Showing Posts For Meadfreek.6789:

PoF Demo - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


A Charr, that weights 10-20 times more then an asura, has the same physical response but a mount that probably has just 2 or 3 times more the weight of a Charr must have a super idiotic fuzzy movement, sure.
Arguing/defending about physical correctness and realism in a video game about a point that never been a topic in 5 years, in a world where magic exists, trees are a playable race and asurian objects floating the air – I sometimes have no words when I look down at this community.

The question here is, what do you want the mounts to be? Do you want them to be a speed buff with a nice skin or do you want them to feel like riding a mount?

I guess the answer to this question for most people, is not the speed buff. Otherwise the feedback to the mounts would be not that positive. Some negative response to the mounts ( like yours ) boils down to just wanting a skinned speed buff like in the other mmos.

The main reason I want mounts are for the special movement skills. And since Anet designed many parts of the map with those special movement skills in mind, I’d venture a guess that those movement skills were Anet’s main focus with the mounts. How they “feel” is a little detail that’ll be forgotten in a day by the people who like it and be a constant annoyance for a very long time to those who don’t.

Personally, I did most of my movement on foot. Turning left or right on the raptor felt too twitchy , especially at low speed, and overly sensitive to me. Plus you have to un-mount and remount to do anything at all. I don’t particularly care if something feels “realistic” As someone else said, realism in a computer game with magic and dinosaur mounts that can leap over canyons is kind of an oxymoron. “Feel” is of little importance to me. I just want it to work in a usable and predictable way.

(and I had my rotation speed in options turned all the way down.)

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

PoF Demo - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


The mount’s (at least the raptor) turns left and right are too sensitive. I always overshoot the direction I want to go. Even when I’m standing still. And I’ve adjusted my rotation speed all the way down.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Official Episode 6 Feedback Thread: One Path Ends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I can’t believe my progress is being halted before it hardly begins by that &^%$ bloodstone prison puzzle in the hideout in Brisban in Where’s Balthazar. I’m embarrased. But I’m also really angry.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


1) Either the repair anvil needs to be move from up on the ship to down near Sorrow’s Eclipse WP, or (my preferred option) the WP need to be move up to the main deck of the ship where all the services are. It’s a pain climbing up to the top of ship whenever you die.

2) The Cold Resistance elixir recipe needs to be unlocked account wide as soon as anyone of your toons progresses to that part of the story. As it is, all the work you folks put into that area of Bitterfrost frontier is going to waste. As it currently stands, most people will only go to that area once. Then ignore it forever. Better yet, unlock the Cold Resistance effect permanently (account wide), after you make the elixir once on one toon. It’s too much of a hassle to make the elixir just for the daily, or if you want to go up there just to kill stuff or explore.. Just remove that daily and make the effect permanent after you get it one time.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Still not working after rollback

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Ditto for me. I just tried a couple minutes ago.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Closing rifts?

in Living World

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


excellent, thank you.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Closing rifts?

in Living World

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


One of the Bloodstone Fen dailies involves closing a rift in Bloodstone Fen. How do I do that?

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Queue on home borderland

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


How I see it is this…

If you are a “Real” WvW’er… then not being able to Craft in WvW is of little importance. Like most of us, you’ll just craft somewhere else… no problem.

What would upset a Real WvW’er is NOT being able to WvW for any reason - i.e. – Crafters taking up possible queue spots, Loiterers taking up possible queue spots, whatever… whoever is not there to WvW for their server’s benefit.

However, if your primary objective is to be able to “Craft” when and wherever you want and to have the benefits of doing it in WvW (no loss of position in PvE land, crafting bonuses, etc.), then you’re more likely to be upset by not being able to CRAFT in WvW.

So I call “BS” on all the Pretend WvW’ers saying, “Removing the crafting stations is horribleeeee. OMG!!! Now I cannot be there to get a callout and help my server when I’m really there to do other things. This is a travesty!”

Pfft! Please!

You know, there’s probably exponentially more players who like to do BOTH (or all three aspects of the game, i.e. PvX) that strictly “real” WvWers, as you put it. WvW is seriously hurting and has been hurting for years because of dwindling population. Hence the server pairings.

So I would think the last thing that a “real” WvWer would want to do is chase away more people by looking down on them as not “real” WvWers.

BTW, I’ll bet the server merges have much more to do with queues than a few crafters. But go ahead, ignore the obvious variable so you can trash anyone who doesn’t play the game they paid for to your specifications.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Well, back before this thread devolved into insulting one another, I saw some folks suggest adding crafting stations to guild halls. I suggest turning the scribing station into an anything station. It lets you craft whatever discipline your character has unlocked. No art changes.

While I love the idea of adding crafting tables (and more) to the guild halls. Please understand, not everyone belongs (or wants to belong) to a guild big enough for a guild hall. Guild halls are expensive for very small guilds or people just starting out and upgrades (like I imagine this would be) are more expense on top of that.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

WvW Poll: Spread the word tonight

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Re: The poll

I wonder why one side needs to get 75% for that to win? The other side doesn’t. A majority is 50%+1. It’s almost as if A-net really, really wants the 3 month rotation to win. To the point of adding that condition to the other side. Rather than just going with what the majority of customers want.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


The PvP lobby is to ‘close’ to LA to get crafting stations. You can just walk through the gate to get to the ones at LA.

It’s not hard to get to other crafting stations, but the WvW one was the only one that allowed you to keep your “place” in the outside world. Going to Lion’s Arch means you lose it.

Hence why we should have two things in exchange: Crafters in the Guild Hall, and the option to return to whence you came in the Royal Terrace and Captain’s Airship.

Or crafting station in Home Instances. They already sell a Home Instance Portal that will bring you straight into your home instance, then with a doubleclick, return you to were you were.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Hello everyone,

Many of you have been inquiring as to why we made the decision to remove the crafting stations in WvW. We made this decision because we have been seeing an increase in queue times with world linking. Upon observation we found there have been players taking up space in the maps who are only crafting and not participating with their teams. However, we’ve been listening to your feedback today and we wanted to let you know that we will be adding a banker to each team starting area in EB, Alpine and Desert. Thank you for the continued feedback!

Does A-net honestly think removing the 2 or 3 people per server (at a time) coming to WvW for ~5 minutes at a time will make even an infinitesimal difference in the complaints about queues?

You guys and girls linked servers and went back to the Alpine Borderlands—mostly (compliments on both decisions btw) and you got some queues. That was expected, right? People popping in for a few minutes to craft aren’t the cause or rarely a perceptible contributing factor and removing them will help precisely…not one bit. While it will inconvenience many of your players.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Perhaps, as a guild hall upgrade, they could add all of the crafting stations to the market or the side of it. At least then people would have easy access to crafting stations from anywhere in the PvE map without cluttering the WvW maps (if that’s what wvwers are really afraid of).

Decent idea. I think it should happen regardless of whatever else they do with crafting stations.

But A-net also needs to realize that not everyone belongs to a guild with a guildhall.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Removed crafting stations and vendors.

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I think adding them to Guild Halls is the best solution. Quick load times and the same convenience without the risk of filling up a borderland with non WvW players.

This. If they’re removed from wvw it’s a giant hassle. I haven’t been to a town in months, especially Lion’s Arch and it’s 5 minute load time vs. 10 seconds in wvw.

Or add them to Heart of the Mists. Or something. Crafting in town is such a giant loadfest. Waiting 5 minutes to craft a single thing is obnoxious.

No, not “this.” Promoting people to congregate in towns (and even LA) is an obvious intention of this change just as much as stopping people going to WvW who aren’t participating in WvW.

Putting crafting stations in Guild Halls will largely kill the towns, and towns are where people should want to (and need to) congregate…. it promotes a healthier player base by encouraging players to socialize…. especially new players.


With mapchat, guildchat and /say people already socialize as much as they’re going to. Forcing people into a lagfest of a city does nothing to improve that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen players having a face-to-face conversation in a city, except for perhaps the small percentage of the playerbase that enjoys RP. And if A-net is doing this just to make the game look more populated, that’s just cheesy. I don’t think a new player is going to care if there’s a lot of people in their field of vision in a city. They care more about population out in the gameworld outside the cities.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Add a Placeholder for people that hardcrash.

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Excellent idea!

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Official recommended specs for HoT?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


My current computer is getting pretty long in the tooth. So I’m thinking of having a new one built for me.

On the wiki all there is is the minimum computer specs to play the base GW2. And those are a few years old. I want to find some sort of official word from Anet about what is the recommended specs to play GW2 with HoT in it’s current state.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Re: server population

I’ve read rumors in various places the you may be thinking of disbanding servers in WvW in favor of guild alliances v guild alliance.

Even if that rumor is 100% wrong it is vital you don’t turn WvW into “Join a huge guild or guild alliance or gtfo”. With the scribed banners and the airship, etc. It is already going too far down that path.

I belong a small guild of real life friends. Intentionally. I really don’t want to join a big, impersonal guild. Even though I could belong to both guilds at once. I know many people in similar situations with similar opinions.

Huge guilds often require you represent them 24/7 or insist you play a certain way or certain spec to fit in with their style. Similarly, if you require guild alliances then peer pressure comes into play. “You’re only have a couple hours to play and you want to play PvE or work on your crafting? Too bad! Our alliance needs you in WvW. Now!” People already have jobs. Most won’t tolerate being ordered around in a game.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Want the old maps back?[186 Signs]

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Add me to the list. And most of my (small) guild left the game when they switched the Alpine maps for the Desert(ed) BL maps.

Too much PvE in WvW , unnecessary and annoying gimmicks, and you run for 15 minutes to find a fight and hope you don’t get steamrolled and have to run 15 minutes back. Plus with the guildhalls/scribing for guild buffs and the airship it’s just “join a huge, impersonal guild or GTFO”. And I’ve also noticed a lot more toxic attitudes in WvW and sPvP. Possibly due to the change to F2P or the increased focus on esports.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I haven’t looked through the thread. So apologies if a similar suggestion is already here.

Suggestion: a mechanical/Asuran looking thing. Shaped roughly like a stealth fighter’s wings. Swept back some but not totally in a delta shape. Translucent/colored glass in the middle, but metal on the edges.

Suggestion: wings modeled off dragonfly wings.

Suggestion: Butterfly wings.

Suggestion: Leaves. Bright green ones for the summer and another set of colored leaves in the fall. Both with a trail of falling leaves in their wake.

Suggestion: Wings made of rickety boards. Reminiscent of a krait platform. Or boards just for the frame and torn, irregular fabric that flaps in the wind for the main part of the wing.

Suggestion: Charr-style wings made of grey metal sections with rivets and maybe a greyish black contrail.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Going through Story 2nd time is [ANNOYING]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Yeah, not being able to skip dialogue is a little annoying. But the thing I find really annoying about the HoT personal story is the special weapons and weapon skills they make you learn and use on the fly.

I use a particular weapon set because it works best for me. In some cases I have my traits and skills set up for that weapon set. I’ve practiced a lot with my preferred weapon set so I have a lot of muscle memory built up. I don’t like having to pick up some dohicky that changes all my weapon skills (and often takes away my util skills) and have to read five or more tooltips in addition to the quest instructions in the middle of a quest. Especially while I’m being chased by some 80 champ or boss, or being bombarded by a half dozen mordrem tendrils.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Non stop crashing since the update [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


No improvement for me either, since the latest patch.

Four crashes in about 5 minutes, just in Hoelbrak, Sparkfly Fen and Gendarren Fields. Not doing any event or fighting. Just walking around.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


The latest patch fixed nothing for me. Still crashing every minute or two. Even in the core zones.

First was in Hoelbrak a few seconds after entering the game. Just turning around to walk in a different direction.

Second was trying to port from Hoelbrak to Sparkfly Fen (just before the crash the big world map had the weird blue and green texture over some of the map).

Third was porting from one waypoint to the other in Sparkfly Fen (the minimap was almost featureless, just showing resource nodes and general colors like it was an undiscovered part of the map [but I was there so obviously it wasn’t]). Then it crashed.

Fourth time was in Gendarren Fields just walking with no mobs, NPCs or other players in my field of vision.

I’m leaving the specific circumstances here because when it crashes the popup is transparent except for the edges so I can’t even send anything to tech support.

Every other game and program I’ve ever had on the computer has worked flawlessly. I’m not going to wipe my hard drive and upgrade to a new OS and reinstall hundreds of gigs of programs and data just in hopes I can play this one game without issues. It’s ridiculous to expect me to. I’ll just spend the money I usually spend on gems elsewhere. As I said, every other game I’ve played is fine, including GW2 until a couple weeks ago. It’s your expansion and the latest updates and patches. Not my computer.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

How would you rate the HoT Fun Factor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I can’t stay in the game long enough to form an honest opinion. From what I’ve seen though, I like.


Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Non stop crashing since the update [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


The latest patch managed to make it far worse for me. And that’s saying a lot. Since HoT went live it’s been pretty bad to begin with. Now three crashes in the first five minutes (in Malchor’s Leap to start my dailies) upon entering the game.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Non stop crashing since the update [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Yup, same here. I even crashed just launching the game for the first time after patching. I didn’t even get to the character selection screen. On the second try I at least got into the game, but it crashes every minute or so. Totally unplayable.

It wasn’t this bad for me when HoT launched (but almost as bad). “Improved” to the point where I could get a couple hours in before frequent crashes ended my playing day. But now this. I was actually naive enough to hope today’s patch would improve everything.

Every other game and program I have works flawlessly. If Anet thinks I’m going to go through the hassle and expense of upgrading. Or jump though hoops to play this one game (which was stable for me from open beta 3 yrs ago, the initial launch and then the years before HoT), they are sorely mistaken.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Game crashing constantly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


The new maps seem to be more resource demanding.
Are you crashing in the old maps too after such a short time?

Yes, I’m crashing in the old zones too, but not as much as in HoT (a couple times an hour in old zones, every minute or two in the HoT zones). Usually either when I’m porting from one old zone to another old zone (population in the zones don’t seem to be factor) or in LA, especially when I get near a Halloween door in LA.

When a game is too much for my machine it’s usually easy to tell. It responds sluggisly and the framerate drops or becomes a slideshow. None of that is happening here. In between crashes the game acts just fine.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Game crashing constantly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Crashing every few seconds near Pact Encampment Waypoint (step 3 of the story). Here’s my latest crashlog.

—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=301276,
OSVersion: Windows 6.0 (32 bit)

—> System Memory <—
Physical: 443MB/ 3069MB 14%

Changing your OS to 64bit and building more ram in your pc is probably the only thing you can do if you have already turned the graphics to absolute minimum.

Thanks but…
The game was perfectly stable before Hot. HoT made my machine obsolete overnight?! If my only choice is to upgrade my machine or OS just to play HoT or even the base game reliably. ..I guess I’m not gonna be playing anymore. It’s not worth the expense and hassle.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Game crashing constantly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Crashing every few seconds near Pact Encampment Waypoint (step 3 of the story). Here’s my latest crashlog.

—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=301276,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3512
BaseAddr: 010E0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54706
When: 2015-10-29T19:07:50Z 2015-10-29T15:07:50-04:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:02:29
Flags: 0

—> System <—
Name: ……….
Processors: 2 [GenuineIntel:6:7:10]
OSVersion: Windows 6.0 (32 bit)

—> System Memory <—
Physical: 443MB/ 3069MB 14%
Paged: 3282MB/ 6375MB 51%
Virtual: 87MB/ 2047MB 4%
Load: 85%
CommitTotal: 3093MB
CommitLimit: 6375MB
CommitPeak: 3155MB
SystemCache: 857MB
HandleCount: 19301
ProcessCount: 57
ThreadCount: 816

—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1507MB
WorkingSet: 1338MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1366MB
PageFaults: 1262453

—> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 846.37 1094864
Programmer Data 369.06 442374
Art Assets 365.03 14671
VRAM 307.30 22992
Anim Import Packfile 182.94 393
Anim Import Models 182.94 393
Engine 149.31 270798
Game 143.69 114199
VRAM – Gr Postproc 103.34 18
Map Assets 101.52 12341
Gr 97.98 167867
Content 96.47 37301
Prop Models 89.41 4707
Prop Packfile 86.01 542
Uncategorized 76.35 590134
Character Models 74.90 1029
Collections 53.96 7779
Dictionary 52.10 1546
Composite Models 39.36 368
VRAM – Prop Tex 37.06 1568
Collide 35.93 47685
Text 35.26 5731
Character Packfile 35.11 137
Composite Tex 32.64 126

—> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Anim Import Packfile 182.94 393
VRAM – Gr Postproc 103.34 18
Content 96.47 37301
Prop Packfile 86.01 542
Uncategorized 76.35 590134
Dictionary 52.10 1546
Gr 38.69 7415
VRAM – Prop Tex 37.06 1568
Text 35.26 5731
Character Packfile 35.11 137
Composite Tex Pool 32.64 126
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
VRAM – Gr Geometry 24.68 224
VRAM – DDI Shader 23.63 18433
Collide Havok 16.79 37894
Gr Cloud 14.20 21214
Model Granny 14.19 23437
Gr Model 13.62 25388
Collide 12.82 9035
VRAM – UI Textures 12.51 264
VRAM – Composite Tex 12.35 48
Gr Umbra 11.92 1004
VRAM – World Map Tex 11.56 49
Archive 11.21 77

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.0.6001.18000 (64/32-bit compatible)]

—> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0xb04 <—

—> Trace <—
Pc:013ed94f Fr:0658f604 Rt:01cee990 Arg:00000000 00000000 02297204 000004b3
Pc:01cee990 Fr:0658f844 Rt:01cef6e7 Arg:00000000 04587410 00000037 00000037
Pc:01cef6e7 Fr:0658f87c Rt:01ce6cc8 Arg:00000000 013eee29 000007c4 0142d130
Pc:01ce6cc8 Fr:0658f8cc Rt:01725f2b Arg:3d6147ae 3d7c6376 0658f95c 103feab8
Pc:01725f2b Fr:0658f900 Rt:017287cf Arg:3d7c6376 0159be43 0474d010 0474d460
Pc:017287cf Fr:0658f9a8 Rt:01599dbe Arg:0474d010 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:01599dbe Fr:0658fa24 Rt:0159afd2 Arg:1b38a2b7 01d1127d 04afa2e5 00000001
Pc:0159afd2 Fr:0658fa64 Rt:01599591 Arg:043f2d30 004afb90 013eefa8 00000000
Pc:01599591 Fr:0658fa84 Rt:0153fe00 Arg:043f2d30 04afa23d 00000000 004afb90
Pc:0153fe00 Fr:0658fabc Rt:0153ff28 Arg:00000000 0658fad4 7757d3c9 004afb90
Pc:0153ff28 Fr:0658fac8 Rt:7757d3c9 Arg:004afb90 0658fb14 773f1597 004afb90
Pc:7757d3c9 Fr:0658fad4 Rt:773f1597 Arg:004afb90 7105f798 00000000 00000000
Pc:773f1597 Fr:0658fb14 Rt:773f156a Arg:0153feac 004afb90 00000000 00000000
Pc:773f156a Fr:0658fb2c Rt:00000000 Arg:0153feac 004afb90 00000000 00000000

—> Thread registers <—
eax=0658f178 ebx=0658f5c0 ecx=02297204 edx=0658f5c0 esi=7756fcc6 edi=00000000
eip=013ed94f esp=0658f59c ebp=0658f604
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00200246

eax-32 0658F158 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax-16 0658F168 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax 0 0658F178 80000003 00000000 00000000 7756fd1e
16 0658F188 00000000 00000000 46d8d5b8 00000000
eax+32 0658F198 11000000 433c0000 03c28a48 68c12ed0
eax+48 0658F1A8 015683e4 0658f1d8 03c28a64 68c12ec8
ebx-32 0658F5A0 02297204 000004b3 00000000 67308450
ebx-16 0658F5B0 0658f638 67308490 00000000 00000006
ebx 0 0658F5C0 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 32313033
16 0658F5D0 06003637 00000000 000e94be 000e94be
ebx+32 0658F5E0 0658f608 014f3fc5 00000000 0658f634
ebx+48 0658F5F0 0658f604 0658f638 0658f634 00000000
ecx-32 022971E4 65646f4d 7270206c 616f6c65 656c2064
ecx-16 022971F4 20736b61 65746564 64657463 0000002e
ecx 0 02297204 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 676e455c 5c656e69
16 02297214 65646f4d 6f4d5c6c 466c6564 2e656c69
ecx+32 02297224 00707063 006f004d 00650064 0020006c
ecx+48 02297234 00690066 0065006c 00250020 00200073
edx-32 0658F5A0 02297204 000004b3 00000000 67308450
edx-16 0658F5B0 0658f638 67308490 00000000 00000006
edx 0 0658F5C0 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 32313033
16 0658F5D0 06003637 00000000 000e94be 000e94be
edx+32 0658F5E0 0658f608 014f3fc5 00000000 0658f634
edx+48 0658F5F0 0658f604 0658f638 0658f634 00000000
esi-32 7756FCA4 e805b70f 83775ff5 e8d10cc4 08c25d5e
esi-16 7756FCB4 fc45c700 00000002 00b511e9 90909000
esi 0 7756FCC4 ff8b9090 83ec8b55 458b50ec b0458908
16 7756FCD4 830c458b 458901e0 39c033b4 45891445
esi+32 7756FCE4 bc45c7b8 7756fcc6 8b65840f 458bfffd
esi+48 7756FCF4 0ff88310 7ce5870f 45890002 02e0c1c0

—> Code <—
013ED92F 806a0402 8d45bc6a 4050e8c2 68ffff83 .j…E.j@P..h…
013ED93F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
013ED94F e82c9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 .,….U..E..Z..u
013ED95F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
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—> Error Logs <—
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337256732033536’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337037688701442’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337699113665028’
Couldn’t find missile launch point for gadget ‘0xdd162’.
Texture missing mip chain: 0×118f71
Model ‘0×123674’: Permutation ‘boworange’ not found, auto selecting permutation
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.

—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×0611
Version = 9.18.0013.1106
Description = NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 512 MB

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

constant crashing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Yeah, many people are having that problem. It’s gotten even WORSE for me since the latest patch. I’m in the camp below Shipwreck Peak Waypoint (step #3 of the story) and it’s u nplayable. I can’t get more than two of three feet before crashing. It’s every few seconds for me. And I have everything on the lowest settings.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Different Masteries on different toons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


For some reason I thought mastery training in a category was account wide..but I guess not.

Anyway, can I be training for different things on different toos? For example, on my ranger can I be part way though Itzel language, then switch to my guardian and train him in the glider line? Will I lose me progress on Itzel language with my ranger? Do I have to keep resetting them back and forth?

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


More Asian martial arts themed weapon skins. I would like a 1-handed sword that looks jike a ninja sword (a ninjato) it would fit really well with Shiro Revenants. Also dagger that look like a sai, axes that look like a kama-complete with the rawhide straps that they sometimes swing from (complete with corresponding animation), maces that look like nunchucks…etc.

And just a general comment…I wish armor and outfits were more symmetrical. On too many things the left arm and shoulder is completely different from the right. Like the designer couldn’t decide between two different looks so decided to split our characters in half. It makes no sense.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Snap Ground Target to Current Target option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


From the patch notes:
“A new ground-targeting option, Snap Ground Target to Current Target, has been added under the Combat/Movement category. This will place the ground target marker at your current target’s position.”

For the life of me I cannot find in the UI where to toggle this option. Where is the Combat/Movement category? And category of what? I can’t find anything like this.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Adding HoT (how do I complete the process)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I just pre-purchased the HoT expansion. I gave my billing info and email addy. Is that all I have to do (since I’m an existing player)?

I clicked on the ‘Redeem Serial Code’ page, from the link in the receipt page. It seems as if that’s for brand new players. I say that because it asked me to fill in my password. It then said that password was already being used. Of course it is! By me. In GW2.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Is there really less build diversity now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Yes, mathematically. Less possible combinations=less diversity. We used to be able to take several traits from a single tier if we were willing to give up a higher tier trait. Now we’re limited to three lines, period. And one of three traits per tier, period.

Even if there are 4 tiers now as opposed to 3 tier previously and still 12 possible traits, the possible combinations has been reduced considerably.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Which traits do you miss?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I miss not being able to take a lower tier trait at a higher tier. So if two traits are really attractive in, say, tier 1 and all three are mediocre in ,say, tier 3 I’m limited.

There’s not many I can see that I miss, and a few new ones I love (Engi:Mecha Legs). But on a few of my toons several traits I loved I can’t take anymore because they’re grouped with other traits I love.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Signet of Courage Thoughts

in Guardian

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


For the active I feel there needs to be a negative after casting instead of during casting for risk/reward. Right now you take far more damage trying to channel the full heal. Channel time at maybe 2 seconds and self stun on after cast possibly?

A stun might be a little much. I hate stuns, I think most people in any MMOs don’t like losing control of their toon.

Perhaps instead, a couple stacks of weakness or even AOE stacks of weakness for a little while after activation. So the tradeoff is like “Yeah you saved our butts from certain annihilation but damaging the other team or mob is going to be noticeably harder till we get our strength back.” So it’s not like an “I win” button when both teams are low on health and one team pops it.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Signet of Courage Thoughts

in Guardian

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Half the cast time to activate the skill, half the cooldown, maybe increase the passive heal and definitely increase the radius. Both passive and active versions only effect 5 people, right? So a larger radius is not that big a deal.

And please remove that silly blue spot.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Things we know

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Ah, sorry, forgot to specify. Let bleed be the one changed so as to have an excuse to make it significantly more damaging as it is. Not JUST make it conditional to make it even harder. Use it as a justification of making the skill do enough damage that people will actually be able to run it successfully.

An idea for a change to bleed that I have:

Maybe Anet could make it act a little like a bleeding wound acts in real life. In real life bleeding wounds that are stopped immediately are not that big a deal. But you let the bleeding go on longer it gets progressively worse (logarithmically,), plus you get weaker after a little bit if it goes on long enough, plus it’s harder to stop the longer it goes.

So in game terms something like this: dmg per tick increases X% for each additional tick+after X amt of ticks the victim gets the weakness condition+after X amt of ticks it has a X% chance to come back immediately (at the first dmg amt, like the process starting all over).

It sounds like it would be a bear to program. But that would differentiate it from the flat X damage each tick that burning does.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

The New Lion's Arch - Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I miss the lion statue. Giant octopi, lobsters and shells in a town called “Lion’s Arch” but no big lion statue? Fail. Plus many of the central parts are a little too beachy/tropical for my tastes.

The Black Lion vault (SE of the Mystic Forge) has a Black Lion NPC that when you talk to him opens up the BLTP,. But you can’t pick up any of your bought items/cash from sold items from him. A little confusing at first. It should be one way or the other. Either let us retrieve stuff from him, or don’t open up the BLTP when you talk to him.

For that matter, a few full-fledged BLTP agents spread around LA would be nice.

But I love that all the bridges are stone/concrete and I love Fort Marriner

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

What's up with Lions Arch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I hope it will forever be a ruin.

Wintersday in Divinity’s Reach, halloween in The Grove, and naked tuesdays in Hoelbrak(cus the cold will make it fun for everyone).

As a norn, I wholeheartedly support the establishment of naked tuesdays in Hoelbrak!

Make it so.

It’s cold in Hoelbrak! One word: shrinkage.


Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

What's up with Lions Arch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


It’s been, what, about 5 months since Scarlet destroyed Lions Arch. In that time you’ve built a few coffee tables and platforms in LA and moved in some NPCs. Are you going to leave it trashed and ugly or do something, gradually, to restore it to a city that looks like a…no, the main city of a world should look like?

If Halloween or Wintersday happens with LA looking like it currently looks that’s gonna be ridiculous (“NPCs” putting up holiday decorations but can’t be bothered with cleaning up rubble or fixing any buildings). Plus it currently looks like crap.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Suggestion: Fossilized Insect for Geodes

in Living World

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


A option for those with no RNG luck.

My suggestion, offer the Fossilized insect from the geode vender as a t4/t5 reward for 2600/2000 geodes. (This puts it in the 140-160 worth of lockpicks in value.)

This option is clearly not for everyone, but it would offer those without any luck an option for obtaining the fossil without relying on RNG.

I wish! I wish! I wish!

But I hope it wouldn’t be for that many geodes. Maybe half what you suggest. Anet says they want to increase the amount of support builds. And this stat combo is pure support. Most people that want them just want the skin.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

strange vein in Timberline Falls

in Living World

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


It looks like a streetlamp. j/k

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Removing some waypoints?

in Living World

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Players who want to run more to make the world seem bigger? Run more. Don’t mess it up for everyone. No one’s forcing those players to use every single WP.

As others have pointed out: Lots of WPs are a good thing. People still have to explore to unlock them and it makes it much easier to play with friends or get where the action is once they’re unlocked.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Mirkrise Waypoint is destroyed!

in Living World

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I really hope not. I think they just want to give us a little immersion.
I’m happy I got my travelers runes now before the price spikes.

If they remove waypoints (even just some of them) and don’t replace them immediately with movement speed buffs above Swiftness then there will be riots. Especially from Mesmers, and they know Mesmers are the most powerful.

Totally agreed and I don’t have a mesmer. I don’t even think mounts or speedbuff would do it for me. I’ve played games where you had to run through emptyness and trash for 1/2 hour or more to get to the main action, or just to get much of anything done (Pirates of the Burning Sea, Asheron’s Call IIRC). And you had to be there to steer your toon and not stumble into some low level mobs that would kill your unattended toon. Or you couldn’t just hop on a griffon and go afk for a bit like WoW. BORING and boring! It was one of the main reasons I gave up on some games.

A significant selling point in GW2 for me is how quickly you can get almost anywhere from anywhere in this game. I took that as Arenanet learning from those other games. If they seriously mess that up I’ll just take a vacay from GW2 for a few months and hope they fix it after the LS2 arc ends. That’s if I don’t find another game in the meantime.

A few scattered WPs temporarily down for the sake of the story? No problem and actually kinda cool IMO. Widespread outtages? Seeya!

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Ambrite, nopale, and prickly pear expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Do you have to purchase an inscription recipe to be able to refine the Ambrite into sheets?

Also, make sure you click on the item in the TP to find out the actual price. The price you see on the first TP page when you search for a new item can be misleading. Just like when I searched for nopales. The search page said 1 gold a piece. But when I actually clicked on it to get the ‘buy’ page it was around 4s, 15 c.

But, at any rate, like Azhure said: In time supply v demand should bring the price down.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Increase vendor price for ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Selling ascended trinkets shouldn’t be meant to be profitable. They should change them to be unsellable before people start complaining that they accidentally sold their ascended trinkets.

Why shouldn’t they be profitable? Any other rarity of trinket is, to one extent or another. To paraphrase Taygus, at least put WvW-centric and Fractal-centric players on par with folks that speed run dungeons over and over.

Why unsellable? Accidentally vendoring an ascended piece of gear is the same as accidentally vendoring a legendary or expensive dye drop. Just be careful. And if you do accidentally vendor something you can buy it back if you catch it quick enough.

By your logic, running dungeons should drop ascended equipment as well. As it currently stand fractals of the mist is a good source for ascended equipment while other dungeons are not.

Ascended equipment are hard to craft, account bound and can’t be salvage and is sold for minimal price. Anet intention obviously isn’t for you to get those ascended equipment so that you can vendor them. Make them unsellable so people will get the idea.

“By my logic” ?

I don’t understand how you got that from what I said. I didn’t say a thing about expanding the ways anyone can get ascended trinkets. The current sources of ascended trinkets are just fine by me.

What I mean by comparing dungeon runs to Fractals or WvW is: Dungeons make a player good money and often green, yellow or orange gear that they can use or sell. Sometimes for quite a bit of gold. At the very least that player can salvage a blue, green, yellow or orange for mats that are useful in one way or another. Or they can put 4 similar pieces in the forge for a little pseudo-gambling entertainment. Or I suppose they could also sell them to an NPC if they don’t care about maximizing their money.

Ascended trinkets come from activities that are every bit as valid, difficult, intensive and time consuming as dungeons. A player can use them (maybe), sell them for the price of a couple teleports across the map or…..well, they might make a nice paperweight or doorstop.

It just strikes me as wrong that the “most powerful and exclusive” trinkets in the game are often the most useless.

Personally I’d love it if they were salvageable for anything from (too common IMO) bloodstone dust or a chance for dark matter, empy fragment and/or dragonite or a rare chance at a deldrimor ingot or spiritwood/damask. (Even though the last two would be a bit illogical). I have five 80s, all with all the ascended trinkets I need and then some. But I’d love to turn unused ascended trinkets into mats towards my ascended armor sets.

You wanted different activities to be on par on each other. Fractals have a chance to drop ascended equipment and dungeons has better gold reward. If you want fractals to have both ascended equipment and gold reward, it would make dungeons obsolete and pointless to run dungeons. To make it fair, either increase gold rewards in fractals and allow ascended equipment to drop in dungeon or remove ascended equipment drop from fractals and increase the gold reward in fractals. So which option do you want?

Actually my OP was from a WvW-centric POV. I also do lots of open world PvE and world boss events. My fractal level is probably under 5. I haven’t done one since shortly after they went live. It’s not really my thing. But a few other people mentioned fractals and the thread took off mostly in that direction. I do dungeons if friends need another person for the group. But I’m not a big dungeon player either.

I don’t know about “fair”. My old highschool teacher said something about “fair” that I probably shouldn’t repeat here. To paraphrase him “it’s just a word in the dictionary”.

I just want to do the same thing with my drops as players of any other game mode. I.E. if I have no need for them myself: either salvage them for level appropriate mats, throw 4 into the mystic forge for a chance of something useful or sell them for a reasonable return. Vendoring them for a decent price would be fine. Hence the title of my OP. (Under 5 silver is not my definition of a “decent price” when almost any colored drop brings a higher return…often a much higher return, albeit usually from the BLTP.)

I can see where Anet might not want us to flood the BLTP with ascended trinkets, to maintain an air of exclusivity and not trivialize the laurels many of us paid for them. But in most cases it’s the exact opposite. Unless it’s the stat combo a player needs and the only copy of that trinket they’ve ever gotten they’re worse than gray vendor trash. At least gray vendor trash doesn’t take up a spot in a WvW rank chest.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Increase vendor price for ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Selling ascended trinkets shouldn’t be meant to be profitable. They should change them to be unsellable before people start complaining that they accidentally sold their ascended trinkets.

Why shouldn’t they be profitable? Any other rarity of trinket is, to one extent or another. To paraphrase Taygus, at least put WvW-centric and Fractal-centric players on par with folks that speed run dungeons over and over.

Why unsellable? Accidentally vendoring an ascended piece of gear is the same as accidentally vendoring a legendary or expensive dye drop. Just be careful. And if you do accidentally vendor something you can buy it back if you catch it quick enough.

By your logic, running dungeons should drop ascended equipment as well. As it currently stand fractals of the mist is a good source for ascended equipment while other dungeons are not.

Ascended equipment are hard to craft, account bound and can’t be salvage and is sold for minimal price. Anet intention obviously isn’t for you to get those ascended equipment so that you can vendor them. Make them unsellable so people will get the idea.

“By my logic” ?

I don’t understand how you got that from what I said. I didn’t say a thing about expanding the ways anyone can get ascended trinkets. The current sources of ascended trinkets are just fine by me.

What I mean by comparing dungeon runs to Fractals or WvW is: Dungeons make a player good money and often green, yellow or orange gear that they can use or sell. Sometimes for quite a bit of gold. At the very least that player can salvage a blue, green, yellow or orange for mats that are useful in one way or another. Or they can put 4 similar pieces in the forge for a little pseudo-gambling entertainment. Or I suppose they could also sell them to an NPC if they don’t care about maximizing their money.

Ascended trinkets come from activities that are every bit as valid, difficult, intensive and time consuming as dungeons. A player can use them (maybe), sell them for the price of a couple teleports across the map or…..well, they might make a nice paperweight or doorstop.

It just strikes me as wrong that the “most powerful and exclusive” trinkets in the game are often the most useless.

Personally I’d love it if they were salvageable for anything from (too common IMO) bloodstone dust or a chance for dark matter, empy fragment and/or dragonite or a rare chance at a deldrimor ingot or spiritwood/damask. (Even though the last two would be a bit illogical). I have five 80s, all with all the ascended trinkets I need and then some. But I’d love to turn unused ascended trinkets into mats towards my ascended armor sets.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Increase vendor price for ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Selling ascended trinkets shouldn’t be meant to be profitable. They should change them to be unsellable before people start complaining that they accidentally sold their ascended trinkets.

Why shouldn’t they be profitable? Any other rarity of trinket is, to one extent or another. To paraphrase Taygus, at least put WvW-centric and Fractal-centric players on par with folks that speed run dungeons over and over.

Why unsellable? Accidentally vendoring an ascended piece of gear is the same as accidentally vendoring a legendary or expensive dye drop. Just be careful. And if you do accidentally vendor something you can buy it back if you catch it quick enough.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Meadfreek.6789)

Increase vendor price for ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


Ascended Trinkets are better than Ascended armor or weapon – they give you the most boost for the buck, as it were. I think they are fin the way they are.

Sure. If you don’t have all your accessory/jewelry slots already filled with ascended stuff the drops are great. I’m sure plenty of people would love them. But, like I said in my OP, I and many of my WvW-centric friends have all of our jewelry slots full of ascended trinkets. Between drops and previously buying them with laurels. In which case more ascended trinkets are as useful as grey vendor trash is.

If we can’t auction ,give to friends or salvage them (preferably for ascended mats to craft other gear or put on the BLTP) at least I think we should get more than 4s, 95c for them.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood