Showing Posts For Liav.7598:

Critical Foefire Exploit

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


1) You know the exploit.
2) ArenaNet does not know the exploit, according to your first post.
3) You’re doing it wrong.

Don’t post on forums about exploits you KNOW unless you have already submitted a bug report about it.

I have had this happen to me before on Khylo (not resetting to my spawn) and I managed to cap two points as well. However, as far as I could tell, it was a completely random thing that I can’t reproduce.

Carry on.

This doesn't feel like PvP. This is PvNPC.

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


The Rock Dog does absolutely NO damage whatsoever

Can’t believe you just typed these words on a public forum.

I’ve had Rock Dogs hit for anywhere from 200-500. That’s a lot of damage when you’re trying to finish your opponent, and you have to contend with them using a downed state AUTO ATTACK to hit you for 1k every second, as well as 200-500 every second from the Rock Dog.

Too many kitten NPCs in PvP, period.

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


blind opponent and he will waste initiative.
dodge or breakstun and hw will waste initiative.

do you know how many hp has a cannon glass thief? 14k
do you know how much armor has a cannon glass thief? 1.9-2k
do you know how strong is a thief with no initiative? it is useless.
do you know after haste thief lose all endurance and stop regeneting it?

do you need some more help to learn to fight against thief? ask
can you stop whine? ….

Assume a nominal amount of lag, say 200ms. Assume further the thief is stealthed, so you don’t realize it’s a thief until he’s already attacking, give that another 0.5s. Now you have about 1 second to react before you’re dead.

It doesn’t matter if the thief loses all endurance if the fight is over.

You can attribute that to a character culling issue with the game engine. I get anywhere from 100-200ms pings on other MMOs (Dark Age of Camelot), and this issue is not present. Dark Age of Camelot also has indefinite stealth, until you are engaged in combat, however the character appearing on your screen after leaving stealth is nearly instant.

You can’t nerf classes based on inherent issues with the game engine.

I agree that Pistol Whip is a bit much due to its inherent spammable stun component, and I would definitely have the devs look into some alternatives for that. Especially in combination with Quickness.

I am of the belief that Quickness is a stupid gameplay mechanic altogether, so I went with a Condition build to roll just about any build that relies on Quickness. Pistol Whip is the only spec that gives me trouble, due to the fact that dodging/stun breaks are useless against it.

If you get out of range, they have a spammable immobilize. If you’re in melee range, they have a spammable stun. There aren’t many counters to it unless you’re a bunker build, which is not an option for all classes.


Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


As Warrior with 28k hp, I was once taken down by a thief in around two seconds, no joke. All they have to do is spam a few skills and kills will flow to them, and when their skill combos got interrupted, they just use one of their many stealth skills and they can safely plan their next move again. This is BS. As long as Thief remains in their current state, PvP will never become enjoyable especially for more squishy professions.

What about godmode Mesmers? Guardians that can hold a point against 2-3+ players at a time for several seconds until their team mates come to assist?

Ever consider that your class should be brought up to par instead of ruining other classes? I can barely compete with a good Elementalist/Mesmer/Engineer, as a Thief. If they nerf Thieves then I guarantee you the FOTM is going to go somewhere else. Oh wait, it already has. It’s called Mesmer!

The only reasonable approach is to try to get the classes on an even playing field a little bit at a time.

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


Glad today’s patch further improved Thieves and somewhat nerfed Elementalists. It was really something in dire need.

HS needs a cooldown, or damage reduction. Spec’d right you can spam it 5 times before initiative runs out and kill anything. And yes I tested it.

It takes little skill to kill as a thief, but plenty to know how to counter it. Definitely not balanced in my opinion.

Heartseeker has already been nerfed into the ground. It didn’t kill good players before, it doesn’t kill good players now.

If I walk up to any Guardian/Necro/Mesmer/Any other class that has been playing this game for more than a day, I will melt trying to spam Heartseeker.

It is only, and I mean ONLY, viable as a finisher. Thief has more powerful specs for burst dps, whine about those.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Liav.7598


Driver-forced AA is always the answer.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


I posted this in another thread just now, but I’ll put it here anyway.



Shadow Arts: Infusion of Shadow, Patience
Acrobatics: Power of Inertia, Pain Response, Quick Recovery
Trickery: Uncatchable, Trickster

Runes: Rune of the Undead 6/6

Sigils: Sigil of Agony 2/2+1/1

Utility Skills: Roll For Initiative, Caltrops, Signet of Shadows

Elite Skills: Dagger Storm, Thieves Guild (situationally)

This build is ALL condition damage, and relies on constant movement/evading/Death Blossom to avoid damage and prolong fights for as long as possible.

Very few classes can compete with the longevity of this build.

Roll For Initiative is the only stun break I need. Enjoy getting all of your initiative back while dodging far enough away from your opponent that their 4s Quickness ability is used up.

Every dodge you perform gives you a 20 (twenty, yes, twenty) second duration stack of Might. I’ve managed to get upwards of 7 (yes, seven) stacks of Might in the heat of combat, which means improved Condition damage.

If your endurance is not full, you’re getting a passive 10% damage bonus via the Acrobatics line. This does not apply to bleeds to my knowledge, only direct damage. This means that you should be dodging 100% of the time if you do not have the initiative to use Death Blossom, or if your endurance bar is full. Do not allow your endurance bar to fill up.

Dodge right on top of your opponent if possible to ensure Caltrops lands on them, applying extra stacks of bleeds as well as cripple, in addition to the HUGE radius of the utility Caltrops.

Avoid using Hide in Shadows to cure conditions if your health is >75%. Pain Response will automatically remove all damaging conditions from you once your health hits 75%, this ability is on a 45s internal cooldown.


Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet.

The evade frame on Death Blossom really, really sucks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in the middle of the air, and get smacked to the ground by a knockdown, or CC’d in some other manner.

I have no idea what’s causing this, but it is seriously irritating. I think the evade frame is just not synchronized properly with the animation, and it’s very deceptive.

Heartseeker is...STILL...missing

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


I use a 100% condition damage build, but if I’m hitting a target that has a sliver of life left, I’m going to use Heartseeker. That doesn’t make me a newb, it means I have the combat awareness to not blatantly ignore one of the most useful abilities we have.

You trolls are pathetic.

If I use Heartseeker, and I leap directly on top of my opponent and get a “miss” message, even if I only use it once, that is not my fault. Broken ability is broken.

Can't wash the noob off

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Can’t edit this post, but I would like to add:

If Death Blossom is on cooldown, you are dodging or dropping your Caltrops utility skill. No exceptions. Your bleeds get more powerful as the fight goes on due to the might stacks (with 30% boon duration from Acrobatics), I’ve gotten up to 7 stacks mid-combat.

You also get a 10% damage increase (not bleed damage increase, just the direct hits) when your endurance is not full.

If you’re not in constant motion, you’re decreasing your effectiveness.

Can't wash the noob off

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Try my spec.

Dagger/Dagger + Shortbow


Shadow Arts: Infusion of Shadow, Patience

Acrobatics: Power of Inertia*, Pain Response, Quick Recovery*

Trickery: Uncatchable, Trickster

*Implies that these traits are essentially mandatory, and taking any others would be dumb imho.

Utility Skills: Roll For Initiative, Caltrops, Signet of Shadows (for Passive effect)

Elite Skill: Dagger Storm, Thieves Guild (Situationally)

Runes: Rune of the Undead 6/6

Sigils: Sigil of Agony on both daggers, and shortbow.

This build is ALL condition damage. Heartseeker should only be use sparingly as a finisher/gap closer on fleeing opponents, or if your opponent is too low on health to justify more bleed stacks.

Use Cloak & Dagger on downed opponents before finishing them. You will regenerate the 6 initiative you invested in it by the time the duration wears off due to the traits in Shadow Arts.

I laugh at Pistol Whip/Heartseeker spam. This build is very tanky, and is designed to outlast your opponent as opposed to killing them quickly. It’s good for holding points against multiple enemies, and only skilled Engineers/Necromancers tend to give this build any issues. Exceptional Mesmers with very specific builds can be troublesome. Any Warrior spec is essentially useless against this spec. Exceptional Guardians last a while, but with any intelligent use of the Daze you get from Steal, you can shut them down by getting them to expend all of their long recasts. Spirit Weapon Guardians are another story…

(edited by Liav.7598)

Immobilize, Downed State, Thief, Mesmer - Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


Even if it broke stealth when it was being cast, you still have to contend with a million pets and a barrage of particle effects do see distinct combat animations.

All in all, Mesmer does too many things too effectively. Their pets do too much damage, compiled on the damage that they do themselves. Add in Confusion stacks, the most powerful CC ability in the game (Moa), stealth, etc.

The reuse of the ability is no justification for its balance. It’s still practically a bloody free kill.

Immobilize, Downed State, Thief, Mesmer - Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


More constructive feedback regarding sPvP, in no particular order. No trolling please.

I’m open to alternative suggestions regarding these.

I might get slightly whiny at times, but I think you’ll be ok.

1) Immobilize.

I feel that Immobilize should be broken by abilities that break stun. The differences between Immobilize and Stun are so slight that it almost feels like a redundancy to have such an effect in the game. Immobilize is arguably a more powerful form of CC due to the fact that it is not easily cured by most classes without sacrificing a utility slot for that purpose alone, and also due to the fact that it is generally a much longer duration.

2) Downed state(s).

After doing a few tournaments, I’ve come to the conclusion that I actually like downed state. However, there is a striking imbalance between a few classes that really needs to be addressed.

Thief: Decent downed state. I’ve managed to save myself from getting stomped while a team mate was reviving me numerous times by using the stealth.

Guardian: Decent downed state. Plenty of opportunity to knock opponents without Stability back and get yourself back into the game.

Necro: Decent downed state. Fear is nice CC, plenty of opportunity there. Damage is about where it should be.

Mesmer: Decent downed state. Their clone ability only fools idiots, however, their illusions (duelist, swordsman, etc.) should be despawned upon being downed. This gives Mesmers a relatively immense advantage.

Elementalist: Useless downed state. Mediocre damage at best, absolutely no way to prevent yourself from getting stomped other than hoping your opponent accepts bribes. Give them some form of knockback or something at least.

Engineer: I don’t play one, but honestly, their downed state seems to suck pretty bad. This is perhaps fair given that their turrets and other numerous dumbfire abilities are still operational after they are downed. If their downed state was any more powerful, it might be too much.

Warrior: Give Vengeance to every other class, replace it with an AOE CC of some sort (adjust traits accordingly), increase damage taken by 3-4x, or get rid of it. Dumb ability is dumb.

Ranger: AOE interrupt is great. Should not be able to stack bleeds while downed though. I would add maybe a 1/2s stun component to their AOE interrupt, remove the bleed from the spammable attack, and call it a day.

2) Mesmer dumbfire pets.

I feel that dumbfire (and only dumbfire) pets should be immediately despawned upon downing the player that summoned them. This is mostly just to address the absurd amount of damage that AI-controlled Mesmer pets are capable of doing.

We do not have infinite amounts of endurance to dodge around Mesmer duelists using Unload while trying to stomp them. These pets either need to die in one hit (one hit-points, you hit them AT ALL, and they die instantly), or need to be rendered inactive once the Mesmer is in a downed state.

This would resolve a severe imbalance issue while not screwing over classes with player-controlled pets (Rangers, for instance) that rely on their SINGLE pets for a downed state mechanic.

3) Thief sword/pistol.

I play a Thief, I use a Condition d/d+sb build. I have used s/p. It’s lame.

Nearly spammable immobilize coupled with a spammable stun + Haste (Quickness) + trait Quickness proc + sigil Quickness proc = Completely overpowered bursty build with too much CC.

Yes, I am whining. Infiltrator’s Strike + Pistol Whip + Quickness is lame, and unless you have 3 utility slots of stun breaks on <5s cooldowns (lol, kitten?), you can not compete with the chain stuns of Pistol Whip due to its short reuse.

Or the Thief can just use Immobilize on you, in which case your stun break is useless (see point 1) and you get Quickness+Pistol Whip’d to death anyway.

4) Mesmer ‘Moa’ elite

I wish I had an elite skill that guaranteed me a free kill every few minutes.

’Nuff said.

5) Thieves Guild

No Scorpion Wire.

Not only do these two dumbfire AI-controlled pets hit like a truck, they also get to drag you around (incurring a brief stun), which is more than enough time to get destroyed by any decent Thief.

While not as powerful as Moa, it’s still too powerful of an ability the effort required to use it. (None, seeing as everything thee pets do is AI controlled.

In conclusion:

I tried to be as constructive as I could here.

I complain about Mesmers a lot, huh?

DualCores, will they ever be viable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liav.7598


i5 2500k @ 4.4GHz
HD 7770

60 FPS 99.9% of the time.

Can’t play this game on an Atari guys.

Note: My system specs are pretty Atari-esque compared to some systems. Multi-core processors are fine in GW2 as well as most or all other MMOs these days. The processor(s) themselves are the issue.

Thiefs Invisiblity bugged

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Seeing as it’s such a common issue, I’d say that notifying them of the issue and allowing them to do internal testing on it would be the most logical approach. User-made videos are only a semi-reliable source of information, and even so, the effort required to make such a video showing appropriate perspective would be pretty difficult. Thanks for the personal attacks though. ~

To summarize the issue:

You see the purple/blackish colored cloud that generally means the Thief has left stealth, however they do not appear on your screen in any form outside of a nameplate (in rare instances, sometimes nothing at all) for 500ms-2s after the purple cloud appears.

Thiefs Invisiblity bugged

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Don’t need video proof, I see it all the time, and I play a Thief.

When stealth breaks, there is often a 1-2 second latency between stealth breaking and them re-appearing on your screen. You may see yourself as being out of stealth, but there is pretty decent lag before the same is true through your opponent’s eyes. Has nothing to do with bads being bads.

Stop speaking if you have nothing useful to contribute.

inb4 ’it’s your internetz or your pc’

Thiefs Invisiblity bugged

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


This is either due to server latency or a rendering issue. Either way, you are correct in that it is not working as intended.

Being able to finish people while invisible, however, is the Thief’s counter to all of the other classes overpowered downed state abilities, and is in fact working as intended.

The latency between a Thief leaving stealth and them actually appearing on the enemy’s screen again is the bug.

Downed State.

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


I’d be fascinated to know what extra layer of ‘understanding’ you’re convinced downed state requires, milo. Downed state to me is just “1111111111111111111211111111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111”, followed by death or a rally.

1) Downed state needs to have bleed out.

2) Downed state needs to have a 200-400% increased incoming damage debuff.

3) There should not be large discrepancies between what classes can do while in downed state.

4) If the first 3 prerequisites aren’t met, downed state needs to kitten off.

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Scorpion Wire: Randomly obstructed even in open field combat. Sometimes it hits and will knock my opponent down, but won’t drag them to me. Sometimes it only drags them a little bit. Unreliable as hell regardless of terrain.

Why are projectiles in this game so slow anyway?

Cluster Bomb: As stated before, ridiculously halfkitten ability in its reliability. Sometimes you can cast 3 in a row and reliably detonate them, sometimes it misfires and nothing happens, sometimes I don’t even get Detonate to pop up after I use Cluster Bomb.

I also seem to get wicked ability latency (500ms-1000ms) between pressing the button and actually firing the shot. There’s definitely a noticeable invisible ‘charging’ time between you pressing the button and firing the shot. This really just sucks.

Infiltrator’s Arrow, Shadow Step, etc.: Half the time they don’t work at all and you just stand there as if you didn’t even use the ability, and you’re out tons of initiative. This happens in a variety of circumstances, most commonly uneven terrain.

Steal: Doesn’t shadow step me to my target half the time as per other abilities mentioned above. If the shadow step fails, you also don’t Steal any abilities. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been facerolled by classes because Steal decided to troll me at the worst possible moment. Our class mechanic should not be this unreliable.

Dancing Dagger: Same as every other projectile. Randomly obstructed, flat out misses, etc.

Issues I Have With The Game (Constructive)

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


I’m glad this thread managed to cultivate a few responses.

To the Necro guy that was somewhere towards the top of the thread, I wasn’t trying to insinuate that your class is overpowered, or that you weren’t responsible for most of your damage. I would honestly say that Mesmers are really the only class where their pets do absurd damage. The majority of my complaint comes from the fact that “PVP” combat in this game feels to me like it is too reliant on factors that are outside of the actual player’s control.

Needless to say, having a ridiculous amount of NPCs running around in a PVP game is just dumb imo.

This game has done an actual decent job of programming pet AI, but with that said, it also takes away from what I feel the entire point of PVP is. The competitive aspect, and the skill required to play. I feel that the vast majority of participation should come from the player him/herself, not the “spawn 2-3 pets and let them roflstomp people while I dodge away” aspect.

On the subject of Quickness, it honestly may not be that bad of a mechanic if the abilities it is generally used with couldn’t down most players in 1-2 seconds with it. I don’t care if you have stun breaks, if I land Pistol Whip on you twice with Haste up, you’re either downed or will be soon.

The penalties set in place by Quickness just aren’t enough.

It may not be a bad mechanic if perhaps the most popular abilities it is generally accompanied with were toned down, but then they would be weak as kitten without Quickness.

All in all, this wasn’t intended to be a rant, it’s just my honest views and complaints.

About that camera thing with the crosshairs, I’m going to have to look into that, sounds awesome. I still think that there should be an in-game option to show your cursor position on your screen (a la TERA) when you’re clicked into your screen (mouselooking).

Issues I Have With The Game (Constructive)

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


i agree with a lot of that apart from the Area of effects thing, i really dont have a problem letting go of my right mouse dropping and aoe and holding right click again. And i dont think keyboard turning should ever be viable, or just letting your skills auto home in on people heartseeker im looking at you.

Nothing more annoying than a warrior or thief blipping in while you are in the middle of a fight with someone while stunbreakers are down and instantly killing you from 60% health.

I would like to see them increase the range on camera i usually like to zoom out quite far , makes it hard to see people coming up behind you. Also camera on range while downed seems even worse for me most of the time.

Well, I wasn’t implying that it should auto-home in or anything. I just wish that aiming GTAOE’s was a little more intuitive when you’re mouse turning, and in addition to that, I would like to see a mouselook toggle to warrant such a change.

I would definitely like to see a FOV slider, I can agree with that, and yes, when you get downed, your camera zooms in so ridiculously close (and gets stuck on terrain) that you’re next to useless. Even more useless than I already implied while downed.

Issues I Have With The Game (Constructive)

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


Section Two: General Complaints

1) Camera.

The camera in this game is absolutely terrible. It’s not snappy enough, and I find myself fighting with the camera way too much because it simply lags behind what it should be. This is due to the camera inertia, and “acceleration” which gives the illusion of smoothness, at the cost of having it feel very sluggish.

This really murders PVP for me when I have to fight with the controls just to play the game.

2) GTAOE (Ground Target Area Of Effect)

This game essentially requires you to be right-clicked (mouselooked) into your screen 100% of the time. Turning with a keyboard is not viable under any circumstances.

I can not tell you how many times my GTAOEs go directly to the ground because it’s impossible to tell where your mouse is actually at on the screen when you’re mouselooking. It would be interesting to have some sort of way to be able to tell where your GTAOE is going to go when you’re mouse turning. This is particularly annoying when you’re trying to Cluster Bomb kite people at short range, for instance.

3) Particle Effects

We really, really, really, really, really, really, really need a particle effect slider. It is nearly impossible to see important combat cues and/or what’s going on AT ALL when your screen is swamped by pretty lights. Please make this type of thing intelligent too. I would like to be able to filter out anything but my own abilities and AOE ring, or at the very least, limit the amount of active particle effects per player to 1, disregarding GTAOE rings. Particle density would also be a nice thing to have.

Issues I Have With The Game (Constructive)

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


I want to love this game, but I really hate it sometimes.

I do not feel that this game will ever be a relevant measure of player skill unless some serious changes are made.

This is not a cry post, just read before you judge.

Section One: PVP

As it currently stands, there are severe issues across the board that really need to be addressed. I will outline those below.

1) Quickness.

This ability/mechanic/whatever you want to call it, is utterly the definition of anti-talent. Every 60 seconds you press a button that means rolling your face across your keyboard for the next few seconds will actually generate favorable results.

I usually hear “learn to dodge” every time someone mentions how broken this ability is in combination with abilities like Pistol Whip, Hundred Blades, etc. The fact of the matter is that this is a very poor recommendation for dealing with such things. I don’t care if you have 500 stun breaks, I have utterly destroyed (and been utterly destroyed by) players using Quickness.

This ability single-handedly destroys any hope of skillful combat in the sense that you have to blow every single cooldown you have to deal with this ONE MECHANIC. This is just ridiculous.

Don’t get me wrong. I play a Thief in s/tpvp as my main, and I am SO bored of only having 1-2 viable specs because not running Quickness puts you at an immense disadvantage.

I would love to see any Thief not running Quickness to go up against a Mesmer, any Necro worth a kitten, any Guardian worth a kitten, and come out of it alive. It’s just a chore of a game mechanic that kills balance.

If Quickness were eliminated from the game across the board, it is my opinion that the classes would be in a greater state of balance.

2) Pets.

When I’m playing even a 5v5 tournament, I almost feel like I’m playing PVE more so than PVP. This is due to the sheer fact that 3 classes in the game are essentially not even personally responsible for the majority of the damage they do, they instead rely on AI.

Some pets die relatively easily, others don’t. It is simply my opinion that for a limited set of classes, too much benefit is had for something that is not directly under your control.

I thought PVP meant player versus player, not player versus player + overpowered AI.

3) 8v8

Other topics here have made this point pretty clear. The hot-join 8v8 PVP format is a bloody zergfest and makes it pretty much unbearable to play even for spec testing. I would honestly stand to see all forms of sPVP changed to 5v5 instead of 8v8, it would be a lot more appealing to people who don’t feel like waiting on or playing in a tournament.

4) PVE in PVP

Nuff said. RotC it widely considered to be the most disgusting abomination of a PVP map ever made in a game pretty much. The PVE aspect plays way too much into the winning/losing element of this map. Whoever caps Ruins first is at such an advantage that the other team essentially has to zerg down the defenders and risk getting their other points taken just for the one point. I do not consider that to be a healthy compromise. RotC sucks.

The Chieftain/Svanir mechanic in FoH is honestly tolerable, but I still think it’s pretty dumb, and that there could be better ‘twists’ you could use to make the individual maps more interesting. I don’t consider having both teams rushing to the OPPOSITE side of the map for a completely luck based chance of stealing the other team’s mob to be an interesting mechanic. It’s a gamble that is entirely separate from what should be purely PVP based gameplay.

The way LotF is set up is great, I would change only one thing about this map. The PVE aspect of this map is actually relatively exhilarating, and can easily turn the tides of a match. Killing the opposite team’s lord is really only a viable strategy if you’re well enough off in the game already to spare the resources, and I believe the tactical decision making element here is perfect. The change that I would make is to lower the points granted to merely 100. If the entire team zergs a base, the keep lord is pretty squishy, so I feel that the number of points awarded is a little overboard. It is almost impossible to rally your team to your base in time to defend the lord if you’re not there already, because it just dies too fast.

5) Downed State


We need an option to bleed ourselves out at an accelerated rate, or an option to just instantly kill ourselves when downed.

Especially considering the lack of balance between the classes when downed, it adds absolutely nothing but an added layer of frustration that feels very out of place in gameplay.

When I kill enemies, I am of the belief that they should DIE. Not fall over on their backs and warp around trolling me for the next 20 seconds.

(edited by Liav.7598)

Cluster Bomb Bug

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


1) You use Cluster Bomb, the bomb hits the ground (and explodes, deals damage, etc.)

2) Detonate is still in the ability slot for ~250-500ms after Cluster Bomb has gone off

3) You go to use Cluster Bomb again, and this ‘fake’ Detonate causes this little mini
explosion around you (weird, right?).

4) You have no idea why your ability failed in the heat of combat, and you’re looking extremely hard to time your usage of the ability right because you can barely see where it is amid the unchangeable cluster**** that is particle effects in the game right now.

Please make GTAOE abilities less clunky.

Please give us a slider for particle effect density to make abilities like these easier to see/use.

/end QQ

Constructive Criticism Regarding Quickness

in PvP

Posted by: Liav.7598


Unfortunately there isn’t a ‘general’ pvp section, so I’m just going to put this here.

In short, I feel as though every class in the game is surprisingly well balanced, with a few exceptions here and there. I will elaborate.

Quickness is a terrible game mechanic in that it essentially reverses all of your hard work balancing classes, for short durations. You can NOT boast this game as being a skill game with an ability like this, compounded by an already extremely limited selection of abilities.

If you’re a Warrior, Ranger, Thief, or any other classes that has access to Quickness, you are really just screwing yourself over. I consider this to be an unfortunate homogenization of some classes that is just unnecessary and adds nothing of substance to gameplay.

Pistol Whip, Heartseeker, and Hundred Blades

These three abilities are the subject of most of the whining, and I’ll tell you exactly why that is.


Pistol Whip is relatively slow and easy to avoid if you’re not hasted. Hundred Blades has NO stun component like Pistol Whip does have, and it is also relatively slow and easy to avoid. Heartseeker spam is really only a viable way of killing people from 100% to dead when hasted. If you take Quickness out of the equation, none of these abilities pose an exceptional threat.

On to my next bit of reasoning.

Dark Age of Camelot was an amazing game, anyone who has played it knows why. The combat in that game is quite honestly visceral, even today. Exceptional players in DAoC shone very brightly, and one of the major reasons for that was because fights lasted longer.

I believe one of the biggest mistakes that modern ‘pvp centric’ MMOs make is that the fights are just too short for skill to be a determining factor in the outcome. Not to mention, 75% or more of the damage dealt is just an AOE cluster****. In DAoC, you assisted. There was no such thing as spam stacking a million GTAOEs and dominating, unless you were tower camping.

I’m getting off topic now.


Quickness is detrimental to a game supposedly designed to require a high level of player skill, and I believe that better balancing of classes can be found by just simply removing this ridiculous mechanic.

Long fights make you feel more rewarded, and they generally allow for more planning, tactics, and skill, as opposed to the “hit Quickness and button mash 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5” depending on what class/build you play.

I dont use Steal

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Stealing from a Necro with a D/D build = Dead Necro before the fear wears off, unless you’re really bad. Steal w/ Mug > Fear > C&D > Backstab > Heartseeker until dead w/ Haste.

Stealing from a Warrior yields a ridiculously powerful AOE attack that also makes you immune to most (all?) sources of damage and grants stability, as well as doing some ridiculous dps. Hasted, I’ve managed to take a Warrior from 100% to downed with this ability when his defensive CDs were down. Unhasted and with defensive cooldowns you can essentially do 0 damage with this ability if they block, but you then have plenty of time to prepare for what to do next.

Steal from an Elementalist, apply a mild duration chill that slows them to a crawl and essentially makes them dead meat regardless of your build. I love chill.

Steal from a Guardian and daze them for 4 seconds.

Steal from another Thief and you get a free stealth attack in.

Steal from a Mesmer and you get all boons for a decent duration. That means 20% critical chance, regeneration, retaliation, protection, etc.

Steal from an Engineer and you get what I consider to be a relatively worthless ability since it can be easily avoided.

Steal from a Ranger and you get absolutely nothing. ~

Honestly though, use Steal. You’re hurting yourself bad if you aren’t, pvp especially, pve too to an extent.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


Some Abilities Failing Frequently

in Thief

Posted by: Liav.7598


This has been touched on in other threads a little bit, most notably Infiltrator’s Arrow, but I’m going to give a more in depth explanation of what the issue is to try to help get some of it fixed.

Essentially all games with teleport abilities suffer from these issues. I would hope that it could be improved.

This will also include a few personal complaints about some abilities just because I feel like whining.


Infiltrator’s Arrow:

In addition to having a ridiculously short range for the initiative cost, it seems to fail frequently. More so in certain circumstances.

One of the major circumstances is when you’re crossing a void. If you’re on a platform and try to shadow step to another platform, the ability will fail about 75% of the time. It seems more prevalent when the terrain is uneven, or when platforms are of different heights. Going from high>low also tends to have a lower failure rate than going from low>high.

Other times it will fail due to a pebble on the ground or something, who knows.

Scorpion Wire:

Same story as Infiltrator’s Arrow really, just the opposite direction. The majority of the time I use this ability, it initiates the brief knockdown, but doesn’t drag my opponent to me. This is on what I consider to be nearly flat terrain.

I have managed to drag somebody who was at about a 50 degree angle upwards from me and was halfway around the corner of a building. I have managed to FAIL dragging somebody who was on the flat surface of the interior of the bases in Legacy of the Foefire. I have NEVER managed to drag somebody upwards who was below me. Ever. Ever.

You can pretty much apply this same issue to every ability in the game that works by similar means.

TL;DR: Drag/teleport abilities are unreliable at best, QQ, pls fix.

Graphics are messed up

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liav.7598


When i go to device manager and go to display adapters and update driver software, it tells me that windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date.

This is because 2010 is the most recent Microsoft driver build. These are elementary level drivers that the OS supplies to get your hardware working on a basic level, they are not optimized for gaming whatsoever. You need to go to your GPU manufacturer’s website and download the most recent driver build from them for your hardware.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liav.7598


Replying to this for a bump.

Here’s an interesting fact.

If I open a Firefox page up in the background, no particular site, just the browser, my FPS goes up to a hardcap of 63 with VSync enabled/FPS Limiter set to 60. This is where it should be, but then I start experiencing variations in frames which leads to some sluggishness in the camera turning. I have GPU-Z running in the background and it doesn’t cause my FPS to increase, only Firefox. There may be some Flash content playing on the page I have opened that is causing it to do this? It’s just Yahoo’s home page.

When I close the browser and tab back in to GW2, my FPS once again becomes hard capped at 50 and I experience incredibly accurate/snappy camera movement that feels like it is how it is intended to feel, as opposed to the lazy camera movement that most people seem to complain about.

I am about 100% sure that this is an issue with GW2’s software, I can’t imagine that any of this is hardware related lol.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liav.7598


My other topic disappeared or got merged somewhere so I’m going to make a new one. I’ve been experimenting with my Crossfire setup and such to try to get this game to perform well, but to no avail. Before I get started, these are my relevant system specs.

CPU: i5 2500k @ stock clocks
GPU: Radeon HD 6670 x2 in Crossfire @ stock clocks
BIOS: No settings relevant to the operation of Crossfire
Drivers: Catalyst 12.8 w/ CAP 2, multiple reinstalls/driver cleans

The issue(s):

1) When the FPS Limiter is set to Unlimited, my game moves unbearably sluggishly, despite a reported FPS of 60-100 via the Options window. This is with VSync enabled or disabled. I notice that even with VSync enabled, my FPS still goes up to like 75 with the FPS Limiter disabled.

2) When the FPS Limiter is set to 60, my FPS becomes hard capped at 50 (fifty), but the game no longer has the sluggishness, it feels very smooth. However, this is only true if my FPS would have been equal to or higher than 50. If my FPS is lower than 50, and the limiter is set to 60, the sluggishness returns. If I then set the FPS Limiter to 30, the sluggishness goes away again, but my FPS is now hard capped at 25 (twenty-five).

3) When I disabled Crossfire and the game is running off of only one of my two 6670’s, my FPS is much higher overall, but the same issues with sluggishness occur unless I utilize the FPS Limiter and kill my FPS with it.

4) I would be fine living with my FPS hard capped at 50, however, once I visited Lion’s Arch, it all went sideways. With Crossfire enabled, in the Trading Post room in Lion’s Arch, I notice that the area around the NPCs flashes constantly. I haven’t noticed this anomaly anywhere else. It’s like a strobe light is going off, and this is regardless of how I have my game settings configured. I also noticed that anywhere in Lion’s Arch, my FPS is ALWAYS lower than it would be if I had Crossfire disabled.

5) Wtf does the FPS Limiter even do that Vsync is not intended to do? If I set the FPS Limiter to 60, and my VSync is enabled with a monitor refresh rate of 60, what function does it serve outside of redundancy, and why does it cause the game to play more smoothly when enabled under certain conditions? To reiterate those “certain conditions”, it is when the FPS is either at or above the FPS Limiter setting.

Please give me some advice so I can get this fixed. There’s no reason why my game should be more stable without Crossfire than with. If you need me to provide more information I will.

FPS Limiter Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liav.7598


Before we get started, my system specs are as follows:

Mainboard: ASUS P8 Z77-V LX
CPU: i5 2500k @ stock clocks
GPU: HD 6670 in CrossfireX
Resolution/Other: 1920×1080 @ 60Hz, VSync enabled, TBuffering enabled

When I set the FPS Limiter to “Unlimited”, I get insane stuttering, although my FPS is displayed as being anywhere from 50 to 100+ via the options window. When I set it to 60, my FPS becomes HARD CAPPED at 50 (fifty). It doesn’t matter what I do, it will NOT go above 50 regardless of the circumstances, but there is literally zero stuttering. If I set the Frame Limiter to 60, the game is butter smooth, however I feel cheated out of 10 FPS.

I’m not sure if this is an issue on your end or not, but I’m open to recommendations.

Edit: Interesting fact, if I open up ANY program in the background, my FPS increases to where it should be (58-63ish), but the stuttering starts again.

Edit 2: It seems flaky as to whether or not this happens. Sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes it just stays hardcapped at 50 even if I have a program open in the background. Wtf?

Why would that be?

(edited by Liav.7598)