Showing Posts For MeateaW.3519:

Nobody interested in Teq anymore?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Was just there; there was maybe 5 of us!! it was Epic!

We stood there and did maybe 1% damage to him! I was so amazed. I then logged out.

Cooler version of the engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


You know what would be an awesome engineer?

Turrets. They would be awesome. You know; stationary gun platforms that are hard to kill and/or do lots of damage!

But you know; instead we get heaps of versatility with our Kits. And potions. And remotely-detonated mines.

CoE locking out on all servers at once?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


You can solo everything except that last boss. (I have done it – though guardian)

Can’t manage to solo that boss due to the teleport distance; always gets out of combat range.

Maybe a ranger + pet can?

RNG broken or is it just me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Lol its RNG.

I ran SAB and got enough for 132 bauble bubbles; mostly from chest looting. (which means I opened atleast 40 chests) and got precisely zero skin drops.

My wife; ran it enough for 1 weapon, and got a GS skin drop and a shortbow skin drop.

such is life.

Molten facility, Living story team.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


And don’t get me started on the jump-the-shockwaves.

Just like the frog-boss in SAB I can’t do it with my lag. (Australia). I am sure there are some that can; but I just can’t get the timing down when the server thinks I am 0.25-1 seconds behind where I think I am.

(Though I could tank through the shockwaves for the testing section; the berserker was almost impossible when we got him to 25%)

Molten facility, Living story team.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Ok; a couple of comments.

I generally liked it.

Final boss fight: when your party wipes; one of you has to stay dead on teh ground while the others res to repair armor.
When the last person resses the bossfight restarts teleporting you straight back in.

My team (of 4, and we aren’t great I personally think our wiping was appropriate for our skill level) wiped ~8 times before getting a 5th player (and we then wiped 2 more times before giving up – again its our skill level I haven’t got a problem) but, we couldn’t repair!!.
We had no control over re-starting the fight.
We couldn’t clear off our downed-penalties (if someone managed to get ressed a couple of times during the fight; they would start it again with a red DP – oh yay!).

Again; I think the fight was ok difficulty and our team wasn’t great; but give us a chance to prepare for the fight on the second try??.

PS. we were ressing back at the start of the dungeon; not the nearest WP to the boss, in order to get to the repair anvil. If someone DID res at the nearest one; they would be teleported in to teh boss fight alone. (even better!)

I did manage to complete it on my second run through with a PUG this morning, and while we felt less organised in general (may have been my squishier engineer though) we managed to complete the dungeon.

Now I just need to get my guild through it. I hope we can field 5 next time.

why people still run AC after patch?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I suspect the story groups are most prevalent when “dungeon story” is part of dailies.

Also “really easy to find a group” is timezone dependant. Whereas there are no issues getting CoF p1 exp group; and AC exp used to be just as easy (regardless of timezone).

Rewards in story MUST be bumped up. This is IMO without question.

why people still run AC after patch?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


AC is harder, I’ll grant you that.
But it is still doable.
You don’t need to be as good at dodging and the game in general in AC compared to – say – CoE. (especially if you skip Kohler and the Troll).

Sure; compared to old AC, the stupid amounts of Knockdown are kitten The spiderlings being crazy tough (why aren’t they rally fodder?) and a few other minor tweaks they made to AC didn’t really make it harder so much as annoying.

I have done it a couple times post patch, (used to run it daily pre-patch) and still need to run it a couple more times (it is still the easiest way to get PVT). Certainly don’t run it with my guildies anymore. They weren’t interested in learning how to avoid 5+ knockdowns in a row (who can blame them).

Edit: like to add; I only run it with the odd pug now. My friends have gone off AC completely.

PS. and no; we weren’t into just the face-tank and spank. We used to always kill Kohler in our runs (which is basically an anti-facetank boss – in that you have to actually dodge every now and then rather than facetank). They dont like neo AC cause of the knockdown.

(edited by MeateaW.3519)

Easy Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


+1 Story = /should/ be easy mode.
Story /should/ give some useful rewards (10 tokens per day per character).

Why do some groups not get invulnerability?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Dunno how it happened; but a group I was with managed to do this. (avoid invul).

I don’t understand it and haven’t done it since.

(When it happened I was VERY surprised, since I like you thought they fixed that bug)

Dungeon chest runes Soulbound.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


White should be account bound; only higher stuff ends up soulbound. (IIRC)

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I have thought of a couple reward solutions.
20 tokens once per day only. (only once per day to avoid speedruns but encourage daily runs in general)
1(5?) potions of x slaying dungeon specific (maybe in addition to the armor component?)
choice of armor component (ie 6 options; get to pick one – NOT exp armor set, basic world armor set)
1 blacklion key per ACCOUNT per day. (not per character). OR
1 blacklion key per account per <b>month</b>.
If you want to get really strict on BL key distribution; perhaps one per account regardless of which dungeon. (So CM story grants you a key; AC story that month wont).

Even with a monthly reward like a BL key per month; you will still see a significant rise in Story mode participation. (obvious bumps at the start and end of the month).

Top 10 lessons from SAB

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Fighting the frog king is the worst god kitten thing in any game I have ever played.

I have fought him once; and only once. Couldn’t even be bothered getting to him in infantile mode after the zerg death rush I was forced to do against him in normal mode.

Might just be my Australian lag though.

(on the lag topic; the hit dodge after jumping timing is freaking horrible while playing from australia also).

Hey guys Engi is my 2nd class

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Either way, when someone whisper “PvE?” to your Engineer, answer them “I’ll be right there with my Guardian!”.

I lolled, and then cried because its what I do. (Though sometimes I troll my guild and run my engineer through dungeons instead of my guard)

The odds our HGH gets nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Static discharge is next; 2-3 second cooldown? more like 10 second cooldown.

The best dungeon, that no one probably heard of...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I like the one in Fireheart Rise myself;

Similar to the one from OP; it has actual dungeon-like feel to it.

So, I got hacked.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


well his password was hacked (cracked?). The attempt to use the (hacked/divined/stolen/compromised) password prevented his account from getting hacked.

No chest reward from Bosses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


My wife hasnt gotten the SB chest reward or the Maw chest reward despite not having done either event for several days.

She hasn’t done it on any other character; her character is a level 16 theif. I have been with her at every one of these events and I have received the guaranteed chest.

Lack of Weapon Skins: Super Adventure Box

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Yeah exactly what we needed, more greatsword skins. (And I even use greatsword for 3 of my characters as my main weapon).

RIP Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


At least it sounds like they fixed givers weapons.

sigh. Well; speedy kits in dungeons it is, screw my team, they didn’t need that 1 condition clense and small amount of healing KR gave me.

Compilation of dungeon solo videos old

in Community Creations

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


CoF p1 would be truly impressive full solo

Speed Runs Usually End Up Taking Longer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


the gw2lfg website is the same bluesavanah,

Seriously look at it; heaps of “looking for zerker warrior” posts, and my “just lookin 1 m for p1” (or whatever for CoF) gets filled in 2 seconds. So do all the others – its why there are ONLY zerker posts left; because no body joins them (or doesn’t reach the bar set for them).

AC Ex 35 Run Video and Impressions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Sadly liquid storm; the response you are going to get is:

“The story modes are the easy modes do those instead of explore mode!!”

Because these elitists think that useless rewards are what everyone should get. (Why don’t they add even a small number of tokens to story mode – say 15 (with repeats yielding none)? it would at-least net you a piece of gear after 2 runs (from the non-level 80 tab) and it would actually fulfil the role of “easy dungeon” that people think should exist.

But no; “play your way” means; you don’t get to play dungeons unless you can find a group of semi-competent players. Forget helping your less-than capable guildies, it isn’t worth the repeated wipes. (ps. I love the detha path boss fight; about the only nice thing I can say about the whole dungeon since the change).

Could grenades please get a target toggle?

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


NO. NO. and NO. this is a HORRIBLE idea. you would NEVER hit a moving target. also this would call for MASSIVE nerfs to grenades in pve. hell arennet would probably remove every trait for them.

So; you don’t hit anything and they will nerf the damage because you do so much zero damage that it has to be nerfed?

Logic astounds.

Ambient killer daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I remember hearing about there being a large population of Koala bears too that needed to be … ahem… controlled. =)

That was a while ago now, but I heard it was somewhat serious.

Kangaroos actually. We have so many kangaroos in some places they have to cull them every now and then.

The hippies really hate it, but it is better to shoot a couple hundred; than see 1500 starve to death.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


My god a lot of badly thought out ideas here.

I’ll just put this here:
It isn’t guesting. That has been around for a long time (comparitively).
The problem is the loot change. you now get a rare for opening that chest.

There are an estimated 3 million owners of GW2. I would be surprised if a single instance (ie map) could handle more than 200 players on it. They all want those chests now.

Now instead of doing dungeons exclusively due to all blue/green loot from event chests. They run every dragon/event they can; because it is a guaranteed 50 silver. (ecto from 1 rare + change from everything else).

Sometimes you even get 2 gold from one chest; sometimes you win the lottery and get a precursor. Which was always the case, but the critical difference is now the minimum reward is more than 5 silver.

Multiply the minimum reward by 10, increase the minimum number of players wanting to do an event by 10.

Could grenades please get a target toggle?

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Thats why we want a toggle for all ground target skills. toggle. Not replace grenades with targeting only. Not replace even one skill with targeting only.

Not decrease damage because its auto target (why would they do this?).

And don’t give me “requires less skill so I don’t want it”, a toggle lets you choose how you use ground targeting skills, with the higher DPS ground target mode (higher dps because you hit more often because you lead your targets) or lower dps, lower button mashing target-mode [once toggled on] that is auto-castable[but still targeted! just auto-targeted at their feet!].

That is all. Cake, and eating it too. Not removing anyones cake.

kicked from AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


That being said, I didn’t tell anyone how to play, merely to “come down” during the spider fight because while the other pug and myself were soaking up the damage of the spider queen, they were there trying to range it from the top of the wall.

Honestly; sounds like the guy was not thinking [and or not very intelligent]. If he had drawn agro he WOULD have caused a wipe as you say.

It really sounds like the group you pulled this time was just new to the game, children, just plain bad or a combination of the 3.

Sadly; it happens with full PUGS :/ (or where you yourself don’t know any others in the group). These days I have pulled together a guild big enough to field a dungeon run at least once a night, so I don’t have to deal with randoms very often.

Could grenades please get a target toggle?

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


2 new keybinds:
“While holding down [insert key] ground target attempts instant cast at targeted enemy – if target is out of range display out of range message”
“While toggled [insert key] ground target spells attempt instant cast at targeted enemy – if target is out of range display out of range message”

(In other news, if you use your mouse to click a ground-targeted spell, when you click it twice it auto targets directly at your feet!)

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I think the real problem here is: we don’t have enough hobo gear!
I’ve been trying to complete my hobo look for months now, and some of the crafted gear looks almost shoddy enough to match it, but it still doesn’t quite capture that urine stained essence of the hobo sack.

I think my engie is still wearing some level 80 yellow pirate coat.
All raggedy and hobo-sack yellow.

Except for the hat with the giant feather that looks genuinely new, the rest of my clothes make me look like a true hobo. Give it a try!

(Maybe I’ll screenshot myself one day and share my hobo with everyone)

Putting Flamethrower on Par with GS

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I don’t want to really comment either way (I believe FT1 could do with a mild dps buff), but my comment is comparing FT1 with GS2 is .. flawed.

FT1 being an auto attack, and GS2 being an attack with cooldown being the first problem.

(and the otherwise pointed out, movement during FT1 vs no movement GS2 being the other obvious flaw in the comparison).

Finally, FT is not our “dps” weapon, whereas GS is the DPS weapon of the warrior.

All that said; while the comparison is flawed; the conclusion isn’t wrong. FT1 is a bit weak; but I don’t necesarily think it should be buffed to some large-proportion of GS2.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Regarding the Zerker War /Mesmer stuff on GW2LFG

My group often needs 1 or 2 more for a CoF p1 run; we post on GW2lfg: “lf2m Cof P1”

I kid you not, in 10 seconds or less we have a full group.

I honestly am putting my phone down after posting it using the phone-app, and as its hitting the table we have 1 of the 2 joins; by which time I am scrambling to pick my phone up again to hit the “remove ad” button so I don’t get 50 tells saying: “invite pls!!”

As it is; removing the ad after being up for less than 20 seconds I regularly do 2 or 3 “Sorry we just got full”.

Everyone that joins the group is like: “All the posts are for zerker mesmer!” – thats just because they take so long to fill up! unlike the instant full groups that I experience.

kicked from AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


My guild group had an annoying pick up member, telling us what to do at every instance, no pretense of any other communication – ie kind of rude. (all this despite telling him we had done the run many times – not to mention myself and others were in full CoF armor no less).

We never said anything bad to him; completed the run and declined to do a second path with them. Simple, no one gets unhappy (except us and I assume them silently), no one got kicked (no fights went that badly; he just had no manners).

Sadly I don’t think I could have put up with the new AC and a party member that rubbed me the wrong way. I reckon instead of a kick; I would have left the party had I encountered it (and things weren’t going well).
[I wouldn’t have left with no communication, and would have apologized regardless of the circumstances if it came down to it].

Ambient killer daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


As has already been mentioned, rabbits in Australia are a menace beyond comprehension.

Rabbits while cute; are a bigger pest than rats IMO. As long as you kill them quickly; kill more. (luckily you can’t help but kill them quickly in GW2 – death animations not withstanding)

Howling King is amazing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I love the way every mob has knockback now.

Makes the whole dungeon more fun being perma stunned.

Great changes guys. I guess thats one more dungeon I won’t be pugging anymore, and the less than awesome guys in my guild now don’t get invited.

Good changes for the level 30 dungeon.

To Despairing Engineers over Kit Refinement.

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


To be honest; I like how it works now.

It is a Condition Removal fix. (EG / FT being used to clear conditions)

if it stays like this I can live with the change. My problem is I sometimes switch to Grenade kit to start doing damage, and don’t want that to impact my ability to use EG for the condition removal + heals. Now; I just need to pay attention to cooldowns if I am using it for dps (grenade kit AFTER eg).

Honestly; I wasn’t really a 100nades’er even though I run a build very similar to it, and just didn’t want to lose the on demand nature of the EG condition removal.

But; its a bug. Just wait. The patch notes didn’t say: “Added a global cooldown triggered by some kits, that effects all kits”, it said: “Added a global cooldown for kits”. Until we get clarification, its a bug, and they are going to nerf it properly next patch. (probably the one after since they are having so much trouble with this patch re guild missions).


in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Yay a bugfix not a nerf.

Just waiting on the “Global Cooldown for Turret Knockback” nerf.

Its so nice Anet has focused on Engis...

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Yep; I’d run with EG / ?? / Grenades on my utility.

Now… I guess its back to always running my guardian. I am really sad because I just started running him in dungeons with my small guild…(when we had a tank – my other character I am bored of is Guardian, so if we have no tank I have to play him)… maybe I can try again with flamethrower … or stick to grenades and keeping vuln stacks up… at least that lets everyone else do damage…

Deploy Turrets + Kit refine

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Kit Refinement was too low level for the benefits it gave.

Many people ran Kit Refinement because the investment of 10 trait points was too attractive for the gain. (if you used EG/FT/Grenades it was often a better choice for those slot, and if it wasn’t then the alternatives at that level, SD and speedy kits were a simple switch).

Basically, that trait spot is very valuable. If Kit refinement was higher up the tree or better yet; got better with the height up the tree you were (similar to Elementalist Attunement bonuses) then at the top of the tree we could have what we used to have, and at the bottom we have what we have now.

So; maybe they should have had a “Kit Switch Cooldown” that the height you were in the last tree = %’age reduction in Kit-Switch cooldown. shrug. That cooldown = your kit refinement global cooldown.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


give hobosacks a unique skin based on the chest-armor piece you are wearing.

CoF hobosack = on fire
HoTW hobosack = Block of Ice
AC hobosack = glows at night
SE hobosack = really ugly

Also, hobosack – totally my new name for them.

Flamethrower is still not worth the slot

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


“the change to FT#3 increases your overall dmg output by ensuring your foe stays burning, or anything stays burning.”

Except its a knockback; and in any group you run with you will get kicked if you use a knockback on a mob that someone else is trying to melee.

Unless you are spending time burning mobs that aren’t the center of attention…. (which your group will just LOVE…)

Kit refinement skill....revised and tested

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Well; this is great; now I can make sure to leave on speedy kits, instead of switching to kit refinement.

As it is I’m gonna need to run away since switching to EG to get some condition removal won’t work since I’ll have used my grenade barage. (or vice versa).

I understand why they did it. No other class can switch weapons as quickly (oh wait elementalists) and get the benefit of their “on switch” procs. (oh wait; elementalists attunment bonuses) so it was really rebalancing us with other classes use of on-weapon-switch sigils.

This seems like it was a “We have a 10 second cooldown for everyone else! why do these engineers get to spam on weapon switch stuff!”

Unfortunately the bright spark who came up with that forgot that it was a class based weapon switch effect not a weapon sigil weapon switch effect and should be balanced on a class level, not brought in line with sigil weapon switching.

Obviously; if we get weapon-switch-sigil procs off our kit switches that should be on a 10 second global cooldown. But kit refinement is a class ability; it should NOT be treated the same as weapon sigils.

Grenade Kit Auto-Targeting

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Look in options and use the targeting method that is .. is it Quickcast?

Either way; you hit 1; and it immediately shoots your grenade at your mouse cursor. Halves the number of button presses. (halves because; you do know you can hit 1 – to start targeting; then 1 again to accept whatever location your mouse is pointing at right? you DONT have to click the mouse to “choose” the outgoing damage?)

shrug. I don’t do this because I play classes other than engineer most of the time. But if I was an Eng (with gren build); I would be switching this option on.

Should They Add Dueling Into The Game?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Well strictly from a lore point of view it shouldn’t happen as we are all suppose to be fighting the menace that are the elder dragons.

Someone should send that memo to all the NPC’s that “Test your skills” or “want to see what you’ve got”.

As far as I can tell; Dueling is an absolute requirement.

Something to be done about down skil

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Theres a guardian skill that teleports you to the “ally nearest you with the lowest health”

No targeting required.

Just make it teleport you to: “The nearest ally”. Balanced by the fact that the nearest ally may in fact not be a “better” place; you need to have situational awareness instead of just hammering the teleport button.

Why don't transmute stones allow us to look the way we want?

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Armor sets have to match?

Try putting on the CoF heavy pants on any set of heavy armor that isnt CoF

More often than not it looks like clown pants. You ever get to see a bit of naked belly.

(I actually had to wait till I had 600+ tokens so I could buy both chest and pants at the same time it looked so bad).

For potential engineers after the update...

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


…Greatsword gives 1100. My Rifle gives 1205 weapon rating. My pistols are 1029. Dagger is 981. Shield is 909. Kits happen to be 969….

do you notice something there? Things that take both hands have a higher base-damage than things that are single handed.

This is (I believe) due to the ability to equip 2 items; each with additional stats and an additional sigil.

Kits need to take into account your base-weapons. If you are dual wielding, your kit needs a base damage of 969 (or whatever they choose) if you are wielding a rifle, your kit needs a base damage of 1000+, to take into account you haven;t got those additional weapon stats. OR, kits need to be right in the middle of single-handed weapons; and double handed weapons; obviously this makes dual handed weapons a slightly better choice for a kit build; but it doesn’t completey gimp out any dual-wielded builds.

For potential engineers after the update...

in Engineer

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


It is my favourite class and after I got to 80 I rolled a guardian and play with him instead.

I’m just not good enough at my engineer to be useful. I have decided that it is a personal failing, not necesarily the class specifically. (though; there are many areas the class could be buffed to make it less of a skill check!) the patch notes sounded fantastic, can’t wait for the kit = highest class of item change to be live.

CoF P2 Bomb Planting thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


Oh; when I say “never had enough DPS” I mean, of the first 3 mobs that spawn, we just managed to kill one (all of us focusing on it) after the next wave started spawning.

CoF P2 Bomb Planting thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


I tried battling it in the old setup; my group never had enough DPS. (yet the same group can DPS the boss fight in path 1 while completely ignoring healing crystals ).

My group isn’t good, but the old path2 magg room was kitten