Showing Posts For Master Farkha.1857:
Yay for karma train Saturday! This was the best idea eva!
It’s not 3 way blobs that are causing the lag anymore. Fights as big as 40v40 are causing lag which never happened before.
This last patch borked the servers. The servers now have to calculate stability stacks therefore increasing calculations where as before it was more or less if you have stab do not cc this characther….think that’s where the lag is coming from?
Anyone else on the east coast with Verizon FIOS getting constant lag/rubberbanding?
not unlock….Title…I cannot activate the COE track…QQ
Anyone looking to transfer JQ, please take notes. When they lose a match they point fingers at everyone but themselves. There were several times when we tried to push BG but JQ wouldn’t buzz off from our third. Don’t know what to tell you, learn to know what servers are what colors next time.
This. I have never seen so much QQ from a server losing in a long time. Prior to seasons BG was getting their kitten s handed to them every week and they rarely cried 2v1. JQ loses one week and all of a sudden the world is going to end. Did we 2v1 JQ at some points throughout the week? yes. Was tc 2v1’ed at points? yes. Was bg 2v1’ed at some points? yes. All the people crying 2v1 just can’t accept the fact that they got outplayed.
I command during SEA and I can tell you for a fact that all this nonsense of 2v1 from the start is garbage. I was on JQBL during the weekend and let me tell you what happened. During SEA on saturday, the BG blob lead by SUPR and the JQ map blob lead by WvW ignored each other and kept the 2v1 on our wp bay till it flipped early SEA. BG would keep pressure bay whether it was owned by us or JQ and JQ would just b-line straight for bay to ether defend or capture thus keeping bay wooden till EU (not a qq rant, just saying what happened).
After a frustrating saturday, I managed to get a 2v1 on BG hills WP with the JQ map commander and kept the pressure on BG till early NA. The keep flipped and with both zergs pressuring them they held close to 0 ppt for several hours (on jqbl). The unspoken agreement was that we wouldn’t poke at each others third and it stayed that way till I logged.
Every single day after that during sea was an exact repeat of saturday. BG blob lead by SUPR would spawn and run directly to bay, and the JQ blob would spawn and run directly to bay. JQ completely ignored hills. Our wp bay flipped twice and we held onto it twice (through sea). Now I’m not complaining, im sure SUPR was just looking for some fights and garrison 3 ways are never fun but bay 3 ways are (I admit…I think bay is probably the most fun keep to attack/defend)…once again I’m not complaining just stating events and how they directly contradict the conspiracy garbage being thrown here.
SEA during the weekday on TCBL was a constant garrison orgy every single day. Monday through Thursday was a BG blob and JQ blob working together to flip our garrison. I’m pretty sure if we were working with BG they wouldn’t actively try to reset our garrison every single day.
If JQ was so concerned about winning, why wouldnt you try to reset the Bay (that BG had waypointed on saturday) on BGBL so that you can hand your EU team an easy wooden structure + the rest of the third for 40 ppt? Why waste 3 hours in our garrison with a guilded map que, when you already have your third on tcbl? Bay on BGBL stayed WP’ed till I think Wednesday night during NA prime. Instead, you left it t3 and wp, giving your eu team nothing to backcap for the tick, nor your na team something to upgrade. If my math is right, there are 90 ticks in a day and if we assume you managed to capture your third on BGBL for half of that, you would have accumulated 1800 points in one day. BG held it for 5 days straight so you guys lost out on about 9000 points overall which is about the difference between TC and JQ right now. So please, shoot yourselves in the foot some more.
All three servers are relatively equal in terms of population, some have more than others in certain time-zones but overall strategy and server organization wins, and frankly you guys got outplayed. My personal opinion is that your SEA has been your crutch as it relieved JQ from formulating any real overall strategy going into leagues. Prior to, JQ depened on their SEA team to just tick 400+ for several hours and simply win…however I don’t think that can work these next few weeks.
(edited by Master Farkha.1857)
TC goes very high a couple of times a day, I mailed you the times.
Make sure you restart your client, the server status does not refresh if you just logout of your character. You have to completely restart the game.
(edited by Master Farkha.1857)
Any OCX/SEA/EU players and guilds welcome to TC! Come join a competitive server in a competitive match-up in preparation for seasons!
It seems based on populations that almost everyone would win with 4 leagues in NA.
Diamond – BG/JQ/SoR
Gold – TC/Mag/SoS/FA/SBI/YB
Silver – DB, BP, Ebay, CD, NSP, HoD
Bronze – IoJ, SF, DH, FC, GoM, DR, KN, ET, ARUnder current system:
Nobody can compete with the top 3 so if they want to stack themselves, fine, just don’t make us other servers fight them. Maybe the monotony of being isolated in top tier will help disenchant some players with tier 1.
The bottom 3 of gold can’t compete for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, while the top 3 of silver don’t have any real competition. Match these 6 servers together and you’ll have some fantastic fights.
Removing the top 3 from silver league would leave a highly competitive league.
Bronze league is already awesome and competitive. I switched HoD with IoJ because I believe HoD is stronger now. That could change but in the off-season we should have matches that cross those league borders to ensure we have the rankings right going into season 2.
The sad thing about this is that probably everyone in the top 6 would have been able to put together those brackets before leagues started. It’s ok, hopefully ANET gathered enough data this time around.
I think its obvious that the people at the helm are either
a) clueless
b) incompetent
c) don’t care
from a tc perspetive, as someone that has commanded the past two weeks against BG and either SOR/JQ mainly on EB, I must say…BG does NOT know how to play the map. There were countless times I tried encouraging a 2v1 on either SOR or JQ with BG only to have our towers reset or a full frontal assault on our OL, and this happened 90 percent of the time. Not once was I able to draw BG into a 2v1 against the third server, not one time. So naturally I then focused BG and on almost every single occassion JQ/SOR would pile up and we would 2v1 BG for a few hours till I had to log. I have nothing personal against BG (as a matter of fact I have a particular distaste for SOR) but your map politics on eb are below what I was expecting and you got double stuffed because of it.
Problem is that if you shave it too much then people wouldn’t care about it enough to even fit capturing the points into their overall strategy. They need to remove the stat buffs entirely and instead give more of a utility type buff…for example:
1) Increasing speed of upgrades on structures/camps
2) Reducing amount of supply needed to build siege
3) Reduce PPT by a % (can be scaled to incentivize outnumbered servers in blowout matches and be less and less effective as the score gets close)
Season 1 is going forward as we described, however nothing about future seasons is set in stone. We’ll take a look at the data we get from the first season and will absolutely make adjustments so that future seasons are even better than the first one.
My concern with four leagues is simply that there isn’t enough variety at that point. I could very well be wrong, but we are going to try season 1 this way and then we’ll take a look at how it played out.
Are you kitten kidding me? Do you guys even play your own game? Even if you don’t…. just hire one intern to analyze the scores for the last 4 months between all the matchups and he/she will easily conclude after 2 hours of high school level analysis, that having two leagues is absolutely kitten. You guys are completely delusional. Anyone that has played on the top 12 servers can easily tell the insane population differences between tiers.
Great fights tonight at bay on tcbl db. Waypoints 2 strong though sorry :P lol
@ TC
Does it confusing listening to your TS3 and DB’s TS3 at the same time?
Not confusing at all.
TC would be more than welcome to have you guys if you choose to come here. Mind you that joining any of the constantly full servers in T2 (TC, BG, DB, JQ) will require some patience.
Depends on if all our active guilds have scheduled raids, if they do then we push que’s on 3 maps. On average I’d say 2 maps though as not every guild plays every night in force.
Not sure why they all have to have the same despawn timer. Make arrow carts and ballistas 2 hours. Everything else can stay at 30 minutes.
I wrote a quick guide for using Autohotkey to keep trying to get into TC.
I do not claim any responsibility for any inadvertent transfers or any unintended results from using this guide. Use at your own risk.
As usual FA, we’ll exchange the cash for today’s services at TC’s tavern in divinity’s reach.
Who are you, me, or anyone else to judge what these people choose to do?
Who are you to judge the merits of what other people judge?
Who are you to judge the merits of what other people judge to judge in a big vacuum judge merits?
Lol why don’t you provide a reason why first.
Repair bills have been astronomical this weekend… I guess we’re experiencing the full might of TC, now that their PVE/college population is back in WvW…
Hope you enjoyed your stay in Tier 2.
Don’t be that guy.
Yeah for real. I think DB is just burnt out from pushing too hard. In any case, great fights so far everyone!
RE, poke our bay, we take yours….and then leave it wooden for FA
i dont really claim to understand exactly what took place here, but it did make my night
it’s processing, give it a minute
lol. Thank you for that
Also big shout out to everyone on TCBL this morning. We were a rag tag bunch, didn’t have massive numbers, but we managed to get a WP’d Bay back from DB.
Good work all!
RE thanks for that fight. Was vicious and amazing
Doh! Just heard you took it back! ><
Yeah, not much numbers in this vedio 2:45 got two 30+ zerg, one at north gate, the other at south gate.
ignore all your teammate now~~ they’re empty
I was there and we had around 50 people as did you. Jayne’s post was saying that we did not straight up Zerg you guys down. It was a relatively equal and fun fight. We wiped a couple of times but we ultimately broke in and capped it.
TC’s gonna come out strong this week and win the game.
wow I didn’t know we had a cheerleader on FA now! Thanks DB you made us friends with FA….
What we should do is have a party to solidify our new friendship. I say we have an epic dolyak vs carebear event
They should buff arrow carts some more. That will fix skill lag.
I think SOR BL has been too. I don’t understand why this is taking forever to fix. I mean really. Come on now ANET….
Where the hell our TC’s commanders that I ran around with pulling insane plans that had people going “Wtf just happened?” Things are so disgusting, I dont know which is worse, the obvious double teaming, or the fact that our commanders who know what the kitten they are doing seem to have vanished like a fart in the wind.
Wow shut up already. Every commander starts somewhere and with making mistakes and learning from them, he/she becomes a better commander. If you’re that competent, get your own tag and lead. Otherwise shut up and support the commander.
This. Stop whining about 2v1, DB abuses both of us equally. It’s getting old.
Commanders are people and they sometimes have things to do. Yes, I know that’s a shock to some but you can’t expect the same people to lead every day for months. If you don’t like how things are then buy a tag and lead yourself.
(edited by Master Farkha.1857)
Nooo, what should happen is that all siege is buffed by 200% and everyone gets an arrow cart strapped to their head. This way we can continue converting WvW into PvE content.
This made me lol….
Wow, am I actually in agreement with someone from FA? Haha good points. Buuuuuummpppppp
My biggest problem is that they increased the likelyhood of golem rushes, while at the same time, exponentially increased the amount of time to take a fully upgraded, defended keep. Keeps are both now easier (golem rushes) and harder (siege wars) to take. Keeps are both now harder (need constant sentrying) and easier (waypoints) to defend. Increasing everyone’s paranoia and frustration in one patch is bad.
Ports are blocked immediately (the 30secs do not apply to ports) was written in the notes.
So if you attack something with a WP you see it immediately, but anything else you see only with 30secs delay.Golem rush needs 40? I think 10 for 5 golems and 5 mesmer is sufficient
Maybe 15 for 5 more to fight.
Well if this is true then scratch what I said :P
Maybe in the lower tiers but in the upper tiers there’s always about 1 map que full of people rolling around.
Yeah but on the flip side if you have one person scouting you can portal everyone in with the wp…you won’t have to wait 3 minutes.
Why can’t someone give me a flying kitten?
Nice fights tonight at water camp NNK :P
Wow. I am so thankful DB came to this tier the action is awesome! Great fights last night guys hopefully we can keep the fun going throughout the entire week! Welcome to T2!
Congrats on getting to T2 DB! Looking forward to running into you guys…should be an exciting week!
Best of luck to CO in the future guys. I’m sure you’ll find what your looking for and im sure we’ll be running into you guys again at some point!
I agree wholeheartedly. It seems a match made in heaven on the surface of it all, it’s just the successful work of some trolls that is making it a drag. And only in the forums, speak to any random FA’er or TC’er and I am sure they are both having an equally good time. I know I am.
In fact i had a VERY nice conversation from someone from FA earlier.
Take out the forum personas, and we’d probably get along.
About wvw no less.
An RP carebare and a bloodthirsty killer getting along? According to these forums that doesn’t exist =P
Uh oh…I’m calling it next…joint karaoke operations between TC and FA while they’re on the same BL. Did I just go there? OH YES I DID!
I agree wholeheartedly. It seems a match made in heaven on the surface of it all, it’s just the successful work of some trolls that is making it a drag. And only in the forums, speak to any random FA’er or TC’er and I am sure they are both having an equally good time. I know I am.
In fact i had a VERY nice conversation from someone from FA earlier.
Take out the forum personas, and we’d probably get along.
About wvw no less.
An RP carebare and a bloodthirsty killer getting along? According to these forums that doesn’t exist =P
Uh oh…I’m calling it next…joint karaoke operations between TC and FA while they’re on the same BL. Did I just go there? YES I DID!
Hi guy I’m new to the game and was wondering if TC could give me some pointers on how to zerg. Sometimes I don’t know where to follow the big blue dot and it gets my brain all confused and then I have to take advil and man that’s a drag! So I was wondering when I’m in a zerg how can I make it so that I press the auto attack very fast so I can dominate everyone??
All you need to do is chant “FOR THE ZERG” and the headache magically goes away
I think in FA we genuinely do just play for the laughs.
However, nobody at all wants to drop down to t3 (who I’ve spoken to anyway), so I think this week we’ll be a bit more PPT conscious. The fights in t2 are too much fun
Lol every time I see the uA and AVTR tags on tcbl I cringe because I KNOW we are going to lose atleast one of our keeps haha. Honestly tho you guys are very persistent and don’t let a few let downs hold you back. /salute
How does one grow a furious beard anyway? I’ve always wanted to know
Its an extremely dangerous process and something unfit for the public forums.
All I can say is God help us all.
lol I heard it was a ritual revolving around loot bags? If so then I’m out of luck /sadface
TC: doesn’t have a lot of asia/oceanic population
KN: WM underperforming lately
DB: strong asian/oceanicso you guys pick a T3 version of JQ for better competition…what a joke
TC has most coverage/numbers during all time zones… And you forgot FA(next match up as of now is TC/DB/FA btw), looking forward to fighting against Dragonbrand again!
We lack aussie presence. FA has that hands down
How does one grow a furious beard anyway? I’ve always wanted to know
I think the idea was that we are accused of pvdoor due to better coverage but in any case good work taking our stuff! Shows we still need some work