huh? I am sorry but I see a dev playing the game as intended.
You GvG kids are way too arrogant, take your bikes and go play outside please and leave us play WvW…
That GvG Community LOL
I feel embarrassed for this post. I used to command in Deso 6 months ago. This wasn’t the community I left. :/
Because I have a different opinion and I like WvW how it is?
And I dislike GvG because they are just bad players who cannot play Spvp.
Suggestion: Add a new feature for WvW
Right Click : Report player for GvG.
huh? I am sorry but I see a dev playing the game as intended.
You GvG kids are way too arrogant, take your bikes and go play outside please and leave us play WvW…
That GvG Community LOL
Hmm come on guys what the hell,
The game is 1 year+ old, if they made TQ from day 1 it would took atleast 6 months to get him down.
We are just too skilled and too organized.
Also if there was no Guesting I think only 2-3 servers would have brought it down.
Again, other players have it too…
Skill lag, Skill lag..
This is terrible Anet, what have you done to yourself..
Alright this is my last post in the WvW Forum ever until the skill lag is fixed.
It is clear no one from Anet cares about WvW, the skill lag today vs only 20 enemy in SM was again just horrible.. and MOD oh oh don’t give me the crap like do a system check or use a proxy lol.
This has become way too much now, how the heaven can you guys promote the game as large siege warfare.. I mean you are lying to potential players and to the current playerbase..
How the heaven can you guys say that you are working on performance while we have seen no improvement on the skill lag.. While it was told in the patch notes..
Well, sometimes! Sometimes you can play with many people.. So it is possible.
Are you giving other servers different server hardware?
Are the skill lag problems only for EU servers?
For me as a player since beta had negative and positive feedback to WvW overall, and this is not to the WvW team specific it is more to the tech team that controls the servers..
I suggest you Anet as a company should step up, and draw the line right now. Tell your tech team to fix the problem or come up with ideas, solutions or just hire a new squad that think they can do it.. the guys now, failed. Simple as that
I really don’t care about GvG, Bloodlust buff, Outmanned, T1 servers, only 2 maps.
I want to fight in large battles, and use my skills! Just like the game promised me.
Tired of this goat poop.
Ah come on people isn’t it clear already?
Still have insane skill lag
5 dollar budget for WvW ( they gave a 100 dollar bonus for the extra bloodlust points )
Numbers equals winning
Now compare that to PVE
New content every 2 week
New Gem shop items
Bosses/Dungeons updates
Hidden changes in the living world
Should I mention Spvp between this? Nahh, what is Spvp right? Tutorial zone for WvW lol
GuildWars 2 is a PVE focused game, they probally make 90-95% of their money out of it from the PVE side.
I think we should wait for new open world mmo pvp games, its over in GW2 my humble opinion
We all know the bonuses per server % etc right?
But do we all care for extra xp? Well maybe the new players.. I have a better idea, that will maybe bring PVE players into WvW too.
How about we change the server bonuses that you get, like:
Faster World boss spawn.
Chance % to craft x2 materials (good for ascended)
More % World bosses in Orr
Better % chance for pre-c
- Be original and add yours
This way the game will balance itself better, PVE players want these bonuses and WvW get more players because of this.
The current bonuses are just not interesting to fight for your server! It is not about the bloodlust or the loot or the community!
Eureka!! It is about the server bonuses!
We lost around 5 guilds, and heading to the half dead silver league..
Still Skill lagging like hell..
Spend more money on the game Anet.. come on
I am tired of this Anet, what the hell..
Where is the so called performance patch?
How about spend some millions of dollars you got from us to freaking use it ON THE GAME.
Holy kitten, what are you guys using.. dual core servers?
Buy friends 10g each
Mad King says! :" BOW!!! " Bow for me my minions!! Huhahaha!
Remember when he does that in town? Now try to imagine when a full town follows him without culling
Boss Hard? Its dead within 1 minute..
1x Mesmer
4x full zerk warriors
It is totally unfair to charge players 1800 gems to transfer to a so called ‘High’ population server and coming there you only see 3-20 players in WvW.
A PVE player can transfer worlds for a pretty long time TWICE! For free! But a WvW player needs to pay the full amount and ‘hope’ they will not end up in a PVE server.
If you don’t see my point.. then I dunno lol
I really think adjusting the worlds gems transfer to WvW population (montly) is good for balancing servers and good for the players wallet.
Hey Anet, why don’t you guys make the gem price for server transfers based on the WvW population and not based on the PVE population.
Guesting = Free
To much PVE players = Too high cost for new WvW guilds to transfer, so they wont come.
Have you guys ever thought about this?
I really don’t understand this, I cannot even get in my own home server on PVE events..
I stay in my server, and so should everyone else do.
I have the same problem mate, overflow overflow overflow…
Someone should make an epic youtube gameplay video from TQ, ofcourse well edited and good music
So we can enjoy to see how its been killed lol.
Pff wanted to have fun again, and ended up again on an overflow even 1 hour before the spawn.
Content is great, but the mechanics to play with your friends is not.
Why should I wait while a guester holds my spot.. Pfff kitten, finally something fun in the game and I cannot even enjoy it ( Overflows fail to much )
Yea well I guess others need to have the achievement too, but when the fight starts.. you see so many unknown players with unknown guilds standing only AFK.
That makes the fight fail too..
Guess I never play TQ again.
Whats the point of choosing a server when everyone can just guest and make hours of queue?
I really liked the TQ event, but the agony to get in your OWN server is just horrible and ruins the total experience for me.
Please Anet, find something for this annoying problem.
I have killed TQ a few times now, I have finished all my achievements for him.. But after only getting greens and blues, I don’t think I want to do him anymore.
All the fights I had with it! Were great, best boss ingame ever.
Next time Anet, when you revamp a boss, its also nice to revamp the distribution of rewards.. RNG is still RNG..
Something with tokens would be better.
Guess it is time to look for a new open world PVP game, cause I will not change a server to enjoy my time in the game.
Any suggestions?
Great idea, to not play WvW too fall in the silver league.. Losing more guilds everyday.
R.I.P Desolation.
Well.. some guilds want to drop to silver league, what is totally bullkitten ofcourse. Yes we are a bit outnumbered but I was trying to get some good guilds to here and I have said that to some of our community.
These guilds wont come if we are not in the gold league, but hey! We lost 40 DVG! We are so bad now.
Sorry deso, but do you even know how silver league will be ? Boring fights, No players to fight…
I rather die 1000x then to go in silver league..
Brave warriors in Deso, very brave.
Would be nicer fights when Bull fight together with GoD and FG
Och, I stay in Desolation no mather what. I will not move to a server because my own skills are bad and thus I need to transfer to a different server that can hold my hand to victory.
Desolation has always been a great server to play in, we have all aspects of the game. But WvW is just not fun to play when everything lags if you play against SFR ( nothing personal ) but you guys have just too many people.
And for the original SFR,Riverside,Vizunah etc players that been there from the start.. It is not your fault that all these scared pug guilds come from other servers to play as a number one, so this message is not really for you.
But you do can help and not include these server hoppers to your community, let them get bored, let them feel how it is.. Do not accept glory hunters where you worked a year for.
But that’s all up to you offcourse
I stay in Desolation for ever, and so should others! Stay in your home servers and make them strong instead of glory hopping around.
Today I was finishing my crafting in tailoring, and I could craft red items (for 400) while I had only 260.
The bar created them, but I didn’t get any xp or the item itself.
I have reported this ingame too.
Aphix and tuxedo, you do realize you are playing WvW right?
GvG is something what bad Spvp players created. Please MOD, I don’t want to call you out but these guys only troll on every positive post I make.
I really want to thank Anet guys for creating this, it is awesome.
Well maybe not server transfers then, but also not bloodlust..
The whole buff isn’t that much, the finish move is! And I like both.
but ye, deso was doing awesome.. its fun that the DVG Desolation VanGuard. * they wanted all pugs to work together for Deso!! HuuHaa!!
They leave to other server… take lots of pugs too.
Piken if you read this, put all these members on block
Thanks Anet for creating these amazing looking places to fight at! My personal favorite is the high altitude spot where you can kick off ppl ( I have killed 4 ppl there already!) while changing my warrior skills to kick and rampage.
The graphics of these spots are really great, especially the forrest are.. it feels so lush and alive.
I have more to explore there, and I think I have to make a new thief for all of these spots
Buff is nice too, you want to finish someone more then before! Ignore these GvG weirdoes :P cause this is a great patch for WvW.
Everyone can +1 this post!
WvW seasons is a good idea, but server transfer is not..
If a server sees a week before the season begins.. ohh we not gonna make it for the nr 1 reward, we need to change server.
Lets go!
And all the other ppl that also helped that server to get to lets say place 3! And spend a lot of time on it, now get punished because some guild goes to another server?
I think that’s bad
Ehrm yes, if they are your friends and you told them about GW2, I bet you would be smart enough to tell them what server you are in right?
If not.. kitten -_-
Ermmm what does this post contribute to the forums? Nothing
It is the same post as : Do you like the buff?
(edited by Moderator)
Now with the new league is coming, I noticed a big difference in how people enjoy the game, lots of so called ‘skilled WvW players’ are leaving their home server to join the T1 servers Vizunah, SFR, Elona, (NEW Riverside) to win the great rewards attached to these servers.
Thus now all other servers with loyal members that like all aspects of the game and do not want to leave their home server due to friendships that has been made between all aspects of the game, don’t want to leave their home server.
But now, the EX- T1 server will be fighting 2 months vs servers with x400% wvw population! And get killed by 30-100 players every time!
How will you guys fix this problem?
Teach me wrong but.. Didn’t someone say, choose your server wisely because you can only choose it once?
I hate server transfers! And I spit on people leaving servers
The new cap points and graphics of the new stuff are just incredible, best thing ever!
But.. server transfers….
Soon we will just have 3-6 servers playing WvW.
Anet listen to this…
I will not change my server because of others leave it to win WvW. But I will leave the game when it gets boring, think of that.
And I believe more people are thinking the same.
Did you press on that because you hate them!?
Well Desolation is looking for new souls to strengthen their WvW present, we are looking for NA guilds, but also EU guilds that hate queue times.
On prime time we have small queue times around 10 minutes for EB and for Desolation borderlands.
But the rest is waiting for brave people to destroy the opponents!
Desolation has one of the best communitys, and are very friendly and helpful towards other players, so are you disappointed of all these new guilds joining your server and stacking up for an even larger queue time and you want to play with your guild! Without waiting very long!
Join us, and you will not regret it.
10+ rares
1x Pre-curser (1h axe)
1x Ascended weapon box
I think I got good rewards from them :P
Agree on this one, these very hard to get achievements should be visual rewarding.
Guys calm down and don’t worry. We now are not getting yelled at.
New guilds are coming to Desolation on 1 October, 40 man gone now huh.. how about we get 40 stronger back…
Just sit tight, leave your DVG flag and join another guild.. Desolation still has some good WvW guilds.
Bye RUIN 2.0
I also hoped they made 1 or 2 of these orb capture points underwater.. But cannot have it all :P
Don’t play WvW for the rewards :P
Dude you use longbow. How he could stop laughing?
Wtf of a build is GS/Longbow anyways? Certainly not good for big groups, doesn’t seem great for small scale either.
I use the same build in Spvp too and it works great there, it is a support/damage role.. but it is hard fighting vs mesmers and thiefs.
Nah don’t jump, just wait a week.
If SFR likes to night cap everything and only fight with 100+ people
Well SFR have fun fighting empty WvW! No kills for you.
Hey thief roamer on deso border at bay from SFR.
I am a GS+Longbow warrior, and you are only hiding and hiding, I even tried to kill you but its impossible due to your hiding skills.
That’s why I lured you into the water, and there you was running from me!
So why do you go up land, be in your safe hiding zone and press /laugh?
I even came out to land to try to kill you again! But you were traited for 1v1s and I was GS+LB, eventually I just leave.
But too be honest mr SFR hide in shadow thief? If you are so good, why didn’t you kill me on land? Twice?
So stop laughing and get more skills instead of hide every 2 seconds and shoot from distance. SFR chicken.
The skill lag is horrible when playing versus these 1 button press servers, instead of having fun you are getting frustrated by playing the game.
Good job! 1 year+ and still skill lag!
200 SFR players blobbing on every border, great fun guys.. I am taking the week off. Have fun trying to find battles if you behave like this.
Note to self: Never join the blob server SFR.
Boring week of WvW again..
Whole week will be : blob blob blob lag lag lag.
No thanks. GL the rest
The name says it all.
World vs World
You expect only 2 people fighting you? No you face a whole server
Best you can do is increase your structures with arrow carts and recap the camps the enemy is taking.
And you are doing a good job escorting the dolyaks. Keep it up!
Hmm maybe add a bar that slowly fills up when you are escorting it. If you go out of range 1800 range or something, bar decreases.
50% bronze 20 Wxp
70% Silver 40 Wxp
90% Gold 80 Wxp
Something like that