3 hours gameplay:
on the Borderlands:
10% skill lag
90% good fights
3x DC
on EB
80% skill lag
20% good fights
0x DC
From today
Well i know they are working on it, but these problems are already more then a year old, and it makes me wonder if the tech department is capable enough to adress these problems..
I mean, if i had a job there and i am assigned in a team that need to deal with this game breaking problem and after a year there is still no noticeable progress i can tell you, i will be fired lol. ( not that i want that for you ppl )
So when will we see noticeable progress? 2014? 2015?
I am talking about the skill lag.
When we need to defend a keep, and the enemy zergs in, and nothing from our skills work..
Then what can we do? Wait until they cap it, reset our upgrades, steal our supplies? It is just unplayable this way..
Not even fun to play the game anymore.
Insane skill lag in hills again, running around like a headless chicken.
If someone stands at an AC and he says I AM MASTERY let him on it! Do not reply with " No i am greedy ’ and die 10s later.
(edited by Moderator)
1 hour fight on a keep! We almost get it!
-Sorry lost connection_
1 hour wasted!
Anet, the game is just unplayable with the amount of skill lag again.
Please stop the leagues and fix this problem first..
(edited by Moderator)
Hmm I think Desolation will end up at spot nr 6-7 in the silver league.
That is fast! And shall have the respect from them player!
Nahh I don’t believe that, really looks like the old WvW bug from like 7 months ago.
Same here, waste of my Friday night.
Me and my server are fighting in a borderlands, and we have around 40-60 people on the commander, and we have only 1 tower and a keep.
We are sure we have not 100 ppl scattered around!
How come there is a queue on our border?
Is the old population bug back? When people alt F4 to log out and that they are still in the ‘server map’ ?
Please fix. Destroys the league
Wonder if we get compensated.
I have the same problem, I finally got into WvW and after 1.5 hour playing I decided to get a look at my achievements but all have a grey lock on it ( see screen ).
So I reclogged, and after waiting 3 hours to get into WvW again, I still have the same problem
Missed that one, thanks.
And no response from an official.
Pfff, already waited 3 hour to get into a map…
Dam this is by far the most worst content added in GW2. I had good times before, but this..
Way to vague, nothing works bug after bug
Naw don’t worry about the doors. Did you do the zone with the crazy Halloween guy? Did it unlock your WvW achievements?
I did that one tuesday, then i get a golem that says i need to get something..
Then it lost me, way too vague lol.. but i just wanna do WvW.
Ok go to LA and take portal to char city. Look for a gold star on map when you zone in.
Ye got there, now they tell me i need to daily doors closing or something..
That stuff is not in WvW?
Yes but it may be tied together. Go do that zone, it will only take you five minutes and see if it unlocks the WvW stuff for you.
What to do then? I am mostly playing only WvW..
No idea what you are talking about lol
Check your mail, it will give you a map location. It will only take five mins to do, and if it fixes it, better than having to requeue 3 hours for another map to see if that works. If it doesn’t, then it’s only five mins of your time. If it does, then bonus
I always delete these mails lol
I am dissapointed to give up my free friday for beeing in a queue now..
Finally got in, and achievements not work, great..
Have you entered WvW since reset?
Yes i have been playing a map for 1 hour, so i went to watch my achievements, but all have the grey locks and nothing happends.
Yes but it may be tied together. Go do that zone, it will only take you five minutes and see if it unlocks the WvW stuff for you.
What to do then? I am mostly playing only WvW..
No idea what you are talking about lol
I am talking about WvW, not PVE halloween.
Did you visit Black Citadel yet and do the Halloween intro zone and get the golem? I am wondering if that needs to be done first?
Wot? I have no idea what you are saying.
Why are all my wvw achievements locked? I am since beta in Desolation and never changed server.
I just relogged.
See screen..
I have played 1.5 hour WvW and nothing changed! So I relog and came to forum!
(edited by Magnetron.5823)
3 hours EU WvW, and everything was locked.. im asking other players and they have everything unlocked!
Great… relog to wait 3 hours in queue again
GG Bugnet
Well then bad luck.. I know there is a new map coming that will address this problem, but still..
Why can someone get in after 30 minutes in the same map, while I need to wait 2.5 hour +?
That’s weird
queues should be based on WvW rating, the higher rank you are.. the faster you get into wvw ( when in a queue)
Now I am waitin 2.5 hours, while other people say to me.. 2.5 hour? took me just 30 minutes to get in..
So that’s way to much RNG, I hope Anet will look into this.
That’s just EU which means nothing to me!
Then what are you doing in my thread, I am from the EU
Ye normally leagues are randomized at start right? This is not good..
I vote for random league season matches.
Blobbing is WvW Meta, its been that from the start. I rather complain about the long Queue while my rank is high, and some newbie lvl 1 PVE player beats me In the queue.
The first server who wins this week match wins the silver league.
Why start with the finale Anet? I do not understand.
Well lets hope Desolation wont end up in the bottom so we end in bronze league! Lets have some fun fights!
Desolation wins! Flawless victory!
Dam sometimes Deso is so unbelievable stupid, they are repairing outer walls while trebs are shooting.
They only need to build 1 ballista to kill 2 trebs.
People fight in backwards mode with a 40 meter radius…
New WvW PVE players from Desolation, please talk to the WvW helper in the start he will explain everything to you, also there is something like youtube! Try to educate yourselfs in stacking and what type of gear u need to use.
Gandara, I am sorry.. but you guys are losing from a lot of new players that aren’t even lvl 80 yet and still you guys are saying we are a good wvw server? We lose matches for months already.. says a lot about you guys.
If you guys have read the TOS and accepted it, you would know that if you are using it in your favor over and over it is called a serious exploit, thus means your account can be terminated.
Just saying..
I have reported numerous mesmers abusing this. And yes, I don’t understand why Anet isn’t shutting down PVP atm.
Looks like a private server now…
Download the rest the next day, or get a ISP with a higher data cap.
Well this is what I mean lol, hes right, you are right.. I thought this patch would give clear explanation about the skills
Please guys from livestream look at it
Yes, that’s why I am asking this, maybe they forgot this skill
You wont go for this one? Its almost the same, maybe even better.
And you get 2 free games
Yes, so really guys who are having bad performance with home-made desktops.. it could be you bought a cheap PSU and that it is dying.. just like mine. I guess I found out on time before it destroys the rest of my computer :P
Not sure if this is the right section but,
The skill still says :" Greatly decrease the duration of conditions "
I see all the other skills got a percentage etc. But how much is that for this skill?
AoE spells with a maximum number of targets will now count combatants that block or evade the attack towards that maximum.
What is this kitten?
This means that when you shoot your AOE you will hit 5 targets right? When 2 targets are blocking the AOE the AOE used to hit 2 others. Now the AOE will count the 3 targets + the targets that are blocking and not pick 2 other targets.
Now for general, Gendarra and Deso… do you really need a 3-5 man party to kill a roamer everytime he tries to take a camp? Like, really?
Yes its called an MMORPG for a reason
Ohh well I bought this one and works great.
Fortron Source FSP700-50ARN 85+ – 700 Watt
Yes, I was using a cheap one but then when I had enough money for upgrading my PC I only replaced my GPU and CPU.
GW2 was working good in the beginning but since a few months the game worked very slow and long loading times, now its great ^^
seems GTX 560 Ti needs lots of juice :P
I had bad FPS and kinda slow gameplay, but I found my problem.
I replaced my old PSU and now everything works amazing, so maybe you are using a cheap PSU that under powers your computer and thus you get lower performance.
I would give it a try
I was having quite a bit bad performance especially in WvW, that my FPS was ok but everything worked so slow and my GPU was spinning it fans like mad!
Then I had a random shutdown and checked the event viewer and I had kernel problems and I thought, what if my PSU is bad? And I did some research on the web and it could be the bottleneck.
2 days ago I decided to change my 4 year old PSU for a new 700W one.
And guess what.
The game works great now ( with occasional skill lag) but a lot less then before, and I can play WvW on everything high ( no shadows ) with 50 FPS and around 15-20 FPS in big fights!
So If you guys have a demanding GPU and a fast CPU but you get bad performance? Try to check out your PSU and maybe you need a better one!
This helped on my problems!
Anet when are you guys doing something about the so called population in WvW servers?
Desolation is a Very High status world but has low WvW players, so this way we will never get any new guilds to our server because they need to pay the full price.
I am a player in Desolation and I play both PVE and WvW, but I don’t want to move to another server to start all over again and leave my friends there..
Why do guilds have to pay the insane amount of gems to join a low WvW server, I do not understand why you are not setting the population to WvW.
Everyone can free guest anyway right? So whats the point? Please explain it to me..
No idea why you guys don’t see this, maybe dollar signs.. but this way people rather quit then pay the full amount for a low WvW server..