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Translation of Orrian syllabary

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Yeah, so apparently when I said weeks and months I must have meant years…sheesh!!

Something about rolling off of one expansion and right onto another has a way of making one shift one’s priorities. Nevertheless, I promised to get you the Orrian syllabary in its entirety and so I’m attaching it here. We’d talked about issuing a blog post or something similar to explain the alphabet’s origins, etc. but truthfully I think I’ve made you guys wait long enough. My sincerest apologies for letting this linger long enough as it is.

I also haven’t forgotten the awesome work of our intrepid scholars. I’m making sure that they will be getting some in-game recognition soon [sup]tm[/sup].

EDIT: Huh – I don’t know why the superscript markup’s not working, but you get the idea. ;-P


(edited by MatthewMedina.5419)

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


In any case I actually have a question regarding her. Not sure if it is known. But she says something about being a mesmer helps her with her transition. But I’m curious can mesmer permanently shapeshift or does she only craft illusions to make her appear as her appearance has changed but has not actually?

Mesmers don’t usually shapeshift in the way that term is usually meant; they use glamors and illusions to fool the senses into perceiving an appearance that is different from what it genuinely is. The exception to that is the “moa” elite skill since, as a polymorph, that affects characters outside themselves. But that’s a pretty specialized skill whose origins remain somewhat mysterious. If Sya has determined a way to use her polymorph abilities to shapeshift it would be pretty revolutionary, and probably very costly!

But mesmers don’t need to use that much magic to keep up smaller illusions, and those that are cast frequently and kept up for long periods might very well be considered “permanent” enough for someone like Sya, and a lot less costly than using a polymorph. Kasmeer herself has alluded in the past to the notion that her clothing might very well just be an illusion, and while there are those who believe that was just her way of being playful, the best mesmers are those who will always leave you wondering whether you can ever trust your senses again. :-)

Lore Q&A

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


  • Similarly, written and spoken languages – norn are said to have a different language, but we never see nor hear it; charr used ideograms, but did they always speak “common” – and for that matter, is there a name for the language spoke? Some lines in GW1 called it “Tyrian” while in the Ecology of the Charr it is called “human” – and why do so many minor races (grawl, jotun, ogre, harpy, hylek, etc.) know how to speak it?

Hey there! I was reading through Scott’s posts and saw this question come up and figured I would be the best person to answer since I’ve done so much to help construct the alphabets and language in game.

Norn do (or maybe it’s more appropriate to say did) have their own language, but we don’t name it and really all that survives of it tend to be names of places and people, like Hoelbrak. I think it’s unlikely that we would get into any more detail about it than we already have. Even in Eye of the North the runes we saw were few and far between, and so it was a language that was already being edged out in favor of the common tongue.

Charr ideograms weren’t actually designed to be part of a language – they were warband signs, used to leave each other messages only they could understand, like “ambush ahead” or “this territory belongs to the Smoke warband”. If charr ever had a language all their own, they’re being exceedingly secretive about it. I’ll get to when/why they speak common in more detail below.

Asura do have a spoken/written language that is as complicated as the asura are themselves, which is where the word bookah comes from. The alphabet we see on their screens/displays/signs in game is actually based on a small subset of their written language that they converted into a cipher of the common tongue; specifically the letters are derived from how they write mathematics.

Now, as to where the common language came from and why it’s become so ubiquitous in Tyria – that really goes back to ancient history, at the very least to the last cycle of the Elder Dragons awakening. In the cycle just before the one that Tyria is currently experiencing, we know that five races were shepherded by the dragon champion Glint and survived. Those races too, had their own languages, but as they fought and struggled to survive the predations of the Elder Dragons, they also realized that they would need to communicate, not only amongst themselves in the short term, but to convey to future generations whatever information they learned about the Elder Dragons. It’s not clear whether they adopted one of the race’s languages as the common tongue (in the same way that English or Chinese or Spanish have spread to become more widely spoken), whether the common tongue already existed and pre-dates those races or whether they devised a new “common” tongue that all the races learned and passed on to future generations. But whichever explanation is correct has been lost to history and what we are left with is simply the knowledge that it was that first cooperation among the races who survived the last Elder Dragon cycle which gave birth to the widespread use of a common language that all Tyrians are raised to learn. Over the millennia since the Elder Dragons returned to slumber, it became clear that being able to understand one another was vital for survival, trade, and even war and a common language facilitated this nicely. It probably is appropriate for RP’ers to call this language Tyrian, since its usage (if not the language itself) was initially born of that cooperation between all the races that lived in Tyria at that time, but internally we tend to refer to it most often as “Common” – in homage to Jeff Grubb and the original D&D design team who solved this exact problem years before us. :-D

I can’t remember how much of this information (if any) was included in my blog post about the alphabets from years ago that is unfortunately no longer available. I’d always intended to follow up on Villem Caragan’s journal on the languages with this information but time just got away from all of us. :-)

My story - can't continue personal story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Update – I just wanted to return to this thread and say that we’re still looking into this issue. I’m trying to get some actual data from the Customer Support team to try and get some additional information about what state the game thinks players stuck in this state are in. I have narrowed it down enough that I feel like I could implement a fix that should be safe enough to deploy, but I would really love to have some metrics to back up my assumptions. I’m hoping that I can have something ready to check in soon. :-)

My story - can't continue personal story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Unfortunately, even the most well-intentioned temporary fixes can introduce more issues than they solve, as they typically result in even more convoluted workarounds in content that can have compounding “knock on” effects we might not discover until they go live (which is a big part of why players are now stuck in Chpater 7 of the personal story).

Consistent crashes like the one you’re reporting here on behalf of your friend sound like some sort of hardware issue and are more than likely unrelated to content. I can’t be certain of that fact, but this is the first I’m seeing or hearing of such consistent crashes in that instance – we’ve definitely not experienced it internally (and I’ve run it through with two of my Live characters). Most of the issues surrounding that instance have been related to the phases not always getting set/reset properly, gadget states on things like the floor pieces and updrafts not always reporting correctly, etc. We’ve tried to address almost all the issues we can, but the crashes are definitely not a common occurrence, or we would have seen some bugs come to us on it. If this is still an issue, let me know with more specific details about WHEN these crashes occur.

My story - can't continue personal story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Hey everyone -

We do in fact care very much about your personal story experience, and we have made concerted attempts to fix these issues in the past, but unfortunately it would appear that there’s not a “one size fits all” solution. Compounding this problem is that there’s not an easy way for us to replicate the issues in order to diagnose all of the problems players have reported on the forums.

However, despite my saying that, blockers like these are an inexcusable error on our part, and we are looking at ways to solve these problems for everyone. Please accept my deepest apologies for the blocking issues, and we appreciate your continuing patience as we work to resolve the blockages as soon as possible.

Prisoners of the Dragon story instance bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


I must have missed this thread when it was first posted. Sorry guys…thanks for bumping it. As demonbreak said, for Peer Review, the first page of the journal is at the bottom of the stairs where Rytlock waits for you (and it doesn’t become interactive until you have talked to your team about proceeding). For the smiths, you do have to find and revive Beigarth first. It’s possible that this is indeed broken…I’ll make a note to look into it first thing on Monday when I’m back in the office.

Where is the suicide in the GW franchise?

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Suicide can be tricky to implement as narrative device in the best of popular media…on the one hand it’s part of life and not having it in your simulated world can create some loss of fidelity. On the other hand, not only is it a very mature subject that may or may not fit the overall tone of a game like GW2, but it’s really tough to do stories about suicide well…and I actually know something about that, as one of the quests I designed for launch was (in my view, at least) actually about suicide, but I don’t think anyone ever clued in on it because of some self editing I did to leave player’s interpretation of the events open:

In this event’s story, I was trying to convey that Samm, the firstborn son of the Volkmans, was a troubled young man despite evidence that he clearly has a loving family. As you follow the mother and her remaining children searching for him, I wanted players to question what happened to this young man. On the surface of it, it really just looks like a mother looking for her missing son, but with these really disturbing underlying questions about why Samm just wandered off into danger with seemingly no weapons and no way to survive…

I went for this subtle approach because I was really afraid that just coming out and saying that “Samm found a particularly gruesome way to commit suicide” would be way too grim for a game with a Teen rating (and probably wouldn’t have survived my initial draft anyway).

I agree that as the game industry continues to mature, any subject matter should be on the table, but it can be really challenging to craft those kinds of narrative moments in a way that doesn’t feel trite or that doesn’t downplay the very real and tragic circumstances surrounding subjects like this.

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


As an FYI – If you choose to attack with Tizlak the first time, you don’t get sent to Scout Acan. We only track the first choice you make in story missions – replay let’s you choose a different path to experience it, but it doesn’t alter your initial decision so if your first time through you chose to defend with Ibli, that’s the decision that gets recorded on that character.

I’ve been battling this bug unsuccessfully since day one, and it’s not related to the state of the map directly, but rather it’s a case that he can get broken after some amount of time, or after some unspecified actions, and when new map instances spin up he will be fixed because he will be in a “fresh” state (before whatever breaks him takes place). That’s why logging out and logging in or guesting to another server can work – there’s a chance that when you do that, you’ll end up in a different map instance which carries with it a chance that the NPC will be working.

Because this problem’s been particularly hard to diagnose (there really is nothing that I can see that should cause him to break) rather than keep you all blocked, I just checked in a new fix for this afternoon’s hotfix that should clear this up for all players.

Sorry again for all the trouble this step has been causing. :-(

Scout Acan

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Buried Insight bug? Frozen NPCs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


The chak is supposed to have a non-interruptable handler before he dies that clears all conditions and makes him invulnerable so that he can trigger the cutscene. Clearly that handler isn’t actually non-interruptable in all cases. I’ll take a look and get working on a fix.

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


OK – So after seeing some reports that Acan was moving around (something he shouldn’t be doing) I think I hit upon why he might have broken.

  • Changed his team to non combatant so he can’t aggro anything or be harmed by enemies being kited up to the platform (which I also thought should be impossible, but you never know)
  • Removed any behaviors he had for resurrecting NPC’s or players (sorry, if you splat next to him, he’s gonna ignore you and serenade your sweet demise).
  • Made his interact handler interrupt all behaviors just in case the game thinks he’s doing something I haven’t accounted for.

These changes should be in tomorrow’s hotfix release (we just missed the window for today’s, unfortunately).

Change to HoT Story Gating

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


We’ll take a look at the next step “Sign Cutting” being bugged out, as well as some or all of you having to jump through hoops to get the quest to update correctly. Sorry again for the inconvenience – we’ll have the quest’s designer and QA do a deeper dive on these issues.

(Spoiler) HoT: Unsorted Discussions

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


vanderwolf, Andrew Gray, one our esteemed open world designers who worked on Guild Wars 1, put a bunch of backstory and little snippets of lore all around Rata Novus and their involvement with the chak in the explorable map. I haven’t even found all of them myself. :-)

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Good news, bad news.

Good news: with the sampling of people of all races and genders who’re experiencing this problem, we’ve ruled out the dialog not working for one or two of these combinations.

Bad news: It seems there’s something more sinister at work here. I’ll throw up a flare and see if I can get some coding support to look deeper into this.

Small dev note: We care greatly about your play experience and we are working as quickly as we can to get all of you unstuck. Please be nice to your devs who are coming in over the weekend and forgoing time with their families and loved ones to ensure that these issues get resolved as soon as we humanly can. Thanks!

Invisible Shoes! What the?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


One of the designers on the rewards team assured me that they are in there…somewhere.

Barefooters of Tyria unite!

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Grrr. Pesky bugs. DEV SMASH!!

I’ll poke at this again first thing in the morning, but yeah with it being so inconsistent (I was able to speak with him on my necro this afternoon, along with two other players who were on the same step while I was there), it’s hard to pin down what might be causing him to glitch out like this. One thing that might help – if you’re still stuck, can you perhaps post your race and gender? That’s one of the only things I can think of that would be different between players, since player VO is specific to your character. I think it’s a long shot that would be the cause, and I will make sure to get some code support to see if we can debug this properly in the live environment while it’s failing. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


I put in several fail-safes to this NPC’s script that should hopefully have made the most recent build:

  • I removed some condition checks that weren’t relevant to his scripting so now he should ONLY check to see if you’re on the “Speak to Scout Acan” step, and talk to you if you are.
  • I expanded the tripwire that checks you gliding into it so that you can hit the sides of the plateau he’s on and still get credit for the gliding portion of the step.

For those of you who have been stuck on this step, can you try again and if it’s still not fixed then I will need to elevate this to our coders because there’s no other reason I can think of in content, for why he would ignore the interact request.

Invisible Shoes! What the?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


I actually don’t know where they are…if they’re a drop or part of a collection? They didn’t tell me since I think they want us all to find them. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open in game though, and if any of us gets a hint, hopefully we’ll update this thread. :-P

Change to HoT Story Gating

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Hey all,

I just wanted to pop in here real briefly to let you all know that the team discussed the complaints we’ve been seeing here about the masteries gating story progression, and with tomorrow’s patch we’ll be removing the Itzel Poison mastery gate from chapter 14 “Sign Cutting”. If you were already on this step, when you next log in, your story step should automatically advance as though you had earned the mastery. If you haven’t reached this point, you shouldn’t notice anything different (apart from the fact that you can progress the story faster). If you’ve already advanced past this point by earning the mastery, well there’s just no other way to say it: you’re a rock star, and you deserve an ice cold beverage and a toast from the story team at Arenanet! :-)

I don’t have an exact ETA on when this fix will go Live, but we just wanted to get the word out there ASAP so that if you’re currently on this step, you might want to wait as you will have the ability to bypass this gate sometime tomorrow.

We wanted to use mastery gating as a way to try and prepare you for the challenges ahead the deeper into the Maguuma that you went, but we realize that in this particular scenario, it ended up not being the experience we wanted for all of you and we wanted to correct it.

See you in the jungle!

Buried Insight bug? Frozen NPCs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Theo – so sorry for the inconvenience – we were seeing this bug prior to launch and it was always caused by a cinematic failing to load (which is what’s supposed to happen next). Have you noticed other cinematics in the game taking a long time to load? One of the big changes to HoT is that our cinematics are now full resolution and less compressed – so while they’re a lot better looking, they’re also bigger to download. Have you tried closing the client and making sure you’re fully patched and then try this mission again?

(Spoiler) HoT: Unsorted Discussions

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Gray – suggestion noted. Original post now in spoiler tag just in case people missed the thread title. Sorry for that. :-)

Invisible Shoes! What the?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


They’re definitely not a glitch. I’ve been asking for a visibility toggle for the foot slot for a while, but to no avail. I think people finally got tired of my pestering and created this item for me to equip on all my characters so that they can be barefoot like me. :-)

(Spoiler) HoT: Unsorted Discussions

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


The pace is deliberate for this expansion, so some of the other things you mentioned (lack of awe, shorter dialogs) are tied to that. We wanted to set the tone to be one of utmost urgency…a race against time to get your friends back before the worst can happen. That informed a lot of our decisions, and while I too appreciate a more languidly paced story and more dialog (provided it’s interesting), I can tell you we had a lot of discussions on this back and forth on the team to find what we felt confident was the “sweet spot” between too little exposition and not enough.

- This was definitely not motivated by the decision to have an appropriate backstory for the guardian elite specialization. In fact to my recollection, I think Jon Peters took this plot point which we knew early on as inspiration and ran with it so if anything story helped give rise to the Dragon Hunter and not the other way around. Eir’s death is also hampered somewhat here by our Teen rating, because we really wanted to show just how badly Faolain’s attack had left Eir, but we’re just unable to show copious amounts of blood and gore. The idea though is that there was no time for anyone to help her in this situation…she was dying, and she knew it. Eir had but a moment to choose between a slow, painful death as her lungs filled with blood, or a legend’s death facing her end defiantly and head on.

(edited by MatthewMedina.5419)

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Thanks for the report. I’ll take a look at this when I get in today.

Important: Getting started with "HoT" story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Hey guys – some additional information based on your questions:

  • As noted by some replies, having some knowledge of season 1-2 of Living World will be really helpful to your understanding of expansion story because it is a direct continuation of those storylines. Having said that, we do try (to varying degrees) to establish characters for those who’ve not played in a while. If you’ve not played any story in GW2, you probably will feel pretty lost, but there’s some good info and story synopses out there in case you need to catch up.
  • There’s no need to login in any sort of time window to “unlock” the expansion story. If you’ve purchased “Heart of Thorns”, it’s already unlocked, and you can play the story whenever you see fit. There are some mastery-gates on certain chapters (certain skills are required for navigation in the story chapters, because of their locations in the maps), but those will be messaged both on the in-game UI and in the story journal.
  • Grouping after the prologue is completed – Yes, you should be able to group up and play the “Torn from the Sky” chapter with any other players who have completed the prologue and all party members should earn progress for the chapter.
  • Silverwastes tutorial – This was needed for a number of reasons: 1. because the storyline for the base Silverwastes map is so distinctively set in a time period (Pact forces are preparing for the assault on Mordremoth, however in “Heart of Thorns” this assault has already been launched, and failed). 2. because it allows us to not have a flood of players in one of our popular maps who are not working toward the meta for that map and consequently skewing the meta progression in undesirable ways, and 3. for some sound technical reasons. :-)
  • Canach and the others – Yeah, the beta version of this chapter didn’t include the main NPC’s you’re used to seeing in story content, but they’ll be there in the Live version you’ll experience on Friday. You’ll get to see them briefly and get an explanation for their presence prior to seeing them in “Torn from the Sky”.

Important: Getting started with "HoT" story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to pop on here and clarify something very specific, and very important, about the “Heart of Thorns” storyline. The first chapter titled “Prologue: Rally to Maguuma”, which some of you have played a beta version of in our previous BWE releases, is set in a public multi-player tutorial style map, very similar to the way that new players start in a multi-player tutorial map. It is NOT a private story instance.
As such, the rules for story steps in public maps apply, namely that even if you are in a party with your friends together in this map, EACH party member must complete the story step individually in order to receive credit toward unlocking the second chapter “Torn from the Sky”.

In short: if you want to party up to get into the “Heart of Thorns” storyline and enter the first story instance “Torn from the Sky” together, PLEASE make sure all party members have completed the “Prologue: Rally to Maguuma” story chapter first.

The game WILL allow you to enter the “Torn from the Sky” instance even if you have not completed the prologue step, but you will NOT earn progress on “Torn from the Sky” until you’ve completed that step, which may result in party members needing to re-do the prologue and “Torn from the Sky” a second time to get full credit.

We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this might cause, but hopefully if you all think of the starting prologue experience in terms of the starting tutorial maps, it will be clear.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to seeing you all playing through the “Heart of Thorns” storyline and giving us your feedback here. See you in game soon!

Lions Arch workers on strike!!

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Call it red tape. Kiel is doing her darndest to devote spending to infrastructure, but the Captain’s Council keep talking in circles about defense spending and tax reform.

Doppleganger lore

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Yeah this is a case where my desire to give players a cool nod back to GW1 took precedence over giving that mirror a deep lore explanation. But thankfully, the location and the magics involved do a lot of the job of explaining itself – what we know is that the mirror is enchanted (but not by who or what – gotta keep our mysteries), and while the Divine Fire is magic that it still not fully understood (if only the Forgotten were around to explain it in more detail), it is clearly useful for unlocking arcana.

One can only imagine how many other such artifacts there might be just like this mirror in the secret collection rooms.

Maybe someday I’ll clone out the ritual encounters into a 6′×6′ room just to see what would happen. :-P

[HoT Trailer] Could this be Sylvari ?

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Just want to clear one thing up since this is out of the bag already. There are no “Mordrem Court” in Heart of Thorns. References to that nomenclature are a bug. These enemies are all called “Mordrem Guard”. Now, continue your speculating. :-P

Translation of Orrian syllabary

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


I apologize for coming so late into this thread – major thanks to Konig for messaging me of it’s existence, by the way – and all I can say about this is wow! Congratulations! Well done!!

I honestly am very impressed with the effort you all have undertaken to get as far as you did with the little scraps of information that were provided, and I seriously wish I could give everyone involved in this a hundred achievement points for your hard work. :-)

I do want to do something more to mark this momentous feat, and I’m eager to wrangle up an appropriate response but as you may or may not be aware there’s this thing happening at PAX South on January 24th that we are focused on at present (hopefully you can understand). I plan to talk more about this tremendous accomplishment with you, and I hope to be able to follow up on this with everyone in the coming weeks and/or months.

Excelsior! ???_???

Turai Ossa voice actor?

in Living World

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Yes, it’s the highly talented Fred Tatasciore playing the spirit of Turai Ossa, as well as Ogden. Next time, I should try and get them into the same scene together, so that he can talk to himself. :-P

Can't get No Culinary Application

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


What Ayrilana said – if Seimur sees you already have the Bloodstone pot pie in your inventory, he won’t give you another one. He has his reputation to protect, and it wouldn’t do to have people walking off with dozens of copies of his secret recipe!

Unable to continue Point of No return

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


In the screenshot it looks like your currently active story is the personal story, specifically “Through the Looking Glass” . Try switching to the Point of No Return story in the “Story Journal” portion of your journal, that should allow you to see the instance entry for the Living World story. I’m not sure if the story not being your active step is what prevented you from achieving credit for finishing it, but that would definitely explain why you’re unable to get you into the Living World story instance.

It’s All About Timing, no buff

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Currently, you don’t get the “It’s all about timing” achievement buff until the first trial begins. In a future update this will be fixed where you will get a mirror of the buff when you load into the instance, and when the trials begin you will get the timed version swapped in.

Bug: Arcana Obscura Issues [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Thanks for the clarification, roguenub. Though I had been hoping it was a result of the dazed state breaking the NPC’s scripting, but if that’s not the case, this could be trickier to repro. I’ll take a look at it in more depth.

Mordecai, your situation looks slightly different – it’s still showing you have half the Tainted Spirits alive so you must have triggered the first two waves at least. I’ll take a look at this as well.

Thanks for your patience!

Bug: Arcana Obscura Issues [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


By any chance, was the ghost in his “dazed” state (he would appear dizzy and staggered) when you completed the capture of the throne? I have an inkling what it might be causing this, but it would help me track the issue to know what state the NPC was in when it stalled.

Final LS boss help needed

in Living World

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


I must have glitched as I was inside the wall and all the NPCs were outside and there was no way for me to get the flame.

Same here problem here. Couldn’t get the flame, NPCs were behind the wall and I was inside running for my life….

Rox throws the Divine Fire into the battlefield from outside. Look for the glowing whitish circles.

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


You want to retain players? that’s not going to help. No one is going to keep playing this game because of the early levels…every MMORPG maker knows that endgame is how you retain players, not the early stages that get completed in less than a week…. so for the 10000th time, please work on a CONTENT PATCH FOR VETERANS. thats how you get new players to commit to this game and stay commited…. not by this pointless NPE.

I want to clarify one point I’ve been seeing expressed. This is one type of retention. There’s another type of retention where new players try the game and churn out before they even get to the point where they’re seeing the potential the game has to offer. Yes, a certain amount of people will just do that; they’ll log in to see what it’s about, have their curiosity satisfied, and move on. But we were seeing a lot of places where people who would otherwise have become active users were churning out prematurely because of the issues that we’re addressing with the NPE.

As Colin stated above, we can’t talk in detail about the ongoing development to drive retention for our veteran players, but I just wanted to make the point that the NPE was deliberately designed to address the early game retention issues, and ensure that Guild Wars 2 can benefit from a strong and steady influx of new players into the game.

Divinity Guide

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


I totally forgot, but this thread reminded me – There actually is a series of scenes depicting a fahrar being given lessons about some basics of charr history and culture. I believe it starts outside the Command Core, meanders over to the Stormcaller monument, and then goes up through the three levels to Smodur’s office. It’s been a while since I worked on it, but that was definitely also designed to capture the “tour the city” feel.

Lightning Pull stops half-way

in Living World

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


We’re aware of this issue with the skill, but I don’t have an update about when/how this might be fixed. I know it’s not an easy fix, or it would have been implemented with the Festival of the Four Winds. But I will raise the question about it again with our technical designers.

Divinity Guide

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


The initial plan was to have these tours (or some appropriate alternative) in all the major cities. The Divinity’s Reach tour was created by Kim Kirsch, who was the content designer for DR, and I ran out of time to implement this with the other cities which I was responsible for during the first iteration. Before I moved off of cities onto some of the event maps, I managed to sneak in the “runners” in Hoelbrak and Black Citadel who would take you to places of interest, but they only had generic lines for getting players to follow them. Then, when we got closer to shipping the game and I had the chance to come back to the cities, it was decided that it really made the most sense to have this tour be an exclusive feature of DR as a very human thing to do, and we tried to tell the other race’s lore with other means (the norn spirit shrines, the Citadel military statues and plaques, the mentor/student circles in the Grove and the colleges in Rata Sum).

Canach feedback

in Living World

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Canach is very much still working through some of his anger issues, and we will be delving more into that side of him, as his involvement with our cast of characters evolves. He has a lot to atone for, and he genuinely wants to, but it’s not something that’s going to come naturally to him.

Continuity issues with personal story Maps

in Living World

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Hey guys – I can tell you that we have certainly looked at this issue, even as far back as Lost Shores, and it did come down to technical and logistical problems we are, at this time, unable to solve. Jia Shen is correct that our instances do not use separate maps from the open world, so if those maps change because of a larger world story event, like Lion’s Arch being laid to waste for example, then the story instances that take place in those maps will reflect whatever the current state of the world is.

We do have some limited ability to do phased instancing of certain elements within those maps, but not the kind of sweeping large scale terrain changes that result from the major changes we want to make to the world.

Solving this for our existing instances was not as simple as reserving a custom map for every instance, either, as that would entail a significant number of new maps to be generated, which would all need to be downloaded and stored in the DAT. There are hundreds of instances for the personal story, so even compressed that many custom instance maps would add dozens of GB to your DAT. So at the very least, we determined that we couldn’t accomplish this retroactively, but we are certainly still discussing all the implications of this limitation, and how it impacts your experience with our storytelling.

Sky Crystal count

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


There are 52 of the regular sky crystals in total, and the 10 new master sky crystals. :-)

Zephyr Sanctum has no energy now :(

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Upscaling now does add significant complexity to China players, as their leveling curve and the points at which they unlock features and systems is completely different from the experience in NA/EU. The Labyrinthine Cliffs was absolutely designed with both territories in mind, and with those considerations, everything from the decorations to the content was geared towards providing a fun festival for everyone to enjoy.

Zephyr Sanctum has no energy now :(

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


mtpelion is correct. There are only the two events that were cut this time around, and two of the events from that original chain that were reworked. The two events that were cut were unfortunate, but due to the nature of this release’s development cycle, we just didn’t have the resources to go through and overhaul all of the events.

The level drop on the map from 80 to 15 was definitely done so as to not throw our new players from China into the “deep end of the pool” just a few days after the game opened to all on 5/15.

Logan Thackeray is Zhaitan

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


That’s it…OK everyone, shut it all down, they’ve found us out. :-P

A post from ArenaNet back in December

in Living World

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Hey guys,

I’m not the typical “spokesdev” around the forums, so I won’t be able to give you all the answers you are looking for about what’s next, but I’ll clarify a couple of points:

  • The “usual suspects” who you would typically get answers from on this front have unquestionably been super busy getting the game out in China. A number of our devs were in China for the launch this past week, so I imagine that in addition to the hard work they put in over there to get the game launched, they’ll be returning home, getting over jet lag and catching their breath. I hope you can all understand that, and we appreciate your continued patience. We’re all as excited to share with you what’s coming next, as you are to hear it.
  • There has been, and continues to be ongoing development on projects outside of China, with the team hard at work on Living World Season 2. I can’t say anything more than that yet, other than to reiterate that we’re excited to be able to share more info on it when the time comes.
  • Come and check out the Festival of the Four Winds on Tuesday! Even if you experienced it back in July, we had a small-ish team revitalizing it to celebrate the China release, and there will be new things to do and see. :-)

Black Citadel completion

in Lore

Posted by: MatthewMedina



Content Designer


Yeah, the Iron Legion in particular are all about continuing to build. One of the aesthetics we were going for (which you can see most in the vehicle bays just off the Mustering Ground) was that the Iron Legion were barely finished with one project before they started on another. The theory being “Why turn off the forge when there’s always another tank to build?”