Showing Posts For Larsa.6519:
“Omg all of those necro minions wont stop attacking me”
Due to the powerful nature of death shroud we have done a complete rework of the mechanic.
Fixed a bug which was causing necromancers to gain too much life force. Life force is now only gained by each minion attack on an enemy.
Due to the powerful nature of minions Jagged horrors are now the only minions which can be summoned using only the reanimator trait.
However we have decided to keep the flesh golem elite advisor to help you plan your moves during combat.
(edited by Larsa.6519)
Symbol of Wrath: This skill’s attack has been improved by 10%.
Made me laugh even more after reading the save yourself nerf
Coming from my point of view of someone who is part of a well organised guild who wvw regularly (when there is anything worth fighting) i will say this.
WvW seems too casual for my liking. I agree with many of the points made in this thread downed state makes it so much more of challenge to overcome much larger forces than your own. We tend to run melee heavy groups out flank or find a weak spot push in aoe pull and dump of crap loads of aoe on the zerg. We kill many many people. Why should our already small force be kittened for a period of time whilist members crucial to our success must wait around to stake and watch for players behind us being rezzed. We simply can not afford to have members doing this. Are they trying to encourage nothing but zerg v zerg battles? Seems unfair in favour of the larger force.
Imo pvp with downed state is very much dumbed down pvp giving second chances to players where it is not needed. You make a mistake you get caught out of position you have no situational awareness well thats your own fault why should you be given another chance. You get outplayed well take a look at what happened and learn from it.
I am seeing little value given to life in pvp as many are well aware if i go down well ill just get rezzed again. Seen more evident in keep sieges where a very large force is attacking but a handful of defenders.
I understand why they implemented such a system in a game with no real group structure (tanks heals) but feel it was done poorly.
If downed is here to stay remove the invulnerability when players drop. Remove stealth and teleport abilities from downed state. Give all players the same skill set and make it more about team mates making the difference as to whether you live or die. It is a team game no? Or even better look at what you can do as an individual player to avoid not being in downed state in the first place. Remove the ability to revive once defeated. Maps are that small in this game it will take you no time to find your way back to your group.
Sorry post got longer than i had hoped. Thanks for reading.
I would be interested in reading that topic have done a search and cannot seem to find anything on it.
Hmm okay i see. So for those who complain about starting spvp with no life force 10% is better than nothing i guess.
Forgive me if i am missing something here or this has been discussed already. In Spvp when i summon my flesh golem as my elite skill and then swap it out to Plague or Lich i seem to be generating life force. To be exact 10% life force. Is this a bug or something to do with the minor trait Gluttony i am unsure.
Either way for those who do not run flesh golem elite there is an easy 10% life force to start off with each match. Summon your golem and swap the elite to the one you use.
Ok so definitely has nothing to do with Gluttony minor trait. Am i missing something here?
(edited by Larsa.6519)
I’m going with no
The problem with this is it breeds farming players at their spawn as an option, the objectives need to be the main focus to spread the population out across a larger area.
player kills are rewarded on a personal level whilst group and server coordination is what contributes to the servers score.
This would also put an unfair pressure on new players coming into WvW who may get killed more due to being underleveled and geared.
any World scale pvp systems primary function should be to encourage as many new players to join in as possible and keep it alive. insentivising killing people over playing objective based pvp doesn’t work with this primary premise.
my 2 cents
I already see servers pushing towards spawns and camping. Having the kills count towards score would keep the losing side more interested in helping their server out rather than just giving up and moving on. They can contribute still by killing players if the numbers are not there to attack objectives. Of course how DR would work is still undecided you don’t want 200 players camping a spawn for kills.
New players being under geared and getting killed more frequently already happens. Sure people already target the weak but its always hard to tell in the heat of battle who is geared and who is not. Its whether they choose to befriend a bunch of good players to work with or join an rvr focused guild to run with.
I understand the objectives are the primary focus of WvW and that will never change. Could we not see them broaden the horizon to cater for a different type of player base. Those who enjoy the game by going out of their way to engage in combat and continually focus on player kills.
WvW points given to your server for player kills.
Yes or no?
A point given to the server per player kill (diminishing returns of course) or a split percentage given depending or which servers or how many players contributed towards the kill.
Along with many other guilds out there we are a small guild and WvW most nights pending how many we have online. What we can and can’t do is quite limited. The points system rewards capping towers, forts and supply with no credit given to coordinated groups that get out there pull of a plethora of kills and disrupt enemy movements.
Everything as it stands is purely objective based. When our guild of 10 roll up and wipe the floor with 30+ enemies this means nothing towards our servers points. Sure the thrill and excitement of overcoming the odds is great but not sure how long that will hold. Knowing you’re not contributing towards your server is a little disheartening. Only so many times you can take supply camps before it becomes stale.
Knowing if you go down in WvW you’re giving points away would hopefully encourage more small scale fights more groups wanting an open field fight rather than doing nothing other than capping towers and forts. I’m sure my guild is not the only one that does not have the numbers nor want the numbers to attack objectives. We want to kill players in an open world and feel like we are contributing. Is that too much to ask? Or are we playing the wrong game?
The design is world v world v world a 24/7 war going on out there. So in a war if a said side loses numbers through kills would not the opposing force gain some sort of advantage (points).
Well that’s my two cents interested to hear from others namely other small WvW guilds.
I miss our tovl runs Pretty sure ist and i bumped into you a while back when we were on ehmry bay. Two of us were roaming level 40 something and this asura ranger binding rooted and gibbed us both. We were both laughing we couldnt even dps the root…
As much as this is never going to happen would be great to fight some decent competition during oceanic prime time. Yet to come across much opposition that do nothing other than fall over when you prod them.
There is a glaring issue i see with WvW as it currently stands and i would like to hear thoughts and views from the pvp community. Several players i have spoke to voice concern for the staying power in rvr. Personally i have no valid opinion on the subject as killing players in rvr is enough to keep me happy and entertained.
So my question to any and all pvp players out there is would you encourage a realm rank style system to be put in place?
Maybe something similar to warhammer or daoc?
Maybe realm abilities or permanant passive buffs useable only in WvW.
I would love to hear thoughts and ideas on how it could be implemented and the benefits of achieving realm ranks for an individual player.
Would it keep people motivated to continue to do WvW even if their particular server is getting dominated by an uneven match up?
Put 50 tokens from my alt in my bank in hopes of getting them to my main. Will not let me withdrawal the tokens at all….