Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
now with the answer of cd’s commander i hope you will enjoy properly the reset night
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
ok, I give
Seriously this really did just start to be a venting of frustration in what I agree is the wrong spot. You’re totally right, it’s on me. Please continue to shoot, or not… but understand that I do agree that I shouldn’t have started this thread to begin with.. AND definitely should have just dealt with it. Forgive me… I get a little blood boilish when I shouldn’t.. :P
i’m not trying to shoot you i’m just saying that this would resolve a lot earlier if you just went to to cd forums or if you tried to join those two channels. it was an unnecessary rant in the wrong forum.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
yesterday was so unplayable for me in ag’s match up against sfr and riverside. was so annoying we were trying to capture sm and couldn’t even use my skills. trying to drop trap no use elite no use poison valley no use change weapon nope. nothing only 11111111.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
there you go.
but you had to choose between two channels. and more likely the channel had to be name after the map you were in. so if you were in eb more likely they were in eb channel. ranting here will not help you cause prob people from cd will not see it. saying that in the forums will be more helpful for you.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
(edited by Mogrey.3891)
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
That “warning” was ONE line of text buried deep inside of a 40 page long patch note.
Also, prepare to have this thread merged and buried in the WvW section in 3,2,1…
ex you get charged more for something in small letters in a new contract (let’s say internet). who’s fault is it?company’s or your’s for not reading your contract? they could have it somewhere in the news section but they said it. and reddit talked about it a lot. many of us knew it.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
Players had a couple months warning that this was going to happen. There’s no need for every player to have been able to summon the vendor one last time.
I’m sorry, what warning?
There was no warning in the game launcher, no warning in the news, forums, let alone an in-game mail…
“Also, once the reward tracks feature exits beta testing, the Gift of Battle legendary crafting component will no longer be available as a vendor purchase and will be earned via its own reward track.”
patch notes of spring’s quarterly update. they warned us that once the reward track leaves beta this would happen.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
comparing to trapper dragon hunter both trapper ranger and thief are joke.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
that has nothing to do with the game. just your unwillingness to join a channel and your server people ignoring you?!? something like that. try complain on your server forum (many servers has their own community websites forums)
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
well my opinion in capes is why not more options for back items. simple as that.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
wvw needs players who wants to get into the mode. not forced into the mode.
crafting stations wouldn’t make pvers to start caring about wvw. neither world completion. they were many complains about world completion that’s why wvw got out of it.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
guild hall is the beta of housing :P
more seriously answer now.before the release of the game they said that at some point they will add player housing but it’s not important right now. prob when they can spare time they will make something either improve the home instance or create something better than that
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
And my point is that the devs working on the content aren’t the kind of devs that work on game engines. Devs, a broad range of professions including animation, 3D modeling, audio as well as programming (and not all programmers have the same skill sets), and the bulk of those 300 devs aren’t the ones you would ever let near game engine code.
i know man. i’m not arguing with you after all i studied some developing languages i wanted to say that right now anet don’t have the manpower in that team. they have some to make adjustments in performance but not enough to rewrite the engine
Anet has to think about the performance issue if they want to continue adding more blings bling into the game.
Doesn’t have to be dx12, dx11 itself is a significant leap forward from dx9.
They do have people working on engine but performance enhancement isn’t the priority. The engine is being improved to handle more game features, most likely for the next expansion.
and yeah the game to improve the performance if they want to continue make large scale events. overclock can’t be the solution to that (and i’m not willing to oc my cpu i already changed one when i burned it with so many oc’s when i could change a cpu anyway. now i can’t)
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
(edited by Mogrey.3891)
I’m just trying to say that right now anet can’t spare people right now in rewriting the engine. They need them elsewhere. If they manage to spare some people to work on that in the future is more than welcome but for now they are not gonna do it and it’s not in their plan as they stated in January’s ama
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
let’s say that anet is willing to make an engine upgrade with upgrade we mean rewrite in a modern engine to use dx11-dx12. they lack the manpower tho and we will have another lack of content and prob none will like that. remember that they put legendaries in hiatus cause of that.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
for condi builds sb is still great. in wvw its easy to flank enemies. but yeah would be more great if the range was buffed to 1200 again as it was with the trait.
and yes i agree that sb needs some rework. it may working good now but it was way better at launched
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i remember when longbow was kinda joke and shortbow was awesome.
then the nerf nation attack
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
:/ anet can’t win with wvw community
before hot many people complained about alpine. post hot many people complained about desert. now we have again complains for alpine
Anet can’t win if you seriously think there is an equal amount of people on both sides.
There isn’t.
The last week or so is the first time since HoT that I’ve actually seen less people in queue for EBG than the BL maps. If that doesn’t tell you how much people would rather play the old maps then I don;t know what could.
oh i know but to clarify it was just the first days. in my server since reset the q came back to ebg. still most people preferred alpine cause it was simpler easier for roamers and zergs to find their way less places that were tricky to fall to your death. i just made the post to show that anet can’t please both sides even if the other side seems to have less people they are people who enjoyed desert more. i just wanted to show that and after that i just said mine opinion
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
:/ anet can’t win with wvw community before hot many people complained about alpine. post hot many people complained about desert. now we have again complains for alpine
myself i would like to see 3 different sets so each server has it’s own border in matchups but to do that they would make the layout kinda similar in term of distance between objectives
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
it is a thing since the release but it is not called nightcapping (your day might be my night) its a coverage problem and that’s why we need changes in scoring system. let’s hope anet can fix it
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i never disliked dbd. it was just a unnecessary. now for those who were begging for alpine yeah the navigation was easier you could safe treb some objectives but they weren’t great. they had plenty unused space.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i voted for scoring changes but reading posts here i’m like and what the off-hours? so many different time zones let’s say on na whole america ofc is not on one time zone and they have players from oc (there’s not oceanic server). they may have some europeans too. adjusting scoring by timezones is unfair for the players from oceanic and europe who play in na they will feel they have no impact on the server.
so it has to be another solution than that.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i think anet should just make a blogpost of what they are actually working and what they hope for the changes they are working for the overhaul. wvw people with that can give feedback and ideas to save wvw. no words is like slowly bury the dead corpse
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
the only siege change i liked is the treb one cause now it looks finally like a treb :P
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
bringing back a map won’t save wvw from its problem. its a freaking RvR mode and after 3 years we still don’t have any motivating reward for actually win a match up. 3 years the most rewarding stuff in wvw is still the karma/capture train. and that’s a major problem in the mode. a mode that we the players kept alive cause of good fights and friends.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
myself dont have any problem with the new maps (tho it was an unnecessary change). but wvw lacks rewards. people still playing wvw because they made friends there and is fun but there’s no motivation for a new player to come and test this mode. and some old ones are so tired of this unrewarded mode
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
somewhere in the middle i would say. also some of the community believe it or not they wanted more pve events inside wvw. i remember someone whining inside eb about that saying that he would like more pve events like eso has some quests for soloers
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
too lazy to read everything said. but i dont think server is the problem with wvw. they can make a balance in server population etc etc. but wvw for all these years is just a fun mode. reward for wvwers is aweful comparing to pve/pvp .
myself may liked the new map but it wasnt what wvw needed. that change was sooooo secondary issue (not an issue at all actually alpine map was great)
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
would like to see more emotes.i know they can add more.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i don’t know if it’s small or not. i just believe that in small words it may has surprises. just wait for more details and then we shall judge fairly
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
most of us have been beta testing almost every mmo. every beta tester knows that posting on forums about an invite as joshuaRAWR said will not work for any reason.just patience for announcement
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
and yes and no.
for examble eb is build that way to promote 3way battle.making it bigger will kinda lose that ability being way too scattered
also in t1 servers seems to be ok. the problem is on the rest tiers.they tried to change that with free transfers on wvw tourneys but the problem is keep going on.the solution would be a fair population which sounds like imagination
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
definitely buy.can’t wait to see more information
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
happy new year everyone wishing for a good gaming 2015
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
things i heard from wow players about wod exp prior release.they promise stuff and then cut some of them out.
is it true?don’t even know but right now don’t even want to ressub to find it out
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
people here voting for tsw just doing it cause they “hate” gw2.then again i don’t get it you are not enjoying a game at all and still lurking in the forums (i think in game also).i remember some years ago we were just abandoned games we didn’t enjoy at some point.what masochist stuff is that.i don’t like x game but still play it O.o
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
all i see in this voting is ridiculous pairings.what eso and planetside have in common anyway?or ddo and eve?i don’t like that crusades mmo sites are doing.
what the results will show us.what game is better?what have more people?
big nope
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
too lazy to read what other people wrote.
myself now i’m something between like dislike.can’t decide
i like the chest for every task i complete.
what i dislike?well maybe dislike is a wrong word to say but i believe that the previous system was working could easily complete it really fast just by playing either pvp pve or wvw.
i will fully judge it while a see the daily rotation ofc.
as for the daily log in rewards.i have only good words to say.still need to see whole monthly rewards but still a +
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
(edited by Mogrey.3891)
such voting means nothing.even if you are fanboy or not.
not to mention that they are comparing different’s not even fair
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i don’t recall games giving you skill right lotro you had to visit a trainer and buy the swtor the same.i think it’s the same for wow and rift but haven’t played them for sooooo long so i don’t remember.but yeah in gw2 you should get those free.sure well done bad feedback here
I’m not actually sure you know what OP’s talking about.
In SW:TOR, yes, you buy skills, but OP’s not talking about skills. OP’s talking about traits. And in SW:TOR, the analogue would be the specialization trees that you quite definitely do get a point for for free every level.
Also, I think it’s a safe bet that you started post-April 2014, because you don’t seem to know how the system worked before then.
i know well how the system worked before.i have all the traits with no effort at all just lvling.just didn’t really found the change that bad it just make you play the game.and if you are bored you can buy them.maybe it’s just me but i think many of us have plenty of gold just sitting in our wallet
don’t get me wrong i just found the skill unlocking way to easy so unlock traits via playing the game or just visiting the trainor doesn’t seem hard and bad change
So you unlocked the traits tied to bugged events that aren’t completable without any effort at all, eh? Just through levelling, eh? Beat the Overgrown Grub no problems, no effort, and just through levelling, eh?
almost got all the traits for my alts.the only traits i don’t have are those i don’t for the bug events it’s something anet should work.or even rework the system if they can’t fix the events.
and yeah it’s safe to complaining when you are just power-leveled.where’s the effort exactly in powerleveling?people have skipped many aspects of the game and they are complaining.pretty good feeback here “hey i skip your game but want the traits”Except they already said that they have done 100% map completion in the game, just on another character. So they didn’t skip the entire game. They already completed the map.
And, since the game puts such an emphasis on account-wide unlocks rather than character-specific, what with account-bound gear, account-wide bank, account-wide wallet, account-wide skins and minis, etc., it’s actually quite logical that trait unlocks should also be account-wide. It’s actually illogical and out of sync with the rest of the game to have it be restricted to character only.
i can accept that solution. the problem here is that every trait does not require the same objective.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i don’t recall games giving you skill right lotro you had to visit a trainer and buy the swtor the same.i think it’s the same for wow and rift but haven’t played them for sooooo long so i don’t remember.but yeah in gw2 you should get those free.sure well done bad feedback here
I’m not actually sure you know what OP’s talking about.
In SW:TOR, yes, you buy skills, but OP’s not talking about skills. OP’s talking about traits. And in SW:TOR, the analogue would be the specialization trees that you quite definitely do get a point for for free every level.
Also, I think it’s a safe bet that you started post-April 2014, because you don’t seem to know how the system worked before then.
i know well how the system worked before.i have all the traits with no effort at all just lvling.just didn’t really found the change that bad it just make you play the game.and if you are bored you can buy them.maybe it’s just me but i think many of us have plenty of gold just sitting in our wallet
don’t get me wrong i just found the skill unlocking way to easy so unlock traits via playing the game or just visiting the trainor doesn’t seem hard and bad change
So you unlocked the traits tied to bugged events that aren’t completable without any effort at all, eh? Just through levelling, eh? Beat the Overgrown Grub no problems, no effort, and just through levelling, eh?
almost got all the traits for my alts.the only traits i don’t have are those i don’t for the bug events it’s something anet should work.or even rework the system if they can’t fix the events.
and yeah it’s safe to complaining when you are just power-leveled.where’s the effort exactly in powerleveling?people have skipped many aspects of the game and they are complaining.pretty good feeback here “hey i skip your game but want the traits”
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
skins skins skins >.> for example 2 quiver skins are not enough
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
well it’s kinda safe to say just buy it if it’s still bugged.also report the bug so maybe they will try to fix it
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
i don’t recall games giving you skill right lotro you had to visit a trainer and buy the swtor the same.i think it’s the same for wow and rift but haven’t played them for sooooo long so i don’t remember.but yeah in gw2 you should get those free.sure well done bad feedback here
I’m not actually sure you know what OP’s talking about.
In SW:TOR, yes, you buy skills, but OP’s not talking about skills. OP’s talking about traits. And in SW:TOR, the analogue would be the specialization trees that you quite definitely do get a point for for free every level.
Also, I think it’s a safe bet that you started post-April 2014, because you don’t seem to know how the system worked before then.
i know well how the system worked before.i have all the traits with no effort at all just lvling.just didn’t really found the change that bad it just make you play the game.and if you are bored you can buy them.maybe it’s just me but i think many of us have plenty of gold just sitting in our wallet
don’t get me wrong i just found the skill unlocking way to easy so unlock traits via playing the game or just visiting the trainor doesn’t seem hard and bad change
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
(edited by Mogrey.3891)
i don’t recall games giving you skill right lotro you had to visit a trainer and buy the swtor the same.i think it’s the same for wow and rift but haven’t played them for sooooo long so i don’t remember.but yeah in gw2 you should get those free.sure well done bad feedback here
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
why so much argument about a one use item with a only to party members limitation?just leave it at your bank or use it when you are lazy and you want to reach your party asap.nothing op here if you don’t want to let your party members do a jp and then just teleport up there.
and then yeah people are still lazy in jp waiting for mesmer portals.same thing to me
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
still trying to find the mature part of your post :/
and guess you didn’t read the cdi’s
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
(edited by Mogrey.3891)
it’s not a coincidence that every mmo that was supposed to kill guild wars failed!
Except no MMO is trying to “kill” anything.
yeah mmo’s not trying.players keep saying that.still remember when eso was about to release and people here were saying that it gonna kill gw2.
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]
it’s not a coincidence that every mmo that was supposed to kill guild wars failed!
Mogrey Norn Ranger [DS]