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Anyone having problems downloading the new patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krono.2918



50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Krono.2918


The interesting part, if you watch when he scrolls up in the combat log, bladetrail only hit him for 999 damage and he dodged the return on the blade so…

The warrior was running superior sigil of air, as you can see Lightning Strike hit him harder than bladetrail.

What’s up with this vid?

Legendary Precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918



Not to rain on your parade man, but you may need 2 precursors to dual wield them…but those of us that use greatswords need the two most expensive precursors to wield a single Eternity!



in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918


I would love to see fishing added.

Would you prefer it to be a mini-game or a gathering profession?

Beginner questions..

in Warrior

Posted by: Krono.2918


The signets are definitely great for a solo/leveling build, but mostly because of the passive power it gives you at lower levels.

Simply placing 10 points into the Arms trait tree will give you access to Deep Strikes, a trait that causes all Signets that are off CD, i.e. you don’t use them for their activated benefits, to give you +40 precision per signet.

So with a full signet build, you’d gain 200 precision from unused signets, + the extra precision from one of the signets themselves. You also gain passive power bonuses and stamina regen, adrenaline regen, health regen, or reduced damage taken.

This is one of the biggest reasons people play Signet builds, but it’s also a very lazy build. Most people reach 80 and don’t know how to build their character any other way. Therefore when you get into a dungeon, some people will make comments about your signets, so definitely mix some stuff up and try different things.

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918


Ah, c’mon! No one else wants to see new weapons in the game?

Let’s hear some other ideas!

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918


I don’t think it’d be all that difficult to make something up with ingenious Asura weapon-masters on the job!

A handheld catapult! A buckshot slingshot! A boomerang?

Just a quick question to the Devs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918


Will we be seeing more variety in weapons, i.e. new weapon types?

I know I cannot speak for the overall populace of GW2, but I’m certain plenty of players would love a little more variety. I feel that adding new weapons would bring about some variety more people would appreciate.

My personal desire would be scythes, preferably 1-handed scythes that certain classes, e.g. thieves and warriors, could dual wield. Also, 2-handed scythes that function as a melee weapon, not as a staff.

Most weapon sets in the game seem to have a predetermined design to them. For example, when playing a warrior, the 1H swords cause bleeds, the 1H maces cause stuns, and the 1H axes are focused around critical strikes.

I would like to see scythes possibly mix bleeding damage, cripples, and critical damage into one set. Any feedback from the player-base on what they feel a scythe class should offer players is a plus. I look forward to everyone’s input.

I just hope that if in the future they do get added to the weapon rack, that they’re designed appropriately. Scythes should never function as a staff as that is a waste of a perfectly good, razor sharp edge. And that edge should be designed to be long, sharp, and menacing, much like the Reaper’s scythe itself.

Anyone feel like adding to this?

Hints achievement broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krono.2918


The achievement located under the Hero subsection of the achievement window listed as Hints appears to be broken.

I decided out of boredom to do all of the missing hints, mostly profession related, my final one being a purchase from the gemstore. The tracker never moved after 80/82. I have completed EVERY hint listed under the hints window, unless there are 2 mystery hints not listed in the window, I have 100% completion on hints.

Full check marks all down the list, yet no achievement was awarded.

Also, the Lifetime Survivor achievement is ALSO bugged.

A quick fix would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.


Buying your own piece of Tyria

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krono.2918


It would be incredibly awesome to have a personal housing sim added.

Even more interesting if you could earn a small income on a set interval with the farming idea. (Harvest Moon was a great game, don’t deny it!)

Maybe a small pen for your miniature collection to be present while not following you around?

Or even the introduction of personal trophies, rewarded from story events, rare events (holidays and whatnot), or other larger scale events that take a great amount of effort to succeed. Similar to a fireplace mantle with the mounted head of a wild buck, just an example.

I won’t say I dislike the current concept of reaching level cap, finishing storyline, and spending some time getting your gear to look the way YOU want it to, but it feels lacking as far as a sense of accomplishment goes.

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krono.2918


Our heal needs to heal for more – it’s really our only safety skill apart from the immunity which i found out it can be simply removed by a mesmer…..

sees mesmer

pops bullcharge+signet or rage+frenzy

mesmer dissapears

3 clones appear

clones blow up i take 6k dmg

*3 more clones appear *

*mesmer pops out of stealth *

i go swing at mesmer, i hit him once for 2k

*mesmer blows all cds to unload on me *

i use 5 sec invuln

i die 2 seconds in

mesmer removed my invul


Yeah, I’d like our heals to heal for more as well. Doesn’t seem right to need to build up alot of adrenaline to heal for half our health, when every other class can do so on a much simpler basis. Especially since we’re constantly dumping adrenaline into “burst” abilities to try and bring the opposing team down.

Healing and damage, should NOT rely on the same resource, just my honest opinion.

Would also like shorter CDs on several abilities. 40 seconds base on gap closers like Bull’s Charge seems too long. Need to be able to close that gap on ranged to make melee weaponry viable.

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krono.2918


There seem to be far too many bugs with the Warrior.

You can throw a massive greatsword over your head and behind you at your enemy, and connect, but a much smaller Bola won’t effectively launch behind you and snare your enemy?

All combo: leap skills (aka gap closers) seem to have this idea that I want to attack that tiny pebble on the ground, and therefore I won’t connect with my targeted enemy…

Fast Hands…just fix it already, please.

I love the sPvP idea, everyone has equal gear and no one should have the upperhand…but Warriors just seem to be outmatched by most other classes.

You can play as hard as you want, and they use far less effort to take you down and don’t need to catch their breath afterwards.

Why doesn’t endure pain prevent application of all condition effects while active? It only lasts 5 seconds, surely that sounds fair.

Are there any systems in place for DR on necro fear spam or any limitations on how many phantoms a mesmer can spawn, these two classes are absurd with their abilities.

If warrior is the master of weapons, why do I feel like I’m swinging a wet noodle at every necro, ranger, mesmer, and guardian I encounter? Are they spamming Aegis and every possible defensive boon without CD the entire time I’m fighting them?

What am I doing wrong here? =(

(On a more serious note, is there ANY changes being discussed amongst DEVs for the WARRIOR class?)

18.7k Kill Shot - At what cost?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krono.2918


Kill Shot isn’t some crazy god-mode skill.

It’s power depends strictly on how much adrenaline you have built up, and more importantly IF it connects.

I don’t know about you, but in sPvP and WvW, I find my shots being “obstructed” more often than not.

If I could pick up Crack Shot and mash Kill Shot all day, I probably would, but it isn’t beneficial.

10s CD, and it requires significant adrenaline level to do high damage, not to mention a solid rifle and burst damage gear.

Also has a rather long cast time, giving the opponent ample time to take cover behind a shield, rock, invisible wall, etc.