Showing Posts For Kodama.9417:
Try unplugging the cable line unplug the modem then reboot your computer. Then plug it back it and see if this issue persists.. If it does, call your internet provider and let them know that you are having an issue with your internet dropping your connection. They will make you go through the same steps, that you have already done. But they should test your signal and hopefully resend it if needed. Are you wireless or hardwired?
Yeah I hope it gets fixed soon. I loved the story-line quests. It really pulled you into the game. Now I just tend to run around and jump in events. I mean they are fun and all, but honestly I was just bored waiting for the story line to be fixed, and needed something to do.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kodama.9417
I have been playing a lot of MMOs, but Blizzard enraptured me. Once I had a problem with my WOW account, and a friend of mine advised me to call them (first surprise). Call Blizzard support? What-what? But I tried. They have a 8-800 number. After choosing the language and waiting for a minute or two, an operator answered (that was pretty quick – second surpirse!). In a couple minutes more the problem was solved (third surprise).
That was The Best service I have ever seen. That was really awesome and easy. Anet, honestly wish you reach that heights some day.Btw, you have piece of code (‘*/ ?>’) shown on the page, just below the words ‘See all product, category, and answer notifications’. Chrome.
Yeah you are right there. They may had have issues every once in awhile. But I never minded calling in when I needed to. The staff was fast and friendly and did their best to assist you. You could tell that they were gamers.
Yep not showing for me either. Good catch.
I would try contacting support from within the game.
Yeah I have been loosing targets today. I will start firing my bow with my Ranger. And it drops off and I have to re-tab every so often to regain my target. Dosen’t matter how near or far I am either.
The bots are crazy in this game. I can’t seem to go anywhere without running into one. It was funny though. Some poor player was getting mauled by like 8 bandits. I stopped by to clear them all out. And he thought I was a bot. I told him if I was I would be using a bear and not the jaguar. :P
You can find the winners here.
Geez why does everyone sound like spoiled little brats. Life is not fair you are not going to be able to make every event. I was fortunate for the Halloween event. this one I work everyday and it does not bug me cause this is what makes the game great are events like this but I don’t expect that I can do them all. And stop speculating the future you have no idea how the next event will go down after this one. crying about the one after Lost Shore is a waste of your time and energy when we don’t know how it is going to be. for all we know they will stop these events because of everyone crying that they cant make it how. “how unfair” cry cry cry.
Stop and be glad that they do stuff like this. You will miss some and make it to some events, that’s if they continue to do this type of cool stuff. If we are not appreciative I bet they go away someday in the future.
Anyone who works Sunday will never be able to attend these events. Because that is when most people are on. And that is when they will run the events. So we would be thankful for one time events that we never get to attend?
I honestly don’t think anyone is acting like a spoiled little brat, if they just want the opportunity to enjoy the same content as the rest of the players. I think with the Halloween one the issue was those without power. That was an outside issue, which could not be helped. However when they plan these events, and it does exclude those players who can’t play in such a short period of time. It is within their control to adjust it, so everyone can enjoy the festivities.
Sounds like you will want to upgrade your video card driver. And possibly replace it, if need be.
Yeah I don’t like them. They run them when the most people are on. Does that mean that they are running them when the majority of people do not work during these times.
Does that mean that they are excluding those who have the ability to pay for items during such events?
If it is some video sequence I miss out on, I could care less. But to miss actual quests, is bad form.
I think they should really re-think the logic behind these timed specific events. I manage to do all of the Halloween one, because I was given the time. So that I could play around my work schedule.
It is kind of annoying when you are doing a jumping puzzle. But then again it is nice that they come out if you take damage. If you end up in a mob your pet will be right there so you can quickly get a hold of the situation.
While it can be annoying on jumping puzzles when you fall. I wouldn’t want to lose the benefit of having my pet out as soon as I take damage.
It must have been some glitch, it worked fine today when logging in.
I have got 4 or 5 so far today.
Since the update my pet will not auto attack when I attack a target. I have to hit the button every time to get him to attack. And often he will come back before the target is dead.
It is hard to decide which bow to work towards. Anyone have any thoughts on which would be better?
Same problem dude!! so annoying i did the quest about 4 times thinking i did something wrong -.-. ugg what a waste of time i could have just been doing something else -.-
Yeah and the money wasted on traveling back and fourth and repairs. :/ If I had known, I would not have selected that path. Let alone waist all that money.
I managed to get in all of the Halloween stuff except the Clock Tower, and that just wasn’t going to happen. But I work on the weekends, so I will only be able to play for an hour till I get off. :/
For some reason when in-game, I can not send private message to other players. I type the message and send it. And it just erases what I have sent.
It always triggers when the Warmaster becomes active. I have tried to avoid causing him to become active, but no luck.
Has anyone found a way around this bug? I now see that it is a known issue. Wish they would have disabled the selection in the game. So further issues could have been avoided. But I am almost a level 60 now, and have had this issue for quite some time. I have spent a lot of money to travel back and fourth from there, thinking I was doing something wrong.
Yeah I have been stuck on this for awhile now and I am almost to level 60. It is a shame, I really was enjoying the story line. Not sure why they can’t just at least put together a temp fix for those who are stuck on it. I mean they were quick to fix any Halloween bugs, like the never ending spawns from the doors. Im not sure why this would be any harder to fix?
I am at 25% world completion. But I have only been playing for a few weeks now.
Report the bug in-game. it seems pretty wide-spread so I’m sure Anet will fix it soon enough.
Fix already went out. If you log in and its corrected then you were entitled to the completion. However if you didn’t complete all of the necessary steps, then it will not.
Yeah I spent more because I assumed that they wanted us to have the themed items. Generally in an MMO holiday event. There are ultra rare items. But then there are also items that they want you to work towards and obtain.
Out of everything, I only ended up with 4 low end recipes. And between bag space and what the cash store had to offer, I spent quite a bit hoping to get something of decent value to myself. The free horns were a nice last minute idea.
The Mad King with Phantom Hood, was an awesome combo. I get why you can’t wear it in battle. But honestly I would have rather paid for the Mad King’s armor, that you can actually wear in battle. I was new and that was my mistake.
(edited by Kodama.9417)
It includes completing other tasks, not just earning the achievements below. Were you able to complete all of the tasks required for that achievement?
Not nearly as much as I have spent.
Yikes, glad I decided to do it on my mesmer right after work today.
I got the second book. I was bored and wanted to see if I could turn it in again. So now I have all of the pages from the first book. But it wouldn’t let me as I have already turned it in once.
You would most likely just have to wait till next year as it stands. If that was the case then those who would have needed just one more page would want special adjustments. I wonder if you will be able to just use the pages you already have, towards next years event? It would save you some time not having to re-collect the pages you already have for next year.
Haha yeah I was up in there as well. We just did a mad rush and took out what we could.
He just likes to play with you while your being attacked. He eventually gets bored, and opts just to try and continue killing you anyways.
It would be cool if they slowly ad people rebuild it. Then had a celebration event once it was complete. Nothing huge though.
On part two on the last page all of the guards can pretty much one shot you, at low levels. Unless they have already been cleared out by other groups.
Lvl 40, I got all of them with a lot of running and avoiding fights. :P Though on the last page after my 4th attempt to sneak past the guards. A group of people came in, so I ran with them. Worked out great for all of us. As I had looked up the location “the torch” and they did not know where it was.
Thanks Chrollo.
How do you get the flaming book? I got the plain one.
The headless horsemen wasn’t really a challenge. Though it was fun to jump in real quick and take him out. I do like the challenge the Mad King provided. And the treasure at the bottom is always nice.
SOB I got in a group and we were rocking it. And the server just went down on us…
Yeah I did get one party but it split. Only 2 of us made it in.
I wish it would level you up. Makes it hard to find a group. I solo’d all of the ads earlier when I first got in. So I can contribute. But my level is weighing me down trying to find a group.
Yeah I am fighting him solo, I hope my gear dosent break before i even get to him.
I will definitely be taking my lunch early.
Yeah I won’t attempt it. I already tried my luck at the one over the cauldron. But after a few trys all of that spinning is killing me “motion sick”. But it looks really cool.
Yeah but you got the achievement for that. :P
I really wished I would have saved my candy from the bow I bought. I hadn’t realized it expired. Quite odd how that was set up.
I have 1g and some odd silver. But I just started a few weeks ago. And I never sale my items, always break them down for mats.
Awesome, thanks Dulfy!
Oh you mean the portal ones, that you can trick or treat at? You should just be able to go up and hit “F” to interact with it. You can only Trick-or-Treat once per spawn.
Normally it’s because someone else has opened it first. If you get to the door before anyone else, (and knock on the front), it should work.
I stood in front of one door in Gendarran Hills for 10 minutes waiting for it to disappear. Is it supposed to take that long?
You have to get the two boulders on your way in. Don’t go to the door but through the passage close by. And there you will find two pressure plates that you need to put a boulder on each to open the door. Watch out for all of the spiders.