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Engineer turrets should ‘upgrade’ like a keep in WvW so that while stationary they can build armor – atm nme’s in WvW burn turrets down waaaayyy too quick. I realise there are traits for this but they don’t work effectively.
Would it not be fair to allow turrets that have been placed for a time to upgrade armor? rather than be burned down in 3 secs.
turret —> armored turret @ 20 secs.
agree. turrets that haven’t exploded should have 5 secs re-deployment.
+10….. drop down list select, whites, grey, blue etc
1) Torch/Bonfire: if thief catches on fire, you can see the flames thus his position
2) “Sic ’Em”: Your pet follows the enemy’s smell and keeps a close trail.
3) Sun Spirit/Solar Flare: Reveal the thief for a very short time.Guardian
1) Staff Orb of light: Reveal stealth enemies aura for 2 seconds
2) Wall of Reflection: See the thief’s mirror image in the wall, knowing his direction.
3) Focus Ray of Judgment: Reveal the thief for a very short time.Engineer
1) Healing Turret: Overcharge creates a water field, you can see the footsteps in that area.
2) Throw Elixirs: If they land near the Thief, the enemy will leave colored footprints.
3) Utility Goggles: Reveal the thief for a very short time.I could continue for other classes as well.
I was thinking about hard counters to stealth, but this is great. It adds value to the more obscure skills. I wouldn’t make both the ranger torch skills light up the thief, one or the other. Personally I would give the classes with the hardest time dealing with stealth better options. For example, warriors have almost no solution to stealth, while the Mesmer phantasms are a great option.
^ exactly as you said. Anet we need this.
Has this not been done yet??
Anet – come on – what are you doing?
Hey what do you know, the dragon coffers are falling!! finally..
thx Anet.
I haven’t seen any npc’s in other cultural armour.
my problem with them is that the nme burns them down in no time at all – 3-5 secs – mortar elite is pointless…….it needs armour or bigger range or something…..
the range for engineer mortar is so small you can only get nme’s attacking gate/wall and they attack you first — its pointless using it, cause you die using it.
Anet needs to fix it or replace it.
/sigh, after reading some of the comments ppl have made its clear ‘some’ of you simply didn’t read the OP’s post or didn’t understand it.
Akittens most basic premise – uneven WvW populations on the 3 warring servers needs to be balanced so that the game is fun.
I believe from recent statements that Anet is aware of this, their first attempt of which is to mix up the 3 server draw so that servers are matched to other servers they haven’t played before and thus give new opponents. Their hope is that ppl will join up the WvWvW again and give it a go because of this.
The only thing more frustrating than siege equipment timing out would be trying to attack a tower with 20 arrow carts in it.
OR tkitten lord room that would end up with 50 AC’s…
It has to time out or the game won’t be fun for anyone. IMO.
My wild dervish/druid idea! a dervish would not work due to different religions, and the class having to be available to all races, I was thinking a nature based dervish offspring that used spirits of wild instead of human gods.
LOVE it!!!
I wasn’t sure about your elite 3, but as long as
A) that player becomes targetable by his own side to destroy AND leaves him/her with original health after death
B) you cannot taget NPC’s – why? because you could get inside a WvW tower etc…
Combo Field : Blood
A field that warriors could make. blasts in a blood field could induce Fear…
When you die you should not be able to see nme or their siege.
Necromancers and engineers definitely need more armour/weapon skins tailored towards their professions/class’s.
Yes to all except Polearm imo.
The whip would be great!! the NPC lightning one in game is already awesome looking.
Mounts : I would like to see ‘one’ new WvW map make use of vehicles, all the game models for Submarines, tanks, air ships etc are all there ( Black citadel ) just need to use them.
Like i said just on one new WvW map that is of course player optional.
How cool would it be to have a 3-5 man Submarine patrolling around a very large lake like the current maps? You could attack/defend water gates, perhaps an underwater supply camp — oil/gas. I would LOVE it.
I find it strange that the Black citadel has all this stuff and yet the players use none of it in WvW?? Its bizarre.
I like it, it should be very rare OR it should be on certain things by default (Electro) without being attainable as a separate dye.
I think his point is that if it was made fair ( by his idea) -then the population would grow on all servers because the current low pop is that way because they keep getting blasted by the large pop and so hence the low pop continues.
new faction = Dredge Rebel,
new class = Excavator, medium armor, knives ( with new skins that look like corkscrew drills on the ends of their arms) , hammers ( spanner skins), axe ( pick axe type skins).
Skills : molten eruption AOE, earthquakes, jackhammer effects, dynamite, sink holes
Elite skills : 5 man carrier vehicle – goes underground leaving entry point visual 15 secs, is effectively a 10 sec stealth for 5 man with Excavator driving, can’t go through walls etc. Uninteruptible, Exits ground with same in game animation currently ( spruced up) AND leaving visual sign of exit for 15 secs.
Elite Skill : Corkscrew driller — a new Bane of the WvW zerg, Player sits on a big drill, as the big drill moves forward the blood of the enemy lubricates the drill meaning the more nmes there are the further the drill goes thus damaging any large group that is ‘clumped’ ( as the usual unorganized zerg grps are) . Obviously could work in PvE scenarios too. medium damage, 1 sec stun, 3 sec confusion.
Elite Skill : Sink Hole —> large AoE effect, ground appears to sink 3 metres, 1 sec stun, 3 sec confusion. small damage.
agree – take your game a bit more seriously Anet…
So, wasn’t this game supposed to be against grind? Or am I playing the wrong game?
This game is against stat grind, they said absolutely nothing about grinding for optional cosmetic skins.
thats true, but they also said cash poor/ time poor can get what theyre after one way or another but I tried both for sclerite and nothing….
My point is – the drop rate must be very very low, as in – unfair. imo.
great idea – BUT Anets first query will be – should a small grp of ladder wielding players be able to take over a tower and bypass the gate? negating all other siege equipment….
Will large grps use ladders instead? – the NPC archers on the walls couldn’t hope to destroy all the ladders quickly enough. Then mesmer pops the remaining players from the outside in . – this is a major problem…
The first problem with any idea like this is —> mesmer portal. Perhaps using a ladder puts portal on 3 min cooldown?
IDK, but I like your ideas.
I did notice the sub standard game music in GW2. Its BLAND…….
Its certainly not on par with WoW’s music experience in game, each zone in WoW really has something in its music piece that amplifies the feeling.
GW2 does not. Imo its the single largest let down of the game and I happen to LOVE gw2.
not sure, but latest MMORPG article did say that lions arch was just the beginning…
Colin, Engineer weapons and kit skins need more love.
You made new weapon skins for southsun AND dragonbash – but nothing for engineers???
In fact Engineers and Necromancers are the 2 professions that need more skins suited to their class IMO.
Engineers for all their cogs and gears, turrets, elixirs and elixir guns don’t have specific armour choices to reflect their proffesion.
We need new flamethrower and elixir gun looks, new back packs, at least 3 armour sets heavily focused on an engineer look – but NOT locked to engineers.
When i saw the title I thought you meant turtle up like roman infantry, I thk Anet could help smaller grps against zergs by allowing comanders to use an ability that allows his squad to form mobile shields against AOE attacks and knockbacks – stability. – the graphic would be the holographic guardian shield emblem already in game on each person.
The ability would be limited to say 15 ppl max, so as to not favour the very large zergs.
My main is engineer – and I had the same thought. Although I would prefer availability at the exotic level – legendary would be neat but too hard/time consuming for some of us..
the drop rate for a sclerite weapon skin ticket is waaayyyy too low…
this is the first time I have been disapointed with this game since the beginning.
Is the Dragon bash skin tickets going to be as rare? if so – I won’t bother with it.
The dragon shield image on MMORPG looks awesome but I have a strong feeling its the same impossible carrot on a stick like sclerite weapon tickets….
Way too low Anet.
I didn’t get any crates depsite spending a long time in i put money into buying them from TP…..the same 3 items popped up every time….
Come on Anet this is unacceptable….
1) the drop rate for a sclerite weapon skin ticket is waaayyyy too low…
2) the same 3 items is not a memorable token of Southsun as is claimed on the TP is it?………
this is the first time I have been disapointed with this game since Beta.
I agree with having specific looking gear BUT I would not like to have it locked to one proffesion. Why? – because I am loving the way gw2 has its gear and the tranmustation, and dye options. Its a freedom that should not be lost by having locked items of the same armour type. Having said that – i don’t think many ppl would choose to have an armour type that wasn’t ‘theirs’..
Would a thief wear some medium engineers looking armour ( labelled engineers)? – probably not.
I agree, pay to make soul bound to account bound.
I agree, good idea!