Showing Posts For Litego.4953:

Bad performance, good specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Should depend on the area you’re in and what you’re doing. If you’re in towns or general PvE, you should be over 100 frames on average.

I am over 100 FPS in those scenarios, that’s not the point. Point is I drop to 40 in other scenarios, and that should not be happening as I have no bottleneck.

Something’s not right if you’re capping 50% ram on the 32 bit client. Check your hardware and make sure all is good.

Use the 64-bit client as well if you haven’t downloaded it. I’d also recommend Win10 if you install classic shell as the OS itself runs better.

It’s not capping at 50% RAM usage, it’s just that I still have another 8GB to use, so it’s not a RAM bottleneck. The game itself was only using 3.3GB, and yes I am using the 64bit client. Windows 10 might help, but I still shouldn’t be having these issues on Windows 8.1.

The game is extremely CPU-dependent as most MMO’s are. Your fps drops are actually likely caused by your CPU not being able to handle the processing. Unbelievably, the CPU is holding you back much more than you think, albeit there’s not much you can do about it. Also make sure you’re not using your iGPU instead of the 980. Update drivers accordingly.

But as I mentioned, my CPU is only at 40% load, how can it be bottlenecking? The hardest working core was at 80% And yes I’m sure I’m not using the iGPU, and my drivers are up to date.

Check to see if your RAM is actually running at higher than 1800-2300 mhz. You’ll only get better performance out of the 6700k with high-end OC’ed ram (3000+). Otherwise you might be getting bottlenecked there a little bit. I noticed huge gains moving to substantially faster ram on processor-based tasks.

My RAM is running at 2400MHz, but they’re at fairly tight timings at CL12 to make up a little bit for the slower speed. Regardless, I’ve never heard RAM have any major impact on performance in any game, we’re talking around 1% here, at 40 FPS that’s not even bringing me to 41. I doubt it’s any different in GW2, and how did people manage before DDR4 then? As 2400MHz is already extremely fast on DDR3.

Otherwise, just tone down the dials a bit and tweak accordingly.

Changing graphics settings barely do anything. And I shouldn’t have to either. My whole point with this thread is that I can not see any bottlenecks in my system, yet the game is running really badly. And it confuses me, I just don’t get it. It doesn’t make any sense to me that it is the RAM. Are you telling me that you had a 6700K with slow DDR4 RAM, and then upgraded only your RAM? And that helped on performance?

Bad performance, good specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Why is the game running so bad without using all the resources it has available?

I can drop to 40 FPS with around 40% CPU and GPU load, 50% RAM load, 25% VRAM load. So why am I running at 40 FPS? I don’t get it. The game has access to lots more power from my PC, and I’m running it at such a kittenty frame rate.

My specs are:
CPU: Intel i7-6700k
GPU: nVidia GTX 980
Windows 8.1

Inverted Party Interface

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Litego.4953


Problem solved, just loaded a new zone.

Inverted Party Interface

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Litego.4953


It’s ruined! How to fix?

WSAD is a lousy way to manouver

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


Right now the game controls feels like a poor blend of FPS and action mmo. I would be a happy camper if i could opt for a more FPS like setup with sustained fire while holding down a button and no target lock. And where i didn’t need to hold down a button all the time to turn the camera around with the mouse!

I would love that too, but because we don’t get that, I made a script to do the last thing you mentioned. If you’re interested I could send it to you.

WSAD is a lousy way to manouver

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


so then tell me why about as good as every single FPS game for PC uses WASD to move around if it is so inferior… afterall if there is any genre in general where fast responses and mobiblty is important FPS would be it

No one said WASD is inferior, we said it is superior, big difference there. The OP and a few others said it’s awkward, again, not inferior.

Ah, console users. As said above WASD+mouselook is the standard PC movement scheme because it allows much faster response. However, if you’re using WASD without mouselook, it is really slow for turning and probably why you’re having problems with it.

RMB is turn, A and D are strafe, and W and S are forward and backward, simple stuff and you can’t do that with just a mouse, and controller setups aren’t responsive enough.

Actually, by default, A/D are turns, and Q/E are strafes. I think most everybody who plays these sort of games has already reconfigured their binds, though.

A/D changes to strafe while holding RMB though. But I still always rebind them because having turn bound to the keyboard is just terrible. Right now I use a script which toggles RMB and gives me free mouse look without having to hold it. It also changes my LMB and RMB to skill 1 and 2. I use the windows key to toggle the script on and off so that I can use the mouse when I need pointing and clicking. Makes combat feel even more action based.

Mounts/Addons/ and an LFD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


Mounts would be nice

Not really considering they arent needed. If we had no waypoints then sure, but there would be no point in having them in GW2. Everything is within walking distance of waypoints, to hop on something and get there a few seconds quicker would take the fun out of the adventure.

I don’t agree, mounts would be nice for exploring before you get the way points, especially in cities. I don’t even bother exploring the cities anymore cause it takes so much time without a good enough reward. I did it the first 2 times, now I don’t care anymore, I might have if I had a mount. But more importantly, it would make resource gathering less tedious because you can’t exactly use waypoints between nodes, you have to constantly run between them, which takes time.

It’s not a necessity due to the waypoint system, but it would still be pretty nice to have.

Mounts/Addons/ and an LFD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


Mounts would be nice, addons I’m not sure, LFD I do now know what is, holy trinity should stay away, raids would be cool.

Liking and wanting any of these features have nothing to do with WoW. I want mounts and I want a dungeon finder, these are great features which improve convenience and enjoyment of the game. I do not and have never played WoW with a sub, that is one of the reasons I find the standard argument “go back to WoW” completely ridiculous and it just shows that the person lacks a working brain to form good, valid arguments.

WSAD is a lousy way to manouver

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


Of course people still use WASD, it is a superior way to move around that allows for more advanced and more responsive movement. But yeah, you can use RMB+LMB to move with the mouse if you so chose.

Allow Elementalists to swap between weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


I got an idea. What if every class instead of having two weapon slots + switch we have a weapon slot for every weapon the class can carry.

Then we add 2-5 build slots each containing two weapon slots + switch that we can easily swap between while out of combat with a click of a button, or a keybind. In the weapon slots of your builds you choose what kind of weapon you want there. So if you choose a Sword and Shield, this build will contain the Sword and Shield from your general Sword and Shield slots which would be shared between all builds. So when you change the weapon in a slot, it will automatically change for every build using it because they all use the same weapons.

To make it more attractive for ANet to put this in, they can add the option on the Black Market to buy more build slots, you’ll still be able to always carry all of your different weapon types though, you just won’t have the ability to use every single combination at once without paying a little for it. Though it would still be easier to switch than it is now.

This would free bag space for everyone, especially classes with lots of weapons. It would allow for easier weapon switching without the inventory mess and accidental weapon sales. And it would make ANet some more profit. The only downside is that it would not allow for having a tanky sword and a DPS sword, that would still require inventory management.

Allow Elementalists to swap between weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


i Disagree hugely beyond wow and beyond. do you realize how impossible it would be to balance a elementalist that has 4 elements already?! or you think all other classes should get 4 elements to switch between aswell?

Uhh, they already do… Except they’re not called elements, just weapon skills. Well Elementalist have access to 40 skills on land, Warriors have access to 39. Wow, one skill difference, how unfair! This is about out of combat, you can already switch weapons quick by going into your inventory, all this is is convenience. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with balance.

I could just write a script to do this for me (completely legal), and I might in fact do it too if ANet does not implement a feature like this.

elemetalist should not be the only ones to get it, either all classes get and extra (or multiple extras) out of combat weapon switch or noone do.

And really ele’s complaining about weapons taking up space… you got like 4 different weapons (so that 4 spaces to be fair as you likely need 2 daggers)… both my mesmer and thief runs around with like 10 slots used for alternative weapon types…, wont even think about what warriors need… ele and engi are the 2 classes using the least bag space for weps, yet somehow the only ones complaining about it…

It’s not about bag space, it’s about convenience. Dagger/dagger plays completely different from staff and has other advantages. I am a Warrior main, and I want this on my elementalist. Though I agree, a system should be put in place that would work for everyone. Ideally you should be able to switch to any weapon build on any class with a click of a button, without having to go into your inventory and look for it.

Allow Elementalists to swap between weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


The weapon switching system in general could need a change. IMO we should have access to the different weapon builds we like with a push of a button without having to open the bags on any class.

A build feature would be nice, where we bind builds to maybe F5-F12. A build would contain your armor, jewels and weapons, including weapon switch. So that you can have for example Greatsword/Hammer on F5 and Dual sword/long bow on F6 etc..

A switch weapon button should also be added to Elementalist and Engineer that is restricted to out of combat so that they don’t have to make entire builds just for weapon swapping between two weapons as everyone else can do so easily.

Then add a feature to hide soulbond items from the vendor so you don’t accidentally sell them when you switch builds. I know you can do this through bag management with invisible bags and stuff, but that system is not good enough because when you change an item it will not go in the invisible bag.

I’m sure there are better ways of implementing this then what I just suggested, I did not put a lot of thought into it, so obviously it can be much improved. But it would be an improvement on what we already have.

You want replayability?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


I like it, I really do.

Weapon Swaps for Elementalist and Engineer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


As an Elementalist and a Warrior I don’t find the bag space argument very good. I do however completely agree that an out of combat weapon switch for Elementalist and Engineer would be great!

But I got a better solution that would benefit all classes. A few extra hotkey buttons on the UI for Gear swaps, or build swaps, where you can change your entire build out of combat, weapons, armor, jewelry and even traits. Give us 2-4 slots and allows us to unlock more through the Black Marked or in-game currency. Also allow us to keybind these slots for quicker access.

It would make item switching painless.

Add a crosshair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


I made a script that makes the right mouse button camera view a toggle instead of hold as it is now. Then I moved it to the left windows key and changed left mouse button to skill 1 and right mouse button to skill 2. This makes the game feel more action oriented, which is very nice.

The only problem with this is ground targeted skills, as I use fast cast and don’t know where I’m aiming. I sort of solved this issue by auto moving the mouse to the center of the screen when the windows key is pressed, this makes it easier, but it is still not good enough. A crosshair would be ideal. I know I could draw a crosshair in the middle of the screen on top of the game, but then I’d be forced to play in Windowed or Borderless mode, as I am using nVidia Surround, this is not an option.

The only other way to fix this is if ANet added a Crosshair UI element which could be toggled on (it being off by default), or doing some memory hacking. And I do not know how to do the second one, and I assume it is strictly forbidden and will get me banned, so I’m not even gonna try it.

Of course the best thing would be if there would be added an option to play the game like this with all the features I described from ANet, but I assume that won’t happen, so instead I’ll just ask for a simple crosshair.

My exit review of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Possibly, however this not returning has stayed true through F2P as well. If GW2 gets a return due to being initial purchase only it would be norm breaking.

Well the real difference there, is that in a F2P MMO you still have to buy the new content, or grind for days/weeks to get enough in-game currency to unlock it. While in GW2s B2P model you can log back in anytime you want and still have full access to the game, without limitations. I think that will cause a return to be much easier on content patches than in subscription or F2P MMOs.

Should Guild Wars 2 have less waypoints?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


“Should Guild Wars 2 have less waypoints?”

This, pretty much.

Over 600+ hours of gameplay, my toughts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


For the folks calling 600+ hours “hardcore”, I disagree. What are those 600 hours spent doing? One character grinding out gear etc? Ok, that’s hardcore. Playing many characters and going through the story? For someone who is injured and on bedrest, that’s normal play.

I’d say if you are gaming over 12 hours every day, regardless of what you are doing, that’s pretty hardcore. In his situation though I’d probably do the same thing (I actually have done it), but it’s hardcore nonetheless.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


Please people, stop with the WoW references, it’s ridiculous!
“WoW has mounts! Other game has mount… WoW clone!”
What kind of ridiculously flawed logic is that? How about you come with a valid argument instead of utter and complete bullkitten? And no, I do not play WoW, never have, never will.

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Sadly Anet already stated that they will not adjust the FOV.


If that is true I will without a doubt start using a FoV hack, I’ve already tried one and it is glorious!

FOV on 3 monitors Demonstration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


See here now, I made a quick paint illustration for why FoV is different and better than zoom since apparently words don’t explain it well enough.

The blue cone illustrates a low FoV camera zoomed out, as it is in GW2. While the red one illustrates a higher FoV camera zoomed in. They both see the black object and everything at the distance of the yellow marker equally big on their screen. Except the blue player is much farther away from the object, and the red player sees much more past that point such as background scenery.

This cures motion sickness and gives a much greater overview when playing. It allows for close up fights such as in dungeons while still being able to see the fight instead of your characters back. Out doors it means you spend less time looking at the ground, or a very narrow point and get a much better awareness of what’s happening around you.

Edit: To be fair, when talking about video and pictures IRL, zoom and FoV are actually the same thing. But in games we talk about zoom as moving the camera back and forth, while FoV is changing the “zoom” from the same position without moving the camera.


(edited by Litego.4953)

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Ok after trying it I can say that I was right in my assumption, it is still horrible. It’s better, but it’s still bad.

What I do not get is why we don’t get an option to disable it completely. I mean we have an option for Camera Position which apparently is much more crucial than Mouse Smoothing and a FoV slider…

FOV on 3 monitors Demonstration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


The examples on the Video are from FPS games, wich you cant really compare with GW2, since in that kind of FPS games you cant just zoom out of your character, but here you can!

Zooming has nothing to do with it. FoV is not genre specific, it applies to all video games ever made and all games that will ever be made (Well actually that’s not entirely true, some games and programs use isometric cameras, in which case FoV and zoom are the same thing). It is applied to photos, movies, everything camera related . And you have to realize that FoV and zoom are two completely different things. FoV is equally important in RPGs as they are in FPS’.

I never said there wasnt any problems with it, i just said is fine as it is, and there’s a lot of simple solutions already to it, you just dont like any of them because you wanna waste their time or w/e.

The solution of changing game files to run custom resolutions, or run in windowed mode, both reducing picture size and immersion as well as breaking the centering of UI items. Or run third party programs which may or may not be bannable. Or move the monitor further back on your desk. All this instead of changing a single value in their code which will take a single person a good 5 minutes at most.

Obviously most of us want a FoV slider instead of just an increased FoV, and this will take significantly more development time. But for now it would be nice if we got hot fixed an increased FoV, which practically takes no dev time at all, so that’s not a good argument.

And what you think would happen if you had a super huge FOV? the camera would just go throw the wall and let you see eveything clearly??

if somehow it does, that’s already an advantage, disapproving the use of a FOV increase program since it gives that advantage in gameplay, lol

but guess what, i dont think it will, your camera would still hit the wall and all the Vision u had will be reduce to a First person POV

What? I don’t think you understand what FoV is if that’s your reply. Yes of course the camera would hit the wall! That’s the point! But it would NOT go into first person view and you WOULD be able to still see clearly what’s going on around you. It would also NOT go through the wall to let you see stuff you’re not supposed to. That’s why FoV is needed and not zoom.

You can sit further away too, (duh!) play on custom resolution, etc
Have you even considered the players that doesn’t even care about this? what would happen if they suddenly change it and they start getting all this “illness” you say you have?

Why would I consider those who don’t care? They don’t care either way, so they don’t really matter… If they change it and start feeling ill then they can change it back. What’s the problem here? Stupid people fiddling with stuff they don’t know nothing about? Fine, add a tooltip with a warning and a reset to default button.

You clearly havnt play any PVP games that have the need of fast reactions and how much being able to see a little more could save you from a certain dead, i.e: Dota, LoL, CS, MMORPGs with PVP, etc
More than a gaming mouse, 120hz monitor or a “better” headset, being able to see MORE in your screen will actually help you 100 times better than any of the stuff you listed!

I’ll admit I don’t have an extensive MMO PvP background, but I have played loads of FPS PvP games over the years dating back to the late 90s. I am no pro gamer but I can stomp most people in the FPS games I do play and I’ve been a highly ranked player in some of them. And for you to say that FoV is 100 times more of an advantage then a good gaming mouse is just completely ignorant. Greater FoV has it’s advantages as well as disadvantages.

In FPS games for example a greater FoV will decrease your aim due to smaller targets. Now obviously you can buy a bigger screen to get more of an advantage, but then we’re back on my argument about hardware giving more of an advantage than software.

Triple monitor setups is simply a big nono for competitive players even with double the FoV of a single screen. Now why is that when obviously more FoV is always better? Simple answer, it adds input lag with syncing and all that stuff, which is a far more limiting factor than greater FoV is an advantage.

But no, you want further zoom, as if that’s not an advantage… With further zoom you can actually see further around corners, but I guess that’s nothing compared to the horrible FoV.

Oh kitten that post got long, sorry about that. But FoV is a generally huge issue in the gaming industry since the consolarization of the PC market and a issue I take seriously, as well as anything mouse related such as smoothing and acceleration.

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


I don’t know that much about cameras. I do know that I have been playing since release and only got motion sick when doing jumping puzzles. Last night I was not doing them, but experienced motion sickness playing the game for the first time. I didn’t realize what had changed, only that I felt sick when and had to stop playing early. Will try to make changes to increase fps to see if that will help, but would prefer a button to put it back!

Motion sickness is not caused by camera smoothing, it is caused by having a too low FoV, this is a fact. Maybe the smoothing somehow dampened the effect, but the cause is FoV, nothing else. Let’s fix the real problem behind motion sickness instead of trying to blame it on something else.

We just need the option to toggle smoothing on and off, is that so hard to make? No! As a hobby programmer I know this for a fact as well.

Would you rather have an amazing 80 or 5 crappy 80s?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


5 Crappy ones, more diversity. And gear doesn’t really give you that much of an advantage anyways.

Also, just do a server transfer, they’re free aren’t they?

Instant max lvl potions plz

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


Normally I would be against this, but for GW2 I’m actually not. I guess it’s because this game is not about progression, but just playing the game and enjoying what you like. You like WvW so why should you be forced to level through all the other BS? I support this!

FOV on 3 monitors Demonstration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


That’s how I have it set up and play GW 2 at a resolution of 5760×1080 but I still feel the FoV is way too narrow. …

… Well, ANet already supports higher FoV they’ve put in a lot of development time to support triple monitor users so we get a better experience with higher FoV.

6040*1080 here – 3*1 all widescreen (same make and model).

There is a wide screen gamers tool that has no effect on the game other than centering screen elements such as map and chat, centering cut scenes and centering the character select and creation screens. I will not name that tool here.

Actually screen elements do center by default now in triple monitor (at least most of them do), that’s why I said they’ve put in a lot of development time. I am not sure how it works, but maybe it doesn’t work with bezel correction? I noticed when I tried to play in window mode and make the horizontal resolution lower to increase FoV that screen elements no longer centered. So try running in the standard 5760×1080 if you don’t want to risk it with the tool.

I think I know which tool you guys are talking about, I have not checked if it has support for GW2, but I’ve used a specific tool for plenty of games with FoV and other mulit monitor issues such as UI stretching, spanning zooming etc.. Great tool!

FOV on 3 monitors Demonstration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


watched them both, and yeah
all he says is how higher FOV = More stuff you can see

wich in THIS game = to longer Zoom out

Min 6:30
“you’r just increasing the amount of information to see”
“More information, same screen size, all things just seem to get smaller”

what happens when u zoom out of your character??
you can see more of the enviorement, u still have the same screen size, things seem to get smaller because u’r further away from them!!

Let me ask a simple question: What happens in a dungeon where the camera hits the wall or ceiling very close to your character? Does zoom help you here? kitten no! But a greater FoV will allow you to still maintain perfect overview in dungeons at much closer camera distances.

He also “suggest” (he doesnt really suggest it, but thats what i got from the explanation he made comparing 52" Tv using a console at 10 feet away to PC monitor of 30" at 2 feet away)
that another way to fix it is, sitting further away from your monitor, giving your eyes more space for peripheral vision and making it more comfortable for you!

True, so as I mentioned before, you want me to buy a new desk to get space enough to move it further back in order to get a overall worse gameplay experience instead of the devs fixing what is broken? As well as me having to constantly move my monitor back and forth when switching between games, yeah, great solution there!

Either way, higher FOV is in Fact and advantage over lower FOV, even if you dont Focus all the things you can see on the monitor, they’r still there, and u would see them if you focus them, that’s an obvious advantage!
plus while u’r focusing the center of the monitor u still have your peripheral view inside your monitors sight, giving you reaction to movement advantage!

PS: tnx for the videos, they were very instructive!

I’ll tell you what really gives players an advantage: A high end computer which can maintain a constant 60+ FPS, a good gaming mouse and keyboard, a 120Hz monitor, a good headset. These things will give you much more of an advantage than increasing FoV ever will, do you want a ban on that too now? Maybe we should remove all graphical and sound options too because tweaking those to optimize your game is unfair to others. Please stop being such a kitten about it, Anet clearly supports higher FoV as proved by them giving me with 3 monitors double the FoV you have while they keep developing and optimizing triple monitor setups.

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


I have not tested the new camera yet, but it being more responsive is not enough! We need raw input, no smoothing, no acceleration, no inertia, just plain 1:1 mouse movement. But it also needs to be an option, clearly not everyone likes responsiveness and prefer some cool and fancy smoothing effects.

I’ve seen that Anet do not want to clutter their options menu with checkboxes and sliders, but if they want to please us they just have to! It is really no problem at all making this an option, it is just about Anet not wanting a cluttered options menu, which I don’t really get because only advanced players even take the time to go through them and find what they like. Most people just use the default anyways.

FOV on 3 monitors Demonstration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


heres a 3 monitor set up a sane person would use

That’s how I have it set up and play GW 2 at a resolution of 5760×1080 but I still feel the FoV is way too narrow. It sure helps to have those side monitors, but you’ll still not see kitten while in a dungeon and the camera hits a wall. Having 3 monitors really doesn’t solve the problem, it just makes it slightly more endurable.

Edit: Read back a few posts and a lot of people keep bringing up advantages, ANet not wanting to support higher FoV and performance issues. Well, ANet already supports higher FoV they’ve put in a lot of development time to support triple monitor users so we get a better experience with higher FoV. Triple monitor setup was very broken in beta and on launch. Today it is working perfectly fine and gives us a huge FoV boost, clearly they support higher FoV, which is a great thing! Now all we need is a FoV slider to solve the remaining FoV problems.

(edited by Litego.4953)

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


tbh honest ,the camera comming in closer to your toon because it hits a wall or/w/e is something i have seen in every mmo. Unless you want to look at a black screen all of a sudden because your cam is inside a object this is a good thing.

Sure, they collide into walls in other MMOs, the reason it is not a problem there is because the FoV is much greater, so you don’t lose ALL your awareness because you can still see more than the back of your character.

I recently started doing dungeons, and the low FoV is a huge issue there. Out in the open world you can zoom out to a decent distance and get an overview. But inside dungeons you can not do this, so no, we do not need more zoom, we need a FoV slider!

And to those saying you need to move your monitor further away… Are you serious?! I’m sorry for my blunt honesty, but that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in quite a while. Yes, instead of the devs fixing their game I should buy a new desk to get enough space to move my monitor further back so that I get a worse gaming experience and feel less immersed in order to maybe get rid of my motion sickness… Yeah sure, I’ll do that right away!

Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable

in Engineer

Posted by: Litego.4953


Wow what an ignorant post. No one in their right mind would use buttons 7+ in any game, even 6 is a stretch, and I would stay away from it. A Naga is not nearly as useful in this MMO as a lot of others, 10 skills is easily manageable around the WASD keys without any need for alt, shift and ctrl combos. If you don’t own a Nage you rebind your keys, there is simply no reason to play with the default keys, and anyone doing so is a complete scrub. I’m sorry, but it’s true.

I bought a Naga for MMO use, didn’t use it for months because I was not really playing any MMOs at the time. Then MMOs like Secret World and GW2 comes out with their limited skills, and I got to be honest, it’s not really worth it anymore. I mean I use it, but it doesn’t really give me an edge like it would in MMOs with ridiculous amounts of skills.

1 2 3 4 5 spam and i won=best player in the server anyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Terrible troll

Found improvement for mouse smoothing/lag + small performance bump

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Litego.4953


Mouse behavior is tied to performance, FPS, the lower your FPS the more mouse lag you will have.

That’s how every single game in the existence of games have all worked, which is why 60+ FPS is so vitally important in certain kind of games such as twitch shooters. The reason you get mouse lag when your FPS gets low is because your computer requires more time to render each and every frame. And because it uses more time to render frames it also display those frames much slower than if you have higher FPS.

But an other problem is that GW2 has mouse smoothing, what this does is smooth out movement a few frames, if you have a very limited number of frames this smoothing will last longer. We need an option to completely turn off mouse smoothing, this should significantly improve responsiveness, even on low en computers.

In my world 20 FPS is just not playable. In shooters I can not play with anything below 60 FPS, makes it horrible! In RPGs I prefer 50+, 40 is ok, 30 is the bare minimum.

Edit: Oh and also, turn off Vsync if you have it on, it adds enormous amounts of input lag to any game, and if input lag is already an issue then it is even more important to get it off.

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Only read OP. And may I say hurrah? Anyways, I would like an option to completely turn off mouse smoothing, I hate it, can not stand it.

Performance and Framerate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Runs fine for me across three monitors (5760×1080) with a single graphics card.

I run the same resolution with 2xGTX 670s, but what I’ve noticed is that there is only a 10 FPS difference between HD and triple HD, kind of strange. And the FPS difference between max and minimum settings are also fairly small. Seems the game scales pretty badly, or it just has bad SLI support. Now obviously I don’t have any problems running the game maxed out, but because I see very little difference on max and minimum I assume the scaling is bad and the game runs terrible on low end machines.

~HUGE LIST of improvements~

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


Good stuff! Should edit the OP and add the other suggestions here too if that’s possible.

more abilities per weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


I want this too. I’ve found that I often just end up liking the playstyle of one or two weapons on some professions, and within the five skills on those weapons I may not like 1 or 2 abilities which I would like to trade for something else. The 6-10 skills often have a longer cooldown, are more situational and don’t enter my usual skill chain, which leaves me with very little variety in normal combat, it’s a little too simplified.

The one class I found to be very versatile with weapon skills was the Engineer with it’s ability to instantly change back and forth between different weapon sets, this was technical and fun. I see potential in the Elementalist, have not played it enough yet to judge, but there we have a cooldown for going back to a previous attunement, which kind of limits the constant changing of skills.

Do you expect something new tomorrow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Litego.4953


Well they don’t really need to battle because this game has no sub fee, which is one of the reasons this game is so great. People will go play other games when they release new content and then come back here and play whenever they want. Once the new expansion is played out they’ll come back, and they’ll be back when they need a little break from the new game after playing it for a week straight.

GW2 is not game which requires exclusivity, you can play other games without feeling like you’re loosing out money on the sub fee.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Litego.4953


In response to Litego.4953:

Mouse lag isn’t an issue for me as the mouse pointer itself is responsive; the problem lies with the camera itself.

Ah yeah that’s true. I’m an FPS player at the core, so I’m used to only dealing with the camera and not think about the pointer. In that case it is the smoothing and inertia which is absolutely killing the camera feel even with raw input. But my post is still true though, the input lag caused by the LCD monitor described in the OP is still one of the lowest ones with rendering being the highest.

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Litego.4953


These are some serious issues which needs to be fixed if they ever want to their game to be considered an Esport, lag, imprecise and unresponsive controls are not acceptable by competitive players.

I’d just like to point out that yes LCD monitors all have response time, but so does everything else in the computer. For a top of the line gaming mouse for example, there is a 1ms delay, most mice have around 4ms and more, which is more than many LCD monitors actually have. But the biggest factor for input lag is in the graphics card rendering the image and sending it to the monitor, this lag can be reduced by increasing framerate, that’s why 60 FPS is required (And more is preferred) in games where input lag is important to minimize.

In this game however 60 FPS will not help you in that area, I assume this is because they added smoothing and inertia, but it may also be that the engine does not use raw mouse input by default or something.