Unlike most people that played it, I actually remember UO and how everyday life in that game was. I remember standing in fire walls while BSing with my guild for like hours on end to raise magic resist. I remember grinding daemons with blade spirit for months to raise magery and hopefully get enough gold to buy a house.
Believe it or not, but UO was as much of a “donkey” game as GW2 is. MMORPGs are predicated on progression, and giving players something to work towards. If you don’t like that, then it may not be the genre for you.
Comparing UO to GW2? Lol. You could do whatever you wanted in UO and that game was as non linear as any game has ever been. Crafted gear in most cases was > artys and there were no level 80 areas as opposed to level 50 areas. Everywhere was dangerous. Random stat drops was/is an uber idea. UO was the greatest game ever. GW2 is just another been there done that game.
Who cares anymore? I just want my money back. Games folding faster than Superman on wash day.
Just curious as to where every1 is?
Azeroth. The gear grind is much better there.
Playing a female panda monk name Babygotback myself. If you gotta grind might as well play the cadillac of grind games. It was never about the money giving GW2 a shot it was that I liked their mission statement. With that gone there’s really not much to make me prefer GW2 over WoW. GW2 as a WoW clone makes it a second rate game.
All I know is I’m pretty heartbroken, and haven’t logged into GW2 at all this weekend. Not sure if I ever will again. Time will tell. This sort of feels like a breakup: painful, yet something of a relief. No clue why I’m still lurking on the forums. I guess I had a higher emotional investment in the game than I’d realized.
Maybe this wouldn’t have been such an issue if they hadn’t called it “Guild Wars 2”. Using the Guild Wars name kind of sets some expectations.
Oh well. All good things come to an end eventually. Some sooner, some later.
It’s like in olden days agreeing to work for years to earn the hand of a beautiful woman (whom you love) but when the day comes you are presented with the ugly sister.
At this point might as well give ele’s the ability to create portals to the major cities, necros the ability to summon people, mounts-heck FLYING mounts. They could sell them babys like hotcakes. And if they did what could you say? You don’t like it? It’s too much like that other game? It’s not what they led you to believe when you bought the game? Pandora’s box (pun intended) has been opened.
Yes, because one person in your zerg is the reason you can’t take that keep. Without that +30 power the entire group will fail.
raider saying +30 power isn’t important-THE IRONY-IT BURNS!!!!!
Dead on. They nerfed my engineer in pvp. Because why? We are like a threat or something? Bombs were doing too much damage but backstab and steal are fine? Engineers struggle to get badges as is because our dps is peench compared to other classes. They nerf a thief lesser ability, one not even on the insta gibb list and think thats fine? They did not address TTK whatsoever. WHERES MY FRIGGIN 15k HITTER? I can’t even do 15k with my whole rotation. And what about poor necros? At least I have my turrets and some utility.
My god, the things people say over a few new items. I’ve never seen crying this pathetic ever, over such kittening little things.
Ever pvp’ed in wow sporting greens and blues against a fully decked out icc 25 raider? Or worse yet someone in full latest season gladiator gear? Both were a bodacious grind to acquire. But once you had them you were a nub stomping squirrel squashing machine because you were literally unbeatable by anyone who did not possess your skill (in farming). And yes-250 runs per piece for the new gear (if I understand it correctly=40 gaming hours, at 2 hours a night that’s 3 weeks a piece) is most heinous. And that’s not even counting the time you sit doing nothing while waiting for a group. I have a life. I got stuff to do besides play video games. I guess I will just have to hold onto the hope that someday someone will make the actual game that Anet said they were going to make.
This game has been in a steady decline since the first month after launch. This patch will not kill the game.
infact today has been the busiest ive seen the game since launch. If people really were so against the patch they wouldn’t have even bothered to login. Nor would they be raving about fractals…. it really was a great idea, and they gave something to work towards… which to be frank the game needed, its the reason why people were leaving in the first place ZERO PLAYER PROGRESSION.
So I guess what I am saying is stop complaining, if you don’t like it you don’t have to play. If you just can’t bring yourself to stop playing well then it must not be all that bad.
If the game dies well guess it was a bad choice. Stop trying to read the future.
After your 200th run of the same dungeon come tell me again how much fun you are having.
Our “pvp skill based game” is now a “gear based pve game.” Awesome. Raiders ALWAYS get preferential treatment. But I will tell you this as absolute truth-once the pvp’ers say “kitten this game” and leave the game goes down the tubes. ALL the pvp’ers I know are done with this game. Maybe they decided to cater to the raiders because they are unable to fix RENDERING issues in WvW, who knows, all I know is we are done with this game. I hate the shady used car salesman mentality they used on us to get us to buy this game.
But it’s character progression not grinding! That little tid bit of knowledge makes it all OK. I have decided to start calling my dog a cat. I’ve always wanted a cat.
People are playing a huge game of semantics with ‘casual’ and ‘hardcore’ here, and it all seems to be related to power creep and the new tier of gear. The best comment I’ve seen on the matter was in a PCGamer comment thread and it said, “Umm…I like new gear and content”. I would probably be considered ‘casual by some, and ’hardcore’ by others, depending on the many definitions, labels, and associations you’ve all made.
Attitudes like this though, just make me angry:
I believe players should depend more on skill and less on arbitrary stat advantages. Content should be designed to challenge your abilities rather than to serve as gear checks.
*If you can think of a mechanics and game systems that will offer new content and challenges that aren’t gear or stat dependent at all, then by all means, suggest them. *I would love to hear new ideas from the community, and I’m sure ANet would too! This isn’t what people are doing though, they’re just bashing the decisions ANet already made and putting words in their mouths. Furthermore, this attitude, is childish:
I very much should be able to jump back into the game and experience the same content as those who play constantly. I think getting things in game should be a matter of skill and not time played, someone shouldn’t have nicer and stronger gear just because they spend more time grinding for it. And I definitely would mind having to play catchup each time a new item tier gets released.
Time spent acquiring gear and moving through content should mean something, and again, if you can think of mechanics they could add to the game that would result in the most ‘skilled’ (let’s not even try to define that) players getting the best gear, let the ideas flow my friend.
People are criticizing ANet endless for the not catering to the right community, or not ‘sticking to their manifesto’. They’re honestly, just trying to do what’s best for the many different groups that make up their player base. Who care exactly how you define casual and hardcore? Why not just suggest what you’d like to see in the game, rather than picking apart the decisions the developer is making and offering no ideas of your own?
Mechanics-like the red riding hood and the big bad wolf dungeon in wow, or icc 25 man raids. just remove the gear requirement and have it be about mechanics. or the one with those 2 big old warrior chicks-you had to know when to cc who and what attacks were coming by visual clues. what the hell does it matter what gear you have? scale them all to exotics. get creative. if raiding is really what you want in this game they need to learn from the masters-and that would be WoW. NO GAME does raiding like WoW. Just get rid of the gear progression part.
^^^^What? Your eyes can’t see, you didn’t see the stats on the new gear. You did not understand the implications of the new gear on how it would become an exclusionary wall to game content for ppl who don’t have it?
They reason they are silent is because they want to see if they made a big mistake and are trying to access the situation. They are like bad swimmers trying to keep up with big brother crossing the lake and are becoming exhausted before the half way point.
Its simple, will they lose more if they do or if they don’t. IMO, they will lose far more if they do. Why? WOW is a better pve game, no debate there. Its probably a better pvp game atm IMO because scs are better that GW2s WVW. Why? Because in WOW you are not instagibbed by any class in pvp.
Behave accordingly and vote with your wallet.
Same with SWtoR. Anet really dropped the ball on balance. Seriously. Go into any pug and 75% of the players are instagibb speced thieves.
The damage is done. They planned to do this and knew they were going to do this from the start. With all the patching and fixing bugs and Halloween no way they designed this dungeon and gear in their spare time. I bet they had hoped to wait longer to release it but for who knows what reason they are releasing it now. Like I said, the damage is done. Their credibility is shot.
By making you buy gems. Oh, and by alienating half their subscribers once they have their money and changing the game to cater to a new group who will then buy the game.
The pvp in this game is the best I have ever played. It’s so balanced everyone has a chance.
Reading a lot of this makes me concern for the mental heath of these ppl who post on these forms. If they get that over hipped with one small thing there is no way any of them can live a nominal life. I think they need to sit back and take a look at how they are reacting to a game and think how acting such a way to a changes in real life will do to them.
Changes always happens and you can fight it all you want but it will happen just the same. Try not to be to scared of changes and new things it will make life all the better to live.
In real life I would be WAY angrier if I spent money for something and they bait and switched me.
No one has asked the question-how many of you would quit if their is no WoW type gear progression implemented? Gear progression is game breaking for a lot of us, is no gear progression game breaking for you….and if it is given the mission statement why did you buy this game?
And put GW2 next to Aion, Rift, and WoW and dragged out my old SWtoR icon to the place of honor in the middle of my screen. Hey, I got no problem with games that are gear grinds. Been there done that. I don’t like the bait and switch that has been done here. They promised no gear grind. I would rather have paid a sub so they could make their money than have them change their mission statement to sell a few extra gems. If I am to be forced to grind it will be in a genre I much prefer. Too bad really, because I was resigned to playing GW2 for the next decade or so BECAUSE of their mission statement. GL to you all. I hear the Republic has fallen on hard times so I’m off to save the universe
Theres another game I bought thats going f2p this month. Prolly play that instead even though it also has a bodacious gear grind. Always was a Star Wars nerd anyways. Only reason I bailed on it for GW2 was I was drawn to the GW2 mission statement of no grinding for gear. All I have done so far is grind for karma, badges, etc. So I really see no difference to this game and the others out there. Disappointing to say the least.
I killed a skilled thief.
Devs said this game is not about a grind..
Well, we have to farm gold/mats/dungeons to wear exotic (and not only one set!) and be good enough in WvW.
Devs said all gear will be equal, the skill is a power…
And we have to farm more gold/mats/dungeons to get a BIS gear to be better in WvW.What next?
Please stop it.Or make WvW completely separated like sPvP. Gear for free, no repairing cost.
All I do is wvw so I’ll never have that other stuff. Homey don’t grind. Homeys been there and done that and is gonna pass this time around. Badges is as good as it’s going to get for me. I bought this game to pvp, nothing more.
On the contrary my friend, you already have “that other stuff.” In fact, if all you are doing is WvW, you probably already have substantial karma points. WvW not only gives you badges, it gives you karma. Click on your inventory and you will see a purple karma number on the inventory pane. You can use karma to buy top-tier exotic gear. I mostly do WvW and I have earned enough karma for two complete exotic armor sets even though I still only have 540 badges. Karma armor is the way to go if you only WvW.
And for the thread in general, my badge drop rate is 1 badge for every 5.5 kills. This seems fine to me.
Cool. Havn’t even considered using karma points til I get to 80. You sir have made me happy again. I have TONS of karma.
All I do is wvw so I’ll never have that other stuff. Homey don’t grind. Homeys been there and done that and is gonna pass this time around. Badges is as good as it’s going to get for me. I bought this game to pvp, nothing more.
so you’re given the option to get better gear, for less amount of work and time, but you refuse to do it.
thats completely fine, but you lose the right to complain about how hard it is to get badges, when its not hard at all, especially if all you do is wvw.
i leveled from 1-80 from playing pve, maybe 1-2 levels were gained from wvw. and during that time, i acquired enough gold in form of mats and event rewards to buy a full level 80 exotic set. no farming was needed. infact if you dont wanted, you can get exotic karma gear too, there are many viable karma sets to use. sounds like you need to do some research before coming here to complain how one out of the many ways to get gear is too hard.
Ummm… I didn’t complain about anything other than support classes should maybe get a little more love in the badge department. It’s not hard to raid…did it for years in WoW. Just don’t want to do it again. Pve bores me. I’m good now though. Got my dps’er going, the love child of GW2, and it’s all good.
It is a lot of badges. I’m on the fence about the drop rates. Agreed they can be hard to get in all aspects of the game other tahn direct player killing.
Just not sure if I want to see everyone running around in max gear so soon after the games release.
As is it is just aggravating the situation. Thieves and mesmers raking badges thus making them EVEN MORE over powered is not helping the game. PvP’ers by nature are competitive. They will roll whatever class gives them the edge. i.e. thieves and mesmers. Heck-I shelved a 74 engineer and rerolled an ele (cant bring my self to play faceroll classes). The think is, my engineer is way more valuable in a group with his support than my ele is with his dps but my engineer hardly ever gets badges while my ele rakes. I want to be competitive and getting badges is not optional. You HAVE to get badges to get the gear (all about skill my kitten . So what are you gonna do?
thieves and mesmers dont go for wvw gear. atleast not the good ones. infact only very specific builds for certain classes will find wvw gear useful.
saying you have to get wvw gear to be competitive is ridiculous.
So what your saying is much like the wow model where you HAD to raid to min/max this game requires it as well? That’s disappointing and goes against everything they said this game was going to be. I apologize if I am misunderstanding how “exotics” are obtained. I just pvp.
All I do is wvw so I’ll never have that other stuff. Homey don’t grind. Homeys been there and done that and is gonna pass this time around. Badges is as good as it’s going to get for me. I bought this game to pvp, nothing more.
It is a lot of badges. I’m on the fence about the drop rates. Agreed they can be hard to get in all aspects of the game other tahn direct player killing.
Just not sure if I want to see everyone running around in max gear so soon after the games release.
As is it is just aggravating the situation. Thieves and mesmers raking badges thus making them EVEN MORE over powered is not helping the game. PvP’ers by nature are competitive. They will roll whatever class gives them the edge. i.e. thieves and mesmers. Heck-I shelved a 74 engineer and rerolled an ele (cant bring my self to play faceroll classes). The think is, my engineer is way more valuable in a group with his support than my ele is with his dps but my engineer hardly ever gets badges while my ele rakes. I want to be competitive and getting badges is not optional. You HAVE to get badges to get the gear (all about skill my kitten . So what are you gonna do?
I play a thief, and not a “lol i’m immortal because I abuse invisibility” thief. A pistol/dagger survival/bleed thief. I’m not a cheap 1 hit wonder. Today I have been non-stop “failing” to stealth. I use the move, nothing happens. I didn’t have the cd on, it just didn’t work. at all. Is this some bullkitten ghost patch? It’s not funny whatever it is. Class broken basically. I can’t get away from people, I cant stack bleeds fast. I just get to die because stealth won’t work 1/2 the time. bravo.
Welcome to the game the rest of us play. We’ve been waiting patiently.
THE saddest part is the best build (daggers) requires a guy in cloth to fight in melee range to do less damage than a guy in heavy armor does at range (warrior). I still want to play my ele and stubbornly do sometimes but its not a, you know, serious thing.
We can hope. Would like to add “No more server transfers.”
Dis-illusionment has set in. This was not supposed to be WoW but it kind of is with a few added extra bugs for flavor. Rendering is an atrocity. You have OP classes, gear (karma) grinds, grinds for matts. I had hoped for WvW to be more epic. With mass transfers server pride is a joke. Realms go up and down so fast with mass transfers of guilds that there are very few grudge matches. Even if there were you have no idea who you are fighting because names are not displayed. And the bots. THE BOTS! I see more bots than I do actual players. Hacking. I honestly think if they are going to let bots and hackers run rampant I won’t be playing much longer. They destroy the game economy and allow cheaters to prosper. But hey, they are following in some giant sized footsteps left by WoW, Aion, Rift, SWtoR, etc. You think they would learn. Only game I have ever played with no hackers is World of Tanks. They are ruthless with bots and being as it is not a client side game there are no hackers. And in all reality I would rather play a lesser game with no bots and hackers than the best game in the world if it is over run with such.
let’s hope there will be IP restriction soon.
or better yet ALL servers both NA and EU in one big ladder
Is an absolutely game breaking issue. During non peak hours I set up my turrets with no one on my screen knowing a group is coming my way. My turrets NEVER fire and I am half dead and see no one. Then a group of 5 or 6 render as they are landing the killing blow. This issue is such that I see no reason to play til it is fixed.
Ultima Online was the greatest pvp game of all time bar none.
Mock everyone who has a problem with thieves? What are we, politicians now? Then we can stick our heads in the sand or ignore the elephant in the room. Sounds like a good game plan to insure the future of this game.
good stuff. Thanks much for the info.
ok so after a long hiatus from my ele I have decided to play it again. I have read multiple times from thieves that dagger ele’s are the only class they fear. Can I get some tips as to build and strategy for beating thieves? It is my new found mission in life to kill thieves. Thanks.
I will still play the game but am tired of the arguing. We said it to WoW, we said it to Aion, we said it to Rift, we said it to SWtoR. If there are op classes said classes gear up faster thus making them even more op and it gets old fast. Now you e-sporters screaming everything is just peachy fine all I can say is that outside your little nitch things are not fine. Saying thieves are ok? Hey, they might be in rateds. They are far from fine outside of rateds. If the whole game is to be balanced around having ALL the best gear then this game is no different from all those other games outside of rateds. WoW is still hanging in there but those other games have died, and rather quickly at that. This game was supposed to be about skill. To a degree it is. To a further degree it is not. Gear and class choice are still the main deciding factors in this game. Same old, same old. Strip the classes naked then balance from there. A naked thief does more damage than a fully geared insert class here. Keep saying its all sunny skies but it is not. If something is not done this game will just be added to the honor roll of mmorpg’s that did not deliver what they said they would. TTK was rediculous for certain classes in those other game and it is rediculous in this game. Fix it.
There, I’ve said my peace. I really hope this game gets it right but others have tried and failed and only time will tell. I’m an mmorpg junky and I’m sitting here contemplating if I even want to log on and play. How sad is that? Later.
Any1 who doesnt understand the difference , of 1 character to kill an other in 1,5 sec , while the others need 6-10 sec , needs to go back in Math class :P
Mesmer can kill more instantly than that.
Warriors can kill similar targets in half of a 100b. Or an eviscerate. Or a whirling attack.
Rifle Engi can do similar burst but most good players run bunker/bomb spec.
Rifle engineer? THAT"S a huge load of crap.
AOE should be just that. If your in the “area” voila. Unlimited targets in AOE area would end this strategy pronto. On the downside thieves would now be able to kill 40 people a pop.
If a good, geared thief attacks you you die. It has nothing to do with your skill.
Hard to take anything you say seriously after that. Thieves are so easy to counter it is ridiculous.
I am no spectacular player, but I kill thieves to get the jump on me regularly. I have counters ready just for this. Counters ready for removing conditions. Stun counters. So on and so forth. Just because your not skilled to the level of handling a thief does not mean you can speak for the rest of us.
It is really nauseating seeing all of these post in which egos such as yours allow posters to assume they can speak for the rest of us.
You can kill reroll unskilled thieves MAYBE. But not a good one. Talk about egos lol. Best players in the game agree thieves need something done about them but an “I am no spectacular player” has no problems with them. The really good thieves are absolutely unbeatable except maybe by a REALLY GOOD mesmer. Or a bunker guardian, but said guardian will not kill the thief either.
Thieves are so easy to counter, what game are you playing?
Lets start off and say I like the game. Not love. Seems so many of the selling points that got me excited about this game are not panning out. The whole shpiel about it being about skill and not class or gear is bogus. If a good, geared thief attacks you you die. It has nothing to do with your skill. You simply are just a dead man. WvW is totally screwed up because of server transfers. Theres no server pride. No grudge matches because the server you just beat might be the one you transfer to for next weeks match. I’m still playing but not sure for how much longer. I’ve already done this FotM dance in wow and have no desire to repeat it, leveling a different class every 6 monthes because its the new over the top killing machine. Just balance the dang game. Make certian classes not able to kill you in 3 seconds. And for gosh sakes fix rendering in WvW. Even my friends I play with are starting to say “same old crap.” Devs, have some gumption and do what needs to be done please. Balance the friggin classes! That should be your first priority or all your going to have left are your die hard raiders. If the pvp crowd abandons ship its over.
Fear now gives necros an instant 50% speed boost to run away in fear when spotting any class other than another necro. Necros no longer have to stack toughness in order to not survive.
Flesh Golem:
Added a party hat for Halloween season and the Flesh Golem claps excitedly now to the rythm of blows landing on the necromancer
so much win in this statement.
ok my bad. apparently he hit me with 5 trick shots for 2k plus each before he rendered then hit me with a cluster bomb for 8k. Thats 18k and I was dead. Nice. I did not even see the guy til right before the cluster bomb hit (straight from the combat log). Cant dodge or attack what you cant see. Also, he was the only guy on my screen. I thought rendering had to do with to much going on at once. kitten near 6 shots before I could even see the guy. On a side not EVERY SINGLE fight so far tonight has been against thieves. Imagine that. I play off hours on an EU server so the fights are smaller scale. Nothing but thieves. It is my opinion that thieves are a game breaking class and need to be nerfed into oblivion. If they are as balanced as all the thieves scream they are then thieves should have no problem playing another class.
A thief do over 10k damage with the number 2 move on a short bow? Had a thief fire 1 shot and take out all 6 of my turrets and redline me and my partner. I have 18k hp and he 2 shot me. Just curious. Might be time to just give up playing anything else but a thief.
1) They’re there to punish you for your lack of attention
2) They’re there to remind you that in this game being able to time dodge is fundamental
3) They’re there to remind you that in PvP to have great map awareness is crucial
4) Because I play one
Thieves are so balanced that they are equally played as any other class….NOT! Every nub and his grandma is a thief. Every other class should not be forced to spec to take on a single class. Thieves keep saying its your gear, its your spec like we are ALL supposed to run out setups with only thieves in mind. Get serious. Your are so friggin op its rediculous and borderline ludicris.
When a “good” thief and not just a bandwagon jumper attacks me I have no chance. Zero. L2P, L2 dodge etc. are worthless advice. A good thief is unbeatable. A crappy thief is merely a handful. I, for one, am all for getting rid of this class. In WoW it was rogues, in SWtoR it was operatives and on and on. The majority of players (I’m guessing) would shed no tears if this style of class was just done away with. Only mages should be able to invis-because the use MAGIC. A thief striking from the shadows would be ok but tell me what the hell are they hiding behind in an open field? A blade of grass? Stealth by definition does not mean invisible. In Baldurs Gate (old old game) your thief had to stay in the shadows to be effective. Sounds right to me.