I was soo excited hearing about the stronghold mode but when i red the news i just thought man this sound so booring.
The smuggler role is something like the flagger of GW1 that was the most boring role in the GvG and here it comes again:
1. You have to channel for 2 s to take ONE supply.
2. You have to run back to your racks.
3. You have to channel for 2 s to spwan an NPC.
4. Repeat all.
Yeah probally at supply point you will have to fight but becaouse your main objective is to gather supply you will just spawn some things that stay there and fight for you (like spirits in GW1) and after taking one supply thanks to a stability of someone else you will run back again.
I’m sure i will see as smuggler just warriors and turrets engi cause they have both mobility, and things that stay there while you run back (banner and turrets). Maybe there will be either rangers without the traits that spirits follow you.
There is the chance that new specialization will introduce more static defence to other profession and that is great cause the engi with turrets and the spirit ranger are so much loved in the pvp community.
nice pvp topic, farming arah
If i wasn’t sure that GW came before GW2 i woulnd’t belive the amount of features that are missing in GW2.
I play at GW2 since the first day and i was saying to myself: “keep belive they will introduce all the stuff that there were in GW, they will make this game more funny and balanced, they will make this game more lame.”
Now i’ve lost my hope.
You are doing nothing. You keep saying half statistic hiding the truth.
Why don’t you do like DOTA2?
1. Showing the numbers of players actually in pvp.
2. Showing the numbers of players active in each month.
3. Rcording evry match and let to player to see them. (and not that observer that is useless. and is the shadow of the system of GW)
4. Tuturials for new players.
5. Coach system to teach to others players.
6. Internal VOIP.
Why don’t you put all stuff that there was in GW?
1. Zaishen tradin area, where you can see evry mechanic of the game (condition, damage, DPS, AOE, …)
2. Observer with recorded top team match.
3. Automated Montlhy tournament (with gold cape or gold finisher)
4. Zaishen keys (a way to reduce inflaction in the game, but you prefer to create new money, i hope that Jhon Smith will agree with your inflaction politics)
5. Dishonorable System (where i can report players, and not just a passive system)
6. LATENCY METER. (that is quite hard thing to do, i hope that your engineer can do that).
7. Save builds.
The game can be balanced later, but this things are the base of a game where you can see a meta, copy that and know what need balance. Is the base for ppl to enjoy a pvp game. You should do this feature. And you should develope this soon as possible.
Wake me up when those things are up.
This is what i think the GS need to come back in the game
Skirmishing XII – Moment of Clarity. Stun Duration increased from 50% to 100%.
This change can be interesting, but there are some problems with this trait:
1. Only 2 skills are affected by this trait.
2. These skills have long CD (25s).
3. One of these skill (Concussion Shoot) is on a set (Short Bow) that won’t get a great bonus from the 50% more damage.
For those reason I suggest do decrease the CD of Hilt Bash and Concussion Shoot from 25s to 10s. This will bring the CD of that interrupt similar to Warrior or Engineer interruptions.
With this change I’m sure we will see roaming rangers. They will run power build based on Great Sword. And with this other change:
Nature Magic IX – Two Handed Training. Added the following functionality to this trait. Greatsword and Spear attacks have a chance to grant Fury on hit. 50% chance. 3s Fury. 10s cooldown
I think we will see something like 0/30/20/20/0.
Even though we wouldn’t do it now another shot at Greatsword to discuss
A) 1 chain NDA by giving Vigor.
B) Add evade to swoop…Discuss?
About this i think this:
A) Ranger have enouth endurance for any wanted evasion. If you want to random evade just spam 1. You don’t need more endurance to make ranger invulnerable for half of the time, remember that roll means 2s Protection.
B) Swoop is a great movement skill with 10s CD. It is also a leap finisher. If you give avade to that skill you will have the same problem as ride the lightning. Remember that ranger use it to retreat from bad situation, maybe in combo with Counter Attack. Do you really want a ranger that leave the pet on you while he is flying invulnerable 1100 away?
1. Maybe the 1 attack need some buff, but do not give evasion on evasion.
2. Swoop is strong enought it do not need any buff.
3. Hilt bash is an underpowered stun, and it is conditional. This is the skill that need buff on GS.
I hope to be listened because when i see discussion like this i lose the trust in you.
Skirmishing XII – Moment of Clarity. Stun Duration increased from 50% to 100%.
This change can be interesting, but there are some problems with this trait:
1. Only 2 skills are affected by this trait.
2. These skills have long CD (25s).
3. One of these skill (Concussion Shoot) is on a set (Short Bow) that won’t get a great bonus from the 50% more damage.
For those reason I suggest do decrease the CD of Hilt Bash and Concussion Shoot from 25s to 10s. This will bring the CD of that interrupt similar to Warrior or Engineer interruptions.
With this change I’m sure we will see roaming rangers. They will run power build based on Great Sword. And with this other change:
Nature Magic IX – Two Handed Training. Added the following functionality to this trait. Greatsword and Spear attacks have a chance to grant Fury on hit. 50% chance. 3s Fury. 10s cooldown
I think we will see something like 0/30/20/20/0.
Skirmishing XII – Moment of Clarity. Stun Duration increased from 50% to 100%.
This change can be interesting, but there are some problems with this trait:
1. Only 2 skills are affected by this trait.
2. These skills have long CD (25s).
3. One of these skill (Concussion Shoot) is on a set (Short Bow) that won’t get a great bonus from the 50% more damage.
For those reason I suggest do decrease the CD of Hilt Bash and Concussion Shoot from 25s to 10s. This will bring the CD of that interrupt similar to Warrior or Engineer interruptions.
With this change I’m sure we will see roaming rangers. They will run power build based on Great Sword. And with this other change:
Nature Magic IX – Two Handed Training. Added the following functionality to this trait. Greatsword and Spear attacks have a chance to grant Fury on hit. 50% chance. 3s Fury. 10s cooldown
I think we will see something like 0/30/20/20/0.
I think that rangers won’t run that build unless you change the recharge of hilt bash because they have to lose a lot of defence and have a conditional stun every 25s with a 50% more damage on a skill like Maul won’t be enought.
An other ranger problem is the Sword autoattack Chain. Can you make it more responsive like you did with Warrior Axe Chain? I hate to be struck in a 2 seconds animation, it is like a stun.
I know that a lot of people are asking it and i agree with them.
Thx a lot for reading this i hope it can be usefull to you.
I’m happy that you are toning down vigor and endurance regeneration. This would make this game less random. But i have a some question:
1) Why you don’t make an ICD of 10s to invigorating speed?
2) Why you don’t touch Critical Infusion, Vigorous Precision, Renewing Stamina, Vigourous Focus?
3) Why you don’t touch Sigil of Energy?
I don’t see any change to rune and sigil. Are you planning to change Rune of Lyssa to put more build diversity?
I don’t understand the change on Skull Crack.
I see what you are trying to do but it can’t works.
If you want make this skill dodgeable you are doing it wrong because with 1/2s isn’t enought: 0.3s human reflex + 0.1s latency + 0.25s dodge skill= 0.65s. And this is the case you are waiting for that effect.
So if you want that player can manage that skill why don’t you make 3/4s or 1s cast time?
If it was for me i would just reduce the duration of the stun back to 2s (1s/1.5s/2s). If that isn’t good compared to earthshaker i would take down it to 1.33s (0.66s/1.0s/1.33s).
Elementalist:…and still get the extremely powerful traits in Water and Arcane by only splashing in 10 points….
- Water I – Aquamancer’s Alacrity. Moved to Master tier.
- Water V – Cleansing Wave. Moved to Master tier.
- Water VIII – Arcane Abatement. Moved to Adept tier.
- Water X – Soothing Wave. Moved to Adept tier.
- Arcane V – Elemental Attunement. Moved to Master tier.
- Arcane VI – Renewing Stamina. Moved to Master tier.
- Arcane VII – Vigorous Scepter. Moved to Adept tier.
- Arcane VIII – Blasting Staff. Moved to Adept tier.
- Arcane IX – Windborne Dagger. Moved to Adept tier.
You moved the extremely powerful traits to master tier, leaving situational traits in adept tier. I don’t understand how you can say that i can put only 10 points in Arcane or Water. Now i’m forced to put 20 points in to arcana for Elemental Attunement. This is a nerf to ele. And you are forcing a lot of build to put 30 points in to arcana for Elemental Attunement and Renewing Stamina.
And the only trait that i want in water is Cleansing Wave, that you moved at master.
The only build that have some buff is the Staff one.
I totally agree with the reduction of vigor given by traits. Actually vigor comes mostly from traits. But i don’t understand why you touch some professions while other not. Mesmer Guardian Warrior, and Ele still have their traits that give vigor untouched.
You are making small change for each patch, but if you don’t put a boost on change that you are doing you will take ages to make a lot of build viable for every profession.
I’m curious to see the plans for every professions. What gameplay should they have? How do they make Damage, Control, Support? How can they survive in combat? Which are their weaknesses?
I ask this because you said that warrior should need help from others with condition, thief should not have boons itself but he has to steal to enemies…
yeah this it will be a LOL video. I saw the video of warrior and it was so LOL.
I want to see how Izzy will teach me how to use the worsk profession with the worst support utility, with the worst offensive utility.
Traps traits are in a power build line.
Pet mechanic is bad: pat can’t jump from a cliff, it is stupid, the F2 is slow, the other pet skill are used quite random. And the answer for make tham more controllable by players is: ppl isn’t good enough with ele they don’t know how to change armony and this is bad cause ppl that know how to use that skill will be stronger than others and this is bad.
Ranger need a totally rework.
Here i trow some suggestin but you should do what you feel because if you want a game where evryone can play it at the same level you will not give the change to become more skilled.
1. Change the pet making it like phantasm: only one attack evry X seconds. That attack is range or it is a leap (it never miss, unless it is blocked evaded etc…). Give the control of 2 skills (EX: Wolf F2=howl F3=Knowdonw Leap).
2.Make shouts like GW1: your pet will do this effect with the next attac. This mean they have to be istant and with low recharge. (EX Your pet telepor to you target, next his attack does cripple, your next attack does bleeding).
3. Stats of pets should linked to your stats. This is to prevent heavy damage bunker build that we saw in pvp. This mean something like:
From ranger stats:
Power+Precision+Condition Damage= Offensive Stats
Toughness+Vitality+Healing Power= Defensive Stats
To Pet stats:
Power= Offensive Stats x X
Precision = Offensive Stats x Y
Toughness= Defensive Stats x Z
Vitality= Defensive Stats x W
Than you can make some difference betwin pets changing X,Y,Z,W coefficent.
This Is what i think you have to do to make ranger a nice class to play.
But i want to suggest my idea of ranger:
1.Damage: It should does a mix. Half of his damage comes from his pet, this means that while the ranger is power can take a condition pet and vice versa. This allow the ranger to be quite versatile against heavy armor build or heavy condi removal build. Anyway it will never have spikes or a lot of DPS like a warrior or thief.
2.Support: Ranger have 2 of most powerfull fields Water and Fire. It should have a lot of projectile finishers. With spirits it can place a static boon that boost the team. It can spread a lot of Vulnerability allowing others to make more damage.
3.Control: It should have a lots of low duration stuns (1/4s, 1/2s) but they can pass trouth blocs and have low recharge. It can spam a lot of cripple and some chill. Some pets can knowdown. It can spam a lot of Poison to low the heals of opponent.
4.Defence: His defence come from a lot evasion with melee weapons, while with ranged weapons he can cripple enemies.
5.Weakness: He don’t have Stability. He spam a lot of attacks making him vulnerable to Confusion and Retailation. His defence come from dodge, the immobilize can counter it.
This is a constructive post, i hope it will be usefull to you. Anyway Izzy keep trying to teach us some build, maybe you see something that we don’t.
Keep working on this game you have to shape this diamond.
Devs why don’t you create a stupid map with some trees and a flat ground, or just copy the place where ppl do gvg.
Put a sort of queue for guild, or maybe make it an istance of 25 ppl that get in with commander.
Give no rewards for killing andfor the winner.
And make happy this GvG ppl that cry all the time because they don’t want to do wvw.
Than if a lot of ppl play that you can work on it, but pls bring those gvg ppl out of wvw, like you did with ethernal jp.
I agree with all that make this game less brainless and spammy. And you is a great idea
Than ask to put tourney for strong players, a ladder, a machup for low rank ppl . Not to make the game easyier. In Dota they don’t make the game easyer for new ppl, they do tutorial, in game builds, pve fights, and a ladder.
I think this game is too easy and brainless, and you are asking to make it more easy.
People have to learn to play, that make a game fun. I want to become stronger and not just jump in learning in 2 hours and be a to player.
Evrytime i listen dev saying: we can’t do that it is too difficult to learn from pve player, we can’t add a more control to pet player that learn to use it will be stronger than ppl that don’t use it. I give a slap on my face and i think, that is the most kittened thing i ever heard.
I don’t understand wher is the problem if ppl that know how to play are stronger than random players.
Not to be nit-picky but the graph has a typo or two. Combo Blast and Leap in Smoke fields = stealth not blind.
More on topic, some combos are extremely powerful while others are very lackluster.
I suggest some different effects on combos to make more easy to understand what you and your enemy can do with that field. Only one effect for each combo.
I moved the blind effect from dark to smoke and give to thief a trait that give the stealth that they lose with combo smoke.
When you were developing the game you said that combos will be an important mechanic in the game. But now they are ruled by the caos. Only in wvw ppl play for some combos and only out of combact. This is caused by finisher and fields that are stronger as skill than a combo. So here some suggestion to make this system more present in the game.
#Change whirl finisher in something like a wave around your character that expand at 180 radius. (Like reckless dodge, or evasive arcana). Than i will active at the start of the skill and evry 1 sec of cast time.
EX: warrior axe skills
Cyclone axe: 1/2s cast time it activate once.
Whirlwing axe: 3 1/4s cast time it activate 4 times.
#Change combo effect in the way to make tham to have the same effect for each element.
EX: See the attachment.
#Add traits that boost some finisher in specific field.
EX: Elementalist trait Persisting Flames
Trait for Guardian that give retailation on Blast and Leap finisher in light fields
Trait for Thief that give Stealth on Blast and Leap Finishers in smoke fields
#Reduce the power fields in the way they should be used expecially for the field effect.
#Reduce the power of finisher in the way they should be used only if there is a field.
My idea of fight is:
*Your team need more dps? Fire field for might.
*Your team want to do spikes or is power? Lightning filed for vulnerability.
*Your team have to fight against power build? Posion field for weakness.
*Your team have to fight against condition? Light field for removal.
*In this way the warrior that shouldn’t remove condition alone have to fight in a light field to clease himself. As you said in the post of role of professions.
This is a post to all the comunity and dev.
Stop asking to delete weakness of classes.
You can’t cry on what your profession can’t do and you want that it can.
And Dev stop doing what ppl ask.
You told warrior should have problems with snare. But, when the community asked that the war become unstoppable by condition you did it.
Thief shouldn’t buff himself, but with lyssa rune and other fantastic traits he can have perma buff.
Now you will put fury to guardian. Then you will put vigor on necro, stability on engy and condition immunity to mesmer. So all classes can do all and will not have weakness.
I want a game where i can counter something becouse i play with the opposite, not 3 warrior in the team because they are the counter of themself.
Jonathan, Do you remember this post? https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-December-14-2012/first#post1061889
(edited by Laxuar.3504)
You just suggested to put energy back in the game. It is just dressed a bit.
Anyway i agree with this.
I don’t understand why after anet taked out energy from the equation now Allie say that. I hope they are looking for a way to reduce the brainless spamming in this game.
Yeah you have right, i asked that cause i think that revive traits are weak and i want to give a sense to them, like warrior tattic minor traits.
Some traits and runes affect the revive effect or are applied after the successful revive. Would it be a nice idea if some traits and rune of mercy worked with finisher?
bad example.. cause u can combine one-hand weapons and traits. try it with a two-handweapon
I don’t understand what you mean.
I don’t agree to the 2nd sigil on twohanded weapons, because of traits. It is true usually i lose a +5% damage, or some stacking sigil, but all of your 5 skills get the bonus of traits. And an other thing a lot of trait that give bonus while welding a specific weapon give double bonus on two handed, like warrior:
- GS: +10% damage
*Axe: +10% Crit damage, that is the half of 10% damage if you have 50% crit chance.
*Sword: +10% Crit Chance, same as before.
*2nd weapon is offensive: +5% Damage
*Mace: +10% damage on weakened
*Hammer: +25% damage vs disabled
*Longbow: +10% damave on burning, stronger than mace cause burning is a lot more viable.
Yes. Not only was it incredibly complex to maintain it became completely unwieldy to players as well. GW2 has made a great number of changes to systems specifically to avoid the complications we created in GW1. Not creating multiple versions of skills for 3 areas of the game would be one of those changes.
That is a problem because the system that you use already has multiple copies of the same skill, and you don’t want to create toons of skills that will require toons of time to get changed or to fix bugs. At the moment evry skill has a copy for evry combination of traits, and i think that WvW weapon skills works in the same way of others skills with WvW abilities.
Just think the Necromancer staff, it has 4 copies of the same skill. If you split them in WvW PvP and PvE you will need 12 copies of the same set of skills.
Eh? You can’t interrupt the passive effect of healing signet at all.
This mean that they should not have an active effect? And anyway i think that two healing skills have too short cast time compared to all other healing skills. Anyway i think that all of you play engi or ranger and you just don’t want a nerf to an unbalanced skill.
1 only because they didn’t write the cast time of a skill it doesn’t mean that it is istant, a lot of this skills has at least 0.25s of cast time.
2 human reflex are about 0.30s for something that you are looking for (animation in this game aren’t that unique and there isn’t cast time).
3 Latency of the game it is about 0.10 s.
If you add all of this you see that you take at least 0.65s. This means: Skill with 0.5s of cast time are not interruptable on reflex.
I was happy when the team annunced the introduction of observer, but when i saw hot it works i was really disappointed.
I respect the work that you put in this project, but we will ever have the observer of GW1?
I don’t want to write a long topic, you know what i’m talking about because GW1 is your game. Simply you can copy paste the great ideas that you had in that game, and then adding new features.
I continue hoping to have a great game.
The cast time is something that is there to allow players to interrupt the skill, tell me why i can’t interrupt a strong effect because the cast time is that short, and other effects that are weak, that will give to you a sort of malus because you lose the passive effect of skills are enouth long to intterrupt them easly.
I played engi a lot in pvp and i’ve never got the problem that you have to use the overcharge of the turret because of the 480 radiu that is the biggest area of the game i can cast it where i want.
3rd Bonus has wrong description it gives 50 power instead of 40
4th Bonus has wrong description or effect proc chance, it should be 5% like other runes.
6th Bonus does not apply.
It’s also not just the addition of a small race.
It’s the fact that a lot of animations are just too subtle or quick or are shared between attacks.
Then there’s the pet spam, as well as crazy amounts of particle spam, all of this together makes it impossible to intelligently predict and avoid most attacks.
I totally agree, but if it was for me i would totally remove asura, charr and norn from competitive play, with a change of skin like potions of pve.
Diage, you greatly explain the situation of GW, the problem is that the health can’t be a long term resources because it is your life, and when you finish it you are dead like other games. The problem is that there are toons of bunker build that simply can’t die or they take too much, but if you reduce the skill that allow them to stay alive they will die too fast, some for some dps build. With the energy you can introduce one more option to balance, that will bring more intelligent use of skills, and a stop for long and intensive fight.
Warrior Trait
The description do not include the effect:
“Reduces the recharge time of longbow abilities by 20%.”
The gameplay needs to be slowed down, using skills should have more significant consequences ie Shockwarrior where Exhaustion would wipe the Warrior’s power if he spammed it too often. Shock in this game? Hmm, close range Elementalist skill, knocks down opponent on touch range and chills yourself for 8 seconds if you fail to hit.
Yeah the problem is that to do this there should be a mechanic that slow the skill casted during a fight, but i don’t know wich one… Maybe Shock of GW1 have something else than the recharge…..
Explain to me the fantastic balance work under the cast time of this healing skills:
Healing Signet 1.25s
Heling Turret 0.5s
Heals as one 1.25s
Heling Spring 0.5s
Signet of Malice 1.25s
Let me understand, stronger is the skill effect, maybe aoe, than shorter should be the recharge?
If it was for me Heling Turret, and Healing Spring would have 1.5s of cast time.
I think that devs don’t see how wrong, and caotic is this game. The keep doing videos where they teach us how we should play their game in their dream, but the truth is an other thing: the game is in the caos, the ability of players is only in tattics and not to much in gameplay during fights. This game will be only a shadow of GW1 until devs understand that what they create in GW1 should be reworked and make GW2 a great game, an e-sports. They have to stop defending their game and start to change things, but not balance only, they have to change mechanics.
Like cast time bars, i totally agree but it should be only the starts.
Anyway the devs thought they can create a game that do not need CTB, with great visual animation that allow you to see a skill like in a fight game as Tekken. The problem is that they added race, (it is usless cry again with asura), and too many skills animation are too much similar.
(edited by Laxuar.3504)
That said the chances of energy being added to this game are zero. It’s possible that classes may get their own mechanics/resources expanded moving forward, but the current system isn’t broken and thus won’t be fixed. Even core systems that are broken (underwater combat) may not ever get fixed because they can’t profit off the development costs that would go into changing it.
Sadly i agree with that…
Taking the exemple of SYS i wan’t that a bad guardian can’t use it when he need because he wasted his energy doing other things, like spam roll, spam attacks against invulnerables foe and other things.
The problem of maintenance of energy can be solved with traits or utilities or maybe combo fields.
I dream a game that is less spam and more clean. Tell me that you can see an observer on twich and understand what is happening during a team fight, what killed who and where they did a mistake. I don’t think that anyone understand what is happening during a team fight with 3vs3 or 4vs4 spamming aoe, blast, istant skill and other things.
To make this game good they have to change Mechanics. At the moment the fight are only a lot of effects and brainless use of skills. That is an enormous problem.
The only thing that introduce some of good play are the objective that make it a little tattics. But the mechanic of points bring ppl to be more tanky as they can, and this isn’t controlled, because the game haven’t a mechanic that create a pressure to tank, and spikes are prevented with protection, instant skills, weakeness, blindness, random evasion and others thing.
GvG for tattics and teamplay
AB To enjoy random play with my little team
I wan’t a control to the skill other than CD. I wan’t there is in ALL games: energy. Like GW1, WoW, Dota, LoL. Without energy you can’t cast a skill either if it isn’t in recharge.
It is obvius that this game has no punishment on using skills on recharge, either when they are useless.
This sistem allow to some profession to spam evasion, and to other to spam attacks without thinking on what they are doing.
You should put a mechanic that there is in all the games, energy or mana. Something that say w8 don’t use evasion if enemy is blind, or can’t reach you.
The only energy that you put is on evasion and it isn’t that punitive to spam like it should be.
OMG you are really crying that standard shatter build have problems with condi? Isn’t this game easy enouth?
Shatter Build:
1. run with full berseker setup and with no defensive skills as utility and he can survive a lot.
2. Create phantasm that ignore Weakness and can be cast and attack ranged.
3. Do a spike evry 10 seconds with 10k of potential damage and with 2 sec of invulnerability that starts with an immobilaze.
4. Have one of the best stun of the game with 2sec and ranged.
5. Has an invulnerability evry 40 seconds of 1 or 4 sec.
1. Build with a lot of AoE
2. Condition.
Now seriusly do you wan’t that mes can win either vs condition? And after what? illusions with 15k of life?
I hope that Devs starts to think that this game is too chaotic with random evasion, and a zoo of creatures, from dogs, spirits, minions. Skills with no a good visual effect that can do massive damage (like confusion bomb of engi). And too many caos in the fight with big effects and small characters.
I totally agree with this poster, you should make this game more clean, and than balance it because now a lot of things are strong only cause you can’t see them in the caos.
And pls community stop crying that your build can’t do evrything. Evry build should be good for something and bad for other thing. For each build at least one viable counter.
For asura size i keep saying that they should create an option that change the race of all other character you see in the game in human, like the one that change colors. And make others that you should buy for gems that change in other race.
(edited by Laxuar.3504)
Thx enrohbi to explain my concept, i’m not good enouth in english >.<
This forum lost all the good players cuase the game is bad from the start and it isn’t changing
You forgot the phantasm mesmer that atm are out of the game only because the large amount of aoe.
the S/D thief have as counter the Stun Lock War.
With Elixir R you can w8 until it finish to before killing the engi, or use a launch skill to bring him away form the area, or autoattakittenil the end with poison maybe. There are some option to avoid autoress.
I’m curios to know why you make multiple skills for evry traits combination. Isn’t more simple a system with only one set of skill that change its attributes whan you put a trait? I mean for balancing.
Maybe you can’t understand what i’m saying, i do an exemple:
Necro staff skills:
One set is for no traits.
One set is for Staff Mastery and have 20% less recharge.
One set is for Greater Marks and have larger area and unblockable.
One set is for Staff Mastery and Greater Marks.
I think that you did this because evry time you change a skill the traited version is still like the old one. For exemple with necromancer staff the skill Reaper’s Mark with both staff traits still have the old animation.
It wasen’t better for you have only one set of skills that change with traits?
It is about 12 month that the game is out and my hope is gone.
Aned did nice things, like tourney, new maps, ladder, observer, dishonored. The problem is that this feature are still in beta. If you want to see how they should be you have only to play on GW1. Maybe in 2 years you will implement the feature that you make in 6 years in your first game.
But the first part is only the support to pvp. The main problem in this game is that pvp is just too chaotic. Too many evasion, too many creatures, too many aoe, too much spam.
After one year you still not implement a sistem that allow to see all players in pvp like human. It is obvius that a little puppet with bubblehead and cutlery as weapon isn’t visible like an other race.
Finally in the last pach i heard that you are thinking to recude the noice of the fight. Changing the animation of some skill to make more visible. Reducing the effects. That is the way, but you have to work more on it.
I hope you will make the changes that will bring this game in something where you have to play thinking what you are doing, and not a brainless game. I hope you will make it an e-sport.
7. The maps should reward the less stay alive and be more focused on the objectives. You could change the mechanics of the sanctuary maintain this so that no bunker riescan yourself to keep minutes for the point in one on one fights with more force and numerical superiority to oust a bunker. Above all, you should never do Skyhammer where the maps as one with a totally build bunkers and no damage can easily kill saw an opportunity to push out.
8. Skill of care. I’d like to know what criteria you have chosen the cast time of all skills of care, because honestly I think the tower of the engineer has a ridiculous cast time for the exaggerated effect it does, while the cast time is very long dell’healing signet for very little care, you should take a look.
9. Mesmer. All conditions of damage control (weakness, crippling, blindness, freezing) should be duplicated when the mesmer illusions to the sufferer. This is because the mesmer is immune to the weakness seen that much of the damage comes from his illusions.
I would like you to read this page with a look impartial and devoid of pride for your hard work. I write this only moved by the interest that I have for this game with great potential that now seems lost in mediocrity and ruled by chaos.
Translation provided by Google.
Now in this post I will list all the mechanics of PvP GvG that I think the brake from being a game based on skill and tactics than its predecessor. Begin by saying that currently from the standpoint of positioning in the map the game is quite tactical.
1. The rolled is one of my favorite mechanics of the game because it makes a lot of action. But since the beginning of this game mechanics, along with all the dodges due to skill, has reached ridiculous levels. According to me a rolled is a tool that must be used in order to avoid a specific attack dangerous and not something that is used in the case between an attack and the other. This is due to the fact that many build allow a perma vigor and many lead seals energy or skill that act as rolled. The consequence is a rolled every 2 or 3 seconds. Classes such as warrior or guardian pardon dps as they roll. At contario all the damage condition and the mesmer maintain that squilibria things much.
2. Summoned creatures. Although it is always been a fan of the summoned creatures, when talking about the pvp is another matter entirely. It is possible that the game is haunted by creatures who have an enormous capacity for survival making them difficult to destroy, blocking attacks that saturate the area attacks or bullets that make it difficult to pick up the target. In short, the summoned creatures in the middle of the battle devon disappear. Not to mention all the bugs and exploits this mechanism to be exploited by: mesmer norn, asura necromancers, ghosts that look like clones …
3. Abilities. First of all I would like to understand the logic that you have done with a skill set to stretch the one for the eventual combination of both traits. Ex necro the bracket has 4 skill sets of bracket section 1 without 1 for the stretch which reduces charging 1 for what makes them Unblockables and 1 for both. Do not tell me that is not true because I do not believe because every time you change a skill some of the traits that change regularly forget to fix one of these sets and promptly make an update to fix it, about the skill 5 Bracket necro the old animation if both sections are fitted. That said honestly that I do not care as long as I do not do 3 upgrades for the same skill because you forget to adjust all its versions, since it is only one thing that complicates your work. You should make more visible the animation of the skill and perhaps most dangerous of all in general, apart from inserting the solution that you read below in races, for example, you could retire outside the system of signet of gw1. The marks you could have put that at the beginning of the cast appeared on his head the symbol of the brand that was about to be launched, or when a warrior uses his burst might give him an aura like that of the seal of anger, creating a halo light blue very more evident when using a skill of care ….
4. The breeds. For my part everyone should play the race he wants, even if pvp is clear that there is a distinct difference between one race and another, and another, or between a height. The solution is simple and I am sure you can apply it. Put a filter that changes at the client level the aesthetics of the characters in a default. A little ‘as the filter that changes the color of the clothes or appearance for the first load that has WVW (the famous solution to culling), I’m sure you can do it since the fractal battelground. This would allow you to put the TP whole series of SizeMe: how to see all the asuras, Silvari, norn, humans, charr, asura with a small head and big body, ….
5. Rune and Seals. It is one of the passive mechanical that should be better controlled by limiting what they do. Especially certain professions runes allow you to do things they should not do (ex Lyssa on Thief). In my opinion they should disappear from all evocations runes, runes not expected to be active too heavy (air runes). Should will follow the line of the rune based on a boon or a condition in particular (rune of force which are bugged beginning of the game).
6. Lock the build that richiedan little playability. It is possible that in the average level of pvp so this is a build that sierie richiedan little or nothing to be played. As an engineer with bombs that turns rolling and giving back while you fill all conditions opponents, in gw1 you would catch 5 in a row at the most critical damage by a war that would have exploded. Do not let the cast of skill back ground target, implementing the forced rotation of pg when you want to launch a skill on an opponent behind him.
Guild Wars is a very different game from Guild Wars 2. I understand the sentiment (I myself was a Guild Wars player, Spearmen 44/50!), but we did not build a new game to be just like an old one. While we can certainly gain inspiration from it, comparing the two skill systems is not very helpful because they are vastly different.
What i miss from GW isn’t the gameplay, i love the one of GW2.
I miss a lot of things that i don’t understand why here in GW2 there aren’t:
- Dishonorable System
- Zaishen Key as reward from PVP
- Daily and Monthly tournament
- Guild with Elo ratings
- Save the Build
- Observer that you can start when you want and see again your guild match
And an other thing that i don’t understand is that you keep saying that is hard to fix and change skill, but there are tons of things that have only the wrong description from the start of the game. You keep saying that you want that player understand the game and don’t find it complicate, but a skill that don’t say what it does it doesn’t look simple.
- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combustive_Shot Radius is 360 and not 240
- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bull%27s_Charge the damage have a wrong formula
- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stomp the damage have a wrong formula
- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning_Arrows id doesn’t say that reduce skill recharge of 20%.
I wrote those exemple because i play mainly warrior.
I understand that you have big plans in mind but i will prefer that, before making new skills, traits, runes, sigil you will fix and work on what you have.
And pls stop thinking that you have to balance for Hight level PvP, Low Level, WvW and PvE. Just balance for Hight lvl PvP. A more difficult game is better because ppl will get happy if they fill that they learn how to play difficult builds. And PvE and WvW who cares if it isn’t perfect? If i love ranger, that is weak, i play him in WvW or PvE.
But this is only a my opinion.
Anyway keep talking in forum giving to us the hope thatyou will make this game better.
(edited by Laxuar.3504)
Just an other thing to necro DS. When you are in death shroud you take no damage from donditions like no heal.