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Dragonhunter updates, post BWE3 (launch)

in Guardian

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Again overall really cool changes but few things to note:

The healing trap (Purification) should break stun on activation imo. That way you could use it when somebody jumps on top of you (more often than not CCing you) to get guaranteed trigger and a big heal.

I slightly worried about the clunkyness/bugs that are bound to come from interaction between Hunter’s Verdict and Renewed Justice. I fully expect Renewed Justice to also reset Hunter’s Verdict and it to be patched. What I am more worried is a following scenario: Tether two enemies with Justice. Kill one and refresh your Justice. How does the UI react? Can throw a second justice to stack even more burns (as it was possible all these BWEs)? Or do I have to use Hunter’s Verdict to use my second Justice? Or does the UI flip into Justice and doesn’t allow usage of Hunter’s Verdict until I land the second justice? What if I want to pull and reapply the tether (for the Big Game Hunter trait)? I am worried how will this particular interaction work and that it will take some of the tactical choices you can make due how the UI will turn out.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Dragonhunter updates, post BWE3 (launch)

in Guardian

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Karl, I kittenin love you man! Amazing changes, the hype is real this time!

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

wvw warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Power ones:

Condi ones:

Bloodlust/corruption on one of your sets

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

(edited by Madtavish.9037)

Tips for axe/x build

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Generally speaking, your survivability should come from popping appropriate stance at right time, blocking, dodging, reflect walls from guards/mesmers, blindness from guards and thieves.

While passive heals are allright, the problem with going triple shouts is that you sacrifice a large increase in precision (up to 220 depending on the “level” of the instance) through Signet of Fury+Deep Strike, large increase in group-wide ferocity and precision from the Banner of Discipline, and in some cases Power through Banner of Strenght, which is absolutely not worth giving up.

Healing can be somewhat managed by blasting (offhand warhorn, banners) water fields your party’s elementalist or engineer can put down, if you have one.

The condi clease is nice, but again, it is something your party’s guardian should be managing. Besides, using your cyclone axe skill (#2) in a light field gives you some cleansing bolts, which perfectly work as a condi cleanse.

All in all, the benefits of running tripple shout heal are heavily overshadowed by the loss of considerable group offensive support (which is one thing Warrior is desired for in dungeons) and/or personal survivability for some extreme scenarios. I recommend reading quite old DnT Nike’s post on guildwars2guru about the concepts behind Warrior “build building” for PvE (you will understand why tripple shout is subpar, if you haven’t already):

As for builds, there are two types:
- Pure axe
- Fast hands

Pure axe runs axe mainhand in both sets, usually mace (for vulnerability and aoe CC) and sword (strong torment+high damage power attack and on-demand block) offhands, and warhorn for swiftness for trashruns and blast finisher for stealth/might stacking.

Fast hands, use both Greatsword and Axe/Mace, alternating between GS’s DPS rotation (100b, whirlwind, bladetrail if not near wall, rush) and then switching to Axe set for application of vulnerability (Axe 2 + Mace 4) and high damage Axe autoattack chain, until weapon swap and GS rotation is available again.

As for builds:
- Pure Axe ones:
With Berserker’s Power
With Empower Allies

- Fast hands builds:
From Metabattle (sort of a miniguide)

Special note about utilities: BE FLEXIBLE!

Foe example: Your group capping on might, but has only 15 stacks of vulnerability on the boss? Switch your “For Great Justice!” for “On my Mark!”

One warrior in the party already? Split the banners. One carries Strenght, other carries Discipline.

Most important thing about choosing utilities is knowing the encounters and what you’ll need

Infact, go read the whole guide here

Happy Dungeoning.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Speed up 100blade cast.

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


100b cannot be reflected like Rapid Fire can.
100b does high enough damage for it require a setup.

That being said, im fine with approx. 0.5 sec reduction in channel/cast time. Maybe increase cooldown by 1-1,5 second to compensate.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

I need help getting (back) into GW2.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Hello there, a somewhat of a returning player here; after Guild Wars 2 came out and I was finnally able to snag a copy of it from a shop I got into it, rolled Warrior (I’ve always wanted to roll warrior like characters in MMOs, but never really did until GW2, plus also I liked the style of it and the class overall), played for about month or two, got to level 53 (I think? somewhere around there) and simply got bored, because I found out Warrior to be too bland for me. I’ve been playing with a smaller guild back then, but didn’t really do much guild related stuff with them.

And while you may ask, why didn’t I roll a different character, the problem was me trying to figure out a race combo that I would like for my warrior (mainly choice between Charr, Norn and Human. Settled for Human in the end) so I had at least the first few levels of the races I was interested in played and I didn’t want to redo it, with a different class. So I simply took a break from the game.

Following several months after, I’ve found out that both my multigaming community Im part of and some good friends are playing Guild Wars 2 (though each on different servers) and I decided to play with them and trying different class than before. And now here comes the problem. I cannot settle for a class. Even the old Warrior feels more appeasing with some changes that were done to them, but still I don’t think the class is deep enough for me. And that’s pretty much the problem with all other classes. There is always that “But still” creeping in, as well as “grass is always greenier on the otherside” syndrome. To add to this, I’ve played through all 3 (norn, human and charr) starting locations numerous times and starting out again with different class feels like a chore and I quickly drop it just few levels in.

So im asking you, GW2 community to help me out with this.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Show the A-Net team some respect!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


And i think the whole community should show A-Net some respect. Without them you wouldn’t be even playing this game.
Now image if you are working on the class fixes, and whole class community is insulting you and demanding something, you yet cannot, but want to provide. I think anybody would say kitten this kitten and just for sake of it, would not work on those fixes anymore.

Also anyone who wants to argue :“Jon Peters said its gonna be on Nov 15Th anahshahasddsghahgdashgaggahgdsgdhasgsdhasd” then that person has to realize that A-Net aren’t group of demigods. They people. And people sometimes don’t meet deadlines. Sometimes then can’t keep up the promises. I bet anyone of you crying kitten was late to finish some work, sometime in your life. So shut up about A-net being late. I pretty sure they will provide us with the fixes you all so much desire, but everything needs time to be done.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Greatsword Tank Style Build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Not sure about the spirit, since without the HP trait it could die really easily and you get 18s of protection from Moa anyway.
Also the signet is not worth it. You don’t have the 20% CDR trait nor the “active effects affect you” trait, so its pretty much wasted space. I think with the survival skills 20% CDR, Lightning Reflexes and/or Mud Terrain (instead of spirit) would be better choice.

Of course you can use signet of renewal which is much better than the one you are currently using since it gives you much needed condition removal.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Well yeah, but its kinda strange having a offhand mace strike apply bleed.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

One hand sword animations!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


I agree.
Even though the animations of riposte and its responsiveness would get fixed, there would be still problem with just swinging your main hand weapon and never using your offhand weapon (doesn’t apply for shield and warhorn).

Idea is to sort of adjust your 2nd “1” skill based on your offhand weapon.
for example:
Offhand sword would replace the 2nd chain attack with slash that would apply bleeding, using offhand sword.
Offhand axe would replace 2nd chain attack with double chop attack using offhand axe.
Offhand mace would replace 2nd chain attack with crushing strike that would apply 1 or 2 stacks of vulnerability, using offhand mace.

This would be much closer to dual-wielding, as well it could add some more options to choosing our weapon combinations. Think of it as different version of thief’s dual wield skills. Instead of getting one different trick, you would get a feeling of implementing your off hand weapon into your standart attacks.

What do you think?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Swiftness from Signet of Rage during aggro not working ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


You move 33% slower while in combat by default (compared to your out of combat speed). Any other slowing effects (cripple, chilled etc.) stack on this reduction.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

When to use Sword Flurry

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Probably when you have 1-2 targets infront of you (and you are not being focused) you can use it quickly stack alots of bleeds.
Also you can use the immobilize to peel some nasty thief or whatever from your backline squishies.
If you want to use it on kiting target its good idea to first lead in with either Hamstring or Shield Bash before you use your Flurry.

Basically you are not using Flurry face to face on someone, unless you are sure he won’t burst you back (or doesn’t have retalition up) or you are not focused by other people. Its best used as an attack from flank or as a peeling tool.

And for fast Flurry combo? Frenzy→Flurry→Shield Stance once you finish Flurry.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Toughness: The Thug You Were Meant to Be

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


I was thinking about something like this:;TsAA1CtoKyUkoIbRuikFtEZAxGCA (copy → paste the link)
(sry its a PvP Builder so there aren’t those Emerald Jewels)

Basically stacking Lots of Toughness, Vitaly and Power (trough Trait lines, Armor and Accessories) and some crit (not shown because of missing emerald jewelery). And also making the Power, Vit and Toughness scale from each other.
Having SUPERIOR Condition removal (Heal removes some, Signet of Stamina and Signet of Rage /w Rune of Lyssa.
The 1st Utility slot being a free one, you can fill it with anything you want (FGJ/Fear Me/Frenzy/Signet of Rage – for insta Earthshaker/Banner of your choice… but the Balanced Stance and Signet of Stamina probably being mandatory for a frontline fighter.

Unless you want to have Empowered/Longer longbow range or improved banner, i think its better to drop those 10 points into Discipline, either for Movement Skills breaking Immobilize (Hammer F1, Sword 2) or 100% to Rally if you kill someone in Vengeance. Oh And faster weapon swapping. (don’t think thats major thing since hammer will probably be your main wep most of time)

Sigils are for +Power when near kills, since i don’t assume you should be dying much and this will make you hit even harder.

So what do you think?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Toughness: The Thug You Were Meant to Be

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Dolyak Signet is bad choice compared to Balanced stance.
Dolyak Signet has base 60s CD and 48s CD when traited.
It grants -10% damage reduction when off CD, meaning that you will have to wait 48s (lets assume you take the -20% signet recharge) to get that 10% damage reduction.
It grants Stability upon activation for 8 seconds BUT Does not break stuns.

Balanced stance has base 40s CD
Grants stability for 8s (can be traited up to 10s) and break stuns upon activation.

I dont think the 10% dmg reduction is worth over a stun break and shorter CD.
I say if you want to have some stability, definetly go for Balanced Stance and keep away from Dolyak Signet untill it gets reworked.

And btw, Healing Signet plus 6 Runes of Lyssa and Restorative Strength is way too good.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


The solution is to make the 3 traits that do passive increases also do even better one-time abilities upon active use of adrenaline F1 (spike damage, condition removal, healing, give protection boon, etc.) and move them further down the trait trees.

I know, unpopular nerf.

(Same thing would address Deep Strikes plus actually using Signet utilities if the Deep Strikes talent provided additional gains when a Signet was used)

Yes a trait that would make using Signet actives would be welcome, but mind that we are talking about Adrenaline. The Warrior Unique Mechanic. Every class has Signets.

Also i think that having both passive and active effects on some traits, even at cost of moving them further down the trait tree could get to borderline OP.
And yes i think it could work, IF it would be actually balanced. Like active effects would be on par with the passive ones (and stronger than each other in certain situations). We don’t want the same thing guardian has with Virtues, which are in a lot situations left unused.

Yes this could be quite interesting change, but i think 2% per point is too much, maybe around 1,5% (45% less adrenaline required for each stage) would be adequade.

Oh and don’t forget fix Fast Hands (-5s on weapons swap) while you at it.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Another choice would be make traits like Adrenale Health, Berserk Power and Heightened Focus give their bonuses upon using Burst skill. For example Adrenal Health could give immideate heal, based on adrenaline stages, regardless of what weapon burst skill you used. Or Heightened Focus could give you fury for certain amount of time based on adren stage (im aware that this could interfere with GS F1 skill, but that one could be changed).
Or we could have trait that would remove 1/2/3 condition from us, each time we would use a F1 Burst skill based on adrenaline stage.
The point is that now you have traits (7) and skills (7) for generating or spending adrenaline and then you have 3 traits that do not favor usage of adrenaline, unfortunately, because of their effectiveness they are one of most picked ones and therefore they negate use of adrenaline in lots of builds.
Why not make these 3 traits for using adrenaline?

What are your opinions? Do you want to have your +12% dmg, +9% crit chance and HP regen without touching the F1 key? Or do you want traits and skills that would be in favor for using our profession mechanic?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

What does this icon mean?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Well i didn’t mean it with the vengeance specifically more like i press 2 the moment i go down and kinda waste my hammer throw. Although im more cautious now.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Thoughts, and hopes, for the future of this game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Like having one of the Elder Dragons attack one of the major cities – like Jormag could attack Hoelbrak or Kralkatorrik could attack Black Citadel. And having like Leaders of every Tyrian Order take their most elite soldiers and would go to the attacked city and would fight the Elder Dragon. These events could happen like every month and they could somehow change the look of the cities (destroyed/breached walls, destroyed building etc.)
What do you think?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


You challenge yourself to create a build, and work your way up with your desired skillset and eventually you should be on par with current meta builds.

Its just a matter of determination and time investment. Those Meta builds didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. They were just one of first.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

What does this icon mean?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Hyena, he probably panic-mashed 3, when he went to downed state while playing, I did it too when i first got into downed state (heck i do it sometimes even now). You don’t have time to read skill tooltips when there is mob/bunch of mobs killing you.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

What does this icon mean?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


It a warrior downed state skill #3: Vengeance

It will make you rally (get up back with 50% of HP) and be able to fight normaly, using your utility, weapons skills for 15 seconds. Then you will die.
You have a % chance (unknown) to get rid of this buff when you kill an enemy (happens more in PvE than in PvP from my experience).
Also there is tier 2 trait in Discipline tree, that gives you 100% chance to not die while using this skill, IF You manage to kill your enemy, while under effect of this.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Pretty much giving us either adrenaline skill that would apply immobilize (too OP for my taste, also Flurry already does that) or chilled (more likely) and allow us to turn around while channeling HB, would help out.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

List of Awkward Annoying Warrior Mechanics

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Where is the list?
There are only 2 examples.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


There is no point of having a charge-knockdown attack on longbow, or longterm immobilize projectile, esspecially when longbow has Pin Down skill already. For longbow i would either see long-range (1200/1500) single target power shot that would deal high damage and knockdown based on adrenaline (so longbow could be both power or condition specced weapon) or a way to apply alots of burning to a single target.

But again let’s talk about the idea of having 2 adrenaline burst skills.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


But that wouldn’t add any tactical depth to choosing on what you spend you adrenaline stages. You would just get a mandatory use-everytime thing, that would completely kill any decision making. Oh i can get 9s of fury. Should i use it? Nah Better Press F2 for I win bullscharge.
Besides that would also kill the whole idea of physical skills (even tho they need abit of fixing and tweaking).

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


I think we should be given two adrenaline skills for each weapon (F1 and F2) with the second one giving either some sort of defense measures( so you would choose if you spend adrenaline on offense or on defense) , or would give choice between single target or AoE CC, or maybe giving an option for builds that focus on other type of damage dealing – eg.: we could have killshot for rifle on F1 and some sort of shrapnel shot that would apply large amounts of bleed on F2. This way we could have power/prec builds on rifle, as well as condition damage ones.
Also mind that you would be able to use only one of those two abilities, because it takes some time to generate adrenaline UNLESS you would take berserk stance/signet of fury/traits that increase adrenaline generation, as you would benefit from them and would have more tactical options.
(of course at cost of loosing some of your power, when you don’t have adrenaline ready)

What do you think?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”


in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Well, i can’t image “overcharging” banner, as i can with turrets and such, but I assume that, the 6-9 button correspoding to the banner could work as a plant button (when you picked it up), ofc without that second long jump plant (which is blast finisher btw) as it is now, just 1/4 sec plant animation.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Will sigils of earth stack with each other?

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Oh nevermind, according to wiki you don’t have to hit with offhand weapon at all.
- Sigils that trigger on critical hits can trigger on any critical hits; the critical does not need to be scored with the associated weapon’s skills. For example, a character with an off hand weapon imbued with a Sigil of Rage can still gain quickness with a critical hit with their first three skills.
- Source

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Will sigils of earth stack with each other?

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


They teorethically should, since they don’t have any CD mentioned in their description. But the problem is that you would have to land a good amount offhand weapon attacks (or have good amount of luck) to trigger it on the offhand weapon. The only offhand weapon i find capable of doing this is offhand axe with it’s 5th skill.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Berserker Stance

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Thanks, oh and i just noticed (and forgot to write)that, the speed and range of gap closing skills (bullrush, rush, whirlwind attack..) is reduced when your movement speed is reduced.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”


in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


What do we have now? We have a banners, that give some stat boost, but only very few people (ussually warriors themselves) put effort into picking them up and carrying them. They only good for swiftness buffing and occasional fury/regen/stability.
Also how often do you use the regen from Grandmaster Trait?
Read on.

Proposed change:
Whole idea is to change banner into temporary offhand weapon.
Summons a enviromental weapon that, when picked up replaces your offhand weapon slots (4,5). Each character can only carry a one banner at single time. (banner+sword!)
- Switching a weapon set would cause banner to be dropped on ground

- Banners would still give same bonuses, as they do now; so banner of discipline would still give precision and prowness.

4th skillInspire
- Banner of Defense – Inspire nearby allies, granting them protection for 5s
- Banner of Strenght – Inspire nearby allies granting them 3 stacks of might for 8s
- Banner of Disciplnie – Inspire nearby allies granting them fury for 8s
- Banner of Tactis – Inspire nearby allies granting them regeneration for 5s
- Battle Standart – Inspire nearby allies granting stability for 3s
15s CD on all

Range on all these skills would 600 by default, increasable by the trait Inspiring Banners.

5th skill – Inspiring Charge (shared with among all banners)
- inspire nearby allies giving them swiftness for 10s
15s CD

Note: mind that this compared to warhorn would not remove chilled, crippled or immobilized.

Inspiring Banners – works great, nothing to change here.

Powerful Banners – in addition to dealing minor damage, the banners would also launch nearby foes in the area they are summoned into (the green circle). And this area could be further expanded with the Inspiring Banners trait –
Summoning banner in combat? Yes please.
Also enemies would have red circle, coresponding to the Area of Effect displayed. (so they can dodge and to prevent ninja chaining launch)

Inspiring Battle Standart – instead of pulsing regeneration, each specific banner would pulse their specific boon for 2s every 4s, WHILE CARRIED. So you would have to actually carry Banners, to benefit from it. No stacking 5 Banners on hill and lolololol 5 boon spam.

Discipline – Fury
Strenght – Might
Defense – Protection
Tactic – Regen
Warbanner – Stability

Note: this would only work with banners summoned by warrior who has
picked this trait.

So what do you think? I think that carrying a sword in one hand and
a banner in other hand is pretty kitten, also his would further encourage players to carry banners with them, and stick near them. (Rally to me! )

So please feel free to post constructive feedback and critique.

EDIT: Some formating things.
EDIT2: Changed the Inspiring Battle Standart to give pulsing boons only while the banner is carried.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

(edited by Madtavish.9037)

Berserker Stance

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Berserker Stance
I find it currently outclassed by Signet of Fury (completely fills your adrenaline bar, with only 5s higher CD [which can be reduced by trait] AND gives passive precision), also is completely negated by traits that increase adrenaline generation.
(Furious, Embrace the Pain, Inspiring Shouts, Versatile Rage, Sharpened Axes, Thrill of the Kill)

Here are my suggestions on how to change berserk stance:

Suggestion #1:
Remake Berserk Stance into:
Flail (GW1 veterans might know)
- You deal 33% more damage, but move 33% slower. 5 sec duration. 40 s CD

What this offers? An offesive stance that can be countered by kiting and further slowing the user, but its drawbacks could be cleansed by swiftness. Also this goes with the general idea of having 2 offensive stances (frenzy, berserk) and 2 defensive (endure pain, balanced stance).
This has synergy with frenzy, setup-up CC, and would allow some of those less damaging builds to throw up some punch, even for a 5 seconds.

Suggestion #2:
Remake Berserk Stance into:
Guard Stance
- enters a defensive stance, blocking all attacks for 3 seconds.
40s CD
- if used with ranged weapon equipped, the attack would be evaded. (because there is no point in reflecting the missiles back, when you can shoot back. Also how would you want to block missiles with your bow?)

The main idea is that the warrior enters a focused stance, where he is focused on defending himself, either trough blocking or evading.
Would give more options for more offensive warriors (heck even for the defensive ones) to mitigate damage, plus it has synergy with missile deflection and mighty defenses traits.
Also doesn’t want to reflect missiles back with his greatsword?

So what do you think? Do you think that current berserk stance is
Ok? Are you for one of those changes i proposed? Or do you want them a bit tweaked? Or do you think there is completely different solution?

Would love some feedback.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

How to get "better"?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


“A route to success is paved by failure.”
“Fall down seven, get up eight”

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

How would you fix the warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


In this thread, all hell broke loose…

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Ignore Pain and Revenge shall nerfed!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


You are missing a verb.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

This is pure Gold...

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


(property of Red_Falcon from


“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

How would you fix the warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


- Give as innate % chance to nultify damage from attack. Sorta like
a % chance to block an attack. Could be part of defense tree traits (instead of thick skin and the % increasing with every point put into defense tree for example)
Comes out of an idea that when you wear HEAVY ARMOR,that armor should be able to stop some hits (as it does IRL)
Giving us a protection boon is bad idea, since we are not about having some holly spirit stopping 33% of pain we are getting, but about having VERY STRONG armor that can stop some hits.

- we should have more ways to gain stability. Currently Balanced stance, Dolyak signet and that useless rampage nobody is using are simply not enough.We don’t need long periods of stability, we need short and frequent ones. (eg.: 1-2 s of stability upon landing a crit – 8 s CD, 5s of stability upon using a F1 skill and so on)
We don’t need 8/10 s of stability on 40s cd, but more like 4/5 on 20ish CDs

- plus having a trait that would give us 33/50% chance to apply short cripple (1s) on any attack with chance increased up to 66/100% on critical hits would solve our kiting problems. (this could replace the leg-specialist trait, or could be part of the arms tree [makes more sence imo], but making sure that it wouldn’t interact with the leg-specialist then, or peps would be crying “Overpowered”)

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Do traits that trigger an ability when certain thing happens, set the same ability you have on a skillbar on CD?

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Thanks, but i’d like to know if same applies to Balanced stance and Endure Pain?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Do traits that trigger an ability when certain thing happens, set the same ability you have on a skillbar on CD?

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


As an example a trait: “Defy Pain” – Activates Endure Pain at 25% health.
So let’s say i have Endure Pain equipped and this trait learned. And i drop to 25% HP. The trait kicks in and i get 3 secs of invulnerability (4secs). Will i still be able to use that Endure Pain i have on my skillbar after this trait “finishes”?

Same question regarding, berkserk stance (strength trait), shake it off (shrug it off – defense trait) and balanced stance (last stand – defense trait)

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Reading trough the posts here i found a what i think of some sort of solution for the 100b problem:
The current CD of the skill is 8 seconds right? And it lands 9 hits. 8 normal and 9th with bonus damage. Now how about making the base CD of this skill 0 seconds? And add a portion of second (0.9) for every strike succesfully landed/blocked, but not waved in air?
8:9=around 0.9 – so you have a little bit less than second of a CD for each connected strike.
With the Forceful greatsword trait, you have 6,5 sec CD on 100b, and with this change you would get +0.72 second of cd for each successful strike.
So this wouldn’t mean any damage increase for GS, as if you would interupt the skill, you would lose damage, but you wouldn’t lose that drastic amount damage as now, if your target just 2-steps back/dodges. Or the mob just switches aggro and runs past you.
Now i don’t think of it as punishment for landing all 9 strikes, but a fail-safe in case your major damage source gets negated by simple 2-step/dodge roll.

So what is your oppinion?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


1.) 100b will never be a mobile skill. That would be the dumbest change ever. Why not ask for the 100b button to just automatically kill everything around you as well? GS is already the most mobile warrior weapon. Ranged cripple, and 2 dash/gap closers…….. Go play an axe warrior and then come back and complain to me about mobility.

Yes but you would be moving at REDUCED speed, not increasing, and that infact hinders your mobility.
Second I proposed a damage REDUCTION on HB. I wasn’t ever asking for op kill-all button, so please don’t act like I or OP did.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


On the your proposal of swaping the adrenaline skills of sword and greatsword, i have to disagree. Flurry is too usefull for condition damage sword (and sword is meant to be condition damage weapon), because it can stack HUGE amount of bleeds (even tho, they last only 2/3 seconds).

However the proposal of having several seconds long immobilize on F1 GS skill is very appealing and goes with general idea of sword (or greatsword) being a that weapon that slices your legs, and makes you hard to move (eg.: Bladetrail, Hamstring, Flurry..)

Also mind that current F1 skill is also quite usefull. Make me explain: the 20% bonus crit chance synergizes well with Forceful Greatsword, 33% bleed chance traits in arms tree, as well as with several sigils (sigil of strengh for example). So with 10 s CD, 9 s Fury uptime with 3rd stage it allows you to have fury nearly 100% of time. And gaining adrenaline shouldn’t be a problem with the multi-strike nature of GS and traits that generate adrenaline from being hit, landing crits etc… (plus you have short CD berserk stance)

So what current F1 does? It allows you to have build varienty. You don’t have to take FGJ or Signet of Rage to keep fury. You can take group-related stuff, like Shake it Off and Battle Standart instead. Or you can take the FGJ and SoR and don’t use F1 at all. And trait that you profit from saving adrenaline instead (12% damage, 9% crit chance, HP regen..). So while the F1 seems to be unerwherlming its actually very usefull in terms of build variety. EDIT: Plus the bonus crit chance can make you free to pass up on some precision gear and focus on more defesive stats.

So because of this i don’t agree that the F1 skills should be changed, instead i propose that the base damage of HB is lowered, and that you are allowed to move at reduced speed (probably at 50%?). Very much like guardian’s Whirlwind Wrath is. This would still allow your opponent to dodge away and kite/outrun you until you are done with HB. But it would work well with cripple/immobilize/stuns as you’ll be able to keep up with your opponent and keep slashing them. Also it would, allow you to relocate PvE, when the mobs mess up and run past you, so you would be able to turn around and don’t lose majority of the damage, instead of swinging the air like a mandman.

So what do you think?

EDIT: Fixed few typos

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

(edited by Madtavish.9037)

Every diehard warrior needs to watch this

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Also it is being said that offensive capabilities of human war industry are one step ahead of defensive ones. Basically you have heavy caliber bullets, rocket propeled grenades, grenade launchers, devastating frag grenades all acessible to mere infrantry. On the opposite side you have up to point-4 balistic armor, that can stop up to 4-5 AK-47 bullets (but they can’t hit the same place or they’ll penetrate the armor).
So basically you have crazy fire-power, but very little protection from it.
Same applies to cold weaponry.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Warrior Questions.

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Basically bow is superior to rifle when you need AoE ranged damage, rifle is superior to bow when you need single target ranged damage .

Great example is from Ascalonian Catacombs, the first boss starts by spawning about 15 non-elite adds and then the boss itself shows up. For this example the bow is superior to rifle, because of the AoE F1 and 3 skill that can eliminate several adds at once.
Also on the opposite side, in the same dungeon in the boss fight with ranger, who teleports between a hardly-accesible pillar and a bottom level of the floor (where you can meele him comfortably) the rifle is superior to bow, because you only need single target ranged damage which rifle does better than bow.

On the CCs, the rifle can be actually better for removing defiance stacks from bosses, because the “rifle butt” knockback ability is considered as “hard CC”, thus it removes the defiance stack, whereas the immobilize from “pin down” bow ability does not remove defiance stacks, because its considered as “soft CC”.

Well, the best idea is to have most weapons you use in backpack, for example i always carry a greatsword, rifle, shield, bow, sword, mace and warhorn in my backpack, so i can switch up between fights.

Generallly its better to carry at least one ranged weapon with you – for example i had a guardian in Ascalonian Catacombs yesterday, who ran GS/mace+shield and he was kinda put-out from the ranger boss fight, because he couldn’t hit him when he was on the pillar. Well though he could pick-up and throw boulders, i don’t think that’s enjoyable :P

Hope i answered your question

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Warrior Questions.

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


You can be both DPS/Tank/Support, but mind that ANY over-specialized build is really weak. You can have over 3k toughness and a shield, but that won’t help you or your group in dungeon, because there is no threat management in this game (mobs randomly switch aggro).

Your best bet it make a build that can stand on its own, has enough damage and survivability. Once you have that, you can start adding some team-related stuff (like shout/banners)

Also, it’s good idea (although it’s not necessary) to take at least ranged weapon, for those bosses you cannot get anywhere near without taking major blow into face.

So summarized:
- Make build with balanced damage and survivability (great is healing singet and 15 point defense minor trait – adrenal health. The HP regen can be really helpful)
- If you have such build you can add some team buffs and such.
- Can be good idea to take a ranged weapon (bow for dungeons where lots of mobs are pulled, rifle for boss fights)
- remeber that survivability comes from proper dodging, condition removal and evading those red circles attack, not from stacking bunch of toughness+vitality.
- always remeber to revive downed teammates, they might revive you in return when you go down.
- your weapon choice really depends on your personal style, so pick what you are comfortable/familiar with.
- AoE CC can be great againts groups of mobs, but trying chain-CC bosses is not as easy because of defiance stacks (they have certain amounts of stacks, and everytime they are hit with “hard CC” (stuns, knockdowns, fears etc. – not cripples and immoblize..) they lose one stack. When they are at 0 stacks of Defiance, next hard CC has actuall effect, so if you have a mace, its good idea to save your 3 sec stun (pulverize – F1 Adrenaline burst skill) to moment when boss has 0 stacks. After that CC is applied they get the certain amount of stacks again. And the cycle repeats. (the defiance stacks are represented by orange eagle emblem (with number representing the amount of stacks) under boss HP bar on top of your screen.

Hope my information was helpful. Good luck in dungeons!

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”