players than BG.

So all I’m saying is, either something is wrong with those rankings, or SOR has more coordinated wvw players.

That’s all I’m trying to say. Just trying to use facts that SOR people have said on the forums to stop the BG trolling/bashing about us being stacked to hell or just bad players. Not saying anything bad about SOR just trying to point out facts and based on what I’ve seen BG’s full status has been caused by either wvw players not in ts or pve players. Unless the ranking are false in which case I can’t comment at all on these issues.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


i don’t get why anyone is ever shocked about being banned from a ts if ur from a dif server id expect bg to ban me if i went to urs even if it was to say hi

People like to think they are special when in reality they are not.

It’s amusing how much of an uproar BG’ers made from getting banned from SoR’s TS.

It’s not an exclusive club(or maybe it is the way you guys are making it out to be), it’s just a voip, and there are no lack of other ones to congregate on and be friendly with opposing servers if that is your desire.

Your right me and cuddles extend our apologies for being upset we got banned. We only thought that it was ok to talk to our SOR friends but your right for no reason other than being on BG we should be banned. My bad I thought this was a game but my mistake it’s obviously 3 countries at war and talking to the “enemy” is not ok, you gonna hang the SOR members that invited us? Or you just gonna ban them to?

Blame your server-mates, they’re the reason you’re banned. It only takes a few people to ruin it for everyone.

Finally a response with actual reasoning so ty for this.

But I still feel that you can’t blame the majority for the actions of a few, but I understand this is the world we live in… unfortunately.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


attempt at flaming/trying to counter argue with some added nonsense

So basically, you confirmed what I stated. Whatever TS you were using before = too small. Got it, nice attempt at flamebait. if your old ts was truly capped at 512 and always capped out on reset + highly used throughout the week, then yes, it’d be ranked, the sites aren’t biased. DDoS portion wasn’t even aimed at you, it was aimed at everyone. I’m not qqing, either. You need to learn how to read and rage less too for that matter.

So, I suggest YOU stop your childish attempts at a flame war, take YOUR kittening else where and chill the kitten out.

If the response to the DDoS portion was to someone else I suggest you post not quoting me or I’m going to respond to it.

Once again you have shown me the epitome of stupid on these forums either your trolling or you don’t understand what im saying…

I will try this again. I have told you the truth and stated facts about the bg ts. We only capped on reset and no other days. But if we invited pve people we would have been capped the majority of the time. So we decided that to make us not capped on reset and to allow pve people to join us we got a new ts.

Based on these facts. I can conclude one of two things

1. SOR isn’t ranked #2
Or 2. SOR has more coordinated wvw players.

Now based on the facts one of the two is true and that is all im saying

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


My counter is if SOR was #13 overall and bg had such strong oceanic and sea plus a sold na, shouldn’t we be ranked somewhere? Yet on the only website linked to me as proof we are nowhere to be found.

This could mean two things, 1. That website is bullkitten 2. Your reasoning is faulty.
If we outnumber you so hard in oceanic and sea time we would at least be ranked. That is unless your na outnumbers us by so much it balances out.

In either case I can conclude that one of the 2 questions I stated in my previous post is untrue. Meaning either your ranking is untrue or bg being stacked is untrue.

Fun fact, your old TS was capped so small that guilds were forced to use their own for the most part due to the fact they couldn’t fit their players into it. Now you have a bigger ts, eventually you will get ranked worldwide/us since the cap is much larger now. Reasons why your old TS hasn’t been ranked. Or it could be just the fact people don’t use it much.

Either way, you need to go outside or get laid. You overreacting way too much on a videogame.

As for all the DDoS post and pointing fingers, just stop. You don’t know kitten, you don’t know if it really is BG or JQ or even our own people or other tiers, you can’t prove anything. Let it go, move on.

As for this post it just makes no sense and has fail written all over it… seriously think before you post. Im trying to add a bit of actual thinking and debating to the posts and you come back with this… just wow. The reason we got a new server was because 1. We didn’t have a blackgate server we were just sharing with another guild. 2. Because reset nights we didn’t have enough slots. 3. Because we wanted to invite pve players to join us in ts all the time which wasn’t possible before.

So rebuttal to your point, if the old bg server was really replaced because it didn’t have enough slots and it was always full while still having the same max slots as the SOR ts we would have been ranked higher than the SOR ts and that’s just a fact.

So basically 1. Im not talking about the DDOS cause I don’t really give a kitten about your qq. 2. If BG’s old ts was really full all the time we would have been ranked higher than you.

In conclusion my same two points stand, either SOR’s ts isn’t ranked number 2 or you have always had more coordinated players than bg while holding that ranking ( which has been claimed for quite some time now).

So I suggest you stop your attempts to make this a flame war and continue on the actual debate, if that isn’t possible then I concede, no point in attempting an actual intelligent debate with childish flamers.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


i don’t get why anyone is ever shocked about being banned from a ts if ur from a dif server id expect bg to ban me if i went to urs even if it was to say hi

People like to think they are special when in reality they are not.

It’s amusing how much of an uproar BG’ers made from getting banned from SoR’s TS.

It’s not an exclusive club(or maybe it is the way you guys are making it out to be), it’s just a voip, and there are no lack of other ones to congregate on and be friendly with opposing servers if that is your desire.

Your right me and cuddles extend our apologies for being upset we got banned. We only thought that it was ok to talk to our SOR friends but your right for no reason other than being on BG we should be banned. My bad I thought this was a game but my mistake it’s obviously 3 countries at war and talking to the “enemy” is not ok, you gonna hang the SOR members that invited us? Or you just gonna ban them to?

And in one of your past posts you declare it’s not fun when BG is getting blown out alongside a multi paragraph long rant about IRON’s transfer to SOR and today you come up with, “it’s just a game”.

Too funny!

My so called “rant” was essentially telling all the SOR claiming that all BG players begged IRON to come to BG that I did not, and that I told them which ever server in t1 they went to would be the green server but nice try cause anyone who actually read the post knows the truth.

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


i don’t get why anyone is ever shocked about being banned from a ts if ur from a dif server id expect bg to ban me if i went to urs even if it was to say hi

People like to think they are special when in reality they are not.

It’s amusing how much of an uproar BG’ers made from getting banned from SoR’s TS.

It’s not an exclusive club(or maybe it is the way you guys are making it out to be), it’s just a voip, and there are no lack of other ones to congregate on and be friendly with opposing servers if that is your desire.

Your right me and cuddles extend our apologies for being upset we got banned. We only thought that it was ok to talk to our SOR friends but your right for no reason other than being on BG we should be banned. My bad I thought this was a game but my mistake it’s obviously 3 countries at war and talking to the “enemy” is not ok, you gonna hang the SOR members that invited us? Or you just gonna ban them to?

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


actually all ur proving is that sor like to play together more while ur server likes to be in there own coms and that is on ur servers community

Maybe they need an Indo of their own. If Indo has rallied as many SoR as he has on an underpopulated server, there is no reason why another leader cannot do the same on a FULL server.

Last I checked SoR does not have a monopoly on community building and leadership.

Wow I just showed actual proof that every time you lost to BG you actually had more coordinated people yet you couldn’t kill random pugs following a dorito on their screen… and all you point out is how indo can rally people well… I imagine this is how the kittens felt about Hitler

HB, ND, Thai

BGna being able to spend their timezone defending friendly properties kept you green.
And also why you’re so far behind the skill curve. Had it easy and it shows

I was wondering how long it would take someone to catch on to that portion, props to you for actually coming back with solid reasoning.

My counter is if SOR was #13 overall and bg had such strong oceanic and sea plus a sold na, shouldn’t we be ranked somewhere? Yet on the only website linked to me as proof we are nowhere to be found.

This could mean two things, 1. That website is bullkitten 2. Your reasoning is faulty.
If we outnumber you so hard in oceanic and sea time we would at least be ranked. That is unless your na outnumbers us by so much it balances out.

In either case I can conclude that one of the 2 questions I stated in my previous post is untrue. Meaning either your ranking is untrue or bg being stacked is untrue.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


It’s rank 3 in the US, rank 12 in the world for all TSs. I believe that’s how it reads.

JQ’s TS used to be pretty busy too back in the day.

saying by members of SOR that BG is stacked and if my info is correct this #2 or 3 spot thing is no new development.

You can probably answer your own question. Is there any T1 server besides BG that has had the amount of WVW guilds join them in the past month? MEOW, THAI, WM, BT, RISE, etc. I know am forgetting at least several more. All these guilds transferred specifically for WvW.

In other words I believe the perception BG is stacked is based upon the frequency of WvW guild transfers your server seems to get every week. Also your server status seems to state “Full” 24/7 so kudos to you guys for being able to add as much WvW guild transfers at the rate you do.

Who cares how many people transfer. Any good wvw player knows a person in voice chat is worth at least 5 people not in voice chat. what I mean by this is these people transferring mean nothing if they don’t come in voice chat and if SOR is still the most used ts and according to Indo it is a pure wvw ts( or at least he used that as a reason to ban cuddles) that would mean that you still have more coordinated people in wvw. So the reason for our full status is a stupid thing to base wvw players on considering they could be anything from a pug in wvw to pve players to randoms standing in LA.

In conclusions SOR’s coordinated force has been larger than bg for as long as they have been on that ranking and I don’t want to see anyone deny it until proof is given cause I’m tired of this he said she said bull kitten that seems to be plaguing the forums. I’m giving reasoning for my conclusions let’s see some given back.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


kryyg is a member of jq not sor

and during na prime u can have almost 400 ppl in wvw and we que 4 maps on reset for na. plus we do have pvers on the ts doing dungeons and w/e they do

Well as you can see by my previous post my first question was about proof that they were ranked for most used ts. The reason I asked is because I have seen that remark on multiple occasions by SOR members. So I will take my last comment back and ask this, who should I prove wrong? The people saying bg has always been more stacked than SOR (proof being the ranking for ts use) or the person claiming the rank for ts use (the proof being they have no proof for their own statement)? So you let me know but in either case I’m proving SOR trolls (yes I said trolls, not all of SOR) wrong and I will enjoy that very much

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Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

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Posted by: Killer.4709


It’s rank 3 in the US, rank 12 in the world for all TSs. I believe that’s how it reads.

JQ’s TS used to be pretty busy too back in the day.

ok so answer me this, if SOR is the third most used ts in NA and 12th in the world how can you say BG is stacked? If those are true rankings and according to Indo when defending his bans he claimed it was a 100% wvw ts. This would mean that SOR would have more coordinated wvw players than any other server correct? This would mean that BG and JQ either have a kitten ton of pugs or they have pve players that SOR does not.

Not saying you in particular, but it is a long time saying by members of SOR that BG is stacked and if my info is correct this #2 or 3 spot thing is no new development.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

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Posted by: Killer.4709


the SoR teamspeak is the second most populated teamspeak in North America, its not that hard to find so we do get ddos’d at least once a week usually 5 minutes after reset so it does tend to point to one of our enemy servers doing it

I’m actually curious where this information came from. According to who is the SOR ts the second most populated NA ts server?

Idk if this is where they got it from, but google works.

Ya bud I’ve heard of google. Also know that at first look that says rank 12 (saw that when I googled it) and second it doesn’t list even close to all servers. So I’m still curios where this rank came from. Cause this plus the fact that 1 guy hosts both servers and the max is 512 with the bonus of both servers being close to that tells me that not only is someone bullkittenting you saying its #2 in the US but that the DDOS you all are claiming is really just some guy failing at hosting a ts server considering most are done by companies with actual servers not some dude with a spare computer.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

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Posted by: Killer.4709


the SoR teamspeak is the second most populated teamspeak in North America, its not that hard to find so we do get ddos’d at least once a week usually 5 minutes after reset so it does tend to point to one of our enemy servers doing it

I’m actually curious where this information came from. According to who is the SOR ts the second most populated NA ts server?

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


I’m fairly sure it wasn’t a member of Choo that banned you Raiden, I was actually looking forward to the Karaoke :< Not even sure how you got banned if you weren’t on the teamspeak when it happened O.o

All it takes if for someone to go in the ts, click tools, and click ban list and you should be able to see who did it. Please let me know and ask what I did that made them so upset they banned me because I’m starting to get curious.

i was looking forward to it too

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


There have already been occasions when people on rival servers were given the info and came in for friendly chats….. and then turned up unannounced in other channels with groups that were actually in wvw. So whilst I sympathize with your friendly intentions, I do not blame officers for being a little ban happy.

You see not only were my intentions good, but I also didn’t do anything wrong, and I wasn’t even in the ts when I got banned. So basically what I’m hearing is I was banned because I’m a member of blackgate and nothing more.

Stop your whining, if you like SoR that much go join them, but no one cares already. Spend more time fighting SoR less time trying to be their friends and kiss up to them.

Ya what server are you from? I command for hours just about every day, I apologize if I’m not meeting your standards of a good member of my community.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


There have already been occasions when people on rival servers were given the info and came in for friendly chats….. and then turned up unannounced in other channels with groups that were actually in wvw. So whilst I sympathize with your friendly intentions, I do not blame officers for being a little ban happy.


On a serious note, we should still go ahead with silly karaoke. Just need somewhere to host it I suppose…

and then you can all hear Raiden’s singing… and be in awe of it!

Ya I’m going to pass on that. The plan was to promote some server friendliness because this is likely the last match all three of these servers will be in together. But it was met is hostility and to top it off rather than just looking at the ban list seeing who banned me and asking them why there are people here blindly defending the ban. But like I have explained I did nothing wrong based on the rules they have said in posts on this thread. All I did was be a member of blackgate.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


There have already been occasions when people on rival servers were given the info and came in for friendly chats….. and then turned up unannounced in other channels with groups that were actually in wvw. So whilst I sympathize with your friendly intentions, I do not blame officers for being a little ban happy.

You see not only were my intentions good, but I also didn’t do anything wrong, and I wasn’t even in the ts when I got banned. So basically what I’m hearing is I was banned because I’m a member of blackgate and nothing more.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


So hold the karaoke on your own server or guilds ts.

I don’t think you understand where the problem lies. I was going to plan it out by going in the SOR ts, not saying to host it there. But before I could plan it I was banned just for mentioning I had the info. Now yes I could still plan it with SOR but I don’t exactly feel motivated when the second I said I had the info I was banned simply for being a member of the blackgate server

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


Well Killer, It so happens I do, been married to one for 7 years lol. But who on SoR is it you wish to talk to on ts? Any of the channel officers can unban. They’re the people with blue doritos, those aren’t game commanders (well, sometimes). Most any GM has the power to do so. But this should really be done by a reference… Some of our finest forum trolls might even assist once they see this.

You just got quickdraw banned.

Well the idea was to come on with cuddles and talk to the Choo people I met in LA to plan out a karaoke night. Considering they banned me after I have a feeling they weren’t really interested in my proposition. As for specific references I think I’m going to politely pass on that portion of the questioning. Considering I was immediately banned just for having the info I’m not willing to give out the names of the people who gave it to me. Now I realize this could be interpreted poorly and based on recent experiences I could say will probably be interpreted poorly, I’m not too worried about it as I’m already banned.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


lol well I was told only a select few could unban people. Any chance you know anyone with the power to do it?

Might be difficult, you likely will need to register on either the SoR or the JQ community site, and contact the teamspeak guy directly there.

However forum registration (at least in JQ site) requires you to have a character in the JQ server so that you can be verified. Or you can try asking in the public forums section of the sites.

Ya that’s way to much trouble. Can’t wait to fight TC always have fun chilling with those guys been in their ts too.

Btw banning someone literally for just being on another server and nothing else… kinda sounds like online racism to me? Not allowed to enter your ts because I’m from a different background…

Also no I’m not trolling I’m actually a bit upset here. I literally did nothing to any of you, hangout in there one day and was banned the next. Never stepped into any of your wvw channels didn’t do anything to any of you and yet just because I’m from blackgate it means I’m a spy and banned.

Very classy

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

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Posted by: Killer.4709


Yea, Epi does a fine job running the ts3 server. I hope he’s finding the business as beneficial as his clients have
I don’t know how things are on JQts nowadays, but the channel officers are quick draws with the banhammer. Especially with unverifieds and visitors. AND beyond that, even a well intentioned opponent won’t be welcome in combat channels. Guild rooms by invite.

I’ve seen Mrs. Thais, TW’s own, give a third-rope flying elbow without so much as a peep.

I think you misunderstand me. I was joking about listening to indo lol. I have only been in your combat channel 1 time and it was months ago when I was invited in by a friend of mine in choo and I made sure to not be in wvw while listening to them.

Since then I have never been in any of your combat channels. I was not even on the ts when I got banned. I told them about the karaoke and that I would stop in later and when I tried to stop in that night I was banned.

In 1 click SOR has insulted my intelligence, integrity, and my singing voice

It was more a psa, an explanation of guest rules. We’ve had a few daylight visitors from BG lately.. One even popped into TW’s guild channel during a ninja operation! You must understand such things are a bit out of bounds..

But heck, two birds with one stone? I’ll take it

Oh I completely understand the need for it in certain situations. All I’m saying is I don’t appreciate that just because I have the info means I’m a spy and must be banned.

Unlike some people on all our servers I don’t hate my opponents. While I do have a healthy hate for them on the battle field I don’t carry that over to other aspects of my play. This allows me to have friends on many servers and certain peoples over reaction to the fact that I know the info has hurt my ability to enjoy my play time.

Not saying it’s wrong of you to ban spies. Just saying the over reaction is not appreciated and the allegations are somewhat insulting.

Plus now who do I sing to…

Aww you can get unbanned bud! When I was single I did a mean “Lion Sleeps Tonight”
The thing is the FREQUENCY of issues we’ve had. It’s routine to have general trolls as well as actual nefarious types to punt. So the banhammer crew works quick, all action.
When you’ve got 40 people in a channel things can get messy in a hurry. And, there are non-combat channels for general yak. Pretty much anyone can pop into them, ’cept SF.. Gotta have standards.

lol well I was told only a select few could unban people. Any chance you know anyone with the power to do it?

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Yea, Epi does a fine job running the ts3 server. I hope he’s finding the business as beneficial as his clients have
I don’t know how things are on JQts nowadays, but the channel officers are quick draws with the banhammer. Especially with unverifieds and visitors. AND beyond that, even a well intentioned opponent won’t be welcome in combat channels. Guild rooms by invite.

I’ve seen Mrs. Thais, TW’s own, give a third-rope flying elbow without so much as a peep.

I think you misunderstand me. I was joking about listening to indo lol. I have only been in your combat channel 1 time and it was months ago when I was invited in by a friend of mine in choo and I made sure to not be in wvw while listening to them.

Since then I have never been in any of your combat channels. I was not even on the ts when I got banned. I told them about the karaoke and that I would stop in later and when I tried to stop in that night I was banned.

In 1 click SOR has insulted my intelligence, integrity, and my singing voice

It was more a psa, an explanation of guest rules. We’ve had a few daylight visitors from BG lately.. One even popped into TW’s guild channel during a ninja operation! You must understand such things are a bit out of bounds..

But heck, two birds with one stone? I’ll take it

Oh I completely understand the need for it in certain situations. All I’m saying is I don’t appreciate that just because I have the info means I’m a spy and must be banned.

Unlike some people on all our servers I don’t hate my opponents. While I do have a healthy hate for them on the battle field I don’t carry that over to other aspects of my play. This allows me to have friends on many servers and certain peoples over reaction to the fact that I know the info has hurt my ability to enjoy my play time.

Not saying it’s wrong of you to ban spies. Just saying the over reaction is not appreciated and the allegations are somewhat insulting.

Plus now who do I sing to…

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Yea, Epi does a fine job running the ts3 server. I hope he’s finding the business as beneficial as his clients have
I don’t know how things are on JQts nowadays, but the channel officers are quick draws with the banhammer. Especially with unverifieds and visitors. AND beyond that, even a well intentioned opponent won’t be welcome in combat channels. Guild rooms by invite.

I’ve seen Mrs. Thais, TW’s own, give a third-rope flying elbow without so much as a peep.

I think you misunderstand me. I was joking about listening to indo lol. I have only been in your combat channel 1 time and it was months ago when I was invited in by a friend of mine in choo and I made sure to not be in wvw while listening to them.

Since then I have never been in any of your combat channels. I was not even on the ts when I got banned. I told them about the karaoke and that I would stop in later and when I tried to stop in that night I was banned.

In 1 click SOR has insulted my intelligence, integrity, and my singing voice

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


:( SoR getting 1v2’d (again). Ouch..

oh look its IRON hitting our tower on jq bl… while we outmanned… while jq hitting bay… nice pvdoor IRON

enjoy the payback SOR mwahahaha

No need to get all kitteny o_o we’re getting 2v1’d in EB and SoR BL and JQ arent making any moves in BG bl. Well, its another huge challenge for us i suppose.

not like thats happened to any other servers before… how many hours did jq hold sor hills last week? what was it like 6… maybe. :P

this keeps up it should be an interesting last week fighting you all… i miss you all already :’(

except choo.. those jerks banned me

Avatar Raiden
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(edited by Killer.4709)

Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


:( SoR getting 1v2’d (again). Ouch..

oh look its IRON hitting our tower on jq bl… while we outmanned… while jq hitting bay… nice pvdoor IRON

enjoy the payback SOR mwahahaha


Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


So I hangout with some choo in LA before reset. We talk about doing an inter-server karaoke night. Everyone seems like they enjoy the idea, so I tell them I will stop by the SOR ts later. Surprised I have the info I tell them about my plans to destroy them by using the info given out in indo’s sermon every Sunday.

To my surprise im now banned from the SOR ts… is my singing really that bad SOR

But in all seriousness, trying to promote friendship between servers here, personally have some friends on SOR. I have personally turned down people spying for me and I don’t appreciate the accusation.

Sometimes I like going into the ts and listening to indo, is that such a crime

Guess it will just be us and JQ… that’s right have their info as well.

We at Choo love BG so much that we transferred!

I am not sure what happened with the TS thing!

In all honesty, we had a blast dancing with BG before reset. I would like to suggest that all the servers dance the night away together every reset!

Oh hey it’s me welcoming you to BG! I take that welcome back :l

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Interesting banned from JQ ts as well. Really guys…

If I was gonna spy why would I name myself my in game name and tell you all I had the info…

You all realize I still have the info. If I really wanted to spy I could just send another person in…

Or just bypass your ban, not that hard…

Some of you need to think a bit here, the chances of us all fighting each other after this week is extremely low. Just wanted to set up a night where we could all chill and have some fun…

Actually, and I’m not 100% sure on this, but I think SoR and JQ TS are run by the same person and share bans, so banned from one is a ban from the other.

I could be wrong though.

I try to plan karaoke and get banned but the same guy can run both your teamspeaks.


Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Interesting banned from JQ ts as well. Really guys…

If I was gonna spy why would I name myself my in game name and tell you all I had the info…

You all realize I still have the info. If I really wanted to spy I could just send another person in…

Or just bypass your ban, not that hard…

Some of you need to think a bit here, the chances of us all fighting each other after this week is extremely low. Just wanted to set up a night where we could all chill and have some fun…

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/JQ/BG 05/24/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


So I hangout with some choo in LA before reset. We talk about doing an inter-server karaoke night. Everyone seems like they enjoy the idea, so I tell them I will stop by the SOR ts later. Surprised I have the info I tell them about my plans to destroy them by using the info given out in indo’s sermon every Sunday.

To my surprise im now banned from the SOR ts… is my singing really that bad SOR

But in all seriousness, trying to promote friendship between servers here, personally have some friends on SOR. I have personally turned down people spying for me and I don’t appreciate the accusation.

Sometimes I like going into the ts and listening to indo, is that such a crime

Guess it will just be us and JQ… that’s right have their info as well.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Score update.

All your PPT are belonging to us (JQ garrison too).

Grats on fighting doors.

It’s a shame really, BG/JQ are NA servers with NA guilds but yet they force us to PvDoor. Sounds like a server with a lot of heart!

No one forced you to pvdoor.

I find it hilarious that people willingly choose to fight doors/guards and then turn around and complain about fighting doors. Or how 120man EU guilds move to NA brackets that have very little dedicated EU playerbase then complain about not getting good fights.

Pretty fed up with the Wahgate whining. Over the past 3-4 weeks, you’ve hoovered up 4-5 (six?) new guilds, and after a single loss you’re bottom feeding for more from other servers. SoR has recruited exactly one guild in the same time span. Oh but I forget, it’s IRON with their 2,750 members.

I may not like JQ but I respect them. Blackgate? For the most part, I now respect my toenail clippings more.

I have alot of resepct for SOR but you all had never come in first till IRON came so its stupid to pretend it had nothing to do with your win. That being said there is nothing wrong with that, we all get transfers so lets just accept it and move on.

Most people on SoR have said that IRON did make an impact in our win/wins.

I know unlike many other posters I know that the trolls don’t speak for the whole server.

Avatar Raiden
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Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


BG doesn’t know how to endure, JQ is still a solid contender though. My apologies to BG, it seems a lot of your guilds stop showing up, but how you gain guild is not how one makes a strong community. Whilst you guys say you have one, from everyone I talk to on BG your guilds seem very segregated and do their own things for the most part. We’ve never had that issue on SoR for…ages now. Yes we gained guilds, at a slow pace, but we never begged nobody to come, they came on their own accords because they enjoy how we are as a server. We don’t point fingers, even when we were losing we still came out strong everyday during our primetimes. You guys, just decided to disappear completely. I don’t know if its playing dead or not but somethings not right. You guys have the people/guilds to still be contenders in T1 yet you chose to sit and moan instead of going out and playing. SoR has been the underdog until these last few weeks. All we’ve gained is an EU guild that chose to come to us over the other two servers and a decent morale booster. Its up to you guys to motivate your guys to come out, complaining really gets you nothing. Now get out there and kittening play the game.

BG knows how to endure, it has been kicked out of tier 1 twice and twice it has come back to the top tier. It has even managed to become 3 time champions of tier 1. The only other server to be kicked out of tier 1 and has managed to make it back was Stormbluff Isle. All the other servers, Henge of Denravi, Eredon Terrace, Isle of Janthir and Sea of Sorrows have freefalled down the tiers, without ever coming back to tier 1.

Jade Quarry has never experienced what it’s like to be kicked out of tier 1, and neither has Sanctum of Rall. You should respect the resilience and resolve that Blackgate has shown, and will continue to show.

ummm let me dig this up from way way way back brb….

The farthest I can go back is right when HoD collapsed. But back during the days when HoD was a power house I remember us being kicked out of tier 1 for only 1 week. ET took our place that week and we moved down to fight in tier 2 against CD and DB.

Im sure any of the older JQ members (even you TW guys) might remember that week as we crushed them after about 5 hours of fighting.

So yea JQ has been though the whole falling out of tier 1 thing, We pulled though it though and honestly with the way they are talking about reseting how match ups work it does not matter at this point.

JQ still has the most tier 1 one week battle wins in NA. Second in the world.

Also we have been in tier 1 the longest out of any single server.

SoR has the staying power that JQ has now as long as they can keep a tight knit community like JQ has had since release. Looks like we might become the next sor <3 JQ after sadly the JQ <3 SBI died with sbi ;_;

BG sadly tends to go super hard pushing for like 3-4 days then burns themself out. I have yet to see much of BG out in force since the one week they really pushed after getting WM.

Its not just about having strong WvW guilds, its about having a strong WvW community. Every single person matters in WvW down to the yak walking/siege refresher/scout up to the voice coms commanders. I think this is where a lot of servers go wrong is where they like to think the WvW guilds will just carry them, when in the end they end up burning themselves out.

dont worry bg has that community as well. we wont be going anywhere

p.s. to the SOR guy saying that bg would fall if they lost 10 weeks in a row, just wanna say I remember some sor transferring after that and how you only made it to t1 cause sbi fell and you farmed their rating just enough to pass us while we were in t1… so :P

i can quote the past too

We’re past this trolling now.

/ me resists the urge to respond

unknown command is what anet replys to that



Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


None of the above servers got revitalized by transfers like BG hass.

The above servers have not been revitalized by transfers because a very large portion of the guilds have left these servers, making it impossible for them to recover.

It hasn’t happened to Blackgate because the guilds on here stay on the server when it goes down, and keep fighting for Blackgate to go back up again. It’s because of the willingness of Blackgate guilds to fight on and not give up that it receives new transfers.

Remember guys

SoR = Best community no server has a community in general, SoR has never received transfers all original guilds. SoR is the best!

Don’t argue with him Cirus.

People say we have the best community because we stick together, not based on forum talk.

u mean SOR says SOR has the best community :P

We all have good communities and all of our communities are different. I know quite a few that would never leave bg no matter what and I’m sure SOR has guilds like that to. This is what makes WvW such a special game type, it really does build a community like no other

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
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Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


BG doesn’t know how to endure, JQ is still a solid contender though. My apologies to BG, it seems a lot of your guilds stop showing up, but how you gain guild is not how one makes a strong community. Whilst you guys say you have one, from everyone I talk to on BG your guilds seem very segregated and do their own things for the most part. We’ve never had that issue on SoR for…ages now. Yes we gained guilds, at a slow pace, but we never begged nobody to come, they came on their own accords because they enjoy how we are as a server. We don’t point fingers, even when we were losing we still came out strong everyday during our primetimes. You guys, just decided to disappear completely. I don’t know if its playing dead or not but somethings not right. You guys have the people/guilds to still be contenders in T1 yet you chose to sit and moan instead of going out and playing. SoR has been the underdog until these last few weeks. All we’ve gained is an EU guild that chose to come to us over the other two servers and a decent morale booster. Its up to you guys to motivate your guys to come out, complaining really gets you nothing. Now get out there and kittening play the game.

BG knows how to endure, it has been kicked out of tier 1 twice and twice it has come back to the top tier. It has even managed to become 3 time champions of tier 1. The only other server to be kicked out of tier 1 and has managed to make it back was Stormbluff Isle. All the other servers, Henge of Denravi, Eredon Terrace, Isle of Janthir and Sea of Sorrows have freefalled down the tiers, without ever coming back to tier 1.

Jade Quarry has never experienced what it’s like to be kicked out of tier 1, and neither has Sanctum of Rall. You should respect the resilience and resolve that Blackgate has shown, and will continue to show.

ummm let me dig this up from way way way back brb….

The farthest I can go back is right when HoD collapsed. But back during the days when HoD was a power house I remember us being kicked out of tier 1 for only 1 week. ET took our place that week and we moved down to fight in tier 2 against CD and DB.

Im sure any of the older JQ members (even you TW guys) might remember that week as we crushed them after about 5 hours of fighting.

So yea JQ has been though the whole falling out of tier 1 thing, We pulled though it though and honestly with the way they are talking about reseting how match ups work it does not matter at this point.

JQ still has the most tier 1 one week battle wins in NA. Second in the world.

Also we have been in tier 1 the longest out of any single server.

SoR has the staying power that JQ has now as long as they can keep a tight knit community like JQ has had since release. Looks like we might become the next sor <3 JQ after sadly the JQ <3 SBI died with sbi ;_;

BG sadly tends to go super hard pushing for like 3-4 days then burns themself out. I have yet to see much of BG out in force since the one week they really pushed after getting WM.

Its not just about having strong WvW guilds, its about having a strong WvW community. Every single person matters in WvW down to the yak walking/siege refresher/scout up to the voice coms commanders. I think this is where a lot of servers go wrong is where they like to think the WvW guilds will just carry them, when in the end they end up burning themselves out.

dont worry bg has that community as well. we wont be going anywhere

p.s. to the SOR guy saying that bg would fall if they lost 10 weeks in a row, just wanna say I remember some sor transferring after that and how you only made it to t1 cause sbi fell and you farmed their rating just enough to pass us while we were in t1… so :P

i can quote the past too

Avatar Raiden
lvl 80 Ele
KnT Commander

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Killer.4709


Score update.

All your PPT are belonging to us (JQ garrison too).

Grats on fighting doors.

It’s a shame really, BG/JQ are NA servers with NA guilds but yet they force us to PvDoor. Sounds like a server with a lot of heart!

No one forced you to pvdoor.

I find it hilarious that people willingly choose to fight doors/guards and then turn around and complain about fighting doors. Or how 120man EU guilds move to NA brackets that have very little dedicated EU playerbase then complain about not getting good fights.

Pretty fed up with the Wahgate whining. Over the past 3-4 weeks, you’ve hoovered up 4-5 (six?) new guilds, and after a single loss you’re bottom feeding for more from other servers. SoR has recruited exactly one guild in the same time span. Oh but I forget, it’s IRON with their 2,750 members.

I may not like JQ but I respect them. Blackgate? For the most part, I now respect my toenail clippings more.

I have alot of resepct for SOR but you all had never come in first till IRON came so its stupid to pretend it had nothing to do with your win. That being said there is nothing wrong with that, we all get transfers so lets just accept it and move on.

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lvl 80 Ele
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