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Carrion (and Valkyrie) Ascended Trinkets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I’ve been away from the game a while, mainly because there is missing ascended gear for my preferred play style. We were told a long, long time ago that carrion trinkets/rings would be added but they never were. Do you ever plan on adding carrion ascended trinkets and rings? I’d like to come back but I have no desire to return if I’ll continue to be locked out of the highest-tier gear. Thank you.

Despite promise, still no carrion ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Just chiming in to say this is the single issue stopping me from playing again. Either tell us it will be added like you originally promised or that we should give up and change our specs/spend laurels elsewhere. I check about once a month to see if you’ve resolved this, and still nothing. Please reply!

Still no valkyrie or carrion ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Can we please just have an answer? Is it coming or not? I’ll probably come back and just buy some other ascended gear (or more likely change my spec ) even if you say no, but I feel like I’m stuck in limbo and can’t move forward. I’m just sitting on a pile of laurels…

Despite promise, still no carrion ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I have actually stopped playing until they either give us a firm timetable to add ascended carrion gear or simply tell us it won’t be added to trinkets/accessories. I don’t like being stuck in limbo while I play though, so I’ve been gone about a month and will occasionally check back to see if anything’s changed.

Axe/Warhorn - Rifle build

in Warrior

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Thanks all, I’ll see what I can throw together with your suggestions.

Axe/Warhorn - Rifle build

in Warrior

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Bump for help

Traits for P/D for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Err a few corrections: I meant bountiful theft, not thrill of the crime. Also I mixed up instinct response with the trait that causes your steal to stealth you. My point stands for a different reason though, you’ll often find that stealth from traits like that will auto fire in the middle of your attack. All it accomplishes then is giving you a revealed debuff after you’ve taken a lot of damage, which is exactly when you want to be able to stealth yourself.

Traits for P/D for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


If I may, I’ve played P/D since shortly after release and switched from my old 10/0/30/15/15 build to the 10/0/30/0/30 build after the steal changes. This build is amazing and you can wipe the floor against almost anyone 1v1; that being said, P/D is all about drawing out the fight by wearing down your opponent. Unless they are afk or have 0 condition removers, you’re going to have to worry about sustain. I would highly recommend grabbing the condition removal in stealth as opposed to the init regen. Filling out the trickery tree gives you 3 extra base init and with a 21 second steal that restores init you should be more than ok under normal circumstances. The only time itll be a problem is if you repeatedly whiff CnD. I’d recommend taking Roll for initiative, since it covers most of P/D’s weaknesses: it’s a stunbreak, it’ll save your kitten if you get immobilized, and it can refill your initiative if your CnD fails without having to rely on stealth.

Also, I’d recommend thrill of the crime instead of instinct response. 90% of the time you should be using a CnD>steal combo to teleport to your target and stealth so the stealth on steal is actually redundant. I’d even say it’s bad for P/D, since the CnD>steal>sneak attack combo is the only combo we have resembling a “burst” attack. If the steal stealths you, you won’t be able to use CnD without revealing yourself so you lose the extra damage from that along with the vulnerability that buffs your following sneak attack. Thrill of the crime gives you 15 seconds of vigor every 21 seconds which allows you to dodge more, increasing your survivability out of stealth and letting you drop more caltrops. It also strips boons, which is VERY good when fighting tankier foes (i.e. Guardians). Anyways, enjoy the build and I hope this info helps!

Axe/Warhorn - Rifle build

in Warrior

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I’m having trouble coming up with a new build for my warrior after all the changes. While they were all positive, the trait changes completely gutted my old build and I’m not sure what to do now. Does anyone have a good build for an axe/horn & rifle set up? It would be mostly for roaming in WvW, open world PvE, and the occasional sPvP. I prefer something with decent damage (read: not a bunker), but I also don’t want to be a gc that shatters as soon as more than one person looks at you funny. Any suggestions for gearing and traits would be appreciated, thanks.

6+ Months - Still no Valk/Carrion Ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Bump for great justice. Can we just have an update? Forgotten, not a priority, not happening, etc.?

6+ Months - Still no Valk/Carrion Ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I’ve pretty much stopped playing because of this. I used to log in and do dailies/guild events in order to get laurels and whatnot because they said they’d be put in. I got everything I needed and they’re still not in, and I just don’t see the point to keep doing dailies and events if I can’t even bring my P/D thief that uses carrion up to the level that other classes and specs are playing as. I realize it’s not a huge stat difference, but it’s mostly the principle.

(edited by Malkarne.8167)

Early Removal of Bonfires

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I thought the bonfires were available until the 16th! I was pretty busy the last couple of days so I logged in to get the achievement only to find out you took them out early. I diligently made time to log in and get all of the events done ahead of time only to get screwed out of the last achievement because of an error you made.

I apologize for not making the GW2 forums my homepage, but this is ridiculous. I don’t even really care about achievement points, and I wish I could articulate why this has angered me so much. I guess it’s because it’s just a simple little thing that you could have kept open an extra 2 days for people who don’t make GW2 news and updates the center of their universe, but instead you chose to remove it early and punish us for trusting the announcements you made ahead of time.

This is just the straw that broke the camels back for me. This and many other little things have sapped my initiative to play. I’m not going to bother trying to do all of the living story stuff from now on, and I’m just going to take a break from the entire game for a while.

In closing, this is a great game with a solid foundation, and I look forward to coming back in the future when your content delivery is actually stable and reliable. I’m only writing this out because I feel you put out a quality product and I want you to know about decisions that may turn people away from Guild Wars 2. Thanks for all the good times, I definitely got my money’s worth.

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Yeah I didn’t realize that since I never used them on my thief (he’s cond damage). I swapped the lifesteal out for bloodlust.

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Thank you all for the great suggestions. I’ve started swapping out food and runes for beryl orbs, which is getting me better stats and is a LOT cheaper. I’m also reworking my build based off of your suggestions, you were all very helpful!

And that’s a very interesting setup breathaan, it looks awesome for PvE but does it work ok for WvW? I’ve considered swapping out the GS for mace but I worry about losing AoE or getting kited.

(edited by Malkarne.8167)

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I’m working out a build for a level 80 guardian that will be mainly PvE with small-scale WvW skirmishing thrown in (I tend to fight in the EB JP a lot). I came up with this variation on a meditation build:|1.1n.h17|c.1n.h17.d.1n.h15|1c.71j.1n.71j.1c.71j.1n.71j.1c.71j.1n.71j|1a.67.1c.67.1c.67.1n.67.1n.67.1c.67|0.p26.u15c.f6.0|56.8|v.|e

Which fits really well with my playstyle. I’m going for staying power with plenty of healing with some decent offense for wearing opponents down. My goals were:

-50%~ crit with equivalent crit dmg
-15-20k HP
-Decent toughness (I’m not sure what a good number to shoot for is)
-Good/above average damage
-Good to great survivability

I think this will work, but coming from a condition thief that only had to worry about one type of gear (carrion) the gear selection is a little trickier. I would like a little more HP than what I was able to eek out but I’m overall satisfied.

My question is, do you think this is a decent stat distribution for my goals? Is there a better/more efficient way to gear up? Also, any feedback on the overall build are welcome, thanks!

Cond Thief - Ascended gear or not?

in Thief

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Just wait, there was a thread in the general forum after the last patch where the dev said they were going to add carrion with the next batch of ascended gear they put in. They didn’t give a timeframe, but I’m just saving my laurels/commendations for a full set of carrion when they do add it.

Edit: Found it:

(edited by Malkarne.8167)

Missing Ascended Stats: Bug or Intentional?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Could we please get an official response if this is an intended nerf or an overlooked mistake?

It is neither. It just takes time to build these items and there is a huge amount of stuff on our list of things to do. We aren’t done adding stat combos. We will continue to add them as we have time to do so. With this batch, we wanted to even out the spread of primary stats and we already had a lot of stats with Power or Condition Damage as primary (more than any other, in fact), but I’ll be sure to get Valkyrie and Carrion into the next batch.

Thank you very much for answering this, I can happily play and save up for new carrion gear now! Can I push my luck and ask if there is a rough guestimate for when the next batch is going in?

(edited by Malkarne.8167)

Missing Ascended Stats: Bug or Intentional?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Bump for an answer. I really don’t feel like playing if I’m going to be locked out of upgrades because I chose a particular way of gearing (carrion). I want to at least know that I’m saving for gear that will make it in eventually… if not, I’ll just wait to play until they plan on adding it!

No carrion ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I was excited to see that there was more ascended gear added… until I logged in and saw there wasn’t any carrion (Power/Vit/Condition Dmg) ascended gear on the laurel vendors. Are there plans to add in more ascended gear stat varieties? I’m not interested in the other stat combos as I have to lose either power or condition damage to “upgrade” to the best gear.

It kills my desire to play knowing I’ll always be at a stat disadvantage if I choose to gear a certain way that was supported at release but seems to be phased out of new gear tiers.