My 3 year anniversary in this game is coming up, and I realize I have nothing to show for it. My AP is barely at 5k, I have yet to find a precursor (when 2 friends of mine who started the game less than a year ago have both found at least one without even going through the Mystic toilet – something I’ve dumped more than 500 gold into), have no legendary items, my guilds are dead and dying due to the game being so stale, and I have less than 10g in my wallet.
I’m not a super hardcore player, but I play this game a good amount – and it never feels like I’m getting anywhere in this game. I bought the expansion yesterday, and I feel kind of excited for it, but I also have this bad feeling it won’t really change anything.
I’ve been playing and trying to make P/P work ever since I made a thief two years ago. Through nerf, change, and brimstone, I have always maintained that P/P is something that CAN WORK, if Anet puts a little more effort into making it possible.
This kicked the can. P/P is dead. Playing it in PvP is literally asking to lose. I’m so disappointed I don’t really know what to say, other than that Anet’s promise of ‘play as you like’ was one huge, huge lie.
Was it really that OP? I used to be able to carry games once in a while with my P/P build, and now I not only hit like a mosquito, I’m just as squishy, with less range, damage, and utility.
Why? What did P/P thieves do to Anet?
Yeah, dyes don’t have anything to do with T. charges.
I have to say, that is really impressive armor. And thanks for posting the variations — nice to see!
Would it be possible for Anet to help those of us who go helmetless and dislike the awkward lack of neck? :c
Yeah like Aktium said, if you hide your helmet, when you put the outfit back on the helmet will disappear. That’s what I’ve been using when I wear the Raiment of the Lich or the Imperial outfit.
Sorry, I guess the prompt was stated poorly. I was asking Anet for a fix to the LOOK of the helmetless option – it looks too awkward. I do indeed know disabling helmets in equipment removes helmets from outfits, it’s just that the helmetless look on this armor look a bit ‘off’.
Dear Anet -
I’ve been playing this game for 2+ years now, and I’ve gotta say this armor set is some of the coolest stuff you’ve put out by far. However, I didn’t go through character creation just to cover up my face! The helmet is nice too, but I’d much rather go helmetless – and I think many people agree that it looks just way too awkward that way.
Is there any way this could get fixed just to include the neck?
Edit : I guess I didn’t state it clearly – I meant a fix to the look of the outfit AFTER disabling helmets. It looks like you’ve got a floating, disjointed head that looks really awkward.
(edited by Lyndis.2584)
I’ve always loved the dual pistol look and feel, just not the feel when getting outclassed by literally every other character in every single department. (What is mobility?)
Is this viable yet, or is it still trash as it has always been and am I just wasting more time here?
All I ever see these days in PvP are hyper bunker / healing power rangers who win not through skill of combat but rather through a passive tenacity where all you have to do is sit there and not die while your pet goes at it. Is that really the only viable build in this meta? I tried several sets and builds with melee DPS based strategies but it simply cannot keep up with the stubborn power of bunker / healing rangers.
Is the DPS ranger dead? Does anyone have a build that works – which IS NOT OUTCLASSED by a healbunk ranger?
Nice QA testing Anet…
Why is it, that you always epically fail, somehow, with each patch?
I honestly think at this point they throw these things in there for fun to watch us squirm.
So after a few hours of gameplay and some WvW roaming, here’s my verdict. P#2 is virtually useless.
Not only is 4 initiative FAR too costly for P/P users to use (our DPS is fairly crap already, we can’t afford to waste what’s practically the cost of an unload on a 1 second immobilize), but not worth it at all. A 1 second immobilize is completely worthless, especially when they have foods that give them ridiculous amounts of condition duration reduction. There’s literally no difference. Maybe they get a stutter in their run pattern. But who gives a crap? Most people have insane mobility. P/P thieves have trash. No mobility, subpar damage, pitiful CC (1 second immobilize, WOOHOO!!!!), no stealth options, no escapes, no NOTHING. This did nothing to help our situation whatsoever.
I’m so disappointed. I expected maybe at the very least a 2 second immobilize for a 4 initiative cost ability.
0/10, would actually like the original Body Shot back.
Tell the Truce if YOU have a mesmer wouldnt you at least try it.
There is a line between abusing it constant and trying it.Yust let the people, who spend always 1 ulti and at least one or two utility slots just for the zerg, have their fun. The few houers this bug is online wont be gamebreaking.
PS: I have never seen an Golem get down as fast XD was so fun to watch. And yes in the monoton WvW we have I consider even get jumped by a single mesmer ontop of a whole zerg beeing fun if it lasts only a few houers. cheer up
English please
Also, I main mesmer.
I don’t exploit it because I’m not an kitten
(edited by Lyndis.2584)
This is EXTREMELY stupid. I’ve died more than like 10 times tonight simply because of this idiocy. We now have ORGANIZED GROUPS OF MESMERS IN WVW doing this to wipe zergs and havoc groups. This is ridiculous.
(edited by Moderator)
1 second? Wtf? Make it at least 2.
I already salvaged the armor and sold the runes. How worthless.
The 25% passive speed boost, which is what I pretty much what I bought these runes for, are broken. They don’t work.
I’m literally just waiting to see what Anet does with mantras this patch.
I like playing support and would really like to make a support based healer class. What would be the best way of doing this? Sraff ele?
Or maybe how about the new assassin gear?
I’ve realized most times if I get caught I’m dead anyway with valks armor, should I just roll zerker or assassins?
They said Main Hand Pistol so they are clearly talking about Body Shot which at the moment is pretty much useless.
I main P/D and I never, ever, use Body Shot, it’s just a waste of initiative.
WTF does ‘support allies’ mean? P/P is used for 1v1 dueling capability whether ANet likes it or not, and moving it even more towards a support weapon set is what worries me.
I main P/P thief and pretty much that only when I’m out in WvW. I’m most likely going to quit this game if they do kitten up P/P.
@ Lyndis
Based on this build. Hits like a truck at 1500 range.
Please send me a screenshot of you hitting an enemy player for 12k damage with a longbow autoattack and I will post a video of me eating both my shoes. My valk thief with full zerker trinkets and D/D stealth traits with 110% crit damage hits for 12k on a backstab. I highly doubt a longbow autoattack comes even close.
(edited by Lyndis.2584)
“Also, pistol main hand may see one of its skills reworked to better support allies. We have multiple prototypes that we’re trying out, so we’ll have to see which we settle on by the next release.”
…support allies? So like, give allies boons? What the hell does this even mean? Pistol main hand is for damage, not a support weapon….?
I am a 100% pure zerker. No beryl or knight crap. Longbow / shortbow full zerker.
Our biggest issue as a class is clunkiness. Damage isn’t too big of an issue. My longbow hits for up to around 3-4k on other zerkers and 1-2k on bunkers. #2 LB skill does 10k+ consistently unless they’re heavy bunkers. However, the issue is the arrow. Half the time, it’s obstructed, out of range, or evaded even when it’s not obstructed, out of range, or evaded.
For the person above, I don’t know what kind of drugs he’s on or what the heck he’s doing, but I have never seen a 6-12k autoattack in my life, and I run 115% crit damage with 3.5k+ power. My maximum on squishies hits around 4k.
6-12k? That’s not even weed level high, please pass the ketamine.
By the way, I myself believe stealth at the moment is a bad mechanic.
So PLEASE SHUT THE kitten UP ABOUT THIEVES, THAT WAS NOT THE POINT OF DISCUSSION. I was talking about how to deal with warriors creating something upwards of 2-3k distance in an instant on an extremely low cooldown. No one yet except for one person has actually even remotely come close to helping me or suggesting anything.
typical thief lol. omg cant /faceroll – nerf!
No one has yet to state an actual answer to match the question.
When the kitten did I say to nerf your kittening class?
When the kitten did I say I was a thief? I was playing a kittening ranger when this occurred.
I just lost brain cells coming to this forum. Holy kitten.
Lol so basically the answer is ‘our mobility is stupid broken so don’t bother chasing’.
Thanks, learned a lot today.
You don’t chase them. It’s that simple. The warrior has to have some mechanic to stay alive, we don’t have stealth, pets, minions, clones, turrets or spirit weapons. In fact we have nothing but our battle hardened bodies to take us through the fight, to survive. Thieves have stealth, thieves guild, shortbow teleportation and shadowstep on multiple weapons. The class is completely broken and should be banned from the game, given the amount of thieves there are due to the fact that people cannot pvp so they a go a class that can remain hidden for over 50% of the fight.
This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. You guys have your adrenaline as your special mechanic, do you even play this class?
How do you chase a GS / S+Horn warrior again? Please enlighten me, I am utterly clueless on how anyone has mobility matching this ridiculous setup that creates something like 3k distance in less than 3 seconds without even using a single utility slot.
I’ve been running P/P on my thief ever since I made her 4-5 months ago. I recently picked thief back up again in WvW and have a lot of fun. However, there’s something I really noticed about the P/P thief in the recent warrior / guardian surge.
It’s impossible to come out on trades victorious against guardians and warriors. Unless they’re glass cannon, they’re more or less impossible to not only kill, but to survive against. Warriors have unparalleled mobility, and creating distance from them is near impossible. Their massive base HP pool makes them extremely tanky and nearly impossible to whittle down. Guardians are an entirely different tier at the moment. Impossibly tanky, with just so much CC and base damage. Near 100% retal uptime makes me take about 1-2k retal damage per unload volley while I hit them for the same amount. Autoattacks are utterly useless along with #2 skill. #5 is mildly helpful, and #4 is extremely situtational and difficult to use. (Stopping healing, which I should mention, is absolutely stupid on guardians as their heal skill regenerates 75% of their health with ease.)
In the rare moments where I do happen to get an upper hand over them, they simply run away swinging their greatswords and charging and spinning across the battlefield with ease, often creating 2k+ range distance in less than three seconds.
To sum it up, P/P has zero chasing power, no group fighting application, and half its skills and attributes are irrelevant to the build. It’s weak, and lacks killing potential unless hunting down extremely squishy targets. It’s incapable of kiting unless carrying traits massively leaning toward all for escape and dodge skills (shadowstep, roll for initiative, etc), which gimps the build heavily as they take up slots as necessities in order to survive. It also has zero kiting potential built into the kit and no innate dodge or escape mechanisms.
I love this build and the feel but it is seriously not viable and needs help. It’s extremely unclear how this build is supposed to be used, and very weak. If you’re going to make ranged attacks weaker than melee because range and distance is such a big factor to you, then P/P is a complete failure of an idea. You gave the world a million gap closing tools and P/P nothing to counter that with. Even shortbows and rifles have some sort of distance making abilities. Pistol has nothing.
PS : Make Pistol #2 cripple for like 4 seconds and this build would be so much more viable. It doesn’t even need the vulnerability. Or make #1 a chain and the 3rd shot cripple for 3 seconds or something. ANYTHING. Throw this build a bone.
(edited by Lyndis.2584)
Title is pretty self explanatory. Anyone else having trouble getting intoxicated in game? I chugged 50 flasks of firewater to no avail.
Looking for something that is :
-Not glass cannon / squishy
-Meant for group play in WvW (GvG, commanding groups)
-Recent, not outdated
I use a 80% damage build with some beryl and knight trinkets, but I get melted in 1 second, what should I be building?
I run a 100% glass cannon LB + SB ranger build in WvW with passive pets that give me fury and might for F2 abilities. This is not a 1v1 build, although decent play will ensure you win 1v1 vs pretty much anything except for super tanky guards and warriors, or extremely skilled thieves. Contrary to belief, it’s actually quite fun, and takes some of the most skill in terms of positioning, when to fire and when to run, and knowing how to kite efficiently, as well as now knowing how to combo your LB 3 and 4 and optimize your LB skill 2 shots.
I hit squishies with one longbow shot for about a little over 4000. Currently working on ascended, so we’ll see how high that can get.
I’m sorry, its totally and utterly kittened, many times where I would have won a fight while downed ruined by the IWIN stability stomp, it pretty much counter anything you might do to stop them stomping.
Stability should be broken on any kittening action taken while in stability, be it healing, attacking or stomping.
Stability stomping is the most insanely stupid kitten I have ever seen in any mmo.
Compared to a few months ago they definitely have increased rewards for WvW players, but it does indeed still pale to PvE content.
Is it soloable? Out of like the 5 LFG’s there are, all of them ask for experienced players and don’t take my classes. (Thief, ranger.)
I really want that pistol to pair with the Mythic one, but there seems to be no way to get tokens….
ITT : People who don’t understand game balance + design.
Stealth is a broken mechanic simply because there is no counterplay. Counterplay doesn’t mean being able to beat the thief – even in games with broken characters or aspects, they can be beaten. Zero counterplay implies there’s no true mechanic or technique in game that allows for other characters to effectively counter the actual stealth condition. No class in the entire game has stealth detection. There’s literally no counterplay against a stealthed individual because the stealthed theif has 100% full control of the situation and battle the moment he or she pops stealth.
People call thieves overpowered and incredibly toxic to the game environment (especially in unregulated PvP <WvW>) because not only do many people have very little idea of what happens when they get backstabbed for 15k damage, but simply because they do die in less then a split two seconds often and there’s little way for them to do anything about it. It’s simply how the thief class was built, and it was terrible game design.
If anyone played League of Legends before and after the Evelynn and stealth changes, they know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Stealth in this manner is a broken, unfun, and quite a confusing and terrible mechanic. It’s only worse in this game because at least in League, there’s things you can buy to detect stealth actively around you. Here? They give you…a trap.
I’d stay away from SoS.
Because we use excessive amounts of stealth, and it’s a broken mechanic for sure with zero counterplay. It’s broken, and cheap, but there is the downfall that we have close to no teamfighting capabilities.
Denying stealth isn’t cheap is pretty dumb. It’s only counterweighted by the fact it’s pretty much our only true unique ability.
Been playing this for a bit now, and I have to say everything about this class is fine except the main #1 skill. Even 4 and 5 have uses during fights. #1 is just the issue. I can hit up to 5-6k on an unload chain, but my #1 shots range from 300-400 damage per shot, which is absolute garbage….
Other than steal and shadowstep, how do you stick to your targets? I find myself constantly having to use Heartseeker to keep on my targets who have a couple escapes…
Just when I though my mesmer was going to be useful again….
I used to literally play this game just for WvW, as nothing else really clicked for me, but even that’s getting stale. Anyone else? :/
Always feels like the same thing – either you’re getting demolished or demolishing. Also it doesn’t feel like I’m working towards anything that motivates me to keep playing the game. Even if you win the WvW matchup…what’s the point? And in most cases, the matchup is decided literally on the day or the day after the reset is done. There are no great comebacks, or some great, pitched battles that might turn the tide of the fight or score. The adrenaline rush in these fights just aren’t there anymore.
Crit is kinda a waste if you aren’t also going Crit Power. The advantage of going 30 points into Air instead of Power is you get 30% Critical Damage from the passive stat boosts. With the build listed you’d want to go more Clerics gear than Magi and then go for more Soldier/Invader (Power-Vitality-Toughness) jewelry (karma or wvw badges) slotted with Celestial Quartz. That’ll give you a really strong Power base and still give you decent +Healing plus a good chunk of Toughness. That also makes the 10 points in Air kinda pointless and you’re probably better off investing it more into the Support side of things.
Also Signets are largely regarded as terrible without significant advantages placed for them (such as Condition Duration to make their effects strong or Earth Traits to further augment them). You’re better off going with another Cantrip (such as Lightning Flash, which can be very handy in WvW if you get caught in a bad situation) or Arcane Wave (which can be used as another blast finisher for an AOE heal, AOE Might, AOE Swiftness, etc). The heal can be replaced with GOEH or the Dwayna heal. I prefer GOEH because it’s another source of Swiftness when running around mostly as well as other boons (Protection and Regen).
Therefore you’d end up with something like this:
Over 2000 Power (with Sharpening Stone)
Over 1600 Toughness (with Food, without 1577)
Over 18000 HP (this gives you massive EHP with that much Toughness)
Over 1000 Healing (which is more than enough to support with)You also have absurd Condition management with the ability for all of your Cantrips to remove a condition as well as provide massive AOE condition removal with AOE regeneration (from just swapping to Water) as well as Healing Rain for recovery after.
Thanks a lot
Is this any good as a primarily healer based Ele with some crit offense?
I want to stay away from glass cannon builds, but still make good use of mostly fire. Suggestions?
Was he going 30/30 in fire and air?
Should I be gearing for damage? Or for utility? Or maybe healing?